How did moral scandals turn Hulk Hogan from one of the most famous wrestlers to the most hated?

كيف حولت الفضائح الأخلاقية هولك هوغان من أشهر المصارعين إلى أكثر المكروهين؟  يعد المصارع الأميركي هولك هوغان من أشهر نجوم المصارعة الحرة الاستعراضية على مر تاريخها، حيث وصل إلى قمة الشهرة والثراء، قبل أن تسقطه الفضائح الأخلاقية المتتالية وخيانته لزوجته وأقرب أصدقائه ليصبح مكروه الجماهير بعد أن كان محبوبها الأول.  استغل هوغان بنيته العضلية الضخمة، حيث كان طوله يناهز المترين، واحترف المصارعة الحرة عام 1978 وعمره 25 عاما، وبعدها بعامين انضم إلى اتحاد المصارعة العالمية الترفيهية "دبليو دبليو إي" (WWE)، ليبلغ خلال سنوات قليلة أوج الشهرة الرياضية.  وحتى نعلم مدى شعبيته الكبيرة فقد شكلت مجموعة كبيرة من جماهير المصارعة الحرة "ألتراس" لتشجيعه، وأطلقت على نفسها لقب "مجانين هولك" (Hulkamaniacs).  Carnival revellers dressed like wrestler Hulk Hogan celebrate the start of the carnival season in Cologneمجموعة من مشجعي هوغان أو "مجانين هولك" (رويترز) فوز هوغان على أندري العملاق وبزغت نجوميته بشدة عام 1983 عندما هزم أندري العملاق الذي كان يزن نحو ربع طن، حيث ضاعف ذلك الفوز شعبيته بعدما رفع منافسه العملاق بالفعل في الهواء وألقاه على أرض الحلبة بشكل لا يصدق، مما جعل القاعة تهتز من هتاف الجماهير له.  شهرته الرياضية فتحت له أبواب المجد الفني، حيث شارك في العديد من الأفلام السينمائية، بل حصل على دور البطولة في بعضها، وهو ما ضاعف شعبيته وجلب له المزيد من الأموال الطائلة حتى وصلت ثروته نحو 30 مليون دولار، ليكون أغنى مصارع على الإطلاق في جيله.   سلسلة فضائح هوغان ويبدو أن الشهرة الطاغية والأموال الطائلة أصابت هوغان بالغرور حتى قال عن نفسه إنه "أقوى رجل، ولا يخاف حتى الوحوش المفترسة"، كما وصل به غروره إلى التورط في سلسلة من الفضائح التي قضت على نجوميته وحولته من المصارع الأكثر شعبية إلى الأكثر كراهية لدى الجمهور.   وبدأت الفضائح تلاحقه في بداية التسعينيات من القرن الماضي عندما تم اكتشاف أنه يتعاطى المنشطات رغم أن المصارعة لعبة استعراضية، وباعترافه الشخصي فإن جميع النزالات تمثيل يتفق عليه مسبقا ويحدد الفائز بعقد رسمي يحدد ما يتلقاه كل مصارع من الأموال.  وزاد الطين بلة أنه لم يكتف بتعاطي المنشطات فقط، بل كان يتاجر فيها أيضا ببيعها للمصارعين، وهو ما جعل أمره يفتضح عن طريق أحدهم.  ولأنه أحد "نجوم الشباك" الذين يُقبل الجمهور على مشاهدتهم على حلبات المصارعة فقد قرر الاتحاد الدولي للمصارعة الاستعراضية "دبليو سي دبليو" (WCW) إعادته إلى المنافسات عام 1996، ليستعيد نجوميته وحصد الأموال مجددا.  وظل هوغان يحرص على أن ينسى الجمهور تجارته بالمنشطات حتى تورط في فضيحة أكبر بكثير عندما طلقت منه زوجته بعدما اكتشفت خيانته الزوجية لها مع العديد من النساء، ومنهن أقرب صديقاتها.   ولأن الإعلام الأميركي يتعاطى مع مثل هذه القضايا بتوسع كبير وعدم وجود خطوط حمراء فقد كان هذا الطلاق فضيحة مدوية للمصارع الشهير الذي بدأت شعبيته بعدها في الانهيار.  الفضيحة التي جعلته مكروه الجماهير وبدلا من التعلم من أخطائه تورط هوغان في فضيحة مدوية جديدة بالصوت والصورة عندما انتشر مقطع مصور غير أخلاقي له مع زوجة أقرب أصدقائه، مما عده الجمهور الأميركي خيانة لا تغتفر لصديقه، فدمرت شعبيته تماما وأصبح مكروه الجماهير بعد أن كان محبوبها.  ويبدو أن سقوطه المدوي وخسارته شعبيته بهذا الشكل جعلاه يحاول الخروج من هذه الفضيحة بأكبر قدر من المكاسب المادية، حيث أقام دعوى قضائية عام 2016 ضد موقع "جوكر" (Gawker) الذي سرب مقطع الفيديو المخل، وادعى أنه انتهك خصوصيته بشكل فج.  وبالفعل، نال هوغان مبتغاه وحكمت له المحكمة بتعويض ضخم قدره 115 مليون دولار، لكن تم تخفيضه إلى 30 مليون دولار بسبب عدم قدرة الموقع على سداد المبلغ الضخم.  Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan testifies in his case against the news website Gawker in St. Petersburg Floridaهوغان يدلي بشهادته أمام المحكمة في الدعوى التي طالب فيها بتعويض لانتهاك خصوصيته (رويترز)  ورغم أنه ربح المال الوفير الذي عوضه عن تكاليف طلاقه الباهظة من زوجته فإنه خسر احترام الجميع، حيث اعتبروا أن خيانته لأقرب أصدقائه جريمة أخلاقية معنوية حتى لو لم يجرمها القانون الأميركي.  ولم يكد هوغان يهنأ بالتعويض الكبير حتى انهالت الخسائر على رأسه بفسخ الشركات عقود الرعاية معه واحدا تلو الآخر، خوفا على تلطخ سمعتها ومراعاة لمشاعر الجماهير التي أصبحت تكرهه وتعتبره مثالا سيئا ليس للرياضيين فقط، بل للإنسان بشكل عام.     How did moral scandals turn Hulk Hogan from one of the most famous wrestlers to the most hated?  American wrestler Hulk Hogan is one of the most famous freestyle wrestling stars throughout its history, reaching the pinnacle of fame and wealth, before successive moral scandals and his betrayal of his wife and closest friends brought him down to become hated by the masses after he was her first love.  