Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests, notice to stop construction, and destruction of an agricultural room

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: إصابات واعتقالات وإخطار بوقف البناء وتحطيم غرفة زراعية قوات الاحتلال تقمع مسيرة لإحياء ذكرى مجزرة الحرم الإبراهيمي في الخليل (تصوير - مشهور وحواح/وفا) محافظات 25-2-2022 وفا- واصل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الخميس، العدوان على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث سجلت عدة إصابات خلال اعتداءات متفرقة على المواطنين، وجرى اعتقال 14 مواطناً بينهم طفل وأسيران محرران، فيما هدم الاحتلال منزلين ومنشأة تجارية وأخطر بهدم ووقف البناء في عقارين آخرين، بيما أقدم مستوطنون على اقتحام الأقصى وقاموا بإغراق عشرات الدونمات بمياه عادمة.  إصابات في اعتداءات للاحتلال  أصيب شاب بعيار معدني مغلف بالمطاط، والعشرات بحالات اختناق، في مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال، في بلدة الخضر جنوب بيت لحم.  من جانب آخر، أصيب طالبان ومعلم، إثر ضربهم بأعقاب البنادق، خلال اعتداء قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، على مدرسة اللبن– الساوية الثانوية المختلطة، جنوب نابلس، فيما أصيب آخرون بالاختناق نتيجة إطلاق قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع صوب المدرسة.  وصباحا، تجمع عشرات المستوطنين على مدخل قرية اللِّبن الشرقية بحراسة من جيش وشرطة الاحتلال، ومارسوا الاستفزاز والعربدة، ما أدى لعرقلة وصول الطلبة لمدارسهم لليوم الرابع على التوالي.  كما اعتدت قوات الاحتلال على مواطن بالضرب، واستولت على جرافة في بلدة قراوة بني حسان غرب سلفيت.  وفي حي الشيخ جراح بالقدس المحتلة، اعتدت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، على الأهالي والمتضامنين وقمعتهم، كما أزالت بالقوة الخيمة تضامن نصبت في المكان.  واقتحم عدد من المستوطنين الحي، بقيادة عضو الكنيست المتطرف ايتمار بن غفير، وقاموا بنصب خيمة لهم مقابل الخيمة التضامنية التي يُقيمها الأهالي.  اعتقال 14 مواطنا بينهم طفل وأسيران محرران  اقتحمت قوة خاصة من جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، أطراف مخيم الأمعري في مدينة البيرة، واعتقلت الشابين عرب أيمن أبو عرب، وصالح براش.  ومن مخيم الدهيشة جنوب بيت لحم، اعتقل الاحتلال الطفل يزن جبر الحسنات (16 عاما)، والشابين محمود صلاح هماش، ومحمد ياسر جواريش.  واعتقلت قوات الاحتلال كذلك، الشاب حازم مراد براهمة، بعد اقتحام بلدة قرية عنزة جنوب جنين، ومداهمة منزل ذويه وتفتيشه.  وشهدت بلدة بدو شمال غرب القدس المحتلة، اعتقال الشاب مجد الوحش، عقب دهم وتفتيش منزل ذويه، فيما جرى اعتقال الأسير المحرر أحمد بكر ربيع، من منزله في بلدة بيت عنان المجاورة.  واعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، مسؤول لجنة الصدقات في الأوقاف الإسلامية خضر أبو هدوان، من المسجد الأقصى، بعد إجباره على إغلاق مقر لجنة الصدقات في باب المجلس.  واعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، المواطن سامح الأشقر، في أعقاب اقتحام منطقة وادي التفاح غرب مدينة نابلس.  كما داهمت قوة من جيش الاحتلال بلدة بيتا جنوب المحافظة، واعتقلت المواطن حاتم اسماعيل حمايل من منزله.  واعتقل الاحتلال المواطن مصطفى محمد سعيد حجة من منزله في قرية برقة شمال نابلس.  واقتحمت قوات الاحتلال منزل الأسير المحرر نضال نعمان مشعل، في بلدة علار شمال طولكرم، وقامت بإعادة اعتقاله.  واعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، الطالب الجامعي مهدي أبو عياش، من بلدة بيت أمر شمال الخليل.  الاحتلال يهدم ويخطر بوقف البناء والهدم  هدمت آليات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، منزلين يعودان للمواطنين رائد فهيدات، وإبراهيم أبو حليمة، إضافة إلى هدم منشأة تجارية، في بلدة عناتا، شمال شرق القدس المحتلة.  وفي السياق، أخطرت بلدية الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في القدس، عائلة شقيرات في بلدة جبل المكبر جنوب شرق القدس المحتلة بهدم جزء من منزلها ذاتيا، ودفع 19 ألف شيقل غرامة مالية.  وسلمت قوات الاحتلال إخطارا بوقف البناء بمنزل يعود للمواطن محمود إبراهيم عبيات، في قرية فصايل شمال مدينة أريحا، بحجة أن البناء يقع في مناطق مصنفة "ج".  