Kiev calls for ceasefire and peace talks as clashes continue in Donbass

كييف تدعو لوقف إطلاق النار وإجراء محادثات سلام مع تواصل المواجهات بدونباس اتهم انفصاليو إقليمي دونيتسك ولوغانسك في حوض دونباس شرقي أوكرانيا، كييف بقتل مدنيين جراء استهداف مناطق سكنية بقصف متكرر، فيما دعا الرئيس الأوكراني لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار في شرق البلاد، وأكد تأييد بلاده إجراء محادثات سلام.  اتهم انفصاليو إقليمي دونيتسك ولوغانسك في حوض دونباس شرقي أوكرانيا، كييف بقتل مدنيين جراء استهداف مناطق سكنية بقصف متكرر.  جاء ذلك حسبما نقلت وسائل إعلام روسية عن انفصاليي الإقليميْن المواليْن لموسكو الذين أعلنوا من جانب واحد انفصالهم عن أوكرانيا في 2014.  واتهمت إدارة دونيتسك الانفصالية القوات المسلحة الأوكرانية "بقصف منطقتين سكنيتين ومصنع دونيتسك الحكومي للمنتجات الكيميائية، بقذائف من عيار 120 ملم المحظورة بموجب اتفاقيات مينسك".  وقالت إن "الجيش الأوكراني استهدف، قبل ذلك، نقاطاً سكنية في دونيتسك لمدة ساعتين، وهي دوكوتشيفسكن، وقرية ستاروميكايلوفكا في غرب دونيتسك، وقرى نوفولاسبا ولينينسكوي، وسبارتاك، ما تسبب بإصابات بين المدنيين وأضرار مادية كبيرة في بعض المناطق".  كما اتهم انفصاليو لوغانسك الجيش الأوكراني بشن هجوم بالقرب من قرية بيونيرسكوي، فجر اليوم، وتدمير خمس مبان سكنية أسفر عن وقوع ضحايا بين المدنيين، دون ذكر عدد محدد.  وذكر الانفصاليون أن اشتباكاً دار إثر الهجوم وأنهم ألحقوا بالجيش الأوكراني خسائر أدت إلى تراجعه.  وأمس، أعلن انفصاليو دونيتسك ولوغانسك التعبئة العامة على خلفية التوتر العسكري في منطقة دونباس.  وجاءت التعبئة العامة وسط عملية إجلاء جماعي للنساء والأطفال وكبار السن من الأراضي التي يسيطر عليها الانفصاليون في منطقتي دونيتسك ولوغانسك إلى روسيا المجاورة.   دعوة لوقف إطلاق النار  في سياق ذلك، دعا الرئيس الأوكراني فولوديمير زيلينسكي اليوم الأحد لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار في شرق البلاد حيث تزايدت الاشتباكات بين الانفصاليين المدعومين من روسيا والقوات الأوكرانية في الأيام الأخيرة.  وقال زيلينسكي إن أوكرانيا تؤيد إجراء محادثات سلام في إطار مجموعة الاتصال الثلاثية التي تضم كييف إلى جانب روسيا ومنظمة الأمن والتعاون في أوروبا.  وأضاف على تويتر: "نؤيد تكثيف جهود السلام. ندعم انعقاد مجموعة الاتصال الثلاثية بشكل عاجل ووقف إطلاق النار على الفور".   أعلن وزير الدفاع البيلاروسي فيكتور خرينين أن بلاده وروسيا ستواصلان المناورات المشتركة، إثر تدهور الوضع في منطقة دونباس شرقي أوكرانيا وزيادة الأنشطة العسكرية على الحدود.  جاء ذلك في تصريحات أدلى بها الأحد مع اختتام المناورات العسكرية المشتركة "عزيمة الحلفاء 2022" بين روسيا وبيلاروسيا.  وقال خرينين إن "رئيسي البلدين قررا مواصلة المناورات على خلفية زيادة الأنشطة العسكرية بالقرب من حدود روسيا وتفاقم الوضع في منطقة دونباس".  وأشار إلى أن المناورات تهدف إلى "تخفيف التوتر والرد على الاستعدادات العسكرية ذات النوايا السيئة على الحدود المشتركة".  وأضاف: "البلدان المجاورة لنا تجرى تعبئتها بشكل عاجل بأحدث الأسلحة".  ووفقاً لمسؤولين أوكرانيين، حشدت موسكو مؤخراً أكثر من 100 ألف جندي بالقرب من الحدود الأوكرانية، مما أثار مخاوف من احتمالية أن روسيا تخطط لهجوم عسكري ضد جارتها.  ونفت روسيا استعدادها للغزو، واتهمت الدول الغربية بتقويض أمنها من خلال توسع الناتو نحو حدودها.      Kiev calls for ceasefire and peace talks as clashes continue in Donbass  The separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the Donbass basin in eastern Ukraine accused Kiev of killing civilians by targeting residential areas with frequent shelling, while the Ukrainian president called for an immediate ceasefire in the east of the country, and affirmed his country's support for peace talks.  