Macron withdraws his forces and leaves Mali in the custody of jihadists and Russian mercenaries

ماكرون يسحب قواته ويترك مالي في عهدة الجهاديين والمرتزقة الروس  لندن – “القدس العربي”: نشرت صحيفة “التايمز” تقريرا أعده ريتشارد اسشيتون وجين فلانغان عن قرار الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون سحب ما تبقى من قوات في مالي بأنه يتخلى عنها “للجهاديين ومرتزقة بوتين”. وجاء في التقرير أن فرنسا تنهي أكبر عملية مكافحة للإرهاب مستمرة منذ عدة سنوات ومخلفة وراءها مساحات واسعة من الصحراء للجهاديين والمرتزقة الروس. وألمح وزير الخارجية الفرنسي جان إيف لودريان إلى أن الآلاف من الجنود سيغادرون حيث سيصدر الإعلان الرسمي في أيام قريبة ونتيجة للخلاف المتزايد بين باريس ومستعمرتها القديمة. وقالت مصادر عسكرية بريطانية إن القوات البريطانية العاملة ضمن وحدات قوات حفظ السلام ستكون عرضة لهجمات الجهاديين. ويخوض آلاف من الجنود الفرنسيين مواجهات مع مقاتلين ينتمون إلى تنظيم القاعدة وتنظيم “الدولة” منذ عام 2013 وذلك بعد محاولتهم السيطرة على العاصمة باماكو. وبرغم الجهود الدولية المتعددة والأمم المتحدة لم تستطع القوات المحلية والأجنبية السيطرة على العنف الذي انتشر للدول القريبة مما أدى لمقتل الآلاف وتشريد الملايين. وقتل فرنسي إلى جانب 9 أشخاص في هجوم على المتنزه الوطني في بينين قبل أسبوع حيث تحرك الجهاديون من الجنوب باتجاه الشاطئ. وردت فرنسا بغارات جوية أدت لمقتل 40 مقاتلا يعتقد أنهم مسؤولون عن العملية.  وفي الوقت الذي تزايد فيه العنف، إلا أن المشاعر المعادية لفرنسا في تصاعد مستمر وأثر انقلابان متعاقبان في مالي على العلاقات الدبلوماسية. وأغضبت الطغمة العسكرية الحاكمة فرنسا عندما طلبت المساعدة من شركة التعهدات الأمنية الروسية فاغنر- وهي شركة المرتزقة التي أرسلت مقاتليها إلى دول إفريقيا والمرتبطة بالكرملين، وفي الوقت نفسه أجل فيه العسكريون الانتخابات. وطرد العسكريون قوة دنماركية صغيرة قالوا إنها جاءت إلى مالي بدون دعوة، وطلبوا من فرنسا الاحتفاظ بنزعاتها الاستعمارية لنفسها. وعقدت فرنسا في يوم الإثنين محادثات حاسمة مع حلفائها الأوروبيين بعد طرد السفير الفرنسي من مالي الشهر الماضي. وأخبر لودريان لاحقا القناة الفرنسية الخامسة بأن القوات الفرنسية المشاركة في عملية برخان ستنقل إلى جيران مالي. ونصف هؤلاء يعملون في منطقة الساحل. وقال “لو استمرت الظروف بحيث لا نستطيع التحرك في مالي فإننا سنواصل قتال الإرهاب في الدول القريبة من مالي” و “يريد منا الرئيس إعادة التنظيم ولن نخرج، لكننا نعيد تنظيم أنفسنا والتأكد من مواصلة قتال الإرهاب”.  وقال إن عدد مرتزقة فاغنر يصل اليوم إلى 1.000 في مالي. وهو أمر لا يتوافق مع الوجود الفرنسي في مالي كما يقول، مضيفا أن هدف المرتزقة المعلن هو “حماية الطغمة العسكرية”. وقال دبلوماسيون إن إعلان فرنسا عن سحب القوات الفرنسية سيصدر بداية الأسبوع ويتبع خطة ماكرون تخفيض عدد القوات من 5.000 إلى 3.000 ومغادرة ألف في العام الماضي. وتقوم فرنسا بإدارة مجموعة مهام أوروبية قد تغادر حالة غادر الفرنسيون. وهناك قوة حفظ سلام تابعة للأمم المتحدة بقدرات 13.000 جندي، من بينهم 300 جندي بريطاني في مالي. وفي العام الماضي شارك البريطانيون في عملية عسكرية إلى جانب القوات المالية وقتل فيها إثنان من الجهاديين. وقال مصدر عسكري بريطاني ساهم في عمليات حفظ السلام التي تعرف بـ مينوسما، إن مغادرة الفرنسيين تعني صعوبات لمواجهة تنظيم “الدولة”في الصحراء الكبرى وجماعة الإسلام والمسلمين. وتقوم وزارة الدفاع البريطانية بالنظر في مصير 4 مروحيات شينوك في عملية برخان التي لن يحتاج إليها حالة خروج الفرنسيين من مالي، ويمكن نقلها إلى قوات حفظ السلام الدولية. وقال مصدر بريطاني “لقد نصحنا وبقوة حكومة مالي بعدم التعاون مع فاغنر. ولم تكن فاغنر ناجحة في مناطق أخرى من إفريقيا وتقوم بصراحة باستغلال الثروة المحدودة للدول التي تعمل فيها”. وقال كاميرون هدسون المسؤول السابق في وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية إن سحب القوات الفرنسية بعد 100 يوم من نشر قوات فاغنر يبدو “كضربة استراتيجية للغرب”. وربما قاد الأمم المتحدة إلى نتيجة وهي أن مهمتها في مالي لا يمكن الحفاظ عليها. وقالت الصحيفة في تحليل كتبه تشارلس بريمر إن انسحاب القوات الفرنسية القريب من مالي يعد نهاية مهينة لأطول عملية