Repression forces storm "Ofer" prison, assault the prisoners, and threaten to impose new penalties on them

قوات القمع تقتحم سجن "عوفر" وتعتدي على الأسرى وتهدد بفرض عقوبات جديدة عليهم    رام الله 9-2-2022 وفا- اقتحمت قوات القمع "المتسادا، واليمام، واليماز"، التابعة لإدارة سجون الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، اليوم الأربعاء، أقسام الأسرى في سجن "عوفر"، واعتدت على عدد منهم.  وأفاد مسؤول الإعلام في هيئة شؤون الأسرى والمحررين ثائر شريتح لـ"وفا"، بأن قوات القمع اقتحمت أقسام الأسرى في "عوفر" بصورة مفاجئة، واعتدت على مجموعة منهم، وهددت بفرض عقوبات جديدة عليهم، مضيفة أن حالة من التوتر تسود أقسام السجن، وأن الساعات المقبلة ستكون حاسمة في ظل توقعات باقتحام الأقسام جميعها.  وذكر أن إدارة سجون الاحتلال تحاول الضغط من خلال أساليب الترهيب والابتزاز على الأسرى واقتحام أقسامهم، لثنيهم عن خطواتهم النضالية، التي أعلنوا عنها وتتضمن اعتبار الجمعة والإثنين المقبلين يومي غضب احتجاجا على التصعيد بحقهم.  وأوضح شريتح أن حالة من التوتر تسود أقسام الأسرى في سجن "مجدو"، عقب تهديد إدارة السجن بفرض عقوبات عليهم، في الوقت الذي رد الأسرى على ذلك بتصعيد خطواتهم في حال المساس بأي منهم.  وكانت الحركة الأسيرة قالت في بيان لها أمس، إن اعتبار يومي الغضب جاء رفضا للتصعيد بحق الأسرى وعدم تنفيذ التفاهمات التي تمت بين الحركة الأسيرة وإدارة سجون الاحتلال المتعلقة بالتراجع عن التصعيد والعقوبات المفروضة عليهم، تحديدا بعد انتزاع ستة أسرى حريتهم من سجن "جلبوع" أيلول الماضي.  ودعت الحركة الأسيرة في بيانها، كافة أبناء شعبنا الفلسطيني لإسناد الأسرى في معركتهم وخطواتهم التصعيدية، حتى نيل حريتهم.     Repression forces storm "Ofer" prison, assault the prisoners, and threaten to impose new penalties on them  Ramallah, WAFA - The forces of repression, "Al Masada, Al Yamam, and Al Yamaz", affiliated to the Israeli prisons administration, stormed today, Wednesday, the sections of prisoners in "Ofer" prison, and assaulted a number of them .  The media official in the Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority, Thaer Shreiteh, told "Wafa" that the repressive forces stormed the prison sections of "Ofer" suddenly, assaulted a group of them, and threatened to impose new penalties on them, adding that a state of tension prevails in the prison sections, and that the hours The future will be decisive in light of expectations that all sections will be stormed .  He stated that the occupation prisons administration is trying to pressure, through intimidation and blackmail methods, the prisoners and storm their sections, to discourage them from their struggle steps, which they announced and include considering the next Friday and Monday as days of anger in protest against the escalation against them .  Shreiteh explained that a state of tension prevails in the prisoner sections in "Megiddo" prison, after the prison administration threatened to impose penalties on them, while the prisoners responded to that by escalating their steps in case any of them were harmed .  And the captive movement said in a statement yesterday that considering the two days of anger came as a rejection of the escalation against the prisoners and the failure to implement the understandings that were made between the captive movement and the administration of the occupation prisons related to reversing the escalation and the penalties imposed on them, specifically after six prisoners were freed from Gilboa prison last September. .  In its statement, the captive movement called on all our Palestinian people to support the prisoners in their battle and their escalatory steps, until they attain their freedom .

Repression forces storm "Ofer" prison, assault the prisoners, and threaten to impose new penalties on them

Ramallah, WAFA - The forces of repression, "Al Masada, Al Yamam, and Al Yamaz", affiliated to the Israeli prisons administration, stormed today, Wednesday, the sections of prisoners in "Ofer" prison, and assaulted a number of them .

The media official in the Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority, Thaer Shreiteh, told "Wafa" that the repressive forces stormed the prison sections of "Ofer" suddenly, assaulted a group of them, and threatened to impose new penalties on them, adding that a state of tension prevails in the prison sections, and that the hours The future will be decisive in light of expectations that all sections will be stormed .

He stated that the occupation prisons administration is trying to pressure, through intimidation and blackmail methods, the prisoners and storm their sections, to discourage them from their struggle steps, which they announced and include considering the next Friday and Monday as days of anger in protest against the escalation against them .

Shreiteh explained that a state of tension prevails in the prisoner sections in "Megiddo" prison, after the prison administration threatened to impose penalties on them, while the prisoners responded to that by escalating their steps in case any of them were harmed .

