Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests and targeting of fishermen and shepherds in Gaza

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: إصابات واعتقالات واستهداف لصيادين ورعاة في غزة    محافظات 18-2-2022 وفا- واصل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الجمعة، عدوانهم على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث أصيب عدد من المواطنين بالأعيرة النارية خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال وقمع فعاليات، فيما جرى اعتقال فتى وشاب، وإطلاق النار والغاز صوب مراكب صيد ومزارعين ورعاة في القطاع، بينما أصيب طفل دهسه مستوطن قرب قلقيلية، ولاحق آخرون رعاة أغنام بالأغوار الشمالية، وأدى مستوطن طقوسا تلمودية قرب المسجد الأقصى المبارك.   مصابون خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال وقمع فعاليات  أصيب 4 مواطنين بالرصاص الحي بينهم متطوع إسعاف، و46 مواطنا بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، بينهم صحفيان، واثنان آخران بقنابل الغاز، و75 بالاختناق بالغاز المسيل للدموع، و6 مواطنين نتيجة السقوط خلال مواجهات مع جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، شهدها جبل صبيح في بلدة بيتا جنوب نابلس.  وأصيب مواطنان بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، و20 بالاختناق بالغاز المسيل للدموع، الذي أطلقه جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، خلال المواجهات التي اندلعت في قرية بيت دجن شرق نابلس.  وفي بلدة كفر قدوم شرق قلقيلية، أصيب طفل يبلغ من العمر 12 عاما بالرصاص الحي في الفخذ، والعشرات بالاختناق بالغاز المسيل للدموع، خلال قمع جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي للمسيرة الأسبوعية المناهضة للاستيطان ولإغلاق المدخل الرئيسي للقرية.  وأصيب شاب بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، والعشرات بالاختناق بالغاز المسيل للدموع، خلال مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال اندلعت على المدخل الشمالي لمدينة بيت لحم.  من جانب آخر، قمعت قوات الاحتلال المشاركين في مسيرة تضامن وإسناد لأهالي حي الشيخ جراح شرق مدينة القدس المحتلة، واعتدت عليهم بالضرب.   مستوطن يدهس طفلاً وآخرون يلاحقون رعاة أغنام  أصيب الطفل عثمان عبد الله صبرة (12 عاما) من قرية جينصافوط شرق قلقيلية، إثر دهسه من قبل مستوطن، قرب مفترق وادي "قانا".  من جانب آخر، لاحق مستوطنون، رعاة الأغنام شرق خلة مكحول بالأغوار الشمالية.  وفي السياق، أدى مستوطن طقوسا تلمودية استفزازية عند باب القطانين، أحد أبواب المسجد الأقصى المبارك، بحراسة شرطة الاحتلال.   الاحتلال يستهدف مراكب صيد ورعاة أغنام ومزارعين في غزة  استهدفت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، مزارعين ورعاة أغنام بالرصاص وقنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع، شرق بلدة خزاعة، إلى الشرق من خان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة، دون أن يبلغ عن إصابات.  كما أطلقت قوات الاحتلال نيران رشاشاتها صوب الأراضي الزراعية شرق مخيم المغازي وسط قطاع غزة، فيما استهدفت قوات أخرى رعاة الأغنام شرق مخيم البريج وسط القطاع، بقنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع.  وأطلقت زوارق الاحتلال الحربية نيران أسلحتها الرشاشة تجاه مراكب الصيادين في بحر السودانية شمال غرب غزة، وأجبرتهم على التراجع والانسحاب من البحر.  الاحتلال يعتقل فتى وشابا في جنين وطوباس  اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الفتى مروان محمد سليمان يحيى (15 عامًا) أثناء تواجده قرب جدار الضم والتوسّع العنصري، المقام على أراضي قرية العرقة جنوب غرب جنين.  كما اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، الشاب قصي مثقال أبو مطاوع، بعد مداهمة منزل ذويه في مدينة طوباس.  من جانب آخر، اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال عدة أحياء في مدينة الخليل، وفتشت منزل المواطن محمد جمال النتشة الكائن في منطقة دوار الشعراوي وعبثت بمحتوياته.  الاحتلال يعتقل شابين ويصيب صحفيا عقب اعتداء مستوطنين في البلدة القديمة اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الليلة، شابين مقدسيين عقب اعتداء مستوطنين عليهما في طريق الواد بالبلدة القديمة، من مدينة القدس المحتلة.  واعتدت قوات الاحتلال على الأهالي والشُبّان في منطقة باب الواد بالبلدة القديمة بالهراوات والدفع والضرب، واعتقلت شابين عقب الاعتداء عليهما بالضرب المُبرح في طريق الواد، كما اعتدت على الصحفيين المتواجدين في المكان بالهراوات أثناء تغطيتهم الأحداث، ما أدى لإصابة صحفي بجروح في رأسه.   Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests and targeting of fishermen and shepherds in Gaza  Wafa - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and their property, as a number of citizens were wounded with live bullets during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activists, while a young man and a young man were arrested, and shooting and gas fired towards fishing boats and farmers Shepherds in the Gaza Strip, while a child was run over by a settler near Qalqilya, and others followed shepherds in the northern Jordan Valley, and a settler performed Talmudic rituals near the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.  Injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activities 4 civilians, including an ambulance volunteer, were wounded with live bullets, 46 were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, including two journalists, and two others were hit with tear gas canisters, 75 suffocated with tear gas, and 6 civilians were injured as a result of falling during confrontations with the Israeli occupation army, which took place in Jabal Sabih in the town of Beita, south of Nablus .  Two civilians were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, and 20 were injured by suffocation with tear gas fired by the Israeli occupation army, during the clashes that erupted in the village of Beit Dajan, east of Nablus.  In the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya, a 12-year-old boy was shot with live bullets in the thigh, and dozens of people suffocated with tear gas, during the Israeli occupation army's suppression of the weekly anti-settlement march and the closure of the main entrance to the village.  A young man was wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, and dozens of people suffocated with tear gas, during confrontations with the occupation forces that broke out at the northern entrance to Bethlehem .  On the other hand, the occupation forces suppressed the participants in a march of solidarity and support for the people of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and beat them .  A settler runs over a child while others are chasing a shepherd The child Othman Abdullah Sabra, 12, from Jinsafut village, east of Qalqilya, was injured after being run over by a settler, near Wadi Qana junction.  On the other hand, settlers pursued sheep shepherds east of Khallet Makhoul in the northern Jordan Valley .  In this context, a settler performed a provocative Talmudic ritual at the Qattanin Gate, one of the doors of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, guarded by the occupation police.  The occupation targets fishing boats, shepherds and farmers in Gaza The Israeli occupation forces targeted farmers and shepherds with bullets and tear gas canisters, east of Khuza'a town, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, but no injuries were reported .  The occupation forces also fired their machine guns towards agricultural lands east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, while other forces targeted sheep shepherds east of Al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip, with tear gas canisters .  The occupation warboats fired their automatic weapons at the fishermen's boats in the Sudanese Sea northwest of Gaza, forcing them to retreat and withdraw from the sea.  The occupation arrests a boy and a young man in Jenin and Tubas The Israeli occupation forces arrested Marwan Muhammad Suleiman Yahya (15 years), while he was near the racist annexation and expansion wall, located on the lands of Al-Arqa village, southwest of Jenin.  The occupation forces also arrested the young man, Qusai Mithqal Abu Mutawa, after raiding his family's house in the city of Tubas.  On the other hand, the occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in the city of Hebron, and searched the house of Mohammed Jamal Al-Natsheh, located in the Al-Shaarawy roundabout, and tampered with its contents.  Occupation arrests two young men and injures a journalist after settlers attack in the Old City The occupation forces assaulted residents and young men in the Bab al-Wad area of ​​the Old City with batons, pushing and beating, and arrested two young men after they were severely beaten on al-Wad Road.

