Indian government banned 54 Chinese apps, citing security reasons - report

भारत सरकार ने बैन किए 54 चीनी ऐप, सुरक्षा कारणों का दिया हवाला - रिपोर्ट जून 2020 से, सरकार अब तक 224 चीन ऐप्स को बैन कर चुकी है.  भारत सरकार ने प्राइवेसी और सुरक्षा कारणों से 54 चीनी ऐप्स को बैन करने का आदेश दिया है. द इकनॉमिक टाइम्स की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, इनमें से कई ऐप टेनसेंट, अलीबाबा और गेमिंग फर्म नेटईज जैसी बड़ी चीनी टेक कंपनियों की हैं.  रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और आईटी मंत्रालय का कहना है कि ये ऐप चीन जैसे दूसरे देशों में भारतीयों के संवेदनशील डेटा को सर्वर पर ट्रांसफर कर रहे थे. मंत्रालय ने इन एप्लिकेशन को ब्लॉक करने के लिए गूगल प्लेस्टोर समेत टॉप ऐप स्टोर को भी आदेश दिया.  इन 54 ऐप्स में ये ऐप शामिल हैं:  ब्यूटी कैमरा: स्वीट सेल्फी HD  ब्यूटी कैमरा - सेल्फी कैमरा  इक्वलाइजर एंड बास बूस्टर  कैमकार्ड फॉर सेल्सफोर्स एंट  इसोलैंड 2: एशेज ऑफ टाइम लाइट  वीवा वीडियो एडिटर  टेनसेंट राइवर  ऑनमॉयजी चेस  ऑनमॉयजी एरिना  ऐपलॉक  ड्यूल स्पेस लाइट  जून 2020 से, सरकार अब तक 224 चीन ऐप्स को बैन कर चुकी है, जिसमें टिकटॉक, शेयर इट, वीचैट, हेलो, यूसी न्यूीज, यूसी ब्राउजर जैसे ऐप शामिल हैं.     Indian government banned 54 Chinese apps, citing security reasons - report Since June 2020, the government has so far banned 224 China apps.  The Indian government has ordered the ban of 54 Chinese apps for privacy and security reasons . According to the report of The Economic Times , many of these apps are from big Chinese tech companies like Tencent, Alibaba and gaming firm NetEase.  According to the report, the Ministry of Electronics and IT says that these apps were transferring sensitive data of Indians to servers in other countries like China. The ministry also ordered top app stores including Google Playstore to block these applications.  These 54 apps include these apps:  Beauty Camera : Sweet Selfie HD  Beauty Camera - Selfie Camera  Equalizer & Bass Booster  camcard for salesforce ant  Isoland 2: Ashes of Time Light  viva video editor  Tencent River  onmoyji chase  onmoyji arena  applock  dual space light  Since June 2020, the government has so far banned 224 China apps, including apps like Tiktok, ShareIt, WeChat, Helo, UC News, UC Browser.

Indian government banned 54 Chinese apps, citing security reasons - report

Since June 2020, the government has so far banned 224 China apps.

The Indian government has ordered the ban of 54 Chinese apps for privacy and security reasons . According to the report of The Economic Times , many of these apps are from big Chinese tech companies like Tencent, Alibaba and gaming firm NetEase.

According to the report, the Ministry of Electronics and IT says that these apps were transferring sensitive data of Indians to servers in other countries like China. The ministry also ordered top app stores including Google Playstore to block these applications.

These 54 apps include these apps:

Beauty Camera : Sweet Selfie HD

Beauty Camera - Selfie Camera

Equalizer & Bass Booster

camcard for salesforce ant

Isoland 2: Ashes of Time Light

viva video editor

Tencent River

onmoyji chase

onmoyji arena


dual space light

Since June 2020, the government has so far banned 224 China apps, including apps like Tiktok, ShareIt, WeChat, Helo, UC News, UC Browser

王丹母亲王凌云纽约追思会:大时代下的共识  六四学运领袖王丹和多位海外民运人士周日(2月13日)在纽约为王丹母亲王凌云举行了追思会。王丹向本台透露,他母亲是六四学运的实际参与者。