Hogan took advantage of his huge muscular structure, as he was about two meters tall, and professional wrestling in 1978 at the age of 25, and two years later he joined the World Wrestling Entertainment "WWE" (WWE), to reach within a few years the height of sports fame.  To know how popular he is, a large group of ultras fans formed to cheer him on, calling themselves "Hulk Crazy" (Hulkamaniacs).  Hogan defeated Andre the Giant His stardom rose sharply in 1983 when he defeated the giant Andrei, who weighed about a quarter of a ton, and that victory doubled his popularity after he lifted his already giant opponent in the air and threw him onto the track in an incredible way, making the hall shake with cheers from the crowd.  His sports fame opened the doors of artistic glory for him, as he participated in many films, and even won the starring role in some of them, which doubled his popularity and brought him more huge money until his fortune reached about 30 million dollars, to be the richest wrestler ever in his generation.  Hogan scandal series It seems that the tyrannical fame and the huge sums of money made Hogan arrogant until he said of himself that he was "the strongest man, not afraid of even wild beasts", and his ego led him to get involved in a series of scandals that wiped out his stardom and transformed him from the most popular wrestler to the most hated by the public.  Scandals began chasing him in the early nineties of the last century when it was discovered that he was taking doping, even though wrestling is an exhibition game, and by his own admission, all fights are representation agreed upon in advance, and the winner is determined by an official contract that determines what each wrestler receives from the money.  To make matters worse, he was not satisfied with taking steroids only, but also trading them by selling them to wrestlers, which made his case exposed by one of them.  And because he is one of the "curling stars" that the public is eager to see on the wrestling circuit, the World Wrestling Federation "WCW" (WCW) decided to return him to the competitions in 1996, to regain his stardom and earn money again.  Hogan was keen to make the public forget his stimulant trade until he got involved in a much bigger scandal when his wife divorced him after she discovered his marital infidelity with many women, including her closest friends.  And because the American media deals with such issues with great expansion and the lack of red lines, this divorce was a resounding scandal for the famous wrestler, whose popularity after that began to collapse.  The scandal that made him hated by the masses Instead of learning from his mistakes, Hogan became embroiled in a new resounding audio and video scandal when an immoral video clip of him with the wife of his closest friend spread, which the American public considered an unforgivable betrayal of his friend, completely destroying his popularity and becoming hated by the masses after he was her lover.  It seems that his resounding downfall and the loss of his popularity in this way made him try to get out of this scandal with the largest amount of material gains, as he filed a lawsuit in 2016 against the "Gawker" website, which leaked the offensive video, and claimed that it blatantly violated his privacy.  Indeed, Hogan got his wish and the court awarded him a huge compensation of $ 115 million, but it was reduced to $ 30 million due to the site's inability to pay the huge amount.  Although he won a lot of money that compensated him for the high costs of his divorce from his wife, he lost the respect of everyone, as they considered his betrayal of his closest friends a moral and moral crime even if it was not criminalized by American law.  No sooner had Hogan be satisfied with the great compensation, until the losses fell on his head as companies terminated the sponsorship contracts with him one by one, for fear of tarnishing his reputation and taking into account the feelings of the masses that became hate him and consider him a bad example not only for athletes, but for humans in general.

