Because of the risks of infection spread the US land force decides to separate those who refuse to receive the Corona vaccine

لمخاطر تفشّي العدوى.. سلاح البر الأمريكي يقرر فصل رافضي تلقّي لقاح كورونا قالت وزيرة سلاح البرّ الأمريكي إنّ "وجود عسكريين غير ملقّحين ضد فيروس كورونا يشكّل خطراً على القوات المسلّحة الأمريكية ويقوّض مستوى جاهزيتها، وهو السبب وراء عزم سلاح البرّ تسريح العناصر من رافضي تلقّي اللّقاح الإلزامي".  أعلن سلاح البرّ الأمريكي الأربعاء، أنّه سيبدأ تسريح العناصر الذين يرفضون تلقّي اللّقاح الإلزامي المضادّ لفيروس كورونا، ليحذو بذلك حذو البحرية الأمريكية التي اتّخذت هذا القرار قبل حوالي ثلاثة أشهر.  وقالت وزيرة سلاح البرّ كريستين وورميث في بيان إنّ "وجود عسكريين غير ملقّحين يشكّل خطراً على قواتنا المسلّحة ويقوّض مستوى جاهزيتنا".  وأضافت: "سنباشر عملية فصل العسكريين الذين يرفضون التطعيم الإجباري ممّن لا ينتظرون صدور قرار نهائي بشأن إمكانية حصولهم على إعفاء من التطعيم لدواعٍ صحية".  وأوضحت أنّ تطبيق هذا القرار سيؤدّي إلى فصل أكثر من 3 آلاف عسكري من سلاح البرّ الذي وصل إجمالي عدده في نهاية 2021 إلى 482 ألف عسكري في الخدمة الفعلية.  وفي الواقع فإنّه منذ 26 يناير/كانون الثاني عزل سلاح البرّ ستّة ضباط رفيعي المستوى من مناصبهم، بينهم قائد كتيبة، لرفضهم فرض إلزامية التطعيم ضدّ كوفيد-19، في حين تلقّى ما يزيد على 3 آلاف عسكري تأنيباً خطياً لرفضهم تلقّي اللّقاح.  وكانت البحرية الأمريكية أعلنت منتصف أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل أنّها ستفصل كلّ عسكري يرفض تلقّي اللّقاح المضادّ لكوفيد-19.  وفصلت البحرية حتى اليوم حوالي 40 عسكرياً، في حين طرد سلاح مشاة البحرية، التابع لها إدارياً، أكثر من 300 من عناصره.  والبحرية من سائر فروع الجيش الأمريكي، السلاح الذي اتّخذ أشدّ الإجراءات ضدّ كوفيد-19 وذلك بسبب ارتفاع خطر تفشّي العدوى على متن السفن الحربية، وبخاصة الغواصات.  ووفقاً للبنتاغون، فقد تلقّى حوالي 97% من العسكريين الأمريكيين البالغ عددهم الإجمالي نحو 1.4 مليون عنصر في الخدمة الفعلية جرعة لقاحية واحدة على الأقلّ.    Because of the risks of infection spread the US land force decides to separate those who refuse to receive the Corona vaccine  The Secretary of the US Land Force said that "the presence of unvaccinated soldiers against the Corona virus poses a threat to the US armed forces and undermines their level of readiness, which is the reason behind the Land Force's intention to demobilize those who refuse to receive the mandatory vaccination."  The US Land Force announced Wednesday that it will begin demobilizing personnel who refuse to receive the mandatory vaccine against the Corona virus, following the example of the US Navy, which made this decision about three months ago.  "The presence of unvaccinated military personnel poses a threat to our armed forces and undermines our level of readiness," Land Forces Minister Christine Wormyth said in a statement.  She added, "We will begin the process of separating the military who refuse the compulsory vaccination and who do not wait for a final decision regarding the possibility of obtaining exemption from vaccination for health reasons."  She explained that the implementation of this decision will lead to the dismissal of more than 3,000 soldiers from the land force, whose total number at the end of 2021 reached 482,000 soldiers in active service.  In fact, since January 26, the Land Force has dismissed six high-ranking officers, including a battalion commander, for refusing to impose mandatory vaccination against Covid-19, while more than 3,000 military personnel received a written reprimand for their refusal to receive the vaccine.  And the US Navy announced in mid-October that it would dismiss every soldier who refuses to receive the anti-Covid-19 vaccine.  So far, the Navy has dismissed about 40 soldiers, while the Marine Corps, which is administratively affiliated with it, has expelled more than 300 of its members.  The Navy is one of the other branches of the US military, the weapon that has taken the most severe measures against Covid-19, due to the high risk of infection spreading on board warships, especially submarines.  According to the Pentagon, about 97% of the total US military of about 1.4 million active duty personnel have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Because of the risks of infection spread the US land force decides to separate those who refuse to receive the Corona vaccine

