The occupation blew up the house of the prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in Al-Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin

الاحتلال يفجر منزل الأسير محمود جرادات في السيلة الحارثية غرب جنين   جنين 14-2-2022 وفا- فجرت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، اليوم الاثنين، منزل الأسير محمود جرادات في بلدة سيلة الحارثية غرب جنين.  وكانت مصادر طبية، قد أعلنت منتصف الليلة الماضية استشهاد الفتى محمد أكرم أبو صلاح (17 عامًا) من بلدة اليامون، متأثرًا بإصابته الحرجة برصاص الاحتلال الحي في الرأس، وإصابة 20 آخرين خلال مواجهات اندلعت في بلدة السيلة الحارثية، عقب اقتحام قوة عسكرية إسرائيلية، البلدة من كافة الجهات، واغلاق الطرق المؤدية إليها وتلك الرابطة بينها وبين بلدة اليامون المجاورة.  وفي ساعات فجر اليوم، انطلقت مسيرة جماهيرية حاشدة من أمام مستشفى ابن سينا جابت شوارع المدينة، ورفع المشاركون جثمان الشهيد على الأكتاف وسط ترديد هتافات منددة بجرائم الاحتلال بحق أبناء شعبنا.  وأعلن اليوم الإضراب التجاري والحداد العام في بلدة اليامون مسقط رأس الشهيد.    34 عاما على اغتيال المناضلين سلطان وقاسم وكيالي في قبرص رام الله 14-2-2022 وفا- يصادف اليوم الإثنين، الرابع عشر من شباط، ذكرى مرور 34 عاماً على استشهاد القادة الثلاثة: حمدي سلطان، وأبو حسن قاسم، ومروان كيالي، في مدينة ليماسول في جزيرة قبرص.  ففي شباط عام 1988 كانت جزيرة قبرص تشهد حدثاً فلسطينياً عالمياً، عندما قررت منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية إعادة مئة مبعد عن الأرض المحتلة بواسطة السفينة "سول فرين"، وأطلق عليها اسم "سفينة العودة"، كما استأجرت منظمة التحرير طائرتين من نوع "جامبو" لنقل مئات المشاركين في هذا الحدث، واشتملت الوفود المشاركة على 300 صحفي و200 ضيف و100 مبعد وعشرات الأعضاء والكوادر والمسؤولين في منظمة التحرير.  وفي ظل الإعداد لرحيل السفينة نحو حيفا، والتهديدات الإسرائيلية بإحباط هذا العمل، كان أبو حسن قاسم وحمدي سلطان يغادران إلى قبرص، حيث كان في انتظارهما مروان كيالي، وذلك في زيارة خاطفة للتحول بعدها إلى تونس أو بغداد، لكن "الموساد" الإسرائيلي وصل إلى مركبة مروان، وفخخها، وعندما استقلها القادة الثلاثة، أبو حسن وسلطان وكيالي، انفجرت وتحولت خلال ثوان إلى حطام، واستشهد القادة الثلاثة على الفور.  أبو حسن القاسم:  ولد محمّد حسن بحيص المعروف بــ"أبو حسن القاسم" في مدينة يطّا في محافظة الخليل عام 1944، وهو متزوج وله أربعة أبناء، درس المرحلة الأساسية في مدينة يطا والثانوية في مدينة الخليل، ونال درجة البكالوريوس في التجارة من جامعة الإسكندرية عام 1967، وعمل موظفًا في البنك العربي.  انضم بحيص لحركة فتح عام 1967، وأنهى دورة أمنيّة وعسكريّة في مصر عام 1968، والتحق بـ"جهاز الأرض المحتلة" عام 1971، وأسند إليه قائده كمال عدوان مهمّة تأسيس قسم المعلومات في الجهاز، كما عمل مع رفيقه حمدي التميمي على تأسيس لجنة تنظيم 77 وهي إحدى أذرع الجهاز، وشارك في تلك المرحلة في إرسال عدد من المجموعات الفدائية إلى فلسطين فيما بات يُعرف بـ"دوريات الأرض المحتلة".  عمل في التنظيم الطلابي التابع لحركة فتح في لبنان، وكان من مؤسسي الكتيبة الطّلابيّة التي عُرفت فيما بعد بـ "كتيبة الجرمق".  مروان كيالي:  ولد مروان إبراهيم كيالي في بيروت عام 1951، لأبٍ فلسطينيّ من مدينة يافا وأم لبنانية، وهو متزوج وله ابنة، ونال درجة البكالوريوس في الحقوق من الجامعة اللّبنانية.  التحق بصفوف حركة فتح عام 1971، وأصبح أحد مسؤولي القطاع الطلابي الفتحاوي في لبنان، ومسؤول تنظيم فتح داخل الجامعة اللبنانية، ونشط في استقطاب الطلبة الفلسطينيين والعرب للانضمام للثورة الفلسطينية، وتمكَّن من حَشْدِ مئات الطلبة لإعادة إعمار بلدة كفر شوبا في جنوب لبنان بعد أن دمَّرها الطيران الصهيوني عام 1974. انخرط في العمل العسكري، وساهم في تأسيس السرية الطلابية وهي ذراع عسكري طلابي تابع لفتح، وأصبح نائبًا لقائدها، وبقي في هذا المنصب بعد أن أصبحت كتيبة الجرمق.  حمدي سلطان:  ولد محمد باسم مصطفى سلطان التميمي المعروف بـ "حمدي" في مدينة الخليل في الرّابع عشر من شباط/ فبراير عام 1951، وهو متزوج ولديه ثلاثة أبناء، ودرس المرحلتين الأساسية والثانوية في الخليل.  انخرط في العمل الوطنيّ خلال المرحلة الثانوية، ثم انتمى لحركة فتح، وأصبح من أشهر مقاتليها، وشارك في أنشطتها الوطنية، وقدَّم دعمًا لوجستيًا لدوريّات الفدائيين العابرة من نهر الأردن نحو فلسطين، ورغم مغادرته فلسطين وانخراطه في العمل المقاوم خارجها، إلا أنَّه ظل مسكونًا بفكرة العمل المقاوم داخلها، ما دفعه للالتحاق بقيادة القطاع الغربي.    The occupation blew up the house of the prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in Al-Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin  Jenin WAFA - Today, Monday, the Israeli occupation forces blew up the house of the prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in the town of Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin .  And medical sources announced last night the death of the 17-year-old boy, Muhammad Akram Abu Salah, from the town of Al-Yamoun, as a result of being critically wounded by live bullets in the head, and the injury of 20 others during clashes that erupted in the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya, after an Israeli military force stormed the town. From all sides, the roads leading to it and the link between it and the neighboring town of Yamoun were closed.  