The occupation arrests three young men from Bethlehem

The occupation arrests three young men from Bethlehem   Bethlehem WAFA the Israeli occupation forces arrested three young men from Bethlehem Governorate .  Security sources told Wafa that the occupation forces arrested Muhammad Ayman Taqatqa (20 years), and Mutassim Asaad Taqatqa (20 years), from the town of Beit Fajjar, after they raided and searched their families' homes.  The same sources added that, last night, the occupation forces arrested Mahmoud Ahmed Hamamra (24 years), from the village of Husan, while he was near the "Betar Illit" settlement, which is built on Palestinian lands.

The occupation arrests three young men from Bethlehem 

Bethlehem WAFA the Israeli occupation forces arrested three young men from Bethlehem Governorate .

Security sources told Wafa that the occupation forces arrested Muhammad Ayman Taqatqa (20 years), and Mutassim Asaad Taqatqa (20 years), from the town of Beit Fajjar, after they raided and searched their families' homes.

The same sources added that, last night, the occupation forces arrested Mahmoud Ahmed Hamamra (24 years), from the village of Husan, while he was near the "Betar Illit" settlement, which is built on Palestinian lands.

إصابات جراء قمع الاحتلال وقفة ضد انتهاكات المستوطنين على مدخل اللبن الشرقية  نابلس 27-2-2022 وفا- أصيب، اليوم الأحد، أربعة مواطنين برضوض، والعشرات بحالات اختناق، جراء قمع قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وقفة احتجاجية ضد انتهاكات المستوطنين وإعاقة وصول الطلبة إلى مدارسهم، على مدخل بلدة اللبن الشرقية جنوب نابلس.  وقال رئيس مجلس قروي اللبن الشرقية يعقوب عويس، إن قوات الاحتلال قمعت المشاركين في الوقفة، التي شارك فيها رئيس هيئة مقاومة الجدار والاستيطان مؤيد شعبان، ومدير التربية والتعليم جنوب نابلس نصر أبو كرش، وعدد من الفعاليات الوطنية الرسمية والشعبية في المحافظة، الأمر الذي أدى الى إصابته وثلاثة آخرين برضوض، جراء استهدافهم بقنابل الصوت بشكل مباشر، إضافة إلى العشرات بحالات اختناق.  يذكر أن الاحتلال يعيق وصول الطلبة الى مدرسة اللبن- الساوية المختلطة، التي تقع على الطريق الرئيسي الواصل بين رام الله ونابلس، فيما يقتحم المستوطنون مدخل اللبن الشرقية، ويؤدون طقوسا تلمودية في المنطقة، ويعتدون على الأهالي والطلبة.    Injuries due to the repression of the occupation A stand against the settlers’ violations at the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya  Nablus, WAFA - Four civilians were injured today, Sunday, and dozens of others suffocated, as a result of the Israeli occupation forces suppressing a protest against settlers' violations and obstructing students' access to their schools, at the entrance to the town of al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus.  The head of the Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya Village Council, Jacob Owais, said that the occupation forces suppressed the participants in the sit-in, in which the head of the Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlement, Muayyad Shaaban, the Director of Education south of Nablus, Nasr Abu Karsh, and a number of official and popular national events in the governorate participated, which led to He and three others sustained bruises, as a result of being directly targeted with sound bombs, in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation.  It is noteworthy that the occupation obstructs the students' access to the Al-Lubban-Al-Sawiya mixed school, which is located on the main road between Ramallah and Nablus, while settlers storm the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, perform Talmudic rituals in the area, and attack the parents and students.

Injuries due to the repression of the occupation A stand against the settlers’ violations at the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya

Nablus, WAFA - Four civilians were injured today, Sunday, and dozens of others suffocated, as a result of the Israeli occupation forces suppressing a protest against settlers' violations and obstructing students' access to their schools, at the entrance to the town of al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus.

The head of the Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya Village Council, Jacob Owais, said that the occupation forces suppressed the participants in the sit-in, in which the head of the Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlement, Muayyad Shaaban, the Director of Education south of Nablus, Nasr Abu Karsh, and a number of official and popular national events in the governorate participated, which led to He and three others sustained bruises, as a result of being directly targeted with sound bombs, in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation.

It is noteworthy that the occupation obstructs the students' access to the Al-Lubban-Al-Sawiya mixed school, which is located on the main road between Ramallah and Nablus, while settlers storm the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, perform Talmudic rituals in the area, and attack the parents and students.

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