The occupation forces continue to suppress the people of Sheikh Jarrah and attack their solidarity with them

قوات الاحتلال تواصل قمع أهالي الشيخ جراح وتعتدي على المتضامنين معهم القدس 20-2-2022 وفا- واصلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي اعتداءاتها على أهالي حي الشيخ جراح شرق مدينة القدس المحتلة، لليوم الثامن على التوالي، على وقع استفزازات المستوطنين المتطرفين وممثليهم في "كنيست" الاحتلال.  وأفادت مراسلتنا في القدس بأن قوات الاحتلال اعتدت على أهالي حي الشيخ جراح والمتضامنين معهم عقب أدائهم صلاة المغرب قرب منزل عائلة سالم المهددة بالتهجير القسري من منزلها نهاية شباط الجاري.  وأوضحت أن الأهالي والمتضامنين معهم تجّمعوا مساء اليوم في الحي وأدوا صلاة المغرب، ورددوا الأناشيد والشعارات الوطنية، إسناداً وتضامناً مع الأهالي المهددين بالتهجير القسري، وعقب ذلك، استنفرت عناصر من قوات وشرطة الاحتلال وقمعت الأهالي والمتضامنين معهم، وأوقفت شاباً مقدسياً.  وتواصل قوات الاحتلال إغلاق مداخل الحي وتفرض تشديداتها على الأهالي والمتضامنين معهم والصحفيين، فيما توفر الحماية لعضو كنيست الاحتلال إيتمار بن غفير، الذي تسبب في توتر الأوضاع منذ افتتاحه مكتبا في الحي على أراض مملوكة لعائلة سالم في الجانب الغربي من الحي.  وكان بن غفير قام وفي ساعات الصباح، بنقل مكتبه إلى مقابل منزل عائلة السعو في الحي، وهو ما اعتبره الأهالي خطوة استفزازية جديدة من طرفه، ما دفع الأهالي والمتضامنين معهم للتصدي له ورفعوا بوجهه العلم الفلسطيني، وأجبروه على إزالة مكتبه من مقابل منزل العائلة.  ومنذ أكثر من أسبوع، يخيم التوتر على الحي إثر الأحداث المتصاعدة بعد افتتاح بن غفير مكتباً له في أرض عائلة سالم.  كما تُواصل قوات الاحتلال إغلاق محيط الخيمة التي نصّبها عضو كنيست الاحتلال "بن غفير" في أرض عائلة سالم، وعزلها عن محيطها، وسط استفزازات متكررة منه ومن المستوطنين للأهالي.  في غضون ذلك، واصلت قوات الاحتلال اعتداءاتها بشكلٍ متكرر على المكتب الرمزي الذي أقامه الناشط المقدسي محمد أبو الحمص في الحي، علماً بأن الاحتلال أزاله عدّة مرّات وأعاد الناشط وضعه رغم الاعتداءات والتهديدات الإسرائيلية.     The occupation forces continue to suppress the people of Sheikh Jarrah and attack their solidarity with them  Jerusalem, Wafa - The Israeli occupation forces continued their attacks on the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, for the eighth consecutive day, following the provocations of extremist settlers and their representatives in the occupation Knesset.  Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces attacked the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and their solidarity with them after they performed the Maghrib prayer near the house of Salem family, who are threatened with forced displacement from their home at the end of February.  She explained that the people and their supporters gathered this evening in the neighborhood and performed the Maghrib prayer, and chanted national anthems and slogans, in support and solidarity with the people threatened with forced displacement.  The occupation forces continue to close the entrances to the neighborhood and impose restrictions on the residents, their supporters and journalists, while providing protection to the occupation Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, who has caused tension since he opened an office in the neighborhood on land owned by the Salem family in the western side of the neighborhood.  And in the morning, Ben Gvir moved his office to the house of the Sa`u family in the neighborhood, which the people considered a new provocative step on his part, which prompted the people and their solidarity with them to confront him and raised the Palestinian flag in his face, forcing him to remove his office from opposite the family house.  For more than a week, the neighborhood has been tense due to the escalating events after Bin Ghafir opened an office on the land of the Salem family.  The occupation forces also continue to close the perimeter of the tent that the occupation Knesset member "Ben Gvir" set up on the land of the Salem family, and isolate it from its surroundings, amid repeated provocations by him and the settlers to the residents.  Meanwhile, the occupation forces continued their attacks repeatedly on the symbolic office set up by the Jerusalemite activist Muhammad Abu al-Hummus in the neighborhood, noting that the occupation removed it several times and restored the activist's status despite the Israeli attacks and threats.

