Cocoon an imaginary concept for the future Apple car

الشرنقة.. مفهوم تخيلي لسيارة آبل المستقبلية  كان هناك نقاش لعدة سنوات حول مشروع آبل (Apple) في مجال تكنولوجيا صناعة السيارات ذاتية القيادة. وكانت هناك تكهنات حول تطوير آبل لتقنية المركبات المستقلة، كما كانت هناك تصميمات غير رسمية.  من هذه التصميمات تصميم تخيلي لـ ديفانغا بورا نشره موقع يانكو ديزاين (YankoDesign) لسيارة آبل الخاصة به، وقد أوضح المصمم خياراته في مقابلة أجريت معه مؤخرًا مع قناة "آي إي" (IE) مشيرًا إلى أن اختيارات التصميم لها علاقة بالوظيفة بقدر ارتباطها بالشكل.  يقول بورا "أردت أن أصمم شكلا مختلفا جذريًا، لكن في نفس الوقت أقدم حلاً بسيطًا جدًا في مجال المواصلات لحل أزمة المرور المتزايدة باستمرار".  ويضيف" كان هدفي الرئيسي إنشاء تجربة لم يسبق لأي مستخدم أن عايشها مع أنواع أخرى من السيارات، بسيطة خالية من المتاعب، ومتعة في القيادة. لكنها تحل العديد من مشاكل النقل في العصر الحديث".  ويتكون تصميم بورا من عنصرين رئيسيين: منصة بـ 4 عجلات، وقمرة قيادة بمقعدين.  ويقول بورا: تم تصميم الكبسولة بناءً على شكل يشبه الشرنقة، مثل قشر البيض، مما يمنحك إحساسًا بالأمان من الداخل.  وفي الداخل، يكون الجدار شبه شفاف، يمكنك المشاهدة من الداخل إلى الخارج، ولكن ليس العكس.  ويتابع مصمم السيارة "إنها آمنة من الخارج، ومن الداخل مليئة بالاستكشاف. لها نهج تطبيقي كلي. لقد صممت مع وضع المستخدم بالمركز".  ويبدو أن أكبر فرق بين هذه السيارة والسيارات المصممة بشكل كلاسيكي هو الكبسولة ذات المقعدين والقادرة على الدوران بزاوية 360 درجة.  وقد يبدو الأمر غريبًا للوهلة الأولى، ولكن في بعض السيناريوهات فإن هذا التصميم لديه القدرة على توفير الراحة، كما يقول بورا.  تخيل أنك على طريق مزدحم، وفجأة تذكرت أن شريكك الجالس بالجانب الأيسر يحتاج الخروج، فقد تطلب منه القفز من فوقك والنزول حيث "لا يمكنك المخاطرة بفتح الباب الأيسر".  ويقول بورا: الكبسولة المتحركة تضمن سلامتك بالإضافة إلى راحتك، مرحبًا بك في شرنقة.  ويعترف بأن هذا التصميم "مجرد مفهوم تخيلي لسيارة آبل. أود بالتأكيد أن أراها في الحياة الواقعية تتفاعل مع المستخدمين، وأرى وجوه من يركبونها. والأهم من أنهم سيستمتعون ويتحركون، بدلاً من أن يكونوا متوترين ومجهدين".   Cocoon an imaginary concept for the future Apple car  There has been discussion for several years about Apple's project in the field of self-driving car technology. There has been speculation about Apple developing autonomous vehicle technology, as well as unofficial designs.  One of these designs is an imaginary design of Divanga Pura published by YankoDesign for his Apple car. The designer explained his options in a recent interview with IE, noting that design choices have as much to do with function as they do with form.  “I wanted to design a radically different look, but at the same time offer a very simple transportation solution to solve the ever-increasing traffic congestion,” says Bora.  "My main goal was to create an experience that no user has ever experienced with other types of cars, simple, hassle-free, and fun to drive. But it solves many transportation problems in the modern age."  The Bora design consists of two main components: a four-wheeled platform and a two-seater cockpit.  The capsule is designed based on a cocoon-like shape, like an eggshell, giving you a sense of security on the inside.  Inside, the wall is semi-transparent, you can see from the inside out, but not the other way around.  The car designer continues, "It's safe on the outside, and on the inside it's full of exploration. It has a holistic approach approach. It was designed with the user at the center."  The biggest difference between this car and the classically designed cars seems to be the two-seater pod, which is capable of rotating 360 degrees.  It may seem strange at first glance, but in some scenarios this design has the potential to provide comfort, says Bora.  Imagine that you are on a busy road, and suddenly you remember that your partner on the left needs to get out. You ask him to jump over you and get off where "you can't risk opening the left door."  Bora says: The moving capsule ensures your safety as well as your comfort, welcome to the cocoon. He admits that the design "is just an imaginary concept of an Apple car. I would definitely like to see it in real life interact with users, and see the faces of those who ride it. More importantly, they are going to have fun and move around, rather than being tense and stressed."

Cocoon an imaginary concept for the future Apple car

There has been discussion for several years about Apple's project in the field of self-driving car technology. There has been speculation about Apple developing autonomous vehicle technology, as well as unofficial designs.

One of these designs is an imaginary design of Divanga Pura published by YankoDesign for his Apple car. The designer explained his options in a recent interview with IE, noting that design choices have as much to do with function as they do with form.

“I wanted to design a radically different look, but at the same time offer a very simple transportation solution to solve the ever-increasing traffic congestion,” says Bora.

"My main goal was to create an experience that no user has ever experienced with other types of cars, simple, hassle-free, and fun to drive. But it solves many transportation problems in the modern age."

The Bora design consists of two main components: a four-wheeled platform and a two-seater cockpit.

The capsule is designed based on a cocoon-like shape, like an eggshell, giving you a sense of security on the inside.

Inside, the wall is semi-transparent, you can see from the inside out, but not the other way around.

The car designer continues, "It's safe on the outside, and on the inside it's full of exploration. It has a holistic approach approach. It was designed with the user at the center."

The biggest difference between this car and the classically designed cars seems to be the two-seater pod, which is capable of rotating 360 degrees.

It may seem strange at first glance, but in some scenarios this design has the potential to provide comfort, says Bora.

Imagine that you are on a busy road, and suddenly you remember that your partner on the left needs to get out. You ask him to jump over you and get off where "you can't risk opening the left door."

Bora says: The moving capsule ensures your safety as well as your comfort, welcome to the cocoon.
He admits that the design "is just an imaginary concept of an Apple car. I would definitely like to see it in real life interact with users, and see the faces of those who ride it. More importantly, they are going to have fun and move around, rather than being tense and stressed."

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