The first step Putin orders the Russian army to maintain peace in "Lugansk and Donetsk"

أول خطوة.. بوتين يأمر الجيش الروسي بحفظ السلام في "لوغانتسك ودونيتسك" أمر الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الاثنين الجيش بـ"حفظ السلام" في المنطقتين الانفصاليتين المواليتين لموسكو في شرق أوكرانيا اللتيْن اعترف لتوّه باستقلالهما، ووقع بوتين مرسوميْن بشأن الاعتراف باستقلال دونيتسك ولوغانسك الانفصاليتيْن في أوكرانيا.  أمر الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الاثنين الجيش بـ"حفظ السلام" في المنطقتين الانفصاليتين المواليتين لموسكو في شرق أوكرانيا اللتين اعترف لتوّه باستقلالهما.  وبموجب مرسوميْن وقعهما الرئيس الروسي "تتولّى القوات المسلحة الروسية مهمة حفظ السلام على أراضي دونيتسك ولوغانسك".  وفي وقت سابق، وصف الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين شرق أوكرانيا بأنه أرض روسية قديمة، وقال إن "أوكرانيا العصرية شكّلتها روسيا بعد ثورة عام 1917".  وأضاف بوتين في كلمة للشعب أن "أوكرانيا جزء لا يتجزأ من تاريخ روسيا، وأن ستالين هو الذي حررها ومنحها بعض الأراضي لتشكيل دولتها الحالية".  واتهم بوتين أجهزة مخابرات غربية بمساعدة أوكرانيا على ارتكاب جرائم، وقال إنها "تقع تحت السيطرة الأمريكية وأصبحت دولة غير مستقلة، وإن قوى خارجية تديرها وهذا يؤثر على جميع مستويات السلطة فيها".   وبشأن المنطقتين الانفصاليتين شرقي أوكرانيا، قال الرئيس الروسي إن "منطقة دونباس سُحبت من سيادة روسيا إلى السيادة الأوكرانية، وإن موسكو ستعترف باستقلال منطقتي دونيستك ولوغانسك".  ووقّع بوتين مرسوميْن بشأن الاعتراف باستقلال جمهوريتي دونيتسك ولوغانسك الانفصاليتين في أوكرانيا.   وأكد أن "من حق روسيا اتخاذ إجراءات انتقامية ولن نتخلى عن سيادتنا وقيمنا الوطنية، وأن قرار الاعتراف باستقلال منطقتي دونيستك ولوغانسك يجب أن يتخذ على الفور".  ودعا بوتين أوكرانيا إلى "الوقف الفوري للأعمال العدائية في منطقة دونباس، وإلا ستقع المسؤولية على عاتق قيادتها".  وفيما يتعلّق بالانضمام إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي، قال بوتين إن "انضمام أوكرانيا للحلف تهديد مباشر لأمن روسيا"، مؤكداً أن موسكو أخذت وعوداً بعدم توسيع الناتو.  وأضاف: "لقد شهدنا خمس موجات توسع للناتو في الآونة الأخيرة"، مشيراً إلى أن حلف الناتو يسعى للتوسع شرقاً وضم أوكرانيا وجورجيا.   وتصاعدت التوترات بشكل كبير في شرق أوكرانيا، إذ تشير تقارير إلى عدد متزايد من انتهاكات وقف إطلاق النار ، وحوادث قصف متعددة، وإجلاء المدنيين من المناطق الانفصالية الموالية لروسيا في دونيتسك ولوغانسك.  وفقًا للأمم المتحدة، قُتل أكثر من 13 ألف شخص في اشتباكات بين الانفصاليين الموالين لروسيا وحكومة كييف منذ عام 2014 في دونباس بشرق أوكرانيا.  ومؤخراً، تصاعد التوتر في منطقة دونباس، فيما وجهت الدول الغربية اتهامات إلى روسيا بشأن حشد قواتها قرب الحدود الأوكرانية، وهددت واشنطن بفرض عقوبات على موسكو في حال شنت هجوماً على كييف.  وتنفي روسيا استعدادها لغزو أوكرانيا، واتهمت الدول الغربية بتقويض أمنها من خلال توسع الناتو نحو حدودها.   The first step Putin orders the Russian army to maintain peace in "Lugansk and Donetsk"  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the military to "keep peace" in the two pro-Moscow separatist regions in eastern Ukraine that he just recognized, and Putin signed decrees recognizing the independence of Ukraine's breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk.  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the military to "keep peace" in the two pro-Moscow breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine that he has just recognized as independent.  According to two decrees signed by the Russian President, "the Russian Armed Forces shall undertake the peacekeeping mission on the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk."  Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin described eastern Ukraine as an ancient Russian land, and said that "modern Ukraine was formed by Russia after the revolution of 1917."  "Ukraine is an integral part of Russia's history, and it was Stalin who liberated it and gave it some land to form its current state," Putin added in a speech to the people.  Putin accused Western intelligence services of helping Ukraine commit crimes, and said that "it is under American control and has become an independent country, and it is run by external forces, and this affects all levels of power in it."  Regarding the two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, the Russian president said that "the Donbass region has been withdrawn from the sovereignty of Russia to the sovereignty of Ukraine, and that Moscow will recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions."  Putin signed two decrees recognizing the independence of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine. He stressed that "Russia has the right to take retaliatory measures and we will not give up our sovereignty and national values, and that the decision to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions must be taken immediately."  Putin called on Ukraine to "immediately stop hostilities in the Donbass region, otherwise the responsibility will fall on its leadership."  With regard to joining NATO, Putin said that "Ukraine's accession to the alliance is a direct threat to Russia's security," stressing that Moscow had made promises not to expand NATO.  He added, "We have witnessed five waves of NATO expansion recently," noting that NATO is seeking to expand to the east and include Ukraine and Georgia.  Tensions have dramatically escalated in eastern Ukraine, with reports indicating an increasing number of ceasefire violations, multiple bombing incidents, and the evacuation of civilians from pro-Russian separatist areas of Donetsk and Luhansk.  According to the United Nations, more than 13,000 people have been killed in clashes between pro-Russian separatists and the Kiev government since 2014 in Donbass, eastern Ukraine.  Recently, tension has escalated in the Donbass region, while Western countries have accused Russia of mobilizing its forces near the Ukrainian border, and Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Moscow in the event of an attack on Kiev.  Russia denies it is ready to invade Ukraine, and has accused Western countries of undermining its security through NATO's expansion towards its borders.