The occupation forces continue to suppress the people of Sheikh Jarrah and attack their solidarity with them

Jerusalem, Wafa - The Israeli occupation forces continued their attacks on the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, for the eighth consecutive day, following the provocations of extremist settlers and their representatives in the occupation Knesset.

Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces attacked the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and their solidarity with them after they performed the Maghrib prayer near the house of Salem family, who are threatened with forced displacement from their home at the end of February.

She explained that the people and their supporters gathered this evening in the neighborhood and performed the Maghrib prayer, and chanted national anthems and slogans, in support and solidarity with the people threatened with forced displacement.

The occupation forces continue to close the entrances to the neighborhood and impose restrictions on the residents, their supporters and journalists, while providing protection to the occupation Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, who has caused tension since he opened an office in the neighborhood on land owned by the Salem family in the western side of the neighborhood.

And in the morning, Ben Gvir moved his office to the house of the Sa`u family in the neighborhood, which the people considered a new provocative step on his part, which prompted the people and their solidarity with them to confront him and raised the Palestinian flag in his face, forcing him to remove his office from opposite the family house.

For more than a week, the neighborhood has been tense due to the escalating events after Bin Ghafir opened an office on the land of the Salem family.

The occupation forces also continue to close the perimeter of the tent that the occupation Knesset member "Ben Gvir" set up on the land of the Salem family, and isolate it from its surroundings, amid repeated provocations by him and the settlers to the residents.

Meanwhile, the occupation forces continued their attacks repeatedly on the symbolic office set up by the Jerusalemite activist Muhammad Abu al-Hummus in the neighborhood, noting that the occupation removed it several times and restored the activist's status despite the Israeli attacks and threats.