كما اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال تجمع الرفاعية شرق يطا جنوب الخليل، وقامت بتصوير عدد من المنازل، تعود لعائلة العمور.  أخطرت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، مساء اليوم الخميس، بهدم مسكن ووقف العمل بتأهيل "كهف"، واستولت على "جرافة" شمال شرق بلدة يطا، ونصبت برجا عسكريا على المدخل الشرقي لمسافر يطا جنوب الخليل.   مستوطنون يقتحمون الأقصى وكفر الديك ويضخون مياهاً عادمة قرب نابلس  اقتحم عشرات المستوطنين، بينهم طلاب معاهد توراتية، المسجد الأقصى المبارك، على شكل مجموعاتٍ من باب "المغاربة" وحتى "باب السلسلة"، واستمعوا لشروحات عن "الهيكل" المزعوم، ونفذوا جولات استفزازية في باحاته، وأدوا طقوسا تلمودية وسط حمايةٍ مُشددةٍ من شرطة الاحتلال.  وفي انتهاك آخر، أقدم مستوطنون من مستوطنة "مجدوليم"، على ضخ مياه عادمة في اراضي بلدة قصرة، جنوب نابلس، ما ألحق أضرارا بنحو 55 دونما.  وغرب سلفيت، اقتحم مستوطنون، بلدة كفر الديك من الجهة الغربية، بحماية قوات الاحتلال، وحاولوا الاعتداء على منازل المواطنين، وقاموا بإطلاق الرصاص الحي والغاز المسيل للدموع صوب المواطنين.  قوات الاحتلال تطلق النيران شرق خان يونس والوسطى  أطلقت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الليلة، نيران أسلحتها الرشاشة شرق محافظتي الوسطى وخان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة.  وأفاد مراسلنا، بأن قوات الاحتلال المتمركزة في أبراجها العسكرية شرق دير البلح أطلقت وبكثافة نيران رشاشاتها تجاه مكب النفايات شرق المدينة.      Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests, notice to stop construction, and destruction of an agricultural room  Governorates Wafa - Today, Thursday,  the Israeli occupation  and settlers continued the aggression against our people, their sanctities and their property, as several injuries were recorded during separate attacks on citizens, and 14 citizens were arrested, including a child and two freed prisoners, while the occupation demolished two homes and a commercial facility and threatened to demolish and endowment Construction on two other properties, while settlers stormed Al-Aqsa and flooded dozens of dunams with waste water.  Injuries in the attacks of the occupation A young man was wounded with a rubber-coated metal bullet, and dozens suffocated, in clashes with the occupation forces, in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem .  On the other hand, two students and a teacher were injured when they were hit with rifle butts, during the Israeli occupation forces' attack on Al-Lubban-Al-Sawiya Mixed Secondary School, south of Nablus, while others suffocated as a result of tear gas canisters fired at the school.  In the morning, dozens of settlers gathered at the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village, guarded by the occupation army and police, and practiced provocation and arrogance, which led to the obstruction of students' access to their schools for the fourth consecutive day .  The occupation forces also beat a citizen, and seized a bulldozer in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit .  In the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation forces assaulted and suppressed the people and solidarity activists, and forcibly removed the solidarity tent that had been erected in the place.  A number of settlers stormed the neighborhood, led by extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, and set up a tent for them opposite the solidarity tent set up by the residents.  14 citizens, including a child and two freed prisoners, were arrested A special force of the Israeli occupation army stormed the outskirts of Al-Amari camp in the city of Al-Bireh, and arrested the two young men, Arab Ayman Abu Arab and Saleh Barash.  From the Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, the occupation arrested the child Yazan Jabr Al-Hasanat (16 years), and the two young men, Mahmoud Salah Hammash, and Muhammad Yasser Jawarish.  