  王凌云去世已经一月有余。王丹在母亲去世当天(12月28日)曾通过脸书、微信等社交媒体发出讣告,痛诉,“这个世界上最疼爱我的人,这个世界上我最敬爱的人”去了。   王丹母亲王凌云逝世 六四家属吁人道放宽流亡者出入境限制 王丹母亲王凌云去世  但在周日追思会的参与者看来,王丹显得相对平静。  王丹在会后这样向本台解释他的平静,“其实她在去世前几年就反复跟我说,她这么大年纪了,随时都有可能走,一旦走了,让我一定要坚强。我的内心当然是非常悲伤的,可是如果我表现得很崩溃,就是对不起她对我的叮嘱。”   追思会现场。中华学人联谊会提供 追思会现场。中华学人联谊会提供  同病相怜  追思会借纽约法拉盛喜来登酒店举行,来了约20人。同为学运领袖的吕京花也在现场,她表示理解王丹的坚强及其背后的遗憾,“今天在追思会上我是有点感慨,我在会上也谈论了,作为一个流亡人士,在中国大陆这种背景下,如果你的父母走上最终的这条路,你不可能去陪伴,这在情感方面是很大的一种遗憾。”  吕京花母亲与王丹母亲几乎同岁。1998年,吕京花母亲在北京去世时,中国驻美国使领馆曾阻挠吕京花回国办理丧事。  “我要死了,要疯掉了,我要疯掉了。我当时是去申请签证,我带着我先生去出具护照的时候,他们把我的美国护照从那窗口里扔出来,我就抱着那个护照本在窗口那儿跟他们大吼,她说你这种情况不予处理,”吕京花这样描述当时的情况。她先后求助于联邦参议员和美国工会联合会,最终迫使中国政府放行。  虽然那次回国已经过去二十多年时间,吕京花仍然记得那次短暂的回乡之旅感受到的压抑和控制,“当时是给了十天的奔丧期限,但是对我是全程24小时监控,不可以去见任何其他人。早上一出门口,一下就从旁边的屋子里出来了几个人,还有门口监控的车子里坐的监控人员就来跟踪我。”  但吕京花补充说,她能回国奔丧还算是幸运的。中国政府惯常的做法是不准许海外流亡异议人士回国探亲,或为亲人料理丧事。这次母亲去世,王丹根据以往的经验并没有申请回国。他告诉本台,母亲生前曾多次叮嘱他,如果她病逝,就不要回国,因为她不相信中共政权会让他安全返美。  这一判断与追思会的组织者、中华学人联谊会秘书长金岩的观点类似。他通过短信回复本台采访时说,“像这次王丹的母亲过世而不能见上最后一面,以及前不久郭飞雄的妻子去世也未能见上最后一面,这样的悲剧还将进行下去,直到中共把权力交给人民的那一天才能结束。”  大时代下的共识  王丹对不能见到母亲最后一面,是早有准备的,“(我和母亲)本来就已经有高度的共识,这是面对一个时代付出的代价。所以,我母亲一直是从一个时代的角度来看待这件事情的,我们生在这样的时代,出现这样遗憾的事情,这就是这个时代会发生的事情。”  王凌云去年在台湾出版了个人回忆录《走过那个时代》,回顾了从1935年她出生开始,所经历的中国现代史各个重要的历史关节,包括1989年六四天安门事件。  王丹说,当时在中国革命历史博物馆(今中国博物馆)任研究员的王凌云曾在天安门学运的高潮阶段日夜陪伴着他,“89年我绝食的时候,她就从家里搬到天安门旁边的国家博物馆,她自己就住在办公室里,就等于说是隔着一条街陪我绝食。”  王丹透露说,学运期间,在王凌云的推动下,革命历史博物馆在其中庭树立起了第一个照看体弱的抗议学生的帐篷,所以,母亲是天安门学运的实际参与者。  对于母亲的去世,王丹强调他更看重的是母亲留下的精神遗产。除了王凌云作为学者叮嘱他要终身读书之外,王丹也一直记得他因为领导学运而在中国第一次坐牢期间,母亲给他的告诫,“就是说,只要你觉得你做的是正确的事情,你就要学会调整自己,虽然那是在监狱里,但你还是要适应那个环境。就是‘问心无愧、随遇而安’,这成了伴随我一生的指导。”  他强调,母亲给他留下的阅读习惯和那八个字,这个遗产比几十亿美元、比多少豪宅都来得要珍贵得多,而且更实际的多。   记者:王允;编辑:安克;   网编: 景铭    New York Memorial Meeting for Wang Dan's Mother Wang Lingyun: Consensus in the Great Era  On Sunday (February 13), Wang Dan, leader of the June 4th student movement, and several overseas pro-democracy activists held a memorial service for Wang Dan's mother, Wang Lingyun, in New York. Wang Dan revealed to this station that his mother was an actual participant in the June 4th student movement.

