Brazil floods death toll rises to 146, including 26 children

ارتفاع عدد قتلى فيضانات البرازيل إلى 146 منهم 26 طفلاً وسط ضباب كثيف يواصل عناصر الإنقاذ البحث باستخدام مجارف يدوية للعثور على مفقودين بعد 5 أيام على الكارثة، فيما بلغ عدد القتلى 146 على الأقل.  ارتفعت حصيلة قتلى الفيضانات والانهيارات الأرضية الناجمة عنها في البرازيل إلى 146 شخصاً على الأقل بينهم 26 طفلاً، وفق ما أعلنته السلطات السبت.  ووسط ضباب كثيف واصل عناصر الإنقاذ البحث باستخدام مجارف يدوية، في محاولة للعثور على مفقودين بعد خمسة أيام على الكارثة التي أطاحت بمدينة بيتروبوليس البرازيلية، حيث تتراكم الجثث تحت أكوام الطين.  والثلاثاء هطلت أمطار غزيرة على المدينة البالغ عدد سكانها 300 ألف نسمة والواقعة على بعد 60 كيلومتراً شمال ريو دي جانيرو، مسببة سيولاً طينية وانهيارات أرضية.  وقد تجاوز مستوى الأمطار التي هطلت على بيتروبوليس خلال ساعات المتوسط المعتاد لشهر فبراير/شباط كاملاً.  والسبت واصل أكثر من 500 من عناصر الإنقاذ البحث بالاستعانة بمروحيات وحفّارات وكلاب بوليسية، رغم تضاؤل فرص العثور على ناجين.  وكما هو الحال في عمليات الإغاثة أثناء الزلازل يطلق عناصر الإنقاذ من وقت إلى آخر صفارات قوية لدعوة الحاضرين للصمت في محاولتهم رصد علامات حياة.  وتقول السلطات في المنطقة إن أكوام الطين والأنقاض غير مستقرة، لذلك تجري عمليات البحث باستخدام معدات يدوية.  من جانبه أكد منسق مجموعة الإطفاء في بيتروبوليس روبرتو أمارال أنه "يستحيل إحضار معدات ثقيلة إلى هنا، علينا العمل مثل النمل"، وفق حديثه لوكالة الصحافة الفرنسية.  ومنذ بدأ البحث عثِر على 24 شخصاً أحياء، لكن أغلبهم أُنقِذوا في الساعات التي أعقبت الكارثة، حسب السلطات.  ولا تزال حصيلة المفقودين غير نهائية، فيما قدّرت الشرطة عددهم الجمعة بـ218.  وبدأت الحياة تُستأنف ببطء وسط المدينة، فأعيد فتح محلات المواد الغذائية والصيدليات فقط، بينما يحاول موظفون تنظيف متاجر أخرى.  وينسب خبراء غزارة الأمطار إلى ظاهرة "لا نينيا"، أي الانخفاض واسع النطاق لدرجات الحرارة السطحية وسط المحيط الهادئ إلى التغير المناخي.    Brazil floods death toll rises to 146, including 26 children  Amid thick fog, rescue personnel continue to search using hand shovels to find missing persons 5 days after the disaster, while the death toll has reached at least 146.  The death toll from floods and landslides in Brazil has risen to at least 146, including 26 children, authorities announced Saturday.  Amid thick fog, rescuers continued to search using hand shovels, in an attempt to find the missing, five days after the disaster that toppled the Brazilian city of Petropolis, where bodies piled up under piles of mud.  On Tuesday, heavy rains fell on the city of 300,000 people, located 60 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro, causing mudflows and landslides.  The level of rain that fell on Petropolis during the hours exceeded the normal average for the whole month of February.  On Saturday, more than 500 rescuers continued to search with the help of helicopters, excavators and sniffer dogs, despite the dwindling chances of finding survivors.  As in relief operations during earthquakes, rescue personnel from time to time blow strong whistles to call those present to silence as they try to detect signs of life.  Authorities in the area say the piles of mud and rubble are unstable, so searches are carried out using hand-held equipment.  For his part, the coordinator of the fire brigade in Petropolis, Roberto Amaral, confirmed that "it is impossible to bring heavy equipment here, we have to work like ants," according to his statement to Agence France-Presse.  Since the search began, 24 people have been found alive, but most of them were rescued in the hours following the disaster, according to the authorities.  The number of the missing is still not final, while the police estimated the number on Friday at 218.  Life is slowly beginning to resume downtown, with only food stores and pharmacies reopening, while staff try to clean other stores.  Experts attribute the heavy rains to the phenomenon of "La Niña", the widespread decrease in surface temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean, to climate change.

