Paris Saint-Germain and Real Madrid The dream of the first coronation collides with the experience of the European leader

باريس سان جيرمان وريال مدريد.. حلم التتويج الأول يصطدم بخبرة زعيم أوروبا  يسعى باريس سان جيرمان لمواصلة المشوار نحو تحقيق حلم التتويج الأول بلقب دوري أبطال أوروبا لكرة القدم، لكنه يواجه اختبارا صعبا ومهمة ثقيلة أمام ريال مدريد، الأكثر تتويجا بلقب البطولة الأوروبية.  ويستضيف سان جيرمان فريق ريال مدريد، اليوم الثلاثاء، في افتتاح مباريات ثمن نهائي دوري الأبطال، وستكون المباراة أشبه بنهائي مبكر.  ويُنتظر مشاركة النجم الأرجنتيني المحنك ليونيل ميسي لاعب برشلونة السابق، في مواجهة الغريم التقليدي ريال مدريد، كما تُسلط الأضواء بشكل كبير على النجم الفرنسي كليان مبابي المتوج مع منتخب بلاده بلقب كأس العالم، خاصة في ظل ربط اسمه بالانتقال إلى ريال مدريد.  وسجل كليان مبابي هدفا في الوقت القاتل قاد به سان جيرمان إلى الفوز على رين 1- صفر يوم الجمعة الماضي في الدوري الفرنسي ليواصل سان جيرمان ابتعاده في صدارة الدوري الفرنسي ويوجه تركيزه بشكل كبير إلى مشواره بالبطولة الأوروبية.  وقال أشرف حكيمي اللاعب السابق لريال مدريد والمدافع الحالي لباريس سان جيرمان "سجلنا الكثير من الأهداف في الدقائق الأخيرة، وهذا يظهر واحدة من نقاط قوة الفريق، وهي أننا نكافح حتى النهاية".  وأضاف حكيمي "هذا شيء إيجابي للغاية بالنسبة للفريق، لأنه يظهر أننا نتمتع بشخصية وموهبة من نوع خاص للفوز".   في المقابل، يتصدر ريال مدريد الدوري الإسباني لكن بفارق 4 نقاط فقط أمام أقرب منافسيه إشبيلية، وذلك بعدما تعادل المتصدر مع فياريال سلبيا مطلع هذا الأسبوع.   وقال كاسيميرو لاعب خط وسط ريال مدريد "الآن نحن مقبلون على أكثر الأوقات جمالا في كرة القدم. لدينا جهاز فني يعمل معنا بشكل ممتاز ودائما ما يرشدنا. ونود الفوز بكل شيء".  يذكر أن سهرة اليوم ستشهد أيضا لقاء بين سبورتينغ لشبونة البرتغالي وضيفه مانشستر سيتي الإنجليزي، ويلعب غدا ليفربول المتوج بلقب دوري أبطال أوروبا 6 مرات، ضيفا على إنتر ميلان المتوج باللقب 3 مرات، بينما يستقبل سالسبورغ النمساوي بايرن ميونخ الألماني.  وتتواصل منافسات جولة الذهاب في الأسبوع المقبل حيث يلتقي فياريال الإسباني مع يوفنتوس الإيطالي وتشلسي الإنجليزي مع ليل الفرنسي، كما يلتقي بنفيكا البرتغالي مع أياكس أمستردام الهولندي وأتلتيكو مدريد الإسباني مع مانشستر يونايتد الإنجليزي.    دوري الأبطال يعود من دون قاعدة قانونية استمرت 57 عاما  تعود منافسات دوري أبطال أوروبا بداية من سهرة اليوم الثلاثاء بإقامة مباريات الدور ثمن النهائي، ويتزامن ذلك مع إلغاء قاعدة قانونية كانت مطبقة منذ عام 1965.  ويواجه باريس سان جيرمان الفرنسي ضيفه ريال مدريد الإسباني، في حين يسافر مانشستر سيتي الإنجليزي لمواجهة سبورتنغ البرتغالي في أولى مواجهات ثمن النهائي.  وستكون المبارتان موعدا لتعديل جديد يشمل إلغاء قاعدة احتساب الهدف بهدفين للفرق الزائرة، في حال التعادل في مباراتي الذهاب والإياب.  وبداية من اليوم سيكون على الفرق ضمان الفوز بأي فارق دون أفضلية للأهداف المسجلة خارج القواعد، وفي حال التعادل سيتم اللجوء لشوطين إضافيين ثم ركلات الترجيح.  واتخذ الاتحاد الأوروبي لكرة القدم "يويفا" (UEFA) قرار إلغاء قاعدة احتساب الهدف بهدفين للفرق الزائرة في يونيو/حزيران الماضي، وبرر هذه الخطوة بالسعي لتشجيع اللعب الهجومي، وتجنب الأساليب الدفاعية التي تلجأ إليها بعض الفرق تجنبا لتلقي أهداف فوق ميدانها أو للدفاع عن أفضلية الهدف المسجل في مباراة الذهاب.  كما جاء القرار استجابة للانتقادات التي واجهت القاعدة، إذ اعتُبرت ظالمة للفرق التي تضطر لخوض أشواط إضافية خارج ملعبها إيابا، وهو ما يمنح أفضلية للفرق المستضيفة التي تستفيد من عاملي الأرض والجمهور.  وقال رئيس اتحاد الكرة الأوروبي ألكسندر تشيفرين في تصريحات سابقة إن إلغاء قاعدة احتساب الهدف بهدفين خارج القواعد سيدفع الفرق لمزيد من اللعب الهجومي والتخلي عن التحفظ الدفاعي.  يذكر أن مباريات ذهاب ثمن النهائي تقام خلال الأسبوع الحالي والأسبوع المقبل، في حين تجرى مباريات العودة بين 8 و16 مارس/آذار المقبل.      Paris Saint-Germain and Real Madrid The dream of the first coronation collides with the experience of the European leader Manchester City v Chelsea - UEFA Champions League  Paris Saint-Germain seeks to continue the path towards achieving the dream of winning the first European Champions League title, but it faces a difficult test and a heavy task against Real Madrid, the most crowned European champion.  