  It has been more than a month since Wang Lingyun passed away. On the day of her mother's death (December 28), Wang Dan issued an obituary through Facebook, WeChat and other social media, complaining bitterly, "The person who loves me the most in the world, the person I love the most in this world" went.  Wang Dan's mother, Wang Lingyun, passed away on June 4, family members call on humanity to relax entry and exit restrictions for exiles Wang Dan's mother Wang Lingyun passed away  But to attendees of Sunday's memorial service, Wang Dan appeared relatively calm. Wang Dan explained his calmness to this station after the meeting, "Actually, she repeatedly told me a few years before her death that she is so old, she may leave at any time, and once she leaves, I must be strong. Of course, my heart is very sad, but if I appear to be broken, I am sorry for her advice to me."  Pity each other The memorial service was held at the Sheraton Flushing Hotel in New York, and about 20 people came. Lv Jinghua, who is also the leader of the student movement, was also at the scene. She expressed her understanding of Wang Dan's strength and the regret behind it, "I was a little emotional at the memorial meeting today. I also talked about it at the meeting. As an exile, in China In the context of the mainland, if your parents take the final road, you can't accompany them, which is a great regret in terms of emotion."  Lv Jinghua's mother is almost the same age as Wang Dan's mother. In 1998, when Lv Jinghua's mother died in Beijing, the Chinese embassy and consulate in the United States prevented Lv Jinghua from returning to China to handle the funeral.  "I'm going to die, I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy. I was going to apply for a visa, and when I took my husband to issue a passport, they threw my American passport out of that window and I hugged She yelled at them at the window with the passport book, she said that your situation will not be dealt with," Lu Jinghua described the situation at the time. She turned to senators and the American Federation of Trade Unions for help, eventually forcing the Chinese government to let it go.  Although it has been more than 20 years since he returned to China, Lu Jinghua still remembers the depression and control he felt during that short trip back to his hometown. Don't go to see anyone else. As soon as I left the door in the morning, a few people came out of the house next to me, and the monitoring staff in the car monitored by the door came to follow me."  But Lu Jinghua added that she was lucky to be able to return to China for the funeral. The Chinese government routinely does not allow dissidents in exile abroad to return home to visit relatives, or to attend funerals for their relatives. This time the mother died, Wang Dan did not apply to return to China based on past experience. He told this station that his mother had repeatedly told him that if she died of illness, she would not return to China because she did not believe that the CCP regime would allow him to return to the United States safely.  This judgment is similar to that of Jin Yan, the organizer of the memorial service and secretary-general of the Chinese Scholars Association. In replying to this station's interview via text message, he said, "Like this time Wang Dan's mother passed away and could not be seen for the last time, and Guo Feixiong's wife passed away not long ago and was not able to see the last time. Such tragedies will continue until The day will end when the CCP hands over power to the people.”  Consensus in the Great Era Wang Dan was well prepared for not being able to see his mother for the last time. "(My mother and I) already had a high degree of consensus. This is the price to pay in the face of an era. Therefore, my mother has always been from an era. Looking at this from an angle, we were born in such an era, and such regrettable things happen, this is what will happen in this era.”  Wang Lingyun published her personal memoir "Through That Era" in Taiwan last year, reviewing the important historical links in modern Chinese history that she has experienced since her birth in 1935, including the Tiananmen Square Incident on June 4 in 1989.  Wang Dan said that Wang Lingyun, who was a researcher at the China Museum of Revolutionary History (now China Museum), had accompanied him day and night during the climax of the Tiananmen student movement, "When I was on hunger strike in 1989, she moved from home to a country next to Tiananmen. The museum, she lives in the office herself, which means she is on a hunger strike with me across the street."  Wang Dan revealed that during the student movement, under the impetus of Wang Lingyun, the Revolutionary History Museum set up the first tent to take care of the frail protesting students in its courtyard. Therefore, her mother was an actual participant in the Tiananmen student movement.  Regarding the death of his mother, Wang Dan emphasized that what he valued more was the spiritual legacy left by his mother. In addition to Wang Lingyun's admonition as a scholar to study for life, Wang Dan also always remembers his mother's admonition to him during his first imprisonment in China for leading the student movement, "That is, as long as you think you are doing the right thing. Things, you have to learn to adjust yourself, although it is in prison, but you still have to adapt to that environment. It is 'have a clear conscience and go with the flow', which has become a guide that has accompanied me throughout my life."  He emphasized that the reading habits and the eight characters his mother left him were far more precious and more practical than billions of dollars and mansions.  Reporter: Wang Yun; Editor: An Ke; Web Editor: Jing Ming

