Budget 2022 daring or dull? Not bad for the rich, not good for the poor!

बजट 2022 साहसी या सुस्त? अमीर के लिए बुरा नहीं, गरीब के लिए अच्छा नहीं! Budget 2022 कहना क्या चाहता है? सरल भाषा में समझाता हूं  बजट 2022 (Budget 2022) भाषण के बाद तुरंत बाद एक मीम पर नजर पड़ी-''ये स्कीम तेरे लिए नहीं है.'' ये बात मिडिल क्लास के लिए कही गई थी कि बजट में उसके लिए कुछ नहीं है. तो फिर सवाल उठता है कि बजट में किसके लिए क्या है?  कोई कहे कि, ऐसा नहीं है दोस्त. इन चीजों पर कुछ-कुछ है. तो कोई 'मिस्टर नटवरलाल' के अंदाज में पूछ सकता है-ये होना भी कोई होना है लल्लू? तारीफ करने वाले रह रहे हैं कि पांच राज्यों में चुनावों के बावजूद लोकलुभावन बजट पेश नहीं किया गया है. वित्तीय अनुशासन का ख्याल रखना गया है. कुछ लोग सरकार की इस बहादुरी को दाद दे रहे हैं लेकिन इतने सारे लोगों के लिए कुछ है नहीं तो इसे साहसी बजट कहा जाए या सुस्त बजट?  मुख्य आर्थिक सलाहकार डॉ. वी अनंत नागेश्वरन को उम्मीद है कि वित्त वर्ष 26-27 तक हमारी इकनॉमी पांच ट्रिलियन डॉलर की हो जाएगी. पीएम कह रहे हैं कि ये सौ साल के विजन वाला बजट है. लेकिन साहिर के शब्दों में-'ये दुनिया अगर (रिपीट-अगर) मिल भी जाए तो क्या है?' कोरोना ने गरीब, मजदूर तो छोड़िए असंगठित क्षेत्र के छोटे-मझोले कारोबारी तक की कमर तोड़ दी है. राहत अभी चाहिए, सालों बाद नहीं.  'साढ़े सात लाख करोड़' पर शाबास, काश करते कुछ आज पूंजीगत व्यय में 35 फीसदी से ज्यादा के इजाफे से इंफ्रा पर जोर होगा, रोजगार होगा, लेकिन कब होगा? FY22 के 5.4 लाख करोड़ रुपये से इसे FY23 में बढ़ाकर 7.5 लाख करोड़ रुपये करने पर तालियां लेकिन तकलीफ ये है कि प्रस्ताव आज पेश किया है, कल ग्राउंड पर निर्माण नहीं होने लगेगा. वक्त लगेगा. गरीब आदमी को अभी राहत चाहिए. कोविड, लॉकडाउन, बंदी के घाव पर मरहम अभी चाहिए.  उस मजदूर के बच्चे को ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई जारी रखने के लिए मोबाइल फोन आज चाहिए. स्कूल फीस आज चाहिए. उसे कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए मेडिकल खर्च की जरूरत आज है. दिल्ली में बैठे ढेर सारे नीति नियंताओं को इस बात का अंदाजा नहीं है कि ओमिक्रॉन के 'नॉर्मल फ्लू' होने पर भी जो दो चार सौ रुपए का खर्च आता है, वो बेरोजगार कामगार के लिए एवरेस्ट चढ़ने जैसा है. मनरेगा का पैसा तक घटा दिया, जो कोविड काल में बड़ा सहारा बना. सरकार का भी और कमजोर कामगार का भी. इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी पर जोर है लेकिन उसके बच्चे के पास पढ़ने के लिए मोबाइल नहीं है, जो कमजोर है.  7.5 लाख करोड़ खर्चने के लिए पैसा कहां से आएगा? एक नहीं, कई रिपोर्ट बताती है कि अमीर और अमीर हो रहे हैं. उन्हीं से थोड़ा लेकर गरीबों को कुछ देते. गरीब का नहीं तो तिजोरी का भला होता. 15 लाख करोड़ उधार लेने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती.  ''ठगे रह गए किसान'' 2022 तक किसानों की आय दोगनी करने का वादा था. 2022 के बजट में इसका जिक्र करने तक की हिम्मत नहीं हुई. किसान नेता योगेंद्र यादव कह रहे हैं कि किसानों से बदला लिया सरकार ने. राकेश टिकैत ने टिकाया कि गेहूं, धान खरीद का बजट कम कर दिया.  छोटे किसानों की बात करते हैं लेकिन ड्रोन किसके लिए उड़ा रहे हैं. इतना कन्फ्यूजन? फूड प्रोसेसिंग, स्टोरेज क्षमता हम सुनते आ रहे हैं. संयुक्त किसान मोर्चा ने कह दिया है कि MSP पर सरकार की मंशा जाहिर हो गई. अब तेज आंदोलन करेंगे.  Budget 2022 पर योगेंद्र यादव- ‘किसान आंदोलन से हार चुकी सरकार ने बदला लिया’ Union Budget 2022 पर किसान नेता Yogendra Yadav की प्रतिक्रिया- “इस बार किसानों को चुप्पी मिली है”  केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने मंगलवार, 1 फरवरी को केंद्रीय बजट 2022-23 (Union Budget 2022) पेश किया. यह चौथा मौका था जब निर्मला सीतारमण संसद में बजट प्रस्तुति कर रहीं थी जबकि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार द्वारा पेश किया गया दसवां बजट था.  जहां एक तरफ सरकार इस बजट को ‘पीपल फ्रेंडली’ और ‘प्रोग्रेसिव’ बता रही है वहीं विपक्ष अपनी असंतुष्टि भी जता रहा है. हालांकि विपक्ष के अलावा एक और तबका किसान नेताओं का भी है जो बजट में किसानों के लिए किए गए प्रावधान को नाकाफी बता रहे हैं.  किसान नेता और स्वराज इंडिया के चीफ योगेंद्र यादव ने बजट 2022 पर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए कहा कि किसान आंदोलन से हारी हुई सरकार ने बजट से बदला लिया है.  “किसान आंदोलन से हारी हुई सरकार तिलमिलाई हुई है, इतनी अपमानित है, इतनी गुस्सा है कि अब किसानों से बदला लेने पर उतारू है. पहले बजट में किसानों को कम-से-कम सुंदर डायलॉग मिला करते थे लेकिन इस बार न पैसे मिले, न नाम की घोषणाएं मिली न डायलॉग ही”  “चुप्पी मिली है इस बार किसानों को” किसान आंदोलन के दौरान किसानों की मांग को लेकर मोदी सरकार की आलोचना करते रहे स्वराज इंडिया के चीफ योगेंद्र यादव का कहना है कि सरकार बजट के माध्यम से किसानों को कह दिया है कि “आप भाड़ में जाओ”.  “किसानों को चुप्पी मिली है. 2022 तक किसानों की आय दोगुनी होनी थी, वित्त मंत्री 5 साल से इसका डमरू बजा रहीं हैं. लेकिन इस बार जब आय दोगुनी हो जानी चाहिए थी वो चुप हैं.” योगेंद्र यादव ने आगे आरोप लगाए कि सरकार कृषि निवेश फंड, किसान सम्मान निधि, फसल बिमा योजना, मनरेगा जैसे विषयों पर चुप्पी साधे रखी.     Budget 2022 daring or dull? Not bad for the rich, not good for the poor! What does Budget 2022 want to say? explain in simple language  Immediately after the Budget 2022 speech, a meme was noticed - "Yeh scheme is not for you." It was said to the middle class that there is nothing for them in the budget. Then the question arises that what is in the budget for whom?  Somebody says that it is not so friend. There is something on these things. So one can ask in the style of 'Mr. Natwarlal' - Yeh hona bhi koi hona hai Lallu? There are appreciators that despite elections in five states, populist budgets have not been presented. Financial discipline has been taken care of. Some people are appreciating this bravery of the government but there is something for so many people, otherwise it should be called a courageous budget or a sluggish budget?  Chief Economic Adviser Dr. V Anantha Nageswaran expects that by the financial year 26-27, our economy will be five trillion dollars. The PM is saying that this is a budget with a vision of hundred years. But in the words of Sahir - 'If this world (repeat-if) is found, what is it?' Corona has broken the back of even the small and medium businessmen of the unorganized sector, leave the poor, laborers. Relief is needed now, not after years.  Congratulations on 'seven and a half lakh crores', wish you something today More than 35 percent increase in capital expenditure will put emphasis on infra, there will be employment, but when will it happen? Applause for increasing it from Rs 5.4 lakh crore in FY22 to Rs 7.5 lakh crore in FY23, but the problem is that the proposal has been presented today, tomorrow the construction will not start on the ground. It will take time The poor man needs relief now. Kovid, lockdown, ointment is needed on the wound of the prisoner now.  The child of that laborer needs a mobile phone today to continue his online studies. Need school fees today. He needs medical expenses today to fight Corona. Many policy makers sitting in Delhi have no idea that even if Omicron has 'Normal Flu', the cost of two to four hundred rupees is like climbing Everest for an unemployed worker. Even MGNREGA money was reduced, which became a big support during the Kovid period. Of the government and also of the weak worker. There is an emphasis on internet connectivity but her child does not have a mobile to study, which is weak.  Where will the money come from to spend 7.5 lakh crore? Not one but many reports suggest that the rich are getting richer. Take a little from them and give something to the poor. If not for the poor, it would have been good for the safe. There is no need to borrow 15 lakh crores.  "Farmers cheated" There was a promise to double the income of farmers by 2022 . Didn't even dare to mention it in the 2022 budget. Farmer leader Yogendra Yadav is saying that the government took revenge on the farmers. Rakesh Tikait maintained that the budget for wheat, paddy purchase has been reduced.  We talk about small farmers but for whom are drones flying? so much confusion? We have been hearing about food processing, storage capacity. The United Kisan Morcha has said that the intention of the government on MSP has become clear. Now we will move fast.  Can't choose one in self-reliance and self-defense One thing happened that now 68% of the defense budget will be spent on purchases from the country itself. Good point but it may work in future. Still doubting the potential. To move the economy forward, security cannot be left behind. Pakistan bothers. China does not accept that. Opening the doors of defense research for private sector and startups is good. Just nothing new and far-fetched.  Health is no longer an issue of the economy – why not vision then? The pandemic made us understand that people should get good medical facilities, it is necessary for the good health of the public as well as the economy. Otherwise there will be a lockdown. The workers will leave, the factory will be locked. There will be closure, there will be recession. It was expected that some vision on health would be seen in this budget. Nothing. Where is the hundred year plan? National health digital platform will be created. There was talk of Universal Health Card. what's new?  What will the villager of the digital health platform do, who does not get a doctor in the primary health centre? Don't get an ICU bed. Medicine is not available. Oxygen is not available.  Discipline or Laziness? 80 lakh houses, tap water, gas, toilets are all ongoing schemes. They have been praised. Again the same loan scheme for small businessmen which failed during the Corona period. Stock market experts are saying on the budget - this is a non-event for us.  Meaning it doesn't matter. Where the market will go tomorrow will depend not on today's budget but on cash flow from outside tomorrow, RBI's policy, global trends and state election results. The mood of some stocks has definitely improved due to increase in capital expenditure, but it is not sure that its effect will be there for a long time immediately. Did not do anything on Capital Gains Tax, did well.  The UP elections where the BJP is facing a challenge, that UP has also been turned away by paying some money on organic farming and Ken-Betwa project on the banks of the Ganges. The only question to the people who are praising fiscal prudence is that seeing the history of this party and the government, it does not seem that elections have suddenly become unnecessary for them.  If the party, which has accepted salvation only after winning the election, cannot take care of the elections in the budget, then it is necessary to ask whether it is discipline or laziness? Is it just a coincidence that this was Nirmala ji's shortest budget speech?  Yogendra Yadav on Budget 2022 - 'Government that lost due to farmers' movement took revenge' Farmer leader Yogendra Yadav's reaction on Union Budget 2022 - "This time farmers have got silence"  Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2022-23 on Tuesday, 1 February . This was the fourth time that Nirmala Sitharaman was presenting the budget in the Parliament, while it was the tenth budget presented by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government.  While on one hand the government is describing this budget as 'people friendly' and 'progressive', the opposition is also expressing its dissatisfaction. However, apart from the opposition, there is another section of farmer leaders who are calling the provision made for farmers in the budget insufficient.  Farmer leader and Swaraj India Chief Yogendra Yadav, while giving his reaction on the Budget 2022, said that the government, which was defeated by the farmers' movement, has taken revenge from the budget.  “The government, which was defeated by the farmers' movement, is stunned, so humiliated, so angry that it is now ready to take revenge on the farmers. In the first budget, farmers used to get at least beautiful dialogues, but this time neither money nor name announcements were received, nor did they get dialogues.  "The farmers have got silence this time" Yogendra Yadav, Chief of Swaraj India, who has been criticizing the Modi government for the demand of farmers during the farmers' movement, says that the government has told the farmers through the budget that "go to hell".  “Farmers have got silence. The income of farmers was to be doubled by 2022, the Finance Minister has been playing the drum for 5 years. But this time when the income should have doubled, he is silent."  Yogendra Yadav further alleged that the government kept silent on topics like Agricultural Investment Fund, Kisan Samman Nidhi, Fasal Bima Yojana, MNREGA.

