Ministry of Industry encourages government agencies to spend on domestic products

Ministry of Industry encourages government agencies to spend on domestic products In particular, the President ordered to spend Rp400 trillion in 2022 for domestic products and MSMEs Solo (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) encourages government agencies to shop for domestic products to boost economic growth.  "The President in a working meeting said that we must love our own products. Moreover, during this pandemic the movement of goods is not easy, so the President hopes that we can reduce our dependence on imports," said Head of the Center for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN Center) at the Ministry of Industry, Nila. Kumalasari at the Socialization of the P3DN Program to Increase the Use of Domestic Products to Support Regional Economic Growth in Solo, Central Java, Tuesday.  With this effort, according to him, it is hoped that it will reduce the number of imports of goods that can actually be met by domestic industries.  "Specifically, the President ordered to spend IDR 400 trillion in 2022 for domestic products and MSMEs," said Nila. He said that in this year's budget, which is valued at more than Rp. 1,000 trillion, there are goods and capital expenditures that can be optimized for the purchase of domestic products of Rp. 532.5 trillion.  "This means that if the government asks to spend Rp. 400 trillion, it means that 75 percent of the APBD is absorbed for domestic products and MSMEs. In the law (UU) it has been stated that it is mandatory for all ministries, institutions, SKPD, BUMN, and BUMD to use domestic products. ," he said.  "The economic recovery is also going faster," said Nila. Regarding this, his party is optimistic that the domestic industry will be able to meet market needs as long as there is demand.  "If there is no demand , the industry will not grow. If there is demand , we believe the industry is ready," said Nila. Deputy for Law and Dispute Resolution from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Setya Budi Arijanta said that in 2021 the realization of domestic industrial spending was still low, at less than 31 percent of Rp. 1,200 trillion.  "The provisions on government spending are clear, if the needs of all local governments can be met by domestic products, then imports are not allowed. For the quality of domestic products, we learn from China and Korea. , we have to educate the public," he said.  Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said there are several superior industrial products in Solo, including Kiky and a mask factory.  "The readiness of MSMEs to meet government spending, we encourage procurement, we'll see later this year. For example, the priority is the education sector, ATK for schools is the easiest," he said.    Kemenperin dorong instansi pemerintah belanja produk dalam negeri  Secara khusus, Presiden memerintahkan agar membelanjakan Rp400 triliun di tahun 2022 untuk produk dalam negeri dan UMKM Solo (ANTARA) - Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) mendorong instansi pemerintah berbelanja produk dalam negeri untuk mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi.  "Presiden dalam rapat kerja menyampaikan bahwa kita harus mencintai produk sendiri. Apalagi, di masa pandemi ini pergerakan barang tidak mudah, sehingga Presiden berharap agar kita bisa mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap impor," kata Kepala Pusat Peningkatan Penggunaan Produk Dalam Negeri (Pusat P3DN) Kemenperin Nila Kumalasari pada Sosialisasi Program P3DN Peningkatan Penggunaan Produk Dalam Negeri Guna Mendukung Pertumbuhan Perekonomian Daerah di Solo, Jawa Tengah, Selasa.  Dengan upaya tersebut, menurut dia, diharapkan bisa menekan angka impor barang yang sebetulnya bisa dipenuhi oleh industri dalam negeri, "Secara khusus Presiden memerintahkan agar membelanjakan Rp400 triliun di tahun 2022 untuk produk dalam negeri dan UMKM," kata Nila. Ia mengatakan pada anggaran belanja pada tahun ini yang nilainya lebih dari Rp1.000 triliun, ada belanja barang dan modal yang bisa dioptimalkan untuk pembelian produk dalam negeri sebesar Rp532,5 triliun.  "Artinya, kalau pemerintah meminta untuk membelanjakan Rp400 triliun, menandakan APBD 75 persen diserap untuk produk dalam negeri dan UMKM. Di undang-undang (UU) sudah dinyatakan wajib bagi seluruh kementerian, lembaga, SKPD, BUMN, dan BUMD untuk menggunakan produk dalam negeri," katanya.  Dengan meningkatkan belanja tersebut artinya mendorong peningkatan industri dalam negeri dan berdampak pada penyerapan tenaga kerja sehingga angka pengangguran akan berkurang.  "Pemulihan ekonomi juga terjadi lebih cepat," ujar Nila. Terkait hal itu, pihaknya optimistis industri dalam negeri mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pasar selama ada permintaan.  "Jika demand nggak ada maka industri tidak akan tumbuh, kalau demand ada, kami yakin industri siap," kata Nila. Deputi Hukum dan Penyelesaian Sanggah Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) Setya Budi Arijanta mengatakan pada 2021 realisasi belanja industri dalam negeri masih rendah, yakni tidak sampai 31 persen dari Rp1.200 triliun.  "Ketentuan belanja pemerintah jelas, apabila kebutuhan semua pemda sudah bisa dipenuhi oleh produk dalam negeri maka tidak boleh impor. Kalau untuk kualitas produk dalam negeri kami belajar dari China, Korea, pasti awalnya nggak bagus (kualitas produk) namun layak dipakai, jangan termakan merek, ini kita harus mendidik masyarakat," katanya.  Wali Kota Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka mengatakan ada beberapa produk unggulan industri di Solo, di antaranya Kiky dan pabrik masker. "Kesiapan UMKM untuk memenuhi belanja pemerintah kita dorong pengadaannya, coba nanti kita lihat tahun ini. Misalnya, yang diutamakan sektor pendidikan, ATK untuk sekolah yang paling gampang," katanya.

