The investigation team found more than 100 people who leaked the "marriage certificate"

调查组查锁链女“结婚证”泄密者 逾百人被传唤“重兵”驻守董集村  江苏省政府上周四成立联合调查组,声称要彻查丰县锁链女案。调查组成立次日,各地活跃人士被警察追查锁链女杨某侠的结婚证照片如何外泄,江苏及安徽至少有一百多人因此被传唤。上周末,董集村已由丰县武装部隊人员驻防,阻挠媒体和民间调查。  江苏省官方于上周四(17日)成立调查组,声称将对“丰县生育八孩女子”事件,彻底查明事实真相。连日来,网民发现当局首先调查的不是所谓的事实真相,而是铁链女的结婚证和照片如何外泄。据知情人士对本台披露,仅江苏、安徽两地已有一百多人被公安传唤,询问杨某侠(官称小花梅)结婚证的来源。另一位匿名网民称,调查组成立后,“第一件事是调查谁泄露了结婚证,总计有5个人被询问,包括我。”  逾百人被传唤两会“维稳”成当务之急 江苏时事评论人姜子阳周一接受本台采访时说,全国政协及人大会议即将在北京举行,当局所采取的行动都是“维稳”需要。对于丰县人民武装部在董集村内外阻挠民间人士前往调查,他说 “现在他们(政府)不会顾及那么多事情了。因为出于维稳的需要,在很大程度上他都会动用军队了,县人民武装部(1996年归属军方)接管,他实际是军队接管。人们原来对省一级的调查组还抱有期望,现在看来不可能有任何期望。”  姜子阳说,当局现在对网络信息的封锁更加严密:“任何的消息现在很难发出来了,像我们前段时间写了那么多文章,现在想发的话,一个字都发不出来,非常可怕。”  目前,董集村已被警察和丰县人民武装部人员封锁。关注锁链女案的网民“骄傲女孩”披露,因董志民、杨庆侠结婚证泄露而约谈了数十人,并警告随时准备接受下一次聆讯。当局在欢口镇董集村周边,通过步态识别、人脸识别等技术手段,对进出该镇的人进行排查分析。  一位江苏警官向网民披露,徐州官方要求丰县政府全面控制锁链女的相关信息,而徐州已经从其他地区借调大批警力,并封锁进入丰县的道路。本台记者本周一致电丰县公安局,但电话始终传出“忙音”,无人接听。  徐州市公安局办公室:叫记者留意官方发布  记者转向徐州市公安局办公室查询有关调查八孩母亲案件的进展情况,接听电话的一名女性官员要记者留意新浪微博官方账号“徐州发布”。她说:“网上都有(信息),你可以看一下‘徐州发布’,你常去看看就可以了。”  记者:最近还会发布吗?  回答:那还不清楚。你关注(徐州发布)就行了,好吧。  锁链女案须以官方发布为准网文被指“造谣”  一位不愿具名的媒体人对本台说,有关锁链女的信息,须以官方发布为准,网络消息均被指是谣言,发布非官方消息可能会被拘留。网民“姜立军”发帖,各地活跃人士已经接到警察电话,删除有关铁链女的所有贴文图片视频,退出声援签名联署,否则后果自负。  江苏调查组官员有徐州前公安局长  “骄傲女孩”上周六(19日)在境外社交平台推特发文,披露江苏省政府调查组组长为中共江苏省委副秘书长、省纪委副书记尹卫东;成员包括该省公安厅副厅长陈辉,而此人早在2015至2017年间出任徐州市公安局局长。  江苏扬州居民凌先生对本台说,在人类社会文明进入21世纪的今天,徐州被揭发惨无人道,挑战人类道德底线的性奴案,令人震惊和愤怒。他说:  “铁链女案再一次向全世界展示了中国恶劣的人权状况。徐州铁链女案绝非个案,人口贩卖,儿童被人为弄残,沿街乞讨等时常被揭露,而徐州官方的通报前后矛盾、漏洞百出。江苏省现在成立调查组,民众对政府的公信力已经彻底失去信心。”  多数网民认为,作为徐州前公安局长的陈辉,不可能不知当地发生拐卖妇女儿童的情况,如今叫其调查锁链女案,无异于让官员自查是否有失职。  记者乔龙 责编 溫晓平 许书婷    The investigation team found more than 100 people who leaked the "marriage certificate" of the female chain were summoned to "heavy soldiers" to be stationed in Dongji Village  The Jiangsu provincial government set up a joint investigation team last Thursday, claiming to thoroughly investigate the chain girl case in Feng County. The day after the investigation team was established, activists from all over the country were investigated by the police for how the photos of the marriage certificate of the chain girl Yang Mouxia were leaked. At least 100 people in Jiangsu and Anhui were summoned for this. Last weekend, Dongji Village was garrisoned by members of the Fengxian Armed Forces to obstruct media and private investigations.  The Jiangsu provincial government set up an investigation team last Thursday (17th), claiming that it will thoroughly find out the truth about the incident of "Feng County gave birth to eight children." In the past few days, netizens have discovered that the first thing the authorities investigate is not the so-called truth, but how the marriage certificate and photos of the Chain Girl were leaked. According to people familiar with the matter, more than 100 people in Jiangsu and Anhui alone have been summoned by the police to ask Yang Mouxia (officially known as Xiaohuamei) the source of his marriage certificate. Another anonymous netizen said that after the establishment of the investigation team, "the first thing is to investigate who leaked the marriage certificate. A total of 5 people were questioned, including me."  More than 100 people have been summoned to "maintain stability" at the Two Sessions as a top priority  Jiang Ziyang, a commentator on Jiangsu current affairs, said in an interview with this station on Monday that the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress will be held in Beijing, and the actions taken by the authorities are necessary for "maintaining stability". Regarding the Fengxian People's Armed Forces Department's obstruction of civilians to investigate inside and outside Dongji Village, he said:  "Now they (the government) don't care about so many things. Because for the sake of maintaining stability, he will use the army to a large extent, and the County People's Armed Forces (which belonged to the military in 1996) took over, and he actually took over the army. "People had expectations for a provincial investigation team, and now it seems impossible to have any expectations."  