As a result of being tortured, a detainee at Guantanamo Bay was transferred to a mental institution in Saudi Arabia

نتيجة تعرّضه للتعذيب.. نقل معتقل بسجن غوانتانامو إلى مصحة عقلية بالسعودية بعد اعتلال صحته العقلية على نحو بالغ جرّاء ما تعرّض له من تعذيب، سيُنقَل محمد القحطاني المعتقل بسجن غوانتانامو منذ قرابة عقدين، إلى مصحة نفسية في السعودية. ويعاني القحطاني اضطراباً عقلياً شديداً وأعراض الفصام والاكتئاب واضطراب ما بعد الصدمة.  قالت شبكة "CNN" إنّ المعتقل السعودي بسجن غوانتانامو محمد القحطاني، سيُنقَل إلى مصحة نفسية في السعودية بعد اعتلال صحته العقلية على نحو بالغ.  ولا يزال القحطاني يقبع في السجن الشهير رغم إسقاط التهم الموجّهة إليه عام 2008، بعد أن أُلقي القبض عليه قبل ما يقرب من عقدين من الزمن.  وتزعم السلطات الأمريكية أنّ القحطاني كان أحد عناصر تنظيم القاعدة الذي خطط ليكون "الخاطف رقم 20" في هجمات 11 سبتمبر/أيلول 2001، لكنّه فشل في الصعود على متن رحلة شركة "يونايتد إيرلاينز" رقم 93، التي تحطمت في ريف ولاية بنسلفانيا.  وذكرت الشبكة الأمريكية أنّ محاميي القحطاني قالا إنّه يعاني اضطراباً عقلياً شديداً، وظهرت عليه أعراض الفصام والاكتئاب واضطراب ما بعد الصدمة نتيجة "التعذيب" الذي يتعرّض له في غوانتانامو.  ولفتت إلى أنّ المحامييْن خاضا معارك قانونية مطولة لإعادة القحطاني إلى المملكة، قبل أن يوصي "مجلس المراجعة الدورية" بإعادة القحطاني إلى مصحة نفسية في بلاده.  وقال المجلس في ملف نُشرَ على موقعه الإلكتروني إنّه "يعترف بأنّ المحتجز يمثّل مستوى معيّناً من التهديد في ضوء أنشطته وارتباطاته السابقة"، لكن المجلس يعتقد أن "استمرار قانون الحرب باحتجاز المعتقل لم يعد ضرورياً للحماية من استمرار تهديد كبير لأمن الولايات المتحدة".  وأردف: "يفهم المجلس أنّ السعودية يمكن أن توفر (للقحطاني) رعاية صحية عقلية شاملة، كما أن المملكة قادرة على مراقبة المحتجز بعد الانتهاء من برنامج إعادة تأهيله".  وأوصى "مجلس المراجعة الدورية" بتطبيق شروط محدّدة لإعادة القحطاني، مثل "مجموعة شاملة من الإجراءات الأمنية بما في ذلك المراقبة والقيود على السفر".  والمجلس المذكور هو كيان حكومي تأسّس في عهد إدارة أوباما لتحديد ما إذا كان المحتجزون في المنشأة مذنبين من عدمه.  وكان خبراء مستقلون انتدبتهم الأمم المتحدة بلا تمثيل رسمي لها، دعوا في بيان بمناسبة مرور 20 عاماً على إنشاء سجن غوانتانامو سيئ السمعة، إلى إعادة المعتقلين الباقين إلى أوطانهم أو إرسالهم إلى بلدان ثالثة آمنة، وتعويضهم عن أي "أعمال تعذيب" تعرّضوا لها.   As a result of being tortured, a detainee at Guantanamo Bay was transferred to a mental institution in Saudi Arabia  After his mental health seriously ill as a result of the torture he was subjected to, Muhammad Al-Qahtani, who has been detained in Guantanamo Bay for nearly two decades, will be transferred to a mental hospital in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qahtani suffers from severe mental disorder and symptoms of schizophrenia, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.  CNN said that the Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Muhammad al-Qahtani, will be transferred to a psychiatric clinic in Saudi Arabia, after his mental health seriously ill.  Al-Qahtani is still languishing in the famous prison despite the charges against him being dropped in 2008, after he was arrested nearly two decades ago.  US authorities allege that al-Qahtani was one of the al-Qaeda operatives who planned to be the "20th hijacker" in the September 11, 2001 attacks, but failed to board United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania.  The American network reported that Al-Qahtani's lawyers said that he suffers from a severe mental disorder, and that he has symptoms of schizophrenia, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the "torture" he is being subjected to in Guantanamo.  She pointed out that the two lawyers fought protracted legal battles to return Al-Qahtani to the Kingdom, before the "Periodic Review Board" recommended that Al-Qahtani be returned to a psychiatric clinic in his country.  The council said in a file posted on its website that it "recognizes that the detainee poses a certain level of threat in light of his past activities and associations," but the council believes that "the continued law-of-war detention of the detainee is no longer necessary to protect against a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States."  And he added, "The Council understands that Saudi Arabia can provide (Al-Qahtani) comprehensive mental health care, and that the Kingdom is able to monitor the detainee after completing his rehabilitation program."  The Periodic Review Board recommended specific conditions for al-Qahtani's return, such as a "comprehensive set of security measures including monitoring and travel restrictions."  The aforementioned council is a government entity established during the Obama administration to determine whether detainees in the facility are guilty . In a statement, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the notorious Guantanamo prison, they called for the remaining detainees to be repatriated or sent to safe third countries, and to compensate them for any "acts of torture" they were subjected to.

