Karnataka Hijab Row: Boys misbehave with Muslim girl in college by wearing saffron scarves

Karnataka Hijab Row: एक वीडियो में दिखता है कि कॉलेज बिल्डिंग में भगवा पट्टे डाले लड़कों ने बुर्का पहनी लड़की के सामने "जय श्री राम" के नारे लगाए तो मुस्लिम लड़की ने भी जवाब में ज़ोर से कहा "अल्लाह हू अकबर."   कर्नाटक में हिजाब बनाम भगवा स्कार्फ विवाद और तीखा हो गया है मांन्डया, कर्नाटक: Karnataka Hijab Vs Saffron Row: कर्नाटक के कॉलेजों में हिंदू-मुस्लिम छात्र समूह हिजाब और भगवा स्कार्फ के मामले  पर आमने-सामने हैं. बढ़े हुए सांप्रदायिक तनाव के बीच कर्नाटक के मांन्ड्या में विरोध प्रदर्शन और संवेदनशील हो गए जब एक बुर्का पहनी हुई मुस्लिम छात्रा के साथ बदसलूकी हुई. कॉलेज में इस छात्रा के सामने भगवा पट्टे डाले लकड़ों के एक बड़े समूह ने नारे बाज़ी की और टिप्पणियां की. यह घटना मान्डा के प्री-यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज की है. सामने आई वीडियो में दोनों पक्ष आमने-सामने दिख रहे हैं.  वीडियो में एक कॉलेज की युवा लड़की अपना स्कूटर पार्क कर कॉलेज बिल्डिंग की ओर बढ़ रही होती है तभी भगवा पट्टे डाले लड़कों का एक समूह उस बुर्का पहनी लड़की की ओर "जय श्री राम" के नारे लगाता हुआ बढ़ता है. मुस्लिम लड़की ने भी जवाब में "अल्लाह हू अकबर" के नारे लगाए.   इसके बाद लड़की चिल्लाती हुई क्लास की ओर बढ़ जाती है और लड़कों का समूह उसके पीछे जाता दिखता है. इस बीच कॉलेज का स्टाफ लड़कों को रोकता हुआ दिखता है और लड़की को साथ ले जाता हुआ दिखता है.   इससे पहले कर्नाटक के कॉलेजों में हिजाब (Hijab) पहनने के अधिकार मांगे जाने के बाद राज्य के दक्षिण पंथी समूह को उडुपी ज़िले में कैमरे पर कॉलेज जाते हुए छात्र- छात्राओं को भगवा स्कार्फ देते देखा गया. कॉलेजों में हिजाब पहनने के विरोध में भगवा दुप्पटा डालकर विरोध जताया जा रहा है.  NDTV ने इस मामले में हिंदू जागरण वेदिका के एक सदस्य की पुष्टि की है. उसे कुंडापुर तालुक के  SV कॉलेज में छात्रों को अपने बैग में भगवा स्कार्फ डाल कर ले जाने को कहता देखा गया. राज्य के गृह मंत्री अरग जैनेंद्र ने कहा था कि कॉलेज की कक्षाओं में ना ही हिजाब पहने जाने चाहिए और ना ही भगवा दुपट्टे.     पिछले साल दिसंबर में उडुपी के एक कॉलेज में 6 छात्राओं को हिजाब पहनने के कारण कक्षाओं में आने से मना कर दिया गया था जिसके बाद यह पूरा विवाद शुरू हुआ. एक कॉलेज में शुरू हुआ विवाद दूसरे कॉलेजों में भी पहुंचा जहां हिजाब पहनी छात्राओं को कॉलेज में प्रवेश नहीं दिया गया. यह विवाद उस समय और भड़क गया जब एक और समूह की छात्रों ने कॉलेज में भगवा स्कॉर्फ पहने कर आना शुरू किया और 'जय श्री राम' के नारे लगाए. Karnataka Hijab Row: Boys misbehave with Muslim girl in college by wearing saffron scarves  Karnataka Hijab Row: In a video, it is seen that boys wearing saffron straps in the college building raised slogans of "Jai Shri Ram" in front of a girl wearing a burqa, then the Muslim girl also said loudly in response, "Allah Hu Akbar."   The Hijab vs Saffron Scarf controversy has intensified in Karnataka Mandya, Karnataka: Karnataka Hijab Vs Saffron Row: Hindu-Muslim student groups in colleges in Karnataka are at loggerheads over the issue of hijab and saffron scarves. Amid heightened communal tension, protests in Karnataka's Mandya became more sensitive when a burqa-clad Muslim girl student was molested. In front of this girl student in college, a large group of boys wearing saffron pattas raised slogans and made comments. This incident is from Pre-University College, Manda. In the video that surfaced, both the sides are seen face to face.  In the video, a young college girl parked her scooter and headed towards the college building when a group of boys wearing saffron straps move towards the burqa-clad girl shouting "Jai Shri Ram". The Muslim girl also raised slogans of "Allah Hu Akbar" in response.   After this the girl runs towards the class screaming and a group of boys is seen following her. Meanwhile, the college staff is seen stopping the boys and taking the girl along.    Earlier, after demanding the right to wear hijab in colleges in Karnataka, a right-wing group from the state was seen on camera giving saffron scarves to students on their way to college in Udupi district. In protest against wearing hijab in colleges, saffron dupatta is being protested. NDTV has confirmed a member of Hindu Jagran Vedika in this matter. He was seen asking students to carry saffron scarves in their bags at SV College in Kundapur taluk. State Home Minister Arg Jainendra had said that neither hijab nor saffron dupatta should be worn in college classes.     In December last year, 6 girl students at a college in Udupi were refused to attend classes for wearing hijab, after which the whole controversy started. The controversy that started in one college also reached other colleges where girls wearing hijab were not given admission in the college. The controversy flared up when another group of students started coming to the college wearing saffron scarves and shouting 'Jai Shri Ram'.

