The occupation re-storms the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and attacks the people and the solidarity activists

قبل أيام، نشر الإعلام الإسرائيلي صورة للشهيد المُسن عمر أسعد ملقى على الأرض في موقع الجريمة التي ارتكبها بحقه جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.  ويظهر الشهيد في الصورة مكبّل اليدين، ومعصوب العينين بكوفيته الحمراء، فيما يُحتجز بالقرب منه أربعة مواطنين آخرين.  رحل أبو هاني (80 عاماً) فجر الثاني عشر من كانون الثاني/ يناير الماضي، بعد أن سُحل وعُذب على أيدي جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في قرية جلجليا شمال رام الله.  المسافة بين مكان الصورة والموقع الذي أوقفه فيه جنود الاحتلال لا تقل عن مئتي متر، ووفق التشخيص النظري لجثمان الشهيد، فإن ملابسه كانت مليئة بالأتربة، ما يعني أن جنود الاحتلال جرّوه هذه المسافة الطويلة، وهي عبارة عن طريق ترابية تفضي إلى منزل قيد الإنشاء ترك الشهيد في ساحته لعدة ساعات وفي ذروة البرد القارس، حتى فارق الحياة.  تقول نظمية أسعد (82 عاماً)، إن زوجها الشهيد كان يتمتع بصحة جيدة وببنية جسدية قوية، ويمكنه تحمل الظروف القاسية، ولذلك ما زالت تبحث عن إجابة حول ظروف ارتقائه.  ممدوح عبد الرحمن عبود، أحد الشهود على الجريمة، كان لا يبعد عن جثمان الشهيد أسعد سوى متر ونصف المتر، كما تظهر الصورة التي نشرت يوم الأربعاء الماضي من خلال الإعلام الإسرائيلي، لكنه لم ينتبه للجثمان إلا بعد عدة دقائق من احتجازه مع ثلاثة آخرين من أبناء القرية.  ويقول: اقتادونا إلى ذلك المنزل، ورأيت سيارة المرحوم أبو هاني مركونة على مدخله، وأجبرونا على الجلوس في باحة المنزل المبلطة، وكان الجو شديد البرودة، والظلام دامساً، الأمر الذي حال دون أن ألاحظ في بادئ الأمر وجود جثمان الشهيد.  وجود السيارة مركونة بجانب المنزل، حسب ما يعتقد عبود، يشير إلى أن أحد جنود الاحتلال هو من قادها من موقع اعتراض سيارة الشهيد على بعد مائتي متر، وكان واضحاً أنه تم جر أبو هاني طيلة هذه المسافة حسب التقديرات، وعند سحله من المركبة سقطت فردة حذائه في السيارة، وبقيت فيها، ووجدتها العائلة لاحقاً، فيما الفردة الثانية بقيت في قدم الشهيد.  ويضيف عبود: "غلبني النعاس، وحتى ينبهني أحد جنود الاحتلال قام بركلي بقدمه، فزعت والتفت يميناً يساراً، وتفاجأت بوجود رجل ملقى على يميني، أخبرت صديقي الذي بجواري بما رأيت، إلا أنه ظن أني أهلوس حيث قال إنها أكياس رمل فقط".  توجه جندي إلى الشهيد بعد عدة دقائق، ووضع يديه على رقبته، وبعد أن لاحظ غياب النبض، فك القيود عن يديه، ثم توجه إلى الجنود وتهامس معهم، قبل أن ينسحبوا من المكان.  أخضع الشاهد للتحقيق لدى مخابرات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بعد أسابيع على استشهاد المسن عمر أسعد، ووفق عبود فإن الاحتلال حاول تأكيد أن أسعد لم يكن قد فارق الحياة عند انسحاب الاحتلال من القرية. "رغم أنه كان واضحاً أنه متوفٍ منذ اقتيادنا إلى موقع الاحتجاز، حيث لم تكن تبدو عليه معالم للحياة"، يضيف.  وحسب صحيفة "هآرتس" الإسرائيلية، فإن القوة التي قتلت الشهيد عمر أسعد، تسمى كتيبة "نيتساح يهودا"، التي تضم مستوطنين متطرفين يسكن قسم منهم في البؤر الاستيطانية في الضفة الغربية، وينفذ جنودها اعتداءات ضد الفلسطينيين.  وذكرت الصحيفة أن أبرز مهام تلك الفرقة في جيش الاحتلال، تتمثل في إيقاف مركبات فلسطينية وإنزال ركابها منها والتنكيل بهم، والاعتداء عليهم جسديا، وهذا ما حصل بالضبط مع الشهيد، ما يعد دليلاً آخر على أن "نيتساح يهودا" هي المسؤولة عن قتل الشهيد.  أجهضت هذه الجريمة أمنية الشهيد أسعد، بامتلاك الهوية الفلسطينية، والتي انتظرها منذ تقدم بطلب الحصول على "لم الشمل" في شهر تشرين أول/ أكتوبر 2010 عقب شهور قليلة من عودته إلى جلجليا، بعد رحلة طويلة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأميركية امتدت لنحو 40 عاماً.  