New York Memorial Meeting for Wang Dan's Mother Wang Lingyun: Consensus in the Great Era

On Sunday (February 13), Wang Dan, leader of the June 4th student movement, and several overseas pro-democracy activists held a memorial service for Wang Dan's mother, Wang Lingyun, in New York. Wang Dan revealed to this station that his mother was an actual participant in the June 4th student movement.

It has been more than a month since Wang Lingyun passed away. On the day of her mother's death (December 28), Wang Dan issued an obituary through Facebook, WeChat and other social media, complaining bitterly, "The person who loves me the most in the world, the person I love the most in this world" went.

Wang Dan's mother, Wang Lingyun, passed away on June 4, family members call on humanity to relax entry and exit restrictions for exiles
Wang Dan's mother Wang Lingyun passed away

But to attendees of Sunday's memorial service, Wang Dan appeared relatively calm.
Wang Dan explained his calmness to this station after the meeting, "Actually, she repeatedly told me a few years before her death that she is so old, she may leave at any time, and once she leaves, I must be strong. Of course, my heart is very sad, but if I appear to be broken, I am sorry for her advice to me."

Pity each other
The memorial service was held at the Sheraton Flushing Hotel in New York, and about 20 people came. Lv Jinghua, who is also the leader of the student movement, was also at the scene. She expressed her understanding of Wang Dan's strength and the regret behind it, "I was a little emotional at the memorial meeting today. I also talked about it at the meeting. As an exile, in China In the context of the mainland, if your parents take the final road, you can't accompany them, which is a great regret in terms of emotion."

Lv Jinghua's mother is almost the same age as Wang Dan's mother. In 1998, when Lv Jinghua's mother died in Beijing, the Chinese embassy and consulate in the United States prevented Lv Jinghua from returning to China to handle the funeral.

"I'm going to die, I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy. I was going to apply for a visa, and when I took my husband to issue a passport, they threw my American passport out of that window and I hugged She yelled at them at the window with the passport book, she said that your situation will not be dealt with," Lu Jinghua described the situation at the time. She turned to senators and the American Federation of Trade Unions for help, eventually forcing the Chinese government to let it go.

Although it has been more than 20 years since he returned to China, Lu Jinghua still remembers the depression and control he felt during that short trip back to his hometown. Don't go to see anyone else. As soon as I left the door in the morning, a few people came out of the house next to me, and the monitoring staff in the car monitored by the door came to follow me."

But Lu Jinghua added that she was lucky to be able to return to China for the funeral. The Chinese government routinely does not allow dissidents in exile abroad to return home to visit relatives, or to attend funerals for their relatives. This time the mother died, Wang Dan did not apply to return to China based on past experience. He told this station that his mother had repeatedly told him that if she died of illness, she would not return to China because she did not believe that the CCP regime would allow him to return to the United States safely.

This judgment is similar to that of Jin Yan, the organizer of the memorial service and secretary-general of the Chinese Scholars Association. In replying to this station's interview via text message, he said, "Like this time Wang Dan's mother passed away and could not be seen for the last time, and Guo Feixiong's wife passed away not long ago and was not able to see the last time. Such tragedies will continue until The day will end when the CCP hands over power to the people.”

Consensus in the Great Era
Wang Dan was well prepared for not being able to see his mother for the last time. "(My mother and I) already had a high degree of consensus. This is the price to pay in the face of an era. Therefore, my mother has always been from an era. Looking at this from an angle, we were born in such an era, and such regrettable things happen, this is what will happen in this era.”

Wang Lingyun published her personal memoir "Through That Era" in Taiwan last year, reviewing the important historical links in modern Chinese history that she has experienced since her birth in 1935, including the Tiananmen Square Incident on June 4 in 1989.

Wang Dan said that Wang Lingyun, who was a researcher at the China Museum of Revolutionary History (now China Museum), had accompanied him day and night during the climax of the Tiananmen student movement, "When I was on hunger strike in 1989, she moved from home to a country next to Tiananmen. The museum, she lives in the office herself, which means she is on a hunger strike with me across the street."