The occupation forces also arrested Hazem Murad Brahma, after storming the town of Anza village, south of Jenin, and raiding and searching his family's home.  The town of Bedouin, northwest of occupied Jerusalem, witnessed the arrest of the young Majd al-Wahsh, after a raid and search of his family's house, while the freed prisoner, Ahmed Bakr Rabie, was arrested from his home in the neighboring town of Beit Anan .  And the occupation forces arrested the official of the Charity Committee in the Islamic Endowments, Khader Abu Hadwan, from Al-Aqsa Mosque, after forcing him to close the headquarters of the Charity Committee in Bab Al-Majlis .  The occupation forces arrested Sameh Al-Ashqar, after storming the Wadi Al-Tuffah area, west of Nablus. An occupying force also raided the town of Beita, south of the governorate, and arrested Hatem Ismail Hamayel from his home .  And the occupation arrested Mustafa Mohammed Saeed Hajja from his home in the village of Burqa, north of Nablus. The occupation forces stormed the home of the freed prisoner, Nidal Numan Mishaal, in the town of Alar, north of Tulkarm, and re-arrested him.  The occupation forces arrested a university student, Mahdi Abu Ayyash, from the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron .   The occupation demolishes and notifies the halt of construction and demolition Israeli occupation mechanisms demolished two homes belonging to citizens Raed Fhaidat and Ibrahim Abu Halima, in addition to demolishing a commercial facility, in the town of Anata, northeast of occupied Jerusalem .  In this context, the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem notified the Shkirat family in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem, to demolish part of their home by themselves, and pay a fine of 19,000 shekels.  The occupation forces handed a notice to stop construction on a house belonging to Mahmoud Ibrahim Obayat, in Fasayel village, north of Jericho, on the grounds that the construction is located in areas classified as “C”.  The occupation forces also stormed the Al-Rafa'iya community, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, and photographed a number of houses belonging to the Al-Amour family .  This evening, Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces notified the demolition of a house and halted work to rehabilitate a "cave", and seized a bulldozer northeast of Yatta town, and erected a military tower at the eastern entrance to Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.   Settlers storm Al-Aqsa and Kafr Al-Deek and pump waste water near Nablus Dozens of settlers, including students of biblical institutes, stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in groups from the “Mughrabi Gate” to “Bab al-Silsilah,” listened to explanations about the alleged “Temple,” carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals amid strict protection from the occupation police. .  In another violation, settlers from "Majdolim" settlement pumped waste water into the lands of Qusra town, south of Nablus, causing damage to 55 dunums.  To the west of Salfit, settlers stormed the town of Kafr ad-Dik from the western side, under the protection of the occupation forces, and tried to attack the homes of citizens, and they fired live bullets and tear gas at the citizens.   Occupation forces open fire east of Khan Yunis and Al-Wusta Tonight, the Israeli occupation forces fired automatic weapons in the eastern governorates of Al Wusta and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip .  Our correspondent reported that the occupation forces stationed in their military towers east of Deir al-Balah fired heavy machine guns towards the garbage dump east of the city.

Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests, notice to stop construction, and destruction of an agricultural room

Governorates Wafa - Today, Thursday,  the Israeli occupation  and settlers continued the aggression against our people, their sanctities and their property, as several injuries were recorded during separate attacks on citizens, and 14 citizens were arrested, including a child and two freed prisoners, while the occupation demolished two homes and a commercial facility and threatened to demolish and endowment Construction on two other properties, while settlers stormed Al-Aqsa and flooded dozens of dunams with waste water.

Injuries in the attacks of the occupation
A young man was wounded with a rubber-coated metal bullet, and dozens suffocated, in clashes with the occupation forces, in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem .

On the other hand, two students and a teacher were injured when they were hit with rifle butts, during the Israeli occupation forces' attack on Al-Lubban-Al-Sawiya Mixed Secondary School, south of Nablus, while others suffocated as a result of tear gas canisters fired at the school.

In the morning, dozens of settlers gathered at the entrance to Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village, guarded by the occupation army and police, and practiced provocation and arrogance, which led to the obstruction of students' access to their schools for the fourth consecutive day .

The occupation forces also beat a citizen, and seized a bulldozer in the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit .

In the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation forces assaulted and suppressed the people and solidarity activists, and forcibly removed the solidarity tent that had been erected in the place.

A number of settlers stormed the neighborhood, led by extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, and set up a tent for them opposite the solidarity tent set up by the residents.

14 citizens, including a child and two freed prisoners, were arrested
A special force of the Israeli occupation army stormed the outskirts of Al-Amari camp in the city of Al-Bireh, and arrested the two young men, Arab Ayman Abu Arab and Saleh Barash.

From the Dheisheh refugee camp, south of Bethlehem, the occupation arrested the child Yazan Jabr Al-Hasanat (16 years), and the two young men, Mahmoud Salah Hammash, and Muhammad Yasser Jawarish.

The occupation forces also arrested Hazem Murad Brahma, after storming the town of Anza village, south of Jenin, and raiding and searching his family's home.

The town of Bedouin, northwest of occupied Jerusalem, witnessed the arrest of the young Majd al-Wahsh, after a raid and search of his family's house, while the freed prisoner, Ahmed Bakr Rabie, was arrested from his home in the neighboring town of Beit Anan .

And the occupation forces arrested the official of the Charity Committee in the Islamic Endowments, Khader Abu Hadwan, from Al-Aqsa Mosque, after forcing him to close the headquarters of the Charity Committee in Bab Al-Majlis .

The occupation forces arrested Sameh Al-Ashqar, after storming the Wadi Al-Tuffah area, west of Nablus.
An occupying force also raided the town of Beita, south of the governorate, and arrested Hatem Ismail Hamayel from his home .

And the occupation arrested Mustafa Mohammed Saeed Hajja from his home in the village of Burqa, north of Nablus.
The occupation forces stormed the home of the freed prisoner, Nidal Numan Mishaal, in the town of Alar, north of Tulkarm, and re-arrested him.

The occupation forces arrested a university student, Mahdi Abu Ayyash, from the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron . 

The occupation demolishes and notifies the halt of construction and demolition
Israeli occupation mechanisms demolished two homes belonging to citizens Raed Fhaidat and Ibrahim Abu Halima, in addition to demolishing a commercial facility, in the town of Anata, northeast of occupied Jerusalem .

In this context, the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem notified the Shkirat family in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem, to demolish part of their home by themselves, and pay a fine of 19,000 shekels.

The occupation forces handed a notice to stop construction on a house belonging to Mahmoud Ibrahim Obayat, in Fasayel village, north of Jericho, on the grounds that the construction is located in areas classified as “C”.

The occupation forces also stormed the Al-Rafa'iya community, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, and photographed a number of houses belonging to the Al-Amour family .

This evening, Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces notified the demolition of a house and halted work to rehabilitate a "cave", and seized a bulldozer northeast of Yatta town, and erected a military tower at the eastern entrance to Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. 

Settlers storm Al-Aqsa and Kafr Al-Deek and pump waste water near Nablus
Dozens of settlers, including students of biblical institutes, stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in groups from the “Mughrabi Gate” to “Bab al-Silsilah,” listened to explanations about the alleged “Temple,” carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals amid strict protection from the occupation police. .