Karnataka Hijab Row: Boys misbehave with Muslim girl in college by wearing saffron scarves

Karnataka Hijab Row: In a video, it is seen that boys wearing saffron straps in the college building raised slogans of "Jai Shri Ram" in front of a girl wearing a burqa, then the Muslim girl also said loudly in response, "Allah Hu Akbar." 

The Hijab vs Saffron Scarf controversy has intensified in Karnataka
Mandya, Karnataka: Karnataka Hijab Vs Saffron Row: Hindu-Muslim student groups in colleges in Karnataka are at loggerheads over the issue of hijab and saffron scarves. Amid heightened communal tension, protests in Karnataka's Mandya became more sensitive when a burqa-clad Muslim girl student was molested. In front of this girl student in college, a large group of boys wearing saffron pattas raised slogans and made comments. This incident is from Pre-University College, Manda. In the video that surfaced, both the sides are seen face to face. 
In the video, a young college girl parked her scooter and headed towards the college building when a group of boys wearing saffron straps move towards the burqa-clad girl shouting "Jai Shri Ram". The Muslim girl also raised slogans of "Allah Hu Akbar" in response. 

After this the girl runs towards the class screaming and a group of boys is seen following her. Meanwhile, the college staff is seen stopping the boys and taking the girl along. 

Earlier, after demanding the right to wear hijab in colleges in Karnataka, a right-wing group from the state was seen on camera giving saffron scarves to students on their way to college in Udupi district. In protest against wearing hijab in colleges, saffron dupatta is being protested. NDTV has confirmed a member of Hindu Jagran Vedika in this matter. He was seen asking students to carry saffron scarves in their bags at SV College in Kundapur taluk. State Home Minister Arg Jainendra had said that neither hijab nor saffron dupatta should be worn in college classes.   

In December last year, 6 girl students at a college in Udupi were refused to attend classes for wearing hijab, after which the whole controversy started. The controversy that started in one college also reached other colleges where girls wearing hijab were not given admission in the college. The controversy flared up when another group of students started coming to the college wearing saffron scarves and shouting 'Jai Shri Ram'.

