Shells target officials in Ukraine and the president asks for a timetable to join NATO

قذائف تستهدف مسؤولين في أوكرانيا والرئيس يطلب جدولاً زمنياً للانضمام للناتو طالب الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينكسي، السبت، بإطار زمني "واضح" لانضمام بلاده إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي، في ظل تزايد المخاوف من غزو محتمل لبلاده من روسيا التي ترفض بشدة انضمام كييف إلى التحالف العسكري الغربي.  طالب الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينكسي، السبت، بإطار زمني "واضح" لانضمام بلاده إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي، في ظل تزايد المخاوف من غزو محتمل لبلاده من روسيا التي ترفض بشدة انضمام كييف إلى التحالف العسكري الغربي.  وقال خلال مؤتمر ميونيخ للأمن: "ما الذي يمكننا القيام به؟ يمكننا دعم أوكرانيا وقدراتها الدفاعية بقوة" عبر "تقديم.. جداول زمنية واضحة وعملية لانضوائها في الحلف".  وشدد على أن أوكرانيا "درع" أوروبا في وجه الجيش الروسي وبالتالي تستحق دعماً دولياً أكبر.  وأكد أنه "على مدى ثماني سنوات، كانت أوكرانيا درعاً. على مدى ثماني سنوات، كانت أوكرانيا تصدّ جيشاً يعد بين الأكبر في العالم"، في إشارة إلى النزاع بين كييف والانفصاليين المدعومين من موسكو في الشرق.  وتطالب موسكو بضمانات خطية بعدم السماح لأوكرانيا بالانضمام إلى الحلف الأطلسي وبأن يسحب الحلف الذي تقوده واشنطن قواته المنتشرة في شرق أوروبا إلى المواقع التي كان يوجد فيها قبل عقود.  إلى ذلك، سقط عدد من قذائف الهاون على بعد مئات الأمتار من مكان وجود وزير الداخلية الأوكراني دينيس موناستيرسكي بينما التقى، السبت، صحافيين خلال جولة أجراها لجبهة القتال ضد المتمرّدين المدعومين من روسيا.  وأُجبر الوزير على الاختباء لدى انفجار القذائف، وذلك بعد وقت قصير من إدلائه بتصريحات لوسائل إعلام دولية، وفق ما أفاد مراسلو وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية.  ولم يُسجّل سقوط أي ضحايا جرّاء القذائف التي انفجرت أثناء مغادرة الوزير الجبهة حيث أدلى بتصريحات عند الخط الفاصل بين القوات الحكومية والمتمرّدين.  وغادر الصحافيون والمسؤولون المكان بعد وقت قصير.  وتبادلت الحكومة والقوات الانفصالية الاتهامات بتصعيد النزاع في الأيام الأخيرة وأعلنت أوكرانيا مقتل جنديين الجمعة والسبت.  واتّهم المتمرّدون المدعومون من موسكو الذين يسيطرون على أجزاء من منطقتي لوغانسك ودونيتسك عند الحدود الروسية الحكومة بالتخطيط لشن عملية تهدف إلى إخراجهم من المنطقة.  لكنّ كييف تنفي الأمر وتتهم بدورها الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين برفع مستوى التوتر للتسبب بحادثة تبرر تنفيذ غزو.     Shells target officials in Ukraine and the president asks for a timetable to join NATO  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Saturday for a "clear" time frame for his country's entry into NATO, amid growing fears of a possible invasion of his country by Russia, which strongly rejects Kiev's joining the Western military alliance.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Saturday for a "clear" time frame for his country's entry into NATO, amid growing fears of a possible invasion of his country by Russia, which strongly rejects Kiev's joining the Western military alliance.  He said during the Munich Security Conference: "What can we do? We can strongly support Ukraine and its defense capabilities" by "providing clear and practical timetables for its inclusion in the alliance."  He stressed that Ukraine is Europe's "shield" against the Russian army and therefore deserves greater international support. "For eight years, Ukraine was a shield. For eight years, Ukraine was repelling an army that is among the largest in the world," he asserted, referring to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow-backed separatists in the east.  Moscow is demanding written guarantees that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO and that the Washington-led alliance withdraw its forces deployed in Eastern Europe to the locations where it was located decades ago.  #watch | Video clips inside a shelter on the border of the Donbas region in #Ukraine , following the bombing of military officials who were on a tour of the conflict front  — TRT Arabic (@TRTArabi) February 19, 2022  In addition, a number of mortar shells fell hundreds of meters from the whereabouts of Ukraine's Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky, while he met, on Saturday, with journalists during his tour of the battle front against the Russian-backed rebels.  The minister was forced into hiding when the shells exploded, shortly after he made statements to international media, AFP correspondents reported.  No casualties were recorded as a result of the shells that exploded while the minister left the front, where he made statements at the line separating government forces and the rebels.  Journalists and officials left after a short time. The government and separatist forces have accused each other of escalating the conflict in recent days, and Ukraine announced the killing of two soldiers on Friday and Saturday.  Moscow-backed rebels who control parts of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions on the Russian border have accused the government of planning an operation to drive them out of the region.  However, Kiev denies the matter and in turn accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of raising the level of tension to cause an incident that justifies an invasion.

