Continuing violations of the occupation: settlement construction, demolition, arrests, storming Al-Aqsa Mosque and uprooting olive seedlings

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: بناء استيطاني وهدم واعتقالات واقتحام للأقصى واقتلاع أشتال زيتون  محافظات 3-2-2022 وفا- واصل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الخميس، العدوان على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث تمت المصادقة على بناء 1500 وحدة استيطانية في القدس، فيما شهدت قرية دير نظام قرب رام الله هدم عدد من المساكن والبركسات، واقتحم عشرات المستوطنين المسجد الأقصى واقتلع آخرون أشتال زيتون جنوب الخليل، وجرى اعتقال 5 مواطنين.  المصادقة على بناء 1500 وحدة استيطانية في القدس وهدم قرب رام الله  أقرت "لجنة التنظيم والبناء" التابعة لبلدية الاحتلال في القدس، خطة لبناء 1500 وحدة استيطانية على أرض تقع بين التلة الفرنسية والجامعة العبرية، في القدس المحتلة.  وسيتم البناء على مساحة 150 دونما تدعي بلدية الاحتلال أنها "أرض دولة"، ويشمل البناء 500 غرفة لسكن الطلاب اليهود، و200 غرفة محصنة، وعدة أبراج سكنية لتأجيرها لفترات زمنية طويلة الأمد، إضافة إلى مبان لخدمة الجمهور.  من جانب آخر، هدمت جرافات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي، مساكن وبركسات في منطقة "الحصة" بقرية دير نظام شمال غرب رام الله، تعود للمواطنين البدّو القاطنين هناك.  مستوطنون يقتحمون الأقصى ويقتلعون أشتال زيتون في الخليل  اقتحم 140 مستوطنا المسجد الأقصى المبارك من جهة باب المغاربة، ونفذوا جولات استفزازية في باحاته، وأدوا طقوسًا تلمودية في المنطقة الشرقية منه، بحراسة مشددة من قبل شرطة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.  ومنعت شرطة الاحتلال المتمركزة عند بابي السلسلة والغوانمة، عشرات المواطنين الذين شدّوا الرحال للمسجد الأقصى من الوصول إليه، بالتزامن مع اقتحام المستوطنين للمسجد.  وفي انتهاك آخر، اقتلع مستوطنون، 60 غرسة زيتون في منطقة خلة الضبع بمسافر يطا جنوب الخليل، واعتدوا على رعاة الأغنام وحاولوا طردهم من المراعي.   الاحتلال يعتقل خمسة مواطنين من الضفة  اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، خمسة مواطنين من الضفة.  ففي بيت لحم، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الأسير المحرر مصطفى عطية الحسنات (26 عاما) من مخيم الدهيشة، ورامز اللحام (26 عاما) من منطقة جبل هندازة.  ومن قلقيلية، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، الشاب عمر أحمد عودة في العشرينات من العمر، بعد أن داهمت منزل ذويه وفتشته في قرية حبلة.  ومن جنين، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال، مواطنين من بلدة السيلة الحارثية، وهما: عمر إبراهيم فايق زيود، ومجد صالح جرادات.  ومن طوباس، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الشاب مهيب خالد دراغمة (23 عاما) وهو أسير محرر، بعد أن داهمت منزل ذويه، كما فتشت منزل المواطن لطفي قاسم عينبوسي، وعاثت فيه خرابا.     Continuing violations of the occupation: settlement construction, demolition, arrests, storming Al-Aqsa Mosque and uprooting olive seedlings  Governorates Wafa -  Today, Thursday, the Israeli occupation and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and their properties, as the construction of 1,500 settlement units was approved in Jerusalem, while the village of Deir Nidham near Ramallah witnessed the demolition of a number of houses and barracks, and dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and others uprooted olive saplings south of Hebron, and 5 civilians were arrested.   Approval of the construction of 1,500 settlement units in Jerusalem and demolition near Ramallah The "Organizing and Building Committee" of the occupation municipality in Jerusalem approved a plan to build 1,500 settlement units on land located between the French Hill and the Hebrew University, in occupied Jerusalem .  The construction will be on an area of ​​150 dunums that the occupation municipality claims to be “state land.” The construction includes 500 rooms for housing for Jewish students, 200 fortified rooms, and several residential towers to be rented for long-term periods of time, in addition to buildings to serve the public .  On the other hand, the Israeli occupation bulldozers demolished houses and barracks in the "Al-Hassa" area in Deir Nidham village northwest of Ramallah, belonging to the Bedouin citizens living there .   Settlers storm Al-Aqsa and uproot olive saplings in Hebron 140 settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals in the eastern region of it, under heavy guard by the Israeli occupation police .  And the occupation police stationed at the Al-Silsila and Al-Ghawanimah gates prevented dozens of citizens who traveled to Al-Aqsa Mosque from reaching it, coinciding with the settlers’ storming of the mosque .  In another violation, settlers uprooted 60 olive plantations in the Khallet al-Dabaa area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and attacked the shepherds and tried to expel them from the pastures.   The occupation arrests five citizens of the West Bank The Israeli occupation forces arrested five citizens of the West Bank . In Bethlehem, the occupation forces arrested the freed captive Mustafa Attia Al-Hasanat (26 years), from Dheisheh refugee camp, and Ramez Al-Lahham (26 years), from Jabal Hindazah .  From Qalqilya, the occupation forces arrested Omar Ahmed Odeh in his twenties, after they raided and searched his family's house in Habla village .  From Jenin, the occupation forces arrested two citizens from the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya: Omar Ibrahim Fayek Zayoud and Majd Saleh Jaradat .  From Tubas, the occupation forces arrested the young man, Moheeb Khaled Daraghmeh (23 years), who is a freed prisoner, after they raided his family's house. They also searched the house of Lotfi Qassem Ainbousi, and wreaked havoc there.