The first step Putin orders the Russian army to maintain peace in "Lugansk and Donetsk"

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the military to "keep peace" in the two pro-Moscow separatist regions in eastern Ukraine that he just recognized, and Putin signed decrees recognizing the independence of Ukraine's breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the military to "keep peace" in the two pro-Moscow breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine that he has just recognized as independent.

According to two decrees signed by the Russian President, "the Russian Armed Forces shall undertake the peacekeeping mission on the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk."

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin described eastern Ukraine as an ancient Russian land, and said that "modern Ukraine was formed by Russia after the revolution of 1917."

"Ukraine is an integral part of Russia's history, and it was Stalin who liberated it and gave it some land to form its current state," Putin added in a speech to the people.

Putin accused Western intelligence services of helping Ukraine commit crimes, and said that "it is under American control and has become an independent country, and it is run by external forces, and this affects all levels of power in it."

Regarding the two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, the Russian president said that "the Donbass region has been withdrawn from the sovereignty of Russia to the sovereignty of Ukraine, and that Moscow will recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions."

Putin signed two decrees recognizing the independence of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine.
He stressed that "Russia has the right to take retaliatory measures and we will not give up our sovereignty and national values, and that the decision to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions must be taken immediately."

Putin called on Ukraine to "immediately stop hostilities in the Donbass region, otherwise the responsibility will fall on its leadership."