The separatists of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the Donbas basin in eastern Ukraine accused Kiev of killing civilians by targeting residential areas with repeated bombing.  This came, according to Russian media, about the separatists of the two pro-Moscow regions, who unilaterally declared their separation from Ukraine in 2014.  The separatist administration of Donetsk accused the Ukrainian armed forces of "bombing two residential areas and the Donetsk State Chemical Factory, with 120 mm shells prohibited by the Minsk agreements."  She said, "Before that, the Ukrainian army targeted residential points in Donetsk for two hours, namely Dokuchevskin, the village of Staromykailovka in western Donetsk, and the villages of Novolaspa, Leninskoye, and Spartak, causing civilian casualties and significant material damage in some areas."  Lugansk separatists also accused the Ukrainian army of launching an attack near the village of Pionerskoye, at dawn today, and destroying five residential buildings that resulted in civilian casualties, without mentioning a specific number.  The separatists stated that a clash took place after the attack and that they inflicted losses on the Ukrainian army that led to its retreat.  Yesterday, the separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk announced a general mobilization against the backdrop of military tension in the Donbass region.  The general mobilization came amid a mass evacuation of women, children and the elderly from separatist-held territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions to neighboring Russia.  A call for a cease-fire In this context, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Sunday for an immediate ceasefire in the east of the country, where clashes between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces have increased in recent days.  Zelensky said that Ukraine supports peace talks within the framework of the tripartite contact group, which includes Kiev, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.  He added on Twitter: "We support intensifying peace efforts. We support the urgent convening of the tripartite contact group and an immediate ceasefire."  Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrinin announced that his country and Russia will continue joint exercises, following the deterioration of the situation in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine and the increase in military activities on the border.  This came in statements he made on Sunday at the conclusion of the joint military exercises "Allied Resilience 2022" between Russia and Belarus.  "The presidents of the two countries decided to continue the maneuvers against the background of the increase in military activities near the borders of Russia and the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass region," Khrinin said.  He pointed out that the maneuvers aim to "reduce tension and respond to the ill-intentioned military preparations on the common borders."  "Our neighboring countries are urgently mobilizing the latest weapons," he added.  According to Ukrainian officials, Moscow recently massed more than 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, raising fears that Russia is planning a military attack against its neighbor.  Russia denied its willingness to invade, and accused Western countries of undermining its security through NATO's expansion towards its borders.

