Large crowds of our people mourn the bodies of the three martyrs of Nablus

جماهير غفيرة من أبناء شعبنا تشيع جثامين شهداء نابلس الثلاثة نابلس 8-2-2022 وفا- شيعت جماهير غفيرة من أبناء شعبنا، مساء اليوم الثلاثاء، جثامين الشهداء الثلاثة الذين ارتقوا برصاص قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في مدينة نابلس.  وانطلق موكب التشييع من أمام مستشفى رفيديا باتجاه دوار الشهداء وسط المدينة، ومن ثم إلى المقبرة الشرقية لتوارى الجثامين الثرى.  وردد المشيعون وهم يحملون جثامين الشهداء على الأكتاف وقد لفت بعلم فلسطين، الهتافات المستنكرة لجرائم الاحتلال ضد أبناء شعبنا، مطالبين بتوفير الحماية الدولية لشعبنا ومحاسبة إسرائيل على جرائمها.  وكانت قوات خاصة إسرائيلية قد اقتحمت ظهرا حي المخفية بمدينة نابلس، بمركبة عمومية تحمل لوحة تسجيل فلسطينية، وأطلقت النار بكثافة صوب مركبة يستقلها ثلاثة شبان، ما أدى إلى استشهادهم وهم: أدهم مبروكة، ومحمد الدخيل، وأشرف مبسلط.  وأعلنت محافظة نابلس الإضراب الشامل يوم غد الأربعاء، حدادا على أرواح الشهداء الثلاثة.   Large crowds of our people mourn the bodies of the three martyrs of Nablus  Nablus WAFA - Large crowds of our people mourned this evening, Tuesday, the bodies of the three martyrs who were shot by the Israeli occupation forces in the city of Nablus .  The funeral procession proceeded from in front of Rafidia Hospital towards the Martyrs' Roundabout in the center of the city, and then to the eastern cemetery for the burial of the buried bodies.  The mourners, carrying the bodies of the martyrs on their shoulders, draped with the Palestinian flag, chanted slogans denouncing the crimes of the occupation against our people, calling for international protection for our people and holding Israel accountable for its crimes.  At noon, Israeli special forces stormed the Al-Makhfieh neighborhood in Nablus, with a public vehicle bearing a Palestinian registration plate, and fired heavily at a vehicle in which three young men were traveling, killing them: Adham Mabrouka, Muhammad al-Dakhil, and Ashraf Mabslat .  The Nablus Governorate announced a comprehensive strike tomorrow, Wednesday, to mourn the lives of the three martyrs .

Large crowds of our people mourn the bodies of the three martyrs of Nablus

Nablus WAFA - Large crowds of our people mourned this evening, Tuesday, the bodies of the three martyrs who were shot by the Israeli occupation forces in the city of Nablus .

The funeral procession proceeded from in front of Rafidia Hospital towards the Martyrs' Roundabout in the center of the city, and then to the eastern cemetery for the burial of the buried bodies.

The mourners, carrying the bodies of the martyrs on their shoulders, draped with the Palestinian flag, chanted slogans denouncing the crimes of the occupation against our people, calling for international protection for our people and holding Israel accountable for its crimes.

At noon, Israeli special forces stormed the Al-Makhfieh neighborhood in Nablus, with a public vehicle bearing a Palestinian registration plate, and fired heavily at a vehicle in which three young men were traveling, killing them: Adham Mabrouka, Muhammad al-Dakhil, and Ashraf Mabslat .

The Nablus Governorate announced a comprehensive strike tomorrow, Wednesday, to mourn the lives of the three martyrs .

