Corona virus can destroy the placenta and suffocate the fetus and a Russian scientist warns the recovering

فيروس كورونا يمكن أن يدمر المشيمة ويقتل الجنين خنقا.. وعالم روسي يحذر المتعافين العلماء قالوا إن فيروس كورونا اكتُشف أيضا في بعض الأجنة، لكن الأدلة على الاختناق في الرحم تشير إلى تلف المشيمة باعتباره السبب الأكثر احتمالا للوفاة  ما تأثير فيروس كورونا على المشيمة؟ وما التغيرات التي يحدثها فيها؟ وكيف يؤثر على القلب والأوعية الدموية؟ وما التحذير الذي أطلقه البروفيسور الروسي يوري سيريبريانسكي للمتعافين من كورونا؟ الإجابات في هذا التقرير الشامل.  فيروس كورونا يمكن أن يدمر المشيمة ويقتل الجنين خنقا توصلت دراسة حديثة إلى أن فيروس كورونا يمكن أن يدمر المشيمة ويؤدي إلى ولادة جنين ميت (الإملاص)، إذ يستطيع أن يغزو المشيمة ويدمرها ويؤدي إلى ولادة جنين ميت عند النساء المصابات.  وتبيّن أن النساء المصابات بـ"كوفيد-19″ يواجهن مخاطر عالية لهذه الحالات. وتعتقد السلطات أن التطعيم يمكن أن يساعد في منع هذه الحالات.  وحلل الباحثون حالات من 12 دولة، وتضمنت جميع الحالات نساء غير محصنات أصبن بـ"كوفيد-19″ أثناء الحمل. وقاد الدراسة الدكتور ديفيد شوارتز اختصاصي علم الأمراض في أتلانتا، ونشرت يوم الخميس في دورية أرشيف علم الأمراض وطب المختبرات (Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine)، وكتب عنها موقع "إيه بي سي نيوز" (abcnews) ووكالة "أسوشيتد برس" (The Associated Press).  قال شوارتز إن هناك حالات عدوى يمكن أن تتسلل إلى المشيمة وتسبب ولادة جنين ميت عادة عن طريق إصابة الجنين وإلحاق الضرر به، ومن الأمثلة الحديثة على ذلك فيروس زيكا. وأراد شوارتز وزملاؤه معرفة ما إذا كان هذا هو الحال مع حالات الإملاص لدى النساء المصابات بـ"كوفيد-19″، لكن ما وجدوه كان عكس ذلك تقريبا؛ كانت المشيمة هي التي أصيبت بالعدوى ودُمّرت على نطاق واسع.  كورونا حوّل المشيمة إلى اللون القاتم قال شوارتز "كثير من هذه الحالات تسببت في تدمير أكثر من 90% من المشيمة، وهو أمر مخيف للغاية".  نسيج المشيمة الطبيعي إسفنجي ويمتلك لونا ضاربا إلى الحمرة، وكانت العينات التي درسوها صلبة مع تلون قاتم للأنسجة الميتة.   وفي حين أن الالتهابات الأخرى يمكن أن تلحق الضرر بالمشيمة في بعض الأحيان، قال شوارتز إنه لم يسبق له أن شاهد مثل هذا الدمار المستمر والواسع النطاق في المشيمة.  المشيمة توفر الأكسجين للجنين المشيمة عضو يتشكل ويلتصق بالرحم أثناء الحمل، ويتصل بالحبل السري ويوفر الأكسجين والغذاء من مجرى دم الأم.  ومن المحتمل أن فيروس كورونا وصل إلى المشيمة عبر مجرى الدم متصلا بالخلايا الحساسة، وتسبب في ترسب البروتين وشكل غير عادي من الالتهاب الذي يمنع تدفق الدم والأكسجين. وقال الباحثون إن هذا أدى بدوره إلى موت أنسجة المشيمة والاختناق.   وقالوا إن فيروس كورونا اكتُشف أيضا في بعض الأجنة، لكن الأدلة على الاختناق في الرحم تشير إلى تلف المشيمة باعتباره السبب الأكثر احتمالا للوفاة.  ووجد تقرير صادر عن المراكز الأميركية للسيطرة على الأمراض والوقاية منها، في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني الماضي، أنه من بين الحوامل المصابات بـ"كوفيد-19″ في الولايات المتحدة حدثت حالة ولادة ميتة واحدة (أي فقدان الجنين في أي وقت بعد 20 أسبوعا) من كل 80 حالة ولادة، هذا بالمقارنة مع حالة واحدة من 155 بين النساء غير المصابات.  حدثت حالات الإملاص في الدراسة في المتوسط ​​عند 30 أسبوعا، علما أن الحمل الطبيعي يستمر نحو 40 أسبوعا.  ومن غير الواضح ما إذا كانت عدوى أوميكرون تزيد أيضا من فرص الإملاص، وأجريت الدراسة قبل ظهور هذا النوع الشديد العدوى.   من جهته، قال الدكتور جيفري غولدشتاين، اختصاصي علم الأمراض في كلية الطب بجامعة نورث وسترن، إن الدراسة تدعم الأدلة من تقارير الحالات الصغيرة، وتؤكد أن تلف المشيمة هو السبب المحتمل للعديد من حالات الإملاص المرتبطة بـ"كوفيد-19″ وليس إصابة الجنين.  "كوفيد-19" يزيد خطر أمراض القلب توصلت دراسة حديثة إلى أن الأشخاص الذين أصيبوا بـ"كوفيد-19″ لديهم خطر متزايد للإصابة بأمراض القلب بعد 12 شهرا من الإصابة، وهو خطر كبير ويمتد إلى مجموعة من اضطرابات القلب والأوعية الدموية. ونقل الدراسة موقع "ويب ميد" (webmd) وصحيفة "لوفيغارو" (Le Figaro) الفرنسية.  وقال الباحث الدكتور زياد العلي "إنه واضح في الأشخاص المعرضين لخطر كبير، ولكنه أيضا واضح حتى في الأشخاص الذين ليست لديهم مخاطر قلبية وعائية على الإطلاق".   وعلى الرغم من أن مشاكل القلب كانت أعلى في حالات "كوفيد-19" الشديدة فإن المخاطر والأعباء وجدت أيضا في المرضى الذين لم يدخلوا المستشفى مطلقا، وهي مجموعة تمثل أغلب الأشخاص المصابين بـ"كوفيد-19″، كما يقول العلي.  من جهته، يقول طبيب القلب سي. مايكل جيبسون، أستاذ الطب في كلية الطب بجامعة هارفارد، "هذه الدراسة مهمة جدا لأنها تؤكد ليس فقط المخاطر القلبية الوعائية الحادة المرتبطة بكوفيد-19، ولكن أيضا زيادة مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية المزمنة. وبالنظر إلى عدد المرضى في الولايات المتحدة الذين أصيبوا بكوفيد-19 يمكن أن يمثل هذا عبئا مزمنا كبيرا على نظام الرعاية الصحية، لا سيما أن مهنيي الرعاية الصحية يتركون المهنة".  كورونا يزيد خطر النوبة القلبية والسكتة الدماغية ووجدت الدراسة التي نشرت في مجلة "نيتشر ميديسين" (Nature Medicine) أن خطر تسجيل حدث قلبي كبير، بما في ذلك النوبة القلبية والسكتة الدماغية والوفيات الناجمة عن جميع الأسباب، كان أعلى بنسبة 4% لدى الأشخاص المصابين بـ"كوفيد-19″.  