Sudan: Renewed demonstrations demanding civilian rule and the release of detainees

السودان.. تجدد المظاهرات المطالبة بحكم مدني وإطلاق سراح المعتقلين تظاهر آلاف المواطنين السودانيين للمطالبة بالحكم المدني والإفراج عن المعتقلين السياسيين.  تجددت المظاهرات الاثنين، في العاصمة الخرطوم وعدد من مدن السودان، للمطالبة بالحكم المدني والإفراج عن المعتقلين السياسيين.  وتجمع آلاف المتظاهرين في منطقة المؤسسة بمدينة بحري شمالي الخرطوم، وهم يرفعون صوراً للشهداء والمعتقلين، حسب شهود عيان.  وذكر الشهود أن آلاف المتظاهرين من أحياء أم درمان وشرق النيل توجهوا صوب مدينة بحري شمالي الخرطوم، هم يرددون شعارات: "الشعب أقوى" و"الردة مستحيلة" و"الدم قصاص الدم لن نقبل الدية".  ورفع المحتجون الذين نزلوا استجابة لدعوة لجان المقاومة وتجمع المهنيين، أعلام السودان وشعارات: "لن يحكمنا العسكر" و"الثورة ثورة شعب" و"السلطة سلطة شعب" و"العسكر للثكنات".  كما خرج محتجون في مدن القضارف (شرق) ومدني والمناقل (وسط ) والأبيض (غرب) وبورتسودان (شرق).  والأحد تظاهر آلاف المحتجين في عدة أحياء بالخرطوم، ومدينة بحري، وأم درمان (غرب)، بدعوة من تنسيقيات لجان المقاومة (نشطاء) المسؤولة عن تنظيم التظاهرات، للمطالبة بـ"حكم مدني كامل" وإطلاق سراح "المعتقلين السياسيين"، سقط إثرها قتيل بالرصاص في مدينة بحري شمالي الخرطوم حسب لجنة أطباء السودان.  وفي وقت سابق، دعا تجمع المهنيين السودانيين ولجان المقاومة ( ناشطون في الأحياء) للمشاركة في مليونية 21 فبراير/شباط (الاثنين) في الخرطوم ومدن البلاد، تحت شعار" انكسر القيد"، للمطالبة بالحكم المدني وإطلاق سراح المعتقلين.  وتتهم قوى المعارضة ومنظمات حقوقية السلطات السودانية باعتقال قادة سياسيين وعشرات الناشطين في "لجان المقاومة".  فيما قال رئيس مجلس السيادة عبد الفتاح البرهان الخميس إن "البلاغات التي طالت بعض الأشخاص (يقصد توقيفهم) جرت بواسطة السلطات العدلية"، مشددا على استقلالية هذه السلطات.  ومنذ 25 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، يشهد السودان احتجاجات رفضاً لإجراءات استثنائية اتخذها البرهان أبرزها فرض حالة الطوارئ وحل مجلسي السيادة والوزراء الانتقاليين.     Sudan: Renewed demonstrations demanding civilian rule and the release of detainees  Thousands of Sudanese citizens demonstrated to demand civilian rule and the release of political detainees. Demonstrations renewed Monday in the capital, Khartoum, and a number of cities in Sudan, calling for civilian rule and the release of political detainees.  Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Foundation area in the city of Bahri, north of Khartoum, holding pictures of the martyrs and detainees, according to eyewitnesses.  Witnesses stated that thousands of demonstrators from Omdurman and East Nile neighborhoods headed towards the city of Bahri, north of Khartoum, chanting slogans: "The people are stronger", "apostasy is impossible" and "blood is retribution for blood. We will not accept blood money."  The protesters, who came down in response to the call of the resistance committees and the gathering of professionals, raised Sudan's flags and slogans: "The military will not rule us", "The revolution is a people's revolution", "The authority is the authority of the people" and "The military is for the barracks."  Protesters also came out in the cities of Gedaref (east), Madani and Managil (central), Al-Obeid (west) and Port Sudan (east).  On Sunday, thousands of protesters demonstrated in several neighborhoods in Khartoum, the city of Bahri, and Omdurman (west), at the call of the coordinators of the resistance committees (activists) responsible for organizing the demonstrations, to demand "full civilian rule" and the release of "political detainees". Bahri city, north of Khartoum, according to the Sudan Doctors Committee.  Earlier, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the Resistance Committees (neighborhood activists) called to participate in the February 21 (Monday) million in Khartoum and the country's cities, under the slogan "Break the Chain", to demand civilian rule and the release of detainees.  Opposition forces and human rights organizations accuse the Sudanese authorities of arresting political leaders and dozens of activists in the "resistance committees".  While the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, said Thursday that "the reports that affected some people (intended to be arrested) were made by the judicial authorities," stressing the independence of these authorities.  Since October 25, Sudan has witnessed protests, rejecting exceptional measures taken by Al-Burhan, most notably the imposition of a state of emergency and the dissolution of the Sovereignty Councils and the Transitional Ministers.