Budget 2022 daring or dull? Not bad for the rich, not good for the poor!

What does Budget 2022 want to say? explain in simple language

Immediately after the Budget 2022 speech, a meme was noticed - "Yeh scheme is not for you." It was said to the middle class that there is nothing for them in the budget. Then the question arises that what is in the budget for whom?

There are appreciators that despite elections in five states, populist budgets have not been presented. Financial discipline has been taken care of. Some people are appreciating this bravery of the government but there is something for so many people, otherwise it should be called a courageous budget or a sluggish budget?

Chief Economic Adviser Dr. V Anantha Nageswaran expects that by the financial year 26-27, our economy will be five trillion dollars. The PM is saying that this is a budget with a vision of hundred years. But in the words of Sahir - 'If this world (repeat-if) is found, what is it?' Corona has broken the back of even the small and medium businessmen of the unorganized sector, leave the poor, laborers. Relief is needed now, not after years.

Congratulations on 'seven and a half lakh crores', wish you something today
More than 35 percent increase in capital expenditure will put emphasis on infra, there will be employment, but when will it happen? Applause for increasing it from Rs 5.4 lakh crore in FY22 to Rs 7.5 lakh crore in FY23, but the problem is that the proposal has been presented today, tomorrow the construction will not start on the ground. It will take time The poor man needs relief now. Kovid, lockdown, ointment is needed on the wound of the prisoner now.

The child of that laborer needs a mobile phone today to continue his online studies. Need school fees today. He needs medical expenses today to fight Corona. Many policy makers sitting in Delhi have no idea that even if Omicron has 'Normal Flu', the cost of two to four hundred rupees is like climbing Everest for an unemployed worker.

Even MGNREGA money was reduced, which became a big support during the Kovid period. Of the government and also of the weak worker. There is an emphasis on internet connectivity but her child does not have a mobile to study, which is weak.

Where will the money come from to spend 7.5 lakh crore? Not one but many reports suggest that the rich are getting richer. Take a little from them and give something to the poor. If not for the poor, it would have been good for the safe. There is no need to borrow 15 lakh crores.

"Farmers cheated"
There was a promise to double the income of farmers by 2022 . Didn't even dare to mention it in the 2022 budget. Farmer leader Yogendra Yadav is saying that the government took revenge on the farmers. Rakesh Tikait maintained that the budget for wheat, paddy purchase has been reduced.

We talk about small farmers but for whom are drones flying? so much confusion? We have been hearing about food processing, storage capacity. The United Kisan Morcha has said that the intention of the government on MSP has become clear. Now we will move fast.

Can't choose one in self-reliance and self-defense
One thing happened that now 68% of the defense budget will be spent on purchases from the country itself. Good point but it may work in future. Still doubting the potential. To move the economy forward, security cannot be left behind. Pakistan bothers. China does not accept that. Opening the doors of defense research for private sector and startups is good. Just nothing new and far-fetched.

Health is no longer an issue of the economy – why not vision then?
The pandemic made us understand that people should get good medical facilities, it is necessary for the good health of the public as well as the economy. Otherwise there will be a lockdown. The workers will leave, the factory will be locked. There will be closure, there will be recession. It was expected that some vision on health would be seen in this budget. Nothing. Where is the hundred year plan? National health digital platform will be created. There was talk of Universal Health Card. what's new?

What will the villager of the digital health platform do, who does not get a doctor in the primary health centre? Don't get an ICU bed. Medicine is not available. Oxygen is not available.

Discipline or Laziness?
80 lakh houses, tap water, gas, toilets are all ongoing schemes. They have been praised. Again the same loan scheme for small businessmen which failed during the Corona period. Stock market experts are saying on the budget - this is a non-event for us.

Meaning it doesn't matter. Where the market will go tomorrow will depend not on today's budget but on cash flow from outside tomorrow, RBI's policy, global trends and state election results. The mood of some stocks has definitely improved due to increase in capital expenditure, but it is not sure that its effect will be there for a long time immediately. Did not do anything on Capital Gains Tax, did well.

The UP elections where the BJP is facing a challenge, that UP has also been turned away by paying some money on organic farming and Ken-Betwa project on the banks of the Ganges. The only question to the people who are praising fiscal prudence is that seeing the history of this party and the government, it does not seem that elections have suddenly become unnecessary for them.

If the party, which has accepted salvation only after winning the election, cannot take care of the elections in the budget, then it is necessary to ask whether it is discipline or laziness? Is it just a coincidence that this was Nirmala ji's shortest budget speech?

Yogendra Yadav on Budget 2022 - 'Government that lost due to farmers' movement took revenge'
Farmer leader Yogendra Yadav's reaction on Union Budget 2022 - "This time farmers have got silence"

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2022-23 on Tuesday, 1 February . This was the fourth time that Nirmala Sitharaman was presenting the budget in the Parliament, while it was the tenth budget presented by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government.

While on one hand the government is describing this budget as 'people friendly' and 'progressive', the opposition is also expressing its dissatisfaction. However, apart from the opposition, there is another section of farmer leaders who are calling the provision made for farmers in the budget insufficient.

Farmer leader and Swaraj India Chief Yogendra Yadav, while giving his reaction on the Budget 2022, said that the government, which was defeated by the farmers' movement, has taken revenge from the budget.

“The government, which was defeated by the farmers' movement, is stunned, so humiliated, so angry that it is now ready to take revenge on the farmers. In the first budget, farmers used to get at least beautiful dialogues, but this time neither money nor name announcements were received, nor did they get dialogues.