عقب احتجاجات على منع الحجاب.. ولاية كارناتاكا الهندية تغلق المدارس أعلنت ولاية كارناتاكا في جنوب الهند، إغلاق المدارس والجامعات ثلاثة أيام، بعد اندلاع احتجاجات وتصاعد التوتر جراء رفض بعض المدارس دخول طالبات يرتدين الحجاب.  قررت ولاية كارناتاكا في جنوب الهند الثلاثاء إغلاق المدارس والجامعات ثلاثة أيام وفق ما أعلن رئيس وزراء الولاية، بعد اندلاع احتجاجات جراء رفض بعض المدارس دخول طالبات يرتدين الحجاب.  والأسبوع الماضي، ذكرت وسائل إعلام محلية أن العديد من المدارس في مدينة أودوبي الساحلية، منعت دخول الطالبات المسلمات اللاتي يرتدين الحجاب مستندة إلى أمر من وزارة التعليم، مما أثار احتجاجات بين الطلبة وأولياء الأمور.  وزادت حدة التوتر في الأيام الأخيرة في أودوبي ومناطق أخرى في كارناتاكا ذات الأغلبية الهندوسية، مع دخول طلاب يرتدون شالات الزعفران، التي يرتديها عادة الهندوس، فصول الدراسة لإظهار دعمهم لحظر الحجاب في مدارسهم.  وقال باسافاراج بوماي رئيس وزراء كارناتاكا، الثلاثاء: "أدعو جميع الطلبة والمعلمين وإدارات المدارس والجامعات وسكان الولاية للحفاظ على السلام والانسجام".  وحكومة الولاية، التي تبلغ نسبة سكانها من المسلمين 12 في المئة ويحكمها حزب "بهاراتيا جاناتا" القومي الهندوسي الذي ينتمي إليه رئيس الوزراء ناريندرا مودي، أصدرت أمراً في 5 فبراير/شباط يلزم جميع المدارس باتباع الزيّ المدرسي الذي تضعها الإدارات.  وقال وزير التعليم في الولاية بي.سي. ناجيش، إنه جرى تحديد الزي المدرسي بعد النظر في أوامر قضائية من جميع أنحاء البلاد، تحظر ارتداء الحجاب في المؤسسات التعليمية.      After protests against the ban on headscarves, the Indian state of Karnataka closes schools  The southern Indian state of Karnataka announced the closure of schools and universities for three days, after protests erupted and tensions escalated over some schools' refusal to enter female students wearing headscarves.  The southern Indian state of Karnataka decided on Tuesday to close schools and universities for three days, according to the state's chief minister, after protests erupted over the refusal of some schools to enter female students wearing headscarves.  And last week, local media reported that several schools in the coastal city of Udupi prevented entry to Muslim students who wore the headscarf, citing an order from the Ministry of Education, which sparked protests among students and parents.  Tensions have risen in recent days in Udupi and other areas of Hindu-majority Karnataka, with students wearing saffron shawls, traditionally worn by Hindus, entering classrooms to show their support for the headscarf ban in their schools.  "I call on all students, teachers, school and university administrations and state residents to maintain peace and harmony," Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bhumai said on Tuesday.  The state government, which has a 12 percent Muslim population and is ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, issued an order on February 5 requiring all schools to follow departmental school uniforms.  The state's education minister, B.C. Najesh, the school uniform was determined after looking into court orders from across the country banning the wearing of headscarves in educational institutions.

After protests against the ban on headscarves, the Indian state of Karnataka closes schools

The southern Indian state of Karnataka announced the closure of schools and universities for three days, after protests erupted and tensions escalated over some schools' refusal to enter female students wearing headscarves.

The southern Indian state of Karnataka decided on Tuesday to close schools and universities for three days, according to the state's chief minister, after protests erupted over the refusal of some schools to enter female students wearing headscarves.

And last week, local media reported that several schools in the coastal city of Udupi prevented entry to Muslim students who wore the headscarf, citing an order from the Ministry of Education, which sparked protests among students and parents.

Tensions have risen in recent days in Udupi and other areas of Hindu-majority Karnataka, with students wearing saffron shawls, traditionally worn by Hindus, entering classrooms to show their support for the headscarf ban in their schools.

"I call on all students, teachers, school and university administrations and state residents to maintain peace and harmony," Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bhumai said on Tuesday.

The state government, which has a 12 percent Muslim population and is ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, issued an order on February 5 requiring all schools to follow departmental school uniforms.