Wang Dan revealed that during the student movement, under the impetus of Wang Lingyun, the Revolutionary History Museum set up the first tent to take care of the frail protesting students in its courtyard. Therefore, her mother was an actual participant in the Tiananmen student movement.

Regarding the death of his mother, Wang Dan emphasized that what he valued more was the spiritual legacy left by his mother. In addition to Wang Lingyun's admonition as a scholar to study for life, Wang Dan also always remembers his mother's admonition to him during his first imprisonment in China for leading the student movement, "That is, as long as you think you are doing the right thing. Things, you have to learn to adjust yourself, although it is in prison, but you still have to adapt to that environment. It is 'have a clear conscience and go with the flow', which has become a guide that has accompanied me throughout my life."

He emphasized that the reading habits and the eight characters his mother left him were far more precious and more practical than billions of dollars and mansions.

Reporter: Wang Yun; Editor: An Ke; Web Editor: Jing Ming

خەۋەر «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» : بېيجىڭ قىشلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىگە قاتنىشىش ئۇيغۇر ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقىغا شېرىك بولغانلىقتۇر  «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» ياۋروپادىكى بارلىق مۇسۇلمان تەشكىلاتلىرى ئەزا بولغان ئەڭ چوڭ چېگرا ھالقىغان ئاممىۋى تەشكىلاتى بولۇپ، ئۇنىڭ باش شتابى بېلگىيەگە جايلاشقان. ئۇلار بۇ يىل 2-ئاينىڭ 2-كۈنى مەزكۇر ئورگاننىڭ رەئىسى ئابدۇل ۋاھىد نىيازوف ۋە باشقا رەھبەرلىرىنىڭ ئىمزاسى بىلەن ئېلان قىلغان باياناتىدا، 2022-يىللىق بېيجىڭ ئولىمپىك تەنھەرىكەت مۇسابىقىسىنى بايقوت قىلىدىغانلىقى، بايقۇت قىلغان دۆلەتلەرنى تەبرىكلەيدىغانلىقى، ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ئېلىپ بېرىۋاتقان دۆلەتتىكى ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىگە قاتنىشىش ۋە بېرىشنى مەنئى قىلىدىغانلىقى، يەنە ئۆزلىرىنىڭ دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيى بىلەن بولغان ھەمكارلىقنى تېخىمۇ كۈچەيتىدىغانلىقى تەكىتلەنگەن. باياناتتا مۇنۇلار يېزىلغان: «بىز بېيجىڭ 2022-يىللىق قىشلىق ئولىمپىك تەنھەرىكەت مۇسابىقىسىنى بايقۇت قىلغان ئامېرىكا، كانادا، ئەنگلىيە، ئاۋسترالىيە ۋە فىرانسىيە قاتارلىق دۆلەتلەرگە ئاپىرىن ئوقۇيمىز. ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ئېلىپ بېرىۋاتقان دۆلەتتە ئۆتكۈزۈلۈۋاتقان ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىگە قارىتا سۈكۈتتە تۇرۇۋاتقان تۈركىيە ۋە باشقا دۆلەتلەردىن قاتتىق ئەپسۇسلىنىمىز. بىز دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيى بىلەن بولغان ھەمكارلىقىمىزنى تېخىمۇ كۈچەيتىدىغانلىقىمىزنى تەكىتلەيمىز».  «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» 2-ئاينىڭ 2-كۈنى «2022-يىللىق قىشلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسى ھەققىدە بايانات» ماۋزۇلۇق بايانات ئېلان قىلىپ، بۇ مۇسابىقىگە قاتناشقان دۆلەتلەرنىڭ خىتاينىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارغا قارىتا ئېلىپ بېرىۋاتقان ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق سىياسىتىگە شېرىك بولغان بولىدىغانلىقىنى تەكىتلىگەن.  دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيى رەئىسى دولقۇن ئەيسا ئەپەندى بۈگۈن رادىيومىزنىڭ زىيارىتىنى قوبۇل قىلىپ، بۇ ھەقتىكى سوئالىمىزغا مۇنداق جاۋاب بەردى: «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى ياۋروپادا كۈچلۈك تەسىرگە ئىگە بولغان مۇسۇلمانلار تەشكىلاتىدۇر. بۇ باياناتتا ناھايىتى كۈچلۈك مەزمۇنلار ئورۇن ئالغان. بۇ باياناتتا ھازىرغىچە ئۇيغۇر قىرغىنچىلىقىغا كۆڭۈل بۆلگەن دۆلەتلەرگە رەھمەت ئېيتىش بىلەن بىرلىكتە مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلەرنىڭ جىمجىتلىقى مەلۇم دەرىجىدە تەنقىد قىلىنغان. شۇنداقلا دۇنيادىكى بارلىق دۆلەتلەرنىڭ بېيجىڭ قىشلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىنى بايقۇت قىلىشى كېرەكلىكى تەكىتلەنگەن. يەنە بىرى مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلىرىنى ئۇيغۇر ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقىنى توختىتىش ئۈچۈن خىتايغا نارازىلىق بىلدۈرۈشكە چاقىرغان. شۇنداقلا خىتاينىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارغا ئېلىپ بېرىۋاتقان ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقىنىڭ جاۋابسىز قالماسلىقى كېرەكلىكىنى تەكىتلەش بىلەن بىرلىكتە پۈتۈن دۇنيا دۆلەتلىرىنى خىتايغا قارشى ھەرىكەتكە ئۆتۈشكە چاقىرغان».  