And the captive movement said in a statement yesterday that considering the two days of anger came as a rejection of the escalation against the prisoners and the failure to implement the understandings that were made between the captive movement and the administration of the occupation prisons related to reversing the escalation and the penalties imposed on them, specifically after six prisoners were freed from Gilboa prison last September. .

In its statement, the captive movement called on all our Palestinian people to support the prisoners in their battle and their escalatory steps, until they attain their freedom .

“المركزي” يقرر تعليق الاعتراف بإسرائيل ووقف التنسيق الأمني وإنهاء جميع الاتفاقات لحين اعترافها بدولة فلسطين  رام الله – “القدس العربي”  ووكالات: في ختام اجتماعاته التي عقدها في مدينة رام الله، وسط الضفة الغربية المحتلة، قرر المجلس المركزي لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، أمس الأربعاء، تعليق الاعتراف بإسرائيل وإنهاء التزامات السلطة الفلسطينية بجميع الاتفاقيات معها لحين اعترافها بدولة فلسطينية على حدود الرابع من حزيران/يونيو 1967 وعاصمتها القدس الشرقية. جاء ذلك في بيان قرأه عضو اللجنة التنفيذية للمنظمة، عزام الأحمد، وبثه تلفزيون فلسطين الرسمي. وقال البيان إن “المجلس يقرر إنهاء التزامات منظمة التحرير والسلطة الفلسطينية بجميع الاتفاقيات مع سلطة الاحتلال، وفي مقدمتها تعليق الاعتراف بدولة إسرائيل، إلى حين اعترافها بدولة فلسطينية على حدود الرابع من حزيران/ يونيو عام 67 بعاصمتها القدس الشرقية، ووقف التنسيق الأمني بأشكاله المختلفة”. وكلّف المجلس المركزي اللجنةَ التنفيذية لمنظمة التحرير بـ”العمل على وضع الآليات المناسبة لتنفيذ قراراته، وفق ما تقتضيه المصلحة الوطنية العليا للشعب الفلسطيني”. وشدد المجلس، في بيانه الختامي، على أن دولة فلسطين هي وحدها صاحبة السيادة على الأرض الفلسطينية، وأن وجود الاحتلال بجيشه ومستوطنيه على أرض فلسطين هو وجود غير شرعي ينبغي إنهاؤه فورا، وتوفير الحماية الدولية للشعب الفلسطيني على أرضه حتى تتاح له ممارسة سيادته الكاملة. وجدد المجلس رفضه لـ “السلام الاقتصادي مع إسرائيل، أو مشروع تقليص الصراع وإجراءات بناء الثقة التي تطرح كبديل عن السلام الشامل والعادل”. وبشأن العلاقة مع أمريكا أكد على رفضه لـ”صفقة القرن” التي طرحها الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب بما في ذلك قرار نقل السفارة الأمريكية لدى إسرائيل من تل أبيب إلى مدينة القدس، داعيا إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي الحالي جو بايدن إلى الإيفاء بتعهداتها حول الالتزام بخيار حل الدولتين (فلسطينية وإسرائيلية)، ووقف التوسع الاستيطاني والتهجير القسري للسكان من مدينة القدس المحتلة، والحفاظ على الوضع التاريخي في المسجد الأقصى. كما حثّ إدارة بايدن على إعادة فتح القنصلية الأمريكية في القدس الشرقية، وإعادة فتح مكتب منظمة التحرير في واشنطن. ودعا إلى تحرك دولي عاجل، وعقد اجتماع وزاري للجنة الرباعية الدولية (الأمم المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة وروسيا) يصدر بيانا يؤكد على حل الدولتين ووقف الاستيطان وإنهاء الممارسات الإسرائيلية بحق الشعب الفلسطيني. وحثّ دول العالم، التي لم تعترف بعد بالدولة الفلسطينية، على الاعتراف بها. وجدد المجلس التأكيد على مبادرة الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس لعملية السلام، والتي دعا فيها إلى عقد مؤتمر دولي للسلام على أساس القانون الدولي والشرعية الدولية، ويكون له كامل الصلاحيات. كما جدد رفضه لرعاية الولايات المتحدة بشكل منفرد أي مفاوضات مع الجانب الإسرائيلي. وأكد المجلس على الدعوة لتشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية فلسطينية تلتزم بقرارات الشرعية الدولية والبرنامج الوطني الفلسطيني، مشددا على ضرورة إجراء الانتخابات الشاملة في الضفة الغربية، بما فيها القدس الشرقية وقطاع غزة، و”كسر قرار إسرائيل بشأن (عدم) عقدها في القدس”. يشار إلى أن مثل هذه القرارات سبق وأن اتخذها المجلس المركزي خلال اجتماعات في أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول 2018، ولم تنفذ منذ حينه. ويرى خبراء فلسطينيون أن تكليف اللجنة التنفيذية لمنظمة التحرير بوضع الآليات لتنفيذ تلك القرارات يجعلها غير نافذة. في هذه الأثناء أعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي أمس أن فلسطينييْن تجاوزا الشريط الحدودي جنوبي قطاع غزة وأضرما النار في آلية عسكرية إسرائيلية قبل أن يعودا إلى القطاع. وأضاف، في بيان، أن قواته “رصدت قبل وقت قصير مشتبهين تجاوزا الشريط الحدودي جنوبي قطاع غزة إلى منطقة السياج، إضافة إلى مشتبه به آخر اقترب من منطقة السياج”. وأوضح أن “المشتبه بهم تقدموا باتجاه شاحنة فارغة استخدمت في أعمال الصيانة وأضرموا النيران فيها.. لم يتجاوز المشتبه بهم منطقة السياج وعادوا إلى القطاع”. لكن ناشطين فلسطينيين بثوا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي صورا قالوا إنها توثق احتراق آلية حفر تابعة للجيش الإسرائيلي شرق مخيم البريج جنوب مدينة غزة، على أيدي شباب تجاوزا المنطقة الحدودية. وتحظر القوات الإسرائيلية على فلسطينيي غزة دخول المنطقة المحاذية للشريط الحدودي لمسافة 300 متر، وتسميها “المنطقة العازلة”، وتطلق النار أو تعتقل كل من يوجد فيها. إلى ذلك عمّ إضراب شامل مدنا عدة في الضفة الغربية، أمس، احتجاجا على اغتيال قوة إسرائيلية خاصة ثلاثة ناشطين في نابلس بعد ظهر أمس الأول الثلاثاء وسط دعوات لتصعيد المقاومة الشعبية وتوسيع رقعة المواجهة مع الاحتلال في جميع المناطق والتصدي للمستوطنين وتعزيز التلاحم الوطني والشعبي. وكانت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية عبرت عن مخاوفها من الأيام المقبلة بعد تنفيذ الجيش الإسرائيلي عملية الاغتيال. وقالت صحيفة “يديعوت أحرونوت” العبرية إن كتائب شهداء الأقصى تهدد بالرد على عملية تصفية ثلاثة من عناصرها في مدينة نابلس، وتقول: “دماء الشهداء لن تذهب هدرا، الرد قادم، وسيقابل الدم بالدم”.   The Central Bank decides to suspend recognition of Israel, stop security coordination, and end all agreements until it recognizes the state of Palestine  Ramallah : At the conclusion of its meetings held in the city of Ramallah, in the center of the occupied West Bank, the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization decided, yesterday, Wednesday, to suspend recognition of Israel and end the Palestinian Authority’s obligations in all agreements with it until it recognizes a Palestinian state on the borders June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.  