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: اعتقالات واخطارات بالهدم واعتداءات للمستوطنين   محافظات 20-2-2022 وفا- واصل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الأحد، عدوانهم على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال 6 مواطنين واحتجزت 3 آخرين، وأخطرت بإزالة كرفان زراعي في رام الله، وصادقت محكمتها على هدم منزل الأسير محمد جرادات في جنين، كما واصل المتطرف بن غفير استفزازه للمواطنين والاعتداء على أهالي الشيخ جراح، فيما واصل المستوطنون اقتحامهم للأقصى، كما أقدموا على اقتلاع وتكسير عدد من أشجار الزيتون وهاجموا رعاة الأغنام في سلفيت.  في محافظة القدس، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الشابين أحمد عبد الحافظ عطية، وإسماعيل يوسف محيسن، خلال اقتحامها بلدة العيسوية شمال شرق المحافظة.  وفي محافظة الخليل، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الشاب أحمد فايق نصار (27 عاما) بعد تفتيش منزله في مخيم الفوار، والشاب محمد مسلم مخامرة (33 عاما) من قرية الكرمل شرق يطا جنوب المحافظة.  كما فتشت عدة منازل في بلدة ترقوميا غرب الخليل، عرف منها من أصحابها صالح شحرور وشقيقه فهد، في منطقة وعر شرق البلدة.  وفي محافظة بيت لحم، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الشابين أحمد محمد شاكر طقاطقة (22 عاما)، وعلي شاهر طقاطقة (22 عاما)، بعد أن داهمت منزلي ذويهما في بلدة بيت فجار جنوب المحافظة.   وفي السياق، احتجزت شرطة الاحتلال ثلاثة شبان في الأغوار الشمالية، وأفرجت عنهم لاحقا قرب حاجز الحمرا العسكري، وهم: الشاب علي دراغمة والشقيقين أحمد ومحمد حسين المصري.  الاحتلال يخطر بإزالة كرفان زراعي برام الله والمصادقة على هدم منزل الأسير محمد جرادات  اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال منطقة "جبل الراس" في دير قديس غرب رام الله، وأخطرت بإزالة كرفان زراعي مقام منذ سنوات .  وقال المواطن فارس ناصر أحد النشطاء في القرية إن سلطات الاحتلال أخطرت بإزالة كرفان مملوك للمواطن أمجد غازي حسين، يستخدم للأغراض الزراعية، وأخطرت المزارعين والرعاة بعدم دخول المنطقة.  ومن جانب آخر، صادقت محكمة الاحتلال على هدم منزل الأسير محمد يوسف جرادات، من بلدة السيلة الحارثية غرب جنين.  وكانت العائلة قدمت التماسا للمحكمة من خلال مؤسسة "هموكيد" الحقوقية منذ تسليم الإخطار، وقد رفضته المحكمة وأمهلت العائلة حتى يوم الخميس المقبل.     مستوطنون يقتحمون الأقصى ويقتلعون الأشجار ويهاجمون رعاة الأغنام في سلفيت  اقتحم عشرات المستوطنين المسجد الأقصى المبارك من جهة باب المغاربة، ونفذوا جولات استفزازية وأدوا طقوسًا تلمودية في باحاته، بحراسة مشددة من شرطة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.  وفي محافظة سلفيت، أقدم مستوطنون على اقتلاع وتكسير عدد من أشجار الزيتون في قرية ياسوف شرق المحافظة، وهاجموا رعاة أغنام في بلدة قراوة بني حسان غرب المحافظة.  وقال رئيس مجلس قروي ياسوف صالح ياسين لـ"وفا"، إن المستوطنين اقتلعوا وكسروا 15 شجرة زيتون في منطقة "النصبة" شمال شرق القرية، تعود ملكيتها للمواطن زياد جميل عبد الرازق.  وفي قراوة بني حسان، هاجم مستوطنون بحماية قوات الاحتلال رعاة أغنام في منطقة "النويطف" المحاذية للبؤرة الاستيطانية "خفات يائير" المقامة على أراضي المواطنين شمال البلدة، وأطلقوا النار وقنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع صوبهم، دون أن يبلغ عن إصابات، وفق ما أفاد به شهود عيان.  وفي الأغوار الشمالية، قال مسؤول ملف الأغوار بمحافظة طوباس معتز بشارات إن المستوطنين لاحقوا مجموعة من الشبان من المحافظة خلال تنزههم في الأغوار، فيما احتجزت شرطة الاحتلال ثلاثة منهم.  يذكر أن المستوطنين يلاحقون المواطنين والرعاة في مناطق عديدة من الأغوار، فيما تقوم قوات الاحتلال بحماية المستوطنين واحتجاز المواطنين.     المتطرف بن غفير يواصل استفزاز أهالي الشيخ جراح بحاماية جيش الاحتلال  وضع عضو الكنيست المتطرف إيتمار بن غفير مكتبه في أرضٍ مقابلة لمنزل عائلة السعو على بعد أمتار من أرض عائلة سالم في الجزء الغربي من حي الشيخ جراح، شرق مدينة القدس المحتلة.  وأفادت مراسلتنا في القدس بأن بن غفير وضع مكتبه الاستفزازي مقابل منزل محمود السعو الذي تلقى وزوجته رائدة السعو أمر استدعاء لمقابلة مخابرات الاحتلال اليوم، بعد اقتحام منزلهما أمس وتهديد شرطة الاحتلال لهما بذريعة بث الأغاني والهتافات التحريضية.  ويعتبر مكتب بن غفير بؤرة توتر في حي الشيخ جراح الذي يشهد منذ أكثر من أسبوع هجمة شرسة من قبل قوات الاحتلال والمستوطنين، تتخللها اعتداءات وحشية بالضرب والدفع وإطلاق القنابل والرصاص وغاز الفلفل، ما أدى لإصابة واعتقال العشرات، في ظل إغلاق مشدد على الحي.  كما واصلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي اعتداءاتها على أهالي حي الشيخ جراح شرق مدينة القدس المحتلة، لليوم الثامن على التوالي، على وقع استفزازات المستوطنين المتطرفين وممثليهم في "كنيست" الاحتلال.  وأفادت مراسلتنا في القدس بأن قوات الاحتلال اعتدت على أهالي حي الشيخ جراح والمتضامنين معهم عقب أدائهم صلاة المغرب قرب منزل عائلة سالم المهددة بالتهجير القسري من منزلها نهاية شباط الجاري.  وتواصل قوات الاحتلال إغلاق مداخل الحي وتفرض تشديداتها على الأهالي والمتضامنين معهم والصحفيين، فيما توفر الحماية لعضو كنيست الاحتلال إيتمار بن غفير، الذي تسبب في توتر الأوضاع منذ افتتاحه مكتبا في الحي على أراض مملوكة لعائلة سالم في الجانب الغربي من الحي.     Continuing violations of the occupation: arrests, demolition notices, and attacks by settlers  Governorates, Wafa - Today, Sunday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property, as the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens and detained 3 others, and were notified to remove an agricultural caravan in Ramallah, and its court approved the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Jaradat in Jenin, and the extremist Ben Gvir continued to provoke the citizens and attack the people of Sheikh Jarrah, while the settlers continued their storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and they uprooted and broke a number of olive trees and attacked the shepherds in Salfit.  6 citizens were arrested and 3 others were detained In Jerusalem Governorate, the occupation forces arrested the two young men, Ahmed Abdel Hafez Attia and Ismail Youssef Muhaisen, during their storming of Al-Isawiya town, northeast of the governorate .  