"The farmers have got silence this time"
Yogendra Yadav, Chief of Swaraj India, who has been criticizing the Modi government for the demand of farmers during the farmers' movement, says that the government has told the farmers through the budget that "go to hell".

“Farmers have got silence. The income of farmers was to be doubled by 2022, the Finance Minister has been playing the drum for 5 years. But this time when the income should have doubled, he is silent."

Yogendra Yadav further alleged that the government kept silent on topics like Agricultural Investment Fund, Kisan Samman Nidhi, Fasal Bima Yojana, MNREGA.

ایف بی آر نئے سال کے پہلے ماہ میں بھی ریکارڈ وصولیاں کرنے میں کامیاب  ایف بی آر نئے سال کے پہلے ماہ میں بھی ریکارڈ وصولیاں کرنے میں کامیاب  اسلام آباد (اُردو پوائنٹ اخبارتازہ ترین۔ 01 فروری2022ء) ایف بی آر نئے سال کے پہلے ماہ میں بھی ریکارڈ وصولیاں کرنے میں کامیاب، گزشتہ مالی سال کے ابتدائی 7 ماہ کے مقابلے میں رواں سال 30 فیصد سے زائد ٹیکس اکٹھا کر لیا۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق مالی سال 22-2021 کے 7 ماہ میں ایف بی آر کو موصول ہونے والے ٹیکس ریونیو میں 30.4 فیصد اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ ایف بی آر کے مطابق جولائی تا جنوری 3352 ارب روپے ٹیکس اکٹھا کیا گیا جو کہ گزشتہ سال موصول ہونے والے 2571 ارب روپے کے ٹیکس سے 30.4 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔ ایف بی آر کے مطابق صرف جنوری 2022 میں 430 ارب روپے کا ٹیکس ریونیو جمع کیا گیا جوکہ گزشتہ سال اسی ماہ موصول ہونے والے 367 ارب روپے کے ٹیکس سے 17.2 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔ جولائی سے جنوری کے دوران 182 ارب روپے کے ریفنڈز بھی جاری کئے گئے ہیں جو کہ گزشتہ سال اسی دوران 134 ارب روپے کے ریفنڈز سے 35.9 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔   ایف بی آر کے مطابق ماہ جنوری کے آخری دن کے اختتام تک اور بک ایڈجسٹمنٹ کی مد میں حاصل ہونے والی وصولیوں کے بعدمحصولات کی تعداد میں مزید اضافہ متوقع ہے۔  یہاں واضح رہے کہ ایف بی آر رواں مالی سال کے ابتدائی 6 ماہ کے دوران ٹیکس اکٹھا کرنے کے تمام ہی ریکارڈ توڑنے میں کامیاب رہا۔ فیڈرل بورڈ آف ریونیو نے سال 2021 میں مقررہ ہدف سے 287 ارب روپے ٹیکس وصول کیا ۔ایف بی آر سے جاری کردہ اعلامیے کے مطابق سال 2021 میں جولائی تا دسمبر 2920 ارب روپے ٹیکس جمع کیا گیا جو 2633 ارب کے ہدف سے 287 ارب روپے یا 32.5 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔ رپورٹ کے مطابق گزشتہ سال اسی مدت میں 2204 ارب روپے ٹیکس جمع ہوا تھا اور دسمبر 2021 میں 600 ارب روپے ٹیکس جمع کیا گیا جو دسمبر 2020 میں ہونے والے ریونیو سے 18 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔ایف بی آر کے مطابق جولائی 2021 تا دسمبر 2021 کے دوران 148 ارب روپے کے ریفنڈز جاری کئے گئے جو سال 2020 میں 111 ارب روپے کے ہونے والے ریفنڈز سے 37 ارب روپے یا 33 فیصد زیادہ ہے۔    The FBR also managed to make record receipts in the first month of the new year  Compared to the first 7 months of the last financial year, more than 30% tax has been collected this year  ISLAMABAD: The Federal Bureau of Revenue ( FBR ) has managed to collect records in the first month of the new year as well, collecting more than 30% tax this year as compared to the first seven months of the previous financial year. According to the details, the tax revenue received by FBR has increased by 30.4% in the first 7 months of the financial year 22-2021 . According to the FBR , Rs 3352 billion tax was collected from July to January, which is 30.4% more than the tax of Rs 2571 billion received last year.  According to the FBR, tax revenue of Rs 430 billion was collected in January 2022 alone, which is 17.2% more than the tax of Rs 367 billion received in the same month last year. Refunds of Rs 182 billion have also been issued during July-January, which is 35.9% more than the refunds of Rs 134 billion during the same period last year.  According to the FBR, the number of products is expected to increase further by the end of the last day of January and after receipt of book adjustment.  It should be noted here that FBR managed to break all the records of tax collection during the first six months of the current financial year . The Federal Board of Revenue collected Rs 287 billion in taxes from the target set in 2021. According to a statement issued by the FBR , Rs 2920 billion was collected in July-December 2021 from the target of Rs 2633 billion or Rs 287 billion. 32.5% more.  According to the report, Rs 2204 billion was collected in the same period last year and Rs 600 billion was collected in December 2021, which is 18% more than the revenue collected in December 2020. According to FBR , from July 2021 to December 2021 During this period, refunds of Rs. 148 billion were issued which is Rs. 37 billion or 33% more than the refunds of Rs. 111 billion in the year 2020.
The FBR also managed to make record receipts in the first month of the new year

Compared to the first 7 months of the last financial year, more than 30% tax has been collected this year

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Bureau of Revenue ( FBR ) has managed to collect records in the first month of the new year as well, collecting more than 30% tax this year as compared to the first seven months of the previous financial year. According to the details, the tax revenue received by FBR has increased by 30.4% in the first 7 months of the financial year 22-2021 . According to the FBR , Rs 3352 billion tax was collected from July to January, which is 30.4% more than the tax of Rs 2571 billion received last year.

According to the FBR, tax revenue of Rs 430 billion was collected in January 2022 alone, which is 17.2% more than the tax of Rs 367 billion received in the same month last year. Refunds of Rs 182 billion have also been issued during July-January, which is 35.9% more than the refunds of Rs 134 billion during the same period last year.

According to the FBR, the number of products is expected to increase further by the end of the last day of January and after receipt of book adjustment.

It should be noted here that FBR managed to break all the records of tax collection during the first six months of the current financial year . The Federal Board of Revenue collected Rs 287 billion in taxes from the target set in 2021. According to a statement issued by the FBR , Rs 2920 billion was collected in July-December 2021 from the target of Rs 2633 billion or Rs 287 billion. 32.5% more.

According to the report, Rs 2204 billion was collected in the same period last year and Rs 600 billion was collected in December 2021, which is 18% more than the revenue collected in December 2020. According to FBR , from July 2021 to December 2021 During this period, refunds of Rs. 148 billion were issued which is Rs. 37 billion or 33% more than the refunds of Rs. 111 billion in the year 2020.