Continuing violations of the occupation: settlement construction, demolition, arrests, storming Al-Aqsa Mosque and uprooting olive seedlings

Governorates Wafa -  Today, Thursday, the Israeli occupation and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and their properties, as the construction of 1,500 settlement units was approved in Jerusalem, while the village of Deir Nidham near Ramallah witnessed the demolition of a number of houses and barracks, and dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and others uprooted olive saplings south of Hebron, and 5 civilians were arrested. 

Approval of the construction of 1,500 settlement units in Jerusalem and demolition near Ramallah
The "Organizing and Building Committee" of the occupation municipality in Jerusalem approved a plan to build 1,500 settlement units on land located between the French Hill and the Hebrew University, in occupied Jerusalem .

The construction will be on an area of ​​150 dunums that the occupation municipality claims to be “state land.” The construction includes 500 rooms for housing for Jewish students, 200 fortified rooms, and several residential towers to be rented for long-term periods of time, in addition to buildings to serve the public .

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation bulldozers demolished houses and barracks in the "Al-Hassa" area in Deir Nidham village northwest of Ramallah, belonging to the Bedouin citizens living there . 

Settlers storm Al-Aqsa and uproot olive saplings in Hebron
140 settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals in the eastern region of it, under heavy guard by the Israeli occupation police .

And the occupation police stationed at the Al-Silsila and Al-Ghawanimah gates prevented dozens of citizens who traveled to Al-Aqsa Mosque from reaching it, coinciding with the settlers’ storming of the mosque .

In another violation, settlers uprooted 60 olive plantations in the Khallet al-Dabaa area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and attacked the shepherds and tried to expel them from the pastures. 

The occupation arrests five citizens of the West Bank
The Israeli occupation forces arrested five citizens of the West Bank .
In Bethlehem, the occupation forces arrested the freed captive Mustafa Attia Al-Hasanat (26 years), from Dheisheh refugee camp, and Ramez Al-Lahham (26 years), from Jabal Hindazah .

From Qalqilya, the occupation forces arrested Omar Ahmed Odeh in his twenties, after they raided and searched his family's house in Habla village .

From Jenin, the occupation forces arrested two citizens from the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya: Omar Ibrahim Fayek Zayoud and Majd Saleh Jaradat .

From Tubas, the occupation forces arrested the young man, Moheeb Khaled Daraghmeh (23 years), who is a freed prisoner, after they raided his family's house. They also searched the house of Lotfi Qassem Ainbousi, and wreaked havoc there.