كان أسعد قد قطع عهداً على نفسه بأن يوزع "ذبيحة" على الفقراء عند صدور هويته، وكان يخبر أبناءه المحروم من زيارتهم منذ عودته إلى قريته، بأن زيارتهم باتت قريبة. "رمشة عين وبكون بينكم"، قال لهم ذلك قبل استشهاده بأسابيع قليلة، كما قالت زوجته.  أنجب أسعد ونظمية اللذان تزوجا عام 1969 تسعة أبناء، خمس بنات، وأربعة أولاد، وجميعهم متزوجون ويعيشون في الولايات المتحدة، لكنهم لم يزوروا والديهم منذ تفشي جائحة كورونا مطلع العام 2020.  بعد استشهاده باثني عشر يوماً صدرت له ولزوجته موافقة الحصول على الهوية الفلسطينية، لكن ذلك لم يعد يعني شيئاً بالنسبة لنظمية، التي قالت بينما كانت تغوص في نوبة بكاء: "كان ينتظر هذه اللحظة بشدة، كنا مشتاقين إلى أبنائنا، كنا نريد أن نذهب للحج، لكن كل شيء انتهى، لن أغادر القرية بعد الآن، فأنا بحاجة إلى من يساعدني، فالذي كان يساعدني قد رحل".  ستبقى ورقة الموافقة على "لم الشمل" حبيسة الأدراج، كما أن هذه الورقة لم تطبع إلا بطلب من "وفا"، فصدور هذه الورقة يخوّل صاحبها بإصدار بطاقة الهوية من قبل وزارة الداخلية، لكن مع استشهاد أسعد، لم يعد لها معنى، خاصة أن الشخص الذي يتوفى تسلم عائلته هويته إلى مكاتب الداخلية حتى يتم إصدار شهادة وفاة له.  تعاني أم هاني من ضيق مستمر في التنفس، وصعوبة بالغة في المشي، فتضطر عند النوم لأن تبقى موصولة بجهاز توليد أوكسجين، كما أنها أجرت عدة عمليات قسطرة، في حين كان زوجها هو السند الذي تتكئ عليه.  لا يغيب عن بال نظمية تلك الليلة المشؤومة، حيث كانا في زيارة لأقاربهما في القرية، وتركها في المنزل الذي يقع فوق تلة عند العاشرة مساءً، من أجل السهر عند ابن عمه الذي يقع منزله وسط القرية.  يرن هاتف نظمية عند الرابعة فجراً، بصعوبة تنهض من سريرها وترفع قناع الأكسجين الذي يبقى موصولاً معها طيلة الليل، ابنتها المفجوعة من أميركا: يمّا وين أبوي، بدي أحكي معه. كان شقيق زوجها الذي يقع منزله قرب المنزل الذي ارتقى فيه والدها قد أخبرها، بأن الجنود اعتدوا عليه ويبدو أنه تعرض لحالة إغماء.  حاولت نظمية الاتصال بأقاربها وأصدقاء زوجها، لم يكن أحد يجيب، فازداد قلقها، وبعد دقائق طُرق باب المنزل، وظنت أن أسعد قد عاد، ارتاح قلبها، لكنها تفاجأت بقريبين لزوجها جاءا لإخبارها باستشهاد زوجها.  "حياتي تغيرت كثيراً، الآن أنا وحدي بين جدران البيت، أولادي لا يمكنهم أن يأتوا، وأنا لا أستطيع السفر لوحدي، ولن أسافر، سأبقى هنا، أنتظر عودة أبنائي يوماً ما".   الاحتلال يعيد اقتحام حي الشيخ جراح ويعتدي على الأهالي والمتضامنين القدس 15-2-2022 وفا- اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، مساء اليوم الثلاثاء، حي الشيخ جراح شرق القدس المحتلة، ودمرت مكتب الناشط المقدسي محمد أبو الحمص في الجانب الغربي من الحي، واعتدت على الأهالي والمتضامنين المتواجدين في الحي.  وأدى الأهالي والمتضامنون صلاة المغرب قرب منزل عائلة سالم في الحي، وفور الانتهاء من الصلاة، هاجمتهم قوات الاحتلال وأخرجتهم من المكان بالقوة، فيما سمحت لعضو الكنيست إيتمار بن غفير بالبقاء برفقة عدد من المستوطنين.  وأفادت مراسلتنا في القدس بأن قوات الاحتلال أغلقت مداخل الحي ومنعت الخروج منه أو الدخول إليه.    Citizen Omar  A few days ago, the Israeli media published a picture of the elderly martyr Omar Asaad lying on the ground at the site of the crime committed against him by the Israeli occupation soldiers.  In the photo, the martyr appears handcuffed and blindfolded with a red keffiyeh, while four other citizens are detained near him.  Abu Hani (80 years) passed away at the dawn of last January 12, after he was dragged and tortured by the Israeli occupation soldiers in the village of Jaljalia, north of Ramallah.  The distance between the location of the photo and the location where the occupation soldiers stopped him is no less than two hundred meters, and according to the theoretical diagnosis of the martyr’s body, his clothes were full of dust, which means that the occupation soldiers dragged him this long distance, which is a dirt road that leads to a house under construction, leaving the martyr In his yard for several hours and in the height of the bitter cold, he died.  