被锁住的八孩之母发出悲鸣:“这个世界不要俺了”  江苏徐州农村一女子杨某侠被人发现生了八个小孩,但精神失常,并被铁链锁在破屋里。这一事件连日来在中文社交媒体上刷屏,中国官媒除了刊登官方通报外,却鲜少报道其详情。网友则不依不饶追问事件中政府和社会的责任。  江苏八孩母亲被栓锁链 学者: 反映中国女权相当落后 “米兔运动”效应 中国拟大修妇女权益保障法 中国MeToo运动受挫: 弦子诉朱军性骚扰案被法院驳回 豆瓣解散女权主义小组 中国女权运动再遭打压 消除对妇女的暴力 中国任重而道远 在中文社媒上广传的一则视频中,这个外貌肮脏的女子从缺牙的嘴里挤出了几个并不是很清晰的句子,她似乎是在说,“这个世界不要俺了,”或者“世界不要俺了。记者将这个视频中的女子和官媒“正观视频”发表的杨某侠的网络视频做了对比,应该是一个人。  但她周围的大人、孩子似乎并没有人在意她说的这句话,还在自顾自地聊天,甚至讪笑。女子自己的表情也有些木然,不太确定这句话说出去,是否有人听到。  “这个世界不要俺了”   被锁住的八孩之母发出悲鸣:“这个世界不要俺了”。(视频截图)  这个世界似乎是真的不要她了。外界甚至无法得知她的真实姓名和年龄。  在中国官媒央视新闻客户端的报道中,这位女子所在地的江苏徐州丰县联合调查组就这起事件发出通报说,她的名字叫杨某侠,而就连这个模糊的名字都是她现在的丈夫董某民所取。她的年龄也没有具体信息。  根据官方通报的消息,这位生了八个孩子的女子存在智障,有精神分裂症,所以她的丈夫董某民常年用锁链锁着她;调查中没有发现对这位女子的拐卖行为,1998年是董某民的父亲收留了她;董某民与杨某侠有婚姻登记;另外,董某民逃避计划生育措施。  但通报的这几行文字完全无法打消外界对杨某侠遭遇的疑虑和愤怒。  江苏一位先生在匿名接受本台记者采访时连珠炮地发出几个疑问,“说她有精神病,这个值得追问,精神病是怎么来的? 这个精神病生了八个小孩,是怎么生的?你当地政府计划生育是怎么做的?”  身在美国加州的人权工作者向莉对这起事件则首先表达了愤怒,“她所遭受的完全是非法的囚禁和无数次的强奸,一点点人权、一点点自由都没有。这个女性被剥夺得一干二净,还变成了一个精神病,这已经出乎了所有人可以接受的程度。”  向莉坦言,由于中国对新闻媒体的控制,外界无法从媒体知道这起事件更多的详情,她主要是综合目前社媒上的消息作出了如上的判断。  政府的责任    舆论在这起事件中首先关注的是政府的责任。除了官方通报文件明确点出的计划生育的责任外,舆论关注的焦点还有政府对杨某侠目前非人的处境的责任。  2017年重庆市巫山县童养媳案件的当事人马泮艳在得知这起事件后,在推特上发文说:“徐州八个孩子妈妈的事,有人问为什么没人报警?为什么没人管?还以为是地方政府不知道呢!我12岁被大伯和村里人卖掉后,也经历过被拴铁链锁屋里,我把亲身经历告诉大家,不是没人报警,当地政府派出所都是知道的,他们就是不管!我当年那么求政府,派出所管我了吗?没有!”  向莉这样向本台分析说,“作为一个号称负责任大国的中国政府,她首先应该是给底层社会提供必要的救助,但这些基本的东西显然没有做到。看看这位女士,连一件冬衣都没有,在一个破烂的、简陋的房间里瑟瑟发抖,并且还被拴起来。”  同时,向莉也不认可政府通报中有关杨某侠不是被拐卖的说法,“政府对于打击犯罪,尤其是对于打击贩卖人口,对他们进行惩罚,是完全没有尽到责任的;政府反而实际上是充当了这种贩卖人口的保护伞。政府反而编了故事,说他们有结婚证,是正常结婚。”  从杨某侠的遭遇上周末在网上传出并发酵后,徐州市丰县县委宣传部非常迅速地在1月28日就发布情况说明,说在初步调查中,这起事件中不存在拐卖行为;两天后,丰县联合调查组又在1月30日深夜发出调查通报,再次确认不存在拐卖行为。  但外界很快就有人质疑,为什么调查这么快就得出了结论?这个结论是否可靠?在社媒上流传的视频中,杨某侠有一次这样说到,“远,远,不会让俺走的。”这暗示出,外界对杨某侠被拐卖的猜测不无道理。  社会的责任  在另一面,杨某侠事件中的社会责任也引起了人们的重视。“从1998年到现在2022年,差不多25年了,没有人去帮助这位女士,没有人去报案、报警,至少这个村子里的人,几十年没有这样去做,这也是令人发指的,这就是属于平庸的恶的一种,”向莉这样分析说。  事件在网上曝光,正处于虎年新年前后,杨某侠的悲惨遭遇或许刺激到了阖家团聚的氛围中人们对亲情的期待。社媒上对这件事情的反应相当激烈,讨论的热度几天不散。  但前述那位江苏不具名的先生认为,目前网络上的相关反应未必能推动社会的变化,“(这类事件)发生后,网络上就像石头扔进水里,会起一点波澜,但马上就烟消云散了,马上下面可能又有什么事情出来,一阵一阵的。太多太多这种事情,都见怪不怪了,对他们没有触动,中国人都麻木了。”  他强调,民众之所以麻木,原因是在现行体制下,人民的声音遭到压制,有人提出问题,政府不是去解决问题,而是解决提出问题的人。  (记者:王允;编辑:申铧) 网编:郭度   The locked mother of eight screamed: "This world doesn't want me anymore"  Yang Mouxia, a woman in rural Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, was found to have given birth to eight children, but she lost her mind and was chained in a broken house. This incident has been swiped on Chinese social media for days, and Chinese state media have rarely reported details of it except for official announcements. Netizens were reluctant to ask about the responsibilities of the government and society in the incident.  In a video widely circulated on Chinese social media, the filthy-looking woman squeezed out a few unclear sentences from her missing teeth. She seemed to be saying, "This world doesn't want me anymore. "Or "The world doesn't want me anymore. The reporter compared the woman in this video with the online video of Yang Mouxia published by the official media "Zhengguan Video", and it should be one person.  But the adults and children around her didn't seem to care about what she said, and they were still chatting to themselves, even laughing. The woman's own expression was also a little sullen, not sure if anyone heard this sentence when she said it.  "The world doesn't want me anymore" It seems that the world really doesn't want her anymore. The outside world cannot even know her real name and age.  In a report by the Chinese state media CCTV news client, the joint investigation team of Fengxian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, where the woman is located, issued a notice on the incident, saying that her name was Yang Mouxia, and even this vague name was her current name. It was taken by her husband Dong Moumin. There is also no specific information on her age.  According to the official report, the woman who gave birth to eight children has mental retardation and schizophrenia, so her husband Dong Moumin kept her in chains all the year round; the investigation did not find any abduction of this woman. In 1998 In 2009, Dong Moumin's father took her in; Dong Moumin and Yang Mouxia had marriage registrations; in addition, Dong Moumin evaded family planning measures.  However, these few lines of text in the report could not dispel the doubts and anger of the outside world about what happened to Yang Mouxia.  In an anonymous interview with a reporter from this station, a gentleman in Jiangsu repeatedly asked several questions, "She said she has a mental illness, this is worth asking, how did the mental illness come from? This mental illness gave birth to eight children, how did you give birth? You How does the local government do family planning?"  Xiang Li, a human rights worker in California, first expressed her anger at the incident, "What she suffered was completely illegal imprisonment and countless rapes, with no human rights or freedom at all. This woman was deprived of it. It's clean, and it's become a mental illness, which is beyond what everyone can accept."  Xiang Li said frankly that due to China's control over the news media, the outside world cannot know more details of the incident from the media. She made the above judgment mainly based on the current news on social media.  The first concern of public opinion in this incident is the responsibility of the government. In addition to the family planning responsibility clearly pointed out in the official notification document, the focus of public opinion is also the government's responsibility for Yang Mouxia's current inhumane situation.  In 2017, Ma Panyan, the person involved in the child bride-in-law case in Wushan County, Chongqing, posted on Twitter after learning of the incident: "Someone asked why no one called the police about the mother of eight children in Xuzhou? Why didn't anyone care? I thought it was true. The local government doesn't know! After I was sold by my uncle and the villagers at the age of 12, I also experienced being locked in a house with iron chains. I will tell you my personal experience. It is not that no one called the police. The local government police station knew about it. Just don't care! I begged the government that way, did the police station control me? No!"  Xiang Li analyzed to this station in this way, "As a Chinese government that claims to be a responsible power, she should first provide necessary assistance to the bottom society, but these basic things are obviously not achieved. Look at this lady, Lian Yi No winter clothes, shivering and chained up in a shabby, shabby room."  At the same time, Xiangli also did not agree with the government's statement that Yang Xia was not abducted, "The government has failed to do its best to punish crimes, especially human trafficking; Acted as an umbrella for this kind of human trafficking. Instead, the government made up a story that they had a marriage license and were married normally.”  After Yang Mouxia's experience was uploaded and fermented on the Internet last weekend, the Propaganda Department of the Fengxian County Party Committee of Xuzhou City very quickly issued a statement on January 28, saying that in the preliminary investigation, there was no trafficking in this incident; Two days later, the Fengxian Joint Investigation Team issued an investigation notice late at night on January 30, confirming again that there was no trafficking.  But the outside world soon questioned why the investigation came to a conclusion so quickly? Is this conclusion reliable? In the video circulating on social media, Yang Mouxia once said, "Far, far, I won't let me go." This suggests that the outside world's speculation that Yang Mouxia was abducted and sold is not unreasonable.  Social responsibility On the other hand, the social responsibility in the Yang Mouxia incident has also attracted people's attention. "It's been almost 25 years from 1998 to 2022, and no one has helped this lady, no one has reported the case or called the police. At least the people in this village have not done this for decades. This is also outrageous. , this is a kind of mediocre evil," Xiang Li said in this analysis.  The incident was exposed on the Internet. It was around the New Year of the Tiger, and Yang Mouxia's tragic experience may have stimulated people's expectations for family affection in the atmosphere of family reunion. The reaction to this incident on social media has been quite intense, and the discussion has been hot for several days.  However, the aforementioned unnamed gentleman in Jiangsu believes that the current relevant reactions on the Internet may not be able to promote social changes, "After (such incidents) occur, the Internet will be like a stone thrown into water, and there will be some waves, but immediately It disappeared, and there might be something happening down there right away, one after another. There are too many things like this, and it’s no surprise that they didn’t touch them, and the Chinese people are numb.”  He emphasized that the reason why the people are numb is that under the current system, the voice of the people is suppressed. Some people raise problems. The government does not solve the problem, but solves the problem.  (Reporter: Wang Yun; Editor: Shen Hua) Web Editor: Guo Du

The locked mother of eight screamed: "This world doesn't want me anymore"

Yang Mouxia, a woman in rural Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, was found to have given birth to eight children, but she lost her mind and was chained in a broken house. This incident has been swiped on Chinese social media for days, and Chinese state media have rarely reported details of it except for official announcements. Netizens were reluctant to ask about the responsibilities of the government and society in the incident.

In a video widely circulated on Chinese social media, the filthy-looking woman squeezed out a few unclear sentences from her missing teeth. She seemed to be saying, "This world doesn't want me anymore. "Or "The world doesn't want me anymore. The reporter compared the woman in this video with the online video of Yang Mouxia published by the official media "Zhengguan Video", and it should be one person.

But the adults and children around her didn't seem to care about what she said, and they were still chatting to themselves, even laughing. The woman's own expression was also a little sullen, not sure if anyone heard this sentence when she said it.

"The world doesn't want me anymore"
It seems that the world really doesn't want her anymore. The outside world cannot even know her real name and age.