مقتل زعيم تنظيم الدولة.. البنتاغون كان يريد اعتقاله وبغداد قدمت معلومات لواشنطن   قالت وزارة الدفاع الأميركية (بنتاغون) إن القوات الأميركية كانت تفضل إلقاء القبض على زعيم تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية أبو إبراهيم القرشي، والذي فجّر نفسه خلال غارة للقوات الأميركية أمس الخميس شمالي سوريا، فيما قال الجيش العراقي إنه زود القوات الأميركية بمعلومات عن مكان زعيم التنظيم.  وذكر مسؤول في البنتاغون لمراسل الجزيرة في واشنطن فادي منصور أن القوات الأميركية كانت تفضل إلقاء القبض على زعيم تنظيم الدولة القرشي (45 عاما) حيا، ولكنها وضعت في الحسبان أن يعمد لتفجير نفسه.  وقال مسؤول أميركي رفيع إنه تم إطلاع الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن قبل شهر على مخطط تنفيذ عملية استهداف زعيم التنظيم عبر مجسّم للمبنى الذي كان قد رُصد فيه.  واستمرت الغارة الأميركية على مسكن القرشي نحو ساعتين، وذلك في مكان قرب مخيم للنازحين بقرية أطمة في أقصى شمال غربي سوريا، على مقربة من الحدود السورية التركية.  وقال الرئيس الأميركي، أمس الخميس، إنه أمر بتنفيذ عملية اغتيال زعيم تنظيم الدولة، مع تقليص الخسائر وسط المدنيين.  وأضاف بايدن، في كلمة مقتضبة بالبيت الأبيض، مساء أمس الخميس، أن القرشي اختار تفجير الطابق الثالث من المبنى محاطا بعائلته، عوضا عن مواجهة ما وصفه بالعدالة.  وقال الرئيس بايدن إن عملية اغتيال زعيم تنظيم الدولة تشهد على قدرة الولايات المتحدة على القضاء على التهديدات الإرهابية أينما كانت في العالم.  ضرر جسيم وصرح قائد القيادة العسكرية الوسطى الأميركية الجنرال كينيث ماكنزي بأن مقتل زعيم تنظيم الدولة ألحق ضررا جسيما بقدرات التنظيم وعمله على المستوى الدولي، ولكنه يزيد من رغبته في إلحاق الضرر.   وأضاف الجنرال ماكنزي في كلمة أمام ندوة معهد الشرق الأوسط بواشنطن أن تنظيم الدولة ما زال يقف وراء عمليات إرهابية في سوريا والعراق، وأنه ما زال يشكل التهديد الأكبر للولايات المتحدة حسب قوله.  وذكر مراسل الجزيرة في واشنطن أن كبار المسؤولين الأميركيين حرصوا على تقديم توضيحات متتالية بشأن مقتل مدنيين في عملية استهداف زعيم تنظيم الدولة، مرجعين الأمر لقيامه منذ البداية بتفجير المبنى لتلافي سقوطه بيد القوات الأميركية الخاصة.  وأضاف المراسل أن معاونا لزعيم تنظيم الدولة كان يقطن في الطابق الثاني للمبنى الذي كان فيه زعيم التنظيم، اشتبك مع القوات الأميركية، ما أدى لمقتله وزوجته وأحد الأطفال.  مقتل المدنيين وتقول الرواية الأميركية الرسمية إنه من أجل تفادي سقوط المدنيين حرصت أميركا على عدم توجيه ضربة جوية لمكان وجود القرشي، واعتمدت على تنفيذ عملية إنزال جوي، وبعدما طوقت القوات الأميركية مكان وجود زعيم التنظيم، طلبت عبر مكبرات الصوت من سكان المبنى الخروج منه، ولكن القرشي سارع إلى تفجير نفسه والمبنى.   وقال المتحدث باسم البنتاغون جون كيربي إن هناك "دلائل قوية" على أن تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية وليس القوات الأميركية هو المسؤول عن سقوط قتلى مدنيين في الغارة الأميركية التي أودت بحياة زعيم التنظيم هناك.  قال المتحدث باسم البنتاغون إن الولايات المتحدة أجلت 10 أفراد بينهم أطفال من منطقة الغارة على منزل زعيم تنظيم الدولة. وأضاف أن القوات الأميركية اشتبكت أيضا مع أحد مساعدي زعيم التنظيم وزوجته  وأضاف كيربي في تصريحات صحفية أن الولايات المتحدة أجلت 10 أفراد بينهم أطفال من منطقة الغارة.  وأوضح أن القوات الأميركية اشتبكت أيضا مع أحد مساعدي القرشي وزوجته. وتابع المتحدث باسم البنتاغون أن مساعد القرشي وزوجته قتلا "ويبدو أن طفلا قتل أيضا".   من جانبه، قال الدفاع المدني السوري (الخوذ البيضاء) إن 13 شخصا على الأقل -بينهم 6 أطفال و4 نساء- قتلوا بقصف واشتباكات عقب الإنزال الجوي الأميركي.  وقال أحد السكان إن منقذين انتشلوا ما لا يقل عن 12 جثة من تحت أنقاض مبنى من طوابق، بينهم أطفال ونساء.  وأورد مراسل الجزيرة في واشنطن أن القوات الأميركية تأكدت من هوية القرشي في عين المكان عبر البصمات، ولاحقا عبر تحليل الحمض النووي.  وذكر المسؤول عن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في البنتاغون أن هذه العملية مكّنت القوات الأميركية الخاصة من جمع معطيات استخباراتية مهمة متعلقة بتنظيم الدولة.  مساعدة عراقية وفي سياق متصل، قال اللواء يحيى رسول المتحدث باسم القائد العام للقوات المسلحة العراقية أمس الخميس إن جهاز المخابرات العراقي زوّد التحالف بمعلومات دقيقة قادت إلى مكان زعيم تنظيم الدولة في الشمال السوري.   وكانت السلطات العراقية قد قدمت معلومات استخباراتية أيضا لنظيرتها الأميركية لتنفيذ الغارة التي أودت بحياة زعيم تنظيم الدولة أبو بكر البغدادي قبل عامين في الشمال السوري أيضا.   وفي تفاصيل ما حدث أثناء الغارة الأميركية، قالت مصادر مختلفة إن طائرات مروحية أميركية حلّقت فوق منطقتي "أطمة" و"دير بلوط"، في ريف إدلب الشمالي.   وبدأ الأمر بضربات تحذيرية، وتحليق لطائرتين مروحيتين على الأقل، حسب الأهالي، وتبع ذلك إنزال جوي في محيط البلدة في تمام الساعة الواحدة و5 دقائق بعد منتصف الليل.  وسُمعت بعد ذلك أصوات إطلاق النار، ونفذت الطائرات المروحية أكثر من 4 غارات على المبنى الذي كان فيه زعيم تنظيم الدولة، وهو مبنى من 3 طوابق.  وقال أحد المصادر إن صواريخ مضادة للطائرات أطلقها مقاتلو المعارضة، في حين أكد شهود أن الغارة انتهت بمغادرة الطائرات المروحية المكان.  وبعد مقتل الزعيم السابق لتنظيم الدولة الإسلامية أبو بكر البغدادي في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2019، عيّن التنظيم عبد الله قرداش -الذي يلقب أيضا بـ"حاجي عبد الله"- خليفة له، وهو عراقي سبق سجنه في الولايات المتحدة.   وقتلت القوات الأميركية قرداش، أمس الخميس، في المنطقة ذاتها تقريبا التي نفذت فيها عملية قتل البغدادي في 27 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2019.     The killing of the leader of the “Islamic State” organization The Pentagon wanted to arrest him, and Baghdad provided information to Washington  The Pentagon said that the US forces would have preferred to arrest the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Ibrahim Al-Qurashi, who blew himself up during a raid by US forces on Thursday in northern Syria, while the Iraqi army said that it had provided US forces with information about the whereabouts of the leader of the organization.  A Pentagon official told Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington, Fadi Mansour, that the US forces would have preferred to arrest the leader of the "Islamic State" organization, 45-year-old Qurashi, alive, but took into account that he deliberately blew himself up.  