عسكرية منذ نهاية الحرب الجزائرية عام 1952. وقال إن المرارة بسبب التدخل العسكري والاقتصادي الفرنسي في مستعمراتها السابقة بغرب إفريقيا أو حديقتها الخلفية أدى لرفض عملية برخان. وأعلن فرانسوا هولاند عن العملية في 2014 بعد مقتل 53 جنديا فرنسيا، ولكن الحكومة الفرنسية اعترفت ان العملية وصلت إلى طريق مسدود. ومن هنا قرر ماكرون التقليل من خسائره بسبب تصرفات الطغمة العسكرية الحاكمة وظهور المرتزقة الروس والمشاعر المعادية لفرنسا حتى بين النخبة المتحدثة بالفرنسية. وترفض باريس المقارنة بين سحب قواتها وخروج القوات الأمريكية من كابول قائلة إنها ستواصل محاربة الإرهاب من تشاد وربما من بوركينا فاسو والنيجر وموريتانيا. وسيقرر ماكرون مصير عملية “تاكوبا” وهي الوحدة المكونة من 800 جندي من دول الاتحاد الأوروبي. وليس من الواضح إن كانوا ستبقى بعد خروج الفرنسيين. كما وسيترك الانسحاب أسئلة حول مصير قوات حفظ السلام التابعة للأمم المتحدة التي تظل غير قادرة على مواجهة الجهاديين. وتعتمد الوحدات الأوروبية، 300 جندي بريطاني و 1.000 جندي ألماني على الدعم اللوجيستي الفرنسي. ويستخدم منافسو ماكرون في الإنتخابات المقبلة التدخل في مالي كسلاح للحديث عن فشله في الحرب وانجراره إلى المستنقع وخسارته حرب المعلومات وعدم قدرته على مواجهة نظام متنمر وفاسد. وعلق إريك زمور المرشح الرئاسي المعادي للإسلام “يموت جنودنا لكي تقوم دولة بإهانتنا”.   Macron withdraws his forces and leaves Mali in the custody of jihadists and Russian mercenaries  London - The “Times” newspaper published a report prepared by Richard Aschton and Jane Flanagan on the decision of French President Emmanuel Macron to withdraw the remaining forces from Mali, as he is abandoning them to “jihadists and Putin’s mercenaries.”  The report stated that France is completing the largest anti-terror operation that has been going on for several years, leaving behind large swaths of desert for jihadists and Russian mercenaries. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian hinted that thousands of soldiers would leave as the official announcement would be madeIn recent days, as a result of the growing feud between Paris and its old colony.   British military sources said that British forces operating within peacekeeping units would be vulnerable to jihadist attacks. Thousands of French soldiers have been involved in confrontations with fighters belonging to al-Qaeda and the "Islamic State" since 2013, after they tried to control the capital, Bamako. Despite multiple international efforts and the United Nations, local and foreign forces were unable to control the violence that spread to nearby countries, which led to the killing of thousands and the displacement of millions. A Frenchman was killed along with nine people in an attack on the national park in Benin a week ago, as the jihadists moved from the south towards the beach. France responded with air strikes that killed 40 fighters believed to be responsible.  While violence has increased, anti-French sentiment is on the rise and two successive coups in Mali have affected diplomatic relations. The ruling military junta angered France when it asked for help from the Russian security contractor Wagner - the mercenary company that sent its fighters to African countries and is linked to the Kremlin, while at the same time the military postponed the elections.  The military expelled a small Danish force that they said had come to Mali uninvited, and they demanded that France keep its colonial tendencies to itself. On Monday, France held crucial talks with its European allies after the expulsion of the French ambassadorfrom Mali last month. Le Drian later told French Channel 5 that the French forces participating in Operation Barkhane would be transferred to Mali's neighbours. Half of them work in the Sahel. "If conditions continue so that we cannot move in Mali, we will continue to fight terrorism in the countries close to Mali," he said, "The president wants us to reorganize and we will not leave, but we are reorganizing ourselves and making sure that we continue to fight terrorism."  