With regard to joining NATO, Putin said that "Ukraine's accession to the alliance is a direct threat to Russia's security," stressing that Moscow had made promises not to expand NATO.

He added, "We have witnessed five waves of NATO expansion recently," noting that NATO is seeking to expand to the east and include Ukraine and Georgia.

Tensions have dramatically escalated in eastern Ukraine, with reports indicating an increasing number of ceasefire violations, multiple bombing incidents, and the evacuation of civilians from pro-Russian separatist areas of Donetsk and Luhansk.

According to the United Nations, more than 13,000 people have been killed in clashes between pro-Russian separatists and the Kiev government since 2014 in Donbass, eastern Ukraine.

Recently, tension has escalated in the Donbass region, while Western countries have accused Russia of mobilizing its forces near the Ukrainian border, and Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Moscow in the event of an attack on Kiev.

Russia denies it is ready to invade Ukraine, and has accused Western countries of undermining its security through NATO's expansion towards its borders.

نصب واحتيال وتبييض أموال.. كيف يسهّل بنك كريديت سويس نهب العالم الثالث؟ كشفت تسريبات جديدة لبيانات 30 ألف عميل للبنك السويسري "كريديت سويس" عن فضائح فساد ماليّ هائلة، إذ إن البنك الشهير لا يتوانى عن عرض خدماته للمتهربين من الضرائب ومبيّضي الأموال، كما يوفّر نظاماً للسياسيين الفاسدين من أجل نهب دولهم الفقيرة.  فضيحة مالية جديدة تلك لتي كشفها ملفّ "أسرار سويسرا" الذي همَّ البحث في بيانات 30 ألف عميل مسرَّبة من بنك "كريديت سويس"، ثاني أكبر بنك في البلاد، إذ أظهرت تلك البيانات التساهل الكبير للبنك في مراجعة حسابات عملائه، وتمكين مجموعة من القتلة وتجار المخدرات ومبيّضي الأموال والسياسيين الفاسدين من خدماته.  بيانات دأب على البحث فيها وتحليلها فريق من 160 صحفياً و48 مؤسسة إعلامية، على رأسها صحيفتا نيويورك التايمز الأمريكية والغارديان البريطانية. ذلك بعد أن تحصَّلت عليها أول الأمر صحيفة "زود دويتشه تسايتونغ" الألمانية التي قالت إنها "تلقّت البيانات من مصدر مجهول على صندوق بريد رقمي آمن منذ أكثر من عام"، وأشارت إلى أنه "من غير الواضح ما إذا كان المصدر فرداً أو جماعة". كما أكدت أنها "لم تدفع أي مبالغ مالية من أجل الحصول عليها".  وتكشف هذه البيانات المسرَّبة أن البنك منذ مطلع أربعينيات القرن الماضي حتى نهاية 2010 "استقبل أموالاً مرتبطة بالجريمة والفساد" بقيمة 100 مليار دولار. كما تكشف أن معظم أصحاب تلك البيانات قادمون من دول نامية، فيما لا يشكّل الأوروبيون منهم سوى نسبة 1%. ومن بين هؤلاء العملاء وجوه سياسية عربية بارزة، هرَّبت أموالها إلى هناك إبان فترة الربيع العربي، وبالتالي يواجه البنك اتهامات بتمكين هؤلاء من وسيلة لنهب بلدانهم، والهروب من المحاسبة.  فضيحة "كريديت سويس"  يهدف مشروع "أسرار سويسرا" إلى تسليط الضوء على أحد أكبر المراكز المالية في العالم، الذي اعتاد العمل في الظلّ، بكشفه الطرق التي يتعامل بها مع زبنائه من المجرمين وغاسلي الأموال، الذين تمكنوا من فتح حسابات مصرفية أو إبقائها مفتوحة لسنوات بعد انكشاف جرائمهم، بما يؤشر على تواطؤ البنك السويسري في ذلك. كما يهدف إلى كشف كيف ساعدت قوانين السرية المصرفية الشهيرة في سويسرا على تسهيل نهب البلدان في العالم النامي.  