Saint-Germain will host Real Madrid today, Tuesday, in the opening matches of the Champions League final price, and the match will be like an early final.  It is expected that the experienced Argentine star, Lionel Messi, the former Barcelona player, will participate in the face of the arch-rivals Real Madrid, and the spotlight is greatly shed on the French star, Clian Mbappe, who was crowned with his country with the World Cup title, especially in light of his name being linked to the move to Real Madrid.  Kylian Mbappe scored a goal at the deadly time that led Saint Germain to a 1-0 victory over Rennes last Friday in the French League, to keep Saint Germain away from the top of the French League and focus heavily on his career in the European Championship.  "We scored a lot of goals in the last minutes, and this shows one of the team's strengths, which is that we are fighting to the end," said Achraf Hakimi, a former Real Madrid player and current defender of Paris Saint-Germain.  "This is a very positive thing for the team, because it shows that we have a special kind of personality and talent to win," Hakimi added.  On the other hand, Real Madrid leads the Spanish League, but only 4 points ahead of its closest rival, Seville, after the leaders drew with Villarreal in a goalless match earlier this week.  "Now we are entering the most beautiful moment in football," Real Madrid midfielder Casemiro said. "We have a technical staff that works perfectly with us and always guides us. We would like to win everything."  It is noteworthy that today's evening will also witness a meeting between Sporting Lisbon and its guest Manchester City, and tomorrow, Liverpool, crowned with the Champions League title 6 times, will visit Inter Milan, crowned with the title 3 times, while Salzburg hosts Austrian Bayern Munich.  The first leg competitions will continue next week, where Villarreal will meet with Juventus, and Chelsea will meet with Lille in France. Benfica will meet with Ajax Amsterdam, and Atletico Madrid will meet with Manchester United.  The Champions League returns without a legal rule that lasted 57 years  The Champions League matches will return, starting from Tuesday evening, with the matches of the final price, coinciding with the abolition of a legal rule that has been in place since 1965.  French Paris Saint-Germain will face its Spanish guest, Real Madrid, while Manchester City will travel to face Sporting Portugal in the first match of the final price.  The two matches will be the date for a new amendment that includes canceling the rule of calculating the goal with two goals for the visiting teams, in the event of a tie in the home and away matches.  Starting from today, the teams will have to guarantee victory by any difference without preference for goals scored outside the rules, and in the event of a tie, an additional two games will be resorted to, then penalty kicks.  And the European Football Association “UEFA” (UEFA) took the decision to cancel the rule of calculating the goal with two goals for visiting teams last June, and justified this step by seeking to encourage offensive play, and avoiding the defensive methods that some teams resort to in order to avoid receiving goals above their field or to defend an advantage The goal scored in the first leg.  The decision also came in response to the criticisms faced by the rule, as it was considered unfair to the teams that are forced to play additional games away from home, which gives an advantage to the hosting teams that benefit from the ground workers and the public.  European Football Association President Aleksander Ceferin said in previous statements that canceling the rule of calculating the goal with two goals outside the rules will push the teams to more offensive play and abandon the defensive reservation.  It is noteworthy that the first leg of the final price matches will be held during the current week and next week, while the return matches will take place between 8 and 16 March next.

