Barcelona defender apologizes for abusive behavior in the Catalan derby

مدافع برشلونة يعتذر عن تصرف مسيء في ديربي كتالونيا  اعتذر رونالد أراوخو مدافع برشلونة عن "تصرف مسيء" في التعادل 2-2 خارج ملعبه مع غريمه في المدينة نادي إسبانيول أمس الأحد في المرحلة 24 من الدوري الإسباني، قائلا إن التوتر في المباراة تسبب في هذه الواقعة.  وبدا أن أراوخو يوجه إشارة مسيئة لنيكو ميلامد لاعب وسط إسبانيول أثناء مغادرته الملعب في نهاية المباراة التي شهدت طرد لاعب من كل فريق.   وأظهرت لقطات أراوخو (22 عاما) -الذي كان على مقاعد البدلاء بعد استبداله بين الشوطين بسبب الإصابة- وهو يصرخ في ميلامد ويشير له بيده ملمحا إلى أن إسبانيول ربما يهبط للدرجة الثانية بعد صعوده هذا الموسم.   وقال أراوخو على تويتر عقب المباراة "أريد أن أعتذر لجميع عناصر فريق إسبانيول عن الإشارة المؤسفة التي قمت بها الليلة. كل شيء كان نتيجة التوتر الذي حدث خلال مباراة القمة المثيرة اليوم. أعتبر نفسي من اللاعبين الذين يحظون باحترام الفرق والجماهير المنافسة ولست فخورا بما حدث".  وقال مدرب برشلونة تشافي هرنانديز إنه لم يشاهد الواقعة لكنه اعتذر عن تصرف أراوخو. ونقلت صحيفة "ماركا" (Marca) الإسبانية عن تشابي قوله "علينا احترام المنافس وجماهيره والحكم. علينا دائما التحلي بالاحترام، لكن التوتر قد يجعل ذلك صعبا في بعض الأحيان".  ويحتل برشلونة المركز الرابع برصيد 39 نقطة من 23 مباراة متأخرا بفارق 15 نقطة عن ريال مدريد المتصدر، والذي لعب مباراة أكثر.  ويستضيف فريق المدرب تشافي منافسه نابولي في الدوري الأوروبي الخميس المقبل.     Barcelona defender apologizes for abusive behavior in the Catalan derby  Barcelona defender Ronald Araujo has apologized for his "abusive behaviour" in the 2-2 away draw with city rivals Espanyol on Sunday in the 24th round of La Liga, saying the tension in the match caused the incident.  Araujo appeared to make an insulting gesture to Espanyol midfielder Nico Melamed as he left the field at the end of the match, which saw one player from each team sent off.  The footage showed Araujo, 22, who was on the bench after being substituted at half-time due to an injury, screaming at Melmed and pointing at him with his hand, hinting that Espanyol might be relegated to the second division after their promotion this season.  "I want to apologize to all the Espanyol team for the unfortunate gesture I made tonight," Araujo said on Twitter after the match. "Everything was the result of the tension that occurred during today's exciting derby. I consider myself a player who is respected by rival teams and fans and I am not proud of what happened." .  Barcelona coach Xavi Hernandez said he did not witness the incident but apologized for Araujo's behaviour. "We have to respect the opponent, his fans and the referee. We always have to be respectful, but the tension can make that difficult sometimes," the Spanish newspaper "Marca" quoted Xavi as saying.  Barcelona is fourth with 39 points from 23 games, 15 points behind leaders Real Madrid, who played a game more.  Xavi's team hosts Napoli in the European League next Thursday.

Barcelona defender apologizes for abusive behavior in the Catalan derby

Barcelona defender Ronald Araujo has apologized for his "abusive behaviour" in the 2-2 away draw with city rivals Espanyol on Sunday in the 24th round of La Liga, saying the tension in the match caused the incident.

Araujo appeared to make an insulting gesture to Espanyol midfielder Nico Melamed as he left the field at the end of the match, which saw one player from each team sent off.

The footage showed Araujo, 22, who was on the bench after being substituted at half-time due to an injury, screaming at Melmed and pointing at him with his hand, hinting that Espanyol might be relegated to the second division after their promotion this season.

