Dozens of Egyptian TV employees were summoned for investigation on charges of protesting, stopping work, and “disturbing social peace.”

استدعاء عشرات الموظفين في التلفزيون المصري للتحقيق بتهم التظاهر ووقف العمل و«تكدير السلام الاجتماعي» منذ 17 ساعة القاهرة – «القدس العربي»: كشفت مصادر في التلفزيون الرسمي المصري “ماسبيرو”، عن استدعاء عشرات العاملين للتحقيق الإداري، على خلفية الاحتجاجات التي يشهدها التلفزيون الحكومي منذ أكثر من شهر. وحسب المصادر، شملت التحقيقات عددا من العاملين في قطاع الإنتاج، وثلاثة من قطاع الأخبار، وسبعة من قطاع الأمانة العامة، واثنين من القطاع الاقتصادي. وواجه العاملون في التحقيقات تهما تمثلت بـ”وقف العمل، وتكدير السلام الاجتماعي، والتظاهر ورفع اللافتات”. وصدرت عن التحقيقات عقوبات بخصم جزء من الأجر الشهري على نحو يتراوح بين خمسة أيام و15 يومًا. وتعود الاحتجاجات إلى أوائل شهر يناير/ كانون الثاني الماضي، بسبب الإعلان عن نظام جديد للحضور والانصراف عبر البصمة الإلكترونية يلزم العاملين بالحضور لسبع ساعات يوميًا لمدة خمسة أيام أسبوعيًا. القرار أثار غضب العاملين كونه يعرقل ارتباطهم بأعمال إضافية لمواجهة ضعف الرواتب في الهيئة الوطنية للإعلام بسبب وقف العلاوات السنوية منذ عدة سنوات. وعلى الرغم من أن النظام الجديد للحضور والانصراف توقف العمل به عمليا، نتيجة للاحتجاجات، إلا أن التظاهرات استمرت مطالبة بصرف المتأخرات من المستحقات المالية، وإقالة حسين زين، رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإعلام. والأخير حاول في وقت سابق امتصاص غضب موظفي “ماسبيرو”، وأصدر قرارا بصرف جزء، وصفه بأنه ليس بالقليل، من العلاوات المتأخرة والمستحقة لموظفي “ماسبيرو”، موضحا أن مجمل هذا المبلغ سيكون في حدود المبلغ الوارد من وزارة المالية أخيرا، وهو 60 مليون جنيه، إلا أن محتجي “ماسبيرو” أكدوا أن قيمة العلاوات والمعاشات المتأخرة تصل إلى نحو 720 مليون جنيه، ما دفعهم لمواصلة احتجاجاتهم.    Dozens of Egyptian TV employees were summoned for investigation on charges of protesting, stopping work, and “disturbing social peace.”  Cairo - : Sources on the Egyptian official TV, Maspero, revealed that dozens of workers were summoned for administrative investigation, against the background of the protests that the state TV has witnessed for more than a month. According to the sources, the investigations included a number of workers in the production sector, three from the news sector, seven from the general secretariat sector, and two from the economic sector. The investigation workers faced charges of “stopping work, disturbing social peace, demonstrating and raising banners.”  The investigations resulted in penalties for deducting a portion of the monthly wage, ranging from five to 15 days. The protests date back to early last January, due to the announcement of a new system for attendance and departure via electronic fingerprint, which requires workers to attend for seven hours a day for five days a week. The decision angered the workers as it impedes their association with additional work to face the weak salaries in the National Media Authority due to the suspension of annual bonuses several years ago.  Although the new system for attendance and departure was practically stopped as a result of the protests, the demonstrations continued, calling for the payment of arrears of financial dues, and the dismissal of Hussein Zein, head of the National Media Authority. The latter tried, earlier, to absorb the anger of the “Maspero” employees, and issued a decision to disburse a part, which he described as not a small, of the late bonuses due to “Maspero” employees, explaining that the total of this amount will be within the limits of the amount received from the Ministry of Finance recently, which is 60 million pounds. However, "Maspero" protesters confirmed that the value of the bonuses and delayed pensions amounted to about 720 million pounds, which prompted them to continue their protests.

Dozens of Egyptian TV employees were summoned for investigation on charges of protesting, stopping work, and “disturbing social peace.”

Cairo - : Sources on the Egyptian official TV, Maspero, revealed that dozens of workers were summoned for administrative investigation, against the background of the protests that the state TV has witnessed for more than a month. According to the sources, the investigations included a number of workers in the production sector, three from the news sector, seven from the general secretariat sector, and two from the economic sector.
The investigation workers faced charges of “stopping work, disturbing social peace, demonstrating and raising banners.”

The investigations resulted in penalties for deducting a portion of the monthly wage, ranging from five to 15 days.
The protests date back to early last January, due to the announcement of a new system for attendance and departure via electronic fingerprint, which requires workers to attend for seven hours a day for five days a week. The decision angered the workers as it impedes their association with additional work to face the weak salaries in the National Media Authority due to the suspension of annual bonuses several years ago.

Although the new system for attendance and departure was practically stopped as a result of the protests, the demonstrations continued, calling for the payment of arrears of financial dues, and the dismissal of Hussein Zein, head of the National Media Authority. The latter tried, earlier, to absorb the anger of the “Maspero” employees, and issued a decision to disburse a part, which he described as not a small, of the late bonuses due to “Maspero” employees, explaining that the total of this amount will be within the limits of the amount received from the Ministry of Finance recently, which is 60 million pounds. However, "Maspero" protesters confirmed that the value of the bonuses and delayed pensions amounted to about 720 million pounds, which prompted them to continue their protests.

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