In the early hours of today, a massive mass march started in front of Ibn Sina Hospital, roaming the streets of the city, and the participants raised the body of the martyr on their shoulders, while chanting slogans condemning the crimes of the occupation against our people.  Today, the commercial strike and general mourning were announced in the town of Yamoun, the hometown of the martyr.  34 years since the assassination of activists Sultan, Qassem and Kayali in Cyprus  Ramallah, February 14, 2022 WAFA - Today, Monday, February 14, marks the 34th anniversary of the martyrdom of the three leaders: Hamdi Sultan, Abu Hassan Qassem and Marwan Kayali, in the city of Limassol on the island of Cyprus .  In February 1988, the island of Cyprus was witnessing a global Palestinian event, when the Palestine Liberation Organization decided to return a hundred deportees from the occupied land by means of the “Sol Fren” ship, and called it the “Ship of Return.” The PLO also chartered two “jumbo” planes to transport hundreds of people. Participants in this event, and the participating delegations included 300 journalists, 200 guests, 100 deportees, and dozens of members, cadres and officials of the Liberation Organization .  In light of the preparation for the departure of the ship towards Haifa, and the Israeli threats to thwart this action, Abu Hassan Qassem and Hamdi Sultan were leaving for Cyprus, where Marwan Kayali was waiting for them, on a lightning visit to turn after that to Tunis or Baghdad, but the Israeli "Mossad" arrived in a vehicle Marwan, and his booby trap, and when the three commanders, Abu Hassan, Sultan and Kayyali, boarded it, it exploded and turned into a wreck within seconds, and the three commanders were killed instantly.  Abu Hassan al- Qasim: Muhammad Hassan Buhais, known as “Abu Hassan al-Qasim” was born in the city of Yatta in the Hebron Governorate in 1944. He is married and has four children. He studied primary school in Yatta and secondary school in Hebron. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in commerce from Alexandria University in 1967, and worked as an employee in the Arab Bank .  Buhais joined the Fatah movement in 1967, completed a security and military course in Egypt in 1968, and joined the “Occupied Territory Agency” in 1971, and its leader, Kamal Adwan, assigned him the task of establishing the information department in the agency. He also worked with his friend Hamdi Al-Tamimi to establish the 77 Organizing Committee, which is One of the apparatus’s arms, and at that stage he participated in sending a number of guerrilla groups to Palestine in what became known as “the occupied land patrols . ”  He worked in the student organization of the Fatah movement in Lebanon, and was one of the founders of the student battalion, which was later known as the "Al-Jarmaq Brigade".  Marwan Kayali: Marwan Ibrahim Kayali was born in Beirut in 1951, to a Palestinian father from the city of Jaffa and a Lebanese mother. He is married and has a daughter. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Lebanese University .  He joined the ranks of the Fatah movement in 1971, and became one of the officials of the Fatah student sector in Lebanon, and the official of the Fatah organization within the Lebanese University, and was active in attracting Palestinian and Arab students to join the Palestinian revolution, and was able to mobilize hundreds of students to rebuild the town of Kafr Shuba in southern Lebanon after it was destroyed by aviation The Zionist in 1974. He became involved in military action, and contributed to the establishment of the Student Brigade, a student military arm affiliated with Fatah. He became its deputy commander, and remained in this position after it became the Al-Jarmaq Brigade .  Hamdi Sultan: Muhammad Bassem Mustafa Sultan Al-Tamimi, known as "Hamdi", was born in the city of Hebron on the fourteenth of February 1951. He is married and has three children. He studied primary and secondary education in Hebron .  He became involved in national work during high school, then belonged to the Fatah movement, became one of its most famous fighters, participated in its national activities, and provided logistical support to the guerrilla patrols passing from the Jordan River towards Palestine, and despite leaving Palestine and engaging in resistance work outside it, he remained haunted by the idea of ​​working The resistance inside it, what prompted him to join the leadership of the western sector.