Sudan: Renewed demonstrations demanding civilian rule and the release of detainees

Thousands of Sudanese citizens demonstrated to demand civilian rule and the release of political detainees.
Demonstrations renewed Monday in the capital, Khartoum, and a number of cities in Sudan, calling for civilian rule and the release of political detainees.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Foundation area in the city of Bahri, north of Khartoum, holding pictures of the martyrs and detainees, according to eyewitnesses.

Witnesses stated that thousands of demonstrators from Omdurman and East Nile neighborhoods headed towards the city of Bahri, north of Khartoum, chanting slogans: "The people are stronger", "apostasy is impossible" and "blood is retribution for blood. We will not accept blood money."

The protesters, who came down in response to the call of the resistance committees and the gathering of professionals, raised Sudan's flags and slogans: "The military will not rule us", "The revolution is a people's revolution", "The authority is the authority of the people" and "The military is for the barracks."

Protesters also came out in the cities of Gedaref (east), Madani and Managil (central), Al-Obeid (west) and Port Sudan (east).

On Sunday, thousands of protesters demonstrated in several neighborhoods in Khartoum, the city of Bahri, and Omdurman (west), at the call of the coordinators of the resistance committees (activists) responsible for organizing the demonstrations, to demand "full civilian rule" and the release of "political detainees". Bahri city, north of Khartoum, according to the Sudan Doctors Committee.

Earlier, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the Resistance Committees (neighborhood activists) called to participate in the February 21 (Monday) million in Khartoum and the country's cities, under the slogan "Break the Chain", to demand civilian rule and the release of detainees.

Opposition forces and human rights organizations accuse the Sudanese authorities of arresting political leaders and dozens of activists in the "resistance committees".

While the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, said Thursday that "the reports that affected some people (intended to be arrested) were made by the judicial authorities," stressing the independence of these authorities.

Since October 25, Sudan has witnessed protests, rejecting exceptional measures taken by Al-Burhan, most notably the imposition of a state of emergency and the dissolution of the Sovereignty Councils and the Transitional Ministers.