ويضيف العلي "يقول الناس إن 4% نسبة صغيرة لكنها في الحقيقة كبيرة حقا إذا فكرت في الأمر في سياق العدد الهائل من الأشخاص الذين أصيبوا بكوفيد-19 في الولايات المتحدة وأيضا على مستوى العالم".  ونصح البروفيسور فرانك بوكارا، طبيب القلب في مستشفى سانت أنطوان، في تصريح للوفيغارو، بمتابعة المرضى الذين تطلبت إصابتهم بكوفيد نقلهم إلى المستشفى، بإخضاعهم لفحوص القلب والأوعية الدموية طوال عام إلى جانب الفحص السريري وتخطيط كهربائية القلب وتخطيط صدى القلب.  ومن المعروف أن فيروس "كوفيد-19″ يدخل الجسم عن طريق التشبث بـ"مستقبلات الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين 2" (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors) على سطح الخلايا، وهذه المستقبلات موجودة أيضا في القلب، لذلك يمكن للفيروس أن يخترق خلايا القلب لتدميرها، وذلك يزيد من خطر حدوث مضاعفات تشمل قصور القلب وعدم انتظام دقاته، كما يمكن للفيروس أن يتسبب في حدوث مشاكل على مستوى الشرايين التي تغذي القلب أو الدماغ أو الرئتين، ويؤدي إلى حدوث احتشاء أو جلطة أو انسداد رئوي.  كورونا قد يسبب ظهور أمراض جديدة لدى المتعافين ننتقل إلى روسيا، حيث أعلن البروفيسور يوري سيريبريانسكي، اختصاصي الأمراض الباطنية، أن مرض "كوفيد-19" يمكن أن يحفز ظهور وتطور أمراض خطيرة مختلفة.  وأشار البرفيسور الروسي، في حديث إلى راديو "سبوتنيك" نقله موقع روسيا اليوم، إلى إن عدوى فيروس كورونا، لا تكتفي بإلحاق أضرار بالجسم فقط، بل يمكن أن تحفز الإصابة بأمراض أخرى.  وأوضح أن اضطراب عمل منظومة المناعة والضعف العام الناجم عن الإصابة بعدوى كورونا المستجد يفسح المجال للإصابة بعدوى فيروسية أخرى.  وقال "غالبا ما يكون جلد من يعاني من كوفيد-19 رطبا نتيجة التعرق بسبب ارتفاع درجة الحرارة. هذه الحالة يمكن أن تسبب الإصابة بأمراض الجهاز التنفسي مثل الإنفلونزا والالتهاب الرئوي الفيروسي وغيرها. أي فيروس يحل محل آخر".  وأكد أن الإصابة بكورونا تسبب ضعف الجهاز العصبي ومنظومة المناعة، وذلك قد يؤدي إلى تفاقم أمراض المناعة الذاتية التي يعاني منها المريض فعلا، و"إذا كان المريض يعاني من أمراض الروماتيزم وأمراض الجهاز التنفسي، فيمكن أن تتحول هذه الأمراض إلى أمراض مزمنة".    Corona virus can destroy the placenta and suffocate the fetus and a Russian scientist warns the recovering  Scientists said that the Corona virus was also detected in some fetuses, but evidence of asphyxia in the womb points to damage to the placenta as the most likely cause of death.  What is the effect of the Corona virus on the placenta? And what changes does it make? How does it affect the heart and blood vessels? And what was the warning issued by the Russian professor, Yuri Serebriansky, to those recovering from Corona? The answers are in this comprehensive report.  A recent study found that the Corona virus can destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirth, as it can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirth in infected women.  It turns out that women infected with "Covid-19" face a high risk of these cases, and the authorities believe that vaccination can help prevent these cases.  The researchers analyzed cases from 12 countries, and all of the cases included unimmunized women who contracted “Covid-19” during pregnancy.The study was led by Dr. David Schwartz, a pathologist in Atlanta, and was published Thursday in the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Medicine ), and ABC News and The Associated Press wrote about it .  There are infections that can infiltrate the placenta and cause stillbirth, usually by infecting and harming the fetus, Schwartz said, a recent example being the Zika virus. Schwartz and his colleagues wanted to know if this was the case with stillbirths in women with Covid-19, but what they found was almost the opposite: it was the placenta that became infected and destroyed on a large scale.  Corona turns the placenta dark "A lot of these cases have destroyed more than 90% of the placenta, which is very frightening," Schwartz said.  Normal placental tissue is spongy and reddish in color, and the samples they studied were solid with a darker discoloration of dead tissue. While other infections can sometimes damage the placenta, Schwartz said he had never seen such widespread and persistent destruction of the placenta.  The placenta provides oxygen to the fetus The placenta is an organ that forms and attaches to the uterus during pregnancy, attaching to the umbilical cord and providing oxygen and nourishment from the mother's bloodstream.  It is possible that the Corona virus reached the placenta through the bloodstream connected to sensitive cells, and caused protein deposition and an unusual form of inflammation that blocks the flow of blood and oxygen. This in turn led to placental tissue death and asphyxia, the researchers said.  They said that the Corona virus was also detected in some fetuses, but evidence of asphyxia in the womb points to damage to the placenta as the most likely cause of death.  