The occupation blew up the house of the prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in Al-Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin

Jenin WAFA - Today, Monday, the Israeli occupation forces blew up the house of the prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in the town of Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin .

And medical sources announced last night the death of the 17-year-old boy, Muhammad Akram Abu Salah, from the town of Al-Yamoun, as a result of being critically wounded by live bullets in the head, and the injury of 20 others during clashes that erupted in the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya, after an Israeli military force stormed the town. From all sides, the roads leading to it and the link between it and the neighboring town of Yamoun were closed.

In the early hours of today, a massive mass march started in front of Ibn Sina Hospital, roaming the streets of the city, and the participants raised the body of the martyr on their shoulders, while chanting slogans condemning the crimes of the occupation against our people.

Today, the commercial strike and general mourning were announced in the town of Yamoun, the hometown of the martyr.

34 years since the assassination of activists Sultan, Qassem and Kayali in Cyprus

Ramallah, February 14, 2022 WAFA - Today, Monday, February 14, marks the 34th anniversary of the martyrdom of the three leaders: Hamdi Sultan, Abu Hassan Qassem and Marwan Kayali, in the city of Limassol on the island of Cyprus .

In February 1988, the island of Cyprus was witnessing a global Palestinian event, when the Palestine Liberation Organization decided to return a hundred deportees from the occupied land by means of the “Sol Fren” ship, and called it the “Ship of Return.” The PLO also chartered two “jumbo” planes to transport hundreds of people. Participants in this event, and the participating delegations included 300 journalists, 200 guests, 100 deportees, and dozens of members, cadres and officials of the Liberation Organization .

In light of the preparation for the departure of the ship towards Haifa, and the Israeli threats to thwart this action, Abu Hassan Qassem and Hamdi Sultan were leaving for Cyprus, where Marwan Kayali was waiting for them, on a lightning visit to turn after that to Tunis or Baghdad, but the Israeli "Mossad" arrived in a vehicle Marwan, and his booby trap, and when the three commanders, Abu Hassan, Sultan and Kayyali, boarded it, it exploded and turned into a wreck within seconds, and the three commanders were killed instantly.

Abu Hassan al- Qasim:
Muhammad Hassan Buhais, known as “Abu Hassan al-Qasim” was born in the city of Yatta in the Hebron Governorate in 1944. He is married and has four children. He studied primary school in Yatta and secondary school in Hebron. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in commerce from Alexandria University in 1967, and worked as an employee in the Arab Bank .