He said that the number of Wagner mercenaries today reaches 1,000 in Mali. This is incompatible with the French presence in Mali, he says, adding that the mercenaries' declared goal is "to protect the military junta." Diplomats said France's announcement of the withdrawal of French troops would come out early in the week and follow Macron's plan to reduce the number of troops from 5,000 to 3,000 and leave 1,000 last year. France is running a European mission group that may leave if the French leave. There is a United Nations peacekeeping force with a capacity of 13,000 soldiers, including 300 British soldiers in Mali. Last year, the British participated in a military operation alongside the Malian forces, in which two jihadists were killed. A British military source who contributed to the peacekeeping operations known as MINUSMA said that the departure of the French means difficulties in confronting the "Islamic State" organization in the Greater Sahara and the Group of Islam and Muslims. The British Ministry of Defense is looking into the fate of 4 Chinook helicopters in Operation Barkhane, which will not be needed in the event of the French exit from Mali, and can be transferred to the international peacekeeping forces. A British source said: "We have strongly advised the Malian government not to cooperate with Wagner.   Wagner has not been successful in other parts of Africa and is frankly exploiting the limited wealth of the countries in which it operates.” Cameron Hudson, a former US State Department official, said the withdrawal of French forces 100 days after the Wagner deployment appeared to be a "strategic blow to the West". He may have led the United Nations to the conclusion that its mission in Mali could not be sustained. In an analysis written by Charles Bremer, the newspaper said that the near withdrawal of French forces from Mali is a humiliating end to the longest military operation since the end of the Algerian war in 1952. He said that the bitterness due to the French military and economic intervention in its former colonies in West Africa or its back garden led to the rejection of Operation Barkhane.   Francois Hollande announced the operation in 2014 after the killing of 53 French soldiers, but the French government admitted that the operation had reached a dead end. Hence, Macron decided to minimize his losses due to the actions of the ruling military junta, the emergence of Russian mercenaries, and anti-French sentiment even among the French-speaking elite. Paris rejects the comparison between the withdrawal of its forces and the withdrawal of US forces from Kabul, saying that it will continue to fight terrorism from Chad and perhaps from Burkina Faso, Niger and Mauritania. Macron will decide the fate of Operation Takuba, a contingent of 800 soldiers from the European Union. It is not clear if they will remain after the departure of the French.   The withdrawal will also leave questions about the fate of the UN peacekeepers who remain unable to confront the jihadists. European units, 300 British and 1,000 German soldiers, depend on French logistical support. Macron's rivals in the upcoming elections are using interference in Mali as a weapon to talk about his failure in the war, his being dragged into the quagmire, his losing the information war, and his inability to confront a bully and corrupt regime. "Our soldiers are dying for a country to insult us," said Eric Zemmour, the anti-Islam presidential candidate.