The state's education minister, B.C. Najesh, the school uniform was determined after looking into court orders from across the country banning the wearing of headscarves in educational institutions.

关注八孩母亲热度不亚于冬奥 徐州官媒三种讲法自相矛盾   江苏丰县八孩母亲杨某侠的遭遇持续引发关注。 一周内,中国社交平台的每一个朋友圈都在热议,众人谴责当局装聋作哑,逃避责任。 湖南一名律师向徐州当局提出十个问题,质疑官方说法的真确性,亦有律师新闻当局启动追责程序。  江苏徐州丰县一名疑似精神异常的受虐母亲遭锁炼控制,相关视频震惊海内外,官方在十天内发出三次通报,但每次版本不同。 网民纷纷质疑当局遮遮掩掩、装聋作哑,意图掩盖法律责任。 数天内,网民的谴责声浪遍及各个社交平台。 网民"闫小坏"在视频中说:  关于 ' 锁链女 ' 徐州发布第一次通告:本地女(杨某侠),第二次通告里,被董某(董志民)收留,昨天( 7 日)晚上又发布第三次通报叫小花梅,当初嫁到云南本地,离婚后,父母拜托同村好心人带到江苏治病,顺便找个好心人嫁了,途中小花梅与好心人走散。 我不仅概括,这个女人真幸运,遇到的全是大善人。 这个女人也真倒霉,遇到这么多好心人,还是落得脖子上套锁链,冬天没棉衣,牙齿还掉了好几颗。 ”   八孩母亲事件出现"罗生门" 逾百警员包围事主村庄防外人进入 八孩母亲遭铁链锁脖事件发酵 民间谴责排山倒海 官方不语 江苏八孩母亲被栓锁链 学者: 反映中国女权相当落后 被锁住的八孩之母发出悲鸣:“这个世界不要俺了”  网民"闫小坏"质问徐州当局,小花梅是姓"小"码? 如果从小走失也就罢了,但毕竟她在云南结过婚,总要有个姓氏名谁吧。 有网民评论道,"你政府以为我们都睡了,其实大家都醒着呢。 ”  北京律师:启动追究相关人员法律责任程序  北京律师莫少平周三(9日)对本台说,官方的调查报告内容,前后不一致:  "第一,官方的三份通报确实是前后不一、疑点重重;第二,按照现在的科技水平要查明事实真相并非难事;第三,应该启动追究相关人员法律责任的程序,否则此事就没有一个公正的结论。     本周二(8日)傍晚,前《环球时报》总编辑胡锡进亦发文,指徐州"八孩妈"案情通报中提到的那个桑某某就是"人贩子"。 贴文写道,她本人对"人贩子"缺乏概念,她八成在小花梅(杨某侠)的事情上收了"好处费",但不会觉得自己作恶了。 徐州通报中说了一些细节,包括她带小花梅坐火车去江苏,是为了给小花梅治病,"找个好人家嫁了",到达江苏后却让小花梅"走失"了,而且她既不报警也不通知小花梅家人,这些情节与人贩子很像,高度可疑。  湖南律师十问徐州官方  湖南律师阳曙光通过视频向徐州官方提出十个问题,包括为何至今仍然不公布铁链锁人、杨某侠的出生年月。 网上说,杨某侠出生于1984年,而官方说杨某侠1994年才第一次结婚,1994年杨某侠才10岁,怎么结婚? 另外,结婚登记时有详细地址,为何没有杨某侠真实姓名和出生年月? 他说:"为什么不能对铁链女和她的亲属做DNA鉴定,为什么不敢让媒体公开采访铁链女? (董志民)和精神病人生育8个小孩属于强奸罪,为什么不对强奸嫌疑人刑事立案? ”  中国法律界人士认为,铁链女杨某侠极可能是被拐卖到江苏徐州,事主遭到并生下 8 个子女。 专家认为,中国《刑法》中对拐卖妇女行为的处罚太轻。 熟悉中国刑法的江苏宜兴评论人士张建平对本台说,丰县八孩母亲事件带出中国的法律问题:  "丰县这次事件实际上是一个法律事件。 中国签署了国际人权公约,还有妇女权益公约。 发生此事后,政府、公安都在忽悠社会、忽悠公众。 这样你很难让这个国家走向法治。 ”  中国对贩卖妇女的刑法很轻  西安公民杨海在视频中表示,拐卖妇女儿童事件时有发生。 他说:"这是为什么呢,在中国,贩卖妇女,贩卖儿童的处罚太轻,现在对贩卖儿童的处罚严重了一些,但是对贩卖妇女的刑法很轻,没有震慑力。 ”  杨海认为,因加重对贩卖妇女的处罚。 根据中国《刑法》规定,拐卖妇女与儿童,除非情节特别严重,一般5年以上、10年以下有期徒刑。 但是1997年刑法增订"收买被拐卖妇女儿童"罪刑,处3年以下有期徒刑、拘役或管制,另外还加上一则例外条款:收买妇女儿童若无虐待情节并且不阻碍解救者,可以"从轻处罚"或"不追究刑责"。   记者:乔龙 责编:温晓平 许书婷 网编:瑞哲    Paying attention to eight-child mothers is no less popular than the Winter Olympics, Xuzhou official media three kinds of statements are contradictory  Paying attention to eight-child mothers is no less popular than the Winter Olympics, Xuzhou official media three kinds of statements are contradictory The experience of Yang Mouxia, a mother of eight children in Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province, continues to attract attention  The experience of Yang Mouxia, a mother of eight children in Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province, continues to attract attention. For a week, every circle of friends on Chinese social platforms has been buzzing with people accusing the authorities of playing dumb and evading responsibility. A lawyer in Hunan asked the Xuzhou authorities ten questions, questioning the veracity of the official statement, and some lawyers' news authorities initiated accountability procedures.  An abused mother suspected of mental disorder in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu was locked and controlled. The related video shocked both home and abroad. The official issued three notifications within ten days, but each version was different. Netizens have questioned the authorities' covert and deaf ears in an attempt to cover up legal responsibility. Within days, netizens' condemnation spread across social platforms. Netizen "Yan Xiaobad" said in the video:  Regarding the 'chain girl' Xuzhou issued the first announcement: a local woman (Yang Xia), in the second announcement, was taken in by Dong (Dong Zhimin), yesterday (7th) evening issued the third announcement called Xiaohuamei, At the beginning, I married to Yunnan. After the divorce, my parents asked a good-hearted person from the same village to take him to Jiangsu for medical treatment. By the way, they found a good-hearted person to marry. On the way, Xiao Huamei and the good-hearted person got separated. Not only did I generalize, this woman was lucky enough to meet all the great people. This woman is also really unlucky. She met so many kind people, but she still ended up with chains around her neck, no cotton-padded clothes in winter, and several teeth were lost. "  "Rashomon" appeared in the eight-child mother incident, more than 100 police officers surrounded the victim's village to prevent outsiders from entering The incident of the eight-child mother being chained to the neck fermented the overwhelming public condemnation, and the official did not say anything Jiangsu eight-child mother is chained scholar: reflecting that China's feminism is quite backward The locked mother of eight screamed: "This world doesn't want me anymore"  Netizen "Yan Xiaobad" questioned the Xuzhou authorities, is Xiao Huamei the surname "Xiao"? It would be fine if she got lost since childhood, but after all, she was married in Yunnan, so she must have a surname. Some netizens commented, "Your government thinks we are all asleep, but in fact we are all awake."  