Buhais joined the Fatah movement in 1967, completed a security and military course in Egypt in 1968, and joined the “Occupied Territory Agency” in 1971, and its leader, Kamal Adwan, assigned him the task of establishing the information department in the agency. He also worked with his friend Hamdi Al-Tamimi to establish the 77 Organizing Committee, which is One of the apparatus’s arms, and at that stage he participated in sending a number of guerrilla groups to Palestine in what became known as “the occupied land patrols . ”

He worked in the student organization of the Fatah movement in Lebanon, and was one of the founders of the student battalion, which was later known as the "Al-Jarmaq Brigade".

Marwan Kayali:
Marwan Ibrahim Kayali was born in Beirut in 1951, to a Palestinian father from the city of Jaffa and a Lebanese mother. He is married and has a daughter. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Lebanese University .

He joined the ranks of the Fatah movement in 1971, and became one of the officials of the Fatah student sector in Lebanon, and the official of the Fatah organization within the Lebanese University, and was active in attracting Palestinian and Arab students to join the Palestinian revolution, and was able to mobilize hundreds of students to rebuild the town of Kafr Shuba in southern Lebanon after it was destroyed by aviation The Zionist in 1974. He became involved in military action, and contributed to the establishment of the Student Brigade, a student military arm affiliated with Fatah. He became its deputy commander, and remained in this position after it became the Al-Jarmaq Brigade .

Hamdi Sultan:
Muhammad Bassem Mustafa Sultan Al-Tamimi, known as "Hamdi", was born in the city of Hebron on the fourteenth of February 1951. He is married and has three children. He studied primary and secondary education in Hebron .

He became involved in national work during high school, then belonged to the Fatah movement, became one of its most famous fighters, participated in its national activities, and provided logistical support to the guerrilla patrols passing from the Jordan River towards Palestine, and despite leaving Palestine and engaging in resistance work outside it, he remained haunted by the idea of ​​working The resistance inside it, what prompted him to join the leadership of the western sector.

السعودية.. ضبط تشكيل عصابي متهم بغسل أموال تصل إلى 10 مليارات ريال كشفت وسائل إعلام سعودية عن القبض على عصابة منظمة مكونة من 11 شخصاً تورطوا في ارتكاب جرائم غسيل أموال وصدرت بحقهم أحكام بالسجن مُدداً مجموعها 52 عاماً وغرامات مالية تجاوزت 62 مليون ريال. استأنفت النيابة العامة إجراءات الاعتراض على الحكم الصادر بطلب تشديد العقوبة على المدانين كشفت وسائل إعلام سعودية عن القبض على عصابة منظمة مكونة من 11 شخصاً، تتضمن مواطنين اثنين و9 وافدين تورطوا في ارتكاب جرائم غسيل أموال، وفق صحيفة "عكاظ" نقلاً عن مصدر في النيابة العامة.  وقد استغلت تلك العصابة عدد من الكيانات التجارية وفروعها في تلقِّي أموال مجهولة المصدر وتحويلها من حساباتها البنكية، بلغت قيمتها أكثر من 10 مليارات ريال (2.67 دولار أمريكي).  وبعد انتهاء تحقيقات النيابة صدر حكم ابتدائي بالسجن للمتهمين مُدداً مجموعها 52 عاماً، وغرامات مالية تجاوزت 62 مليون ريال، بالإضافة إلى مصادرة الأموال والمحافظ الاستثمارية التي ضُبطت، وإبعاد الوافدين بعد انقضاء محكوميتهم، ومنع المواطنين من السفر مدة مماثلة لسجنهما.  فيما استأنفت النيابة العامة إجراءات الاعتراض على الحكم الصادر بطلب تشديد العقوبة للمدانين "تحقيقاً للمصلحة العامة في حماية الاقتصاد المحلي وردع من تسول له نفسه المساس بالأمن المالي"، وفق صحيفة "عكاظ".  وينص القانون السعودي على عقوبة تهمة غسيل الأموال بالسجن مدة لا تزيد على 15 عاماً، وغرامة مالية لا تتجاوز 7 ملايين ريال، إذا اقترنت جريمة غسل الأموال بالتستر.      Saudi Arabia Seizing a gang accused of money laundering amounting to 10 billion riyals  Saudi media revealed the arrest of an organized gang of 11 people involved in money laundering crimes, and they were sentenced to 52 years in prison and fines of more than 62 million riyals.  Saudi media revealed the arrest of an organized gang of 11 people, including two citizens and 9 expatriates, who were involved in committing money laundering crimes, according to Okaz newspaper, quoting a source in the Public Prosecution.  This gang took advantage of a number of commercial entities and their branches to receive funds of unknown origin and transfer them from their bank accounts, amounting to more than 10 billion riyals (2.67 US dollars).  After the prosecution’s investigations ended, a preliminary ruling was issued for the defendants to imprisonment for a total of 52 years, and fines exceeding 62 million riyals, in addition to the confiscation of funds and investment portfolios that had been seized, the deportation of expatriates after the expiry of their sentences, and the prevention of citizens from traveling for a period similar to their imprisonment.  Meanwhile, the Public Prosecution resumed the procedures for objecting to the ruling ordering a toughening of the penalty for the convicts "in the interest of the public in protecting the local economy and deterring those who try to harm financial security," according to the newspaper, "Okaz".  Saudi law stipulates the penalty for money laundering with imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 years, and a fine not exceeding 7 million riyals, if the money laundering crime is accompanied by cover-up.