Macron withdraws his forces and leaves Mali in the custody of jihadists and Russian mercenaries

London - The “Times” newspaper published a report prepared by Richard Aschton and Jane Flanagan on the decision of French President Emmanuel Macron to withdraw the remaining forces from Mali, as he is abandoning them to “jihadists and Putin’s mercenaries.”

The report stated that France is completing the largest anti-terror operation that has been going on for several years, leaving behind large swaths of desert for jihadists and Russian mercenaries. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian hinted that thousands of soldiers would leave as the official announcement would be madeIn recent days, as a result of the growing feud between Paris and its old colony. 

British military sources said that British forces operating within peacekeeping units would be vulnerable to jihadist attacks. Thousands of French soldiers have been involved in confrontations with fighters belonging to al-Qaeda and the "Islamic State" since 2013, after they tried to control the capital, Bamako. Despite multiple international efforts and the United Nations, local and foreign forces were unable to control the violence that spread to nearby countries, which led to the killing of thousands and the displacement of millions. A Frenchman was killed along with nine people in an attack on the national park in Benin a week ago, as the jihadists moved from the south towards the beach. France responded with air strikes that killed 40 fighters believed to be responsible.

While violence has increased, anti-French sentiment is on the rise and two successive coups in Mali have affected diplomatic relations. The ruling military junta angered France when it asked for help from the Russian security contractor Wagner - the mercenary company that sent its fighters to African countries and is linked to the Kremlin, while at the same time the military postponed the elections.

The military expelled a small Danish force that they said had come to Mali uninvited, and they demanded that France keep its colonial tendencies to itself. On Monday, France held crucial talks with its European allies after the expulsion of the French ambassadorfrom Mali last month. Le Drian later told French Channel 5 that the French forces participating in Operation Barkhane would be transferred to Mali's neighbours. Half of them work in the Sahel. "If conditions continue so that we cannot move in Mali, we will continue to fight terrorism in the countries close to Mali," he said, "The president wants us to reorganize and we will not leave, but we are reorganizing ourselves and making sure that we continue to fight terrorism."

He said that the number of Wagner mercenaries today reaches 1,000 in Mali. This is incompatible with the French presence in Mali, he says, adding that the mercenaries' declared goal is "to protect the military junta." Diplomats said France's announcement of the withdrawal of French troops would come out early in the week and follow Macron's plan to reduce the number of troops from 5,000 to 3,000 and leave 1,000 last year. France is running a European mission group that may leave if the French leave. There is a United Nations peacekeeping force with a capacity of 13,000 soldiers, including 300 British soldiers in Mali. Last year, the British participated in a military operation alongside the Malian forces, in which two jihadists were killed. A British military source who contributed to the peacekeeping operations known as MINUSMA said that the departure of the French means difficulties in confronting the "Islamic State" organization in the Greater Sahara and the Group of Islam and Muslims. The British Ministry of Defense is looking into the fate of 4 Chinook helicopters in Operation Barkhane, which will not be needed in the event of the French exit from Mali, and can be transferred to the international peacekeeping forces. A British source said: "We have strongly advised the Malian government not to cooperate with Wagner. 

Wagner has not been successful in other parts of Africa and is frankly exploiting the limited wealth of the countries in which it operates.” Cameron Hudson, a former US State Department official, said the withdrawal of French forces 100 days after the Wagner deployment appeared to be a "strategic blow to the West". He may have led the United Nations to the conclusion that its mission in Mali could not be sustained. In an analysis written by Charles Bremer, the newspaper said that the near withdrawal of French forces from Mali is a humiliating end to the longest military operation since the end of the Algerian war in 1952. He said that the bitterness due to the French military and economic intervention in its former colonies in West Africa or its back garden led to the rejection of Operation Barkhane. 