دولقۇن ئەيسا ئەپەندى «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» ئېلان قىلغان بۇ باياناتنىڭ مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلىرىنى ئۇيغۇر مەسىلىسىدە ئويغىتىش ئۈچۈن زور ئەھمىيەتكە ئىگە ئىكەنلىكىنى بايان قىلىپ مۇنداق دېدى: «مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلىرى سۈكۈتتە تۇرۇۋالغان، ھەتتا بېيجىڭ قىشلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىگە قاتنىشىۋاتقان بىر پەيتتە بۇ بايانات بىرقىسىم مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلىرىنىڭ ئۇيقۇسىنى ئېچىشىغا ۋە مۇسۇلمان ئاممىۋى تەشكىلاتلىرىنى ئۇيغۇرلارغا ئىگە چىقىشقا چاقىرىدۇ. چۈنكى خىتاي دۆلىتى مۇسۇلمان دۆلەتلەردە ئۇيغۇر مەسىلىسىنىڭ ئامېرىكا ۋە ياۋروپا دۆلەتلىرى ئويدۇرغان ئويۇن ئىكەنلىكىنى تەشۋىق قىلماقتا. بۇ خىل تەشۋىقاتلارغا مۇسۇلمانلارنىڭ ئىشەنمەسلىكى ئۈچۈن پايدىلىق. بۇ جەھەتتىن قارىغاندا زور ئەھمىيەتكە ئىگە دەپ ئويلايمەن».  دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيىنىڭ دىنىي ئىشلار كومىتېتى مۇدىرى تۇرغۇنجان ئالاۋۇددىن ئەپەندىنىڭ ئېيتىشىچە دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيى 2018-يىلىدىن تارتىپ «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» بىلەن ھەمكارلىشىشقا باشلىغان بولۇپ، بۇرۇنمۇ ئورتاق باياناتلار ئېلان قىلغان ئىكەن. ئۇ، بۇ ھەقتە مەلۇمات بەردى.  تۇرغۇنجان ئالاۋۇددىن ئەپەندى «ياۋروپا مۇسۇلمانلار مۇنبىرى» ياۋروپادا پائالىيەت ئېلىپ بېرىۋاتقان مۇسۇلمان تەشكىلاتلىرىنى ئۆز ئىچىگە ئالغان مۇنبەر ئىكەنلىكىنى، قۇرۇلغان كۈندىن تارتىپ ئۇيغۇر مەسىلىسىگە كۆڭۈل بۆلۈۋاتقانلىقىنى تەكىتلىدى.  «يەرشارى ئىماملار كېڭىشى» يېقىندا دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيى بىلەن بىرلىكتە «خەلقئارا ئىسلام ھەمكارلىق تەشكىلاتى» غىمۇ مەكتۇپ يوللاپ مەزكۇر تەشكىلات قارمىقىدىكى ئىسلام دۆلەتلىرىنى ئۇيغۇر مەسىلىسىدىكى سۈكۈتىنى بۇزۇشقا، بېيجىڭ ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىنى بايقۇت قىلىشقا چاقىرغانىكەن.    European Muslim Forum: Participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics is a compliment to the Uyghur genocide  The European Muslim Forum is the largest transnational non-governmental organization in which all Muslim organizations in Europe are headquartered in Belgium. In a statement signed on February 2 this year, signed by the organisation's chairman, Abdul Wahid Niyazov, and other leaders, they called for a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics, a celebration of boycotted countries, and a ban on participating in and participating in the genocide-ridden Olympics. They will also strengthen their cooperation with the World Uyghur Congress. The statement added: "We applaud the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and France for boycotting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. We deeply regret the silence of Turkey and other countries in the run-up to the Olympics in the country where the genocide is taking place. We reaffirm that we will further strengthen our cooperation with the World Uyghur Congress. "  The European Muslim Forum issued a statement on February 2, entitled "Statement on the Winter Olympics 2022," emphasizing that the participating countries share China's policy of genocide against the Uyghurs.  Mr. Dolgun Isa, President of the World Uyghur Congress, was interviewed on our radio today and answered our questions: The statement contained strong statements. The statement thanked the countries concerned with the Uyghur genocide so far, but also criticized the silence of Muslim countries. It was also stressed that all countries in the world should boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics. Another called on Muslim countries to protest against China for stopping the Uyghur genocide.  Mr Wave Jesus said the statement, issued by the European Muslim Forum, was crucial in awakening Muslim countries to the Uyghur issue: Calls on NGOs to take ownership of Uyghurs Because the Chinese state is promoting the Uyghur issue in Muslim countries as a game invented by the United States and European countries. Such propaganda is conducive to the disbelief of Muslims. I think it's very important in this regard. "  Mr. Turgunjan Alawuddin, Director of the Religious Affairs Committee of the World Uyghur Congress, said that the World Uyghur Congress has been cooperating with the European Muslim Forum since 2018 and has already issued joint statements. He reported this.  Mr. Turgunjan Alauddin stressed that the European Muslim Forum is a forum for Muslim organizations operating in Europe and has been concerned about the Uyghur issue since its inception.  The World Council of Imams, in conjunction with the World Uyghur Congress, recently sent a letter to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) urging Islamic State member states to break the silence on the Uyghur issue and boycott the Beijing Olympics.