A senior US official said that US President Joe Biden was informed a month ago of the plan to target the leader of the organization through a model of the building in which he had been spotted.  The American raid lasted for about two hours, in a place near a camp for the displaced in the village of Atma in the far northwest of Syria, close to the Syrian-Turkish border.  Yesterday, Thursday, the US President said that he had ordered the assassination of the leader of the “Islamic State” organization, while minimizing civilian casualties.  And Biden added, in a brief speech at the White House, yesterday evening, Thursday, that Al-Qurashi chose to blow up the third floor of the building surrounded by his family, instead of facing what he described as justice.  President Biden said that the assassination of the leader of the Islamic State bears witness to the ability of the United States to eliminate terrorist threats wherever they are in the world.  Serious harm The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, stated that the killing of the leader of the "Islamic State" organization has seriously damaged the organization's capabilities and its work at the international level, but increases its desire to harm.  General McKenzie added in a speech to the Middle East Institute symposium in Washington that ISIS is still behind terrorist operations in Syria and Iraq, and that it still poses the greatest threat to the United States, according to him.  Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington stated that senior US officials were keen to provide successive clarifications regarding the killing of civilians in the process of targeting the leader of the "Islamic State" organization, referring to the fact that he had blown up the building from the beginning to avoid its fall into the hands of US special forces.  The reporter added that an aide to the leader of the Islamic State was living on the second floor of the building in which the leader of the organization was, and he clashed with the American forces, which led to the killing of him, his wife and one of the children.  Civilian killed The official American version says that in order to avoid the fall of civilians, America was keen not to launch an air strike on the whereabouts of al-Qurashi, and relied on the implementation of an airdrop, and after the American forces cordoned off the whereabouts of the leader of the organization, she asked, through loudspeakers, the residents of the building to get out of it, but al-Qurashi hastened To blow himself up and the building.  Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said there was "strong evidence" that Islamic State, not US forces, was responsible for the civilian deaths in the US raid that killed the group's leader there.  The Pentagon spokesman said that the United States evacuated 10 individuals, including children, from the area of ​​the raid on the home of the ISIS leader. He added that the US forces also clashed with one of the aides of the leader of the organization and his wife  Kirby added in a press statement that the United States evacuated 10 individuals, including children, from the area of ​​the raid.  He explained that the US forces also clashed with one of al-Qurashi's aides and his wife. The Pentagon spokesman added that the assistant and his wife were killed, "and it appears that a child was also killed."  For its part, the Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) said that at least 13 people - including 6 children and 4 women - were killed by bombing and clashes following the US airdrop.  One resident said rescuers had pulled at least 12 bodies from under the rubble of a multi-storey building, including children and women.  Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington stated that the American forces confirmed the identity of Al-Qurashi on the spot through fingerprints, and later through DNA analysis.  The official in charge of the Middle East and North Africa in the Pentagon said that this operation enabled the US special forces to collect important intelligence data related to ISIS.  Iraqi help In a related context, Major General Yahya Rasoul, spokesman for the Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, said yesterday, Thursday, that the Iraqi intelligence service provided the coalition with accurate information that led to the location of the leader of the Islamic State organization in northern Syria.  The Iraqi authorities had also provided intelligence information to their American counterpart to carry out the raid that killed the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, two years ago in northern Syria as well.  In the details of what happened during the American raid, various sources said that American helicopters flew over the "Atma" and "Deir Ballut" areas in the northern countryside of Idlib.  It began with warning strikes, and the overflight of at least two helicopters, according to the residents, followed by an airdrop in the vicinity of the town at exactly one o'clock and five minutes after midnight.  After that, gunfire was heard, and helicopters carried out more than 4 raids on the building where the leader of the Islamic State was staying, which is a 3-storey building.  One of the sources said that anti-aircraft missiles were fired by the opposition fighters, while witnesses confirmed that the raid ended with the helicopters leaving the place.  After the killing of the former leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in October 2019, the organization appointed Abdullah Qardash - also nicknamed "Haji Abdullah" - as his successor, an Iraqi who had previously been imprisoned in the United States.  Yesterday, Thursday, US forces killed Qardash in approximately the same area in which the killing of al-Baghdadi was carried out on October 27, 2019.