Ministry of Industry encourages government agencies to spend on domestic products

In particular, the President ordered to spend Rp400 trillion in 2022 for domestic products and MSMEs
Solo (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) encourages government agencies to shop for domestic products to boost economic growth.

"The President in a working meeting said that we must love our own products. Moreover, during this pandemic the movement of goods is not easy, so the President hopes that we can reduce our dependence on imports," said Head of the Center for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN Center) at the Ministry of Industry, Nila. Kumalasari at the Socialization of the P3DN Program to Increase the Use of Domestic Products to Support Regional Economic Growth in Solo, Central Java, Tuesday.

With this effort, according to him, it is hoped that it will reduce the number of imports of goods that can actually be met by domestic industries.

"Specifically, the President ordered to spend IDR 400 trillion in 2022 for domestic products and MSMEs," said Nila.
He said that in this year's budget, which is valued at more than Rp. 1,000 trillion, there are goods and capital expenditures that can be optimized for the purchase of domestic products of Rp. 532.5 trillion.

"This means that if the government asks to spend Rp. 400 trillion, it means that 75 percent of the APBD is absorbed for domestic products and MSMEs. In the law (UU) it has been stated that it is mandatory for all ministries, institutions, SKPD, BUMN, and BUMD to use domestic products. ," he said.

"The economic recovery is also going faster," said Nila.
Regarding this, his party is optimistic that the domestic industry will be able to meet market needs as long as there is demand.

"If there is no demand , the industry will not grow. If there is demand , we believe the industry is ready," said Nila.
Deputy for Law and Dispute Resolution from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Setya Budi Arijanta said that in 2021 the realization of domestic industrial spending was still low, at less than 31 percent of Rp. 1,200 trillion.

"The provisions on government spending are clear, if the needs of all local governments can be met by domestic products, then imports are not allowed. For the quality of domestic products, we learn from China and Korea. , we have to educate the public," he said.

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said there are several superior industrial products in Solo, including Kiky and a mask factory.

"The readiness of MSMEs to meet government spending, we encourage procurement, we'll see later this year. For example, the priority is the education sector, ATK for schools is the easiest," he said.