This came in a statement read by Azzam Al-Ahmad, a member of the Executive Committee of the organization, and broadcast by the official Palestine TV. The statement said, "The Council decides to end the commitments of the Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority to all agreements with the occupying power, foremost of which is the suspension of recognition of the State of Israel, until its recognition of a Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and halting security coordination in its various forms."  The Central Council tasked the Executive Committee of the Liberation Organization with “working to put in place the appropriate mechanisms to implement its decisions, in accordance with the supreme national interest of the Palestinian people.”  In its final statement, the Council stressed that the State of Palestine alone has sovereignty over the Palestinian land, and that the presence of the occupation with its army and settlers on the land of Palestine is an illegal existence that should be ended immediately, and international protection for the Palestinian people on their land is provided so that they can exercise their full sovereignty. The Council renewed its rejection of “economic peace with Israel, or the project to reduce the conflict and confidence-building measures that are presented as an alternative to a comprehensive and just peace.”  Regarding the relationship with America, he stressed his rejection of the “deal of the century” proposed by former US President Donald Trump, including the decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, calling on the administration of current US President Joe Biden to fulfill its commitments to the two-state solution. (Palestinian and Israeli), stopping settlement expansion and forced displacement of residents from the occupied city of Jerusalem, and preserving the historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque. He also urged the Biden administration to reopen the US Consulate in East Jerusalem, and to reopen the PLO office in Washington. He called for urgent international action, and convened a ministerial meeting of the International Quartet (the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia) to issue a statement confirming the two-state solution, halting settlements and ending Israeli practices against the Palestinian people. He urged the countries of the world, which have not yet recognized the Palestinian state, to recognize it.  The Council reiterated the initiative of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for the peace process, in which he called for the convening of an international peace conference on the basis of international law and international legitimacy, with full powers. He also renewed his rejection of the United States unilaterally sponsoring any negotiations with the Israeli side. The Council affirmed the call for the formation of a Palestinian national unity government that adheres to the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Palestinian national program, stressing the need to hold comprehensive elections in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, and “break Israel’s decision (not) to hold them in Jerusalem.”  It is noteworthy that such decisions were previously taken by the Central Council during meetings in October 2018, and have not been implemented since then. Palestinian experts believe that assigning the Executive Committee of the Liberation Organization to develop mechanisms to implement these decisions renders them ineffective. Meanwhile, the Israeli army announced yesterday that two Palestinians crossed the border strip in the southern Gaza Strip and set fire to an Israeli military vehicle before returning to the Strip. He added, in a statement, that his forces had "discovered a short time ago suspects who crossed the border strip in the southern Gaza Strip to the fence area, in addition to another suspect who approached the fence area."  He explained that "the suspects advanced towards an empty truck that was used in maintenance work and set it on fire. The suspects did not go beyond the fence area and returned to the Strip." However, Palestinian activists posted on social media pictures that they said documented the burning of an Israeli army digging machine east of Al-Bureij refugee camp, south of Gaza City, at the hands of young men who crossed the border area. The Israeli forces prohibit the Palestinians of Gaza from entering the area adjacent to the border strip for a distance of 300 meters, calling it the “buffer zone”, and they shoot or arrest anyone in it.  In addition, a comprehensive strike took place in several cities in the West Bank yesterday, in protest against the assassination of three activists by an Israeli special force in Nablus on Tuesday afternoon, amid calls to escalate the popular resistance and expand the scope of the confrontation with the occupation in all areas, confront the settlers and enhance national and popular cohesion.  Israeli media had expressed their fears of the coming days after the Israeli army carried out the assassination. The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth said that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades threatens to respond to the process of liquidating three of its members in the city of Nablus, and says: "The blood of the martyrs will not be in vain. The response is coming, and the blood will be met with blood."