Continuing violations of the occupation: injuries, arrests and targeting of fishermen and shepherds in Gaza

Wafa - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and their property, as a number of citizens were wounded with live bullets during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activists, while a young man and a young man were arrested, and shooting and gas fired towards fishing boats and farmers Shepherds in the Gaza Strip, while a child was run over by a settler near Qalqilya, and others followed shepherds in the northern Jordan Valley, and a settler performed Talmudic rituals near the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activities
4 civilians, including an ambulance volunteer, were wounded with live bullets, 46 were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, including two journalists, and two others were hit with tear gas canisters, 75 suffocated with tear gas, and 6 civilians were injured as a result of falling during confrontations with the Israeli occupation army, which took place in Jabal Sabih in the town of Beita, south of Nablus .

Two civilians were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, and 20 were injured by suffocation with tear gas fired by the Israeli occupation army, during the clashes that erupted in the village of Beit Dajan, east of Nablus.

In the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya, a 12-year-old boy was shot with live bullets in the thigh, and dozens of people suffocated with tear gas, during the Israeli occupation army's suppression of the weekly anti-settlement march and the closure of the main entrance to the village.

A young man was wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, and dozens of people suffocated with tear gas, during confrontations with the occupation forces that broke out at the northern entrance to Bethlehem .

On the other hand, the occupation forces suppressed the participants in a march of solidarity and support for the people of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and beat them .

A settler runs over a child while others are chasing a shepherd
The child Othman Abdullah Sabra, 12, from Jinsafut village, east of Qalqilya, was injured after being run over by a settler, near Wadi Qana junction.

On the other hand, settlers pursued sheep shepherds east of Khallet Makhoul in the northern Jordan Valley .

In this context, a settler performed a provocative Talmudic ritual at the Qattanin Gate, one of the doors of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, guarded by the occupation police.

The occupation targets fishing boats, shepherds and farmers in Gaza
The Israeli occupation forces targeted farmers and shepherds with bullets and tear gas canisters, east of Khuza'a town, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, but no injuries were reported .

The occupation forces also fired their machine guns towards agricultural lands east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, while other forces targeted sheep shepherds east of Al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip, with tear gas canisters .

The occupation warboats fired their automatic weapons at the fishermen's boats in the Sudanese Sea northwest of Gaza, forcing them to retreat and withdraw from the sea.

The occupation arrests a boy and a young man in Jenin and Tubas
The Israeli occupation forces arrested Marwan Muhammad Suleiman Yahya (15 years), while he was near the racist annexation and expansion wall, located on the lands of Al-Arqa village, southwest of Jenin.

The occupation forces also arrested the young man, Qusai Mithqal Abu Mutawa, after raiding his family's house in the city of Tubas.

On the other hand, the occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in the city of Hebron, and searched the house of Mohammed Jamal Al-Natsheh, located in the Al-Shaarawy roundabout, and tampered with its contents.

Occupation arrests two young men and injures a journalist after settlers attack in the Old City
The occupation forces assaulted residents and young men in the Bab al-Wad area of ​​the Old City with batons, pushing and beating, and arrested two young men after they were severely beaten on al-Wad Road.