တရားမဝင် မြန်မာတွေ တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ကားများ ထိုင်းမှာ ယဉ်တိုက်မှုမကြာခဏဖြစ်  ပကျွတ်ခီရီခရမ်ခရိုင် နယ်စပ်လမ်းမှာ ၂၀၂၂ ဖေဖော်ဝါရီ ၁၉ ရက်နေ့က ဖမ်းဆီးမိတဲ့ တရားမဝင် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံသား ၂၁၈ ဦးကို တွေ့ရစဉ် ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံ မနော်ရမ်ခရိုင် ချိုင်နတ်မြို့နယ်အတွင်း ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၁၉ ရက်နေ့ မနက် အစောပိုင်းမှာ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေကို တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ လူမှောင်ခို ကားတစ်စီးနဲ့ ထိုင်းဖျော်ဖြေရေး အကအဖွဲ့တွေကို တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ ကားတစ်စီး ယာဉ်တိုက်မှု ဖြစ်ပွားခဲ့ရာ အမျိုးသမီး တစ်ဦးသေဆုံးပြီး ၁၇ ဦး ဒဏ်ရာရရှိခဲ့တယ်လို့ သိရပါတယ်။  ယာဉ်တိုက်မှုဟာ မနောရမ်ခရိုင် ဖဟောလယိုသင်လမ်းပေါ်ရှိ ခွန်စမ်ဖောလမ်းဆုံမှာ ဖြစ်ပွားခဲ့တာဖြစ်ပြီး မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမား ၁၃ ဦး အပါအဝင် ၁၆ ဦး ဒဏ်ရရှိခဲ့တယ်လို့ ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၁၉ ရက်နေ့ထုတ်ပြန်တဲ့ ဘန်ကောက်ပိုစ့်သတင်းမှာ ဖော်ပြထားပါတယ်။  မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေကို ခေါ်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ ယာဉ်မောင်းမှာ ထွက်ပြေးသွား ပြီး မြန်မာ ၂ ဦးမှာလည်း ထွက်ပြေးဖို့ ကြံပေမယ့် ရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့က ဖမ်းဆီးနိုင်ခဲ့ပါတယ်။ ဒဏ်ရာရရှိတဲ့ ရွှေ့ပြောင်းနေထိုင်သူ နှစ်ဦးမှာ ကိုဗစ်ရောဂါပိုး တွေ့ရှိတယ်လို့လည်း ဖော်ပြထားပါတယ်။  အခုလို အထောက်အထားမဲ့ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေကို တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ကား မတော်တဆမှုတွေ မကြာခဏ ဖြစ်ပွားလာနေတာကြောင့် တရားခံလို့ယူဆရတဲ့ လူမှောင်ခို ဂိုဏ်းတွေကို ဖမ်းဆီးပြီး ထိုင်းအစိုးရနေနဲ့ ထိထိရောက်ရောက် စနစ်တကျ ကိုင်တွယ်ဖြေ ရှင်းပေးသင့်တယ်လို့ မြန်မာအလုပ်သမားအရေး ဆောင်ရွှက်နေတဲ့ မဲဆောက်မြို့အခြေစိုက် ရောင်ခြည်ဦး အလုပ်သမားအဖွဲ့က ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံဆိုင်ရာ တာဝန်ခံ ဦးမိုးကျော်က ပြောပါ တယ်။  “ကျနော်တို့နိုင်ငံရဲ့ အခြေအနေအရ လူငယ်တွေဟာ အလုပ်အကိုင် အခွင့်အလမ်းရှိ တယ်လို့ ထင်တဲ့နေရာထွက်ပြီး အလုပ်လုပ်ကိုင်တဲ့အခါမှာ ပွဲစားတွေနဲ့ ချိတ်ဆက်ပြီး တော့ နယ်စပ်ကနေ ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံအတွင်းပိုင်းထိ ဝင်ရောက်တာတွေ ရှိတဲ့အခါကြတော့ ကားတိုက်မှုတွေဖြစ်တယ်။ အဲဒီယာဉ်ပေါ်မှာပါလာတဲ့ ကျနော်တို့ ရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ် သမားတွေ သေဆုံးသွားတာတွေ ကြားနေရပါတယ်။ ဒါတွေက မဖြစ်သင့်ဘူး။ လူ မှောင်ခိုဂိုဏ်းတွေကနေ မက်လုံးပေးပြီးတော့ ပိုက်ဆံလည်း အများကြီးပေးရတယ်။ အသက်ရင်းပြီးတော့ အဖြစ်ဆိုးတဲ့ သေဆုံးသွားတာတွေက မဖြစ်သင့်ဘူး။ ဒီလို ဖြစ်တာတွေကို တာဝန်ရှိတဲ့လူတွေကနေ စနစ်တကျ ကိုင်တွယ်ဖြေရှင်းဖို့ လိုတယ်”  ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ဒုတိယပတ်အထိ အထောက်အထားမဲ့ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမား ၂၀၀၀ ကျော်နဲ့ လူပွဲစား ၁၈ ဦးကို ထိုင်းရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့က ဖမ်းဆီးနိုင်ခဲ့တယ်လို့ အလုပ်သမား အရေး ဆောင်ရွက်သူတွေက ပြောပါတယ်။   ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံထဲ တရားမဝင် ဝင်လာပြီး ယာဉ်တိုက်မှုတွေ မကြာခဏဖြစ်လို့ ထိခိုက်သေဆုံး တာတွေ ရှိလာတဲ့အတွက် ဖြစ်နိုင်ရင် ရွှေ့ပြောင်းမြန်မာအလုပ်သမားတွေ တရားမဝင် မဝင်လာကြဖို့ ထိုင်းတောင်ပိုင်း အခြေစိုက် ပညာရေးနဲ့ ဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုးတက်ရေးအဖွဲ့ (FED) က အလုပ်သမားရေးတာဝန်ခံ ဦးမင်းဦးက ပြောပါတယ်။  “တရားမဝင် ဝင်လာတဲ့အခါကြတော့ လူမှောင်ခိုတွေအနေနဲ့ကလည်း သူတို့ ပို့ပေးရမယ့် နေရာ၊ မူတည်ပြီးတော့ ရမဲ့ငွေကြေးပေါ်မူတည်ပြီးတော့ ဦးတည်ချက်ထားပြီး လုပ်တာ လေ။ အသက်တွေဘာတွေ ဂရုစိုက်တာ မဟုတ်ဘူး။ သိတဲ့အတိုင်း ပွဲစားလက်ထဲရောက် သွားရင် သူတို့ စီစဉ်တဲ့အတိုင်း သွားရတာလေ။ တကယ်လို့ ဖြစ်လာရင် ကားသမားက ထားပြီးထွက်ပြေးတာပဲ”  ဖေဖော်ရီလ ၁၅ ရက်နေ့ကလည်း ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံမြောက်ပိုင်း ဟော့ခရိုင် ချင်းမိုင်မြို့နယ်ထဲမှာ တရားမဝင် မြန်မာ ၂၀ လောက် တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ ကားနဲ့ မော်တော်ဆိုင်ကယ်တစ်စီး တိုက်မိလို့ ဆိုင်ကယ်စီးလာတဲ့ အသက် ၁၃ နှစ်အရွယ် ကလေး တစ်ဦး သေဆုံးခဲ့ပါတယ်။  ပြီးခဲ့တဲ့ ဇန်နဝါရီ ၂၀ ရက်နေ့မှာလည်း ထိုင်းမြန်မာနယ်စပ် ကန်ချနဘူရီခရိုင် စိုင်ရိုမြို့နယ် အတွင်း ရွှေ့ပြောင်းမြန်မာအလုပ်သမားတွေ တင်ဆောင်လာတဲ့ကား ယာဉ်တိုက်မှုမှာလည်း မြန်မာအလုပ်သမား ငါးဦး သေဆုံးခဲ့ပါတယ်။  အထောက်အထားမဲ့ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေ ထိုင်းမြန်မာနယ်စပ်တွေမှာပဲ ဖမ်း ဆီးခံရမှုတွေ အများဆုံးရှိခဲ့ပေမယ့် အခုနောက်ပိုင်း ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံ အတွင်းပိုင်းထိ ဝင်လာရာ ကနေ ယာဉ်တိုက်မှုတွေကြောင့် မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေ သေဆုံးမှုတွေ၊ ရှိလာတာ ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။  ထိုင်းနိုင်ငံထဲ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမားတွေ နေ့စဉ်ဆိုသလို ဖမ်းဆီးခံနေရပြီး ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၁၉ ရက်နေ့မှာလည်း ထိုင်းမြန်မာနယ်စပ် ပရာကျွတ်ခရီခန်ခရိုင်မှာ တရားမဝင် ဝင်ရောက်လာတဲ့ မြန်မာရွှေ့ပြောင်းအလုပ်သမား ၂၂၆ ဦးကို ထိုင်းရဲတပ်ဖွဲ့က ဖမ်းဆီးခဲ့ပါတယ်လို့ ဘန်ကောက်ပိုစ့်သတင်းမှာ ဖော်ပြထားပါတယ်။   Cars smuggled by illegal Burmese are frequent in Thailand  218 illegal Burmese nationals arrested on February 19, 2022 on the border road in Pakok Khiri Kham District A woman was killed and 17 others were injured when a car carrying Burmese migrant workers collided with a Thai dance troupe in the early hours of February 19 in Chai Nat Township, Manawram Province, Thailand.  The Bangkok Post reported on February 19 that 16 people, including 13 Burmese migrant workers, were injured in the crash, which occurred at the Khun Sam Phaw intersection on Phaholyothin Road in Manawram District.  The driver of the car carrying the Burmese migrant workers fled and two Burmese men tried to flee, but were arrested by police. It was also reported that two injured migrants were infected with the Kovis virus.  Moe Kyaw, a Thai-based official with the Mae Sot-based Raung Chi Oo Workers' Union, said the Thai government should crack down on suspected smuggling gangs carrying undocumented Burmese migrant workers and deal with the Thai government effectively.  "In our country, when young people go out and work where they think there are job opportunities, they have to work with brokers and cross the border into the interior of Thailand," he said. We can hear the deaths of our migrant workers in that vehicle. These should not happen. Incentives were also used to pay large sums of money. Tragic deaths should not happen. "These things need to be addressed systematically by the people in charge."  As of the second week of February, Thai police had arrested more than 2,000 undocumented Burmese migrant workers and 18 brokers, according to labor activists.  Min Oo, a labor official with the Education and Development Association (FED) in southern Thailand, said that if possible, Burmese migrant workers should not be allowed to enter the country illegally, as there are frequent casualties due to frequent traffic accidents.  "When they enter illegally, the smugglers have to find out where to send them," he said. It depends on the amount of money you get. It doesn't matter what age you are. As you know, once you get into the hands of a broker, you have to go as planned. "If that happens, the driver will leave."  On February 15, a 13-year-old boy was killed when his motorcycle collided with a car carrying about 20 illegal Burmese in Chiang Mai Township, northern Thailand.  On January 20, five Burmese workers were killed in a car accident involving Burmese migrant workers in Sairo Township, Kanchanaburi Province on the Thai-Burmese border.  Undocumented Burmese migrant workers have been the main source of arrests on the Thai-Burmese border, but more recently, Thai migrants have been killed and injured in road accidents. It has come to be.  Thai police have arrested 226 Burmese migrant workers in Thailand on February 19 in the Thai-Burmese border province of Prachuap Khiri Khan, according to the Bangkok Post.