The Central Bank decides to suspend recognition of Israel, stop security coordination, and end all agreements until it recognizes the state of Palestine

Ramallah : At the conclusion of its meetings held in the city of Ramallah, in the center of the occupied West Bank, the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization decided, yesterday, Wednesday, to suspend recognition of Israel and end the Palestinian Authority’s obligations in all agreements with it until it recognizes a Palestinian state on the borders June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

This came in a statement read by Azzam Al-Ahmad, a member of the Executive Committee of the organization, and broadcast by the official Palestine TV.

The statement said, "The Council decides to end the commitments of the Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority to all agreements with the occupying power, foremost of which is the suspension of recognition of the State of Israel, until its recognition of a Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and halting security coordination in its various forms."

The Central Council tasked the Executive Committee of the Liberation Organization with “working to put in place the appropriate mechanisms to implement its decisions, in accordance with the supreme national interest of the Palestinian people.”

In its final statement, the Council stressed that the State of Palestine alone has sovereignty over the Palestinian land, and that the presence of the occupation with its army and settlers on the land of Palestine is an illegal existence that should be ended immediately, and international protection for the Palestinian people on their land is provided so that they can exercise their full sovereignty.

The Council renewed its rejection of “economic peace with Israel, or the project to reduce the conflict and confidence-building measures that are presented as an alternative to a comprehensive and just peace.”

Regarding the relationship with America, he stressed his rejection of the “deal of the century” proposed by former US President Donald Trump, including the decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, calling on the administration of current US President Joe Biden to fulfill its commitments to the two-state solution. (Palestinian and Israeli), stopping settlement expansion and forced displacement of residents from the occupied city of Jerusalem, and preserving the historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque. He also urged the Biden administration to reopen the US Consulate in East Jerusalem, and to reopen the PLO office in Washington. He called for urgent international action, and convened a ministerial meeting of the International Quartet (the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia) to issue a statement confirming the two-state solution, halting settlements and ending Israeli practices against the Palestinian people. He urged the countries of the world, which have not yet recognized the Palestinian state, to recognize it.

The Council reiterated the initiative of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for the peace process, in which he called for the convening of an international peace conference on the basis of international law and international legitimacy, with full powers. He also renewed his rejection of the United States unilaterally sponsoring any negotiations with the Israeli side.

The Council affirmed the call for the formation of a Palestinian national unity government that adheres to the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Palestinian national program, stressing the need to hold comprehensive elections in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, and “break Israel’s decision (not) to hold them in Jerusalem.”

It is noteworthy that such decisions were previously taken by the Central Council during meetings in October 2018, and have not been implemented since then. Palestinian experts believe that assigning the Executive Committee of the Liberation Organization to develop mechanisms to implement these decisions renders them ineffective.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army announced yesterday that two Palestinians crossed the border strip in the southern Gaza Strip and set fire to an Israeli military vehicle before returning to the Strip.
He added, in a statement, that his forces had "discovered a short time ago suspects who crossed the border strip in the southern Gaza Strip to the fence area, in addition to another suspect who approached the fence area."

He explained that "the suspects advanced towards an empty truck that was used in maintenance work and set it on fire. The suspects did not go beyond the fence area and returned to the Strip." However, Palestinian activists posted on social media pictures that they said documented the burning of an Israeli army digging machine east of Al-Bureij refugee camp, south of Gaza City, at the hands of young men who crossed the border area.

The Israeli forces prohibit the Palestinians of Gaza from entering the area adjacent to the border strip for a distance of 300 meters, calling it the “buffer zone”, and they shoot or arrest anyone in it.

In addition, a comprehensive strike took place in several cities in the West Bank yesterday, in protest against the assassination of three activists by an Israeli special force in Nablus on Tuesday afternoon, amid calls to escalate the popular resistance and expand the scope of the confrontation with the occupation in all areas, confront the settlers and enhance national and popular cohesion.

Israeli media had expressed their fears of the coming days after the Israeli army carried out the assassination.