ليلة رعب.. إسرائيل تقصف سوريا والأخيرة تتصدى بصاروخ أوقع ذعراً شديداً أثار صاروخ أطلقته منظومات الدفاع الجوي التابعة لنظام الأسد حالة من الرعب والهلع في إسرائيل بعدما استيقظ سكان مناطق واسعة على أصوات انفجارات كبيرة، فيما أعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي استهدافه مواقع مختلفة في دمشق ومحيطها.  استيقظ سكان مناطق الشمال والمثلث في إسرائيل فجر الأربعاء، على وقع أصوات انفجارات ضخمة هزّت المنازل، وتبعها على الفور انطلاق صافرات الإنذار، وهما ما ينذر عادةً بوقوع هجوم صاروخي.  وقال شهود عيان لـTRT عربي إن "أصوات الانفجارات، التي تَبيَّن لاحقاً أنها صاروخ سوري، أثارت حالة من الهلع، فيما دفعت السلطات الطبية الإسرائيلية بسيارات إسعاف إلى مناطق مختلفة، بخاصة مدينة أم الفحم العربية".   وأعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي، بعد دوي الصافرات بدقائق، أن صاروخاً مضادّاً للطائرات أطلقته منظومات دفاع جوي تابعة للنظام السوري، دخل المجال الجوي الإسرائيلي وانفجر في السماء قبل إطلاق صاروخ مضادّ من منظومة القبة الحديدية.  وأشار شهود عيان إلى أن شظايا الصاروخ وقعت في مناطق مختلفة، بخاصة في مناطق شمالي الضفة الغربية وقرية جبع الفلسطينية.  ولم يكشف الجيش الإسرائيلي عمّا إذا كان الصاروخ السوري أُطلقَ على طائراته بعد شنِّها هجوماً سابقاً على الأراضي السورية.  لكنه ذكر أنه ردّ على إطلاق الصاروخ بمهاجمة أهداف لقوات النظام السوري، من بينها رادار، وبطاريات مضادة للطائرات أطلقت صواريخ على طائراته.  من جانبها، قالت وكالة أنباء النظام السوري "سانا" إن الجيش الإسرائيلي نفَّذ فجر الأربعاء "عدواناً جوِّياً" برشقات من الصواريخ من اتجاه جنوب شرق بيروت، ثم شنّ "عدواناً آخر بصواريخ أرض-أرض من اتجاه الجولان السوري المحتلّ مستهدفاً بعض النقاط في محيط مدينة دمشق".   وأضافت الوكالة نقلاً عن مصدر عسكري سوري أن الهجوم الإسرائيلي أسفر عن مقتل جندي وإصابة خمسة آخرين بجروح، إضافة إلى خسائر مادية.  وسبق للوكالة أن أعلنت فجر الأربعاء أن الدفاعات الجوية للنظام السوري تصدّت "لأهداف معادية في سماء دمشق".   آثار القصف الإسرائيلي على دمشق ( كانت وكالة "سانا" ذكرت في 31 يناير/كانون الثاني الماضي أن طائرات إسرائيلية شنّت هجوماً صاروخياً في محيط العاصمة دمشق.  ومن وقت إلى آخر تشنّ إسرائيل هجمات جوية على مواقع للنظام وأخرى تابعة للقوات الإيرانية في محافظات سورية مختلفة.   وعادة لا تعلّق إسرائيل رسمياً وتفصيلياً على مثل هذه الهجمات، لكن قادتها كثيراً ما يُطلِقون تصريحات تؤكّد أنهم يعملون على "تحجيم" الوجود الإيراني في سوريا.    A night of terror Israel bombs Syria, and the latter responds with a missile, causing great panic  A missile launched by the Assad regime's air defense systems sparked a state of terror and panic in Israel, after residents of large areas woke up to the sounds of large explosions, while the Israeli army announced targeting various sites in and around Damascus.  Residents of the northern and triangle regions in Israel woke up at dawn on Wednesday to the sound of huge explosions that shook homes, followed immediately by sirens, which usually warn of a missile attack.  Eyewitnesses told TRT Arabi that "the sounds of the explosions, which later turned out to be a Syrian missile, sparked a state of panic, while the Israeli medical authorities pushed ambulances to different areas, especially the Arab city of Umm al-Fahm."  Minutes after the sirens sounded, the Israeli army announced that an anti-aircraft missile launched by the Syrian regime's air defense systems entered Israeli airspace and exploded in the sky before an anti-missile was launched from the Iron Dome system.  Eyewitnesses indicated that the missile shrapnel fell in different areas, especially in the northern West Bank and the Palestinian village of Jaba.  The Israeli army did not reveal whether the Syrian missile was fired at its planes after it launched a previous attack on Syrian territory.  However, he stated that he responded to the missile launch by attacking targets of the Syrian regime forces, including radar, and anti-aircraft batteries that fired missiles at his planes.  For its part, the Syrian regime news agency, SANA, said that the Israeli army carried out an “air aggression” at dawn on Wednesday, with rockets from the direction southeast of Beirut, and then launched “another aggression with surface-to-surface missiles from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the vicinity of the city of Beirut.” Damascus".  The agency added, quoting a Syrian military source, that the Israeli attack resulted in the death of a soldier and the injury of five others, in addition to material losses.  And the agency had previously announced at dawn on Wednesday that the Syrian regime's air defenses had confronted "hostile targets in the sky of Damascus."  Effects of the Israeli bombing of Damascus ( On January 31, SANA news agency reported that Israeli planes launched a missile attack in the vicinity of the capital, Damascus.  From time to time, Israel launches air attacks on regime and Iranian forces’ sites in various Syrian governorates. Usually, Israel does not comment officially and in detail on such attacks, but its leaders often make statements confirming that they are working to "reduce" the Iranian presence in Syria.