Kiev calls for ceasefire and peace talks as clashes continue in Donbass

The separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the Donbass basin in eastern Ukraine accused Kiev of killing civilians by targeting residential areas with frequent shelling, while the Ukrainian president called for an immediate ceasefire in the east of the country, and affirmed his country's support for peace talks.

The separatists of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the Donbas basin in eastern Ukraine accused Kiev of killing civilians by targeting residential areas with repeated bombing.

This came, according to Russian media, about the separatists of the two pro-Moscow regions, who unilaterally declared their separation from Ukraine in 2014.

The separatist administration of Donetsk accused the Ukrainian armed forces of "bombing two residential areas and the Donetsk State Chemical Factory, with 120 mm shells prohibited by the Minsk agreements."

She said, "Before that, the Ukrainian army targeted residential points in Donetsk for two hours, namely Dokuchevskin, the village of Staromykailovka in western Donetsk, and the villages of Novolaspa, Leninskoye, and Spartak, causing civilian casualties and significant material damage in some areas."

Lugansk separatists also accused the Ukrainian army of launching an attack near the village of Pionerskoye, at dawn today, and destroying five residential buildings that resulted in civilian casualties, without mentioning a specific number.

The separatists stated that a clash took place after the attack and that they inflicted losses on the Ukrainian army that led to its retreat.

Yesterday, the separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk announced a general mobilization against the backdrop of military tension in the Donbass region.

The general mobilization came amid a mass evacuation of women, children and the elderly from separatist-held territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions to neighboring Russia.

A call for a cease-fire
In this context, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Sunday for an immediate ceasefire in the east of the country, where clashes between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces have increased in recent days.

Zelensky said that Ukraine supports peace talks within the framework of the tripartite contact group, which includes Kiev, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

He added on Twitter: "We support intensifying peace efforts. We support the urgent convening of the tripartite contact group and an immediate ceasefire."

Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrinin announced that his country and Russia will continue joint exercises, following the deterioration of the situation in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine and the increase in military activities on the border.

This came in statements he made on Sunday at the conclusion of the joint military exercises "Allied Resilience 2022" between Russia and Belarus.

"The presidents of the two countries decided to continue the maneuvers against the background of the increase in military activities near the borders of Russia and the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass region," Khrinin said.

He pointed out that the maneuvers aim to "reduce tension and respond to the ill-intentioned military preparations on the common borders."

"Our neighboring countries are urgently mobilizing the latest weapons," he added.

According to Ukrainian officials, Moscow recently massed more than 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, raising fears that Russia is planning a military attack against its neighbor.

Russia denied its willingness to invade, and accused Western countries of undermining its security through NATO's expansion towards its borders.