Beijing lawyers: start the procedure to investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant personnel  Beijing lawyer Mo Shaoping told this station on Wednesday (9th) that the content of the official investigation report was inconsistent:  "First, the three official announcements are indeed inconsistent and full of doubts; second, it is not difficult to find out the truth according to the current level of science and technology; third, the procedure to investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant personnel should be initiated, otherwise the matter There is no fair conclusion.  On the evening of Tuesday (8th), Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, also issued an article, referring to the Sang Moumou mentioned in the Xuzhou "eight-child mother" case report as a "human trafficker". The post wrote that she herself lacked the concept of "human traffickers", and she probably received "benefits" for Xiaohuamei (Yang Xia), but she would not feel that she had done evil. The Xuzhou bulletin said some details, including that she took Xiaohuamei to Jiangsu by train, in order to treat Xiaohuamei, "find a good family to marry", but after arriving in Jiangsu, Xiaohuamei "lost", and she not only Neither calling the police nor notifying Xiaohuamei's family, these plots are very similar to human traffickers and are highly suspicious.  Hunan lawyers ask Xuzhou officials Hunan lawyer Yang Shuguang asked Xuzhou officials ten questions through a video, including why the chain man and the date of birth of Yang Mouxia have not been announced so far. It is said on the Internet that Yang Mouxia was born in 1984, and the official said that Yang Mouxia only got married for the first time in 1994. In 1994, Yang Mouxia was only 10 years old. How to get married? In addition, there is a detailed address in the marriage registration, why is there no real name and date of birth of Yang Mouxia? He said: "Why can't we do DNA testing on Tie Lian Nu and her relatives, why dare not let the media interview Tie Lian Nv publicly? (Dong Zhimin) Having eight children with a mental patient is a crime of rape, why not file a criminal case against the rape suspect. ?"  Chinese legal professionals believe that the chain girl Yang Xia was most likely abducted and sold to Xuzhou, Jiangsu. The victim was killed and gave birth to 8 children. Experts believe that the punishment for trafficking in women in China's Criminal Law is too light. Zhang Jianping, a commentator in Yixing, Jiangsu, who is familiar with China's criminal law, told this station that the incident of eight-child mothers in Fengxian brought out legal issues in China:  "This incident in Fengxian County is actually a legal incident. China has signed international human rights conventions, as well as conventions on women's rights. After this incident, the government and public security are fooling the society and the public. It is difficult for you to make this country move towards the rule of law. "  China's criminal law for trafficking in women is light  Yang Hai, a citizen of Xi'an, said in the video that abduction and trafficking of women and children have occurred from time to time. He said: "This is why, in China, the punishment for trafficking in women and children is too light, and now the punishment for trafficking in children is a little more serious, but the criminal law for trafficking in women is very light and has no deterrent effect."  Yang Hai believes that the punishment for trafficking in women is aggravated. According to China's "Criminal Law", trafficking in women and children, unless the circumstances are particularly serious, is generally more than 5 years and less than 10 years in prison. However, in 1997, the Criminal Law added the crime of "buying women and children who have been abducted and trafficked", which is punishable by imprisonment for not more than three years, short-term detention or public surveillance, and an exception clause has been added: if the buying of women and children does not involve abuse and does not hinder the rescue, they may "from light punishment" or "no criminal responsibility".  Reporter: Qiao Long Editor in charge: Wen Xiaoping Xu Shuting Web editor: Ruizhe