"I want to apologize to all the Espanyol team for the unfortunate gesture I made tonight," Araujo said on Twitter after the match. "Everything was the result of the tension that occurred during today's exciting derby. I consider myself a player who is respected by rival teams and fans and I am not proud of what happened." .

Barcelona coach Xavi Hernandez said he did not witness the incident but apologized for Araujo's behaviour. "We have to respect the opponent, his fans and the referee. We always have to be respectful, but the tension can make that difficult sometimes," the Spanish newspaper "Marca" quoted Xavi as saying.

Barcelona is fourth with 39 points from 23 games, 15 points behind leaders Real Madrid, who played a game more.

Xavi's team hosts Napoli in the European League next Thursday.

IPL Auction 2022: इस वजह से फ्रेंचाइजी टीमों ने अंडर-19 टीम खिलाड़ियों पर नहीं लगायी बहुत मोटी रकम IPL Auction 2022: विक्की ओस्तवाल को दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने 20 लाख रुपये के उनके आधार मूल्य पर खरीदा. महाराष्ट्र के ऑलराउंडर राजवर्धन को उनकी यॉर्कर करने की क्षमता के लिए जाना जाता है और अब उन्हें दिग्गज खिलाड़ी महेंद्र सिंह धोनी के साथ खेल के गुर सीखने का मौका मिलेगा.  बेंगलुरु: IPL Auction 2022:  क्रिकेट में ‘टाइमिंग' का महत्व काफी अधिक है और अंडर-19 क्रिकेट टीम ने आईपीएल की बड़ी नीलामी से पहले विश्व कप जीतकर सही दिशा में कदम बढ़ाया लेकिन क्या इससे स्टार खिलाड़ियों को इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग की नीलामी में भारी भरकम राशि मिली? दो दिन की नीलामी के बाद पता चला कि भारतीय क्रिकेट के युवा प्रतिभावान खिलाड़ियों पर बोली लगाते हुए फ्रेंचाइजी ने काफी सतर्कता बरती. खुद को साबित कर चुके आवेश खान जैसे ‘अनकैप्ड' (जिन्होंने अंतरराष्ट्रीय मैच नहीं खेला हो) खिलाड़ियों के लिए 10 करोड़ रुपये तक की बोलियां, लगी लेकिन बेंगलुरू में दो दिन चली नीलामी में कप्तान यश धुल सहित कुछ अंडर-19 स्टार खिलाड़ियों को भी अनुबंध मिले.  दिल्ली कैपिटल्स द्वारा संचालित अकादमी का हिस्सा रहे धुल अंडर-19 विश्व कप के शीर्ष स्कोरर थे और उन्हें उसी फ्रेंचाइजी ने 50 लाख रुपये में खरीदा जिसने उन्हें निखारा था. ऑलराउंडर राज बावा को उनकी घरेलू टीम पंजाब किंग्स ने दो करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा जबकि 30 लाख रुपये के आधार मूल्य वाले राजवर्धन हेंगारगेकर के लिए चार बार के चैंपियन चेन्नई सुपरकिंग्स ने डेढ़ करोड़ रुपये की बोली लगाई.  मुंबई इंडियंस ने चोटिल जोफ्रा ऑर्चर पर लुटाए पैसे तो चौंक गया इंग्लिश क्रिकेटर, हैरान होकर ऐसे किया रिएक्ट  विक्की ओस्तवाल को दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने 20 लाख रुपये के उनके आधार मूल्य पर खरीदा. महाराष्ट्र के ऑलराउंडर राजवर्धन को उनकी यॉर्कर करने की क्षमता के लिए जाना जाता है और अब उन्हें दिग्गज खिलाड़ी महेंद्र सिंह धोनी के साथ खेल के गुर सीखने का मौका मिलेगा. ऐसा लगा कि आईपीएल टीम ने अंडर-19 खिलाड़ियों पर बोली लगाते हुए सतर्कता बरती और वे भारी भरकम बोली लगाने को तैयार नहीं थी. अपने ऑलराउंड कौशल के कारण राज बावा के लिए भारत की अंडर-19 टीम के बीच सबसे अधिक बोली लगी.  दक्षिण अफ्रीका के अंडर-19 स्टार डेवाल्ड ब्रेविस के लिए मुंबई इंडियंस ने तीन करोड़ रुपये खर्च किए और उन्हें भारत के सीमित ओवरों के कप्तान रोहित शर्मा और कीरोन पोलार्ड जैसे दिग्गजों के साथ खेलने का मौका मिलेगा. ‘बेबी एबी' के नाम से मशहूर ब्रेविस को दक्षिण अफ्रीका का भविष्य का सुपरस्टार माना जा रहा है. पिछले कुछ समय में पृथ्वी शॉ और शुभमन गिल जैसे खिलाड़ियों को जूनियर विश्व में अच्छे प्रदर्शन के तुरंत बाद फ्रेंचाइजी से लुभावने आईपीएल अनुबंध मिले लेकिन इस बार अंडर-19 खिलाड़ियों पर बोली लगाने में उतना जोश नहीं दिखा.  