As a result of being tortured, a detainee at Guantanamo Bay was transferred to a mental institution in Saudi Arabia

After his mental health seriously ill as a result of the torture he was subjected to, Muhammad Al-Qahtani, who has been detained in Guantanamo Bay for nearly two decades, will be transferred to a mental hospital in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qahtani suffers from severe mental disorder and symptoms of schizophrenia, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

CNN said that the Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Muhammad al-Qahtani, will be transferred to a psychiatric clinic in Saudi Arabia, after his mental health seriously ill.

Al-Qahtani is still languishing in the famous prison despite the charges against him being dropped in 2008, after he was arrested nearly two decades ago.

US authorities allege that al-Qahtani was one of the al-Qaeda operatives who planned to be the "20th hijacker" in the September 11, 2001 attacks, but failed to board United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania.

The American network reported that Al-Qahtani's lawyers said that he suffers from a severe mental disorder, and that he has symptoms of schizophrenia, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the "torture" he is being subjected to in Guantanamo.

She pointed out that the two lawyers fought protracted legal battles to return Al-Qahtani to the Kingdom, before the "Periodic Review Board" recommended that Al-Qahtani be returned to a psychiatric clinic in his country.

The council said in a file posted on its website that it "recognizes that the detainee poses a certain level of threat in light of his past activities and associations," but the council believes that "the continued law-of-war detention of the detainee is no longer necessary to protect against a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States."

And he added, "The Council understands that Saudi Arabia can provide (Al-Qahtani) comprehensive mental health care, and that the Kingdom is able to monitor the detainee after completing his rehabilitation program."

The Periodic Review Board recommended specific conditions for al-Qahtani's return, such as a "comprehensive set of security measures including monitoring and travel restrictions."

The aforementioned council is a government entity established during the Obama administration to determine whether detainees in the facility are guilty .
In a statement, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the notorious Guantanamo prison, they called for the remaining detainees to be repatriated or sent to safe third countries, and to compensate them for any "acts of torture" they were subjected to.

