Return to calm in Guinea-Bissau after hours of uncertainty

Retour au calme en Guinée-Bissau après des heures d'incertitudes Le président Umaro Sissoco Embalo prononce un discours lors de la cérémonie de célébration de la fête de l'indépendance au stade du 24 septembre.  Je vais bien Alhamdoulillah, la situation est sous contrôle gouvernemental. Je remercie la population de Guinée-Bissau et toutes les personnes au-delà de notre pays qui se sont inquiétées pour mon gouvernement et moi. Vive la République et que Dieu veille sur la Guinée-Bissau : ce sont les premiers mots laissés par le compte Twitter du président Umaro Sissoco Embalo, un peu vers 20 h ce mardi, juste après un retour au calme.  Après son tweet, le président bissau-guinéen s'est adressé à la nation depuis le palais présidentiel, selon lui, la situation est sous contrôle, et la tentative de coup d'état aurait été déjoué. Plusieurs victimes sont à déplorer assure le président. La Guinée-Bissau a vécu des heures d'incertitudes politiques, plongeant le pays dans l'inquiétude, après que des tirs nourris ont été entendus prés du palais du gouvernement ou se tenait un Conseil des ministres extraordinaire.  Selon le récit de quelques témoignages récoltés par les agences de presse sur place des hommes en armes, sont entrés en début d'après-midi dans le complexe du palais du gouvernement à Bissau, qui abrite les différents ministères en périphérie de la capitale près de l'aéroport. Les alentours du palais ont été en proie à des mouvements d'habitants fuyant les lieux.  Des hommes lourdement armés ont encerclé le complexe, où le président et les ministres étaient présumés bloqués, sans qu'on sache si ces hommes étaient des mutins ou des forces loyales au pouvoir.   Return to calm in Guinea-Bissau after hours of uncertainty  I'm fine Alhamdulillah, the situation is under government control. I thank the people of Guinea-Bissau and all the people beyond our country who have been concerned for my government and me. Long live the Republic and may God watch over Guinea-Bissau : these are the first words left by the Twitter account of President Umaro Sissoco Embalo, a little around 8 p.m. on Tuesday, just after a return to calm.  After his tweet, the Bissau-Guinean president addressed the nation from the presidential palace, according to him, the situation is under control, and the coup attempt would have been foiled. Several victims are to be deplored, assures the president. Guinea-Bissau has lived through hours of political uncertainty, plunging the country into concern, after heavy gunfire was heard near the government palace where an extraordinary Council of Ministers was being held.  According to the account of some testimonies collected by the news agencies on the spot, armed men entered at the beginning of the afternoon the complex of the government palace in Bissau, which houses the various ministries on the outskirts of the capital near the airport. The surroundings of the palace were plagued by movements of inhabitants fleeing the premises.  Heavily armed men surrounded the compound, where the president and ministers were believed to be pinned down, with it unclear whether the men were mutineers or forces loyal to power.

Return to calm in Guinea-Bissau after hours of uncertainty

I'm fine Alhamdulillah, the situation is under government control. I thank the people of Guinea-Bissau and all the people beyond our country who have been concerned for my government and me. Long live the Republic and may God watch over Guinea-Bissau : these are the first words left by the Twitter account of President Umaro Sissoco Embalo, a little around 8 p.m. on Tuesday, just after a return to calm.

After his tweet, the Bissau-Guinean president addressed the nation from the presidential palace, according to him, the situation is under control, and the coup attempt would have been foiled. Several victims are to be deplored, assures the president. Guinea-Bissau has lived through hours of political uncertainty, plunging the country into concern, after heavy gunfire was heard near the government palace where an extraordinary Council of Ministers was being held.

According to the account of some testimonies collected by the news agencies on the spot, armed men entered at the beginning of the afternoon the complex of the government palace in Bissau, which houses the various ministries on the outskirts of the capital near the airport. The surroundings of the palace were plagued by movements of inhabitants fleeing the premises.

Heavily armed men surrounded the compound, where the president and ministers were believed to be pinned down, with it unclear whether the men were mutineers or forces loyal to power.