الأمر يتعلق بـ"كريديت سويس"، ثاني أضخم مؤسسة بنكية في المنظومة المالية السويسرية، الذي يدير ما مقداره 1.74 ترليون دولار من الأصول المالية، إذ تكشف البيانات البنكية المسربة منه أنه استقبل لعقود أموال فساد تُقدَّر بـ100 مليار دولار. هؤلاء العملاء الذين وكل إليهم نحو 3500 من مديري العلاقات منتشرين حول العالم، فيما أبرز الدول التي اندرج عملاؤها في هذه البيانات هي: مصر وفنيزويلا بأزيد من 2000 عميل، وتايلاند وأوكرانيا بأزيد من ألف.  ومن هؤلاء العملاء رودوليوب رادولوفيتش، محتال صربي وبارون مخدرات أدانته محكمة بلغراد في الاتجار بالكوكايين، امتلك حسابين في البنك السويسري، الأول يعود إلى سنة 2005، بعد سنة من محكامته المفوضية الأمريكية للأمن المالي والمبادلات له بتهمة الاحتيال، وواحد منهما كان يحتوي على مبلغ قدره 3.71 مليون دولار. ويقضي رادولوفيتش عقوبة السجن لـ10 سنوات في قضية اتجار بالمخدرات.  عميل آخر هو إدوار سيديل، الموظف الألماني بعملاق الصناعات الإلكترونية "سييمانس"، المحكوم عليه في قضايا تقديم رشوة لمسؤولين نيجيريين فاسدين لقاء أعمال الشركة هناك. وإلى حدود 2010 تركت "كريديت سويس" حساب الموظف الألماني مفتوحاً إلى حدود العقد الأخير، الذي كان يحوي مبلغاً يفوق 62 مليون دولار.  حسب صحيفة الغارديان، فإن تسريباً لتقرير داخلي سنة 2017، كشف كيف يتعامل البنك السويسري مع عملائه، إذ قال التقرير إن العملاء سيواجهون تدقيقاً مكثفاً، وسيتم تصنيفهم كشخص مكشوف سياسيًّا من بلد شديد الخطورة، أو شخص متورط في نشاط شديد الخطورة مثل المقامرة أو تجارة الأسلحة أو الخدمات المالية أو التعدين. هذه المعطيات التي تُظهِر أن إدارة "كريديت سويس" كانت على معرفة بهُويَّة مَن كانت تتعامل معهم، وبالتالي فهذا مؤشّر إلى تواطئها في تلك الأعمال الإجرامية.  وسائل لنهب الدول.. منها العربية!  وحسب الغارديان، فإن واحدة أكثر الفضائح التي كشفتها بيانات "كريديت سويس" تتعلق بالدكتاتور الفلبيني الفاسد فرديناند ماركوس وزوجته إيميلدا، إذ تشير التقديرات إلى أن الزوجين سرقا ما يصل إلى 10 مليارات دولار من الفلبين خلال الفترات الثلاث التي كان فرديناند رئيساً للبلاد، والتي انتهت في عام 1986. وسمح لهم البنك سنة 1995 بفتح حسابات عليه بأسماء وهمية، كما تكشف البيانات حساباً باسم محامٍ أُدينَ في مساعدة الزوجين بغسل أموالهما تلك.  كذلك حملت تلك البيانات اسم بافلو لازارينكو، رئيس الوزراء الأوكراني السابق ما بين 1997 و1998، أي على مدى سنة واحدة كانت كافية له لنهب 200 مليون دولار من الحكومة الأوكرانية، من خلال التهديد بإلحاق الضرر بالأعمال التجارية ما لم يدفعوا له إتاوة 50% من أرباحهم.  بالنسبة إلى الدول العربية، ظهر اسم العاهل الأردني الملك عبد الله الثاني كواحد من ملاك الحسابات في "كريديت سويس"، إضافةً إلى نجلَي الرئيس المصري المخلوع حسني مبارك، إذ امتدّت علاقة الأخوين بالبنك إلى عقود منذ افتتاح أول حساب لهما سنة 1993، وامتلكا ستة حسابات مختلفة طوال تلك الفترة، وبلغ رصيدهما 253 مليون دولار سنة واحدة فقط قبل الثورة التي أطاحت بعائلتهما عن عرش مصر.  كذلك ظهر اسم وزير الدفاع الجزائري خالد نزار، أحد الوجوه البارزة خلال فترة العشرية السوداء التي عرفتها البلاد، المتهَم بارتكاب انتهاكات جسيمة في حقوق الإنسان ونهب مقدرات الشعب الجزائري.  فيما دافع البنك السويسري عن نفسه مقللاً أهمية ما كشفته البيانات بالقول إن "الأمور المعروضة في أغلبها تاريخية، وتعود في بعض الحالات إلى أربعينيات القرن الماضي، وتستند إلى معلومات جزئية أو غير دقيقة أو انتقائية مقتطعة من سياقها"، متهِماً الصحفيين بـ"تضافر الجهود لتشويه سمعة البنك والسوق المالية السويسرية، التي شهدت تغيرات كبيرة على مدى السنوات العديدة الماضية".  ويُجمِع فريق عمل "أسرار سويسرا" على أن قوانين السرية المرتبطة بالنظام المالي السويسري تمكن الفاسدين والمجرمين في العالم من الإفلات من المتابعة، كما تقدم وسائل سهلة للسياسيين في الدول النامية من أجل نهب مقدرات بلدانهم في انتهاك لحق تلك الشعوب في المعلومة.      