In a report by the Chinese state media CCTV news client, the joint investigation team of Fengxian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, where the woman is located, issued a notice on the incident, saying that her name was Yang Mouxia, and even this vague name was her current name. It was taken by her husband Dong Moumin. There is also no specific information on her age.

According to the official report, the woman who gave birth to eight children has mental retardation and schizophrenia, so her husband Dong Moumin kept her in chains all the year round; the investigation did not find any abduction of this woman. In 1998 In 2009, Dong Moumin's father took her in; Dong Moumin and Yang Mouxia had marriage registrations; in addition, Dong Moumin evaded family planning measures.

However, these few lines of text in the report could not dispel the doubts and anger of the outside world about what happened to Yang Mouxia.

In an anonymous interview with a reporter from this station, a gentleman in Jiangsu repeatedly asked several questions, "She said she has a mental illness, this is worth asking, how did the mental illness come from? This mental illness gave birth to eight children, how did you give birth? You How does the local government do family planning?"

Xiang Li, a human rights worker in California, first expressed her anger at the incident, "What she suffered was completely illegal imprisonment and countless rapes, with no human rights or freedom at all. This woman was deprived of it. It's clean, and it's become a mental illness, which is beyond what everyone can accept."

Xiang Li said frankly that due to China's control over the news media, the outside world cannot know more details of the incident from the media. She made the above judgment mainly based on the current news on social media.

The first concern of public opinion in this incident is the responsibility of the government. In addition to the family planning responsibility clearly pointed out in the official notification document, the focus of public opinion is also the government's responsibility for Yang Mouxia's current inhumane situation.

In 2017, Ma Panyan, the person involved in the child bride-in-law case in Wushan County, Chongqing, posted on Twitter after learning of the incident: "Someone asked why no one called the police about the mother of eight children in Xuzhou? Why didn't anyone care? I thought it was true. The local government doesn't know! After I was sold by my uncle and the villagers at the age of 12, I also experienced being locked in a house with iron chains. I will tell you my personal experience. It is not that no one called the police. The local government police station knew about it. Just don't care! I begged the government that way, did the police station control me? No!"

Xiang Li analyzed to this station in this way, "As a Chinese government that claims to be a responsible power, she should first provide necessary assistance to the bottom society, but these basic things are obviously not achieved. Look at this lady, Lian Yi No winter clothes, shivering and chained up in a shabby, shabby room."

At the same time, Xiangli also did not agree with the government's statement that Yang Xia was not abducted, "The government has failed to do its best to punish crimes, especially human trafficking; Acted as an umbrella for this kind of human trafficking. Instead, the government made up a story that they had a marriage license and were married normally.”

After Yang Mouxia's experience was uploaded and fermented on the Internet last weekend, the Propaganda Department of the Fengxian County Party Committee of Xuzhou City very quickly issued a statement on January 28, saying that in the preliminary investigation, there was no trafficking in this incident; Two days later, the Fengxian Joint Investigation Team issued an investigation notice late at night on January 30, confirming again that there was no trafficking.

But the outside world soon questioned why the investigation came to a conclusion so quickly? Is this conclusion reliable? In the video circulating on social media, Yang Mouxia once said, "Far, far, I won't let me go." This suggests that the outside world's speculation that Yang Mouxia was abducted and sold is not unreasonable.

Social responsibility
On the other hand, the social responsibility in the Yang Mouxia incident has also attracted people's attention. "It's been almost 25 years from 1998 to 2022, and no one has helped this lady, no one has reported the case or called the police. At least the people in this village have not done this for decades. This is also outrageous. , this is a kind of mediocre evil," Xiang Li said in this analysis.

The incident was exposed on the Internet. It was around the New Year of the Tiger, and Yang Mouxia's tragic experience may have stimulated people's expectations for family affection in the atmosphere of family reunion. The reaction to this incident on social media has been quite intense, and the discussion has been hot for several days.

However, the aforementioned unnamed gentleman in Jiangsu believes that the current relevant reactions on the Internet may not be able to promote social changes, "After (such incidents) occur, the Internet will be like a stone thrown into water, and there will be some waves, but immediately It disappeared, and there might be something happening down there right away, one after another. There are too many things like this, and it’s no surprise that they didn’t touch them, and the Chinese people are numb.”

He emphasized that the reason why the people are numb is that under the current system, the voice of the people is suppressed. Some people raise problems. The government does not solve the problem, but solves the problem.