In the Hebron governorate, the occupation forces arrested Ahmed Fayek Nassar (27 years), after searching his house in Al-Fawwar camp, and Mohammed Muslim Makhamra (33 years), from Al-Karmel village, east of Yatta, south of the governorate.  It also searched several houses in Tarqumia town, west of Hebron, the owners of which were known to Saleh Shahrour and his brother Fahd, in the Waer area east of the town .  In the Bethlehem Governorate, the occupation forces arrested the two young men, Ahmed Muhammad Shaker Taqatqa (22 years), and Ali Shaher Taqatqa (22 years), after they raided the homes of their relatives in the town of Beit Fajjar, south of the governorate .  In the context, the occupation police detained three young men in the northern Jordan Valley, and later released them near the Hamra military checkpoint, they are: Ali Daraghmeh and the two brothers Ahmed and Muhammad Hussein al-Masri.  The occupation notifies the removal of an agricultural caravan in Ramallah and approves the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Jaradat  The occupation forces stormed the Jabal al-Ras area in Deir Qadis, west of Ramallah, and were notified of the removal of an agricultural caravan built years ago .  Faris Nasser, an activist in the village, said that the occupation authorities had notified the removal of a caravan owned by Amjad Ghazi Hussein, used for agricultural purposes, and notified farmers and shepherds not to enter the area .  On the other hand, the occupation court approved the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Youssef Jaradat, from the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin .  The family had submitted a petition to the court through the human rights organization "HaMoked" since the notification was delivered, and the court rejected it and gave the family until next Thursday .  Settlers storm Al-Aqsa, uproot trees, and attack shepherds in Salfit Dozens of settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the side of the Mughrabi Gate, carried out provocative tours and performed Talmudic rituals in its courtyards, closely guarded by the Israeli occupation police .  In Salfit Governorate, settlers uprooted and broke a number of olive trees in the village of Yasuf, east of the governorate, and attacked shepherds in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of the governorate .  The head of the Yasuf Village Council, Saleh Yassin, told "Wafa" that the settlers uprooted and broke 15 olive trees in the "Al-Nusbah" area, northeast of the village, owned by Ziyad Jamil Abdel Razek .  In Qarawat Bani Hassan, settlers, under the protection of the occupation forces, attacked shepherds in the "Al-Nuwetif" area, adjacent to the "Khafat Yair" settlement outpost, which is built on the citizens' lands north of the town, and opened fire and tear gas canisters at them, but no injuries were reported, according to witnesses. Eyewitness .  In the northern Jordan Valley, the official of the Jordan Valley file in Tubas Governorate, Moataz Bisharat, said that settlers chased after a group of young men from the governorate while they were hiking in the Jordan Valley, while the occupation police detained three of them .  It is noteworthy that settlers are chasing citizens and shepherds in many areas of the Jordan Valley, while the occupation forces protect settlers and detain citizens .  The extremist Ben Gvir continues to provoke the people of Sheikh Jarrah by protecting the occupation army Extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir placed his office in a plot opposite the home of the Sa`u family, meters away from the land of the Salem family, in the western part of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem .  Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that Bin Ghafir placed his provocative office in front of the house of Mahmoud al-Sa`u, who received a summons and his wife, Raeda al-Sa`u, to meet with the occupation intelligence today, after storming their house yesterday and threatening them by the occupation police under the pretext of broadcasting inflammatory songs and chants .  Bin Ghafir’s office is considered a focus of tension in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, which has been witnessing a fierce attack for more than a week by the occupation forces and settlers, punctuated by brutal attacks by beating, pushing, shooting bombs, bullets and pepper gas, which led to dozens of injuries and arrests, in light of a tight closure on the neighborhood .  The Israeli occupation forces also  continued their attacks on the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, for the eighth consecutive day, following the provocations of the extremist settlers and their representatives in the occupation Knesset .  Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces assaulted the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and their solidarity with them, after they performed the Maghrib prayer near the house of Salem's family, who are threatened with forced displacement from their home at the end of February .  The occupation forces continue to close the entrances to the neighborhood and impose restrictions on the residents, their supporters and journalists, while providing protection to the occupation Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, who has caused tension since he opened an office in the neighborhood on land owned by the Salem family in the western side of the neighborhood .