Fraud and money laundering How does Credit Suisse facilitate the plundering of the Third World? New leaks of the data of 30,000 customers of the Swiss bank "Credit Suisse" revealed massive financial corruption scandals, as the famous bank does not hesitate to offer its services to tax evaders and money launderers, and also provides a system for corrupt politicians to plunder their poor countries.  This new financial scandal was revealed by the “Switzerland Secrets” file, which concerned the search for the leaked data of 30,000 clients from Credit Suisse, the second largest bank in the country. These data showed the bank’s great leniency in reviewing its clients’ accounts, and empowering a group of killers and merchants. Drugs, money launderers, and corrupt politicians are his services.  Data has been searched and analyzed by a team of 160 journalists and 48 media organizations, led by the New York Times and the British Guardian. This was after the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung first obtained it, which said it had "received the data from an unknown source on a secure digital mailbox more than a year ago," and indicated that "it is not clear whether the source is an individual or a group." She also confirmed that she "did not pay any money to get it."  These leaked data reveal that the bank, from the beginning of the 1940s until the end of 2010, "received funds related to crime and corruption" worth $100 billion. It also reveals that most of the owners of this data come from developing countries, while Europeans constitute only 1% of them. Among these clients are prominent Arab political figures, whose money was smuggled there during the Arab Spring, and therefore the bank is facing accusations of enabling these people to plunder their countries and escape accountability.  Credit Suisse scandal The "Secrets of Switzerland" project aims to shed light on one of the largest financial centers in the world, which used to work in the shadows, by revealing the ways in which it deals with its criminals and money launderers, who were able to open bank accounts or keep them open for years after their crimes were exposed, including Indicates the complicity of the Swiss bank in this. It also aims to reveal how Switzerland's famous bank secrecy laws have helped facilitate the pillaging of countries in the developing world.  It is related to Credit Suisse, the second largest banking institution in the Swiss financial system, which manages an amount of 1.74 trillion dollars in financial assets, as leaked bank statements reveal that it has received corruption funds estimated at 100 billion dollars for decades. These clients who were assigned about 3,500 relationship managers are spread around the world, while the most prominent countries whose clients were included in this data are: Egypt and Venezuela with more than 2,000 clients, and Thailand and Ukraine with more than a thousand.  Among these clients is Rudoljub Radulovic, a Serbian conman and drug baron convicted of cocaine trafficking by the Belgrade Court. He owned two Swiss bank accounts, the first dates back to 2005, a year after he was prosecuted by the US Commission for Financial Security and Exchanges for fraud, and one of them contained an amount of 3.71 Million dollars. Radulovic is serving a 10-year prison sentence for drug trafficking.  