The killing of the leader of the “Islamic State” organization The Pentagon wanted to arrest him, and Baghdad provided information to Washington

The Pentagon said that the US forces would have preferred to arrest the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Ibrahim Al-Qurashi, who blew himself up during a raid by US forces on Thursday in northern Syria, while the Iraqi army said that it had provided US forces with information about the whereabouts of the leader of the organization.

A Pentagon official told Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington, Fadi Mansour, that the US forces would have preferred to arrest the leader of the "Islamic State" organization, 45-year-old Qurashi, alive, but took into account that he deliberately blew himself up.

A senior US official said that US President Joe Biden was informed a month ago of the plan to target the leader of the organization through a model of the building in which he had been spotted.

The American raid lasted for about two hours, in a place near a camp for the displaced in the village of Atma in the far northwest of Syria, close to the Syrian-Turkish border.

Yesterday, Thursday, the US President said that he had ordered the assassination of the leader of the “Islamic State” organization, while minimizing civilian casualties.

And Biden added, in a brief speech at the White House, yesterday evening, Thursday, that Al-Qurashi chose to blow up the third floor of the building surrounded by his family, instead of facing what he described as justice.

President Biden said that the assassination of the leader of the Islamic State bears witness to the ability of the United States to eliminate terrorist threats wherever they are in the world.

Serious harm
The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, stated that the killing of the leader of the "Islamic State" organization has seriously damaged the organization's capabilities and its work at the international level, but increases its desire to harm.