عقب إطلاق حزب الله مُسيّرة استطلاع.. طيران إسرائيل الحربي يحلّق فوق بيروت أعلن "حزب الله" اللبناني تنفيذه مهمة استطلاعية ناجحة بطائرة مُسيّرة لمدة 40 دقيقة فوق الأجواء الإسرائيلية، غطّت مساحة قدرها 70 كيلومتراً. وجاء الرد الإسرائيلي عبر تحليق طائرات حربية إسرائيلية على ارتفاعات منخفضة فوق العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت وضواحيها.  أعلن "حزب الله" اللبناني الجمعة، تنفيذه مهمة استطلاعية ناجحة بطائرة مُسيّرة لمدة 40 دقيقة فوق الأجواء الإسرائيلية، غطّت مساحة قدرها 70 كيلومتراً.  فيما حلّقت طائرات حربية إسرائيلية على ارتفاعات منخفضة فوق العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت وضواحيها وجبل لبنان عقب عملية "حزب الله".  وقال "حزب الله" في بيان نشرته قناة "المنار" التابعة له، "اليوم أطلقت المقاومة ‏الإسلامية الطائرة المُسيّرة حسّان داخل الأراضي الفلسطينية ‏المحتلّة".  وأوضح البيان أنّ "الطائرة جالت في المنطقة المستهدفة لمدة أربعين دقيقة في مهمة ‏استطلاعية امتدت على طول 70 كيلومتراً شمال فلسطين المحتلّة".  ‏وأضاف: "بالرغم من كل محاولات العدو (إسرائيل) المتعددة والمتتالية لإسقاطها عادت ‏الطائرة حسان من الأراضي المحتلة سالمة".  وأشار البيان إلى أن الطائرة "نفّذت المهمة ‏المطلوبة (لم توضحها) بنجاح ودون أن تؤثّر على حركتها كل إجراءات العدو ‏الموجودة والمتّبعة".   وكان الجيش الإسرائيلي فد أعلن في وقت سابق الجمعة، أنه فشل في اعتراض طائرة مُسيرّة انطلقت من لبنان، واخترقت المجال الجوي شمالي البلاد.  وقال في تصريح على حسابه في تويتر: "يتبين من التحقيق الأولي أنه في وقت سابق اليوم، جرى رصد طائرة مُسيَّرة لاسلكية صغيرة داخل لبنان، وهي تحلّق نحو الأراضي الإسرائيلية".  وأضاف: "بعد خرقها السيادة الاسرائيلية ومع متابعتها عبر أنظمة الرصد جرى استدعاء مروحيات وطائرات حربية بالإضافة إلى إطلاق صاروخ اعتراض من (منظومة الدفاع الجوي) القبة الحديدية، دون تمكّنه من اعتراضها".  وتابع الجيش الإسرائيلي: "بعد دقائق معدودة، عادت المُسيّرة الصغيرة إلى لبنان".  وأفاد بأنّ دفاعاته الصاروخية وطائراته المقاتلة انطلقت، بعد دخول الطائرة إلى المجال الجوي الإسرائيلي.  وذكر مصدر أمني لوكالة الأناضول، أنّ "طائرتين حربيتين إسرائيليتين دخلتا المجال الجوي اللبناني من جهة البحر وحلقتا على ارتفاع منخفض في أجواء العاصمة بيروت لدقائق قبل أن تغادرا".  ولم يصدر تعقيب من السلطات اللبنانية أو "حزب الله" حول تحليق الطائرات الإسرائيلية حتى وقت كتابة الخبر.  وكان أمين عام "حزب الله" حسن نصر الله قد أعلن، الأسبوع الماضي أنّ حزبه "بدأ بتصنيع طائرات مُسيِّرة منذ مدة طويلة في لبنان".  وأضاف: "أصبح لدينا قدرة على تحويل الصواريخ الموجودة لدينا بالآلاف إلى صواريخ دقيقة وبدأنا ذلك منذ سنوات وحوّلنا عدداً كبيراً منها إلى دقيقة ولسنا بحاجة إلى أن ننقلها من إيران".  ويمتلك "حزب الله" ترسانة كبيرة من الأسلحة والصواريخ، وتتهمه قوى سياسية لبنانية بتهديد الساحة الداخلية بهذا السلاح، بينما تقول الجماعة إنه مكرّس حصراً للدفاع عن لبنان ضد إسرائيل.  ولا تزال إسرائيل تحتل جزءاً من أراضي لبنان تقدّر مساحتها بأكثر من 200 كيلومتر مربّع، بعد انسحابها عام 2000 من جنوبه، الذي احتلته على مدى 22 عاماً.    After Hezbollah launched a reconnaissance drone, Israeli warplanes flew over Beirut  The Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced that it had carried out a successful reconnaissance mission by a drone for a period of 40 minutes over Israeli airspace, covering an area of ​​70 km. The Israeli response came by flying Israeli warplanes at low altitudes over the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and its suburbs.  On Friday, the Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced that it had carried out a successful reconnaissance mission by a drone for a period of 40 minutes over Israeli airspace, covering an area of ​​70 km.  Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes flew at low altitudes over the Lebanese capital, Beirut, its suburbs, and Mount Lebanon, following the "Hezbollah" operation.  "Today, the Islamic resistance launched the Hassan drone inside the occupied Palestinian territories," Hezbollah said in a statement published by its "Al-Manar" channel.  The statement stated that "the aircraft toured the targeted area for forty minutes on a reconnaissance mission that extended for a length of 70 kilometers north of occupied Palestine."  And he added: "Despite all the multiple and successive attempts of the enemy (Israel) to bring it down, the Hassan plane returned from the occupied territories safely."  The statement indicated that the plane "carried out the required mission (it did not explain it) successfully and without affecting its movement all the existing and followed enemy procedures."  The Israeli army had announced, earlier on Friday, that it had failed to intercept a drone that took off from Lebanon, and penetrated the airspace in the north of the country.  In a statement on his Twitter account, he said: "It is clear from the preliminary investigation that earlier today, a small wireless drone was detected inside Lebanon, flying towards Israeli territory."  He added, "After violating Israeli sovereignty and following it up through monitoring systems, helicopters and warplanes were summoned, in addition to launching an interception missile from the Iron Dome (air defense system), without being able to intercept it."  And the Israeli army continued, "After a few minutes, the small march returned to Lebanon."  He stated that his missile defenses and combat aircraft were launched, after the plane entered Israeli airspace.  A security source told Anadolu Agency, "Two Israeli warplanes entered the Lebanese airspace from the sea side and flew at a low altitude in the airspace of the capital, Beirut, for a few minutes before leaving."  There was no comment from the Lebanese authorities or "Hezbollah" about the flight of Israeli planes until the time of writing the news.  Last week, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah announced that his party "began manufacturing drones for a long time in Lebanon."  He added, "We have the ability to convert the thousands of missiles we have into precision missiles, and we started that years ago, and we converted a large number of them into minutes, and we do not need to transfer them from Iran."  "Hezbollah" possesses a large arsenal of weapons and missiles, and Lebanese political forces accuse it of threatening the internal arena with this weapon, while the group says that it is dedicated exclusively to defending Lebanon against Israel.  Israel still occupies part of Lebanon's territory, estimated at more than 200 square kilometers, after its withdrawal in 2000 from the south, which it occupied for 22 years.