Shells target officials in Ukraine and the president asks for a timetable to join NATO

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Saturday for a "clear" time frame for his country's entry into NATO, amid growing fears of a possible invasion of his country by Russia, which strongly rejects Kiev's joining the Western military alliance.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Saturday for a "clear" time frame for his country's entry into NATO, amid growing fears of a possible invasion of his country by Russia, which strongly rejects Kiev's joining the Western military alliance.

He said during the Munich Security Conference: "What can we do? We can strongly support Ukraine and its defense capabilities" by "providing clear and practical timetables for its inclusion in the alliance."

He stressed that Ukraine is Europe's "shield" against the Russian army and therefore deserves greater international support.
"For eight years, Ukraine was a shield. For eight years, Ukraine was repelling an army that is among the largest in the world," he asserted, referring to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow-backed separatists in the east.

Moscow is demanding written guarantees that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO and that the Washington-led alliance withdraw its forces deployed in Eastern Europe to the locations where it was located decades ago.

#watch | Video clips inside a shelter on the border of the Donbas region in #Ukraine , following the bombing of military officials who were on a tour of the conflict front

— TRT Arabic (@TRTArabi) February 19, 2022

In addition, a number of mortar shells fell hundreds of meters from the whereabouts of Ukraine's Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky, while he met, on Saturday, with journalists during his tour of the battle front against the Russian-backed rebels.

The minister was forced into hiding when the shells exploded, shortly after he made statements to international media, AFP correspondents reported.

No casualties were recorded as a result of the shells that exploded while the minister left the front, where he made statements at the line separating government forces and the rebels.

Journalists and officials left after a short time.
The government and separatist forces have accused each other of escalating the conflict in recent days, and Ukraine announced the killing of two soldiers on Friday and Saturday.

Moscow-backed rebels who control parts of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions on the Russian border have accused the government of planning an operation to drive them out of the region.

However, Kiev denies the matter and in turn accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of raising the level of tension to cause an incident that justifies an invasion.