Nazmiya Asaad (82 years old) says that her martyr husband was in good health and with a strong physique, and he could withstand harsh conditions, and therefore she is still searching for an answer about the circumstances of his promotion.  Mamdouh Abdel Rahman Aboud, one of the witnesses to the crime, was only a meter and a half away from the body of the martyr Asaad, as the photo published last Wednesday by the Israeli media shows, but he did not notice the body until several minutes after he was detained with three other sons the village.  He says: They took us to that house, and I saw the car of the late Abu Hani parked at his entrance, and they forced us to sit in the tiled courtyard of the house.  The presence of the car parked next to the house, according to what Abboud believes, indicates that an Israeli soldier drove it from the site of the martyr’s car being intercepted, 200 meters away. In the car, I stayed in it, and the family later found her, while the second person remained at the martyr's feet.  Abboud added: "I fell asleep, and until one of the occupation soldiers alerted me, he kicked me with his foot. I panicked and turned right and left, and I was surprised by the presence of a man lying on my right. I told my friend who was next to me what I saw, but he thought I was hallucinating, as he said they were just sandbags."  A soldier went to the martyr after a few minutes, put his hands on his neck, and after noticing the absence of a pulse, he untied the handcuffs, then went to the soldiers and whispered with them, before they withdrew from the place.  The witness was subjected to investigation by the Israeli occupation intelligence weeks after the martyrdom of the elderly Omar Asaad. According to Abboud, the occupation tried to confirm that Asaad had not died when the occupation withdrew from the village. “Although it was clear that he was dead since we were taken to the detention site, where there were no signs of life on him,” he adds.  According to the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, the force that killed the martyr Omar Asaad is called the Netzah Yehuda Brigade, which includes extremist settlers, some of whom live in settlement outposts in the West Bank, and its soldiers carry out attacks against the Palestinians.  The newspaper stated that the most prominent tasks of this division in the occupation army is to stop Palestinian vehicles, take their passengers off them, abuse them, and physically assault them.  This crime aborted the martyr Asaad’s wish to possess a Palestinian identity, which he had been waiting for since he applied for “unification” in October 2010, a few months after his return to Jaljalia, after a long journey to the United States of America that spanned for nearly 40 years.  Asaad had pledged himself to distribute a “sacrifice” to the poor when his identity card was issued, and he was telling his sons who had been deprived of visiting them since his return to his village, that their visit was close. “Blink an eye and I will be among you,” he told them, a few weeks before his death, as his wife said.  