برنامج بيغاسوس التجسّسي.. سلاح دبلوماسي اخترعته إسرائيل فارتد عليها كشفت صحيفة كلكاليست الاقتصاديّة العبريّة أن استخدام برنامج بيغاسوس للتجسّس لم يقتصر على الخارج، إنما استخدمته الشرطة الإسرائيليّة دون الحصول على إذن قضائي داخل إسرائيل.  استخدمت إسرائيل في السنوات الأخيرة برنامج بيغاسوس الإلكتروني للتجسّس سلاحاً دبلوماسياً، لكنّ هذا السلاح القوي بدأ يرتدّ عليها مع سلسلة تقارير تتهم الشرطة الإسرائيلية باستخدامه للتجسّس على عدد من الشخصيات السياسية في تل أبيب نفسها.  وكشف تحقيق نشرته 17 وسيلة إعلامية دولية الصيف الماضي فضيحة مفادها أنّ برنامج بيغاسوس الذي وضعته شركة NSO الإسرائيلية سمح بالتجسّس على ما لا يقلّ عن 180 صحفياً و600 شخصيّة سياسيّة و85 ناشطاً حقوقياً و65 صاحب شركة في دول عدّة.  ويتطلّب تصدير هذا البرنامج موافقة وكالة مراقبة الصادرات العسكرية التي تسمح ببيع هذه التكنولوجيا إلى حكومات أجنبية، وليس إلى شركات أو أفراد.  ويسمح للبرنامج بمجرد تحميله على هاتف جوال، اختراق الهاتف والاطّلاع على الرسائل والبيانات والصور ووجهات الاتصال، كما يتيح تفعيل الميكروفون والكاميرا عن بُعد.  وفي السنوات الأخيرة، باعت إسرائيل هذه التكنولوجيا على وجه الخصوص إلى المغرب، البلد الذي طبعت للتو علاقاتها معه، والى المملكة العربية السعودية التي تأمل في إقامة علاقات دبلوماسية رسمية معها. ووثّقت منظمة العفو الدولية أنّ برنامج بيغاسوس استُخدم لملاحقة أحد أفرادها، وملاحقة شخص آخر يدافع عن حقوق الانسان في المملكة العربية السعودية، حسب وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية.  للمزيد، إقرأ:  - "هزّة أرضية".. شرطة إسرائيل تتجسس على هواتف مسؤولين كبار ومقربين من نتنياهو  وتصرّ الشركة الإسرائيلية على أنّ برامجها مخصّصة فقط للاستخدام في إطار مكافحة الإرهاب وجرائم أخرى، لكن لا يمكنها شيئاً إذا جرى تحوير استخدامها من جانب حكومات معيّنة.  وفي منتصف شهر يناير/كانون الثاني، كشفت صحيفة كلكاليست الاقتصاديّة العبريّة أن استخدام برنامج بيغاسوس للتجسّس لم يقتصر على الخارج، إنما استخدمته الشرطة الإسرائيليّة دون الحصول على إذن قضائي داخل إسرائيل.  ويقول المحامي إيتاي ماك لوكالة الصحافة الفرنسية إنّه "مع تضاعف مبيعات بيغاسوس في الخارج، كانت توجد عملية تطبيع لاستخدامه داخلياً".  ويعمل إيتاي مع آخرين لمقاضاة شركة NSO، موكلاً عن صحفيين مجريين تعرّضوا للتجسس بشكل غير قانوني.  والاثنين، أثارت صحيفة كالكاليست ضجة مجدداً، عندما نشرت أن الشرطة استخدمت برنامج بيغاسوس للتجسس على هواتف عشرات الشخصيات البارزة في الدولة بشكل غير قانوني، وبينهم مقربون من رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلي السابق بنيامين نتنياهو ونجله أفنير.  وكتبت الصحفية سيما كادمون في صحيفة يديعوت أحرونوت الأكثر انتشاراً في إسرائيل: "بعد قراءة كلكاليست، بدأنا نعتقد أن هذا البلد قد لا يكون ديمقراطياً".  وأضافت "إذا كانت الدولة تعمل بالفعل على هذا النحو (...)، فنحن حقاً مثل رومانيا في عهد تشاوشيسكو أو تشيلي بينوشيه".  سماع الشهود  ودعا وزير الأمن الداخلي عومر بارليف الاثنين وزارة العدل إلى تشكيل لجنة تحقيق حكومية في الموضوع.  ومساء الثلاثاء طلب رئيس الوزراء نفتالي بينيت فتح تحقيق أولي بشأن الشخصيات الـ26 الذين أشارت إليهم صحيفة كالكاليست، وفق بيان أصدرته رئاسة الحكومة.  وأكّد بينيت أنّ تحقيقاً أشمل سينطلق في الأيام المقبلة.  من جهته طالب نتنياهو بإنشاء لجنة تحقيق مستقلّة.  وحسب تقارير صحفية، جرى تصدير بيغاسوس واستخدامه من دون أمر قضائي أثناء وجود نتانياهو في السلطة. وتشير المعلومات إلى أن أفنير نتنياهو وشخصيات رئيسية مدّعى عليها في "القضية 4000"، المسماة أيضاً ملف "بيزك"، تعرّضت للتجسّس عبر البرنامج.  ويواجه نتنياهو في هذه القضية تهماً بالفساد وخيانة الأمانة والاختلاس، وتقديم منافع لأقطاب وسائل إعلام في مقابل تغطية إيجابية له.  وبين وسائل الإعلام هذه موقع "واللا" الذي تملكه مجموعة الاتصالات "بيزيك". لكن نتنياهو يدفع ببرائته، متّهماً القضاء بتدبير "انقلاب" ضده.  