The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth said that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades threatens to respond to the process of liquidating three of its members in the city of Nablus, and says: "The blood of the martyrs will not be in vain. The response is coming, and the blood will be met with blood."

ما حكاية الصواريخ السورية التي تخترق الأجواء الإسرائيلية؟  أعلن الجيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي -فجر الأربعاء التاسع من فبراير/شباط 2022- أن صاروخا مضادا للطائرات أطلقته قوات النظام السوري انفجر وسط البلاد.  وقال الجيش -في تغريدة نشرها على حسابه بموقع تويتر- إنه بعد تفعيل صفارات الإنذار في منطقة أم الفحم (شمال) تم التعرف على صاروخ مضاد للطائرات أُطلق من الأراضي السورية باتجاه الأراضي الإسرائيلية.   وأضاف أن الصاروخ انفجر في الهواء، ولم يتم اعتراضه فعليا لعدم الحاجة إلى ذلك. وفي ما يلي قصة الصواريخ السورية التي تخترق الأجواء الإسرائيلية من حين إلى آخر.  صفقة روسية ـ يناير/كانون الثاني 2005: صحيفة "كوميرسانت" الروسية أفادت بأن موسكو تستعد أن تبيع إلى دمشق صواريخ من طراز "إسكندر-آي" أو"إس إس-26″ التي يصل مداها إلى 280 كم، وهي صواريخ محسنة لصواريخ سكود "إس إس-22" التي استخدمها العراق في ضرب تل أبيب إبان حرب الخليج عام 1991.   ـ وذكرت الصحيفة أن إسرائيل استدعت سفيرها في موسكو، احتجاجا على هذه الخطوة. في حين نفت الخارجية الإسرائيلية تلك الأنباء، مؤكدة أنه يقضي إجازة في إسرائيل.  ـ الصحيفة قالت إن سوريا تقدمت بطلب إلى روسيا قبل عامين لشراء 18 صاروخا من هذا الطراز، لكن هذه الصواريخ لم تكن تخضع للتجربة بعد في روسيا، مما دفع دمشق لطلب صواريخ أخرى من طراز "كورنت" و"ميتيس".  ـ وقتها، حذرت الولايات المتحدة روسيا من بيعها صواريخ إلى سوريا، واصفة هذه الصفقة بـ"غير المبررة"، وهددت بـ"عقوبات محتملة".  ـ وقال وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي آنذاك سيلفان شالوم إنه أجرى اتصالات بشأن منع الصفقة الروسية قبل بضعة أيام وأنه يأمل في التوصل لتفاهم مع الحكومة الروسية.   ـ سبتمبر/أيلول 2010: أعلنت موسكو أنها ستبيع سوريا صواريخ "ياخونت بي-800″، بحسب ما نقلت وكالات الأنباء الروسية، وذكرت أنها ستسلم "صواريخ ياخونت إلى سوريا، سوف ننفذ العقد" الذي تم توقيعه بين البلدين عام 2007.  ـ يبلغ مدى الصواريخ 300 كيلومتر وتستطيع حمل رأس حربي زنته 200 كيلوغرام، كما تستطيع الطيران على ارتفاع بضعة أمتار فقط من سطح الماء، مما يصعب كشفها واعتراضها.  ـ وقتها قال وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي أفيغدور ليبرمان إن وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي فشل في إقناع روسيا بألا تبيع سوريا صواريخ ياخونت المتطورة المضادة للسفن الحربية، وهي صفقة اعتبرها "تعقد الوضع" في الشرق الأوسط.  ـ اعتبر ليبرمان أن الصفقة -وقيمتها 300 مليون دولار- "لا تساعد في نشر الاستقرار والسلام في المنطقة". ونقل مسؤول إسرائيلي عن رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي آنذاك بنيامين نتنياهو قوله -في اجتماع مغلق مع أعضاء حزب الليكود- إن "الصفقة إشكالية جدا" بالنسبة لإسرائيل، لكنه فشل في إقناع روسيا بالتراجع عنها.   ـ مايو/أيار 2013: حذر وزير الخارجية الأميركي جون كيري من أن قيام روسيا بتسليم صواريخ إلى سوريا سيؤدي "إلى زعزعة الاستقرار" في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، وسيشكل تهديدا لأمن إسرائيل.  ـ يونيو/حزيران 2013: الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين يعلن أن موسكو "لم تسلم بعد" صواريخ أرض-جو من طراز "إس-300" إلى سوريا، "لعدم الإخلال بموازين القوى" في المنطقة، في حين قال وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي موشيه يعالون إن "تسليم هذه الصواريخ إلى سوريا لا يمكن أن يتم قبل عام 2014".  ـ يوليو/تموز 2013: ذكرت إذاعة الجيش الإسرائيلي أن وزيرة العدل الإسرائيلية تسيبي ليفني تزور روسيا في محاولة لمنع تسليم شحنة صواريخ إس-300 إلى نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.  مصانع إيرانية ـ نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2014: قال القائد في الحرس الثوري الإيراني العميد أمير علي حاجي زاده إن طهران أنشأت عددا من المصانع لإنتاج الصواريخ في سوريا، واعتبر أن حزب الله والمقاومة الفلسطينية أصبحا مقتدرين في المجال الصاروخي.   ـ ونقلت وكالة أنباء فارس -شبه الرسمية- عن زاده قوله إن مصانع الصواريخ المنشأة في سوريا يتم فيها إنتاج صواريخ من تصميم إيراني، وأضاف "في الحقيقة تلقينا التدريب منهم، لكننا علمناهم الإنتاج فيما بعد، فالصناعة الصاروخية تم تزويد سوريا بها من قبل إيران، ولقد أصبح الأمر بحيث إنه حتى جبهة المقاومة تعلمت صنع صواريخها من إيران".  ـ مارس/آذار 2017: الدفاعات الجوية السورية تطارد طائرات حربية إسرائيلية بعد تنفيذ غارات في سوريا وسقوط بعض شظايا الصواريخ في منطقة جنوب بحيرة طبريا وفي مناطق في شمال الأردن أيضا وصفارات الإنذار تدوي في منطقة الأغوار.  ـ 10 فبراير/شباط 2018: أطلقت سوريا صاروخا من طراز "سام 5" (SA5)، ردا على هجوم نفذته طائرات إسرائيلية في منطقة دمشق أسقط طائرة حربية إسرائيلية من طراز "إف-16 آي" (F-16i)، حيث لاحقها وأسقطها شرق حيفا، واضطر الطيار للهبوط الطارئ بالمظلات، وقد شوهدت عدة صواريخ أرض جو سورية في سماء مدينة تل أبيب.  