Asaad and Nazmia, who were married in 1969, had nine sons, five daughters, and four sons, all of whom are married and live in the United States, but they have not visited their parents since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in early 2020.  Twelve days after his martyrdom, he and his wife were given permission to obtain a Palestinian identity card, but that no longer meant anything for Nazmiya, who said as she was drowning in a fit of crying: "He was waiting for this moment very badly, we longed for our children, we wanted to go for Hajj, But it's all over, I won't leave the village anymore, I need someone to help me, the one who was helping me is gone."  The approval paper for the “unification” will remain in the drawers, and this paper was only printed at the request of “Wafa.” The issuance of this paper authorizes its owner to issue the identity card by the Ministry of Interior, but with Asaad’s martyrdom, it no longer has any meaning, especially since the person For a deceased person, his family shall hand over his identity to the offices of the Ministry of Interior until a death certificate is issued to him.  Umm Hani suffers from persistent shortness of breath and difficulty walking, so she is forced to stay connected to an oxygen generator during sleep, and she has performed several catheterization operations, while her husband is the support she leans on.  Nazmiah's mind does not forget that fateful night, when they were visiting their relatives in the village, and he left her at the house on a hill at ten in the evening, in order to stay up with his cousin whose house is in the middle of the village.  Nazmia's phone rings at four in the morning, with difficulty getting up from her bed and lifting the oxygen mask that stays with her all night. Her bereaved daughter from America: Where are my parents, I want to talk to him. Her brother-in-law, whose house is near the house where her father rose, had told her that the soldiers had assaulted him and that he had apparently passed out.  Nazmiya tried to contact her relatives and her husband’s friends, but no one answered, so she became more concerned, and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door of the house, and she thought that Asaad had returned, her heart was at ease, but she was surprised by two relatives of her husband who came to tell her of her husband’s death.  "My life has changed a lot, now I am alone within the walls of the house, my children cannot come, and I cannot travel alone, and I will not travel, I will stay here, waiting for my children to return one day."   The occupation re-storms the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and attacks the people and the solidarity activists  Jerusalem WAFA - This evening, Tuesday, the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and destroyed the office of the Jerusalemite activist, Muhammad Abu al-Hummus, in the western side of the neighborhood, and assaulted the residents and solidarity activists in the neighborhood .  The people and solidarity activists performed the Maghrib prayer near the home of the Salem family in the neighborhood. Immediately after the prayer was finished, the occupation forces attacked them and forced them out of the place, while allowing MK Itamar Ben Gvir to stay with a number of settlers.  Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces closed the entrances to the neighborhood and prevented exit or entry to it .