In another violation, settlers from "Majdolim" settlement pumped waste water into the lands of Qusra town, south of Nablus, causing damage to 55 dunums.

To the west of Salfit, settlers stormed the town of Kafr ad-Dik from the western side, under the protection of the occupation forces, and tried to attack the homes of citizens, and they fired live bullets and tear gas at the citizens. 

Occupation forces open fire east of Khan Yunis and Al-Wusta
Tonight, the Israeli occupation forces fired automatic weapons in the eastern governorates of Al Wusta and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip .

Our correspondent reported that the occupation forces stationed in their military towers east of Deir al-Balah fired heavy machine guns towards the garbage dump east of the city.

The occupation forces suppress a peaceful demonstration in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood  Jerusalem, WAFA - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation forces suppressed a peaceful demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of the occupied city of Jerusalem.  A crowd of citizens and residents of the neighborhood and their solidarity with them participated in the demonstration, as they roamed the streets of the neighborhood, all the way to the solidarity tent near the house of Salem's family.  The participants raised the Palestinian flag and banners denouncing the practices of the occupation and settlement plans, chanting slogans and patriotic songs in front of the eyes and ears of the occupation soldiers, who attacked some activists by pushing and beating.  At the same time, a group of settlers stormed the neighborhood, and tried to provoke the people by raising the flags of the occupation, amid the protection of the occupation forces, which mobilized intensively in the neighborhood, and tried to harass the residents and solidarity activists, amid an atmosphere of tension that prevailed in the place.  The residents and a number of solidarity activists had re-erected the solidarity tent in front of the house of Salem's family in the western part of the neighborhood, after the occupation forces removed it yesterday and attacked those who were there.  Today, hundreds of citizens from all over the occupied capital, from within the 48 lands, and a number of Knesset members from the Joint List flocked to the tent.  Knesset member from the Joint List Aida Touma Suleiman told Wafa: "We are continuing our solidarity activities with our people in Sheikh Jarrah to strengthen their steadfastness in the face of settlement schemes and the robbery of their homes. Extracting the final decision to keep the people in their homes.  Last Wednesday, the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee issued a statement calling for continued solidarity with the families threatened with forced displacement from the neighborhood, despite the freezing of the decision to evict Salem’s family from their home, which was scheduled for the end of February.  Tension has prevailed in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for thirteen days in a row, after the extremist occupation MK Itamar Ben Gvir established a provocative office on the land of the Salem family; Claiming to provide protection for settlers.

The occupation forces suppress a peaceful demonstration in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood

Jerusalem, WAFA - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation forces suppressed a peaceful demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of the occupied city of Jerusalem.

A crowd of citizens and residents of the neighborhood and their solidarity with them participated in the demonstration, as they roamed the streets of the neighborhood, all the way to the solidarity tent near the house of Salem's family.

The participants raised the Palestinian flag and banners denouncing the practices of the occupation and settlement plans, chanting slogans and patriotic songs in front of the eyes and ears of the occupation soldiers, who attacked some activists by pushing and beating.

At the same time, a group of settlers stormed the neighborhood, and tried to provoke the people by raising the flags of the occupation, amid the protection of the occupation forces, which mobilized intensively in the neighborhood, and tried to harass the residents and solidarity activists, amid an atmosphere of tension that prevailed in the place.

The residents and a number of solidarity activists had re-erected the solidarity tent in front of the house of Salem's family in the western part of the neighborhood, after the occupation forces removed it yesterday and attacked those who were there.

Today, hundreds of citizens from all over the occupied capital, from within the 48 lands, and a number of Knesset members from the Joint List flocked to the tent.

Knesset member from the Joint List Aida Touma Suleiman told Wafa: "We are continuing our solidarity activities with our people in Sheikh Jarrah to strengthen their steadfastness in the face of settlement schemes and the robbery of their homes. Extracting the final decision to keep the people in their homes.

