"Mali will not be alone in the fight against terrorism" reassures the army

"Le Mali ne sera pas seul dans la lutte contre le terrorisme" rassure l'armée  Des militaires maliens défilent devant les chefs du gouvernement de transition lors d'une cérémonie célébrant la fête nationale de l'armée, à Kati.  Entre les sanctions draconiennes de la CEDEAO et de l'UEMOA et plus récemment le départ de la force française, les autorités maliennes tentent de garder le cap. Ce départ de Barkhane qui fait en ce moment les titres de la presse du mondiale n'inquiète pas autant le colonel Souleymane Dembélé, directeur de l'information de l'armée pour qui le bilan des neuf années d'opération restent très mitigées. Le terrorisme n'a pas reculé dans les régions et s'étend désormais dans le centre du Mali.  "Barkhane est venue un janvier 2013. De janvier 2013 à nos jours, voyez un peu ce qui a été fait. Quel acquis le pays a eu par la présence de la force Barkhane ? Si le problème ne s’est pas empiré, je pense qu'on a pas eu de solution militairement. Aujourd’hui, je dirais que le terrorisme a gangrené pratiquement tout le territoire malien."  Avant ce retrait La France avait commencé à réduire la voilure en fermant trois bases dans le nord du pays, où étaient déployés le plus gros de son contingent. Elle va maintenant fermer les autres bases, dans un délai de quatre à six mois. Mais pour le colonel Souleymane, le Mali ne sera pas seul au front contre les terroristes.  "C’est vrai, ça peut vous poser des inquiétudes, mais le Mali n’est pas seul et le Mali ne restera pas seul. La France peut partir, les pays européens peuvent partir, mais je n’anticipe pas. Donnons le temps au temps et vous verrez ce qui va se passer."  Alors que la France se retire du Mali, au Niger le président Mohamed Bazoum s'est félicité de l'ouverture des nouvelles de Takuba et Barkhane à quelques kilomètres de Ménaka et Gao, elles permettront dit-il de répondre à la menace terroriste.    "Mali will not be alone in the fight against terrorism" reassures the army Malian soldiers parade in front of the heads of the transitional government during a ceremony celebrating the national day of the army, in Kati.  Between the draconian sanctions of ECOWAS and UEMOA and more recently the departure of the French force, the Malian authorities are trying to stay the course. This departure of Barkhane, which is currently making headlines in the world press, does not worry Colonel Souleymane Dembélé, director of information for the army, for whom the results of the nine years of operation remain very mixed. Terrorism has not receded in the regions and is now spreading in central Mali.  "Barkhane came in January 2013. From January 2013 to the present day, see what has been done. What has the country gained through the presence of the Barkhane force? If the problem has not worsened, I think that we had no solution militarily. Today, I would say that terrorism has plagued practically all of Malian territory."  Before this withdrawal, France had begun to reduce the sails by closing three bases in the north of the country, where the bulk of its contingent was deployed. It will now close the other bases, within four to six months. But for Colonel Souleymane, Mali will not be alone at the front against terrorists.  "It's true, you may be worried, but Mali is not alone and Mali will not remain alone. France can leave, European countries can leave, but I'm not anticipating. Let's give time in time and you will see what will happen."  While France is withdrawing from Mali, in Niger President Mohamed Bazoum welcomed the opening of news from Takuba and Barkhane a few kilometers from Ménaka and Gao, they will, he says, respond to the terrorist threat.

"Mali will not be alone in the fight against terrorism" reassures the army

Malian soldiers parade in front of the heads of the transitional government during a ceremony celebrating the national day of the army, in Kati.

Between the draconian sanctions of ECOWAS and UEMOA and more recently the departure of the French force, the Malian authorities are trying to stay the course. This departure of Barkhane, which is currently making headlines in the world press, does not worry Colonel Souleymane Dembélé, director of information for the army, for whom the results of the nine years of operation remain very mixed. Terrorism has not receded in the regions and is now spreading in central Mali.

"Barkhane came in January 2013. From January 2013 to the present day, see what has been done. What has the country gained through the presence of the Barkhane force? If the problem has not worsened, I think that we had no solution militarily. Today, I would say that terrorism has plagued practically all of Malian territory."