Citizen Omar

A few days ago, the Israeli media published a picture of the elderly martyr Omar Asaad lying on the ground at the site of the crime committed against him by the Israeli occupation soldiers.

In the photo, the martyr appears handcuffed and blindfolded with a red keffiyeh, while four other citizens are detained near him.

Abu Hani (80 years) passed away at the dawn of last January 12, after he was dragged and tortured by the Israeli occupation soldiers in the village of Jaljalia, north of Ramallah.

The distance between the location of the photo and the location where the occupation soldiers stopped him is no less than two hundred meters, and according to the theoretical diagnosis of the martyr’s body, his clothes were full of dust, which means that the occupation soldiers dragged him this long distance, which is a dirt road that leads to a house under construction, leaving the martyr In his yard for several hours and in the height of the bitter cold, he died.

Nazmiya Asaad (82 years old) says that her martyr husband was in good health and with a strong physique, and he could withstand harsh conditions, and therefore she is still searching for an answer about the circumstances of his promotion.

Mamdouh Abdel Rahman Aboud, one of the witnesses to the crime, was only a meter and a half away from the body of the martyr Asaad, as the photo published last Wednesday by the Israeli media shows, but he did not notice the body until several minutes after he was detained with three other sons the village.

He says: They took us to that house, and I saw the car of the late Abu Hani parked at his entrance, and they forced us to sit in the tiled courtyard of the house.

The presence of the car parked next to the house, according to what Abboud believes, indicates that an Israeli soldier drove it from the site of the martyr’s car being intercepted, 200 meters away. In the car, I stayed in it, and the family later found her, while the second person remained at the martyr's feet.

Abboud added: "I fell asleep, and until one of the occupation soldiers alerted me, he kicked me with his foot. I panicked and turned right and left, and I was surprised by the presence of a man lying on my right. I told my friend who was next to me what I saw, but he thought I was hallucinating, as he said they were just sandbags."

A soldier went to the martyr after a few minutes, put his hands on his neck, and after noticing the absence of a pulse, he untied the handcuffs, then went to the soldiers and whispered with them, before they withdrew from the place.

The witness was subjected to investigation by the Israeli occupation intelligence weeks after the martyrdom of the elderly Omar Asaad. According to Abboud, the occupation tried to confirm that Asaad had not died when the occupation withdrew from the village. “Although it was clear that he was dead since we were taken to the detention site, where there were no signs of life on him,” he adds.

According to the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, the force that killed the martyr Omar Asaad is called the Netzah Yehuda Brigade, which includes extremist settlers, some of whom live in settlement outposts in the West Bank, and its soldiers carry out attacks against the Palestinians.

The newspaper stated that the most prominent tasks of this division in the occupation army is to stop Palestinian vehicles, take their passengers off them, abuse them, and physically assault them.

This crime aborted the martyr Asaad’s wish to possess a Palestinian identity, which he had been waiting for since he applied for “unification” in October 2010, a few months after his return to Jaljalia, after a long journey to the United States of America that spanned for nearly 40 years.

Asaad had pledged himself to distribute a “sacrifice” to the poor when his identity card was issued, and he was telling his sons who had been deprived of visiting them since his return to his village, that their visit was close. “Blink an eye and I will be among you,” he told them, a few weeks before his death, as his wife said.

Asaad and Nazmia, who were married in 1969, had nine sons, five daughters, and four sons, all of whom are married and live in the United States, but they have not visited their parents since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in early 2020.

Twelve days after his martyrdom, he and his wife were given permission to obtain a Palestinian identity card, but that no longer meant anything for Nazmiya, who said as she was drowning in a fit of crying: "He was waiting for this moment very badly, we longed for our children, we wanted to go for Hajj, But it's all over, I won't leave the village anymore, I need someone to help me, the one who was helping me is gone."

The approval paper for the “unification” will remain in the drawers, and this paper was only printed at the request of “Wafa.” The issuance of this paper authorizes its owner to issue the identity card by the Ministry of Interior, but with Asaad’s martyrdom, it no longer has any meaning, especially since the person For a deceased person, his family shall hand over his identity to the offices of the Ministry of Interior until a death certificate is issued to him.

Umm Hani suffers from persistent shortness of breath and difficulty walking, so she is forced to stay connected to an oxygen generator during sleep, and she has performed several catheterization operations, while her husband is the support she leans on.

Nazmiah's mind does not forget that fateful night, when they were visiting their relatives in the village, and he left her at the house on a hill at ten in the evening, in order to stay up with his cousin whose house is in the middle of the village.

Nazmia's phone rings at four in the morning, with difficulty getting up from her bed and lifting the oxygen mask that stays with her all night. Her bereaved daughter from America: Where are my parents, I want to talk to him. Her brother-in-law, whose house is near the house where her father rose, had told her that the soldiers had assaulted him and that he had apparently passed out.