Saudi Arabia Seizing a gang accused of money laundering amounting to 10 billion riyals

Saudi media revealed the arrest of an organized gang of 11 people involved in money laundering crimes, and they were sentenced to 52 years in prison and fines of more than 62 million riyals.

Saudi media revealed the arrest of an organized gang of 11 people, including two citizens and 9 expatriates, who were involved in committing money laundering crimes, according to Okaz newspaper, quoting a source in the Public Prosecution.

This gang took advantage of a number of commercial entities and their branches to receive funds of unknown origin and transfer them from their bank accounts, amounting to more than 10 billion riyals (2.67 US dollars).

After the prosecution’s investigations ended, a preliminary ruling was issued for the defendants to imprisonment for a total of 52 years, and fines exceeding 62 million riyals, in addition to the confiscation of funds and investment portfolios that had been seized, the deportation of expatriates after the expiry of their sentences, and the prevention of citizens from traveling for a period similar to their imprisonment.

Meanwhile, the Public Prosecution resumed the procedures for objecting to the ruling ordering a toughening of the penalty for the convicts "in the interest of the public in protecting the local economy and deterring those who try to harm financial security," according to the newspaper, "Okaz".

Saudi law stipulates the penalty for money laundering with imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 years, and a fine not exceeding 7 million riyals, if the money laundering crime is accompanied by cover-up.