وتحدّثت كالكاليست الأسبوع الماضي عن استخدام البرنامج للتجسس على شاهد رئيسي في محاكمة نتنياهو وضد نشطاء قادوا الاحتجاجات المطالبة برحيل رئيس الوزراء السابق.  ووفقاً للصحافة الإسرائيلية، اختُرقت الهواتف الذكية لمديرين عامين سابقين في وزارة الاتصالات وشهود للمدعي العام وقادة ورؤساء في إطار هذه القضية، بالإضافة الى صحفيين من موقع "واللا".  ارتدت عليه  ويمكن للجنة تحقيق في نهاية المطاف أن تفضح كل ممارسات الشرطة، وربما أن تورط نتنياهو نفسه لأنه كان في السلطة أثناء عمليات التجسس المزعومة، ولكن التحقيق قد يعرقل محاكمة نتنياهو بالفساد إذ يدفع الى التشكيك في قانونية الأدلة التي جرى الحصول عليها ضده.  وألغيت جلسة محاكمة نتنياهو التي كان مقرّراً عقدها الثلاثاء، وأصدرت تعليمات للمدّعين العامّين بالإجابة على أسئلة محامي رئيس الوزراء السابق بشأن استخدام التجسّس في قضيته.  ويقول المحامي إيتاي ماك: "إنه تحوّل مذهل بالنسبة لرجل قيل إنه استخدم برنامج التجسس بيغاسوس كأداة دبلوماسية، وقد ارتدت عليه".  ويضيف: "أعتقد أنه من المحرج للغاية أن يكون نتنياهو الزعيم الوحيد في السلطة الذي استخدم النظام ضده أيضاً".  ويقول يوهانان بليسنر مدير المعهد الديموقراطي الإسرائيلي (مركز أبحاث في القدس): "الديمقراطية الإسرائيلية تمرّ بلحظة محورية والثقة فيها على المحك"، داعياً إلى تشكيل لجنة تحقيق بشأن استخدام تكنولوجيا المراقبة.  ويحضّ السياسيين على القيام بذلك، وعلى تحديث القوانين لحماية الحياة العامة.    The Pegasus spy program a diplomatic weapon invented by Israel, so it turned on it  The Hebrew economic newspaper Calcalist revealed that the use of the Pegasus spyware program was not limited to abroad, but was used by the Israeli police without obtaining judicial permission inside Israel.  In recent years, Israel has used the Pegasus electronic espionage program as a diplomatic weapon, but this powerful weapon began to backfire with a series of reports accusing the Israeli police of using it to spy on a number of political figures in Tel Aviv itself.  An investigation published by 17 international media outlets last summer revealed a scandal that the Pegasus program developed by the Israeli company NSO allowed spying on at least 180 journalists, 600 political figures, 85 human rights activists and 65 company owners in several countries.  Exporting this program requires approval by the Military Export Controls Agency, which allows this technology to be sold to foreign governments, not companies or individuals.  Once downloaded to a mobile phone, the program allows you to hack the phone and see messages, data, photos and contacts, and it also allows you to activate the microphone and the camera remotely.  In recent years, Israel has sold this technology in particular to Morocco, the country with which it has just normalized its relations, and to Saudi Arabia, with which it hopes to establish formal diplomatic relations. Amnesty International has documented that the Pegasus program was used to prosecute one of its members, and another person who defends human rights in Saudi Arabia, according to Agence France-Presse.  For more, read:  “ An earthquake” .. the Israeli police spying on the phones of senior officials and those close to Netanyahu  The Israeli company insists that its software is only for use in the fight against terrorism and other crimes, but it can do nothing if its use is altered by certain governments.  In mid-January, the Hebrew economic newspaper Calcalist revealed that the use of the Pegasus spyware program was not limited to abroad, but was used by the Israeli police without obtaining judicial permission inside Israel.  "With the doubling of Pegasus' sales abroad, there was a process of normalizing its use internally," lawyer Itay Mack told AFP.  