Francois Hollande announced the operation in 2014 after the killing of 53 French soldiers, but the French government admitted that the operation had reached a dead end. Hence, Macron decided to minimize his losses due to the actions of the ruling military junta, the emergence of Russian mercenaries, and anti-French sentiment even among the French-speaking elite. Paris rejects the comparison between the withdrawal of its forces and the withdrawal of US forces from Kabul, saying that it will continue to fight terrorism from Chad and perhaps from Burkina Faso, Niger and Mauritania. Macron will decide the fate of Operation Takuba, a contingent of 800 soldiers from the European Union. It is not clear if they will remain after the departure of the French. 

The withdrawal will also leave questions about the fate of the UN peacekeepers who remain unable to confront the jihadists. European units, 300 British and 1,000 German soldiers, depend on French logistical support. Macron's rivals in the upcoming elections are using interference in Mali as a weapon to talk about his failure in the war, his being dragged into the quagmire, his losing the information war, and his inability to confront a bully and corrupt regime. "Our soldiers are dying for a country to insult us," said Eric Zemmour, the anti-Islam presidential candidate.

Rwanda : les présumés auteurs de l'attentat du 6 avril 1994 sont libres Rose Kabuye, ancienne chef de la guérilla, aujourd'hui chef du protocole du président rwandais Paul Kagame, inculpée par un tribunal français de  Rose Kabuye sur ses images et plusieurs autres proches du président rwandais Paul Kagamé, ne feront plus l'objet de poursuite dans le dossier de l'attentat du 6 avril 1994 contre le falcon 50 du président Juvénal Habyarimana. L' ancienne chef de la guérilla, aujourd'hui chef du protocole du président rwandais Paul Kagame, avait été inculpée par un tribunal français de "complicité d'assassinat en relation avec le terrorisme".  Mardi, La Cour de cassation a clos ce dossier confirmant un non-lieu dans l'enquête ouverte par le juge Jean Louis Bruguière et qui avait conduit à la détérioration des relations entre Paris et Kigali. Ce dernier accusait les militaires du FPR, il avait signé des mandats d'arrêt à leur encontre et avait recommandé en 2006 des poursuites contre le président Kagamé devant le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda. Cet attentat, dont on ne saura jamais quels étaient les commanditaires a également joué un rôle dans la guerre civile à cette époque.  Les avocats de la défense, dans un communiqué ont salué une victoire judiciaire définitive des militaires rwandais injustement accusés. Quant aux familles des victimes, elles n'auront plus de recours, après la décision finale de la Cour de cassation.   Rwanda: the alleged perpetrators of the attack of April 6, 1994 are free  Rose Kabuye, former guerrilla leader, now Rwandan President Paul Kagame's chief of protocol, charged by a French court with "complicity in murder.  Rose Kabuye on her images and several others close to Rwandan President Paul Kagame, will no longer be prosecuted in the case of the attack of April 6, 1994 against President Juvénal Habyarimana's Falcon 50. The former guerrilla leader, now Rwandan President Paul Kagame's chief of protocol, had been charged by a French court with "complicity in murder in connection with terrorism".  Tuesday, the Court of Cassation closed this file confirming a dismissal in the investigation opened by judge Jean Louis Bruguière and which had led to the deterioration of relations between Paris and Kigali. The latter accused the RPF soldiers, he had signed arrest warrants against them and in 2006 had recommended proceedings against President Kagame before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. This attack, whose sponsors we will never know, also played a role in the civil war at that time.  The defense lawyers, in a press release hailed a final judicial victory for the unjustly accused Rwandan soldiers. As for the families of the victims, they will no longer have recourse, after the final decision of the Court of Cassation.

Rwanda: the alleged perpetrators of the attack of April 6, 1994 are free

Rose Kabuye, former guerrilla leader, now Rwandan President Paul Kagame's chief of protocol, charged by a French court with "complicity in murder.