The Secretary of the US Land Force said that "the presence of unvaccinated soldiers against the Corona virus poses a threat to the US armed forces and undermines their level of readiness, which is the reason behind the Land Force's intention to demobilize those who refuse to receive the mandatory vaccination."

The US Land Force announced Wednesday that it will begin demobilizing personnel who refuse to receive the mandatory vaccine against the Corona virus, following the example of the US Navy, which made this decision about three months ago.

"The presence of unvaccinated military personnel poses a threat to our armed forces and undermines our level of readiness," Land Forces Minister Christine Wormyth said in a statement.

She added, "We will begin the process of separating the military who refuse the compulsory vaccination and who do not wait for a final decision regarding the possibility of obtaining exemption from vaccination for health reasons."

She explained that the implementation of this decision will lead to the dismissal of more than 3,000 soldiers from the land force, whose total number at the end of 2021 reached 482,000 soldiers in active service.

In fact, since January 26, the Land Force has dismissed six high-ranking officers, including a battalion commander, for refusing to impose mandatory vaccination against Covid-19, while more than 3,000 military personnel received a written reprimand for their refusal to receive the vaccine.

And the US Navy announced in mid-October that it would dismiss every soldier who refuses to receive the anti-Covid-19 vaccine.

So far, the Navy has dismissed about 40 soldiers, while the Marine Corps, which is administratively affiliated with it, has expelled more than 300 of its members.

The Navy is one of the other branches of the US military, the weapon that has taken the most severe measures against Covid-19, due to the high risk of infection spreading on board warships, especially submarines.

According to the Pentagon, about 97% of the total US military of about 1.4 million active duty personnel have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

كوكايين سام يقتل 17 شخصاً ويُدخل 56 إلى المستشفى في الأرجنتين توفي ما لا يقل عن 17 شخصاً بعد تعاطي كوكايين يشتبه في أنه يحتوي على مادة سامة فيما نقل 56 آخرون إلى المستشفيات في عدة بلدات بمقاطعة بوينس آيرس في الأرجنتين.. ما القصة؟  قال مسؤولون ووسائل إعلام محلية، الأربعاء، إن "ما لا يقل عن 17 شخصاً لقوا حتفهم في الأرجنتين بعد تعاطي كوكايين يشتبه بأنه يحتوي على مادة سامة"، إذ تزايدت الحالات المرضية في عدة بلدات في مقاطعة بوينس أيرس مترامية الأطراف.  وقال مصدر بالحكومة لرويترز إن "56 آخرين نقلوا إلى المستشفيات، مضيفاً أن المزيد يطلبون العناية الطبية في ثمان من بلديات المقاطعة بسبب الكوكايين السام".  ورجح المصدر أن ترتفع حصيلة الوفيات المسجلة في ثلاث بلدات حتى الآن.  مقاطعة بوينس أيرس هي الأكثر سكاناً في الأرجنتين وتضم كثيراً من ضواحي العاصمة التي تحمل نفس الاسم.  وذكر بيان لوزارة الصحة في المقاطعة الأربعاء أن عدد الحالات المرضية الشديدة بالمستشفيات في ازدياد.  واعتقلت قوات أمن المقاطعة بعض الاشخاص الذين يشتبه في أنهم باعوا المخدر، وذلك بعد حدوث أولى الوفيات أمس.  وذكرت بعض وسائل الإعلام المحلية أن عصابة مخدرات تسعى على الأرجح لخفض التكاليف وضعت المادة السامة لتقليل نسبة الكوكايين وسط حرب مع عصابات منافسة.    Toxic cocaine kills 17 and hospitalizes 56 in Argentina  At least 17 people died after using cocaine suspected to contain a toxic substance, while 56 others were taken to hospitals in several towns in Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. What's the story?  At least 17 people have died in Argentina after taking cocaine suspected of containing a toxic substance, officials and local media said on Wednesday, as cases of illness rose in several towns in the sprawling Buenos Aires province.  A government source told Reuters that "56 others were taken to hospitals, adding that more are seeking medical attention in eight of the county's municipalities because of the toxic cocaine."  The source expected that the death toll recorded in three towns so far will rise. The province of Buenos Aires is the most populous in Argentina and includes many of the suburbs of the capital of the same name.  A statement from the provincial health ministry said on Wednesday that the number of severely ill cases in hospitals was on the rise.  Provincial security forces arrested some people suspected of selling the drug, after the first deaths occurred yesterday.  Some local media reported that a drug gang, likely seeking to cut costs, put the toxin to reduce cocaine in the midst of a war with rival gangs.