Continuing violations of the occupation: arrests, demolition notices, and attacks by settlers

Governorates, Wafa - Today, Sunday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property, as the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens and detained 3 others, and were notified to remove an agricultural caravan in Ramallah, and its court approved the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Jaradat in Jenin, and the extremist Ben Gvir continued to provoke the citizens and attack the people of Sheikh Jarrah, while the settlers continued their storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and they uprooted and broke a number of olive trees and attacked the shepherds in Salfit.

6 citizens were arrested and 3 others were detained
In Jerusalem Governorate, the occupation forces arrested the two young men, Ahmed Abdel Hafez Attia and Ismail Youssef Muhaisen, during their storming of Al-Isawiya town, northeast of the governorate .

In the Hebron governorate, the occupation forces arrested Ahmed Fayek Nassar (27 years), after searching his house in Al-Fawwar camp, and Mohammed Muslim Makhamra (33 years), from Al-Karmel village, east of Yatta, south of the governorate.

It also searched several houses in Tarqumia town, west of Hebron, the owners of which were known to Saleh Shahrour and his brother Fahd, in the Waer area east of the town .

In the Bethlehem Governorate, the occupation forces arrested the two young men, Ahmed Muhammad Shaker Taqatqa (22 years), and Ali Shaher Taqatqa (22 years), after they raided the homes of their relatives in the town of Beit Fajjar, south of the governorate .

In the context, the occupation police detained three young men in the northern Jordan Valley, and later released them near the Hamra military checkpoint, they are: Ali Daraghmeh and the two brothers Ahmed and Muhammad Hussein al-Masri.

The occupation notifies the removal of an agricultural caravan in Ramallah and approves the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Jaradat

The occupation forces stormed the Jabal al-Ras area in Deir Qadis, west of Ramallah, and were notified of the removal of an agricultural caravan built years ago .

Faris Nasser, an activist in the village, said that the occupation authorities had notified the removal of a caravan owned by Amjad Ghazi Hussein, used for agricultural purposes, and notified farmers and shepherds not to enter the area .