Ethiopian Airlines reprend les vols avec le Boeing 737 MAX  Presque 3 ans après l’accident d’avion qui avait causé la mort de 157 personnes, Ethiopian Airlines a annoncé que la compagnie allait reprendre à partir de ce mardi 1er février les vols avec le Boeing 737 Max.  Un crash qui avait entraîné l’immobilisation au sol de cet avion à travers le monde. La compagnie éthiopienne avait même dans la foulée annoncé à plusieurs reprises qu’elle serait la dernière compagnie aérienne à reprendre les vols avec cet aéronef.  Mais dans un communiqué, le transporteur a déclaré que cette décision intervenait après une "re-certification profonde" par les États-Unis, l'Union européenne, la Chine et l'Éthiopie.  Ethiopian Airlines, qui possédait quatre 737 MAX au moment du crash, a aussi fourni une liste de 35 autres compagnies qui utilisent actuellement cet avion.  En mars 2019, le vol 302 à destination de Nairobi, opéré par la compagnie nationale éthiopienne, s'est écrasé dans un champ près de la capitale Addis Abeba, six minutes après son décollage, à cause d'un logiciel défectueux. Les victimes du crash, étaient originaires de plus de 30 pays - dont beaucoup du Kenya voisin.  L'accident était survenu quelques mois après un autre crash, celui d'un appareil Boeing 737 MAX de Lion Air en Indonésie en octobre 2018 (189 morts).  Boeing a reconnu sa responsabilité dans l'accident et a passé un accord avec les familles de victimes, qui pourront faire des démarches en vue d'obtenir des dédommagements dans les tribunaux américains.    Ethiopian Airlines resumes flights with the Boeing 737 MAX  Almost 3 years after the plane crash that killed 157 people, Ethiopian Airlines announced that the company would resume flights with the Boeing 737 Max from Tuesday, February 1.  A crash that had resulted in the grounding of this aircraft around the world. The Ethiopian company had even announced on several occasions that it would be the last airline to resume flights with this aircraft.  But in a statement, the carrier said the move came after "deep re-certification" by the United States, European Union, China and Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Airlines, which had four 737 MAXs at the time of the crash, also provided a list of 35 other airlines currently using the aircraft.  In March 2019, Flight 302 bound for Nairobi, operated by the Ethiopian national carrier, crashed in a field near the capital Addis Ababa, six minutes after takeoff, due to faulty software. The crash victims hailed from more than 30 countries - including many from neighboring Kenya.  The accident occurred a few months after another crash, that of a Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in Indonesia in October 2018 (189 dead).  Boeing has admitted its responsibility in the accident and has reached an agreement with the families of the victims, who will be able to take steps to obtain compensation in the American courts.

Ethiopian Airlines resumes flights with the Boeing 737 MAX

Almost 3 years after the plane crash that killed 157 people, Ethiopian Airlines announced that the company would resume flights with the Boeing 737 Max from Tuesday, February 1.

A crash that had resulted in the grounding of this aircraft around the world. The Ethiopian company had even announced on several occasions that it would be the last airline to resume flights with this aircraft.

But in a statement, the carrier said the move came after "deep re-certification" by the United States, European Union, China and Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Airlines, which had four 737 MAXs at the time of the crash, also provided a list of 35 other airlines currently using the aircraft.

In March 2019, Flight 302 bound for Nairobi, operated by the Ethiopian national carrier, crashed in a field near the capital Addis Ababa, six minutes after takeoff, due to faulty software. The crash victims hailed from more than 30 countries - including many from neighboring Kenya.

The accident occurred a few months after another crash, that of a Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in Indonesia in October 2018 (189 dead).

Boeing has admitted its responsibility in the accident and has reached an agreement with the families of the victims, who will be able to take steps to obtain compensation in the American courts.