Mali : la junte militaire au pouvoir pendant 5 ans  Il s’agit là de l’une des clauses principales du plan quinquennal de transition démocratique approuvé par le Parlement malien.  Lundi les législateurs ont ainsi permis aux militaires de garder le pouvoir malgré les sanctions régionales que cette proposition avait imposés au Mali.  120 membres du Parlement intérimaire sur 121 sièges, ont voté pour. "L'ordre du jour de cette session extraordinaire à porter exclusivement sur l'examen du projet de loi portant révision de la charte de la transition que nous venons d'adopter à la quasi-unanimité des membres du Conseil National de la Transition." a déclaré Malick Diaw, président du CNT.  Après avoir organisé un coup d'État en août 2020, les nouveaux dirigeants du Mali avaient initialement promis d'organiser un scrutin en février 2022. Mais lorsque le gouvernement a proposé de rester au pouvoir entre six mois et cinq ans en décembre dernier, les tensions se sont accentuées avec la CEDEAO mais aussi avec la France.  Le vote de ce projet de loi intervient alors que le gouvernement français a officiellement annoncé le retrait de ses troupes, déployées au Mali depuis plus de sept ans.  "C'est un sentiment de joie et de fierté lorsque les forces d'occupation quittent votre territoire. On ne peut que se réjouir et féliciter le courage patriotique des autorités, notamment le président patriote, le libérateur Assimi Goïta. Lorsque les forces Barkhane se retirent, c'est le début de la fin de la guerre au Mali et lorsque les forces d'occupation quittent le Mali, c'est le début de la fin de la guerre au Mali." a expliquéBen Diarra, membre du CNT.  Aucun législateur de l'assemblée législative dominée par l'armée n'a voté contre le projet de loi ou s'est abstenu.  Le projet de loi ne mentionne pas la date à laquelle une future élection pourrait être organisée.      Mali: the military junta in power for 5 years  This is one of the main clauses of the five-year democratic transition plan approved by the Malian Parliament.  On Monday, lawmakers thus allowed the military to retain power despite the regional sanctions that this proposal had imposed on Mali.  120 members of the interim parliament out of 121 seats voted in favour. "The agenda of this extraordinary session to focus exclusively on the examination of the bill revising the transition charter that we have just adopted almost unanimously by the members of the National Council of the Transition." declared Malick Diaw, president of the CNT.  After staging a coup in August 2020, Mali's new leaders initially promised to hold a poll in February 2022. But when the government offered to stay in power between six months and five years last December, the tensions have increased with ECOWAS but also with France.  The vote on this bill comes as the French government has officially announced the withdrawal of its troops, deployed in Mali for more than seven years.  "It is a feeling of joy and pride when the occupying forces leave your territory. We can only rejoice and congratulate the patriotic courage of the authorities, in particular the patriotic president, the liberator Assimi Goïta. When the Barkhane forces withdraw, it is the beginning of the end of the war in Mali and when the occupying forces leave Mali, it is the beginning of the end of the war in Mali." explained Ben Diarra, member of the CNT.  No lawmakers in the military-dominated legislature voted against the bill or abstained.  The bill does not mention the date on which a future election could be held.

Mali: the military junta in power for 5 years

This is one of the main clauses of the five-year democratic transition plan approved by the Malian Parliament.

On Monday, lawmakers thus allowed the military to retain power despite the regional sanctions that this proposal had imposed on Mali.

120 members of the interim parliament out of 121 seats voted in favour.
"The agenda of this extraordinary session to focus exclusively on the examination of the bill revising the transition charter that we have just adopted almost unanimously by the members of the National Council of the Transition." declared Malick Diaw, president of the CNT.

After staging a coup in August 2020, Mali's new leaders initially promised to hold a poll in February 2022. But when the government offered to stay in power between six months and five years last December, the tensions have increased with ECOWAS but also with France.

The vote on this bill comes as the French government has officially announced the withdrawal of its troops, deployed in Mali for more than seven years.

"It is a feeling of joy and pride when the occupying forces leave your territory. We can only rejoice and congratulate the patriotic courage of the authorities, in particular the patriotic president, the liberator Assimi Goïta. When the Barkhane forces withdraw, it is the beginning of the end of the war in Mali and when the occupying forces leave Mali, it is the beginning of the end of the war in Mali." explained Ben Diarra, member of the CNT.

No lawmakers in the military-dominated legislature voted against the bill or abstained.

The bill does not mention the date on which a future election could be held.