زمور قد لا يتمكن من جمع تواقيع لخوض الانتخابات.. هل يفقد فرصة ترؤس فرنسا؟ أكد مرشح اليمين المتطرف للانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية إريك زمور الأحد أنه من الممكن جداً ألا يحصل على 500 توقيع إلزامي لمسؤول منتخب من رؤساء بلديات وبرلمانيين، لتثبيت ترشيحه، وهي عقبة تواجهها أيضاً منافسته مارين لوبن.  أكد مرشح اليمين المتطرف للانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية إريك زمور الأحد أنه من الممكن جداً ألا يحصل على 500 توقيع إلزامي لمسؤول منتخب من رؤساء بلديات وبرلمانيين، لتثبيت ترشيحه، وهي عقبة تواجهها أيضاً منافسته مارين لوبن.  وقال الإعلامي السابق: "ليس لدي أي تأكيد، هذا صعب جداً، نتصل لمدة ساعات، يتحدث صديقي فيليب دو فيلييه لمدة ساعات مع رؤساء البلديات، يتحدث غييوم بيلتيي لمدة ساعات مع رؤساء البلديات، وأنا بنفسي أُجري اتصالات مع رؤساء البلديات في محاولة لإقناعهم".  وأضاف: "أؤكد لكم أن ذلك ممكن جداً"، رداً على سؤال عن إمكانية عدم تمكنه من نيل الـ500 توقيع، التي يجب أن يقدّمها إلى المجلس الدستوري بحلول الرابع من مارس/آذار الساعة 18:00، ليتمكن من المشاركة في الانتخابات المقررة بين العاشر والرابع والعشرين من أبريل/نيسان.  وتابع: "يقول لي رؤساء البلديات: نعم أنت رائع، نحن نتفق معك، ولكنهم خائفون"، لأن أسماءهم ستُنشر علناً.  واعتبر أنّ عدم تمكنه من الحصول على الـ500 توقيع بينما أظهرت استطلاعات الرأي حلوله في مركز جيد جداً، يجعل "الانتخابات غير شرعية"، بحسب قوله.  ويشتكي إريك زمور ومرشحة التجمّع الوطني (اليميني المتطرف) مارين لوبن وكذلك اليساري جان لوك ميلانشون بانتظام من صعوبات للحصول على 500 توقيع إلزامي لخوض السباق إلى الإليزيه، بينما تُظهر استطلاعات الرأي تقدمهم على غيرهم من مرشحين جمعوا التواقيع المطلوبة.  وقال المتحدث باسم التجمّع الوطني لوران جاكوبيلي الأحد في حديث لراديو فرانس إنفو "كل ذلك أصبح بدون معنى". وأضاف "كل استطلاعات الرأي تظهر أن مارين لوبان هي منافسة ايمانويل ماكرون الرئيسية" ولكن "مرشحين آخرين أقل تمثيلاً باتوا مؤهلين"، وأتى على ذكر جان لاسال ونتالي أرتو.  ولفت إلى أنه لا يزال ينقصهم "80 توقيعاً، مندداً بنظام مغلق تماماً لم يعد يعمل، مع وجود رؤساء بلديات تحت تأثير البارونات المحليين".  حسب آخر تقرير صادر عن المجلس الدستوري الخميس الماضي، تمكّن 6 مرشحين وبعضهم لم يترشح رسمياً بعد، من الحصول على 500 توقيع وهم فاليري بيكريس وإيمانويل ماكرون وآن هيدالغو ونتالي أرتو وفابيان روسيل وجان لاسال.  وأصبح يانيك جادو قاب قوسين من جمع التواقيع المطلوبة مع حصوله على 490 توقيعاً، بينما لم يجمع جان لوك ميلانشون سوى 370 توقيعاً، ومارين لوبن 366، وإريك زمور 291، وفيليب بوتو 199، وكريستيان توبيرا 86، وهيلين توي 74.     Zemmour may not be able to collect signatures to run in the elections. Will he lose the chance to preside over France?  Far-right candidate for the French presidential elections, Eric Zemmour, confirmed Sunday that it is very possible not to obtain the mandatory 500 signatures of an elected official of mayors and parliamentarians, to confirm his candidacy, an obstacle also faced by his rival Marine Le Pen.  Far-right candidate for the French presidential elections, Eric Zemmour, confirmed Sunday that it is very possible not to obtain the mandatory 500 signatures of an elected official of mayors and parliamentarians, to confirm his candidacy, an obstacle also faced by his rival Marine Le Pen.  The former journalist said: "I have no confirmation, it is very difficult, we call for hours, my friend Philippe de Villiers talks for hours with the mayors, Guillaume Peltier talks for hours with the mayors, and I myself make contacts with the mayors trying to persuade them."  He added, "I assure you that this is very possible," in response to a question about the possibility of not being able to obtain the 500 signatures, which he must submit to the Constitutional Council by the fourth of March at 18:00, in order to be able to participate in the elections scheduled between the tenth and the fourth. Twenty of April.  He continued, "The mayors tell me: Yes, you are wonderful, we agree with you, but they are afraid," because their names will be made public.  He considered that his inability to obtain the 500 signatures, while opinion polls showed him in a very good position, makes the "elections illegal," he said.  Eric Zemmour, the far-right National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen and the leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon regularly complain of difficulties in obtaining 500 mandatory signatures to run for the Elysee, while opinion polls show them ahead of other signature candidates.  "All this has become meaningless," said Laurent Jacobelli, spokesman for the National Rally, on Sunday in an interview with France Info radio. "All opinion polls show that Marine Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron's main rival," but "other underrepresented candidates are eligible," he added, citing Jean LaSalle and Nathalie Artaud.  He pointed out that they are still missing "80 signatures, denouncing a completely closed system that no longer works, with mayors under the influence of local barons."  According to the latest report issued by the Constitutional Council last Thursday, 6 candidates, some of whom have not yet officially run, managed to obtain 500 signatures: Valerie Pecresse, Emmanuel Macron, Anne Hidalgo, Natalie Artaud, Fabien Roussel and Jean LaSalle.  Yannick Gadeau is close to collecting the required signatures with 490, while Jean-Luc Melenchon has collected only 370, Marine Le Pen 366, Eric Zemmour 291, Philippe Botto 199, Christian Tobira 86 and Helen Toy 74.