موزمبيق.. آمال شركة توتال على احتياطيات الغاز تهددها التنظيمات المسلحة في 2010 اكتُشِف بموزمبيق أكبر احتياطات للغاز الطبيعي في إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء، ما حجز لهذا البلد مكانة بين الدول المصدّرة العشر الأولى عالمياً، لكن التنظيمات المسلحة هناك تفرض تحديات كبيرة أمام الشركات الكبرى والمستثمرين.  تحاول شركات الطاقة العالمية العملاقة المنخرطة في سباق استثمار احتياطات الموزمبيق الغنية بالغاز الطبيعي، إعادة إطلاق مشاريع تقدّر قيمتها بالمليارات، رغم أنها تنتظر منذ نحو عام عودة غير مؤكدة إلى الهدوء بعد هجوم واسع النطاق من تنظيمات إرهابية.  والتقى المدير التنفيذي لشركة توتال إنرجيز (TotalEnergies) باتريك بوياني الاثنين، الرئيس الموزمبيقي فيليب نيوسي في مابوتو. وتوصل الرجلان إلى النتيجة نفسها التي توصلا إليها منذ أشهر: الوضع الأمني لا يسمح بإطلاق مشروع بقيمة 16,5 مليار يورو في المحيط الهندي.  وفي المجموعة العملاقة الفرنسية، يُعتبر الموضوع حساساً لذلك فإن التصريحات تُضبط بإحكام، إلا أن مصدراً أمنياً أكد لوكالة الصحافة الفرنسية رصد تحرّكات في موقع أفونغي الذي لا يزال غير مكتمل.  واكتُشِف في 2010 في موزمبيق أكبر احتياطات للغاز الطبيعي في إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء، ما حجز لهذا البلد مكانة بين الدول المصدّرة العشر الأولى عالمياً.  وشهدت مقاطعة كابو ديلغادو (شمال شرق) ذات الغالبية المسلمة، ثلاثة مشروعات هائلة: Mozambique LNG وهو كونسورتيوم تشغّله توتال إنرجيز وRovuma LNG الذي تديره شركة إكسون موبيل (ExxonMobil) الأمريكية وCoral-Sul FLNG بقيادة مجموعة إيني (ENI) الإيطالية.  البحر أقلّ خطورة  في مارس/آذار 2021، تسبب هجوم مفاجئ على مدينة بالما الساحلية الصغيرة بتعليق العمل حتى إشعار آخر في مشروع توتال الضخم الواقع على بُعد بضعة كيلومترات من مكان الهجوم.  ويعتبر الباحث في معهد الدراسات الأمنية (ISS) بورجيس نهامير أن "توتال إنرجيز يجب أن تعود هذا العام إذا أرادت تحقيق هدفها الجديد للإنتاج عام 2026".  ويبدو أن أحد المشروعات الثلاثة سينجح. وقالت مجموعة إيني الإيطالية، التي كانت تعوّل على تسييل الغاز في وسط البحر، لوكالة الصحافة الفرنسية إنها "تحتفظ بهدفها للإنتاج للفصل الثاني من عام 2022".  ووصلت في يناير/كانون الثاني، إلى قبالة سواحل موزمبيق سفينة كورال سول (Coral Sul) وهي أول منصة لتسييل الغاز الطبيعي في البحر تُرسل إلى القارة الإفريقية وتصل قدرتها إنتاجها السنوية إلى 3,4 مليون طن.  على الصعيد الأمني، تؤكد الشركة التي تقود المشروع البالغة قيمته 6,2 مليار يورو، أنها تعمل بتعاون وثيق مع الحكومة.  وفقاً للخبراء، فإن عمليات إيني البحرية تنطوي على حدّ أدنى من المخاطرة. ويشير نهامير إلى أن "لهجمات في البحر قليلة جداً. فخلال أربعة أعوام من أعمال العنف، لم يحصل هجوم في البحر باستثناء هجوم واحد استهدف صيادين قرب الساحل.  أما بالنسبة إلى مشروع إكسون موبيل فهو في حالة جمود، إذ إن بناء المنشآت التي تصل قدرتها السنوية إلى 15,2 مليون طن لم يبدأ بعد والمجموعة الأمريكية تبدو أنها لا تنوي التحرك قبل تحسن الوضع.  مابوتو مصممة  ويرى المحلل لدى مكتب Verisk Maplecroft البريطاني الاستشاري ألكسندر رايمايكرز أن "مابوتو مصممة على رؤية هذه المشاريع تتحقق.. فالحكومة بحاجة إلى المال".  وتتطلع الحكومة إلى جنْي مليارات العائدات السنوية بفضل مشروعات الغاز، ما يشكّل مكاسب غير متوقعة بالنسبة للدولة التي يبلغ ناتجها الإجمالي الداخلي نحو 13 مليار يورو.  ومنذ ستة أشهر، يحظى الجيش الموزمبيقي الذي يواجه صعوبات، بدعم ما لا يقلّ عن ثلاثة آلاف جندي من المجموعة الإنمائية للجنوب الإفريقي (سادك) ورواندا.  ويشير رايمايكرز إلى أن وصول قوات إقليمية سمح لمابوتو بوقف تصاعد أعمال العنف، لكنه من غير المرجّح أن ينتصر في الأشهر الـ12 المقبلة.  ويوضّح أن القوات الإقليمية ليست لديها الوسائل، مشيراً إلى دعم جوي محدود وعدد ضئيل من المروحيات معظمها خفيفة تابعة للمشاة.  ويتحصّن أفراد التنظيمات الإرهابية في مقاطعة نياسا المجاورة ويشنّون هجمات متفرقة باتت تشبه الآن التكتيكات الكلاسيكية لحرب العصابات، ففي يناير/كانون الثاني الماضي، سجّلت منظمة Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project غير الحكومية نحو ثلاثين عملاً عنيفاً.  ويؤكد الرئيس نيوسي إحراز تقدم في الحرب ضد التنظيمات الإرهابية، لكن حسب المراقبين، فإن جذور المشكلة في مكان آخر. وتعدّ مقاطعة كابو ديلغادو الواقعة على بُعد ألفَي كيلومتر من مابوتو، من بين المقاطعات الأشدّ فقراً.    Mozambique Total's hopes for gas reserves are threatened by armed organizations  In 2010, the largest natural gas reserves in sub-Saharan Africa were discovered in Mozambique, which made this country a place among the top ten exporting countries in the world, but the armed organizations there pose great challenges to major companies and investors.  