(Reporter: Wang Yun; Editor: Shen Hua) Web Editor: Guo Du

مەجلىس ئەزاسى مايكىل ماككول : ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ئولىمپىكىگە رۇخسەت قىلىش ئولىمپىككە چۈشكەن بىر داغ  ئامېرىكا پايتەختى ۋاشىنگتوندىكى نوپۇزلۇق سىياسەت تەتقىقات مەركەزلىرىدىن بولغان «مىراس فوندى» دا 31- يانۋار كۈنى «خاتا تاللاش: خىتاي ۋە 2022- يىللىق قىشلىق ئولىمپىك» ماۋزۇلۇق بىر سۆھبەت يىغىنى ئۇيۇشتۇرۇلغان. سۆھبەت يىغىنىغا مىراس فوندىنىڭ ئىجتىمائىي جەمئىيەتلەر ۋە دىئالوگ بۆلۈم دىرېكتورى كاترىن كورنېل گوركا خانىم رىياسەتچىلىك قىلغان بولۇپ، ئۇ كىرىش سۆزىدە ھازىر قىشلىق ئولىمپىككە قاتنىشىدىغان تەنھەرىكەتچىلەرنىڭ خىتايدا ئىكەنلىكى، بۇ تەنھەرىكەتچىلەر خىتايغا يېتىپ بارغاندا ئۇلارنىڭ ھەرىكىتى ۋە ساغلاملىق ئۇچۇرلىرىنى كۆزىتىپ تۇرىدىغان ئەپنى تېلېفونلىرىغا چۈشۈرۈشكە مەجبۇرلانغانلىقى ھەتتا كىمكى سەزگۈر تېمىلاردا سەلبىي گەپلەرنى قىلسا ۋە نامايىش قىلسا ئۇلارنىڭ جازالىنىدىغانلىقى ھەققىدە ئاگاھلاندۇرۇلغانلىقىنى بايان قىلىپ « بىزنىڭ ياش ئەۋلادلىرىمىز قانداق بولۇپ مۇشۇنداق شارائىتلاردا مۇسابىقىلىشىشتەك ئەھۋالغا كېلىپ قالدى؟ مانا بۇ بۈگۈن بىز مۇزاكىرە قىلىدىغان مۇھىم مەسىلىدۇر» دېگەن.  سۆھبەت يىغىنى ئامېرىكا ئاۋام پالاتاسىنىڭ جۇمھۇرىيەتچى ئەزاسى شۇنىڭدەك دۆلەت مەجلىسى تاشقى ئىشلار كومىتېتىنىڭ ئەزاسى مايكىل ماككولنىڭ باياناتى بىلەن باشلانغان بولۇپ، مايكىل ماككول سۆزىنى: « خىتاي كومپارتىيەسى بۈگۈن ئامېرىكا ۋە ئۇنىڭ ئىتتىپاقداشلىرى ئۈچۈن ئەڭ زور گېيو- سىياسىي، ئىقتىسادىي ۋە ھەربىي تەھدىت بولۇپ ئوتتۇرىغا چىقتى» دەپ باشلىغان. ئۇ سۆزىدە يەنە مۇنداق دېگەن: «دۇنيا خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىنىڭ قورقۇنچلۇق كىشىلىك ھوقۇق دەپسەندىچىلىكلىرىدىن ئويغىنىشى كېرەك. بىز سۆزلەۋاتقان مۇشۇ مىنۇتلاردا شىنجاڭدا بىر مىليوندىن ئارتۇق كىشى لاگېرلاردا چىدىغۇسىز شارائىتلاردا تۇتۇپ تۇرۇلۇۋاتىدۇ. ئۇلار مەجبۇرىي مېڭە يۇيۇش، مەجبۇرىي تۇغماس قىلىنىش ۋە ھەتتا ئۆلۈم بىلەن يۈزلىشىۋاتىدۇ. خەلقئارا ئولىمپىك كومىتېتىنىڭ بۇ ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ئولىمپىكىگە رۇخسەت قىلىشى ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىلىرىگە چۈشكەن بىر داغ. جازا لاگېرلىرىنىڭ كۆلەڭگىسى ئاستىدا ئۆتكۈزۈلىدىغان بۇ مۇسابىقە مېنى چوڭقۇر ئويلاندۇرماقتا. خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىنى مەدھىيەلەش ۋە ئۇ يۈرگۈزۈۋاتقان ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقنى نورماللاشتۇرۇشنى قەتئىي قوبۇل قىلىشقا بولمايدۇ».  ماككول ئەپەندى سۆزى داۋامىدا بۇ نۆۋەتلىك ئولىمپىككە قاتناشقان ئامېرىكالىق تەنھەرىكەتچىلەرنىڭ خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىنىڭ تەشۋىقات ۋاستىسىغا ئايلىنىپ قالماسلىقى كېرەكلىكىنى ئالاھىدە ئەسكەرتىپ ئۆتكەن.  مەزكۇر سۆھبەت يىغىنىغا بوستون كېلىتلىقلار كوماندىسىنىڭ NBA چولپىنى ئەنەس كانتەر فرىدوم (ئەركىنلىك) بىلەن بىرگە، مىراس فوندىنىڭ پېشقەدەم، ھۆرمەتكە سازاۋەر تەتقىقاتچىسى ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى ۋە مەزكۇر ئورگاننىڭ ئاسىيا ئىشلىرى تەتقىقاتچىسى ئولىۋىيا ئىنۇس خانىملار ئىشتىراك قىلغان.  سۆھبەت رىياسەتچىسى كاترىن كورنېل ئالدى بىلەن ئولىۋىيا ئىنۇستىن «سىزچە بىزنىڭ تەنھەرىكەتچىلىرىمىز نېمىشقا بۈگۈنكىدەك ۋەزىيەتتە مۇسابىقىلىشىشكە مەجبۇر بولۇۋاتىدۇ؟» دەپ سورىدى. ئىنۇس خانىم بۇ ئولىمپىكنىڭ ئامېرىكا ئۈچۈن خىتاينى ئەيىبلەيدىغان زور پۇرسەتكە ئايلاندۇرۇلۇشى كېرەكلىكىنى ئەمما پۇرسەتنى قاچۇرۇپ قويغانلىقىنى ئېيتتى. ئۇ :«نۆۋەتتە خىتاي 1.8مىليوندىن 3 مىليونغىچە ئۇيغۇرنى جازا لاگېرلىرىدا تۇتۇپ تۇرۇۋاتىدۇ، خىتاي خوڭكوڭدىكى دېموكراتىيەگە بۇزغۇنچىلىق قىلىۋاتىدۇ، ئۇ يەنە كورونا ۋىرۇسى يۇقۇمىنى يوشۇرغانلىقتىن پۈتۈن دۇنيا بۇنىڭغا ئېغىر بەدەل تۆلەۋاتىدۇ. مانا مۇشۇلارغا قارىماي ئولىمپىك كومىتېتى خەلقئارادىكى ئەڭ نوپۇزلۇق تەنتەربىيە مۇسابىقىسىنى ئۆتكۈزۈش پۇرسىتىنى ئەڭ ئاساسىي ھوقۇقلارغىمۇ ھۆرمەت قىلمايدىغان خىتايغا بەردى» دېدى.  ئولىۋىيا خانىم سۆزىدە بايدىن ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىنى دىپلوماتىك بايقۇت قىلىشىنى يېـتەرلىك دەپ قارىمايدىغانلىقىنى ئەسكەرتىپ، ئەسلىدە بايدىن ھۆكۈمىتى بالدۇرراق ھەرىكەت قىلىپ، شېرىك دۆلەتلەر بىلەن بىرلىكتە ئولىمپىك كومىتېتىغا مۇسابىقىنى كېچىكـتۈرۈش ۋە بۇ ئارقىلىق ئۇنى باشقا دۆلەتكە يۆتكەش توغرىسىدا كۈچلۈك بېسىم شەكىللەندۈرۈشى، ئوخشاش كۆز قاراشتىكى دۆلەتلەر بىلەن بىرلىكتە خىتاينىڭ ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقىنى ئەيىبلەيدىغان ئورتاق بايانات ئېلان قىلىشى كېرەك ئىدى. مەن شۇڭا بۇ مۇسابىقىدە بىز پۇرسەتنى كەتكۈزۈپ قويدۇق، دەپ قارايمەن» دېگەن.  ئارقىدىن كاترىن خانىم ۋاسكېتبول چولپىنى ئەنەس كانتەرنىڭ بۇ ھەقتىكى كۆز قارىشىنى سورىغان. ئەنەس كانتەرمۇ ئۆزىنىڭ دىپلوماتىك بايقۇتنى يېتەرلىك دەپ قارىمايدىغانلىقىنى، ئەسلىدە تەنھەرىكەتچىلەرنىڭمۇ خىتايغا ئەۋەتىلمەسلىكى كېرەكلىكىنى ئېيتتى. ئۇ سۆزىدە مۇنداق دېگەن: « ئاۋام پالاتا ئەزاسى ماككول بىر ئاز ئاۋۋال بۇ مۇسابىقىنى ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسى دەپ ئاتىدى. مەن مۇسابىقىدىكى مېداللارنى ‹نومۇس مېدالى› دەپ ئاتايمەن. تەنھەرىكەتچىلەر ئۈچۈن ئالتۇن مېدالغا ئېرىشىش ئەخلاقتىن، ۋىجداندىن ۋە قىممەت قاراشلىرىدىن مۇھىم بولماسلىقى كېرەك. ئەلۋەتتە مەن مەسىلىنىڭ بېشىنى خىتاي كومپارتىيەسى بىلەن ھەمدەمدە بولۇۋاتقان خەلقئارا ئولىمپىك كومىتېتى دەپ قارايمەن، تەنھەرىكەتچىلەر چوقۇم ئۇلارغا قارشى ئۆزىنىڭ ئاۋازىنى قوللىنىشى كېرەك».  ئەنەس كانتەرنىڭ سۆزىدىن كېيىن كاترىن خانىم ئۇنىڭدىن: « سىز ناھايىتى دادىللىق بىلەن سۆزلەۋاتىسىز، تارتقان زىيىنىڭىزغا قاراپ پۇشايمان قىلدىڭىزمۇ؟»، دەپ سورىدى. ئەنەس كانتەر جاۋابەن نۇرغۇن تەنھەرىكەتچىلەر ھەرخىل سەۋەبلەر بىلەن خىتايغا قارشى گەپ قىلىشنى خالىمايدىغان بىر شارائىتتا، ئۆزىنىڭ ئوتتۇرىغا چىقىشىنىڭ بىر مەجبۇرىيەت ۋە مەسئۇلىيەتكە ئايلانغانلىقىنى، گەرچە بۇنىڭ بەلگىلىك بەدەللىرى بولسىمۇ، بىراق بۇنىڭدىن پۇشايمان قىلمايدىغانلىقىنى ئېيتتى.  ئارقىدىن مىراس فوندىنىڭ پېشقەدەم تەتقىقاتچىسى ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى سۆز قىلدى. ئۇ خىتايغا ئومۇمىي جەھەتتىن باھا بېرىپ؛ « خۇددى كونىلار دۈشمىنىڭنى ياخشى تونۇ دېگەندەك بىز ئالدى بىلەن ئۆزىمىزنىڭ كىم بىلەن ئالاقە قىلىۋاتقانلىقىمىزنى بىلىشىمىز كېرەك» دېدى.  ئۇ سۆزىدە خىتاينىڭ خىتاي كومپارتىيەسى كونتروللۇقىدىكى مۇتلەق ئىستىبدات دۆلەتلىكىنى ئۇنىڭ ئېلېمېنتلىرى ئارقىلىق تەپسىلىي چۈشەندۈرۈپ ئۆتكەندىن كېيىن :« نۇرغۇن كىشىلەر خىتاينىڭ بېيجىڭ، شاڭخەي قاتارلىق شەھەرلىرىنى زىيارەت قىلغاندا ئۇنىڭدىكى ئېگىز ئىمارەتلەرگە قاراپ ئۇنى كاپىتالىست دۆلەت بىلەن ئارىلاشتۇرۇپ قويىدۇ. ھالبۇكى بۇ ئىمارەتلەر خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىگە، خىتاي ئارمىيەسىگە ۋە خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىنىڭ يۇقىرى دەرىجىلىك ئەمەلدارلىرىنىڭ بالا – چاقىلىرىغا تەۋە. بۇ دۆلەتنىڭ ئىقتىسادى مەركەزدىن كونترول قىلىنىدۇ. خىتاينىڭ تۈزۈمىنىڭ ئۇنىڭ ئىقتىسادىغا ئەگىشىپ ئەركىنلىىشىۋاتقانلىقىغا دائىر ھېچقانداق ئىشارەت يوق، ئەكسىچە ئۇ بارغانسېرى مۇستەبىتلىشىۋاتىدۇ. بۇنداق بىر مۇستەبىت ھاكىمىيەت خەلقئارا جەمئىيەت تەرىپىدىن چەتكە قېقىلىشى كېرەك» .  ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى سۆزىدە ئامېرىكالىقلارنىڭ كوممۇنىست ھاكىمىيەتنىڭ نېمىلىكى، مۇستەبىت ھاكىمىيەتنىڭ قانداق بولىدىغانلىقى ھەققىدىكى كۆز قاراشلىرىنىڭ ئىنتايىن ئاجىزلىقىنى، مانا شۇ سەۋەبتىن ئۆزلىرىنىڭ ۋاشىنتگوندىكى «كوممۇنىزم قۇربانلىرىنى خاتىرىلەش فوندى» بىلەن بىرلىشىپ بىر مۇزېي ئاچماقچى بولۇۋاتقانلىقىنى بىلدۈردى ۋە « بۇ مۇزېي ئارقىلىق بىز كوممۇنىست خىتاي ھاكىمىيىتىنىڭ نېمىلىكىنى چۈشەندۈرمەكچى. كوممۇنىست خىتاي بىز بىلىدىغان رەقىبلەردىن ۋە ھەتتا دۈشمەنلەردىن ئەمەس، بەلكى ئۇ دۇنيادىكى ئەڭ قۇدرەتلىك كۈچكە ئايلىنىشتەك بىر مەقسەت بىلەن تىنىمسىز ھەرىكەت قىلىۋاتقان بىر ھاكىمىيەتتۇر. ئۇنىڭ مەقسىتى پەقەتلا شەرقىي جەنۇبىي ئاسىيادىكى كۈچ بولۇش ئەمەس بەلكى ئامېرىكاغا قارشى تۇرۇپ دۇنيانىڭ خوجىسىغا ئايلىنىشتۇر، بىز چوقۇم بۇنىڭغا مۇۋاپىق تەدبىر قوللىنىشىمىز كېرەك» دېدى.  ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى سۆزىدە:«گەرچە بۇ دېگەنلىك خىتايغا بومبا ئېتىشىمىز كېرەك، دېگەنلىك بولمىسىمۇ ئەمما ئىقتىسادىي تەدبىرلەر ۋە باشقا تەدبىرلەر ئارقىلىق چوقۇم خىتاينى تىزگىنلەش زۆرۈر » دېدى. ئۇ، ئۇنداق بولمايدىكەن بۇ مۇستەبىت ھاكىمىيەتنىڭ ئۆز قۇدرىتىنى زورايتىشنى داۋام قىلىدىغانلىقىنى ئەسكەرتتى.  ئارقىدىن رىياسەتچى كاترىن خانىم ئاسىيا ئىشلىرى تەتقىقاتچىسى ئولىۋىيا ئىنۇس خانىمدىن « ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسى باشلىنىشقا بىر قانچە كۈن قالغان مۇشۇ پەيتلەردە بىز نېمە قىلالايمىز؟» دەپ سورىغان. ئولىۋىيا ئىنۇس خانىم بۇنىڭغا جاۋابەن مۇنداق دېگەن:  « قىشلىق ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسى ئۆتكۈزۈلۈۋاتقان جەرياندا بىز خىتاي ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ ئىنسان ھوقۇقى دەپسەندىچىلىكلىرىنى، ئۇنىڭ دۆلەت بىخەتەرلىكىمىزگە پەيدا قىلىۋاتقان تەھدىتىنى، ئىقتىسادىي زوراۋانلىقىنى بىر كۈنمۇ توختاپ قالماي خەۋەر قىلىشىمىز، ئاڭلىتىشىمىز ۋە تارقىتىشىمىز كېرەك. ئەگەر سىز بىر ژۇرنالىست بولسىڭىز بۇ ھەقتە خەۋەر يېزىڭ، مۇشۇ ئامېرىكىدا تۇرۇۋاتقان لاگېر شاھىتلىرىنى، ئۇيغۇرلارنى زىيارەت قىلىڭ. ئەگەر سىز ئادەتتىكى ئامېرىكىلىق بولسىڭىز، تور قوللانغۇچىسى بولسىڭىز تورلاردا بۇ تېمىلارنى كەڭ تارقىتىڭ، يېزىڭ. ئەگەر سىز بىر شىركەت بولسىڭىز بولۇپمۇ ئولىمپىكنى قوللىغۇچى شىركەتلەرنىڭ بىرى بولسڭىز ئۆزىڭىزنىڭ بۇ مۇسابىقىنى تەشۋىق قىلىدىغان – قىلمايدىغانلىقىڭىزنى قايتا كۆزدىن كەچۈرۈپ بېقىڭ. مەنچە ئادەتتىكى ئامېرىكا پۇقرالىرى بولۇش سۈپىتىمىز بىلەن بىزنىڭ تاللاش پۇرسىتىمىز بار. بىزنىڭ ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىنى كۆرمەسلىك ۋە بۇ ئارقىلىق خىتاي كومپارتىيەسىنىڭ ئېلاندىن پايدا ئېلىشىنىڭ ئالدىنى ئېلىشتەك پۇرسىتىمىز بار. يىغىپ ئېيتقاندا، ھېچكىم خىتاي ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ ھازىر ئۇيغۇرلارغا قارىتىۋاتقان ۋە ھېلىھەم داۋام قىلىۋاتقان ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقىدىن خەۋەرسىز قالماسلىقى، ھېچكىم مەن بۇلارنى بىلمەپتىمەن، دېمەسلىكى كېرەك» .  ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى بولسا ئامېرىكالىقلارنىڭ ئولىمپىك مۇسابىقىسىنىڭ قوللىغۇچى شىركەتلىرىنى بايقۇت قىلىشى كېرەكلىكىنى قوشۇمچە قىلدى. ئېدۋارد لى ئەپەندى سۆزىدە يەنە، خىتاي ئۈچۈن ئىقتىسادنىڭ ئىنتايىن مۇھىملىقىنى نەزەردە تۇتقاندا خىتاي ھاكىمىيىتىگە تاقابىل تۇرۇش ئۈچۈن ئىقتىسادىي ئاقىۋەت پەيدا قىلىشنىڭ ئىنتايىن مۇھىملىقىنى، شۇنىڭ بىلەن بىرگە تەيۋەننى قوللاش، خىتاينىڭ دۇنيا سودا تەشكىلاتى، سەھىيە تەشكىلاتى قاتارلىق خەلقئارالىق ئورگانلاردىكى ئىمتىيازىنى چەكلەش كېرەك، دېدى. ئۇ يەنە ئەسكەرتىپ :« بىز چوقۇم كوممۇنىست خىتاي ھاكىمىيىتىگە ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق دۆلىتى دەپ تەبىر بېرىشنى ۋە تەكىتلەشنى توختىتىپ قويماسلىقىمىز كېرەك» دېدى.  سۆھبەتنىڭ ئاخىرىدا رىياسەتچى كاترىن خانىم ھازىر ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭ ۋەزىيىتىنىڭ ئۆزىنى قاتتىق ئازابلايدىغانلىقىنى شۇڭا ئۇيغۇرلار ئۈچۈن نېمىلەرنى قىلغىلى بولىدىغانلىقىنى سورىدى. ئولىۋىيا ئىنۇس خانىم بۇنىڭغا جاۋابەن: « ھازىر ئۇيغۇرلار ئۈچۈن كېرەكلىك بولغىنى، ئامېرىكالىقلارنىڭ جاسارەتلىك بولۇشىدۇر. ئامېرىكالىقلار، ئامېرىكا شىركەتلىرى ئۇيغۇرلار ئۈچۈن دەس تۇرۇشى كېرەك. بۇ سۈكۈتتە تۇرىدىغان ۋاقىت ئەمەس. بۇ زۇلۇمغا مۇناسىۋەتلىك ھەربىر خىتاي ئەمەلدار، ھەربىر ئورگان جازالىنىشى، بارلىق كېرەكلىك تەدبىرلەر دەرھال ئېلىنىشى كېرەك. زىيانكەشلىكتىن قېچىپ چىققانلارغا بايدىن ھۆكۈمىتى دەرھال مۇساپىرلىق سالاھىيىتى بېرىشى كېرەك» دەپ جاۋاب بەردى. ئېدۋارد لى بولسا تارىختىكى بېرلىن تېمىنىڭ ئۆرۈلۈشىدە خەلق ئاممىسىنىڭ زور رول ئوينىغانلىقىنى ئەسلىتىپ تۇرۇپ « ھەربىر ئادەم مەيلى ئۇ قانداق ئارقا كۆرۈنۈشكە ئىگە بولۇشىدىن قەتئىينەزەر، مەيلى نېمە مىللەت بولۇشىدىن قەتئىينەزەر قولىدىن كېلىشىچە ھەرىكەت قىلىشى كېرەك» دېدى.    Congressman Michael McCall: Permitting the Olympics is a stain on the Olympics  The Heritage Foundation hosted a symposium on January 31 entitled "Wrong Choice: China and the 2022 Winter Olympics."  The symposium was chaired by Ms. Catherine Cornell Gorka, Director, Department of Societies and Dialogues, Heritage Foundation, who gave an introductory speech on the current state of the Winter Olympics in China, where they monitored their behavior and health information when they arrived in China. He warned that they would be punished for speaking out and protesting, saying, "How come our young people have become so competitive? That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. "  The talks began with a statement by Michael McCall, a Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives and a member of the State Council's House Foreign Affairs Committee, who said, "Today, the Chinese Communist Party poses the greatest geopolitical, economic, and military threat to the United States and its allies." . "The world must wake up from the Chinese Communist Party's horrific human rights abuses," he said. At the moment we are talking, more than a million people in Xinjiang are being held in unbearable conditions in the camps. They are facing forced brainwashing, forced infertility and even death. The International Olympic Committee's decision to allow the genocide is a stain on the Olympics. This tournament, which is being held in the shadows of the concentration camps, is a source of great concern to me. Praising the Chinese Communist Party and normalizing the genocide it perpetrates is absolutely unacceptable. "  During his speech, Mr. McCall stressed that American athletes participating in the Olympics should not become a propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party.  The symposium was attended by Boston Celtics NBA star Anas Canter Friedom (Freedom), Mr. Heritage Foundation senior and respected researcher Mr. Edward Lee, and Ms. Olivia Inus, the agency's Asia researcher.  Interviewer Catherine Cornell first asked Olivia Inus, "Why do you think our athletes are being forced to compete in today's situation?" He asked. Ms. Inus said the Olympics should be a great opportunity for the United States to condemn China, but missed the opportunity. "China is currently holding 1.8 million to 3 million Uighurs in concentration camps, and China is undermining democracy in Hong Kong, and the whole world is paying a heavy price for hiding the coronavirus," he said. "In spite of this, the Olympic Committee has given China the opportunity to host the most prestigious international tournament in China, which does not respect even the most basic rights."  In her remarks, Ms. Olivia noted that the Biden government did not consider it necessary to issue a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics, and that the Biden government had taken immediate action to put pressure on the Olympic Committee to work with its partner countries to postpone the Games and move them to another country. He had to issue a joint statement condemning the massacre. "So I think we missed the chance in this match."  Ms. Catherine then asked basketball star Anas Canter his views on the matter. Anas Kanter also said he did not consider the diplomatic boycott to be enough and that in fact athletes should not be sent to China. "Senator McCall called the race a bit earlier than the Genocide Olympics," he said. I call the medals in the race the 'Medals of Honor'. For athletes, winning a gold medal should not be a matter of morality, conscience, or values. "Of course, I think the head of the issue is the International Olympic Committee, which is cooperating with the Chinese Communist Party. Athletes must use their voice against them."  After Anas Kanter's remarks, Ms. Catherine asked him, "Are you talking very boldly, and do you regret the damage you have done?" In response, Anas Kanter said that in a situation where many athletes are reluctant to speak out against China for a variety of reasons, it has become an obligation and a responsibility to come forward, and although it has certain costs, it does not regret it.  This was followed by a speech by Mr. Edward Lee, a senior researcher at the Heritage Foundation. He praised China in general. "It simply came to our notice then.  In his remarks, he elaborated on the Chinese Communist Party's absolute sovereignty through its elements: The buildings, however, belong to the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese military, and the children of senior Chinese Communist officials. The country's economy is centrally controlled. There is no indication that the Chinese system is becoming more liberal with its economy, but rather that it is becoming increasingly dictatorial. Such a dictatorship must be overthrown by the international community. "  In his speech, Mr. Lee said that Americans have a very weak view of what a communist regime is and what a dictatorship is, and that is why they are trying to open a museum in Washington with the "Victims of Communism Memorial Fund" in Washington, D.C. Communist China is not one of the opponents and even enemies we know, but it is a regime that is constantly working for the purpose of becoming the most powerful power in the world. "His goal is not just to be a force in Southeast Asia, but to become a world power against the United States, and we must take action."  "Although this does not mean that we should bomb China, it is important to control China through economic measures and other measures," he said. He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: "One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure ... there are going to be some difficult decisions for government".  The moderator then asked Ms. Olivia Inus, an Asian researcher, "What can we do at this time, just days before the start of the Olympics?" Asked. In response, Ms. Olivia Inus said:  "As the Winter Olympics unfold, we must continue to report, report, and report on the Chinese government's human rights abuses, threats to national security, and economic violence." If you are a journalist, write about it and interview the camp witnesses and Uyghurs living in this United States. If you are an American or a web user, spread the word and spread the word online. If you are a company, especially one of the Olympic Games sponsors, please reconsider whether or not you are promoting the event. I think we, as ordinary Americans, have a choice. We have the opportunity not to watch the Olympics and thereby prevent the Chinese Communist Party from benefiting from advertising. In short, no one should be aware that the Chinese government is still aware of the ongoing and ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, and no one should say that I did not know about it. "  Mr Edwards added that the United States should boycott the Olympic Games. "Given the importance of the economy for China, it is very important to have economic consequences to deal with the Chinese government, as well as support Taiwan, restrict China's access to international organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization," he said. "We must not stop interpreting and emphasizing the Communist Chinese government as a genocidal state," he said.  At the end of the interview, Ms. Catherine, the moderator, asked how the situation in the Uyghurs was now suffering so much and what could be done for the Uyghurs. "What is needed for Uyghurs now is for Americans to be courageous," Ms. Olivia Inus said. Americans, American companies should stand up for the Uyghurs. This is not the time to be silent. Every Chinese official, every agency involved in this oppression should be punished and all necessary measures should be taken immediately. "The Biden government must immediately grant refugee status to those fleeing persecution."