Brazil floods death toll rises to 146, including 26 children

Amid thick fog, rescue personnel continue to search using hand shovels to find missing persons 5 days after the disaster, while the death toll has reached at least 146.

The death toll from floods and landslides in Brazil has risen to at least 146, including 26 children, authorities announced Saturday.

Amid thick fog, rescuers continued to search using hand shovels, in an attempt to find the missing, five days after the disaster that toppled the Brazilian city of Petropolis, where bodies piled up under piles of mud.

On Tuesday, heavy rains fell on the city of 300,000 people, located 60 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro, causing mudflows and landslides.

The level of rain that fell on Petropolis during the hours exceeded the normal average for the whole month of February.

On Saturday, more than 500 rescuers continued to search with the help of helicopters, excavators and sniffer dogs, despite the dwindling chances of finding survivors.

As in relief operations during earthquakes, rescue personnel from time to time blow strong whistles to call those present to silence as they try to detect signs of life.

Authorities in the area say the piles of mud and rubble are unstable, so searches are carried out using hand-held equipment.

For his part, the coordinator of the fire brigade in Petropolis, Roberto Amaral, confirmed that "it is impossible to bring heavy equipment here, we have to work like ants," according to his statement to Agence France-Presse.

Since the search began, 24 people have been found alive, but most of them were rescued in the hours following the disaster, according to the authorities.

The number of the missing is still not final, while the police estimated the number on Friday at 218.

Life is slowly beginning to resume downtown, with only food stores and pharmacies reopening, while staff try to clean other stores.

Experts attribute the heavy rains to the phenomenon of "La Niña", the widespread decrease in surface temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean, to climate change.

ترمب يستعد لطرح شبكته الاجتماعية الخاصة على متجر أبل.. إليكم الموعد قالت وكالة رويترز إن الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترمب يستعد للعودة إلى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بعد حظره لأكثر من عام، إذ سيطرح شبكته الاجتماعية الخاصة (تروث سوشيال) في متجر تطبيقات آبل يوم الاثنين.  يُطرح على ما يبدو مشروع الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترمب الجديد للتواصل الاجتماعي (تروث سوشيال) في متجر تطبيقات أبل الاثنين، حسبما ذكرت منشورات مسؤول تنفيذي عن النسخة التجريبية.  وقد يشير ذلك إلى عودة الرئيس السابق إلى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في عطلة يوم رؤساء أمريكا.  وسيعيد هذا المشروع حضور ترمب على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بعد أكثر من عام من حظره من قبل تويتر وفيسبوك ويوتيوب في أعقاب هجوم أنصاره على مبنى الكونغرس الأمريكي في السادس من يناير/كانون الثاني 2021 بعد اتهامه بنشر رسائل تحرض على العنف.  وستنضم مجموعة ترمب للإعلام والتكنولوجيا برئاسة النائب الجمهوري السابق ديفين نونيس التي تقف وراء مشروع (تروث سوشيال)، إلى مجموعة متنامية من شركات التكنولوجيا التي تطرح نفسها على أنها مدافعة عن حرية التعبير وتأمل في جذب المستخدمين الذين يشعرون بأنه يجري كبت آرائهم على منصات مثل تويتر وفيسبوك ويوتيوب.  ولم يردُد ممثل لمجموعة ترمب للإعلام والتكنولوجيا على طلب للتعليق على الفور.      Trump is preparing to launch his own social network on the Apple Store Here is the date  Former US President Donald Trump is preparing to return to social media after being banned for more than a year, Reuters said, as he will launch his private social network (Truth Social) in the Apple App Store on Monday.  Former US President Donald Trump's new social networking project appeared to be rolling out to the Apple App Store on Monday, an executive posted on the beta version said.  And that could signal the former president's return to social media for the Presidents Day holiday. This project will restore Trump's presence on social media more than a year after he was banned by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, following the attack by his supporters on the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021, after he was accused of publishing messages inciting violence.  The Trump Media and Technology Group headed by former Republican Representative Devin Nunes, which is behind the "Truth Social" project, will join a growing group of tech companies that present themselves as champions of free speech and hope to attract users who feel their opinions are being stifled on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. and YouTube.  A representative of the Trump Media and Technology Group did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump is preparing to launch his own social network on the Apple Store Here is the date

Former US President Donald Trump is preparing to return to social media after being banned for more than a year, Reuters said, as he will launch his private social network (Truth Social) in the Apple App Store on Monday.