اليمن.. قوات التحالف تستهدف محطة أقمار صناعية ومقتل مدنيين في قصف للحوثيين أعلن الجيش اليمني مقتل مدنيين اثنين بقصف صاروخي لجماعة الحوثي في محافظة حجة، فيما دمّرت قوات التحالف بقيادة السعودية منظومة اتصالات تستخدم للتحكم بالمُسيَّرات في العاصمة صنعاء. استهدفت قوات التحالف محطة أرضية للأقمار الصناعية في محيط وزارة الاتصالات شمال صنعاء (AFP)  أعلن الجيش اليمني الاثنين مقتل مدنيين اثنين بقصف صاروخي لجماعة الحوثي في محافظة حجة غربي البلاد، فيما دمّرت قوات التحالف بقيادة السعودية منظومة اتصالات تستخدم للتحكم بالمُسيرات في العاصمة صنعاء.  وذكرت المنطقة العسكرية الخامسة بالجيش اليمني في بيان "سقوط صاروخ حوثي على منزل في عزلة بني فاضل بمديرية حيران التابعة لمحافظة حجة".  وأضاف: "الحادثة أسفرت عن استشهاد مدنيين وجرح اثنين آخرين في المنزل" من دون مزيد من التفاصيل، فيما لم تعلق جماعة الحوثي على هذه الاتهامات حتى الآن.  وفي سياق متصل أعلن التلفزيون السعودي تدمير قوات التحالف منظومة اتصالات تستخدم في التحكم بالمُسيَّرات، بعد أن طلب من المدنيين الموجودين بمقرات الدولة في صنعاء إخلاءها قبل الهجوم.  واستهدف القصف محطة أرضية للأقمار الصناعية في محيط وزارة الاتصالات شمال صنعاء وفق وكالة رويترز.  وأعلنت قناة "المسيرة" التابعة للحوثيين أن قوات التحالف استهدفت وزارة الاتصالات ودمرّت مبنى الشركة اليمنية للاتصالات الدولية، وألحقت أضراراً بالغة بالمبنى المجاور.  من جانبه، أوضح التحالف أن الحوثيين المدعومين من إيران يستخدمون المقرات الحكومية "عسكرياً لإطلاق عمليات عدائية"، مضيفاً أنه "استجابة للتهديد سيجري تدمير موقع مرتبط باستهداف المدنيين ومطار أبها الدولي الأخير".  ويشهد اليمن منذ نحو 7 سنوات حرباً مستمرة بين القوات الموالية للحكومة المدعومة بتحالف عسكري عربي تقوده الجارة السعودية، والحوثيين المدعومين من إيران المسيطرين على عدة محافظات بينها العاصمة صنعاء، منذ سبتمبر/أيلول 2014.  وأودت الحرب حتى نهاية 2021 بحياة 377 ألفاً وكبدت اقتصاد اليمن خسائر 126 مليار دولار، وبات معظم السكان البالغ عددهم نحو 30 مليون نسمة يعتمدون على المساعدات، في إحدى أسوأ الأزمات الإنسانية بالعالم وفق الأمم المتحدة.     Yemen coalition forces target a satellite station, killing civilians in Houthi shelling  The Yemeni army announced the killing of two civilians by Houthi missile strikes in Hajjah Governorate, while the Saudi-led coalition forces destroyed a communications system used to control drones in the capital, Sanaa.  The Yemeni army announced on Monday that two civilians were killed by Houthi missile strikes in the western province of Hajjah, while the Saudi-led coalition forces destroyed a communications system used to control marches in the capital, Sanaa.  The Fifth Military District of the Yemeni army said in a statement, "A Houthi missile fell on a house in the isolation of Bani Fadel in the Hiran District of Hajjah Governorate."  He added, "The incident resulted in the death of civilians and the wounding of two others in the house," without further details, while the Houthi group has not commented on these accusations so far.  In a related context, Saudi TV announced that the coalition forces had destroyed a communications system used to control drones, after asking civilians in state headquarters in Sanaa to evacuate them before the attack.  The bombing targeted a satellite ground station in the vicinity of the Ministry of Communications, north of Sanaa, according to Reuters.  Al-Masirah TV channel, affiliated to the Houthis, announced that the coalition forces targeted the Ministry of Communications and destroyed the building of the Yemeni Company for International Communications, and caused severe damage to the adjacent building.  For its part, the coalition explained that the Iranian-backed Houthis are using government headquarters "militarily to launch hostile operations," adding that "in response to the threat, a site linked to the targeting of civilians and the last Abha International Airport will be destroyed."  Yemen has been witnessing for nearly 7 years a continuous war between the pro-government forces backed by an Arab military alliance led by the neighboring Saudi Arabia, and the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have controlled several governorates, including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.  Until the end of 2021, the war claimed 377,000 lives and cost Yemen's economy $126 billion in losses, and most of the population of about 30 million people depended on aid, in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to the United Nations.

Yemen coalition forces target a satellite station, killing civilians in Houthi shelling

The Yemeni army announced the killing of two civilians by Houthi missile strikes in Hajjah Governorate, while the Saudi-led coalition forces destroyed a communications system used to control drones in the capital, Sanaa.

The Yemeni army announced on Monday that two civilians were killed by Houthi missile strikes in the western province of Hajjah, while the Saudi-led coalition forces destroyed a communications system used to control marches in the capital, Sanaa.

The Fifth Military District of the Yemeni army said in a statement, "A Houthi missile fell on a house in the isolation of Bani Fadel in the Hiran District of Hajjah Governorate."

He added, "The incident resulted in the death of civilians and the wounding of two others in the house," without further details, while the Houthi group has not commented on these accusations so far.

In a related context, Saudi TV announced that the coalition forces had destroyed a communications system used to control drones, after asking civilians in state headquarters in Sanaa to evacuate them before the attack.

The bombing targeted a satellite ground station in the vicinity of the Ministry of Communications, north of Sanaa, according to Reuters.

Al-Masirah TV channel, affiliated to the Houthis, announced that the coalition forces targeted the Ministry of Communications and destroyed the building of the Yemeni Company for International Communications, and caused severe damage to the adjacent building.

For its part, the coalition explained that the Iranian-backed Houthis are using government headquarters "militarily to launch hostile operations," adding that "in response to the threat, a site linked to the targeting of civilians and the last Abha International Airport will be destroyed."

Yemen has been witnessing for nearly 7 years a continuous war between the pro-government forces backed by an Arab military alliance led by the neighboring Saudi Arabia, and the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have controlled several governorates, including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.

Until the end of 2021, the war claimed 377,000 lives and cost Yemen's economy $126 billion in losses, and most of the population of about 30 million people depended on aid, in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, according to the United Nations.

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