After Hezbollah launched a reconnaissance drone, Israeli warplanes flew over Beirut

The Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced that it had carried out a successful reconnaissance mission by a drone for a period of 40 minutes over Israeli airspace, covering an area of ​​70 km. The Israeli response came by flying Israeli warplanes at low altitudes over the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and its suburbs.

On Friday, the Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced that it had carried out a successful reconnaissance mission by a drone for a period of 40 minutes over Israeli airspace, covering an area of ​​70 km.

Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes flew at low altitudes over the Lebanese capital, Beirut, its suburbs, and Mount Lebanon, following the "Hezbollah" operation.

"Today, the Islamic resistance launched the Hassan drone inside the occupied Palestinian territories," Hezbollah said in a statement published by its "Al-Manar" channel.

The statement stated that "the aircraft toured the targeted area for forty minutes on a reconnaissance mission that extended for a length of 70 kilometers north of occupied Palestine."

And he added: "Despite all the multiple and successive attempts of the enemy (Israel) to bring it down, the Hassan plane returned from the occupied territories safely."

The statement indicated that the plane "carried out the required mission (it did not explain it) successfully and without affecting its movement all the existing and followed enemy procedures."

The Israeli army had announced, earlier on Friday, that it had failed to intercept a drone that took off from Lebanon, and penetrated the airspace in the north of the country.

In a statement on his Twitter account, he said: "It is clear from the preliminary investigation that earlier today, a small wireless drone was detected inside Lebanon, flying towards Israeli territory."

He added, "After violating Israeli sovereignty and following it up through monitoring systems, helicopters and warplanes were summoned, in addition to launching an interception missile from the Iron Dome (air defense system), without being able to intercept it."

And the Israeli army continued, "After a few minutes, the small march returned to Lebanon."

He stated that his missile defenses and combat aircraft were launched, after the plane entered Israeli airspace.

A security source told Anadolu Agency, "Two Israeli warplanes entered the Lebanese airspace from the sea side and flew at a low altitude in the airspace of the capital, Beirut, for a few minutes before leaving."

There was no comment from the Lebanese authorities or "Hezbollah" about the flight of Israeli planes until the time of writing the news.

Last week, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah announced that his party "began manufacturing drones for a long time in Lebanon."

He added, "We have the ability to convert the thousands of missiles we have into precision missiles, and we started that years ago, and we converted a large number of them into minutes, and we do not need to transfer them from Iran."

"Hezbollah" possesses a large arsenal of weapons and missiles, and Lebanese political forces accuse it of threatening the internal arena with this weapon, while the group says that it is dedicated exclusively to defending Lebanon against Israel.

Israel still occupies part of Lebanon's territory, estimated at more than 200 square kilometers, after its withdrawal in 2000 from the south, which it occupied for 22 years.