Former US President Donald Trump's new social networking project appeared to be rolling out to the Apple App Store on Monday, an executive posted on the beta version said.

And that could signal the former president's return to social media for the Presidents Day holiday.
This project will restore Trump's presence on social media more than a year after he was banned by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, following the attack by his supporters on the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021, after he was accused of publishing messages inciting violence.

The Trump Media and Technology Group headed by former Republican Representative Devin Nunes, which is behind the "Truth Social" project, will join a growing group of tech companies that present themselves as champions of free speech and hope to attract users who feel their opinions are being stifled on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. and YouTube.

A representative of the Trump Media and Technology Group did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"عرّض طاقمها للخطر".. هل تعرضت طائرة أسترالية لهجوم بالليزر من سفينة صينية؟ قالت وزارة الدفاع الأسترالية إن سفينة تابعة للبحرية الصينية صوبت شعاع ليزر نحو إحدى طائرات الاستطلاع التابعة لها، وأضافت أن ”توجيه السفينة الصينية شعاع الليزر نحو الطائرة يُعتبر حادثاً خطيراً يتعلق بالسلامة".  قالت وزارة الدفاع الأسترالية إن سفينة تابعة للبحرية الصينية صوبت شعاع ليزر نحو إحدى طائرات الاستطلاع التابعة لها، ما عرّض حياة طاقمها للخطر.  وأضافت الوزارة أن الحادث وقع يوم الخميس عندما رصدت طائرة من طراز P-8 بوسيدون شعاع ليزر مصوباً نحوها أثناء تحليقها فوق السواحل الشمالية لأستراليا.  وتشيع مثل هذه الوقائع حيث تتهم الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها الصين باستعراض قوتها العسكرية، وقد اتخذت خطوات لمواجهة نفوذ بيجين المتزايد في غرب المحيط الهادئ وأماكن أخرى.  وقالت وزارة الدفاع الأسترالية في بيان، اليوم السبت، إن شعاع الليزر جاء من سفينة تابعة لبحرية جيش التحرير الشعبي الصيني.  وأضافت أن السفينتين موجودتان الآن في بحر كورال شرقي أستراليا.  وكانت السفينة ترافق سفينة صينية أخرى عبرت مضيق توريس.  وقالت الوزارة إن ”توجيه السفينة الصينية شعاع الليزر نحو الطائرة يُعتبر حادثاً خطيراً يتعلق بالسلامة. ونحن ندين بشدة السلوك العسكري غير المهني وغير الآمن. فهذه الأفعال يمكن أن تعرّض سلامة وأرواح أفراد قوات الدفاع الملكية الأسترالية للخطر”.  ويُعتبر شعاع الليزر خطيراً لأنه عند توجيهه إلى الطائرات يمكن أن يجرح الطيارين أو يصيبهم بالعمى المؤقت، ما قد يمثل مخاطر على السلامة بخاصة أثناء الإقلاع والهبوط.  وقبل عامين، اتهمت الولايات المتحدة البحرية الصينية أيضاً بتوجيه شعاع ليزر نحو إحدى طائراتها من طراز بوسيدون فوق المحيط الهادئ.  ونفت الصين ذلك قائلة إن الطائرة حلقت على ارتفاع منخفض فوق سفينتها الحربية رغم التحذيرات المتكررة.  وفي عام 2019، أفاد طيارو مروحية تابعة للبحرية الأسترالية أنهم أصيبوا بأشعة الليزر أثناء التدريب في بحر الصين الجنوبي، ما أجبرهم على الهبوط كإجراء احترازي.  وفي عام 2018، قدّمت الولايات المتحدة شكوى رسمية للحكومة الصينية بشأن استخدام ليزر عالي الجودة بالقرب من القاعدة العسكرية في جيبوتي كان موجهاً للطائرات وأسفر عن إصابة اثنين من الطيارين الأمريكيين بجروح طفيفة.  وتصاعدت التوترات على نحو لافت في بحر الصين الجنوبي، الذي تدعي بيجين أحقيتها الكاملة فيه، بينما تصر الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها على حرية الملاحة والتحليق فوق مياهه الدولية.      “He endangered its crew” Was an Australian plane subjected to a laser attack from a Chinese ship?  The Australian Ministry of Defense said that a Chinese navy ship aimed a laser beam at one of its reconnaissance aircraft, adding that "the Chinese ship's targeting of the laser beam towards the aircraft is a serious safety accident."  The Australian Ministry of Defense said that a Chinese navy ship aimed a laser beam at one of its reconnaissance planes, endangering the lives of its crew.  The ministry added that the accident occurred on Thursday when a P-8 Poseidon aircraft spotted a laser beam directed at it while it was flying over the northern coast of Australia.  Such incidents are common, as the United States and its allies accuse China of flexing its military might, and has taken steps to counter Beijing's growing influence in the Western Pacific and elsewhere.  The Australian Ministry of Defense said in a statement today, Saturday, that the laser beam came from a ship belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.  She added that the two ships are now located in the Coral Sea in eastern Australia.  The ship was escorting another Chinese ship that crossed the Torres Strait. "The Chinese ship's pointing of the laser beam towards the plane is a serious safety accident," the ministry said. We strongly condemn unprofessional and unsafe military behaviour. These actions could endanger the safety and lives of Royal Australian Defense Forces personnel.”  The laser beam is dangerous because when directed at aircraft it can injure or temporarily blind pilots, which can pose safety risks, especially during take-off and landing.  And two years ago, the United States also accused the Chinese navy of directing a laser beam at one of its Poseidon planes over the Pacific Ocean.  China denied this, saying the plane flew at a low altitude over its warship despite repeated warnings. In 2019, Australian Navy helicopter pilots reported being hit by lasers while training in the South China Sea, forcing them to land as a precaution.  In 2018, the United States submitted a formal complaint to the Chinese government about the use of a high-quality laser near the military base in Djibouti that was aimed at aircraft and slightly injured two American pilots.  Tensions have risen remarkably in the South China Sea, to which Beijing claims full rights, while the United States and its allies insist on freedom of navigation and overflight in its international waters.