Congressman Michael McCall: Permitting the Olympics is a stain on the Olympics

The Heritage Foundation hosted a symposium on January 31 entitled "Wrong Choice: China and the 2022 Winter Olympics."

The symposium was chaired by Ms. Catherine Cornell Gorka, Director, Department of Societies and Dialogues, Heritage Foundation, who gave an introductory speech on the current state of the Winter Olympics in China, where they monitored their behavior and health information when they arrived in China. He warned that they would be punished for speaking out and protesting, saying, "How come our young people have become so competitive? That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. "

The talks began with a statement by Michael McCall, a Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives and a member of the State Council's House Foreign Affairs Committee, who said, "Today, the Chinese Communist Party poses the greatest geopolitical, economic, and military threat to the United States and its allies." . "The world must wake up from the Chinese Communist Party's horrific human rights abuses," he said. At the moment we are talking, more than a million people in Xinjiang are being held in unbearable conditions in the camps. They are facing forced brainwashing, forced infertility and even death. The International Olympic Committee's decision to allow the genocide is a stain on the Olympics. This tournament, which is being held in the shadows of the concentration camps, is a source of great concern to me. Praising the Chinese Communist Party and normalizing the genocide it perpetrates is absolutely unacceptable. "

During his speech, Mr. McCall stressed that American athletes participating in the Olympics should not become a propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party.

The symposium was attended by Boston Celtics NBA star Anas Canter Friedom (Freedom), Mr. Heritage Foundation senior and respected researcher Mr. Edward Lee, and Ms. Olivia Inus, the agency's Asia researcher.

Interviewer Catherine Cornell first asked Olivia Inus, "Why do you think our athletes are being forced to compete in today's situation?" He asked. Ms. Inus said the Olympics should be a great opportunity for the United States to condemn China, but missed the opportunity. "China is currently holding 1.8 million to 3 million Uighurs in concentration camps, and China is undermining democracy in Hong Kong, and the whole world is paying a heavy price for hiding the coronavirus," he said. "In spite of this, the Olympic Committee has given China the opportunity to host the most prestigious international tournament in China, which does not respect even the most basic rights."

In her remarks, Ms. Olivia noted that the Biden government did not consider it necessary to issue a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics, and that the Biden government had taken immediate action to put pressure on the Olympic Committee to work with its partner countries to postpone the Games and move them to another country. He had to issue a joint statement condemning the massacre. "So I think we missed the chance in this match."

Ms. Catherine then asked basketball star Anas Canter his views on the matter. Anas Kanter also said he did not consider the diplomatic boycott to be enough and that in fact athletes should not be sent to China. "Senator McCall called the race a bit earlier than the Genocide Olympics," he said. I call the medals in the race the 'Medals of Honor'. For athletes, winning a gold medal should not be a matter of morality, conscience, or values. "Of course, I think the head of the issue is the International Olympic Committee, which is cooperating with the Chinese Communist Party. Athletes must use their voice against them."

After Anas Kanter's remarks, Ms. Catherine asked him, "Are you talking very boldly, and do you regret the damage you have done?" In response, Anas Kanter said that in a situation where many athletes are reluctant to speak out against China for a variety of reasons, it has become an obligation and a responsibility to come forward, and although it has certain costs, it does not regret it.

This was followed by a speech by Mr. Edward Lee, a senior researcher at the Heritage Foundation. He praised China in general. "It simply came to our notice then.

In his remarks, he elaborated on the Chinese Communist Party's absolute sovereignty through its elements: The buildings, however, belong to the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese military, and the children of senior Chinese Communist officials. The country's economy is centrally controlled. There is no indication that the Chinese system is becoming more liberal with its economy, but rather that it is becoming increasingly dictatorial. Such a dictatorship must be overthrown by the international community. "

In his speech, Mr. Lee said that Americans have a very weak view of what a communist regime is and what a dictatorship is, and that is why they are trying to open a museum in Washington with the "Victims of Communism Memorial Fund" in Washington, D.C. Communist China is not one of the opponents and even enemies we know, but it is a regime that is constantly working for the purpose of becoming the most powerful power in the world. "His goal is not just to be a force in Southeast Asia, but to become a world power against the United States, and we must take action."

"Although this does not mean that we should bomb China, it is important to control China through economic measures and other measures," he said. He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: "One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure ... there are going to be some difficult decisions for government".

The moderator then asked Ms. Olivia Inus, an Asian researcher, "What can we do at this time, just days before the start of the Olympics?" Asked. In response, Ms. Olivia Inus said:

"As the Winter Olympics unfold, we must continue to report, report, and report on the Chinese government's human rights abuses, threats to national security, and economic violence." If you are a journalist, write about it and interview the camp witnesses and Uyghurs living in this United States. If you are an American or a web user, spread the word and spread the word online. If you are a company, especially one of the Olympic Games sponsors, please reconsider whether or not you are promoting the event. I think we, as ordinary Americans, have a choice. We have the opportunity not to watch the Olympics and thereby prevent the Chinese Communist Party from benefiting from advertising. In short, no one should be aware that the Chinese government is still aware of the ongoing and ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, and no one should say that I did not know about it. "

Mr Edwards added that the United States should boycott the Olympic Games. "Given the importance of the economy for China, it is very important to have economic consequences to deal with the Chinese government, as well as support Taiwan, restrict China's access to international organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization," he said. "We must not stop interpreting and emphasizing the Communist Chinese government as a genocidal state," he said.

At the end of the interview, Ms. Catherine, the moderator, asked how the situation in the Uyghurs was now suffering so much and what could be done for the Uyghurs. "What is needed for Uyghurs now is for Americans to be courageous," Ms. Olivia Inus said. Americans, American companies should stand up for the Uyghurs. This is not the time to be silent. Every Chinese official, every agency involved in this oppression should be punished and all necessary measures should be taken immediately. "The Biden government must immediately grant refugee status to those fleeing persecution."

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