Another client is Edouard Seidel, a German employee of electronics giant Siemens, convicted in cases of bribing corrupt Nigerian officials in exchange for the company's business there. Until 2010, Credit Suisse left the German employee's account open until the last decade, which contained an amount of more than $62 million.  According to the Guardian, a leaked internal report in 2017 revealed how the Swiss bank deals with its customers. or financial services or mining. These data show that the Credit Suisse administration was aware of the identity of those with whom it was dealing, and therefore this indicates its complicity in these criminal acts.  Means to loot countries including the Arab! According to the Guardian, one of the most scandals revealed by Credit Suisse data is related to the corrupt Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his wife Imelda, as it is estimated that the couple stole up to $ 10 billion from the Philippines during the three terms Ferdinand was president of the country, which ended in 1986. In 1995, the bank allowed them to open accounts on it in fictitious names, and the data reveal an account in the name of a lawyer who was convicted of helping the couple launder their money.  The data also bore the name of Pavlo Lazarenko, the former Ukrainian prime minister between 1997 and 1998, that is, over a one-year period that was enough for him to loot $200 million from the Ukrainian government, by threatening to harm businesses unless they paid him a 50 percent royalty of their profits.  As for the Arab countries, the name of Jordan's King Abdullah II appeared as one of the owners of accounts in Credit Suisse, in addition to the two sons of ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The two brothers' relationship with the bank stretched for decades since the opening of their first account in 1993, and they owned six accounts They differed throughout that period, and their balance amounted to 253 million dollars just one year before the revolution that toppled their family from the throne of Egypt.  The name of the Algerian Defense Minister Khaled Nizar, one of the prominent faces during the black decade in the country, was accused of committing grave human rights violations and looting the resources of the Algerian people.  While the Swiss bank defended itself, downplaying the importance of what the data revealed by saying that “most of the things presented are historical, and in some cases date back to the 1940s, and are based on partial, inaccurate or selective information taken out of context,” accusing journalists of “concentrating efforts to distort the The bank’s reputation and the Swiss financial market, which has undergone significant changes over the past several years.”  The "Switzerland Secrets" team unanimously agrees that the secrecy laws associated with the Swiss financial system enable the corrupt and criminals in the world to evade follow-up, and provide easy means for politicians in developing countries to plunder the resources of their countries in violation of those peoples' right to information.