Before this withdrawal, France had begun to reduce the sails by closing three bases in the north of the country, where the bulk of its contingent was deployed. It will now close the other bases, within four to six months. But for Colonel Souleymane, Mali will not be alone at the front against terrorists.

"It's true, you may be worried, but Mali is not alone and Mali will not remain alone. France can leave, European countries can leave, but I'm not anticipating. Let's give time in time and you will see what will happen."

While France is withdrawing from Mali, in Niger President Mohamed Bazoum welcomed the opening of news from Takuba and Barkhane a few kilometers from Ménaka and Gao, they will, he says, respond to the terrorist threat.

La colère de citoyens africains en marge du sommet à Bruxelles Manifestations en marge du sommet UA-UE à Bruxelles  Des ressortissants de la RDC, de l’Ethiopie et des Comores vivant en Belgique et en provenance d’autres pays européens avaient tous en commun le même objectif ce jeudi à quelques mètres du Conseil européen à Bruxelles. Dénoncer la situation politique et sociale dans leur pays.  Les Congolais ont été les premiers à se faire entendre devant des forces de sécurités mobilisées et bloquant l’accès au conseil. Leurs revendications portaient sur ce qu’ils ont qualifié de balkanisation du Congo. Sur des banderoles brandies par eux, le « Congo est uni et indivisible, non à l’occupation du Kongo-Zaire ou encore Ne touche pas à ma terre ». Autre motif de leur colère, les présidents ougandais Yoweri Museveni et rwandais Paul Kagame qu’ils ont accusé d’avoir trahi l’Afrique. Un tribunal pénal international pour la RD Congo doit être mis en place pour juger ceux qui tuent et violent nos femmes depuis des années, ont-ils ajouté.  Les opposants à la guerre au Tigré sont également allés dans le même sens, dénonçant les crimes de guerre dans cette région d’Ethiopie en proie à un conflit armé depuis plus d’un an. Ils ont appelé au retrait des troupes érythréennes responsables de tueries et d’abus sexuels sur les femmes. Parmi les nombreux messages : avec la situation humanitaire de plus en plus critique, avec des millions de personnes et d’enfants mourant de faim, la communauté internationale ne peut pas se permettre de regarder ailleurs , fin de citation.  L’état de droit a disparu Le président français Emmanuel Macron cristallisait particulièrement la colère des Comoriens qui ont décidé de protester alors que s’ouvrait le 6e sommet réunissant des dirigeants africains. « Macron est responsable de tous les malheurs qui frappent les Comores. Il fait partie de ceux qui ont félicité le président Azali Assoumani peu après sa réélection à une mascarade de scrutin l’année dernière. Aujourd’hui toutes les voix qui osent s’élever sont contraintes à l’exil à cause de la répression exercée sur elles ou envoyées en prison », a déclaré Ibrahim Mohamed , homme politique ayant fui le pays. Les manifestants de ce jour exigent la libération des prisonniers politiques, emprisonnés sans procès. A propos du dialogue inter-comorien prévu à la fin de ce mois de février afin d’apaiser les tensions nées du changement de constitution, ils disqualifient d’emblée le président comorien, juge et partie. Ils entendent protester jusqu’à ce que « l’état de droit soit restauré aux Comores. »    The anger of African citizens on the sidelines of the summit in Brussels Protests on the sidelines of the AU-EU summit in Brussels  Nationals of the DRC, Ethiopia and the Comoros living in Belgium and from other European countries all had the same objective this Thursday a few meters from the European Council in Brussels. Denounce the political and social situation in their country.  The Congolese were the first to make themselves heard before mobilized security forces blocking access to the council. Their demands centered on what they described as the balkanization of the Congo. On banners brandished by them, "Congo is united and indivisible, no to the occupation of Kongo-Zaire or Do not touch my land". Another reason for their anger, Ugandan Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Rwandan Paul Kagame whom they accused of having betrayed Africa. An international criminal tribunal for DR Congo must be set up to try those who have been killing and raping our women for years, they added.  Opponents of the war in Tigray also went in the same direction, denouncing war crimes in this region of Ethiopia which has been plagued by armed conflict for more than a year. They called for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops responsible for killings and sexual abuse of women. Among the many messages: with the humanitarian situation increasingly critical, with millions of people and children dying of hunger, the international community cannot afford to look the other way, end of quote.  The rule of law has disappeared French President Emmanuel Macron particularly crystallized the anger of Comorians who decided to protest as the 6th summit bringing together African leaders opened. “ Macron is responsible for all the misfortunes that hit the Comoros. He is among those who congratulated President Azali Assoumani shortly after his re-election at a ballot charade last year. Today all the voices that dare to speak out are forced into exile because of the repression exerted on them or sent to prison ,” said Ibrahim Mohamed, a politician who fled the country.. The demonstrators of this day demand the release of political prisoners, imprisoned without trial. Regarding the inter-Comorian dialogue scheduled for the end of this month of February in order to ease the tensions arising from the change in the constitution, they immediately disqualify the Comorian president, judge and party. They intend to protest until “the rule of law is restored in the Comoros. »