On the other hand, the occupation court approved the demolition of the house of the prisoner Muhammad Youssef Jaradat, from the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin .

The family had submitted a petition to the court through the human rights organization "HaMoked" since the notification was delivered, and the court rejected it and gave the family until next Thursday .

Settlers storm Al-Aqsa, uproot trees, and attack shepherds in Salfit
Dozens of settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the side of the Mughrabi Gate, carried out provocative tours and performed Talmudic rituals in its courtyards, closely guarded by the Israeli occupation police .

In Salfit Governorate, settlers uprooted and broke a number of olive trees in the village of Yasuf, east of the governorate, and attacked shepherds in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of the governorate .

The head of the Yasuf Village Council, Saleh Yassin, told "Wafa" that the settlers uprooted and broke 15 olive trees in the "Al-Nusbah" area, northeast of the village, owned by Ziyad Jamil Abdel Razek .

In Qarawat Bani Hassan, settlers, under the protection of the occupation forces, attacked shepherds in the "Al-Nuwetif" area, adjacent to the "Khafat Yair" settlement outpost, which is built on the citizens' lands north of the town, and opened fire and tear gas canisters at them, but no injuries were reported, according to witnesses. Eyewitness .

In the northern Jordan Valley, the official of the Jordan Valley file in Tubas Governorate, Moataz Bisharat, said that settlers chased after a group of young men from the governorate while they were hiking in the Jordan Valley, while the occupation police detained three of them .

It is noteworthy that settlers are chasing citizens and shepherds in many areas of the Jordan Valley, while the occupation forces protect settlers and detain citizens .

The extremist Ben Gvir continues to provoke the people of Sheikh Jarrah by protecting the occupation army
Extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir placed his office in a plot opposite the home of the Sa`u family, meters away from the land of the Salem family, in the western part of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem .

Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that Bin Ghafir placed his provocative office in front of the house of Mahmoud al-Sa`u, who received a summons and his wife, Raeda al-Sa`u, to meet with the occupation intelligence today, after storming their house yesterday and threatening them by the occupation police under the pretext of broadcasting inflammatory songs and chants .

Bin Ghafir’s office is considered a focus of tension in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, which has been witnessing a fierce attack for more than a week by the occupation forces and settlers, punctuated by brutal attacks by beating, pushing, shooting bombs, bullets and pepper gas, which led to dozens of injuries and arrests, in light of a tight closure on the neighborhood .

The Israeli occupation forces also  continued their attacks on the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, for the eighth consecutive day, following the provocations of the extremist settlers and their representatives in the occupation Knesset .

Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation forces assaulted the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and their solidarity with them, after they performed the Maghrib prayer near the house of Salem's family, who are threatened with forced displacement from their home at the end of February .

The occupation forces continue to close the entrances to the neighborhood and impose restrictions on the residents, their supporters and journalists, while providing protection to the occupation Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, who has caused tension since he opened an office in the neighborhood on land owned by the Salem family in the western side of the neighborhood .