Nazmiya tried to contact her relatives and her husband’s friends, but no one answered, so she became more concerned, and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door of the house, and she thought that Asaad had returned, her heart was at ease, but she was surprised by two relatives of her husband who came to tell her of her husband’s death.

"My life has changed a lot, now I am alone within the walls of the house, my children cannot come, and I cannot travel alone, and I will not travel, I will stay here, waiting for my children to return one day."

The occupation re-storms the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and attacks the people and the solidarity activists

Jerusalem WAFA - This evening, Tuesday, the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and destroyed the office of the Jerusalemite activist, Muhammad Abu al-Hummus, in the western side of the neighborhood, and assaulted the residents and solidarity activists in the neighborhood .

The people and solidarity activists performed the Maghrib prayer near the home of the Salem family in the neighborhood. Immediately after the prayer was finished, the occupation forces attacked them and forced them out of the place, while allowing MK Itamar Ben Gvir to stay with a number of settlers.

Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces closed the entrances to the neighborhood and prevented exit or entry to it .

أردوغان بختام زيارته الإمارات: لا نفرق بين أمننا وأمن الخليج أكد الرئيس التركي ثقته بأن الاتفاقيات الموقعة مع الإمارات ستعزز أرضية التعاون بين الدولتين، مضيفاً: "ندعم أمن واستقرار دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، كما أننا لا نفرق بين أمننا وأمن منطقة الخليج".  غادر الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان الإمارات العربية المتحدة عائداً إلى بلاده مساء الثلاثاء بعد زيارة رسمية بدأها أمس الإثنين.  وقال الرئيس التركي في تغريدة نشرها على حسابه الرسمي في تويتر: "أنهينا اليوم بنجاح الزيارة التي أجريناها إلى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة الشقيقة. وخلال الاجتماعات التي عقدناها، أظهرنا إرادة مشتركة قوية فيما يتعلق بتطوير العلاقات وزيادة الاستثمارات، ووقعنا 13 اتفاقية تعاون".  وأضاف: "نحن على ثقة أن الاتفاقيات الموقعة ستعزز أرضية التعاون بيننا. ونحن ندعم أمن واستقرار دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، كما أننا لا نفرق بين أمننا وأمن منطقة الخليج".   وكان أردوغان قال أيضاً، في كلمة خلال لقائه المستثمرين ورجال الأعمال الإماراتيين الثلاثاء إن "هدف بلاده المشترك مع الإمارات يتمثل في الارتقاء بالعلاقات الثنائية في كل المجالات إلى مستوى أعلى بكثير".  وأضاف أن "العلاقات التركية-الإماراتية انتقلت إلى مرحلة جديدة مع زيارة ولي عهد أبو ظبي الشيخ محمد بن زايد تركيا في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2021".  وأوضح أن تركيا والإمارات تملكان إرادة مشتركة وقوية لتطوير العلاقات التجارية وتعزيز الاستثمارات.  وشدد على أن لقاءاته أمس الاثنين مع ولي عهد أبو ظبي تؤكد هذه الإرادة، لافتاً إلى توقيع البلدين 13 اتفاقية في مجالات مختلفة.  واستقبل ولي عهد أبو ظبي الرئيس أردوغان في مراسم رسمية عقب وصوله الاثنين في زيارة تستمر يومين، ومن المطار إلى قصر الوطن انتشرت الأعلام التركية على جنبات بعض الطرق الرئيسية في أبو ظبي.  ورافق الرئيس أردوغان وفد كبير، بين أعضائه وزراء الخارجية والداخلية والمالية والتجارة والصناعة والتكنولوجيا والنقل والبنى التحتية والثقافة والسياحة والزراعة والغابات بالإضافة إلى رئيس هيئة الصناعات الدفاعية.  والزيارة هي الأولى منذ عام 2013، وتأتي عقب زيارة ولي عهد أبو ظبي لتركيا في 24 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2021، وشهدت توقيع اتفاقيات عديدة، لا سيما في الجانب الاقتصادي.     Erdogan at the end of his visit to the UAE: We do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf  The Turkish president affirmed his confidence that the agreements signed with the UAE will enhance the ground of cooperation between the two countries, adding: "We support the security and stability of the UAE, and we do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf region."  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left the United Arab Emirates for his country on Tuesday evening, after an official visit that began on Monday.  The Turkish president said in a tweet posted on his official account on Twitter: "Today we successfully concluded our visit to the sisterly United Arab Emirates. During the meetings we held, we showed a strong common will in terms of developing relations and increasing investments, and we signed 13 cooperation agreements."  He added, "We are confident that the signed agreements will enhance the ground for cooperation between us. We support the security and stability of the United Arab Emirates, and we do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf region."  Erdogan also said, in a speech during his meeting with Emirati investors and businessmen on Tuesday, that "his country's common goal with the UAE is to raise bilateral relations in all fields to a much higher level."  He added that "Turkish-Emirati relations moved to a new stage with the visit of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed to Turkey in November 2021."  He explained that Turkey and the UAE have a common and strong will to develop trade relations and promote investments. He stressed that his meetings yesterday, Monday, with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, confirm this will, pointing out that the two countries signed 13 agreements in various fields.  The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi received President Erdogan in an official ceremony after his arrival on Monday for a two-day visit, and from the airport to Qasr Al Watan, Turkish flags spread on the sides of some main roads in Abu Dhabi.  President Erdoğan was accompanied by a large delegation, whose members included the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Finance, Trade and Industry, Technology, Transport, Infrastructure, Culture, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry, as well as the Chairman of the Defense Industries Organization.  The visit is the first since 2013, and it follows the visit of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi to Turkey on November 24, 2021, and witnessed the signing of many agreements, especially in the economic aspect.