" أحياء من التاريخ".. إزالة عشوائيات بالسعودية تثير جدلاً واسعاً في إطار خطة الكشف عن معالم المدينة بدأت أمانة محافظة جدة مؤخراً إزالة العشوائيات المزمع انتهاؤها في 27 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2022. وأثارت الخطوة جدلاً واسعاً لدى السعوديين باعتبار أن هذه الأحياء جزء من التاريخ.  مع بدء أعمال إزالة الأحياء العشوائية في مدينة جدة أثير جدل واسع لدى السعوديين الذين عارض جزء كبير منهم هذه الخطوة باعتبار هذه الأحياء والمباني جزءاً من التاريخ.  ونقلت صحيفة المدينة في هذا السياق عن أمانة جدة توضيحها أن الجهات المعنية تعتزم استثناء المنازل التاريخية في هذه الأحياء من قرار الإزالة.  ولفتت الصحيفة إلى أن الجهات الحكومية تريد المحافظة على المكتسبات التاريخية في هذه الأحياء عبر مراعاة ضوابط عمليات الإزالة ثم تسليم المواقع التراثية لوزارة الثقافة.  ومن جانبه كشف مدير شرطة منطقة مكة اللواء صالح الجابري في وقت سابق من الأسبوع المنصرم عما وصفه بـ"الحقائق الصادمة" عن الخطر الذي تشكله الأحياء العشوائية بمحافظة جدة مع انتشار المخدرات و"تورط مشاهير" فيها.  وجاء في تصريح الجابري خلال مقابلة له مع قناة روتانا خليجية بأنه "لو يعلم سكان الأحياء المجاورة خطورة المناطق العشوائية ما سكنوا بجوارها".  وأعلن في الأثناء عن ضبط كميات هائلة من المخدرات في هذه المناطق، كان آخرها 218 كيلوغراماً من الحشيش ضبطت خلال فترة وجيزة.  وشدد الجابري على أن الأحياء العشوائية أصبحت مقراً لمروجي المخدرات، التي أصبحت تباع "علناً" في بعض الطرقات، مشيراً إلى أنه توجد صعوبة في فرض السيطرة الأمنية الكاملة عليها مقارنة بالأحياء المنظمة.  وعلى الصعيد ذاته كشف مدير شرطة مكة أنه جرى القبض على نحو 10 آلاف شخص مجهولي الهوية داخل تلك الأحياء، متسائلاً: "كم من الجرائم ارتكب هؤلاء؟".  ووفق ما جاء في خطة الجهات الرسمية فإن الأحياء العشوائية التي ستجري إزالتها تشمل 26 حياً بمساحة إجمالية 18.5 مليون متر مربع، بالإضافة إلى الأحياء العشوائية الواقعة ضمن أراضي وقف الملك عبد العزيز للعين العزيزية وعددها 8 أحياء بمساحة إجمالية 13.9 مليون متر مربع.  وبدورها شددت السلطات السعودية على أن الخطة تهدف إلى تطوير المدينة الواقعة غرب المملكة، وبأنه سيجري تعويض الأهالي والسكان.  وفي هذا الإطار صرح المتحدث باسم أمانة جدة محمد البقمي في بداية الشهر الجاري بأن "التعويضات ستكون شاملة لجميع سكان هذه الأحياء سواء من كان يملك صكاً شرعياً أو من لا يملك".  ولفت البقمي في حديث إلى قناة الإخبارية السعودية إلى أن "من يملكون صكوكاً شرعية سيجري تعويضهم عن قيمة الأرض والأنقاض أما من لا يملكون صكوكاً شرعية فسيجري تعويضهم عن قيمة الأنقاض".      "Alive from History" Removing slums in Saudi Arabia sparks widespread controversy As part of the plan to reveal the city’s landmarks, the Jeddah Municipality recently began removing the slums, which are scheduled to be completed on November 27, 2022. The move sparked widespread controversy among the Saudis, considering that these neighborhoods are part of history.  With the start of work to remove slums in the city of Jeddah, a wide controversy arose among the Saudis, a large part of whom opposed this step, considering these neighborhoods and buildings as part of history.  In this context, Al-Madina newspaper quoted the Jeddah Municipality as clarifying that the concerned authorities intend to exclude the historical houses in these neighborhoods from the removal decision.  The newspaper pointed out that government agencies want to preserve the historical gains in these neighborhoods by observing the controls of removal operations and then handing over the heritage sites to the Ministry of Culture.  For his part, the Makkah Region Police Director, Major General Saleh Al-Jabri, revealed earlier last week what he described as "shocking facts" about the danger posed by slums in Jeddah with the spread of drugs and the "involvement of famous people" in them.  Al-Jabri said in an interview with Gulf Rotana TV that "if the residents of the neighboring neighborhoods knew the danger of the slums, they would not live next to them."  Meanwhile, it was announced that huge quantities of drugs had been seized in these areas, the latest of which was 218 kilograms of cannabis seized within a short period.  Al-Jabri stressed that slums have become a headquarters for drug traffickers, which are now being sold "publicly" on some roads, noting that there is difficulty in imposing full security control over them compared to organized neighborhoods.  Meanwhile, the Makkah Police Director revealed that about 10,000 unidentified people were arrested in those neighborhoods, asking: "How many crimes did these people commit?"  According to the plan of the official authorities, the slums that will be removed include 26 neighborhoods with a total area of ​​18.5 million square meters, in addition to the 8 slums located within the lands of the King Abdul Aziz Endowment for Al-Ain Al-Aziziya, with a total area of ​​13.9 million square meters.  In turn, the Saudi authorities stressed that the plan aims to develop the city in the west of the Kingdom, and that the residents and residents will be compensated.  In this context, a spokesman for the Jeddah Municipality, Muhammad Al-Baqami, stated at the beginning of this month that "compensation will be comprehensive for all residents of these neighborhoods, whether those who own a legal deed or those who do not."  In an interview with the Saudi Al-Ekhbariya channel, Al-Baqmi pointed out that "those who own legitimate sukuk will be compensated for the value of the land and the rubble, while those who do not have legitimate sukuk will be compensated for the value of the rubble."