Fraud and money laundering How does Credit Suisse facilitate the plundering of the Third World?

New leaks of the data of 30,000 customers of the Swiss bank "Credit Suisse" revealed massive financial corruption scandals, as the famous bank does not hesitate to offer its services to tax evaders and money launderers, and also provides a system for corrupt politicians to plunder their poor countries.

This new financial scandal was revealed by the “Switzerland Secrets” file, which concerned the search for the leaked data of 30,000 clients from Credit Suisse, the second largest bank in the country. These data showed the bank’s great leniency in reviewing its clients’ accounts, and empowering a group of killers and merchants. Drugs, money launderers, and corrupt politicians are his services.

Data has been searched and analyzed by a team of 160 journalists and 48 media organizations, led by the New York Times and the British Guardian. This was after the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung first obtained it, which said it had "received the data from an unknown source on a secure digital mailbox more than a year ago," and indicated that "it is not clear whether the source is an individual or a group." She also confirmed that she "did not pay any money to get it."

These leaked data reveal that the bank, from the beginning of the 1940s until the end of 2010, "received funds related to crime and corruption" worth $100 billion. It also reveals that most of the owners of this data come from developing countries, while Europeans constitute only 1% of them. Among these clients are prominent Arab political figures, whose money was smuggled there during the Arab Spring, and therefore the bank is facing accusations of enabling these people to plunder their countries and escape accountability.

Credit Suisse scandal
The "Secrets of Switzerland" project aims to shed light on one of the largest financial centers in the world, which used to work in the shadows, by revealing the ways in which it deals with its criminals and money launderers, who were able to open bank accounts or keep them open for years after their crimes were exposed, including Indicates the complicity of the Swiss bank in this. It also aims to reveal how Switzerland's famous bank secrecy laws have helped facilitate the pillaging of countries in the developing world.

It is related to Credit Suisse, the second largest banking institution in the Swiss financial system, which manages an amount of 1.74 trillion dollars in financial assets, as leaked bank statements reveal that it has received corruption funds estimated at 100 billion dollars for decades. These clients who were assigned about 3,500 relationship managers are spread around the world, while the most prominent countries whose clients were included in this data are: Egypt and Venezuela with more than 2,000 clients, and Thailand and Ukraine with more than a thousand.

Among these clients is Rudoljub Radulovic, a Serbian conman and drug baron convicted of cocaine trafficking by the Belgrade Court. He owned two Swiss bank accounts, the first dates back to 2005, a year after he was prosecuted by the US Commission for Financial Security and Exchanges for fraud, and one of them contained an amount of 3.71 Million dollars. Radulovic is serving a 10-year prison sentence for drug trafficking.

Another client is Edouard Seidel, a German employee of electronics giant Siemens, convicted in cases of bribing corrupt Nigerian officials in exchange for the company's business there. Until 2010, Credit Suisse left the German employee's account open until the last decade, which contained an amount of more than $62 million.

According to the Guardian, a leaked internal report in 2017 revealed how the Swiss bank deals with its customers. or financial services or mining. These data show that the Credit Suisse administration was aware of the identity of those with whom it was dealing, and therefore this indicates its complicity in these criminal acts.

Means to loot countries including the Arab!
According to the Guardian, one of the most scandals revealed by Credit Suisse data is related to the corrupt Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his wife Imelda, as it is estimated that the couple stole up to $ 10 billion from the Philippines during the three terms Ferdinand was president of the country, which ended in 1986. In 1995, the bank allowed them to open accounts on it in fictitious names, and the data reveal an account in the name of a lawyer who was convicted of helping the couple launder their money.

The data also bore the name of Pavlo Lazarenko, the former Ukrainian prime minister between 1997 and 1998, that is, over a one-year period that was enough for him to loot $200 million from the Ukrainian government, by threatening to harm businesses unless they paid him a 50 percent royalty of their profits.

As for the Arab countries, the name of Jordan's King Abdullah II appeared as one of the owners of accounts in Credit Suisse, in addition to the two sons of ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The two brothers' relationship with the bank stretched for decades since the opening of their first account in 1993, and they owned six accounts They differed throughout that period, and their balance amounted to 253 million dollars just one year before the revolution that toppled their family from the throne of Egypt.

The name of the Algerian Defense Minister Khaled Nizar, one of the prominent faces during the black decade in the country, was accused of committing grave human rights violations and looting the resources of the Algerian people.

While the Swiss bank defended itself, downplaying the importance of what the data revealed by saying that “most of the things presented are historical, and in some cases date back to the 1940s, and are based on partial, inaccurate or selective information taken out of context,” accusing journalists of “concentrating efforts to distort the The bank’s reputation and the Swiss financial market, which has undergone significant changes over the past several years.”

The "Switzerland Secrets" team unanimously agrees that the secrecy laws associated with the Swiss financial system enable the corrupt and criminals in the world to evade follow-up, and provide easy means for politicians in developing countries to plunder the resources of their countries in violation of those peoples' right to information.

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