Cars smuggled by illegal Burmese are frequent in Thailand

218 illegal Burmese nationals arrested on February 19, 2022 on the border road in Pakok Khiri Kham District
A woman was killed and 17 others were injured when a car carrying Burmese migrant workers collided with a Thai dance troupe in the early hours of February 19 in Chai Nat Township, Manawram Province, Thailand.

The Bangkok Post reported on February 19 that 16 people, including 13 Burmese migrant workers, were injured in the crash, which occurred at the Khun Sam Phaw intersection on Phaholyothin Road in Manawram District.

The driver of the car carrying the Burmese migrant workers fled and two Burmese men tried to flee, but were arrested by police. It was also reported that two injured migrants were infected with the Kovis virus.

Moe Kyaw, a Thai-based official with the Mae Sot-based Raung Chi Oo Workers' Union, said the Thai government should crack down on suspected smuggling gangs carrying undocumented Burmese migrant workers and deal with the Thai government effectively.

"In our country, when young people go out and work where they think there are job opportunities, they have to work with brokers and cross the border into the interior of Thailand," he said. We can hear the deaths of our migrant workers in that vehicle. These should not happen. Incentives were also used to pay large sums of money. Tragic deaths should not happen. "These things need to be addressed systematically by the people in charge."

As of the second week of February, Thai police had arrested more than 2,000 undocumented Burmese migrant workers and 18 brokers, according to labor activists.

Min Oo, a labor official with the Education and Development Association (FED) in southern Thailand, said that if possible, Burmese migrant workers should not be allowed to enter the country illegally, as there are frequent casualties due to frequent traffic accidents.

"When they enter illegally, the smugglers have to find out where to send them," he said. It depends on the amount of money you get. It doesn't matter what age you are. As you know, once you get into the hands of a broker, you have to go as planned. "If that happens, the driver will leave."

On February 15, a 13-year-old boy was killed when his motorcycle collided with a car carrying about 20 illegal Burmese in Chiang Mai Township, northern Thailand.

On January 20, five Burmese workers were killed in a car accident involving Burmese migrant workers in Sairo Township, Kanchanaburi Province on the Thai-Burmese border.

Undocumented Burmese migrant workers have been the main source of arrests on the Thai-Burmese border, but more recently, Thai migrants have been killed and injured in road accidents. It has come to be.

Thai police have arrested 226 Burmese migrant workers in Thailand on February 19 in the Thai-Burmese border province of Prachuap Khiri Khan, according to the Bangkok Post.