شاهد | تحطُّم طائرة عسكرية شمال إيران يسفر عن مقتل ثلاثة أشخاص أعلن التليفزيون الرسمي الإيراني الاثنين مقتل ثلاثة أشخاص بتحطم مقاتلة عسكرية للجيش الإيراني بمدينة تبريز شمال غرب البلاد، ولم تتضح أسباب الحادث.  قتل ثلاثة أشخاص، بينهم اثنان من أفراد الطاقم، في تحطم مقاتلة عسكرية للجيش الإيراني الاثنين، في مدينة تبريز بشمال غرب البلاد، وفق التلفزيون الرسمي.  ونقل التلفزيون عن مدير الهلال الأحمر في تبريز قوله إن المقاتلة تحطمت عند سور مدرسة كانت مغلقة لدى وقوع الحادث، ما أدى إلى مقتل اثنين من أفراد الطاقم وشخص ثالث في المكان.  وأشارت القناة الرسمية إلى أن أسباب الحادث هي موضع تحقيق.  وأوضح مدير هيئة إدارة الأزمة في محافظة أذربيجان الشرقية محمد باقر هنرور أن طائرة مقاتلة من طراز "أف-5" مخصصة للتدريب تحطمت عند الساعة التاسعة صباحاً (05:30 ت.غ) في حي منجم وسط المدينة، وفق ما نقل عنه الموقع الإلكتروني للتلفزيون.  وأوضح: "لحسن الحظ كانت المدرسة مقفلة بسبب جائحة كوفيد-19".  وأظهرت أشرطة مصوّرة قصيرة جرى تداولها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي عناصر من الإطفاء يعملون على إخماد نيران مندلعة في مكان سقوط المقاتلة.  وبثت جمعية الهلال الأحمر الإيرانية عبر حسابها على تويتر لقطات من المكان أظهرت حضور عدد من سيارات الإطفاء، ووجود عشرات الأشخاص من عاملي إغاثة إلى عناصر في قوات الأمن التي ضربت طوقاً حول مكان سقوط الطائرة.  وأظهرت اللقطات دخاناً منبعثاً من مكان سقوط الطائرة ولوناً أسود طغى على جدران مبنى خلف السور حيث تحطمت المقاتلة. كذلك بدت أجزاء من الحديد الملتوي على الأرض، بينما عمل عناصر الإطفاء على إخماد النيران بالكامل.     Military plane crash in northern Iran, killing three people  Iranian state television announced on Monday that three people were killed in the crash of an Iranian army fighter jet in the northwestern city of Tabriz, and the causes of the accident were not clear.  Three people, including two crew members, were killed in the crash of an Iranian army fighter jet on Monday in the northwestern city of Tabriz, state TV reported.  The television quoted the director of the Red Crescent in Tabriz as saying that the fighter jet crashed against the wall of a school that was closed at the time of the accident, killing two crew members and a third person at the scene.  The official channel indicated that the causes of the accident are under investigation. The Director of the Crisis Management Authority in East Azerbaijan Province, Muhammad Baqir Hanuror, said that an F-5 fighter plane intended for training crashed at nine in the morning (05:30 GMT) in the Munajim neighborhood in the city center, according to what was reported on the television website. .  "Fortunately, the school was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained. Short video clips circulated on social media showed firefighters working to put out fires at the site of the crash.  The Iranian Red Crescent Society, on its Twitter account, broadcast footage from the scene that showed the presence of a number of firefighting vehicles, and the presence of dozens of people, from relief workers to members of the security forces, who cordoned off the site of the crash.  The footage showed smoke emanating from the crash site and a black color that overshadowed the walls of a building behind the fence where the fighter crashed. Fragments of twisted iron also appeared on the ground, while the firefighters worked to put out the flames completely.

Military plane crash in northern Iran, killing three people

Iranian state television announced on Monday that three people were killed in the crash of an Iranian army fighter jet in the northwestern city of Tabriz, and the causes of the accident were not clear.

Three people, including two crew members, were killed in the crash of an Iranian army fighter jet on Monday in the northwestern city of Tabriz, state TV reported.

The television quoted the director of the Red Crescent in Tabriz as saying that the fighter jet crashed against the wall of a school that was closed at the time of the accident, killing two crew members and a third person at the scene.

The official channel indicated that the causes of the accident are under investigation.
The Director of the Crisis Management Authority in East Azerbaijan Province, Muhammad Baqir Hanuror, said that an F-5 fighter plane intended for training crashed at nine in the morning (05:30 GMT) in the Munajim neighborhood in the city center, according to what was reported on the television website. .

"Fortunately, the school was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.
Short video clips circulated on social media showed firefighters working to put out fires at the site of the crash.

The Iranian Red Crescent Society, on its Twitter account, broadcast footage from the scene that showed the presence of a number of firefighting vehicles, and the presence of dozens of people, from relief workers to members of the security forces, who cordoned off the site of the crash.

The footage showed smoke emanating from the crash site and a black color that overshadowed the walls of a building behind the fence where the fighter crashed. Fragments of twisted iron also appeared on the ground, while the firefighters worked to put out the flames completely.

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