Jiang Ziyang said that the authorities are now more strictly blocking information on the Internet: "It is very difficult to send any information now. Like we wrote so many articles some time ago, if we want to send it now, we can't send a word, which is very scary."  At present, Dongji Village has been blocked by the police and the Fengxian People's Armed Forces Department. Netizen "Proud Girl", who is concerned about the chain girl case, disclosed that she had interviewed dozens of people because of the leak of the marriage certificates of Dong Zhimin and Yang Qingxia, and warned that she was ready to accept the next hearing at any time. In the vicinity of Dongji Village, Huankou Town, the authorities used gait recognition, face recognition and other technical means to investigate and analyze people entering and leaving the town.  A Jiangsu police officer disclosed to netizens that Xuzhou officials asked the Fengxian government to fully control the information related to the chain girl, and Xuzhou had already seconded a large number of police forces from other regions and blocked the road into Fengxian. Our reporters called Fengxian County Public Security Bureau this week, but the call always came out with a "busy tone" and no one answered.  Xuzhou Public Security Bureau Office: Tell reporters to pay attention to the official announcement The reporter turned to the Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau to inquire about the progress of the investigation into the case of the eight-child mother. A female official who answered the phone asked the reporter to pay attention to the official Sina Weibo account "Xuzhou Release". She said: "There is (information) on the Internet. You can look at the 'Xuzhou Release'. You can check it out often."  Reporter: Will it be released soon?  Answer: That is not clear. You just follow (Xuzhou release), okay.  The chain girl case must be subject to the official release. The online article is accused of "rumoring"  A media person who did not want to be named told this station that the information about the chain girl must be released by the official website. All online news is accused of rumors, and publishing unofficial news may lead to detention. The netizen "Jiang Lijun" posted a post, and activists from all over the country have received calls from the police to delete all posts, pictures and videos about the Chain Girl, and withdraw from the solidarity signature. Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk.  Jiangsu investigation team officials include the former Xuzhou public security chief  "Proud Girl" posted on Twitter on the overseas social platform last Saturday (19th), revealing that the leader of the Jiangsu Provincial Government's investigation team is Yin Weidong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection; members include the Deputy Department of the Provincial Public Security Department Chen Hui, director of the Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau from 2015 to 2017.  Mr. Ling, a resident of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, told this station that today, when human society and civilization entered the 21st century, Xuzhou was exposed as a brutal and inhumane sex slave case that challenged the bottom line of human morality. It is shocking and outrageous. He said:  "The Chain Girl case once again shows the world the terrible human rights situation in China. The Xuzhou Chain Girl case is by no means an isolated case. Human trafficking, children being maimed, and begging on the streets are often exposed, and Xuzhou's official reports are inconsistent. , full of loopholes. Jiangsu Province has now established an investigation team, and the public has completely lost confidence in the government's credibility."  Most netizens believe that Chen Hui, the former chief of public security in Xuzhou, could not have been unaware of the local abduction and trafficking of women and children. Now calling him to investigate the chain girl case is tantamount to asking officials to check themselves for negligence.  Reporter Qiao Long is responsible for editing Wen Xiaoping and Xu Shuting