General McKenzie added in a speech to the Middle East Institute symposium in Washington that ISIS is still behind terrorist operations in Syria and Iraq, and that it still poses the greatest threat to the United States, according to him.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington stated that senior US officials were keen to provide successive clarifications regarding the killing of civilians in the process of targeting the leader of the "Islamic State" organization, referring to the fact that he had blown up the building from the beginning to avoid its fall into the hands of US special forces.

The reporter added that an aide to the leader of the Islamic State was living on the second floor of the building in which the leader of the organization was, and he clashed with the American forces, which led to the killing of him, his wife and one of the children.

Civilian killed
The official American version says that in order to avoid the fall of civilians, America was keen not to launch an air strike on the whereabouts of al-Qurashi, and relied on the implementation of an airdrop, and after the American forces cordoned off the whereabouts of the leader of the organization, she asked, through loudspeakers, the residents of the building to get out of it, but al-Qurashi hastened To blow himself up and the building.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said there was "strong evidence" that Islamic State, not US forces, was responsible for the civilian deaths in the US raid that killed the group's leader there.

The Pentagon spokesman said that the United States evacuated 10 individuals, including children, from the area of ​​the raid on the home of the ISIS leader. He added that the US forces also clashed with one of the aides of the leader of the organization and his wife

Kirby added in a press statement that the United States evacuated 10 individuals, including children, from the area of ​​the raid.

He explained that the US forces also clashed with one of al-Qurashi's aides and his wife. The Pentagon spokesman added that the assistant and his wife were killed, "and it appears that a child was also killed."

For its part, the Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) said that at least 13 people - including 6 children and 4 women - were killed by bombing and clashes following the US airdrop.

One resident said rescuers had pulled at least 12 bodies from under the rubble of a multi-storey building, including children and women.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Washington stated that the American forces confirmed the identity of Al-Qurashi on the spot through fingerprints, and later through DNA analysis.

The official in charge of the Middle East and North Africa in the Pentagon said that this operation enabled the US special forces to collect important intelligence data related to ISIS.

Iraqi help
In a related context, Major General Yahya Rasoul, spokesman for the Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, said yesterday, Thursday, that the Iraqi intelligence service provided the coalition with accurate information that led to the location of the leader of the Islamic State organization in northern Syria.

The Iraqi authorities had also provided intelligence information to their American counterpart to carry out the raid that killed the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, two years ago in northern Syria as well.

In the details of what happened during the American raid, various sources said that American helicopters flew over the "Atma" and "Deir Ballut" areas in the northern countryside of Idlib.

It began with warning strikes, and the overflight of at least two helicopters, according to the residents, followed by an airdrop in the vicinity of the town at exactly one o'clock and five minutes after midnight.

After that, gunfire was heard, and helicopters carried out more than 4 raids on the building where the leader of the Islamic State was staying, which is a 3-storey building.

One of the sources said that anti-aircraft missiles were fired by the opposition fighters, while witnesses confirmed that the raid ended with the helicopters leaving the place.

After the killing of the former leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in October 2019, the organization appointed Abdullah Qardash - also nicknamed "Haji Abdullah" - as his successor, an Iraqi who had previously been imprisoned in the United States.

Yesterday, Thursday, US forces killed Qardash in approximately the same area in which the killing of al-Baghdadi was carried out on October 27, 2019.