Rose Kabuye on her images and several others close to Rwandan President Paul Kagame, will no longer be prosecuted in the case of the attack of April 6, 1994 against President Juvénal Habyarimana's Falcon 50. The former guerrilla leader, now Rwandan President Paul Kagame's chief of protocol, had been charged by a French court with "complicity in murder in connection with terrorism".

Tuesday, the Court of Cassation closed this file confirming a dismissal in the investigation opened by judge Jean Louis Bruguière and which had led to the deterioration of relations between Paris and Kigali. The latter accused the RPF soldiers, he had signed arrest warrants against them and in 2006 had recommended proceedings against President Kagame before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. This attack, whose sponsors we will never know, also played a role in the civil war at that time.

The defense lawyers, in a press release hailed a final judicial victory for the unjustly accused Rwandan soldiers. As for the families of the victims, they will no longer have recourse, after the final decision of the Court of Cassation.

تبون: علاقتنا مع المغرب تأزمت بدعم من إسرائيل والجليد مع فرنسا بدأ بالذوبان عزى الرئيس الجزائري تأزم علاقة بلاده مع المغرب لتلقي الأخيرة دعماً من إسرائيل ضدها، كما كشف عن عودة التحسن في العلاقات الثنائية بين الجزائر وفرنسا.  قال الرئيس الجزائري عبد المجيد تبون، الثلاثاء، إن علاقة بلاده مع المغرب تأزمت أكثر، متهماً المملكة بتلقي دعم إسرائيل.  وصرح تبون، في مقابلة مع وسائل إعلام محلية، بأن المغرب سخرت “جهاز الدعاية والأخبار الكاذبة” لضرب الوحدة الوطنية والإساءة إلى الجيش الجزائري كل يوم، مبرزاً أن “إسرائيل تدعم النظام المغربي أكثر ضد الجزائر”.  وكان تبون يجيب عن سؤال عما إذا كان الرئيس الجزائري مازال على الموقف ذاته الذي عبر عنه في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي في لقاء مماثل مع وسائل إعلام جزائرية أن بلاده لن تقبل أية وساطة مع المغرب لإعادة العلاقات بين البلدين إلى طبيعتها، موجهاً تحذيراً شديد اللهجة للرباط وحليفتها إسرائيل من مغبة الاعتداء على الجزائر.  وعاد تبون بعدها بشهر أي في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني الماضي ليعبر عن أسفه إزاء علاقات التعاون بين المغرب و إسرائيل.  وقال تبون في مقابلة مصورة مع وسائل إعلام محلية “لأول مرة منذ أن خلق الكيان، خزي وعار أن يهدد الكيان بلداً عربياً من بلد عربي وآخر”.  جاء ذللك بعد توقيع المغرب وإسرائيل اتفاق-إطار للتعاون الأمني “غير مسبوق” خلال زيارة هي الأولى من نوعها لوزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي بيني غانتس إلى المملكة.  من جهة أخرى، كشف تبون، عن بداية ذوبان الجليد بين الجزائر وفرنسا، كون بلاده قوة إقليمية في القارة الإفريقية، ملمحاً إلى عودة العلاقات الثنائية إلى التحسن دون أن يخوض في تفاصيل أكثر بدعوى أن فرنسا مقبلة على انتخابات رئاسية ولا يريد التأثير عليها.  وكانت العلاقات بين فرنسا والجزائر قد شهدت توترات في مطلع أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي على خلفية تصريحات للرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون، والتي شكك فيها بوجود الأمة الجزائرية قبل الاستعمار الفرنسي للبلاد، مما أثار حفيظة السلطات العليا بالجزائر، واستدعت الجزائر سفيرها لدى باريس غير أنها أعادته في مطلع العام الجاري عقب بيان للرئاسة الفرنسية أكدت فيه احترامها للأمة الجزائرية .  وقطعت الجزائر علاقاتها الدبلوماسية مع المغرب نهاية أغسطس/آب الماضي، على خلفية ما أسمته ”قيام الرباط بأعمال عدائية” ضدها.   Tebboune: Our relationship with Morocco has deteriorated with the support of Israel, and the ice with France has begun to melt  The Algerian president attributed the worsening of his country's relationship with Morocco to the latter's receiving support from Israel against it. He also revealed the return of improvement in bilateral relations between Algeria and France.  Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said, on Tuesday, that his country 's relationship with Morocco has deteriorated further, accusing the Kingdom of receiving Israel's support.  Tebboune said, in an interview with local media, that Morocco harnessed the "propaganda and false news apparatus" to strike the national unity and insult the Algerian army every day, noting that "Israel supports the Moroccan regime more against Algeria."  Tebboune was answering a question about whether the Algerian president was still on the same position he expressed last October in a similar meeting with Algerian media that his country would not accept any mediation with Morocco to restore relations between the two countries to normal, sending a strong warning to Rabat. And its ally Israel from the consequences of the attack on Algeria.  Tebboune returned a month later, last November, to express his regret over the cooperative relations between Morocco and Israel.  Taboun said in a video interview with local media, "For the first time since the establishment of the entity, it is a disgrace and disgrace that the entity threatens an Arab country from one Arab country to another."  This came after Morocco and Israel signed an “unprecedented” security cooperation framework agreement, during the first visit of its kind by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz to the Kingdom.  On the other hand, Tebboune revealed the beginning of the thaw between Algeria and France, as his country is a regional power in the African continent, hinting at the return of bilateral relations to improvement without going into more details, claiming that France is on the verge of a presidential election and does not want to influence it.  Relations between France and Algeria witnessed tensions at the beginning of last October, against the background of statements by French President Emmanuel Macron, in which he questioned the existence of the Algerian nation before the French colonization of the country, which angered the higher authorities in Algeria, and Algeria summoned its ambassador to Paris, but it returned him in At the beginning of this year, following a statement by the French presidency in which it affirmed its respect for the Algerian nation.  Algeria severed its diplomatic relations with Morocco at the end of last August, against the background of what it called "Rabat's conduct of hostile acts" against it.