북 주민 “광명성절 특별공급 실망스런 수준”  앵커: 그동안 경제적 어려움을 겪어 온 북한 주민들이 올 해 김정일 국방위원장 80주년 생일을 맞아 특별공급에 큰 기대를 했지만, 열악한 수준이었던 것으로 알려졌습니다. 이마저도 받지 못한 사람이 적지 않다고 하는데요.  평양과 달리 지방에는 자체적으로 특별공급을 해결하라는 지시가 내려질 만큼 올해 북한이 광명성절과 태양절을 자축하기에는 매우 어려운 실정이라는 지적입니다. 노정민 기자가 보도합니다. 지방에서도 특별공급 못 받은 주민 많아 북한 양강도 혜산 주민이 김정일 국방위원장의 생일인 광명성절(2월 16일)을 앞두고 (2월 10일) RFA에 전한 현지 분위기는 북한 당국의 선전내용과 사뭇 달랐습니다. 대규모 기념 보고대회와 음악회, 예술공연 등이 예고됐거나 진행됐지만, 정작 북한 주민들이 가장 기대했던 특별 공급은 실망스러울 정도였다고 이 주민은 털어놨습니다. RFA가 일본의 ‘아시아프레스’를 통해 접촉한 이 북한 주민은 휴대전화 문자를 통해 ‘국가 차원의 공급이 전혀 없었다’며 이같이 말했습니다. 그는 기관, 기업소별 자체 공급도 명절공급이라기엔 초라한 수준이었다고 덧붙였습니다. 이어 그는 ‘이번 태양절에 큰 행사를 많이 한다고 한다’며 올 해 광명성절과 태양절 특별 공급에 대한 기대가 적지 않았다고 전했습니다. 그는 특히 북중 국경이 봉쇄된 이후 경제적으로 어려운 시기를 보낸 주민들이 광명성절을 맞아 국가에서 주는 배급과 선물 등에 관심이 컸다고 털어놨습니다. 반면, 광명성절의 의미에 대해서는 ‘진짜 그날을 좋아하기보다 선물도 주고 공급도 있고 쉬니까 좋아한다’며 ‘지금도 애국심 같은 것이 있다는 건 말이 안 되죠’라고 답했습니다. 오히려 행사에 따른 특별경비주간 때문에 귀찮다며 ‘위에서 시키면 따라다니는 것뿐’이라고 그는 덧붙였습니다. 실제 ‘아시아프레스’에 따르면 올해 광명성절에 즈음한 지방 도시의 특별공급은 기대 이하였습니다. 함경북도에서는 기관과 기업소마다 국영상점을 통해 간장, 된장, 비누, 치약 등이 공급됐으며,  옥수수는 이틀치 분량이 전부였습니다.  어린이들에게는 옥수수로 만든 사탕이 배급됐는데, 이마저도 함경북도에서 자체적으로 생산한 것이었습니다. 양강도에서도 국가 차원의 공급은 전혀 없었습니다. 기관과 기업소별로 간장, 된장 등 기초식품을 나눠줬지만, 모든 주민이 받은 것도 아니었습니다. 이시마루 지로 ‘아시아프레스’ 오사카 사무소 대표는 (2월 15일) RFA에 김정은 정권이 처음부터 지방마다 특별 공급을 자체적으로 해결하라는 지시를 내렸다고 전했습니다. [이시마루 지로] 이번 특별공급에서 알 수 있는 한 가지 특징은 북한 당국이 이전부터 지방 도시의 당 기관, 행정기관에 ‘이번 명절의 특별 공급은 자체적으로 해결하라’는 지시가 있었다는 거죠. 한 마디로 국가적인 재정투입은 없지만, (광명성절이) 국가적으로 중요한 민족의 명절이기 때문에 반드시 (특별 공급은) 해야 하는데, 국가가 도와주지 못하니까 지방에서 해결하라는 일방적인 지시였다고 볼 수 있죠. 최근 (2월 14일) 북한에 있는 가족으로부터 소식을 들은 탈북민 김혜영 씨(신변 안전을 위해 가명 요청)도 RFA에 ‘광명성절을 맞아 가족이 특별공급을 받았다는 말은 듣지 못했다’고 말했습니다. 오히려 ‘경제적으로 너무 어려우니 돈을 보내 달라’는 부탁을 받았습니다. [김혜영 씨(가명)] 특별공급을 받았다는 말은 못 들었습니다. 너무 어려워 돈을 보내 달라고 하는데, 중간 브로커가 제시한 수수료가 52%였습니다. 너무 어이가 없어서 돈을 보내지 못하고 있는데요. 지금 국경지역 주민들도 장사가 매우 힘들고 물가와 송금 수수료가 너무 높다고 합니다. 모든 주민이 특별공급을 받지 못한 이유는 지방에서도 기업소의 노동자들에게만 나눠줬기 때문입니다.  장사나 다른 이유로 기업소에 출근하지 않는 사람들은 배급에서 제외됐는데, 김 씨의 가족도 기업소에 나가지 못하는 실정입니다.  이시마루 대표는 그 만큼 북한 경제가 매우 어렵다는 방증이라고 지적했습니다.  [이시마루 지로] 기업소에 출근하지 않는 사람도 있습니다. 예를 들어 장사에 종사하는 사람들, 퇴직한 세대들에는 전혀 특별공급이 없었다는 거죠. 반면, 기업소에 출근하는 노동자들은 북한 당국의 통제 아래 움직이는 사람들입니다. 이런 사람들에게만 특별공급을 준다는 것은 북한의 전통적인 통치 수단을 강화하고 유지하려는 의지를 느끼고요. 그만큼 경제적으로 여유가 없는 것이 아닐까란 생각도 들었습니다. 북한이 광명성절 80주년을 맞아 지난 15일 김정은 북한 총비서가 참석한 가운데 북한 삼지연에서 중앙보고대회를 열었다. / AP  경제적 어려움 탓, 특별공급도 평양에만 집중   한편, 이번 광명성절 특별공급은 평양과 지방의 차이가 매우 컸던 것으로 알려졌습니다. 평양 시민들에는 꽤 푸짐한 명절 공급이 이뤄졌는데, 지난 1월 화물열차를 통해 들어 온 중국산 물품이 평양 시민들에게 우선 분배되고 지방에는 내려가지 않고 있다는 겁니다. 로버트 킹 전 미국 국무부 북한인권특사는 (2월 15일) RFA에 식량 부족, 코로나 방역 등을 비롯한 여러 가지 어려운 상황 탓에 모든 북한 주민이 광명성절을 축하하지 못하고 있다고 분석했습니다.  [로버트 킹 전 특사] 올해 광명성절은 김정은 총비서에게 할아버지와 아버지를 찬양함으로써 지도자의 정통성을 확립하는데 중요한 날이지만, 식량 부족을 비롯한 여러 가지 내부 문제 때문에 광명성절을 축하하기에 좋은 시기가 아닙니다. 특히, 북한 주민들이 명절을 즐길 만큼 식량이 충분하다고 생각하지 않습니다. 벤자민 카제프 실버스타인 미국 스팀슨센터 객원연구원도 (2월 10일) RFA에  어려운 경제 상황이 광명성절에 영향을 미쳤을 것이라며 최근 화물 열차 운행 재개로 이날을 축하하기 위한 물품이 많아졌겠지만, 주민들의 생활에 실제로 큰 도움을 줬을지는 확실치 않다고 말했습니다. 북한 주민들이 지난 16일, 광명성절 80주년을 맞아 만수대언덕에 있는 김일성, 김정일 동상을 찾았다. / AP   이시마루 지로 대표는 김정은 정권이 경제적으로 어려운 시기에 광명성절 특별공급도 체제의 핵심 기반인 평양에 집중한 것으로 분석했습니다.  [이시마루 지로 대표] 지방에서는 사람들에게 ‘이번에는 국가의 지원이 없다’는 사전 통보가 있었다고 하고, 지난 1월 신의주를 통해 들어온 중국 상품도 모두 평양 시민들의 특별 공급으로 주게 돼 있고, 지방에는 오지 않는다는 간부들의 설명이 있었다고 합니다. 김정은 정권으로서는 민족 최대 명절에 최소한 평양 시민에는 주지 않을 수 없기 때문에 국가적으로 선택과 집중을 해서 김정은 정권의 통치 기반이자 핵심 도시인 평양 사람들에게 많이 주자고 결단했다고 봅니다.  안드레이 란코프 한국 국민대학교 교수도 (2월 11일) RFA에 코로나 방역과 경제적 어려움 등으로 김정은 총비서가 바라는 만큼 광명성절 80주년, 태양절 110주년을 기념하기는 어렵다는 견해를 밝혔습니다.  트로이 스탠가론 미국 한미경제연구소 선임국장은 북한 주민들이 태양절을 맞아 북중 국경이 열리기를 바라고 있지만, 북중 국경을 전면적으로 개방하기에는 두 나라 모두 코로나 방역에 관한 기준이 여전히 충족되지 않았기 때문에 이른 시일 내에 쉽지 않을 것으로 전망했습니다.  기자 노정민, 에디터 박정우, 웹팀 이경하   North Korean residents “Disappointing level of special supply for Gwangmyeong Holiday”  Anchor : North Koreans, who have been experiencing economic hardship, had high expectations for a special supply on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Chairman Kim Jong-il this year, but it is known that the level was poor . It is said that there are not many people who have not even received this. It is pointed out that it is very difficult for North Korea to celebrate the Gwangmyeongseong Festival and the Sun Festival this year, to the extent that, unlike Pyongyang, the provinces are instructed to solve their own special supplies. Reporter Noh Jung-min reports .  There are many residents who did not receive special supplies even in the provinces.  North Korea's residents of Hyesan, Ryanggang Province , delivered the local atmosphere to the RFA ( February 10 ) ahead of the Day of Gwangmyeong ( February 16 ), the birthday of Chairman Kim Jong-il .  A large-scale commemorative meeting, concert, and artistic performance were planned or held , but the special supply that North Koreans expected the most was disappointing, this resident said .  The North Korean resident contacted by RFA through Japan's ' Asia Press ' said through a text message on his cell phone that ' there was no national supply at all ' . He added that the self-supply of each institution and company was too low for a holiday supply .  Then, he said, 'There are a lot of big events being held on this year's Day of the Sun ' , and he said that he had high expectations for this year's Gwangmyeongseong Day and Sun Day special supply .  In particular, he confessed that residents who had a difficult time economically after the border between North Korea and China were closed were very interested in the rations and gifts given by the state on the occasion of the Holy Day of Gwangmyeong. On the other hand, about the meaning of the Day of Light , he answered, ' I like it because it gives gifts, supplies , and rests rather than really liking that day . '  Rather , he added , ' It's just a follow up if you order it from above ', saying it's annoying because of the special security week following the event  According to the actual ' Asia Press ' , the special supply of local cities on the occasion of Gwangmyeong Seongjeol this year was lower than expected  In North Hamgyong Province, soy sauce, soybean paste , soap , and toothpaste were supplied through state-run stores for each institution and company, and only   two days' worth of corn was supplied .  