Toxic cocaine kills 17 and hospitalizes 56 in Argentina

At least 17 people died after using cocaine suspected to contain a toxic substance, while 56 others were taken to hospitals in several towns in Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. What's the story?

At least 17 people have died in Argentina after taking cocaine suspected of containing a toxic substance, officials and local media said on Wednesday, as cases of illness rose in several towns in the sprawling Buenos Aires province.

A government source told Reuters that "56 others were taken to hospitals, adding that more are seeking medical attention in eight of the county's municipalities because of the toxic cocaine."

The source expected that the death toll recorded in three towns so far will rise.
The province of Buenos Aires is the most populous in Argentina and includes many of the suburbs of the capital of the same name.

A statement from the provincial health ministry said on Wednesday that the number of severely ill cases in hospitals was on the rise.

Provincial security forces arrested some people suspected of selling the drug, after the first deaths occurred yesterday.

Some local media reported that a drug gang, likely seeking to cut costs, put the toxin to reduce cocaine in the midst of a war with rival gangs.

بسبب علاقة غرامية مع زميلة عمل.. رئيس شبكة CNN يعلن استقالته أعلن رئيس شبكة CNN جيف زوكر، استقالته من منصبه بسبب علاقة غرامية مع زميلة عمل. ومنذ ترؤسه الشبكة التلفزيونية في 2013، كان زوكر أحد أكثر المديرين التنفيذيين نفوذاً في قطاع الإعلام في الولايات المتحدة، وهدفاً متكرراً لهجمات الرئيس السابق دونالد ترمب.  أعلن رئيس شبكة CNN جيف زوكر، الأربعاء، استقالته من منصبه بسبب عدم كشفه عن علاقة غرامية مع زميلة في الشبكة التلفزيونية الأمريكية.  وقال زوكر في رسالة لموظفي الشبكة "بالتأكيد أتمنى لو أن فترة عملي هنا انتهت بطريقة مختلفة" مضيفاً: "لكنها كانت فترة مدهشة وأحببت كل دقيقة"، ومؤكداً أن استقالته فورية.  ومنذ ترؤسه الشبكة التلفزيونية في 2013، كان زوكر أحد أكثر المديرين التنفيذيين نفوذاً في قطاع الإعلام في الولايات المتحدة، وهدفاً متكرراً لهجمات الرئيس السابق دونالد ترمب.  وفي رسالته، قال زوكر إنه في إطار تحقيق يتعلق بأحد مذيعي CNN، "سئلت بشأن علاقة بالتراضي مع أقرب زميلاتي، لقد عملت معها لأكثر من 20 عاماً".  وأضاف: "أقر بأن العلاقة تطورت في السنوات الأخيرة"، وتابع: "كان علي أن أكشف عنها عندما بدأت لكنني لم أفعل ذلك، لقد أخطأت".  وأوضحت CNN أن الزميلة هي مسؤولة التسويق أليسون غولست، التي قالت إنها باقية في عملها.  وقالت غولست في بيان نشرته الشبكة: "جيف وأنا صديقان مقربان وشريكان محترفان لأكثر من 20 عاماً".  وتابعت: "مؤخراً تغيرت علاقتنا خلال كوفيد، آسفة لأننا لم نكشف عنها في الوقت المناسب".  وأكدت أنها "فخورة جداً بالوقت الذي أمضيته في CNN وأتطلع إلى مواصلة العمل الرائع الذي نقوم به كل يوم".  وحسب صحيفة نيويورك تايمز، فإن كلاً من زوكر وغولست مطلق.  وانضم زوكر إلى CNN آتياً من NBC حيث كان رئيساً ومديراً تنفيذياً لمجموعة يونيفرسال تلفيجن، التابعة لـNBC.  وأثناء فترة عمله في NBC، أطلق زوكر برنامج تلفزيون الواقع "ذا أبرينتس" الذي حمل ترمب إلى النجومية.  واختلف الرجلان بعد أن دخل قطب العقارات من نيويورك معترك السياسة، وأصبحت CNN الهدف المفضل لهجمات ترمب على وسائل الإعلام أثناء وجوده في البيت الأبيض.  وفي بيان نشرته الشبكة، قال جيسون كيلار الرئيس التنفيذي لوارنر ميديا (WarnerMedia) الشركة الأم لـCNN، إنه "سيعلن خطة قيادة مؤقتة في وقت قريب".  وقال كيلار "نشكر لجيف مساهماته في السنوات التسع الماضية".    Because of an affair with a co-worker, the president of CNN announces his resignation  CNN President Jeff Zucker has announced his resignation over an affair with a co-worker. Since taking over the television network in 2013, Zucker has been one of the most influential media executives in the United States, and a frequent target of attacks on former President Donald Trump.  CNN President Jeff Zucker announced on Wednesday that he has resigned from his position due to his failure to disclose an affair with a colleague in the American television network.  "I certainly wish my period here would have ended in a different way," Zucker said in a message to network employees, adding: "But it was an amazing period and I loved every minute," stressing that his immediate resignation.  Since taking over the television network in 2013, Zucker has been one of the most influential media executives in the United States, and a frequent target of attacks on former President Donald Trump.  In his letter, Zucker said that as part of an investigation involving a CNN anchor, "I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, with whom I have worked for more than 20 years."  He added, "I admit that the relationship has evolved in recent years," and he continued, "I had to disclose it when I started, but I didn't, I made a mistake."  CNN explained that the colleague is marketing officer Alison Golest, who said she is staying at work.  "Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for more than 20 years," Goulst said in a statement released by the network.  And she continued, "Recently, our relationship changed during Covid, sorry that we did not disclose it in time."  She said she was "so proud of my time at CNN and I look forward to continuing the amazing work we do every day."  According to the New York Times, both Zucker and Goulst are divorced.  Zucker joined CNN from NBC, where he was president and CEO of Universal Television, a subsidiary of NBC.  While at NBC, Zucker launched the reality TV show "The Apprentice" that catapulted Trump to stardom.  The two men fell out after the New York real estate mogul entered politics, and CNN became the preferred target of Trump's attacks on the media while he was in the White House.  In a statement released by the network, Jason Keeler, CEO of WarnerMedia, CNN's parent company, said he "will announce an interim leadership plan soon."  "We thank Jeff for his contributions over the past nine years," Kilar said.