"تهريب بشر".. إيطاليا تعتقل مصرياً بعد مصرع 7 مهاجرين من البرد يتّهم المشتبه به بتنظيم رحلة أقلّت 287 شخصاً من ليبيا، كان غالبيتهم يعانون من البرد عندما أنقذهم خفر السواحل في 25 يناير/كانون الثاني، فيما انتهت معاناة راكبي السفينة بوفاة 7 بنغلادشيين جرّاء انخفاض حرارة أجسامهم، بسبب الظروف غير الإنسانية للرحلة.  أعلنت الشرطة الإيطالية السبت، اعتقال مصري يشتبه بتهريبه مهاجرين عبر البحر المتوسط في رحلة أدت إلى وفاة سبعة أشخاص بسبب انخفاض حرارة أجسامهم.  والمشتبه به متّهم بتنظيم رحلة خطرة على متن مركب أقلّ 287 شخصاً من ليبيا. وكان غالبيتهم يعانون من البرد عندما أنقذهم خفر السواحل في 25 يناير/كانون الثاني.  وقالت شرطة مدينة أغريجنتو في صقلية في بيان إنّ المعاناة على متن المركب المكتظ البالغ طوله 16 متراً انتهت "بوفاة سبعة بنغلادشيين جراء انخفاض حرارة أجسامهم، بسبب الظروف غير الإنسانية للرحلة".  والموقوف البالغ 38 عاماً والذي تعرّف عليه شهود عيان ناجون، صدر سابقاً حكم بحقه على خلفية جريمة تهريب بشر في 2011، حسب ما أعلنت الشرطة من دون مزيد من التفاصيل.  ولم يمثّل طقس الشتاء عائقاً أمام المهاجرين الساعين لعبور البحر المتوسط هذا العام رغم درجات الحرارة الجليدية وأحوال البحر السيئة.  ومنذ مطلع العام تمكّن قرابة 10 آلاف و570 مهاجراً من الوصول إلى أوروبا بحراً، من بين ما مجموعه 11 و986 مهاجراً، حسب المنظمة الدولية للهجرة. وقضى 229 أو فقدوا أثناء محاولة الوصول إلى القارة العجوز.     "Human smuggling" Italy arrests an Egyptian after the death of 7 migrants from the cold  The suspect is accused of organizing a trip that took 287 people from Libya, most of whom were suffering from cold when the coast guard rescued them on January 25, while the suffering of the ship's passengers ended with the death of 7 Bangladeshis due to hypothermia, due to the inhumane conditions of the voyage.  Italian police announced on Saturday the arrest of an Egyptian suspected of smuggling migrants across the Mediterranean on a journey that left seven people dead due to hypothermia.  The suspect is accused of organizing a dangerous journey on board a boat carrying 287 people from Libya. Most of them were suffering from cold when the Coast Guard rescued them on January 25.  The Sicilian city police of Agrigento said in a statement that the suffering on board the overcrowded 16-meter boat had ended "with the death of seven Bangladeshis as a result of hypothermia, due to the inhumane conditions of the voyage."  And the 38-year-old arrested, who was recognized by survivor eyewitnesses, had previously been sentenced for the crime of human smuggling in 2011, according to what the police announced, without further details.  Winter weather did not constitute an obstacle to migrants seeking to cross the Mediterranean this year, despite the icy temperatures and bad sea conditions.  Since the beginning of the year, about 10,570 migrants have managed to reach Europe by sea, out of a total of 11,986 migrants, according to the International Organization for Migration. And 229 died or went missing while trying to reach the Old Continent.

"Human smuggling" Italy arrests an Egyptian after the death of 7 migrants from the cold

The suspect is accused of organizing a trip that took 287 people from Libya, most of whom were suffering from cold when the coast guard rescued them on January 25, while the suffering of the ship's passengers ended with the death of 7 Bangladeshis due to hypothermia, due to the inhumane conditions of the voyage.

Italian police announced on Saturday the arrest of an Egyptian suspected of smuggling migrants across the Mediterranean on a journey that left seven people dead due to hypothermia.

The suspect is accused of organizing a dangerous journey on board a boat carrying 287 people from Libya. Most of them were suffering from cold when the Coast Guard rescued them on January 25.

The Sicilian city police of Agrigento said in a statement that the suffering on board the overcrowded 16-meter boat had ended "with the death of seven Bangladeshis as a result of hypothermia, due to the inhumane conditions of the voyage."

And the 38-year-old arrested, who was recognized by survivor eyewitnesses, had previously been sentenced for the crime of human smuggling in 2011, according to what the police announced, without further details.

Winter weather did not constitute an obstacle to migrants seeking to cross the Mediterranean this year, despite the icy temperatures and bad sea conditions.

Since the beginning of the year, about 10,570 migrants have managed to reach Europe by sea, out of a total of 11,986 migrants, according to the International Organization for Migration. And 229 died or went missing while trying to reach the Old Continent.