Global energy giants involved in the race to invest Mozambique's rich natural gas reserves are trying to re-launch projects worth billions, although they have been waiting for nearly a year for an uncertain return to calm after a large-scale attack by terrorist organizations.  On Monday, TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Boiani met Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi in Maputo. The two men came to the same conclusion they did months ago: the security situation does not allow the launch of a 16.5 billion euro project in the Indian Ocean.  In the French giant group, the issue is considered sensitive, so the statements are tightly controlled, but a security source confirmed to the French press agency that he monitored movements in the Avongi site, which is still incomplete.  In 2010, Mozambique discovered the largest reserves of natural gas in sub-Saharan Africa, which made this country a place among the top ten exporting countries in the world.  The Muslim-majority province of Cabo Delgado (northeast) has seen three mega projects: Mozambique LNG, a consortium operated by Total Energies, Rovuma LNG, operated by ExxonMobil of the United States, and Coral-Sul FLNG, led by the Italian group ENI.  The sea is less dangerous In March 2021, a sudden attack on the small port city of Palma caused work to be suspended until further notice on the massive Total project located a few kilometers from the site of the attack.  "Total Energies must return this year if it wants to achieve its new production target in 2026," said Burgess Nahamir, a researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).  It seems that one of the three projects will succeed. The Italian group Eni, which was counting on gas liquefaction in the middle of the sea, told AFP that it "retains its production target for the second quarter of 2022."  In January, the Coral Sul, the first offshore natural gas liquefaction platform to be sent to the African continent, arrived off the coast of Mozambique with an annual production capacity of 3.4 million tons.  On the security front, the company leading the €6.2 billion project asserts that it is working in close cooperation with the government.  According to experts, Eni's offshore operations involve minimal risk. Nahamir points out that "there are very few attacks at sea. During four years of violence, there was no attack at sea except for one attack targeting fishermen near the coast.  As for the ExxonMobil project, it is at a standstill, as the construction of the facilities, which has an annual capacity of 15.2 million tons, has not started yet, and the US group does not seem to intend to move before the situation improves.  Designed by Maputo "Maputo is determined to see these projects come true the government needs money," said Alexander Raymakers, an analyst at the British consulting firm Verisk Maplecroft.  The government is looking to reap billions of annual revenues thanks to gas projects, which constitutes unexpected gains for the country, which has a gross domestic product of about 13 billion euros.  For the past six months, the struggling Mozambican army has had the support of no less than 3,000 soldiers from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Rwanda.  Raymakers notes that the arrival of regional forces has allowed Maputo to halt the escalation of violence, but it is unlikely that he will win in the next 12 months.  He explains that the regional forces do not have the means, pointing to limited air support and a small number of helicopters, mostly light infantry.  Terrorists holed up in neighboring Niassa County and staged sporadic attacks that now resemble classic guerrilla tactics. Last January, the non-governmental organization Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project recorded nearly thirty violent acts.  President Nyusi confirms progress in the war against terrorist organizations, but according to observers, the roots of the problem are elsewhere. The province of Cabo Delgado, 2,000 kilometers from Maputo, is among the poorest.