Candy made from corn was distributed to the children, and even this was produced in-house in North Hamgyong Province .  Even in Ryanggang Province, there was no national supply at all. Basic foods such as soy sauce and miso were distributed to each institution and company , but not all residents received it .  Jiro Ishimaru, head of the Osaka office of Asia Press ( February 15 ) told RFA that the Kim Jong-un regime had instructed each province to solve their own special supplies from the beginning .  He said he did not care about the provinces due to financial difficulties.  [ Ishimaru Jiro ] One characteristic of this special supply is that the North Korean authorities had previously instructed Party and administrative agencies in provincial cities to ' solve the special supply for this holiday on their own ' . In a word, there is no national financial input, but since ( Gwangmyeongseongjeol ) is a nationally important national holiday, ( special supply ) must be made .  Kim Hye-young, a defector from North Korea who recently heard news from her family in North Korea (February 14), also told RFA that ' I did n't hear that my family received special supplies for the Holiday of Gwangmyeong ' . Rather, she was asked to ' send the money because it is too difficult for me financially ' .  [ Kim Hye -young ( pseudonym )] I haven't heard of a special supply. It's too hard to send me money, but the commission offered by the middle broker was 52 % . I can't send money because it's so ridiculous . Even people living in the border area now say that it is very difficult to do business and that prices and remittance fees are too high .  The reason that all the residents did not receive the special supply was that the local government distributed it only to the workers of the enterprises.  Those who did not go to the establishment for business or other reasons were excluded from the distribution, but Kim's family is also unable to go to the establishment .  Representative Ishimaru pointed out that that is proof that the North Korean economy is very difficult.   [ Ishimaru Jiro ] Some people do not go to work. For example , there was no special supply for those engaged in business or the retired generation . On the other hand , workers who go to work at enterprises are people who are under the control of the North Korean authorities . Giving special supplies only to these people gives me a sense of will to strengthen and maintain North Korea's traditional means of governing . I thought that maybe I could not afford it financially .  North Korea held the Central Reporting Conference in Samjiyon, North Korea, on the 15th to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Gwangmyeong's Day in the presence of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. / AP  Due to economic difficulties , special supply is concentrated only in Pyongyang   On the other hand, it is known that this special supply for the Gwangmyeong Seongjeol is very different between Pyongyang and the provinces .  A fairly generous holiday supply was made to the citizens of Pyongyang, but it is said that goods made in China that arrived by freight train in January were distributed first to the citizens of Pyongyang and did not go down to the provinces .  Former US State Department special envoy for North Korean human rights Robert King ( February 15 ) told RFA that all North Koreans are unable to celebrate the Feast of Gwangmyeong due to various difficult circumstances, including food shortages and the prevention of the corona virus .  [ Former Special Envoy Robert King ] This year's Day of Gwangmyeong is an important day for establishing the legitimacy of the leader by praising his grandfather and father to Kim Jong-un, but it is not a good time to celebrate the Feast of Gwangmyeong because of various internal problems, including food shortages . In particular , North Koreans do not think they have enough food to enjoy the holidays .  Benjamin Kazef Silverstein, a visiting researcher at the Stimson Center in the US ( February 10 ) also participated in the RFA  He said that the difficult economic situation may have affected the Gwangmyeongseong Day, and the recent resumption of freight train operation may have increased the number of items to celebrate the day, but it is not certain whether it actually made a big difference to the lives of the residents .  North Koreans visited the statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il on Mansudae Hill on the 16th to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Gwangmyeongseongjeol. / AP   Jiro Ishimaru, the CEO, analyzed that the Kim Jong-un regime focused on Pyongyang, the core base of the Gwangmyeong Holiday special supply system during an economically difficult time.  [ CEO Ishimaru Jiro ] In the provinces, people have been informed that there is no state support this time, and all Chinese goods that came in through Sinuiju in January are to be given as special supplies from Pyongyang citizens, and they say that they do not come to the provinces. It is said that there were explanations by the officers. Since the Kim Jong-un regime cannot but give at least to the citizens of Pyongyang on the nation's greatest holiday, I think that he has decided to give a lot to the people of Pyongyang, the base and core city of the Kim Jong-un regime, through national selection and concentration.  Andrei Lankov, a professor at Kookmin University in Korea, also ( February 11 ) told RFA that it is difficult to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Day of Light and the 110th anniversary of the Day of the Sun , as General Secretary Kim Jong-un hopes for due to the corona quarantine and economic difficulties .  Troy Stangaron, senior director of the US-Korea Economic Research Institute, is hoping that North Koreans will open the border between North Korea and China on the occasion of the Sun. predicted to be .  Reporter Jeong-min Roh, Editor Jung -woo Park , Web Team Kyeong -ha Lee