Paying attention to eight-child mothers is no less popular than the Winter Olympics, Xuzhou official media three kinds of statements are contradictory

Paying attention to eight-child mothers is no less popular than the Winter Olympics, Xuzhou official media three kinds of statements are contradictory
The experience of Yang Mouxia, a mother of eight children in Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province, continues to attract attention

The experience of Yang Mouxia, a mother of eight children in Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province, continues to attract attention. For a week, every circle of friends on Chinese social platforms has been buzzing with people accusing the authorities of playing dumb and evading responsibility. A lawyer in Hunan asked the Xuzhou authorities ten questions, questioning the veracity of the official statement, and some lawyers' news authorities initiated accountability procedures.

An abused mother suspected of mental disorder in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu was locked and controlled. The related video shocked both home and abroad. The official issued three notifications within ten days, but each version was different. Netizens have questioned the authorities' covert and deaf ears in an attempt to cover up legal responsibility. Within days, netizens' condemnation spread across social platforms. Netizen "Yan Xiaobad" said in the video:

Regarding the 'chain girl' Xuzhou issued the first announcement: a local woman (Yang Xia), in the second announcement, was taken in by Dong (Dong Zhimin), yesterday (7th) evening issued the third announcement called Xiaohuamei, At the beginning, I married to Yunnan. After the divorce, my parents asked a good-hearted person from the same village to take him to Jiangsu for medical treatment. By the way, they found a good-hearted person to marry. On the way, Xiao Huamei and the good-hearted person got separated. Not only did I generalize, this woman was lucky enough to meet all the great people. This woman is also really unlucky. She met so many kind people, but she still ended up with chains around her neck, no cotton-padded clothes in winter, and several teeth were lost. "