The investigation team found more than 100 people who leaked the "marriage certificate" of the female chain were summoned to "heavy soldiers" to be stationed in Dongji Village

The Jiangsu provincial government set up a joint investigation team last Thursday, claiming to thoroughly investigate the chain girl case in Feng County. The day after the investigation team was established, activists from all over the country were investigated by the police for how the photos of the marriage certificate of the chain girl Yang Mouxia were leaked. At least 100 people in Jiangsu and Anhui were summoned for this. Last weekend, Dongji Village was garrisoned by members of the Fengxian Armed Forces to obstruct media and private investigations.

The Jiangsu provincial government set up an investigation team last Thursday (17th), claiming that it will thoroughly find out the truth about the incident of "Feng County gave birth to eight children." In the past few days, netizens have discovered that the first thing the authorities investigate is not the so-called truth, but how the marriage certificate and photos of the Chain Girl were leaked. According to people familiar with the matter, more than 100 people in Jiangsu and Anhui alone have been summoned by the police to ask Yang Mouxia (officially known as Xiaohuamei) the source of his marriage certificate. Another anonymous netizen said that after the establishment of the investigation team, "the first thing is to investigate who leaked the marriage certificate. A total of 5 people were questioned, including me."

More than 100 people have been summoned to "maintain stability" at the Two Sessions as a top priority

Jiang Ziyang, a commentator on Jiangsu current affairs, said in an interview with this station on Monday that the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress will be held in Beijing, and the actions taken by the authorities are necessary for "maintaining stability". Regarding the Fengxian People's Armed Forces Department's obstruction of civilians to investigate inside and outside Dongji Village, he said:

"Now they (the government) don't care about so many things. Because for the sake of maintaining stability, he will use the army to a large extent, and the County People's Armed Forces (which belonged to the military in 1996) took over, and he actually took over the army. "People had expectations for a provincial investigation team, and now it seems impossible to have any expectations."

Jiang Ziyang said that the authorities are now more strictly blocking information on the Internet: "It is very difficult to send any information now. Like we wrote so many articles some time ago, if we want to send it now, we can't send a word, which is very scary."

At present, Dongji Village has been blocked by the police and the Fengxian People's Armed Forces Department. Netizen "Proud Girl", who is concerned about the chain girl case, disclosed that she had interviewed dozens of people because of the leak of the marriage certificates of Dong Zhimin and Yang Qingxia, and warned that she was ready to accept the next hearing at any time. In the vicinity of Dongji Village, Huankou Town, the authorities used gait recognition, face recognition and other technical means to investigate and analyze people entering and leaving the town.

A Jiangsu police officer disclosed to netizens that Xuzhou officials asked the Fengxian government to fully control the information related to the chain girl, and Xuzhou had already seconded a large number of police forces from other regions and blocked the road into Fengxian. Our reporters called Fengxian County Public Security Bureau this week, but the call always came out with a "busy tone" and no one answered.

Xuzhou Public Security Bureau Office: Tell reporters to pay attention to the official announcement
The reporter turned to the Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau to inquire about the progress of the investigation into the case of the eight-child mother. A female official who answered the phone asked the reporter to pay attention to the official Sina Weibo account "Xuzhou Release". She said: "There is (information) on the Internet. You can look at the 'Xuzhou Release'. You can check it out often."

Reporter: Will it be released soon?

Answer: That is not clear. You just follow (Xuzhou release), okay.

The chain girl case must be subject to the official release. The online article is accused of "rumoring"

A media person who did not want to be named told this station that the information about the chain girl must be released by the official website. All online news is accused of rumors, and publishing unofficial news may lead to detention. The netizen "Jiang Lijun" posted a post, and activists from all over the country have received calls from the police to delete all posts, pictures and videos about the Chain Girl, and withdraw from the solidarity signature. Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk.

Jiangsu investigation team officials include the former Xuzhou public security chief

"Proud Girl" posted on Twitter on the overseas social platform last Saturday (19th), revealing that the leader of the Jiangsu Provincial Government's investigation team is Yin Weidong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection; members include the Deputy Department of the Provincial Public Security Department Chen Hui, director of the Xuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau from 2015 to 2017.

Mr. Ling, a resident of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, told this station that today, when human society and civilization entered the 21st century, Xuzhou was exposed as a brutal and inhumane sex slave case that challenged the bottom line of human morality. It is shocking and outrageous. He said:

"The Chain Girl case once again shows the world the terrible human rights situation in China. The Xuzhou Chain Girl case is by no means an isolated case. Human trafficking, children being maimed, and begging on the streets are often exposed, and Xuzhou's official reports are inconsistent. , full of loopholes. Jiangsu Province has now established an investigation team, and the public has completely lost confidence in the government's credibility."

Most netizens believe that Chen Hui, the former chief of public security in Xuzhou, could not have been unaware of the local abduction and trafficking of women and children. Now calling him to investigate the chain girl case is tantamount to asking officials to check themselves for negligence.

Reporter Qiao Long is responsible for editing Wen Xiaoping and Xu Shuting

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