Tebboune: Our relationship with Morocco has deteriorated with the support of Israel, and the ice with France has begun to melt

The Algerian president attributed the worsening of his country's relationship with Morocco to the latter's receiving support from Israel against it. He also revealed the return of improvement in bilateral relations between Algeria and France.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said, on Tuesday, that his country 's relationship with Morocco has deteriorated further, accusing the Kingdom of receiving Israel's support.

Tebboune said, in an interview with local media, that Morocco harnessed the "propaganda and false news apparatus" to strike the national unity and insult the Algerian army every day, noting that "Israel supports the Moroccan regime more against Algeria."

Tebboune was answering a question about whether the Algerian president was still on the same position he expressed last October in a similar meeting with Algerian media that his country would not accept any mediation with Morocco to restore relations between the two countries to normal, sending a strong warning to Rabat. And its ally Israel from the consequences of the attack on Algeria.

Tebboune returned a month later, last November, to express his regret over the cooperative relations between Morocco and Israel.

Taboun said in a video interview with local media, "For the first time since the establishment of the entity, it is a disgrace and disgrace that the entity threatens an Arab country from one Arab country to another."

This came after Morocco and Israel signed an “unprecedented” security cooperation framework agreement, during the first visit of its kind by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz to the Kingdom.

On the other hand, Tebboune revealed the beginning of the thaw between Algeria and France, as his country is a regional power in the African continent, hinting at the return of bilateral relations to improvement without going into more details, claiming that France is on the verge of a presidential election and does not want to influence it.

Relations between France and Algeria witnessed tensions at the beginning of last October, against the background of statements by French President Emmanuel Macron, in which he questioned the existence of the Algerian nation before the French colonization of the country, which angered the higher authorities in Algeria, and Algeria summoned its ambassador to Paris, but it returned him in At the beginning of this year, following a statement by the French presidency in which it affirmed its respect for the Algerian nation.

Algeria severed its diplomatic relations with Morocco at the end of last August, against the background of what it called "Rabat's conduct of hostile acts" against it.

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