"Rashomon" appeared in the eight-child mother incident, more than 100 police officers surrounded the victim's village to prevent outsiders from entering
The incident of the eight-child mother being chained to the neck fermented the overwhelming public condemnation, and the official did not say anything
Jiangsu eight-child mother is chained scholar: reflecting that China's feminism is quite backward
The locked mother of eight screamed: "This world doesn't want me anymore"

Netizen "Yan Xiaobad" questioned the Xuzhou authorities, is Xiao Huamei the surname "Xiao"? It would be fine if she got lost since childhood, but after all, she was married in Yunnan, so she must have a surname. Some netizens commented, "Your government thinks we are all asleep, but in fact we are all awake."

Beijing lawyers: start the procedure to investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant personnel

Beijing lawyer Mo Shaoping told this station on Wednesday (9th) that the content of the official investigation report was inconsistent:

"First, the three official announcements are indeed inconsistent and full of doubts; second, it is not difficult to find out the truth according to the current level of science and technology; third, the procedure to investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant personnel should be initiated, otherwise the matter There is no fair conclusion.

On the evening of Tuesday (8th), Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, also issued an article, referring to the Sang Moumou mentioned in the Xuzhou "eight-child mother" case report as a "human trafficker". The post wrote that she herself lacked the concept of "human traffickers", and she probably received "benefits" for Xiaohuamei (Yang Xia), but she would not feel that she had done evil. The Xuzhou bulletin said some details, including that she took Xiaohuamei to Jiangsu by train, in order to treat Xiaohuamei, "find a good family to marry", but after arriving in Jiangsu, Xiaohuamei "lost", and she not only Neither calling the police nor notifying Xiaohuamei's family, these plots are very similar to human traffickers and are highly suspicious.

Hunan lawyers ask Xuzhou officials
Hunan lawyer Yang Shuguang asked Xuzhou officials ten questions through a video, including why the chain man and the date of birth of Yang Mouxia have not been announced so far. It is said on the Internet that Yang Mouxia was born in 1984, and the official said that Yang Mouxia only got married for the first time in 1994. In 1994, Yang Mouxia was only 10 years old. How to get married? In addition, there is a detailed address in the marriage registration, why is there no real name and date of birth of Yang Mouxia? He said: "Why can't we do DNA testing on Tie Lian Nu and her relatives, why dare not let the media interview Tie Lian Nv publicly? (Dong Zhimin) Having eight children with a mental patient is a crime of rape, why not file a criminal case against the rape suspect. ?"

Chinese legal professionals believe that the chain girl Yang Xia was most likely abducted and sold to Xuzhou, Jiangsu. The victim was killed and gave birth to 8 children. Experts believe that the punishment for trafficking in women in China's Criminal Law is too light. Zhang Jianping, a commentator in Yixing, Jiangsu, who is familiar with China's criminal law, told this station that the incident of eight-child mothers in Fengxian brought out legal issues in China:

"This incident in Fengxian County is actually a legal incident. China has signed international human rights conventions, as well as conventions on women's rights. After this incident, the government and public security are fooling the society and the public. It is difficult for you to make this country move towards the rule of law. "

China's criminal law for trafficking in women is light

Yang Hai, a citizen of Xi'an, said in the video that abduction and trafficking of women and children have occurred from time to time. He said: "This is why, in China, the punishment for trafficking in women and children is too light, and now the punishment for trafficking in children is a little more serious, but the criminal law for trafficking in women is very light and has no deterrent effect."

Yang Hai believes that the punishment for trafficking in women is aggravated. According to China's "Criminal Law", trafficking in women and children, unless the circumstances are particularly serious, is generally more than 5 years and less than 10 years in prison. However, in 1997, the Criminal Law added the crime of "buying women and children who have been abducted and trafficked", which is punishable by imprisonment for not more than three years, short-term detention or public surveillance, and an exception clause has been added: if the buying of women and children does not involve abuse and does not hinder the rescue, they may "from light punishment" or "no criminal responsibility".

Reporter: Qiao Long Editor in charge: Wen Xiaoping Xu Shuting Web editor: Ruizhe

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