केवल 2 IPL मैच खेलने वाले खिलाड़ी को ऑक्शन में मिले 10.75 करोड़, डेब्यू में कर चुका है 'चमत्कार'   पृथ्वी को 2018 में दिल्ली ने एक करोड़ 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा था. तब से वह और गिल सीनियर टीम की ओर से पदार्पण कर चुके हैं. गिल को न्यूजीलैंड में अंडर-19 विश्व कप में खेलने के दौरान ही कोलकाता नाइट राइडर्स ने खरीद लिया था. वह सीनियर टीम की ओर से कुछ यादगार पारियां भी खेल चुके हैं. पृथ्वी और गिल जैसे अंडर-19 विश्व कप 2018 के सदस्य जहां खुद को सीनियर स्तर पर साबित कर चुके हैं, तो वहीं शिवम मावी, कमलेश नागरकोटी, इशान पोरेल और रियान पराग भी ऐसा ही कर रहे हैं, लेकिन नियमित रूप से नहीं खेलते. परिपक्व होने के कारण पिछले अंडर-19 विश्व कप के खिलाड़ियों पर अच्छी बोली लगी, लेकिन इनकी तुलना में मौजूदा अंडर-19 चैंपियन टीम के खिलाड़ियों पर टीम ने अधिक बड़ा दांव नहीं खेला क्योंकि वे अभी काफी युवा हैं.    IPL Auction 2022: Because of this, the franchise teams did not spend a lot of money on the Under-19 team players IPL Auction 2022: Vicky Ostwal was bought by Delhi Capitals for his base price of Rs 20 lakh. Maharashtra all-rounder Rajvardhan is known for his yorker skills and will now get a chance to learn the tricks of the game with the legendary Mahendra Singh Dhoni.  Bangalore:IPL Auction 2022:   The importance of 'timing' in cricket is very high and the Under-19 cricket team has taken a step in the right direction by winning the World Cup before the big IPL auction but will it cost the star players huge sums of money in the Indian Premier League auction? Got it? After two days of auction, it was found that the franchise took a lot of caution while bidding on the young talented players of Indian cricket. Proven 'uncapped' players like Avesh Khan, who haven't played international matches, received bids of up to Rs 10 crore, but some U-19 star players, including captain Yash Dhul, were also caught in the two-day auction in Bengaluru. Got the contract.  Dhul, who was part of the Delhi Capitals-run academy, was the top scorer of the Under-19 World Cup and was bought for Rs 50 lakh by the same franchise that had groomed him. All-rounder Raj Bawa was bought by his home team Punjab Kings for Rs 2 crore, while four-time champions Chennai Super Kings bid for Rs 1.5 crore for Rajvardhan Hengargekar with a base price of Rs 30 lakh.  Vicky Ostwal was bought by Delhi Capitals at his base price of Rs 20 lakh. Maharashtra all-rounder Rajvardhan is known for his yorker skills and will now get a chance to learn the tricks of the game with the legendary Mahendra Singh Dhoni. It seemed that the IPL team was cautious while bidding on the Under-19 players and they were not ready to bid heavily. Due to his all-round skills, Raj Bawa was the highest bidder among the India Under-19 team.  Mumbai Indians spent Rs 3 crore for South Africa's Under-19 star Dewald Brevis and he will get a chance to play alongside legends like India's limited overs captain Rohit Sharma and Kieron Pollard. Brevis, popularly known as 'Baby Abby', is touted as the future superstar of South Africa. In the recent past, players like Prithvi Shaw and Shubman Gill got lucrative IPL contracts from franchises soon after their good performances in the junior world but this time around, there was not much enthusiasm in bidding for U-19 players.  Prithvi was bought by Delhi in 2018 for Rs 1.20 crore. Since then he and Gill have made their debut for the senior team. Gill was bought by Kolkata Knight Riders while playing in the Under-19 World Cup in New Zealand. He has also played some memorable innings for the senior team. While members of the U-19 World Cup 2018 like Prithvi and Gill have proven themselves at the senior level, Shivam Mavi, Kamlesh Nagarkoti, Ishan Porel and Riyan Parag are doing the same, but do not play regularly. Due to maturity, the players of the last Under-19 World Cup got a good bid, but the team did not play a big bet on the players of the current Under-19 champion team as they are still quite young.