Because of an affair with a co-worker, the president of CNN announces his resignation

CNN President Jeff Zucker has announced his resignation over an affair with a co-worker. Since taking over the television network in 2013, Zucker has been one of the most influential media executives in the United States, and a frequent target of attacks on former President Donald Trump.

CNN President Jeff Zucker announced on Wednesday that he has resigned from his position due to his failure to disclose an affair with a colleague in the American television network.

"I certainly wish my period here would have ended in a different way," Zucker said in a message to network employees, adding: "But it was an amazing period and I loved every minute," stressing that his immediate resignation.

Since taking over the television network in 2013, Zucker has been one of the most influential media executives in the United States, and a frequent target of attacks on former President Donald Trump.

In his letter, Zucker said that as part of an investigation involving a CNN anchor, "I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, with whom I have worked for more than 20 years."

He added, "I admit that the relationship has evolved in recent years," and he continued, "I had to disclose it when I started, but I didn't, I made a mistake."

CNN explained that the colleague is marketing officer Alison Golest, who said she is staying at work.

"Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for more than 20 years," Goulst said in a statement released by the network.

And she continued, "Recently, our relationship changed during Covid, sorry that we did not disclose it in time."

She said she was "so proud of my time at CNN and I look forward to continuing the amazing work we do every day."

According to the New York Times, both Zucker and Goulst are divorced.

Zucker joined CNN from NBC, where he was president and CEO of Universal Television, a subsidiary of NBC.

While at NBC, Zucker launched the reality TV show "The Apprentice" that catapulted Trump to stardom.

The two men fell out after the New York real estate mogul entered politics, and CNN became the preferred target of Trump's attacks on the media while he was in the White House.

In a statement released by the network, Jason Keeler, CEO of WarnerMedia, CNN's parent company, said he "will announce an interim leadership plan soon."

"We thank Jeff for his contributions over the past nine years," Kilar said.

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