The anger of African citizens on the sidelines of the summit in Brussels

Protests on the sidelines of the AU-EU summit in Brussels

Nationals of the DRC, Ethiopia and the Comoros living in Belgium and from other European countries all had the same objective this Thursday a few meters from the European Council in Brussels. Denounce the political and social situation in their country.

The Congolese were the first to make themselves heard before mobilized security forces blocking access to the council. Their demands centered on what they described as the balkanization of the Congo. On banners brandished by them, "Congo is united and indivisible, no to the occupation of Kongo-Zaire or Do not touch my land". Another reason for their anger, Ugandan Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Rwandan Paul Kagame whom they accused of having betrayed Africa. An international criminal tribunal for DR Congo must be set up to try those who have been killing and raping our women for years, they added.

Opponents of the war in Tigray also went in the same direction, denouncing war crimes in this region of Ethiopia which has been plagued by armed conflict for more than a year. They called for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops responsible for killings and sexual abuse of women. Among the many messages: with the humanitarian situation increasingly critical, with millions of people and children dying of hunger, the international community cannot afford to look the other way, end of quote.

The rule of law has disappeared
French President Emmanuel Macron particularly crystallized the anger of Comorians who decided to protest as the 6th summit bringing together African leaders opened. “ Macron is responsible for all the misfortunes that hit the Comoros. He is among those who congratulated President Azali Assoumani shortly after his re-election at a ballot charade last year. Today all the voices that dare to speak out are forced into exile because of the repression exerted on them or sent to prison ,” said Ibrahim Mohamed, a politician who fled the country.. The demonstrators of this day demand the release of political prisoners, imprisoned without trial. Regarding the inter-Comorian dialogue scheduled for the end of this month of February in order to ease the tensions arising from the change in the constitution, they immediately disqualify the Comorian president, judge and party. They intend to protest until “the rule of law is restored in the Comoros. »