Paris Saint-Germain and Real Madrid The dream of the first coronation collides with the experience of the European leader

Manchester City v Chelsea - UEFA Champions League

Paris Saint-Germain seeks to continue the path towards achieving the dream of winning the first European Champions League title, but it faces a difficult test and a heavy task against Real Madrid, the most crowned European champion.

Saint-Germain will host Real Madrid today, Tuesday, in the opening matches of the Champions League final price, and the match will be like an early final.

It is expected that the experienced Argentine star, Lionel Messi, the former Barcelona player, will participate in the face of the arch-rivals Real Madrid, and the spotlight is greatly shed on the French star, Clian Mbappe, who was crowned with his country with the World Cup title, especially in light of his name being linked to the move to Real Madrid.

Kylian Mbappe scored a goal at the deadly time that led Saint Germain to a 1-0 victory over Rennes last Friday in the French League, to keep Saint Germain away from the top of the French League and focus heavily on his career in the European Championship.

"We scored a lot of goals in the last minutes, and this shows one of the team's strengths, which is that we are fighting to the end," said Achraf Hakimi, a former Real Madrid player and current defender of Paris Saint-Germain.

"This is a very positive thing for the team, because it shows that we have a special kind of personality and talent to win," Hakimi added.

On the other hand, Real Madrid leads the Spanish League, but only 4 points ahead of its closest rival, Seville, after the leaders drew with Villarreal in a goalless match earlier this week.

"Now we are entering the most beautiful moment in football," Real Madrid midfielder Casemiro said. "We have a technical staff that works perfectly with us and always guides us. We would like to win everything."

It is noteworthy that today's evening will also witness a meeting between Sporting Lisbon and its guest Manchester City, and tomorrow, Liverpool, crowned with the Champions League title 6 times, will visit Inter Milan, crowned with the title 3 times, while Salzburg hosts Austrian Bayern Munich.

The first leg competitions will continue next week, where Villarreal will meet with Juventus, and Chelsea will meet with Lille in France. Benfica will meet with Ajax Amsterdam, and Atletico Madrid will meet with Manchester United.

The Champions League returns without a legal rule that lasted 57 years

The Champions League matches will return, starting from Tuesday evening, with the matches of the final price, coinciding with the abolition of a legal rule that has been in place since 1965.

French Paris Saint-Germain will face its Spanish guest, Real Madrid, while Manchester City will travel to face Sporting Portugal in the first match of the final price.

The two matches will be the date for a new amendment that includes canceling the rule of calculating the goal with two goals for the visiting teams, in the event of a tie in the home and away matches.

Starting from today, the teams will have to guarantee victory by any difference without preference for goals scored outside the rules, and in the event of a tie, an additional two games will be resorted to, then penalty kicks.

And the European Football Association “UEFA” (UEFA) took the decision to cancel the rule of calculating the goal with two goals for visiting teams last June, and justified this step by seeking to encourage offensive play, and avoiding the defensive methods that some teams resort to in order to avoid receiving goals above their field or to defend an advantage The goal scored in the first leg.

The decision also came in response to the criticisms faced by the rule, as it was considered unfair to the teams that are forced to play additional games away from home, which gives an advantage to the hosting teams that benefit from the ground workers and the public.

European Football Association President Aleksander Ceferin said in previous statements that canceling the rule of calculating the goal with two goals outside the rules will push the teams to more offensive play and abandon the defensive reservation.

It is noteworthy that the first leg of the final price matches will be held during the current week and next week, while the return matches will take place between 8 and 16 March next.

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