Ancelotti admits his mistakes against Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain

أنشيلوتي يعترف بأخطائه في مواجهة ريال مدريد وباريس سان جيرمان  اعترف مدرب ريال مدريد كارلو أنشيلوتي بأخطائه التي تسببت في خسارة الفريق أمام باريس سان جيرمان في دوري أبطال أوروبا، وقال إنه أمضى ساعات صعبة بعد نهاية المباراة.  وخسر النادي الملكي أمام سان جيرمان 1-صفر في ذهاب ثمن نهائي دوري أبطال أوروبا بمباراة قدم فيها الريال أداء باهتا وأفلت من خسارة قاسية بفضل تألق حارسه تيبو كورتوا الذي أوقف العديد من المحاولات الخطيرة، وصد ركلة جزاء لليونيل ميسي.  وقال أنشيلوتي -في مؤتمر صحفي اليوم الجمعة- "أريد أن أكون صادقا: لعبنا بشكل سيئ للغاية ضد باريس سان جيرمان، كان الأسلوب سيئا ولم ينجح، أنا مسؤول عن ذلك".  وأضاف أن "الانتقادات الموجهة لنا مبررة لأننا لم نفعل الصواب، لم تكن الصورة جيدة، المشكلة ليست في النتيجة لأنه يمكن تغييرها، ولكن في الصورة التي كانت سيئة".  وأشار المدرب الإيطالي إلى أن الساعات التي تلت المباراة كانت معقدة للغاية بالنسبة له، وكذلك بالنسبة لرئيس الفريق وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة، وقال "كان لدينا نفس الشعور: لقد تأذينا، الصورة كانت سيئة، وهذا أكثر ما يؤلمنا".  واعتبر أن الخسارة بهدف واحد ليست نتيجة سيئة، وكانت "أفضل" ما حدث يوم الثلاثاء الماضي، وقال إن الفريق يملك 3 أسابيع لإصلاح الأخطاء.  ويرى أنشيلوتي أن عودة بنزيما -الذي تعافى من إصابة أبعدته لنحو شهر عن الملاعب- ستساهم في إصلاح الأخطاء المسجلة في مباراة باريس، كما أن المهاجم البرازيلي فينيسيوس سيحظى بقليل من الراحة خلال الأسابيع المقبلة، وهو ما سيسمح له باستعادة قدراته بعد تأثره بالتعب وتراجع مستواه بسبب كثافة المباريات في الشهر الماضي.  وتعهد أنشيلوتي بالعودة إلى ممارسة الضغط العالي في المباريات المقبلة، بعد اعتماد الفريق خطة دفاعية متحفظة أمام نادي العاصمة الفرنسية.  وقال "يجب أن نستخلص الدروس مما جرى، خلال المباريات القادمة سنعتمد على الضغط العالي، لقد ركزنا كثيرا على الكتل الدفاعي والبحث عن المرتدات السريعة".  ويسعى ريال مدريد إلى تعزيز صدارته للدوري الإسباني حين يستقبل غدا السبت ضيفه ألافيس في المرحلة الـ25 من المسابقة.    Ancelotti admits his mistakes against Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain  Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti admitted his mistakes, which caused the team's loss to Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League, and said that he spent difficult hours after the end of the match.  The Royal Club lost to Saint-Germain 1-0 in the first leg of the Champions League final, in a match in which Real performed poorly and escaped a severe loss thanks to the brilliance of goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois, who stopped many dangerous attempts, and saved a penalty kick for Lionel Messi.  Ancelotti said - in a press conference today, Friday - "I want to be honest: we played very badly against Paris Saint-Germain, the technique was bad and it did not work, I am responsible for it."  He added, "The criticism directed at us is justified because we did not do the right thing. The image was not good. The problem is not in the result because it can be changed, but in the image that was bad."  The Italian coach indicated that the hours after the match were very complicated for him, as well as for the team president and members of the board of directors, and said, "We had the same feeling: we were hurt, the picture was bad, and this hurts us the most."  He considered that losing by one goal is not a bad result, and it was the "best" of what happened last Tuesday, and said that the team has 3 weeks to fix the errors.  Ancelotti believes that the return of Benzema - who has recovered from an injury that kept him out of action for about a month - will contribute to fixing the errors recorded in the Paris match, and the Brazilian striker Vinicius will have a little rest in the coming weeks, which will allow him to restore his abilities after being affected by fatigue and a decline in his level due to The intensity of matches in the last month.  Ancelotti vowed to return to applying high pressure in the upcoming matches, after the team adopted a conservative defensive plan against the French capital club.  He said, "We must draw lessons from what happened. In the upcoming matches, we will rely on high pressure. We focused a lot on the defensive blocks and the search for quick rebounds."  Real Madrid seeks to consolidate its lead in the Spanish League when it receives its guest Alaves tomorrow, Saturday, in the 25th stage of the competition.