Barkhane se donne entre 4 et 6 mois pour quitter définitivement le Mali  Cette photo d'archive prise le 27 mars 2019 montre un véhicule blindé français passant devant des hélicoptères lors du début de l'opération française de la force Barkhane.  C'était l'annonce attendue du Sommet de Bruxelles, le retrait de la force Barkhane et Takuba du Mali. 4600 soldats français de la force Barkhane sont déployés dans le sahel dont 2 400 au Mali, a la fin de l'opération qui prendra entre 4 et 6 mois il restera un volume de 2 500 à 3 000 hommes selon Paris.Ce retrait coordonné acte les tensions entre Bamako et Paris.  La France et ses partenaires engagés dans des missions de lutte contre le terrorisme, à savoir les états participants à la task force Takuba, ont pris la décision de retirer leur présence militaire au Mali. Ce retrait se traduira par la fermeture des emprises de Gossi, de Ménaka et de Gao. Il sera effectué de manière ordonnée, avec les forces armées malienne et avec la mission des Nations unies au Mali a expliqué Emmanuel Macron, président de la France.  Barkhane s'en va du Mali mais Paris promet d'assurer les missions de sécurisation de la Minusma, la Mission de l'Onu au Mali, forte de plus de 13 000 Casques bleus et de rester engagés dans la région sahélienne.  Nous avons convenu avec l'Europe que la lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel ne saurait être l'affaire des seuls pays africains. Et la-dessus, c'est un consensus, et il est heureux qu'un engagement ait été renouvelé de rester dans la région et de ré-articuler le dispositif, souligne Macky Sall, président du Sénégal.  La France est militairement présente depuis 2013 au Mali, pour ce qui est du bilan des neuf années d'opération, il reste mitigé selon plusieurs observateurs, car la menace terroriste demeure persistante, mais le président français réfute toute idée d'échec selon lui sans la présence de ses soldats, il y aurait eu un effondrement de l'Etat malien.    Barkhane gives himself between 4 and 6 months to leave Mali definitively  This file photo taken on March 27, 2019 shows a French armored vehicle passing in front of helicopters during the start of the French operation of the Barkhane force.  It was the expected announcement of the Brussels Summit, the withdrawal of the Barkhane and Takuba force from Mali. 4,600 French soldiers from the Barkhane force are deployed in the Sahel, including 2,400 in Mali. At the end of the operation, which will take between 4 and 6 months, there will remain a volume of 2,500 to 3,000 men according to Paris. This coordinated withdrawal act tensions between Bamako and Paris.  France and its partners engaged in counter-terrorism missions, namely the states participating in the Takuba task force, have taken the decision to withdraw their military presence in Mali. This withdrawal will result in the closure of the rights-of-way of Gossi, Ménaka and Gao. It will be carried out in an orderly manner, with the Malian armed forces and with the United Nations mission in Mali, explained Emmanuel Macron, President of France .  Barkhane is leaving Mali but Paris promises to ensure the security missions of Minusma, the UN Mission in Mali, with more than 13,000 blue helmets and to remain engaged in the Sahelian region.  We have agreed with Europe that the fight against terrorism in the Sahel cannot be the business of African countries alone. And above, it is a consensus, and it is happy that a commitment has been renewed to stay in the region and to re-articulate the device, underlines Macky Sall, President of Senegal.  France has been present militarily since 2013 in Mali, as for the results of the nine years of operation, it remains mixed according to several observers, because the terrorist threat remains persistent, but the French president refutes any idea of ​​failure according to him without the presence of his soldiers, there would have been a collapse of the Malian state.

Barkhane gives himself between 4 and 6 months to leave Mali definitively

This file photo taken on March 27, 2019 shows a French armored vehicle passing in front of helicopters during the start of the French operation of the Barkhane force.

It was the expected announcement of the Brussels Summit, the withdrawal of the Barkhane and Takuba force from Mali. 4,600 French soldiers from the Barkhane force are deployed in the Sahel, including 2,400 in Mali. At the end of the operation, which will take between 4 and 6 months, there will remain a volume of 2,500 to 3,000 men according to Paris. This coordinated withdrawal act tensions between Bamako and Paris.

France and its partners engaged in counter-terrorism missions, namely the states participating in the Takuba task force, have taken the decision to withdraw their military presence in Mali. This withdrawal will result in the closure of the rights-of-way of Gossi, Ménaka and Gao. It will be carried out in an orderly manner, with the Malian armed forces and with the United Nations mission in Mali, explained Emmanuel Macron, President of France .

Barkhane is leaving Mali but Paris promises to ensure the security missions of Minusma, the UN Mission in Mali, with more than 13,000 blue helmets and to remain engaged in the Sahelian region.

We have agreed with Europe that the fight against terrorism in the Sahel cannot be the business of African countries alone. And above, it is a consensus, and it is happy that a commitment has been renewed to stay in the region and to re-articulate the device, underlines Macky Sall, President of Senegal.

France has been present militarily since 2013 in Mali, as for the results of the nine years of operation, it remains mixed according to several observers, because the terrorist threat remains persistent, but the French president refutes any idea of ​​failure according to him without the presence of his soldiers, there would have been a collapse of the Malian state.

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