30 عاماً على بدء العلاقات.. أردوغان يزور أوكرانيا لتطوير التعاون قال الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان قبيل سفره إلى كييف إن عدداً من اتفاقيات التعاون لتطوير العلاقات بين البلدين ستُوقّع خلال الزيارة.  تُعدّ زيارة الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان لأوكرانيا في 3 فبراير/شباط الجاري، فرصة جيدة لبحث سبل رفع حجم التبادل التجاري، وتوقيع اتفاقية تجارة حرة بين البلدين.  ومن المخطط أن تجري خلال الزيارة لقاءات ومباحثات من شأنها توسيع مجالات التعاون بين البلدين.  وتأتي الزيارة بمناسبة مرور 30 عاماً على بدء العلاقات بين تركيا وأوكرانيا، وخلالها ستُعقد النسخة العاشرة من اجتماع المجلس الاستراتيجي رفيع المستوى بمشاركة رئيسي البلدين.  وبآلية المجلس الاستراتيجي رفيع المستوى التي تأسست عام 2011 ارتقت علاقات البلدين إلى مستوى الشراكة الاستراتيجية.  ووفقاً لمعلومات جمعها مراسل الأناضول فقد بلغ حجم التجارة بين البلدين 7,42 مليارات دولار عام 2021. وتُصدّر تركيا لأوكرانيا الصلب، والسفن واليخوت وخدماتها، ومنتجات قطاع التكييف، والورق، ومنتجات الغابات، والسيارات، والتبغ، والخضروات والفواكه، إضافة إلى منتجات قطاع الصناعات الدفاعية.  ومن المتوقع أيضاً أن يُناقش التوتر الأخير بين روسيا وأكرانيا خلال الزيارة.  توقعات بتوقيع اتفاقية تجارة حرة  وفي تصريحات للأناضول قال رئيس مجلس الأعمال الأوكراني التركي روشان جتين إن الزيارة ستشهد اجتماع التعاون الاستراتيجي رفيع المستوى بين البلدين، وإنهم يتوقعون توقيع اتفاقية التجارة الحرة بين البلدين خلال الاجتماع.  وأضاف أن البلدين يُجريان مباحثات منذ عدة سنوات حول توقيع اتفاقية تجارة حرة بينهما، مشيراً إلى أن الاتفاقية من شأنها أن تزيل العقبات أمام تعزيز التعاون، ورفع حجم التبادل التجاري بين البلدين.  ارتفاع قياسي في حجم التجارة  ولفت جتين إلى وجود تعاون بين تركيا وأوكرانيا في جميع المجالات. وأوضح أن بيانات هيئة الإحصاء التركية تُظهر أن الصادرات التركية إلى أوكرانيا بلغت 2,1 مليار دولار عام 2020 وارتفعت إلى 2,9 مليار دولار عام 2021، بزيادة 43 في المئة. بينما ارتفعت الواردات بنسبة 87 في المئة، من 2,59 مليار دولار عام 2020 إلى 4,52 مليارات دولار عام 2021.  وأشار إلى أن حجم التبادل التجاري بين البلدين بلغ 4,68 مليارات دولار عام 2020 وارتفع إلى 7,42 مليارات دولار عام 2021، محققاً زيادة كبيرة بلغت 67 في المئة.  واستطرد: "في حال توقيع اتفاقية تجارة حرة، سيرتفع حجم التبادل التجاري بين البلدين إلى 10 مليارات دولار خلال عامين أو ثلاثة. ومن المؤكد أن تشهد الزيارة مباحثات حول الصناعات الدفاعية".  الأزمة بين روسيا وأوكرانيا  وحول الأزمة السياسية بين أوكرانيا وروسيا قال جتين: "حتى الآن التجارة بيننا مستمرة ولا يوجد أي مجال تأثرنا به في التجارة أو الاستثمار في أوكرانيا بسبب توترها مع روسيا. إلا أن الأزمة بين البلدين يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل أو بآخر على التجارة بين تركيا واوكرانيا".  وأضاف أنه يمكن حلّ الأزمة بين أوكرانيا وروسيا، وأن الرئيس التركي أردوغان هو أكثر زعيم يمكنه التفاهم مع الرئيسين الروسي والأوكراني، مؤكداً أن عالم الأعمال ينتظر حل الأزمة بين البلدين.  وشدد جتين على أن عدم الاستقرار في البحر الأسود لن يكون في مصلحة أي بلد.   30 years since the start of relations, Erdogan visits Ukraine to develop cooperation Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said before traveling to Kiev that a number of cooperation agreements to develop relations between the two countries would be signed during the visit.  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Ukraine on February 3 is a good opportunity to discuss ways to increase the volume of trade exchange and sign a free trade agreement between the two countries.  It is planned that during the visit, meetings and discussions will be held that will expand the areas of cooperation between the two countries.  The visit comes on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the start of relations between Turkey and Ukraine, during which the tenth edition of the high-level strategic council meeting will be held with the participation of the presidents of the two countries.  With the mechanism of the High-level Strategic Council, which was established in 2011, the relations of the two countries have risen to the level of strategic partnership.  According to information collected by the Anatolian correspondent, the trade volume between the two countries amounted to 7.42 billion dollars in 2021. Turkey exports to Ukraine steel, ships, yachts and their services, air-conditioning sector products, paper, forest products, cars, tobacco, vegetables and fruits, in addition to the defense industries sector products. .  It is also expected that the recent tension between Russia and Ukraine will be discussed during the visit.  Expectations of signing a free trade agreement In statements to Anadolu Agency, President of the Ukrainian-Turkish Business Council Roshan Cetin said that the visit will witness a high-level strategic cooperation meeting between the two countries, and that they expect to sign a free trade agreement between the two countries during the meeting.  He added that the two countries have been holding talks for several years about signing a free trade agreement between them, pointing out that the agreement would remove obstacles to enhancing cooperation and raising the volume of trade exchange between the two countries.  Record high volume of trade Cetin pointed out that there is cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine in all fields. He explained that the data of the Turkish Statistical Authority showed that Turkish exports to Ukraine amounted to 2.1 billion dollars in 2020 and rose to 2.9 billion dollars in 2021, an increase of 43 percent. While imports rose by 87 percent, from $2.59 billion in 2020 to $4.52 billion in 2021.  He pointed out that the volume of trade exchange between the two countries amounted to $4.68 billion in 2020 and rose to $7.42 billion in 2021. with a significant increase of 67 percent.  And he added, "If a free trade agreement is signed, the volume of trade exchange between the two countries will rise to $10 billion within two or three years. It is certain that the visit will witness discussions on defense industries."  The crisis between Russia and Ukraine On the political crisis between Ukraine and Russia, Cetin said: "So far, trade between us continues, and there is no way for us to be affected in trade or investment in Ukraine because of its tension with Russia. However, the crisis between the two countries can affect, in one way or another, trade between Turkey and Ukraine."  He added that the crisis between Ukraine and Russia can be resolved, and that Turkish President Erdogan is the most leader who can reach an understanding with the Russian and Ukrainian presidents, stressing that the business world is waiting for a solution to the crisis between the two countries.  Cetin stressed that instability in the Black Sea would not be in the interest of any country.