And a report issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last November, found that among pregnant women infected with “Covid-19” in the United States, there was one stillbirth (that is, the loss of a fetus at any time after 20 weeks) from birth. Every 80 deliveries, this compares to one in 155 unaffected women.  Stillbirths in the study occurred on average at 30 weeks, with a normal pregnancy lasting about 40 weeks. It is unclear whether omicron infection also increases the chances of stillbirth, and the study was conducted before this highly contagious form emerged.  For his part, Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein, a pathologist at Northwestern University School of Medicine, said that the study supports evidence from reports of small cases, and confirms that placental damage is the likely cause of many stillbirths associated with "Covid-19" and not infection of the fetus.  COVID-19 increases the risk of heart disease A recent study found that people who were infected with “Covid-19” have an increased risk of developing heart disease 12 months after infection, which is a significant risk and extends to a group of cardiovascular disorders . Le Figaro (French).  "It is evident in people at high risk, but it is also evident even in people who have no cardiovascular risk at all," said researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Ali.  Although heart problems were higher in severe “Covid-19” cases, the risks and burdens were also found in patients who had never been hospitalized, a group that represents the majority of people infected with “Covid-19,” says Al-Ali.  On the other hand, cardiologist C. Michael Gibson, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, “This study is very important because it confirms not only the acute cardiovascular risk associated with Covid-19, but also the increased risk of chronic cardiovascular disease. Considering the number of patients in the United States who have contracted Covid 19 This can represent a significant chronic burden on the health care system, particularly as health care professionals leave the profession.  Corona increases the risk of heart attack and stroke The study, published in the journal Nature Medicine , found that the risk of registering a major cardiac event, including heart attack, stroke and all-cause mortality, was 4% higher in people with COVID-19.  "People say 4% is a small percentage, but it's actually really big if you think about it in the context of the huge number of people who have contracted Covid-19 in the United States and also globally," Al-Ali adds.  In a statement to Figaro, Professor Frank Pocara, a cardiologist at Saint Antoine Hospital, advised to follow up on patients whose infection with Covid required them to be transferred to the hospital, to undergo cardiovascular examinations for a year, in addition to clinical examination, electrocardiogram and echocardiography.  It is known that the “Covid-19” virus enters the body by clinging to “angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors” on the surface of cells, and these receptors are also present in the heart, so the virus can penetrate the heart cells to destroy them, This increases the risk of complications, including heart failure and irregular heartbeat, and the virus can cause problems at the level of the arteries that supply the heart, brain or lungs, and lead to infarction, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.  Corona may cause the emergence of new diseases in the recovered We move to Russia, where Professor Yuri Serebriansky, a specialist in internal medicine, announced that the "Covid-19" disease can stimulate the emergence and development of various serious diseases.  In an interview with Radio "Sputnik" reported by Russia Today , the Russian professor indicated that the infection of the Corona virus, not only causes damage to the body, but can stimulate other diseases.  He explained that the disruption of the work of the immune system and the general weakness caused by infection with the emerging corona virus, give way to another viral infection.  "The skin of those who suffer from Covid-19 is often wet as a result of sweating due to the high temperature. This condition can cause respiratory diseases such as influenza, viral pneumonia, etc. Any virus replaces another," he said.  He stressed that infection with corona causes weakness of the nervous system and the immune system, and this may lead to an exacerbation of the autoimmune diseases that the patient actually suffers from, and "if the patient suffers from rheumatic diseases and respiratory diseases, these diseases can turn into chronic diseases."