Itai is working with others to sue NSO, on behalf of Hungarian journalists who have been illegally spied on.  And on Monday, Calcalist newspaper caused an uproar again, when it reported that the police had used the Pegasus program to illegally spy on the phones of dozens of prominent figures in the country, including those close to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his son Avner.  "After reading Calcalist, we started to believe that this country may not be democratic," wrote journalist Sima Kadmon in Israel's most popular newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.  "If the state really works in this way, we are really like Romania in the era of Ceausescu or Chile Pinochet," she added.  Hearing the witnesses On Monday, Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev called on the Ministry of Justice to form a government investigation committee into the matter.  On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett requested the opening of a preliminary investigation into the 26 figures referred to by Calcalist newspaper, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Government.  Bennett confirmed that a more comprehensive investigation would be launched in the coming days.  For his part, Netanyahu called for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry.  According to press reports, Pegasus was exported and used without a court order while Netanyahu was in power. Information indicates that Avner Netanyahu and key defendants in "Case 4000", also called the Bezeq file, were spied on through the program.  In this case, Netanyahu faces charges of corruption, breach of trust and embezzlement, and of providing benefits to media moguls in exchange for positive coverage of him.  Among these media outlets is the Walla website, which is owned by the Bezeq communications group. But Netanyahu pleads his innocence, accusing the judiciary of orchestrating a "coup" against him.  Calcalist spoke last week of using the program to spy on a key witness in Netanyahu's trial and against activists who led protests calling for the former prime minister's departure.  According to the Israeli press, the smartphones of former general directors of the Ministry of Communications, witnesses to the attorney general, leaders and chiefs in the framework of this case, as well as journalists from the Walla website, were hacked.  She wore it A commission of inquiry could eventually expose all police practices, possibly implicating Netanyahu himself because he was in power during the alleged spying operations, but the investigation could hamper Netanyahu's corruption trial by calling into question the legality of the evidence obtained against him.  Netanyahu's trial, scheduled for Tuesday, was canceled and prosecutors were instructed to answer questions from the former prime minister's lawyer about the use of espionage in his case.  "It's an astonishing turnaround for a man who is said to have used the Pegasus spyware as a diplomatic tool, and it has turned back on him," says lawyer Itay Mack.  "I think it's very embarrassing that Netanyahu is the only leader in power who has also used the system against him," he adds.  "Israeli democracy is going through a pivotal moment, and confidence in it is at stake," said Johanan Plesner, director of the Israel Democratic Institute (a think tank in Jerusalem), calling for the formation of a commission of inquiry into the use of surveillance technology.  He urges politicians to do so, and to update laws to protect public life.