Erdogan at the end of his visit to the UAE: We do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf

The Turkish president affirmed his confidence that the agreements signed with the UAE will enhance the ground of cooperation between the two countries, adding: "We support the security and stability of the UAE, and we do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf region."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan left the United Arab Emirates for his country on Tuesday evening, after an official visit that began on Monday.

The Turkish president said in a tweet posted on his official account on Twitter: "Today we successfully concluded our visit to the sisterly United Arab Emirates. During the meetings we held, we showed a strong common will in terms of developing relations and increasing investments, and we signed 13 cooperation agreements."

He added, "We are confident that the signed agreements will enhance the ground for cooperation between us. We support the security and stability of the United Arab Emirates, and we do not differentiate between our security and the security of the Gulf region."

Erdogan also said, in a speech during his meeting with Emirati investors and businessmen on Tuesday, that "his country's common goal with the UAE is to raise bilateral relations in all fields to a much higher level."

He added that "Turkish-Emirati relations moved to a new stage with the visit of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed to Turkey in November 2021."

He explained that Turkey and the UAE have a common and strong will to develop trade relations and promote investments.
He stressed that his meetings yesterday, Monday, with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, confirm this will, pointing out that the two countries signed 13 agreements in various fields.

The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi received President Erdogan in an official ceremony after his arrival on Monday for a two-day visit, and from the airport to Qasr Al Watan, Turkish flags spread on the sides of some main roads in Abu Dhabi.

President Erdoğan was accompanied by a large delegation, whose members included the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Finance, Trade and Industry, Technology, Transport, Infrastructure, Culture, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry, as well as the Chairman of the Defense Industries Organization.

The visit is the first since 2013, and it follows the visit of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi to Turkey on November 24, 2021, and witnessed the signing of many agreements, especially in the economic aspect.