لخفض التصعيد.. أردوغان يستمر في بذل الجهود للجمع بين بوتين وزيلينسكي لفت المتحدث باسم الرئاسة التركية إبراهيم قالن إلى أنّ مقترح الرئيس التركي للجمع بين قائدي روسيا وأوكرانيا في الواقع هو الاقتراح الأكثر أهمية وواقعية للتغلب على هذه الأزمة.  أكد المتحدث باسم الرئاسة التركية إبراهيم قالن، استمرار جهود الرئيس رجب طيب أردوغان للجمع بين نظيريه الروسي فلاديمير بوتين والأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي، بهدف إيجاد حل للأزمة بين البلدين.  وأشار قالن في تصريح صحفي بإسطنبول السبت، إلى أهمية الدور الذي تلعبه تركيا في خفض التصعيد بين روسيا وأوكرانيا.  ولفت إلى استمرار جهود الرئيس أردوغان لحل الأزمة بين موسكو وكييف، مضيفاً "مقترح الرئيس أردوغان للجمع بين قائدي روسيا وأوكرانيا في الواقع هو الاقتراح الأكثر أهمية وواقعية للتغلب على هذه الأزمة".  وأكد أن أردوغان اقترح اللقاء على زيلينسكي خلال زيارته الأخيرة لأوكرانيا، كما قدم المقترح ذاته لبوتين خلال اتصال هاتفي بينهما.  وأضاف قالن أن أردوغان سيهاتف بوتين خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة، وسيجري عرض المقترح عليه مجدداً.  وقال إن الاستعدادات مستمرة من أجل زيارة بوتين لتركيا، مضيفاً "نحن على اتصال دائم مع نظرائنا الروس".  وتابع: "يجب منح الأولوية للحوار والدبلوماسية من أجل حل قضية أوكرانيا، وينبغي اتخاذ خطوات متبادلة لخفض التوتّر".  وشدّد متحدث الرئاسة التركية على أن الأزمة في أوكرانيا ستؤثر سلباً على الجميع.  وتوترت العلاقات بين كييف وموسكو على خلفية ضم روسيا شبه جزيرة القرم الأوكرانية إلى أراضيها بطريقة غير قانونية، ودعمها الانفصاليين الموالين لها في "دونباس".  ومؤخراً، وجهت الدول الغربية اتهامات إلى روسيا بشأن حشد قواتها قرب الحدود الأوكرانية، فيما هددت واشنطن بفرض عقوبات على موسكو في حال شنّت هجوماً على كييف.    To reduce escalation, Erdogan continues to make efforts to bring together Putin and Zelensky  Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin pointed out that the Turkish president's proposal to bring together the leaders of Russia and Ukraine is, in fact, the most important and realistic proposal to overcome this crisis.  Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin stressed the continuation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's efforts to bring together his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, Volodymyr Zelensky, with the aim of finding a solution to the crisis between the two countries.  In a press statement in Istanbul on Saturday, Kalin pointed out the important role that Turkey plays in de-escalation between Russia and Ukraine.  He noted President Erdogan's continued efforts to resolve the crisis between Moscow and Kiev, adding, "President Erdogan's proposal to bring together the leaders of Russia and Ukraine is in fact the most important and realistic proposal to overcome this crisis."  He confirmed that Erdogan proposed to meet with Zelensky during his recent visit to Ukraine, and presented the same proposal to Putin during a telephone conversation between them.  Kalin added that Erdogan will call Putin in the next few days, and the proposal will be presented to him again.  He said that preparations are continuing for Putin's visit to Turkey, adding, "We are in constant contact with our Russian counterparts."  "Dialogue and diplomacy should be prioritized in order to resolve the Ukraine issue, and reciprocal steps should be taken to reduce tension," he added.  The Turkish presidential spokesman stressed that the crisis in Ukraine will negatively affect everyone.  Relations between Kiev and Moscow were strained against the backdrop of Russia's illegal annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and its support for separatists loyal to it in the Donbass.  Recently, Western countries have accused Russia of amassing its forces near the Ukrainian border, while Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Moscow if it launches an attack on Kiev.

To reduce escalation, Erdogan continues to make efforts to bring together Putin and Zelensky

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin pointed out that the Turkish president's proposal to bring together the leaders of Russia and Ukraine is, in fact, the most important and realistic proposal to overcome this crisis.

Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin stressed the continuation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's efforts to bring together his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, Volodymyr Zelensky, with the aim of finding a solution to the crisis between the two countries.

In a press statement in Istanbul on Saturday, Kalin pointed out the important role that Turkey plays in de-escalation between Russia and Ukraine.

He noted President Erdogan's continued efforts to resolve the crisis between Moscow and Kiev, adding, "President Erdogan's proposal to bring together the leaders of Russia and Ukraine is in fact the most important and realistic proposal to overcome this crisis."

He confirmed that Erdogan proposed to meet with Zelensky during his recent visit to Ukraine, and presented the same proposal to Putin during a telephone conversation between them.

Kalin added that Erdogan will call Putin in the next few days, and the proposal will be presented to him again.

He said that preparations are continuing for Putin's visit to Turkey, adding, "We are in constant contact with our Russian counterparts."

"Dialogue and diplomacy should be prioritized in order to resolve the Ukraine issue, and reciprocal steps should be taken to reduce tension," he added.

The Turkish presidential spokesman stressed that the crisis in Ukraine will negatively affect everyone.

Relations between Kiev and Moscow were strained against the backdrop of Russia's illegal annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and its support for separatists loyal to it in the Donbass.

Recently, Western countries have accused Russia of amassing its forces near the Ukrainian border, while Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Moscow if it launches an attack on Kiev.

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