مفاعل ديمونا النووي ـ مايو/أيار 2018: قال المتحدث باسم جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المقدم جوناثان كونريكوس إن فيلق القدس الإيراني أطلق نحو 20 صاروخا وقذيفة من مرتفعات الجولان على أهداف إسرائيلية.   ـ 14 أبريل/نيسان 2021: أعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي رصده إطلاق 3 صواريخ من سوريا باتجاه إسرائيل. وأشار بيان عسكري إسرائيلي إلى أن أحد الصواريخ سقط على الأراضي السورية، في حين سقط صاروخان في مناطق مفتوحة غير مأهولة، من دون تقديم أي تفاصيل أخرى.  ـ 22 أبريل/نيسان 2021: وصل صاروخ سوري إلى منطقة مفاعل ديمونا النووي في النقب، وشظاياه تنتشر في مناطق مختلفة من صحراء النقب جنوب إسرائيل.  ـ 19 أغسطس/آب 2021: انفجر صاروخ سوري فوق البحر الميت، وكان قد تم إطلاقه لصد هجوم إسرائيلي جوي قرب العاصمة دمشق في الوقت نفسه.  ـ 3 سبتمبر/أيلول 2021: انفجار صاروخ في البحر قبالة تل أبيب، كان يطارد طائرات حربية إسرائيلية أغارت على أهداف قرب العاصمة دمشق.  صواريخ أرض جو ـ 24 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2021: صاروخ أرض جو سوري من نوع "سام 5" يخترق الأجواء الإسرائيلية على علو مرتفع وينفجر بالبحر قبالة شواطئ حيفا، حيث كان يطارد مقاتلات إسرائيلية أغارت على أهداف قرب مدينة حمص استهدفت شحنة أسلحة لحزب الله اللبناني، حيث نفذت الطائرات المقاتلة الإسرائيلية الغارة من فوق العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت.   ـ 9 فبراير/شباط 2022: المضادة الأرضية السورية تطلق صواريخ أرض جو، بعد غارة نفذتها مقاتلات إسرائيلية قرب العاصمة دمشق، وأحد الصواريخ يخترق الأجواء الإسرائيلية حيث انفجر بالجو.  وقد دوت صفارات الإنذار في مناطق في شمال ووسط إسرائيل، وقد عاد سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي ونفذ بعد ذلك غارة ثانية استهدفت البطارية التي أطلقت منها الصواريخ في الغارة الأولى إضافة إلى منظومة رادارية.    What is the story of the Syrian missiles that penetrate the Israeli airspace?  In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows missiles flying into the sky near international airport, in Damascus, Syria, Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. In a very unusual move, the Israeli military has issued a statement saying it is attacking Iranian military targets in Syria. It is also warning Syrian authorities not to retaliate against Israel. (SANA via AP)  The Israeli occupation army announced - at dawn on Wednesday the ninth of February 2022 - that an anti-aircraft missile fired by the Syrian regime forces exploded in the center of the country.  The army said - in a tweet posted on its Twitter account - that after activating the sirens in the Umm al-Fahm area (north), an anti-aircraft missile was identified that was launched from Syrian territory towards Israeli territory.  He added that the missile exploded in the air, and it was not actually intercepted because it was not needed. The following is the story of the Syrian missiles that penetrate Israeli airspace from time to time.  Russian deal January 2005: The Russian newspaper "Kommersant" reported that Moscow is preparing to sell Damascus "Iskander-I" or "SS-26" missiles with a range of 280 km, which are upgraded to the SS Scud missiles. -22" that Iraq used to strike Tel Aviv during the 1991 Gulf War.  The newspaper reported that Israel recalled its ambassador in Moscow, in protest against this move. While the Israeli Foreign Ministry denied the news, stressing that he is on vacation in Israel.  The newspaper said that Syria submitted a request to Russia two years ago to purchase 18 missiles of this type, but these missiles were not yet tested in Russia, which prompted Damascus to order other Kornet and Metis missiles.  At the time, the United States warned Russia against selling missiles to Syria, describing this deal as "unjustified" and threatening "potential sanctions."  - Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said that he had made contacts about blocking the Russian deal a few days ago and that he hoped to reach an understanding with the Russian government.  September 2010: Moscow announced that it would sell Syria "Yakhont B-800" missiles, according to Russian news agencies, and stated that it would deliver "Yakhont missiles to Syria, we will fulfill the contract" signed between the two countries in 2007.  The missiles have a range of 300 kilometers and can carry a warhead weighing 200 kilograms. They can also fly at a height of only a few meters from the surface of the water, making them difficult to detect and intercept.  - At the time, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the Israeli Defense Minister had failed to persuade Russia not to sell Syria advanced Yakhont anti-ship missiles, a deal he considered "complicating the situation" in the Middle East.  Lieberman considered that the $300 million deal "does not help in spreading stability and peace in the region." An Israeli official quoted then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying - in a closed meeting with members of the Likud party - that "the deal is very problematic" for Israel, but he failed to persuade Russia to back down from it.  - May 2013: US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Russia's delivery of missiles to Syria would "destabilize" the Middle East and pose a threat to Israel's security.  - June 2013: Russian President Vladimir Putin announces that Moscow has "not yet delivered" S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria, "not to disturb the balance of power" in the region, while Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said that "The delivery of these missiles to Syria cannot take place before 2014."  July 2013: Israeli Army Radio reported that Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni was visiting Russia in an attempt to prevent the delivery of a shipment of S-300 missiles to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.  Iranian factories November 2014: The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said that Tehran had established a number of factories for the production of missiles in Syria, and considered that Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance had become powerful in the missile field.  - The semi-official Fars news agency quoted Zadeh as saying that the missile factories established in Syria are producing Iranian-designed missiles, and added, "In fact, we received training from them, but we taught them production later. The missile industry was supplied to Syria by Iran, It has become such that even the resistance front learned to manufacture its missiles from Iran.”  March 2017: Syrian air defenses chase Israeli warplanes after carrying out raids in Syria and some missile fragments fell in the area south of Lake Tiberias and in areas in northern Jordan as well, and sirens sounded in the Jordan Valley.  February 10, 2018: Syria launched a SA5 missile, in response to an attack carried out by Israeli planes in the Damascus area that shot down an Israeli F-16i warplane, after which it pursued and shot down east of Haifa, and the pilot was forced to make an emergency parachute landing, and several Syrian surface-to-air missiles were seen in the sky of Tel Aviv.  Dimona nuclear reactor May 2018: Israeli occupation army spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said that the Iranian Quds Force fired about 20 missiles and shells from the Golan Heights at Israeli targets.  April 14, 2021: The Israeli army announced that it had detected the launch of 3 missiles from Syria towards Israel. An Israeli military statement indicated that one of the missiles fell on Syrian territory, while two missiles fell in open, uninhabited areas, without providing any other details.  April 22, 2021: A Syrian missile reached the area of ​​the Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev, and its fragments are scattered in different areas of the Negev desert in southern Israel.  August 19, 2021: A Syrian missile exploded over the Dead Sea, which had been launched to repel an Israeli air attack near the capital Damascus at the same time.  September 3, 2021: A missile explodes in the sea off Tel Aviv, chasing Israeli warplanes that raided targets near the capital, Damascus.  surface-to-air missiles - November 24, 2021: a Syrian surface-to-air missile of the type "SAM-5" penetrates Israeli airspace at a high altitude and explodes in the sea off the shores of Haifa, as it was chasing Israeli fighters that raided targets near the city of Homs targeting a shipment of weapons to the Lebanese Hezbollah. Israeli combat aircraft raid over the Lebanese capital Beirut.  February 9, 2022: The Syrian ground forces launch surface-to-air missiles, after a raid carried out by Israeli fighters near the capital, Damascus, and one of the missiles penetrated Israeli airspace and exploded in the air.  Sirens sounded in areas in northern and central Israel, and the Israeli Air Force returned and then carried out a second raid targeting the battery from which the missiles were launched in the first raid, in addition to a radar system.