North Korean residents “Disappointing level of special supply for Gwangmyeong Holiday”

Anchor : North Koreans, who have been experiencing economic hardship, had high expectations for a special supply on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Chairman Kim Jong-il this year, but it is known that the level was poor . It is said that there are not many people who have not even received this.
It is pointed out that it is very difficult for North Korea to celebrate the Gwangmyeongseong Festival and the Sun Festival this year, to the extent that, unlike Pyongyang, the provinces are instructed to solve their own special supplies. Reporter Noh Jung-min reports .

There are many residents who did not receive special supplies even in the provinces.

North Korea's residents of Hyesan, Ryanggang Province , delivered the local atmosphere to the RFA ( February 10 ) ahead of the Day of Gwangmyeong ( February 16 ), the birthday of Chairman Kim Jong-il .

A large-scale commemorative meeting, concert, and artistic performance were planned or held , but the special supply that North Koreans expected the most was disappointing, this resident said .

The North Korean resident contacted by RFA through Japan's ' Asia Press ' said through a text message on his cell phone that ' there was no national supply at all ' . He added that the self-supply of each institution and company was too low for a holiday supply .

Then, he said, 'There are a lot of big events being held on this year's Day of the Sun ' , and he said that he had high expectations for this year's Gwangmyeongseong Day and Sun Day special supply .

In particular, he confessed that residents who had a difficult time economically after the border between North Korea and China were closed were very interested in the rations and gifts given by the state on the occasion of the Holy Day of Gwangmyeong.
On the other hand, about the meaning of the Day of Light , he answered, ' I like it because it gives gifts, supplies , and rests rather than really liking that day . '

Rather , he added , ' It's just a follow up if you order it from above ', saying it's annoying because of the special security week following the event 
According to the actual ' Asia Press ' , the special supply of local cities on the occasion of Gwangmyeong Seongjeol this year was lower than expected 
In North Hamgyong Province, soy sauce, soybean paste , soap , and toothpaste were supplied through state-run stores for each institution and company, and only   two days' worth of corn was supplied .  Candy made from corn was distributed to the children, and even this was produced in-house in North Hamgyong Province .

Even in Ryanggang Province, there was no national supply at all. Basic foods such as soy sauce and miso were distributed to each institution and company , but not all residents received it .

Jiro Ishimaru, head of the Osaka office of Asia Press ( February 15 ) told RFA that the Kim Jong-un regime had instructed each province to solve their own special supplies from the beginning .

He said he did not care about the provinces due to financial difficulties.

[ Ishimaru Jiro ] One characteristic of this special supply is that the North Korean authorities had previously instructed Party and administrative agencies in provincial cities to ' solve the special supply for this holiday on their own ' . In a word, there is no national financial input, but since ( Gwangmyeongseongjeol ) is a nationally important national holiday, ( special supply ) must be made .

Kim Hye-young, a defector from North Korea who recently heard news from her family in North Korea (February 14), also told RFA that ' I did n't hear that my family received special supplies for the Holiday of Gwangmyeong ' . Rather, she was asked to ' send the money because it is too difficult for me financially ' .

[ Kim Hye -young ( pseudonym )] I haven't heard of a special supply. It's too hard to send me money, but the commission offered by the middle broker was 52 % . I can't send money because it's so ridiculous . Even people living in the border area now say that it is very difficult to do business and that prices and remittance fees are too high .

The reason that all the residents did not receive the special supply was that the local government distributed it only to the workers of the enterprises.

Those who did not go to the establishment for business or other reasons were excluded from the distribution, but Kim's family is also unable to go to the establishment .

Representative Ishimaru pointed out that that is proof that the North Korean economy is very difficult. 

[ Ishimaru Jiro ] Some people do not go to work. For example , there was no special supply for those engaged in business or the retired generation . On the other hand , workers who go to work at enterprises are people who are under the control of the North Korean authorities . Giving special supplies only to these people gives me a sense of will to strengthen and maintain North Korea's traditional means of governing . I thought that maybe I could not afford it financially .

North Korea held the Central Reporting Conference in Samjiyon, North Korea, on the 15th to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Gwangmyeong's Day in the presence of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. / AP

Due to economic difficulties , special supply is concentrated only in Pyongyang 

On the other hand, it is known that this special supply for the Gwangmyeong Seongjeol is very different between Pyongyang and the provinces .

A fairly generous holiday supply was made to the citizens of Pyongyang, but it is said that goods made in China that arrived by freight train in January were distributed first to the citizens of Pyongyang and did not go down to the provinces .

Former US State Department special envoy for North Korean human rights Robert King ( February 15 ) told RFA that all North Koreans are unable to celebrate the Feast of Gwangmyeong due to various difficult circumstances, including food shortages and the prevention of the corona virus .

[ Former Special Envoy Robert King ] This year's Day of Gwangmyeong is an important day for establishing the legitimacy of the leader by praising his grandfather and father to Kim Jong-un, but it is not a good time to celebrate the Feast of Gwangmyeong because of various internal problems, including food shortages . In particular , North Koreans do not think they have enough food to enjoy the holidays .

Benjamin Kazef Silverstein, a visiting researcher at the Stimson Center in the US ( February 10 ) also participated in the RFA

He said that the difficult economic situation may have affected the Gwangmyeongseong Day, and the recent resumption of freight train operation may have increased the number of items to celebrate the day, but it is not certain whether it actually made a big difference to the lives of the residents .

North Koreans visited the statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il on Mansudae Hill on the 16th to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Gwangmyeongseongjeol. / AP 

Jiro Ishimaru, the CEO, analyzed that the Kim Jong-un regime focused on Pyongyang, the core base of the Gwangmyeong Holiday special supply system during an economically difficult time.

[ CEO Ishimaru Jiro ] In the provinces, people have been informed that there is no state support this time, and all Chinese goods that came in through Sinuiju in January are to be given as special supplies from Pyongyang citizens, and they say that they do not come to the provinces. It is said that there were explanations by the officers. Since the Kim Jong-un regime cannot but give at least to the citizens of Pyongyang on the nation's greatest holiday, I think that he has decided to give a lot to the people of Pyongyang, the base and core city of the Kim Jong-un regime, through national selection and concentration.

Andrei Lankov, a professor at Kookmin University in Korea, also ( February 11 ) told RFA that it is difficult to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Day of Light and the 110th anniversary of the Day of the Sun , as General Secretary Kim Jong-un hopes for due to the corona quarantine and economic difficulties .

Troy Stangaron, senior director of the US-Korea Economic Research Institute, is hoping that North Koreans will open the border between North Korea and China on the occasion of the Sun. predicted to be .

Reporter Jeong-min Roh, Editor Jung -woo Park , Web Team Kyeong -ha Lee

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