The Pegasus spy program a diplomatic weapon invented by Israel, so it turned on it

The Hebrew economic newspaper Calcalist revealed that the use of the Pegasus spyware program was not limited to abroad, but was used by the Israeli police without obtaining judicial permission inside Israel.

In recent years, Israel has used the Pegasus electronic espionage program as a diplomatic weapon, but this powerful weapon began to backfire with a series of reports accusing the Israeli police of using it to spy on a number of political figures in Tel Aviv itself.

An investigation published by 17 international media outlets last summer revealed a scandal that the Pegasus program developed by the Israeli company NSO allowed spying on at least 180 journalists, 600 political figures, 85 human rights activists and 65 company owners in several countries.

Exporting this program requires approval by the Military Export Controls Agency, which allows this technology to be sold to foreign governments, not companies or individuals.

Once downloaded to a mobile phone, the program allows you to hack the phone and see messages, data, photos and contacts, and it also allows you to activate the microphone and the camera remotely.

In recent years, Israel has sold this technology in particular to Morocco, the country with which it has just normalized its relations, and to Saudi Arabia, with which it hopes to establish formal diplomatic relations. Amnesty International has documented that the Pegasus program was used to prosecute one of its members, and another person who defends human rights in Saudi Arabia, according to Agence France-Presse.

For more, read:

“ An earthquake” .. the Israeli police spying on the phones of senior officials and those close to Netanyahu

The Israeli company insists that its software is only for use in the fight against terrorism and other crimes, but it can do nothing if its use is altered by certain governments.

In mid-January, the Hebrew economic newspaper Calcalist revealed that the use of the Pegasus spyware program was not limited to abroad, but was used by the Israeli police without obtaining judicial permission inside Israel.

"With the doubling of Pegasus' sales abroad, there was a process of normalizing its use internally," lawyer Itay Mack told AFP.

Itai is working with others to sue NSO, on behalf of Hungarian journalists who have been illegally spied on.

And on Monday, Calcalist newspaper caused an uproar again, when it reported that the police had used the Pegasus program to illegally spy on the phones of dozens of prominent figures in the country, including those close to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his son Avner.

"After reading Calcalist, we started to believe that this country may not be democratic," wrote journalist Sima Kadmon in Israel's most popular newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.

"If the state really works in this way, we are really like Romania in the era of Ceausescu or Chile Pinochet," she added.

Hearing the witnesses
On Monday, Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev called on the Ministry of Justice to form a government investigation committee into the matter.

On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett requested the opening of a preliminary investigation into the 26 figures referred to by Calcalist newspaper, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Government.

Bennett confirmed that a more comprehensive investigation would be launched in the coming days.

For his part, Netanyahu called for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry.

According to press reports, Pegasus was exported and used without a court order while Netanyahu was in power. Information indicates that Avner Netanyahu and key defendants in "Case 4000", also called the Bezeq file, were spied on through the program.

In this case, Netanyahu faces charges of corruption, breach of trust and embezzlement, and of providing benefits to media moguls in exchange for positive coverage of him.

Among these media outlets is the Walla website, which is owned by the Bezeq communications group. But Netanyahu pleads his innocence, accusing the judiciary of orchestrating a "coup" against him.

Calcalist spoke last week of using the program to spy on a key witness in Netanyahu's trial and against activists who led protests calling for the former prime minister's departure.

According to the Israeli press, the smartphones of former general directors of the Ministry of Communications, witnesses to the attorney general, leaders and chiefs in the framework of this case, as well as journalists from the Walla website, were hacked.

She wore it
A commission of inquiry could eventually expose all police practices, possibly implicating Netanyahu himself because he was in power during the alleged spying operations, but the investigation could hamper Netanyahu's corruption trial by calling into question the legality of the evidence obtained against him.

Netanyahu's trial, scheduled for Tuesday, was canceled and prosecutors were instructed to answer questions from the former prime minister's lawyer about the use of espionage in his case.

"It's an astonishing turnaround for a man who is said to have used the Pegasus spyware as a diplomatic tool, and it has turned back on him," says lawyer Itay Mack.

"I think it's very embarrassing that Netanyahu is the only leader in power who has also used the system against him," he adds.

"Israeli democracy is going through a pivotal moment, and confidence in it is at stake," said Johanan Plesner, director of the Israel Democratic Institute (a think tank in Jerusalem), calling for the formation of a commission of inquiry into the use of surveillance technology.

He urges politicians to do so, and to update laws to protect public life.

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