Decisive moments Meters separate the rescuers from the child Ryan

لحظات حاسمة.. أمتار تفصل رجال الإنقاذ عن الطفل ريان وسط تكاتف إنساني بين الجموع والأهالي الموجودين، تتخلّل عملية إنقاذ الطفل ريان لحظات حاسمة تقطع الأنفاس. وشوهدت بالموقع معدّات منها ضاغط الحفر الهوائي، فيما ينظّم رجال الإنقاذ الجهود من أجل الحفر اليدوي لبلوغ المكان الذي يوجد فيه الطفل.  تتواصل عملية الحفر الأفقي عقب الانتهاء من عملية الحفر العمودي للحفرة الموازية للثقب المائي، الذي سقط فيه الطفل ريان، بإقليم شفشاون.  ويلج فريق الإنقاذ من الفجوة الأفقية، وتحديد نقطة بدء أشغال الحفرة الأفقية التي يرتقب أن تؤدي إلى الموقع الذي علق فيه الطفل ريان، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار حالة الثقب المائي وهو بئر قديم حفر قبل عدة سنوات.  تتخلّل عملية إنقاذ الطفل ريان من البئر الذي يقبع في بئر جافة بعمق 32 متراً منذ الثلاثاء الفائت، قرب مدينة شفشاون شمالي المغرب، لحظات حاسمة تقطع الأنفاس.  وشوهدت مساء الجمعة، معدّات منها ضاغط الحفر الهوائي "كومبريسور الحفر"، وأنابيب إسمنتية، ورجال الإنقاذ ينظمون الجهود من أجل الحفر اليدوي لبلوغ المكان الذي يوجد فيه الطفل.  ووصلت أنابيب إسمنتية للاستعانة بها في عملية إنقاذ الطفل العالق.  وأوضح مراسل وكالة الأناضول، أنّ الأنابيب بقطر متر واحد، ومن المنتظر أن تُستعمَل في عملية الحفر الأفقي، التي انطلقت منذ ساعات.  كما وصلت معدّات تابعة لفرق الحماية المدنية، لاستخدامها في إخراج الطفل ريان حال الوصول إليه، حسب المصدر ذاته.  ووفق خبراء مختصّين، فإنّ "العملية تتعلّق بمرحلة تثبيت أنابيب لضمان عدم وقوع أيّ انجراف"، ومن المنتظر أن تؤمّن هذه الأنابيب عملية دخول رجال الوقاية المدنية لإنقاذ ريان.  مشاهد إنسانية  ظهرت مشاهد إنسانية دالة وحالة تكاتف بين الجموع والأهالي التي تجمّعت فوق المرتفع لمعاينة وتشجيع عملية إنقاذ الطفل.  ومن بين هذه المشاهد التصفيقات الحارة التي حظي بها "عمي علي" القادم من الصحراء ليقدّم خبرته وتجربته في عملية إنقاذ الطفل.  وشوهد شبان المنطقة وهم يوزّعون الخبز على الحشود المتجمّعة.   وعلَق الطفل ريان (5 سنوات) منذ ظهر الثلاثاء، داخل بئر جافة بعمق 32 متراً، في القرية الزراعية "إغران" التابعة لمنطقة تمروت بإقليم شفشاون، شمالي المغرب، فيما تواصل فرق الإنقاذ عملية إخراجه منذ نحو 76 ساعة.  وعصر الجمعة، قالت القناة الثانية بالتلفزيون الرسمي عبر صفحتها على فيسبوك، إنّ عملية الحفر الأفقي بدأت، مبينةً أنّها "ستشمل مسافة 8 أمتار للوصول إلى مكان وجود ريان".  وحسب الإعلام المحلي، فقد جرى دخول 3 خبراء سينفذون الحفر الأفقي يدوياً.  وفي وقت سابق الجمعة، أعلن عبد الهادي التمراني، المسؤول عن "لجنة اليقظة والتتبع" المكلّفة بعملية إنقاذ الطفل ريان، وصول الفرق إلى "أعقد مرحلة" في الحفر، موضّحاً أنّ عملية إخراجه من البئر تتقدّم بشكل حذر لتفادي انهيار التربة.  ​​​​​​​وصباح الجمعة، أعلنت اللجنة المشرفة على عملية الإنقاذ، أنّ ريان لا يزال على قيد الحياة، فضلاً عن توقّف عمليات الحفر مؤقتاً جرّاء وجود انهيارات صخرية، وفق إعلام محلي.     Decisive moments Meters separate the rescuers from the child Ryan  In the midst of humanitarian solidarity between the crowd and the people present, the operation to save the child Ryan is punctuated by defining and breathtaking moments. Equipment was seen at the site, including an air drilling compressor, while rescuers were organizing efforts to manually dig to reach the place where the child was.  The horizontal digging process continues after the completion of the vertical digging process of the hole parallel to the water hole, into which the child Rayan fell, in the province of Chefchaouen.  The rescue team enters from the horizontal gap, and determines the starting point of the horizontal hole work that is expected to lead to the site where the child Ryan was stuck, taking into account the condition of the water hole, which is an old well dug several years ago.  The operation to rescue the child Rayan from the well, who has been lying in a dry well at a depth of 32 meters since last Tuesday, near the city of Chefchaouen in northern Morocco, was marked by decisive and breathtaking moments.  On Friday evening, equipment, including a drilling compressor, cement pipes, and rescuers were organizing efforts to manually dig to reach the place where the child is.  Concrete pipes arrived for the rescue of the stranded child. Anadolu Agency correspondent stated that the pipes are one meter in diameter and are expected to be used in the horizontal drilling process, which started hours ago.  Civil protection equipment has also arrived, to be used to take out the child Rayan upon arrival, according to the same source.  According to specialized experts, "the process relates to the stage of installing pipes to ensure that no erosion occurs," and it is expected that these pipes will secure the entry of civil protection personnel to rescue Rayan.  Human scenes Significant human scenes emerged and a state of solidarity between the crowds and the families who gathered on the height to inspect and encourage the process of saving the child.  Among these scenes, the warm applause received by "Amy Ali", who came from the desert, to offer his expertise and experience in the operation to save the child.  Young people from the area were seen distributing bread to the gathered crowd. The child Rayan, 5, has been stuck since Tuesday afternoon, inside a dry well, 32 meters deep, in the agricultural village of "Igran" of the Tamrout region in the Chefchaouen province, northern Morocco, while the rescue teams continued to extricate him for about 76 hours.  On Friday afternoon, Channel Two of the official TV said on its Facebook page that the horizontal excavation process had begun, indicating that it "will include a distance of 8 meters to reach the whereabouts of Rayan."  According to the local media, 3 experts have entered and will carry out horizontal drilling manually. And earlier on Friday, Abdel Hadi Al-Tamrani, who is responsible for the "vigilance and tracking committee" in charge of the rescue operation of the child Rayan, announced that the teams had reached the "most complex stage" in drilling, explaining that the process of removing him from the well was progressing cautiously to avoid soil collapse.  On Friday morning, the committee supervising the rescue operation announced that Rayan was still alive, in addition to the temporary suspension of drilling operations due to rockslides, according to local media.