Last Wednesday, the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee issued a statement calling for continued solidarity with the families threatened with forced displacement from the neighborhood, despite the freezing of the decision to evict Salem’s family from their home, which was scheduled for the end of February.

Tension has prevailed in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for thirteen days in a row, after the extremist occupation MK Itamar Ben Gvir established a provocative office on the land of the Salem family; Claiming to provide protection for settlers.

Lebanon Fears of the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the country's wheat reserves  The recent Russian military attack on one of the world's largest wheat exporters has raised the concerns of many countries, especially Lebanon, which relies heavily on Ukrainian wheat for its consumption.  The Lebanese Economy Minister, Amin Salam, revealed, on Friday, that Lebanon's reserves of wheat are sufficient for one month at most. In this context, the Lebanese minister expressed his fears of the impact of the Ukrainian-Russian crisis on his country's wheat supplies, as Ukraine represents nearly 60% of the wheat market in Lebanon, a country that has been facing mainly successive crises for some time, which tightened its grip on it.  He stated that the Lebanese government is in talks with other countries, including the United States, India and Canada, to provide wheat, amid concerns about the global distribution of wheat supplies during the Ukraine crisis.  According to official data of the US Department of Agriculture, Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of wheat to the world, accounting for 12% of global supplies.  Consequently, many countries, including Lebanon, depend heavily on wheat imports to provide subsidized bread to their residents. But due to the massive explosion that occurred in August 2020, which destroyed the port of Beirut, the country was only able to store enough wheat for about one month in several mills.  Thus, concerns are exacerbated today, about whether Lebanon, which is facing a severe financial crisis, can continue to support wheat imports as prices rise due to the Russian invasion.  The economic crisis in Lebanon has left nearly two-thirds of the population of 6 million, including one million Syrian refugees, living in extreme poverty.  In this context, the Lebanese minister pointed out that the Central Bank may say later that it is completely unable to continue the support or to give citizens only a specific amount of money.  At the same level, he urged Lebanese citizens not to panic about bread, as supplies are scheduled to continue during the next month. He added that deals were signed last week to receive a number of wheat shipments to cover the Lebanese market for the next month, calling not to panic over the bread shortage.

Lebanon Fears of the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the country's wheat reserves

The recent Russian military attack on one of the world's largest wheat exporters has raised the concerns of many countries, especially Lebanon, which relies heavily on Ukrainian wheat for its consumption.

The Lebanese Economy Minister, Amin Salam, revealed, on Friday, that Lebanon's reserves of wheat are sufficient for one month at most.
In this context, the Lebanese minister expressed his fears of the impact of the Ukrainian-Russian crisis on his country's wheat supplies, as Ukraine represents nearly 60% of the wheat market in Lebanon, a country that has been facing mainly successive crises for some time, which tightened its grip on it.

He stated that the Lebanese government is in talks with other countries, including the United States, India and Canada, to provide wheat, amid concerns about the global distribution of wheat supplies during the Ukraine crisis.

According to official data of the US Department of Agriculture, Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of wheat to the world, accounting for 12% of global supplies.

Consequently, many countries, including Lebanon, depend heavily on wheat imports to provide subsidized bread to their residents.
But due to the massive explosion that occurred in August 2020, which destroyed the port of Beirut, the country was only able to store enough wheat for about one month in several mills.

Thus, concerns are exacerbated today, about whether Lebanon, which is facing a severe financial crisis, can continue to support wheat imports as prices rise due to the Russian invasion.

The economic crisis in Lebanon has left nearly two-thirds of the population of 6 million, including one million Syrian refugees, living in extreme poverty.

In this context, the Lebanese minister pointed out that the Central Bank may say later that it is completely unable to continue the support or to give citizens only a specific amount of money.

At the same level, he urged Lebanese citizens not to panic about bread, as supplies are scheduled to continue during the next month.
He added that deals were signed last week to receive a number of wheat shipments to cover the Lebanese market for the next month, calling not to panic over the bread shortage.

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