IPL Auction 2022: Because of this, the franchise teams did not spend a lot of money on the Under-19 team players

IPL Auction 2022: Vicky Ostwal was bought by Delhi Capitals for his base price of Rs 20 lakh. Maharashtra all-rounder Rajvardhan is known for his yorker skills and will now get a chance to learn the tricks of the game with the legendary Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

Bangalore:IPL Auction 2022:   The importance of 'timing' in cricket is very high and the Under-19 cricket team has taken a step in the right direction by winning the World Cup before the big IPL auction but will it cost the star players huge sums of money in the Indian Premier League auction? Got it? After two days of auction, it was found that the franchise took a lot of caution while bidding on the young talented players of Indian cricket. Proven 'uncapped' players like Avesh Khan, who haven't played international matches, received bids of up to Rs 10 crore, but some U-19 star players, including captain Yash Dhul, were also caught in the two-day auction in Bengaluru. Got the contract.

Dhul, who was part of the Delhi Capitals-run academy, was the top scorer of the Under-19 World Cup and was bought for Rs 50 lakh by the same franchise that had groomed him. All-rounder Raj Bawa was bought by his home team Punjab Kings for Rs 2 crore, while four-time champions Chennai Super Kings bid for Rs 1.5 crore for Rajvardhan Hengargekar with a base price of Rs 30 lakh.

Vicky Ostwal was bought by Delhi Capitals at his base price of Rs 20 lakh. Maharashtra all-rounder Rajvardhan is known for his yorker skills and will now get a chance to learn the tricks of the game with the legendary Mahendra Singh Dhoni. It seemed that the IPL team was cautious while bidding on the Under-19 players and they were not ready to bid heavily. Due to his all-round skills, Raj Bawa was the highest bidder among the India Under-19 team.

Mumbai Indians spent Rs 3 crore for South Africa's Under-19 star Dewald Brevis and he will get a chance to play alongside legends like India's limited overs captain Rohit Sharma and Kieron Pollard. Brevis, popularly known as 'Baby Abby', is touted as the future superstar of South Africa. In the recent past, players like Prithvi Shaw and Shubman Gill got lucrative IPL contracts from franchises soon after their good performances in the junior world but this time around, there was not much enthusiasm in bidding for U-19 players.

Prithvi was bought by Delhi in 2018 for Rs 1.20 crore. Since then he and Gill have made their debut for the senior team. Gill was bought by Kolkata Knight Riders while playing in the Under-19 World Cup in New Zealand. He has also played some memorable innings for the senior team. While members of the U-19 World Cup 2018 like Prithvi and Gill have proven themselves at the senior level, Shivam Mavi, Kamlesh Nagarkoti, Ishan Porel and Riyan Parag are doing the same, but do not play regularly. Due to maturity, the players of the last Under-19 World Cup got a good bid, but the team did not play a big bet on the players of the current Under-19 champion team as they are still quite young.

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