Zemmour may not be able to collect signatures to run in the elections. Will he lose the chance to preside over France?

Far-right candidate for the French presidential elections, Eric Zemmour, confirmed Sunday that it is very possible not to obtain the mandatory 500 signatures of an elected official of mayors and parliamentarians, to confirm his candidacy, an obstacle also faced by his rival Marine Le Pen.

Far-right candidate for the French presidential elections, Eric Zemmour, confirmed Sunday that it is very possible not to obtain the mandatory 500 signatures of an elected official of mayors and parliamentarians, to confirm his candidacy, an obstacle also faced by his rival Marine Le Pen.

The former journalist said: "I have no confirmation, it is very difficult, we call for hours, my friend Philippe de Villiers talks for hours with the mayors, Guillaume Peltier talks for hours with the mayors, and I myself make contacts with the mayors trying to persuade them."

He added, "I assure you that this is very possible," in response to a question about the possibility of not being able to obtain the 500 signatures, which he must submit to the Constitutional Council by the fourth of March at 18:00, in order to be able to participate in the elections scheduled between the tenth and the fourth. Twenty of April.

He continued, "The mayors tell me: Yes, you are wonderful, we agree with you, but they are afraid," because their names will be made public.

He considered that his inability to obtain the 500 signatures, while opinion polls showed him in a very good position, makes the "elections illegal," he said.

Eric Zemmour, the far-right National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen and the leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon regularly complain of difficulties in obtaining 500 mandatory signatures to run for the Elysee, while opinion polls show them ahead of other signature candidates.

"All this has become meaningless," said Laurent Jacobelli, spokesman for the National Rally, on Sunday in an interview with France Info radio. "All opinion polls show that Marine Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron's main rival," but "other underrepresented candidates are eligible," he added, citing Jean LaSalle and Nathalie Artaud.

He pointed out that they are still missing "80 signatures, denouncing a completely closed system that no longer works, with mayors under the influence of local barons."

According to the latest report issued by the Constitutional Council last Thursday, 6 candidates, some of whom have not yet officially run, managed to obtain 500 signatures: Valerie Pecresse, Emmanuel Macron, Anne Hidalgo, Natalie Artaud, Fabien Roussel and Jean LaSalle.

Yannick Gadeau is close to collecting the required signatures with 490, while Jean-Luc Melenchon has collected only 370, Marine Le Pen 366, Eric Zemmour 291, Philippe Botto 199, Christian Tobira 86 and Helen Toy 74.