What is the story of the Syrian missiles that penetrate the Israeli airspace?

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows missiles flying into the sky near international airport, in Damascus, Syria, Monday, Jan. 21, 2019. In a very unusual move, the Israeli military has issued a statement saying it is attacking Iranian military targets in Syria. It is also warning Syrian authorities not to retaliate against Israel. (SANA via AP)

The Israeli occupation army announced - at dawn on Wednesday the ninth of February 2022 - that an anti-aircraft missile fired by the Syrian regime forces exploded in the center of the country.

The army said - in a tweet posted on its Twitter account - that after activating the sirens in the Umm al-Fahm area (north), an anti-aircraft missile was identified that was launched from Syrian territory towards Israeli territory.

He added that the missile exploded in the air, and it was not actually intercepted because it was not needed. The following is the story of the Syrian missiles that penetrate Israeli airspace from time to time.

Russian deal
January 2005: The Russian newspaper "Kommersant" reported that Moscow is preparing to sell Damascus "Iskander-I" or "SS-26" missiles with a range of 280 km, which are upgraded to the SS Scud missiles. -22" that Iraq used to strike Tel Aviv during the 1991 Gulf War.

The newspaper reported that Israel recalled its ambassador in Moscow, in protest against this move. While the Israeli Foreign Ministry denied the news, stressing that he is on vacation in Israel.

The newspaper said that Syria submitted a request to Russia two years ago to purchase 18 missiles of this type, but these missiles were not yet tested in Russia, which prompted Damascus to order other Kornet and Metis missiles.

At the time, the United States warned Russia against selling missiles to Syria, describing this deal as "unjustified" and threatening "potential sanctions."

- Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said that he had made contacts about blocking the Russian deal a few days ago and that he hoped to reach an understanding with the Russian government.

September 2010: Moscow announced that it would sell Syria "Yakhont B-800" missiles, according to Russian news agencies, and stated that it would deliver "Yakhont missiles to Syria, we will fulfill the contract" signed between the two countries in 2007.

The missiles have a range of 300 kilometers and can carry a warhead weighing 200 kilograms. They can also fly at a height of only a few meters from the surface of the water, making them difficult to detect and intercept.

- At the time, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the Israeli Defense Minister had failed to persuade Russia not to sell Syria advanced Yakhont anti-ship missiles, a deal he considered "complicating the situation" in the Middle East.

Lieberman considered that the $300 million deal "does not help in spreading stability and peace in the region." An Israeli official quoted then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying - in a closed meeting with members of the Likud party - that "the deal is very problematic" for Israel, but he failed to persuade Russia to back down from it.

- May 2013: US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Russia's delivery of missiles to Syria would "destabilize" the Middle East and pose a threat to Israel's security.

- June 2013: Russian President Vladimir Putin announces that Moscow has "not yet delivered" S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria, "not to disturb the balance of power" in the region, while Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said that "The delivery of these missiles to Syria cannot take place before 2014."

July 2013: Israeli Army Radio reported that Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni was visiting Russia in an attempt to prevent the delivery of a shipment of S-300 missiles to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Iranian factories
November 2014: The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said that Tehran had established a number of factories for the production of missiles in Syria, and considered that Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance had become powerful in the missile field.

- The semi-official Fars news agency quoted Zadeh as saying that the missile factories established in Syria are producing Iranian-designed missiles, and added, "In fact, we received training from them, but we taught them production later. The missile industry was supplied to Syria by Iran, It has become such that even the resistance front learned to manufacture its missiles from Iran.”

March 2017: Syrian air defenses chase Israeli warplanes after carrying out raids in Syria and some missile fragments fell in the area south of Lake Tiberias and in areas in northern Jordan as well, and sirens sounded in the Jordan Valley.

February 10, 2018: Syria launched a SA5 missile, in response to an attack carried out by Israeli planes in the Damascus area that shot down an Israeli F-16i warplane, after which it pursued and shot down east of Haifa, and the pilot was forced to make an emergency parachute landing, and several Syrian surface-to-air missiles were seen in the sky of Tel Aviv.

Dimona nuclear reactor
May 2018: Israeli occupation army spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said that the Iranian Quds Force fired about 20 missiles and shells from the Golan Heights at Israeli targets.

April 14, 2021: The Israeli army announced that it had detected the launch of 3 missiles from Syria towards Israel. An Israeli military statement indicated that one of the missiles fell on Syrian territory, while two missiles fell in open, uninhabited areas, without providing any other details.

April 22, 2021: A Syrian missile reached the area of ​​the Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev, and its fragments are scattered in different areas of the Negev desert in southern Israel.

August 19, 2021: A Syrian missile exploded over the Dead Sea, which had been launched to repel an Israeli air attack near the capital Damascus at the same time.

September 3, 2021: A missile explodes in the sea off Tel Aviv, chasing Israeli warplanes that raided targets near the capital, Damascus.

surface-to-air missiles
- November 24, 2021: a Syrian surface-to-air missile of the type "SAM-5" penetrates Israeli airspace at a high altitude and explodes in the sea off the shores of Haifa, as it was chasing Israeli fighters that raided targets near the city of Homs targeting a shipment of weapons to the Lebanese Hezbollah. Israeli combat aircraft raid over the Lebanese capital Beirut.

February 9, 2022: The Syrian ground forces launch surface-to-air missiles, after a raid carried out by Israeli fighters near the capital, Damascus, and one of the missiles penetrated Israeli airspace and exploded in the air.

Sirens sounded in areas in northern and central Israel, and the Israeli Air Force returned and then carried out a second raid targeting the battery from which the missiles were launched in the first raid, in addition to a radar system.

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