Corona virus can destroy the placenta and suffocate the fetus and a Russian scientist warns the recovering

Scientists said that the Corona virus was also detected in some fetuses, but evidence of asphyxia in the womb points to damage to the placenta as the most likely cause of death.

What is the effect of the Corona virus on the placenta? And what changes does it make? How does it affect the heart and blood vessels? And what was the warning issued by the Russian professor, Yuri Serebriansky, to those recovering from Corona? The answers are in this comprehensive report.

A recent study found that the Corona virus can destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirth, as it can invade and destroy the placenta and lead to stillbirth in infected women.

It turns out that women infected with "Covid-19" face a high risk of these cases, and the authorities believe that vaccination can help prevent these cases.

The researchers analyzed cases from 12 countries, and all of the cases included unimmunized women who contracted “Covid-19” during pregnancy.The study was led by Dr. David Schwartz, a pathologist in Atlanta, and was published Thursday in the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Medicine ), and ABC News and The Associated Press wrote about it .

There are infections that can infiltrate the placenta and cause stillbirth, usually by infecting and harming the fetus, Schwartz said, a recent example being the Zika virus. Schwartz and his colleagues wanted to know if this was the case with stillbirths in women with Covid-19, but what they found was almost the opposite: it was the placenta that became infected and destroyed on a large scale.