اغتصبوها طوال عامين.. محكمة بريطانية تقضي بحبس عصابة اعتدوا على قاصر قضت محكمة بريطانية بسجن 6 من أعضاء عصابة متخصصة في اغتصاب القاصرات، بعد اتهامهم بارتكاب مجموعة متنوعة من الجرائم الجنسية.  قضت محكمة برادفورد البريطانية بسجن 6 من أعضاء عصابة متخصصة في اغتصاب القاصرات، بعد إدانتهم بارتكاب مجموعة متنوعة من الجرائم الجنسية.  وتتهم المحكمة الموقوفين الستة باغتصاب فتاة تبلغ 14 عاماً بشكل منهجي ومتكرر على مدى عامين.  ووقعت الجرائم في منطقة كيلي بين عامي 2008 و2009 ضد ضحية واحدة كانت تبلغ من العمر آنذاك 14 عاماً، وقد فُتح التحقيق بعد أن تقدمت إلى الشرطة ببلاغ ضد المتهمين كشخص بالغ.   والمتهمون هم: نذير خان وكامران حسين وعمر صفدار وعمران صابر وحسن بشارات وباربر حسين.  وحكمت المحكمة عليهم بالسجن مدداً تتراوح بين 5 سنوات و13 عاماً.  وقالت الضحية في بيان عقب صدور الحكم: "كانت القوة الدافعة بالنسبة إليّ لمواصلة كل هذا هو منع حدوثه لأشخاص آخرين، وأيضاً لأنه قد يساعد الآخرين على التقدم".  بدوره قال كبير المفتشين آلان ويكيس من شرطة مقاطعة برادفورد: "مثل هذه القضايا حساسة ومعقدة بشكل لا يُصدّق، وغالباً يستغرق الأمر سنوات من التحقيق المضني لتقديمها إلى المحاكم".  وأضاف: "أود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأثني على الضحية لتقدّمها وإبلاغ الشرطة بهذه الجرائم، لما أبدته من صبر أثناء التحقيق الجنائي وشجاعتها في الإدلاء بشهادتها في المحكمة".     They raped her for two years A British court orders the imprisonment of a gang who assaulted a minor  A British court has jailed six members of a gang that specializes in raping minors, after being accused of a variety of sexual offences.  A British court in Bradford has jailed six members of a gang that specializes in raping minors, after they were found guilty of a variety of sexual offences.  The court accuses the six detainees of raping a 14-year-old girl systematically and repeatedly over a period of two years.  The crimes occurred in the Kelly area between 2008 and 2009 against one victim, who was 14 years old at the time, and the investigation was opened after she submitted a report to the police against the accused as an adult.  The accused are: Nazir Khan, Kamran Hussain, Omar Safdar, Imran Saber, Hassan Bisharat and Barbar Hussain.  The court sentenced them to prison terms ranging from 5 to 13 years.  "The driving force for me to continue all of this was to prevent it from happening to other people, and also because it might help others progress," the victim said in a statement following the sentencing.  Chief Inspector Alan Wakes of Bradford County Police said: "Case like this is incredibly sensitive and complex, and it often takes years of painstaking investigation to bring them to court."  "I would like to take this opportunity to commend the victim for coming forward and reporting these crimes to the police, for her patience during the criminal investigation and for her courage in testifying in court," he added.

They raped her for two years A British court orders the imprisonment of a gang who assaulted a minor

A British court has jailed six members of a gang that specializes in raping minors, after being accused of a variety of sexual offences.

A British court in Bradford has jailed six members of a gang that specializes in raping minors, after they were found guilty of a variety of sexual offences.

The court accuses the six detainees of raping a 14-year-old girl systematically and repeatedly over a period of two years.

The crimes occurred in the Kelly area between 2008 and 2009 against one victim, who was 14 years old at the time, and the investigation was opened after she submitted a report to the police against the accused as an adult.

The accused are: Nazir Khan, Kamran Hussain, Omar Safdar, Imran Saber, Hassan Bisharat and Barbar Hussain.

The court sentenced them to prison terms ranging from 5 to 13 years.

"The driving force for me to continue all of this was to prevent it from happening to other people, and also because it might help others progress," the victim said in a statement following the sentencing.

Chief Inspector Alan Wakes of Bradford County Police said: "Case like this is incredibly sensitive and complex, and it often takes years of painstaking investigation to bring them to court."

"I would like to take this opportunity to commend the victim for coming forward and reporting these crimes to the police, for her patience during the criminal investigation and for her courage in testifying in court," he added.

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