“He endangered its crew” Was an Australian plane subjected to a laser attack from a Chinese ship?

The Australian Ministry of Defense said that a Chinese navy ship aimed a laser beam at one of its reconnaissance aircraft, adding that "the Chinese ship's targeting of the laser beam towards the aircraft is a serious safety accident."

The Australian Ministry of Defense said that a Chinese navy ship aimed a laser beam at one of its reconnaissance planes, endangering the lives of its crew.

The ministry added that the accident occurred on Thursday when a P-8 Poseidon aircraft spotted a laser beam directed at it while it was flying over the northern coast of Australia.

Such incidents are common, as the United States and its allies accuse China of flexing its military might, and has taken steps to counter Beijing's growing influence in the Western Pacific and elsewhere.

The Australian Ministry of Defense said in a statement today, Saturday, that the laser beam came from a ship belonging to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.

She added that the two ships are now located in the Coral Sea in eastern Australia.

The ship was escorting another Chinese ship that crossed the Torres Strait.
"The Chinese ship's pointing of the laser beam towards the plane is a serious safety accident," the ministry said. We strongly condemn unprofessional and unsafe military behaviour. These actions could endanger the safety and lives of Royal Australian Defense Forces personnel.”

The laser beam is dangerous because when directed at aircraft it can injure or temporarily blind pilots, which can pose safety risks, especially during take-off and landing.

And two years ago, the United States also accused the Chinese navy of directing a laser beam at one of its Poseidon planes over the Pacific Ocean.

China denied this, saying the plane flew at a low altitude over its warship despite repeated warnings.
In 2019, Australian Navy helicopter pilots reported being hit by lasers while training in the South China Sea, forcing them to land as a precaution.

In 2018, the United States submitted a formal complaint to the Chinese government about the use of a high-quality laser near the military base in Djibouti that was aimed at aircraft and slightly injured two American pilots.

Tensions have risen remarkably in the South China Sea, to which Beijing claims full rights, while the United States and its allies insist on freedom of navigation and overflight in its international waters.

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