Decisive moments Meters separate the rescuers from the child Ryan

Moracco : In the midst of humanitarian solidarity between the crowd and the people present, the operation to save the child Ryan is punctuated by defining and breathtaking moments. Equipment was seen at the site, including an air drilling compressor, while rescuers were organizing efforts to manually dig to reach the place where the child was.

The horizontal digging process continues after the completion of the vertical digging process of the hole parallel to the water hole, into which the child Rayan fell, in the province of Chefchaouen.

The rescue team enters from the horizontal gap, and determines the starting point of the horizontal hole work that is expected to lead to the site where the child Ryan was stuck, taking into account the condition of the water hole, which is an old well dug several years ago.

The operation to rescue the child Rayan from the well, who has been lying in a dry well at a depth of 32 meters since last Tuesday, near the city of Chefchaouen in northern Morocco, was marked by decisive and breathtaking moments.

On Friday evening, equipment, including a drilling compressor, cement pipes, and rescuers were organizing efforts to manually dig to reach the place where the child is.

Concrete pipes arrived for the rescue of the stranded child.
Anadolu Agency correspondent stated that the pipes are one meter in diameter and are expected to be used in the horizontal drilling process, which started hours ago.

Civil protection equipment has also arrived, to be used to take out the child Rayan upon arrival, according to the same source.

According to specialized experts, "the process relates to the stage of installing pipes to ensure that no erosion occurs," and it is expected that these pipes will secure the entry of civil protection personnel to rescue Rayan.

Human scenes
Significant human scenes emerged and a state of solidarity between the crowds and the families who gathered on the height to inspect and encourage the process of saving the child.

Among these scenes, the warm applause received by "Amy Ali", who came from the desert, to offer his expertise and experience in the operation to save the child.

Young people from the area were seen distributing bread to the gathered crowd.
The child Rayan, 5, has been stuck since Tuesday afternoon, inside a dry well, 32 meters deep, in the agricultural village of "Igran" of the Tamrout region in the Chefchaouen province, northern Morocco, while the rescue teams continued to extricate him for about 76 hours.

On Friday afternoon, Channel Two of the official TV said on its Facebook page that the horizontal excavation process had begun, indicating that it "will include a distance of 8 meters to reach the whereabouts of Rayan."

According to the local media, 3 experts have entered and will carry out horizontal drilling manually.
And earlier on Friday, Abdel Hadi Al-Tamrani, who is responsible for the "vigilance and tracking committee" in charge of the rescue operation of the child Rayan, announced that the teams had reached the "most complex stage" in drilling, explaining that the process of removing him from the well was progressing cautiously to avoid soil collapse.

On Friday morning, the committee supervising the rescue operation announced that Rayan was still alive, in addition to the temporary suspension of drilling operations due to rockslides, according to local media.

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