Mozambique Total's hopes for gas reserves are threatened by armed organizations

In 2010, the largest natural gas reserves in sub-Saharan Africa were discovered in Mozambique, which made this country a place among the top ten exporting countries in the world, but the armed organizations there pose great challenges to major companies and investors.

Global energy giants involved in the race to invest Mozambique's rich natural gas reserves are trying to re-launch projects worth billions, although they have been waiting for nearly a year for an uncertain return to calm after a large-scale attack by terrorist organizations.

On Monday, TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Boiani met Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi in Maputo. The two men came to the same conclusion they did months ago: the security situation does not allow the launch of a 16.5 billion euro project in the Indian Ocean.

In the French giant group, the issue is considered sensitive, so the statements are tightly controlled, but a security source confirmed to the French press agency that he monitored movements in the Avongi site, which is still incomplete.

In 2010, Mozambique discovered the largest reserves of natural gas in sub-Saharan Africa, which made this country a place among the top ten exporting countries in the world.

The Muslim-majority province of Cabo Delgado (northeast) has seen three mega projects: Mozambique LNG, a consortium operated by Total Energies, Rovuma LNG, operated by ExxonMobil of the United States, and Coral-Sul FLNG, led by the Italian group ENI.

The sea is less dangerous
In March 2021, a sudden attack on the small port city of Palma caused work to be suspended until further notice on the massive Total project located a few kilometers from the site of the attack.

"Total Energies must return this year if it wants to achieve its new production target in 2026," said Burgess Nahamir, a researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

It seems that one of the three projects will succeed. The Italian group Eni, which was counting on gas liquefaction in the middle of the sea, told AFP that it "retains its production target for the second quarter of 2022."

In January, the Coral Sul, the first offshore natural gas liquefaction platform to be sent to the African continent, arrived off the coast of Mozambique with an annual production capacity of 3.4 million tons.

On the security front, the company leading the €6.2 billion project asserts that it is working in close cooperation with the government.

According to experts, Eni's offshore operations involve minimal risk. Nahamir points out that "there are very few attacks at sea. During four years of violence, there was no attack at sea except for one attack targeting fishermen near the coast.

As for the ExxonMobil project, it is at a standstill, as the construction of the facilities, which has an annual capacity of 15.2 million tons, has not started yet, and the US group does not seem to intend to move before the situation improves.

Designed by Maputo
"Maputo is determined to see these projects come true the government needs money," said Alexander Raymakers, an analyst at the British consulting firm Verisk Maplecroft.

The government is looking to reap billions of annual revenues thanks to gas projects, which constitutes unexpected gains for the country, which has a gross domestic product of about 13 billion euros.

For the past six months, the struggling Mozambican army has had the support of no less than 3,000 soldiers from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Rwanda.

Raymakers notes that the arrival of regional forces has allowed Maputo to halt the escalation of violence, but it is unlikely that he will win in the next 12 months.

He explains that the regional forces do not have the means, pointing to limited air support and a small number of helicopters, mostly light infantry.

Terrorists holed up in neighboring Niassa County and staged sporadic attacks that now resemble classic guerrilla tactics. Last January, the non-governmental organization Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project recorded nearly thirty violent acts.

President Nyusi confirms progress in the war against terrorist organizations, but according to observers, the roots of the problem are elsewhere. The province of Cabo Delgado, 2,000 kilometers from Maputo, is among the poorest.

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