غضب في الكويت.. نسيان طفل في ثلاجة الموتى لأكثر من عام دون دفنه أثارت حادثة غريبة غضباً على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في الكويت، إثر إعلان محامي أسرة طفل كويتي ولد ميتاً أنه رفع دعوى قضائية ضد مستشفى بعد أن أبقى الطفل لأكثر من عام في ثلاجة المستشفى بحجة نسيانه.  قال محامي أسرة طفل كويتي ولد ميتاً إنه "رفع دعوى قضائية ضد مستشفى بعد أن أبقى الطفل لأكثر من عام في ثلاجة المستشفى بحجة نسيانه".  وذكر المحامي في تغريدات وتصريحات تلفزيونية أنه تقدم بالشكوى بتهمة عدم دفنه منذ نحو عام وثلاثة أشهر، وعدم إبلاغ والده وتمكينه من استلام الجثة ودفنه حينها.  وقال إن "مدير العلاقات العامة في المستشفى قدم لوالد الطفل علبة شوكولاتة وقال له: آسفين لنسيان دفن طفلك نرجو أن تقبل منا الهدية".   وأضاف: "أبلغوا والد الطفل الذي كان منشغلاً بزوجته التي أصيبت بانهيار بعد ولادتها لطفلها المتوفى أنهم سيدفنوه كإجراء روتيني للأطفال الذين يولدون متوفين وهو ما لم يحدث".   وكتب المحامي في تغريدة: "الهدف من رفع القضية هو محاسبة المستشفى وحتى لا يكون الملف في طي النسيان. نسيان جثة داخل ثلاجة الموتى لمدة سنة سابقة في تاريخ الكويت".  وأثارت الحادثة غضباً على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في الكويت، واتنشر هاشتاغ "طفل في ثلاجة المستشفى"، وطالب العديد من رواد مواقع التواصل بمحاسبة المسؤولين عن الحادثة.  Anger in Kuwait Forgetting a child in the mortuary for more than a year without burying him  A strange incident sparked outrage on social media in Kuwait, after the lawyer of the family of a stillborn Kuwaiti child announced that he had filed a lawsuit against a hospital after keeping the child for more than a year in the hospital refrigerator under the pretext of forgetting him.  The lawyer for the family of a stillborn Kuwaiti child said that he "sued a hospital after keeping the child for more than a year in the hospital refrigerator under the pretext of forgetting him."  The lawyer stated in tweets and television statements that he had filed a complaint for not burying him for about a year and three months, and for not informing his father and enabling him to receive the body and bury it at that time.  He said, "The director of public relations in the hospital presented the father of the child with a box of chocolates and said to him: We are sorry for forgetting to bury your child. We hope you will accept the gift from us."  He added, "They told the father of the child, who was preoccupied with his wife, who had a breakdown after giving birth to her dead child, that they would bury him as a routine procedure for children who were born dead, which did not happen."  The lawyer wrote in a tweet: "The aim of filing the case is to hold the hospital accountable so that the file is not forgotten. Forgotten a dead body inside the mortuary for a previous year in the history of Kuwait."  The incident sparked outrage on social networking sites in Kuwait, and the hashtag "A child in the hospital refrigerator" was spread, and many social media pioneers demanded that those responsible for the incident be held accountable.

Anger in Kuwait Forgetting a child in the mortuary for more than a year without burying him

A strange incident sparked outrage on social media in Kuwait, after the lawyer of the family of a stillborn Kuwaiti child announced that he had filed a lawsuit against a hospital after keeping the child for more than a year in the hospital refrigerator under the pretext of forgetting him.

The lawyer for the family of a stillborn Kuwaiti child said that he "sued a hospital after keeping the child for more than a year in the hospital refrigerator under the pretext of forgetting him."

The lawyer stated in tweets and television statements that he had filed a complaint for not burying him for about a year and three months, and for not informing his father and enabling him to receive the body and bury it at that time.

He said, "The director of public relations in the hospital presented the father of the child with a box of chocolates and said to him: We are sorry for forgetting to bury your child. We hope you will accept the gift from us."

He added, "They told the father of the child, who was preoccupied with his wife, who had a breakdown after giving birth to her dead child, that they would bury him as a routine procedure for children who were born dead, which did not happen."

The lawyer wrote in a tweet: "The aim of filing the case is to hold the hospital accountable so that the file is not forgotten. Forgotten a dead body inside the mortuary for a previous year in the history of Kuwait."

The incident sparked outrage on social networking sites in Kuwait, and the hashtag "A child in the hospital refrigerator" was spread, and many social media pioneers demanded that those responsible for the incident be held accountable.

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