Corona turns the placenta dark
"A lot of these cases have destroyed more than 90% of the placenta, which is very frightening," Schwartz said.

Normal placental tissue is spongy and reddish in color, and the samples they studied were solid with a darker discoloration of dead tissue.
While other infections can sometimes damage the placenta, Schwartz said he had never seen such widespread and persistent destruction of the placenta.

The placenta provides oxygen to the fetus
The placenta is an organ that forms and attaches to the uterus during pregnancy, attaching to the umbilical cord and providing oxygen and nourishment from the mother's bloodstream.

It is possible that the Corona virus reached the placenta through the bloodstream connected to sensitive cells, and caused protein deposition and an unusual form of inflammation that blocks the flow of blood and oxygen. This in turn led to placental tissue death and asphyxia, the researchers said.

They said that the Corona virus was also detected in some fetuses, but evidence of asphyxia in the womb points to damage to the placenta as the most likely cause of death.

And a report issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last November, found that among pregnant women infected with “Covid-19” in the United States, there was one stillbirth (that is, the loss of a fetus at any time after 20 weeks) from birth. Every 80 deliveries, this compares to one in 155 unaffected women.

Stillbirths in the study occurred on average at 30 weeks, with a normal pregnancy lasting about 40 weeks.
It is unclear whether omicron infection also increases the chances of stillbirth, and the study was conducted before this highly contagious form emerged.

For his part, Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein, a pathologist at Northwestern University School of Medicine, said that the study supports evidence from reports of small cases, and confirms that placental damage is the likely cause of many stillbirths associated with "Covid-19" and not infection of the fetus.

COVID-19 increases the risk of heart disease
A recent study found that people who were infected with “Covid-19” have an increased risk of developing heart disease 12 months after infection, which is a significant risk and extends to a group of cardiovascular disorders . Le Figaro (French).

"It is evident in people at high risk, but it is also evident even in people who have no cardiovascular risk at all," said researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Ali.

Although heart problems were higher in severe “Covid-19” cases, the risks and burdens were also found in patients who had never been hospitalized, a group that represents the majority of people infected with “Covid-19,” says Al-Ali.

On the other hand, cardiologist C. Michael Gibson, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, “This study is very important because it confirms not only the acute cardiovascular risk associated with Covid-19, but also the increased risk of chronic cardiovascular disease. Considering the number of patients in the United States who have contracted Covid 19 This can represent a significant chronic burden on the health care system, particularly as health care professionals leave the profession.

Corona increases the risk of heart attack and stroke
The study, published in the journal Nature Medicine , found that the risk of registering a major cardiac event, including heart attack, stroke and all-cause mortality, was 4% higher in people with COVID-19.

"People say 4% is a small percentage, but it's actually really big if you think about it in the context of the huge number of people who have contracted Covid-19 in the United States and also globally," Al-Ali adds.

In a statement to Figaro, Professor Frank Pocara, a cardiologist at Saint Antoine Hospital, advised to follow up on patients whose infection with Covid required them to be transferred to the hospital, to undergo cardiovascular examinations for a year, in addition to clinical examination, electrocardiogram and echocardiography.

It is known that the “Covid-19” virus enters the body by clinging to “angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors” on the surface of cells, and these receptors are also present in the heart, so the virus can penetrate the heart cells to destroy them, This increases the risk of complications, including heart failure and irregular heartbeat, and the virus can cause problems at the level of the arteries that supply the heart, brain or lungs, and lead to infarction, stroke, or pulmonary embolism.

Corona may cause the emergence of new diseases in the recovered
We move to Russia, where Professor Yuri Serebriansky, a specialist in internal medicine, announced that the "Covid-19" disease can stimulate the emergence and development of various serious diseases.

In an interview with Radio "Sputnik" reported by Russia Today , the Russian professor indicated that the infection of the Corona virus, not only causes damage to the body, but can stimulate other diseases.

He explained that the disruption of the work of the immune system and the general weakness caused by infection with the emerging corona virus, give way to another viral infection.

"The skin of those who suffer from Covid-19 is often wet as a result of sweating due to the high temperature. This condition can cause respiratory diseases such as influenza, viral pneumonia, etc. Any virus replaces another," he said.

He stressed that infection with corona causes weakness of the nervous system and the immune system, and this may lead to an exacerbation of the autoimmune diseases that the patient actually suffers from, and "if the patient suffers from rheumatic diseases and respiratory diseases, these diseases can turn into chronic diseases."

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