A night of terror Israel bombs Syria, and the latter responds with a missile, causing great panic

A missile launched by the Assad regime's air defense systems sparked a state of terror and panic in Israel, after residents of large areas woke up to the sounds of large explosions, while the Israeli army announced targeting various sites in and around Damascus.

Residents of the northern and triangle regions in Israel woke up at dawn on Wednesday to the sound of huge explosions that shook homes, followed immediately by sirens, which usually warn of a missile attack.

Eyewitnesses told TRT Arabi that "the sounds of the explosions, which later turned out to be a Syrian missile, sparked a state of panic, while the Israeli medical authorities pushed ambulances to different areas, especially the Arab city of Umm al-Fahm."

Minutes after the sirens sounded, the Israeli army announced that an anti-aircraft missile launched by the Syrian regime's air defense systems entered Israeli airspace and exploded in the sky before an anti-missile was launched from the Iron Dome system.

Eyewitnesses indicated that the missile shrapnel fell in different areas, especially in the northern West Bank and the Palestinian village of Jaba.

The Israeli army did not reveal whether the Syrian missile was fired at its planes after it launched a previous attack on Syrian territory.

However, he stated that he responded to the missile launch by attacking targets of the Syrian regime forces, including radar, and anti-aircraft batteries that fired missiles at his planes.

For its part, the Syrian regime news agency, SANA, said that the Israeli army carried out an “air aggression” at dawn on Wednesday, with rockets from the direction southeast of Beirut, and then launched “another aggression with surface-to-surface missiles from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the vicinity of the city of Beirut.” Damascus".

The agency added, quoting a Syrian military source, that the Israeli attack resulted in the death of a soldier and the injury of five others, in addition to material losses.

And the agency had previously announced at dawn on Wednesday that the Syrian regime's air defenses had confronted "hostile targets in the sky of Damascus."

Effects of the Israeli bombing of Damascus (
On January 31, SANA news agency reported that Israeli planes launched a missile attack in the vicinity of the capital, Damascus.

From time to time, Israel launches air attacks on regime and Iranian forces’ sites in various Syrian governorates.
Usually, Israel does not comment officially and in detail on such attacks, but its leaders often make statements confirming that they are working to "reduce" the Iranian presence in Syria.

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