European Muslim Forum: Participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics is a compliment to the Uyghur genocide

The European Muslim Forum is the largest transnational non-governmental organization in which all Muslim organizations in Europe are headquartered in Belgium. In a statement signed on February 2 this year, signed by the organisation's chairman, Abdul Wahid Niyazov, and other leaders, they called for a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympics, a celebration of boycotted countries, and a ban on participating in and participating in the genocide-ridden Olympics. They will also strengthen their cooperation with the World Uyghur Congress. The statement added: "We applaud the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and France for boycotting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. We deeply regret the silence of Turkey and other countries in the run-up to the Olympics in the country where the genocide is taking place. We reaffirm that we will further strengthen our cooperation with the World Uyghur Congress. "

The European Muslim Forum issued a statement on February 2, entitled "Statement on the Winter Olympics 2022," emphasizing that the participating countries share China's policy of genocide against the Uyghurs.

Mr. Dolgun Isa, President of the World Uyghur Congress, was interviewed on our radio today and answered our questions: The statement contained strong statements. The statement thanked the countries concerned with the Uyghur genocide so far, but also criticized the silence of Muslim countries. It was also stressed that all countries in the world should boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics. Another called on Muslim countries to protest against China for stopping the Uyghur genocide.

Mr Wave Jesus said the statement, issued by the European Muslim Forum, was crucial in awakening Muslim countries to the Uyghur issue: Calls on NGOs to take ownership of Uyghurs Because the Chinese state is promoting the Uyghur issue in Muslim countries as a game invented by the United States and European countries. Such propaganda is conducive to the disbelief of Muslims. I think it's very important in this regard. "

Mr. Turgunjan Alawuddin, Director of the Religious Affairs Committee of the World Uyghur Congress, said that the World Uyghur Congress has been cooperating with the European Muslim Forum since 2018 and has already issued joint statements. He reported this.

Mr. Turgunjan Alauddin stressed that the European Muslim Forum is a forum for Muslim organizations operating in Europe and has been concerned about the Uyghur issue since its inception.

The World Council of Imams, in conjunction with the World Uyghur Congress, recently sent a letter to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) urging Islamic State member states to break the silence on the Uyghur issue and boycott the Beijing Olympics.

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