How did moral scandals turn Hulk Hogan from one of the most famous wrestlers to the most hated?

American wrestler Hulk Hogan is one of the most famous freestyle wrestling stars throughout its history, reaching the pinnacle of fame and wealth, before successive moral scandals and his betrayal of his wife and closest friends brought him down to become hated by the masses after he was her first love.

Hogan took advantage of his huge muscular structure, as he was about two meters tall, and professional wrestling in 1978 at the age of 25, and two years later he joined the World Wrestling Entertainment "WWE" (WWE), to reach within a few years the height of sports fame.

To know how popular he is, a large group of ultras fans formed to cheer him on, calling themselves "Hulk Crazy" (Hulkamaniacs).

Hogan defeated Andre the Giant
His stardom rose sharply in 1983 when he defeated the giant Andrei, who weighed about a quarter of a ton, and that victory doubled his popularity after he lifted his already giant opponent in the air and threw him onto the track in an incredible way, making the hall shake with cheers from the crowd.

His sports fame opened the doors of artistic glory for him, as he participated in many films, and even won the starring role in some of them, which doubled his popularity and brought him more huge money until his fortune reached about 30 million dollars, to be the richest wrestler ever in his generation.

Hogan scandal series
It seems that the tyrannical fame and the huge sums of money made Hogan arrogant until he said of himself that he was "the strongest man, not afraid of even wild beasts", and his ego led him to get involved in a series of scandals that wiped out his stardom and transformed him from the most popular wrestler to the most hated by the public.

Scandals began chasing him in the early nineties of the last century when it was discovered that he was taking doping, even though wrestling is an exhibition game, and by his own admission, all fights are representation agreed upon in advance, and the winner is determined by an official contract that determines what each wrestler receives from the money.

To make matters worse, he was not satisfied with taking steroids only, but also trading them by selling them to wrestlers, which made his case exposed by one of them.

And because he is one of the "curling stars" that the public is eager to see on the wrestling circuit, the World Wrestling Federation "WCW" (WCW) decided to return him to the competitions in 1996, to regain his stardom and earn money again.

Hogan was keen to make the public forget his stimulant trade until he got involved in a much bigger scandal when his wife divorced him after she discovered his marital infidelity with many women, including her closest friends.

And because the American media deals with such issues with great expansion and the lack of red lines, this divorce was a resounding scandal for the famous wrestler, whose popularity after that began to collapse.

The scandal that made him hated by the masses
Instead of learning from his mistakes, Hogan became embroiled in a new resounding audio and video scandal when an immoral video clip of him with the wife of his closest friend spread, which the American public considered an unforgivable betrayal of his friend, completely destroying his popularity and becoming hated by the masses after he was her lover.

It seems that his resounding downfall and the loss of his popularity in this way made him try to get out of this scandal with the largest amount of material gains, as he filed a lawsuit in 2016 against the "Gawker" website, which leaked the offensive video, and claimed that it blatantly violated his privacy.

Indeed, Hogan got his wish and the court awarded him a huge compensation of $ 115 million, but it was reduced to $ 30 million due to the site's inability to pay the huge amount.

Although he won a lot of money that compensated him for the high costs of his divorce from his wife, he lost the respect of everyone, as they considered his betrayal of his closest friends a moral and moral crime even if it was not criminalized by American law.

No sooner had Hogan be satisfied with the great compensation, until the losses fell on his head as companies terminated the sponsorship contracts with him one by one, for fear of tarnishing his reputation and taking into account the feelings of the masses that became hate him and consider him a bad example not only for athletes, but for humans in general.

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