"Alive from History" Removing slums in Saudi Arabia sparks widespread controversy

As part of the plan to reveal the city’s landmarks, the Jeddah Municipality recently began removing the slums, which are scheduled to be completed on November 27, 2022. The move sparked widespread controversy among the Saudis, considering that these neighborhoods are part of history.

With the start of work to remove slums in the city of Jeddah, a wide controversy arose among the Saudis, a large part of whom opposed this step, considering these neighborhoods and buildings as part of history.

In this context, Al-Madina newspaper quoted the Jeddah Municipality as clarifying that the concerned authorities intend to exclude the historical houses in these neighborhoods from the removal decision.

The newspaper pointed out that government agencies want to preserve the historical gains in these neighborhoods by observing the controls of removal operations and then handing over the heritage sites to the Ministry of Culture.

For his part, the Makkah Region Police Director, Major General Saleh Al-Jabri, revealed earlier last week what he described as "shocking facts" about the danger posed by slums in Jeddah with the spread of drugs and the "involvement of famous people" in them.

Al-Jabri said in an interview with Gulf Rotana TV that "if the residents of the neighboring neighborhoods knew the danger of the slums, they would not live next to them."

Meanwhile, it was announced that huge quantities of drugs had been seized in these areas, the latest of which was 218 kilograms of cannabis seized within a short period.

Al-Jabri stressed that slums have become a headquarters for drug traffickers, which are now being sold "publicly" on some roads, noting that there is difficulty in imposing full security control over them compared to organized neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, the Makkah Police Director revealed that about 10,000 unidentified people were arrested in those neighborhoods, asking: "How many crimes did these people commit?"

According to the plan of the official authorities, the slums that will be removed include 26 neighborhoods with a total area of ​​18.5 million square meters, in addition to the 8 slums located within the lands of the King Abdul Aziz Endowment for Al-Ain Al-Aziziya, with a total area of ​​13.9 million square meters.

In turn, the Saudi authorities stressed that the plan aims to develop the city in the west of the Kingdom, and that the residents and residents will be compensated.

In this context, a spokesman for the Jeddah Municipality, Muhammad Al-Baqami, stated at the beginning of this month that "compensation will be comprehensive for all residents of these neighborhoods, whether those who own a legal deed or those who do not."

In an interview with the Saudi Al-Ekhbariya channel, Al-Baqmi pointed out that "those who own legitimate sukuk will be compensated for the value of the land and the rubble, while those who do not have legitimate sukuk will be compensated for the value of the rubble."

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