30 years since the start of relations, Erdogan visits Ukraine to develop cooperation

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said before traveling to Kiev that a number of cooperation agreements to develop relations between the two countries would be signed during the visit.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Ukraine on February 3 is a good opportunity to discuss ways to increase the volume of trade exchange and sign a free trade agreement between the two countries.

It is planned that during the visit, meetings and discussions will be held that will expand the areas of cooperation between the two countries.

The visit comes on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the start of relations between Turkey and Ukraine, during which the tenth edition of the high-level strategic council meeting will be held with the participation of the presidents of the two countries.

With the mechanism of the High-level Strategic Council, which was established in 2011, the relations of the two countries have risen to the level of strategic partnership.

According to information collected by the Anatolian correspondent, the trade volume between the two countries amounted to 7.42 billion dollars in 2021. Turkey exports to Ukraine steel, ships, yachts and their services, air-conditioning sector products, paper, forest products, cars, tobacco, vegetables and fruits, in addition to the defense industries sector products. .

It is also expected that the recent tension between Russia and Ukraine will be discussed during the visit.

Expectations of signing a free trade agreement
In statements to Anadolu Agency, President of the Ukrainian-Turkish Business Council Roshan Cetin said that the visit will witness a high-level strategic cooperation meeting between the two countries, and that they expect to sign a free trade agreement between the two countries during the meeting.

He added that the two countries have been holding talks for several years about signing a free trade agreement between them, pointing out that the agreement would remove obstacles to enhancing cooperation and raising the volume of trade exchange between the two countries.

Record high volume of trade
Cetin pointed out that there is cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine in all fields. He explained that the data of the Turkish Statistical Authority showed that Turkish exports to Ukraine amounted to 2.1 billion dollars in 2020 and rose to 2.9 billion dollars in 2021, an increase of 43 percent. While imports rose by 87 percent, from $2.59 billion in 2020 to $4.52 billion in 2021.

He pointed out that the volume of trade exchange between the two countries amounted to $4.68 billion in 2020 and rose to $7.42 billion in 2021. with a significant increase of 67 percent.

And he added, "If a free trade agreement is signed, the volume of trade exchange between the two countries will rise to $10 billion within two or three years. It is certain that the visit will witness discussions on defense industries."

The crisis between Russia and Ukraine
On the political crisis between Ukraine and Russia, Cetin said: "So far, trade between us continues, and there is no way for us to be affected in trade or investment in Ukraine because of its tension with Russia. However, the crisis between the two countries can affect, in one way or another, trade between Turkey and Ukraine."

He added that the crisis between Ukraine and Russia can be resolved, and that Turkish President Erdogan is the most leader who can reach an understanding with the Russian and Ukrainian presidents, stressing that the business world is waiting for a solution to the crisis between the two countries.

Cetin stressed that instability in the Black Sea would not be in the interest of any country.

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