Une démonstration contre la vie chère gagne la rue marocaine  Des manifestations ont eu lieu dimanche au Maroc, contre la vie chère. La récente hausse des prix du carburant et des produits alimentaires de base seraient à la base de ses revendications populaires. À Rabat, mais également à Casablanca, mais à Tanger, les manifestants appelaient à la "liberté, la dignité et la justice sociale.  Nous devons résister à la tyrannie et à la corruption, promouvoir le slogan "Débarrassez-vous de cet État policier", et construire la démocratie sous le slogan de la dignité, de la liberté, de l'égalité et de la justice sociale. Le Mouvement du 20 février doit continuer à libérer notre pays de l'injustice et de la tyrannie. Nous devons nous battre pour la dignité et la justice sociale" explique un manifestant.  Le gouvernement a réagi expliquant qu'à hausse des prix de certains biens de consommation" s'expliquait principalement par la reprise économique inattendue dans le monde et l'augmentation continue des prix des céréales et des produits pétroliers sur le marché international. L'Etat devrait allouer plus de 350 millions de dollars jusqu'à fin 2022 pour la subvention du prix de la farine, selon Fouzi Lekjaa, le ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l'Economie, chargé du budget.  Dimanche, des accrochages ont eu lieu sur un marché rural près de la ville de Kénitra (nord) à la suite notamment de "spéculations inhabituelles au niveau de prix de certains produits de consommation", ont indiqué les autorités locales, selon l'agence de presse MAP.  Les autorités sont intervenues pour rétablir l'ordre et une enquête a été ouverte sur ces incidents, selon la même source.     A demonstration against the high cost of living takes to the Moroccan streets  Demonstrations took place on Sunday in Morocco, against the high cost of living. The recent rise in the prices of fuel and basic foodstuffs would be the basis of its popular claims. In Rabat, but also in Casablanca, but in Tangier, the demonstrators called for "freedom, dignity and social justice.  We must resist tyranny and corruption, promote the slogan "Get rid of this police state", and build democracy under the slogan of dignity, freedom, equality and social justice. The February 20 Movement must continue to liberate our country from injustice and tyranny. We must fight for dignity and social justice,” said a protester.  The government reacted explaining that the rise in the prices of certain consumer goods "was mainly explained by the unexpected economic recovery in the world and the continuous increase in the prices of cereals and petroleum products on the international market. The State should allocate more than 350 million dollars until the end of 2022 for the subsidy of the price of flour, according to Fouzi Lekjaa, the minister delegate to the minister of the Economy, in charge of the budget.  On Sunday, clashes took place in a rural market near the city of Kenitra (north) following in particular "unusual speculation at the price level of certain consumer products", indicated the local authorities, according to the agency of MAP press.  The authorities intervened to restore order and an investigation was opened into these incidents, according to the same source.

A demonstration against the high cost of living takes to the Moroccan streets

Demonstrations took place on Sunday in Morocco, against the high cost of living. The recent rise in the prices of fuel and basic foodstuffs would be the basis of its popular claims. In Rabat, but also in Casablanca, but in Tangier, the demonstrators called for "freedom, dignity and social justice.

We must resist tyranny and corruption, promote the slogan "Get rid of this police state", and build democracy under the slogan of dignity, freedom, equality and social justice. The February 20 Movement must continue to liberate our country from injustice and tyranny. We must fight for dignity and social justice,” said a protester.

The government reacted explaining that the rise in the prices of certain consumer goods "was mainly explained by the unexpected economic recovery in the world and the continuous increase in the prices of cereals and petroleum products on the international market. The State should allocate more than 350 million dollars until the end of 2022 for the subsidy of the price of flour, according to Fouzi Lekjaa, the minister delegate to the minister of the Economy, in charge of the budget.

On Sunday, clashes took place in a rural market near the city of Kenitra (north) following in particular "unusual speculation at the price level of certain consumer products", indicated the local authorities, according to the agency of MAP press.

The authorities intervened to restore order and an investigation was opened into these incidents, according to the same source.

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