Ancelotti admits his mistakes against Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain

Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti admitted his mistakes, which caused the team's loss to Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League, and said that he spent difficult hours after the end of the match.

The Royal Club lost to Saint-Germain 1-0 in the first leg of the Champions League final, in a match in which Real performed poorly and escaped a severe loss thanks to the brilliance of goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois, who stopped many dangerous attempts, and saved a penalty kick for Lionel Messi.

Ancelotti said - in a press conference today, Friday - "I want to be honest: we played very badly against Paris Saint-Germain, the technique was bad and it did not work, I am responsible for it."

He added, "The criticism directed at us is justified because we did not do the right thing. The image was not good. The problem is not in the result because it can be changed, but in the image that was bad."

The Italian coach indicated that the hours after the match were very complicated for him, as well as for the team president and members of the board of directors, and said, "We had the same feeling: we were hurt, the picture was bad, and this hurts us the most."

He considered that losing by one goal is not a bad result, and it was the "best" of what happened last Tuesday, and said that the team has 3 weeks to fix the errors.

Ancelotti believes that the return of Benzema - who has recovered from an injury that kept him out of action for about a month - will contribute to fixing the errors recorded in the Paris match, and the Brazilian striker Vinicius will have a little rest in the coming weeks, which will allow him to restore his abilities after being affected by fatigue and a decline in his level due to The intensity of matches in the last month.

Ancelotti vowed to return to applying high pressure in the upcoming matches, after the team adopted a conservative defensive plan against the French capital club.

He said, "We must draw lessons from what happened. In the upcoming matches, we will rely on high pressure. We focused a lot on the defensive blocks and the search for quick rebounds."

Real Madrid seeks to consolidate its lead in the Spanish League when it receives its guest Alaves tomorrow, Saturday, in the 25th stage of the competition.

الأعلى أجرا في العالم.. عرض جديد "لا يرفض" من سان جيرمان لمبابي  كشفت إذاعة "مونتي كارلو" (RMC Sport) أن باريس سان جيرمان يستعد لتقديم عرض جديد لمحاولة إقناع الفرنسي كليان مبابي نجم الفريق الأول للبقاء في العاصمة باريس.  وأنعش الهدف القاتل -الذي سجله مبابي في فوز سان جيرمان على ريال مدريد بثمن نهائي دوري الأبطال- الآمال باحتمال تمديد مبابي لعقده.  وبحسب معلومات الإذاعة الفرنسية، يواصل سان جيرمان التفاوض مع اللاعب في محاولات حثيثة لإقناعة عبر تقديم "عرض لا يرفض" يجعله أعلى اللاعبين أجرا في العالم.  وسيكون العرض اقتصاديا مشابها للعرض الأخير الذي رفضه مبابي في أغسطس/آب الماضي، وقبل أيام من مفاوضات شاقة بين الناديين من أجل انتقال النجم الفرنسي للعاصمة الإسبانية.  ومن خلال الأداء الذي قدمه مبابي الثلاثاء الماضي، يبدو أن تركيزه الكلي منصب على إنهاء الموسم بأفضل طريقة ممكنة وسيحاول الفوز مع سان جيرمان بلقب دوري الأبطال للمرة الأولى في تاريخ الفريق.  وتشير معلومات "مونتي كارلو" إلى أن سان جيرمان بعث رسالة مفادها أنه لن يستسلم وسيحاول حتى النهاية تمديد عقد مبابي. ويرى الفريق الباريسي أن هذا النجم سيكون حجر أساس مشروع سيضمن النجاح والتألق لسنوات قادمة.  كل هذا يأتي، ومبابي يلوذ بالصمت حول رغبته الانضمام لريال من عدمه، ولم يكشف بعد عن وجهته المستقبلية.   The highest-paid in the world a new "do not refuse" offer from Saint-Germain for Mbappe  Paris Saint Germain v Real Madrid - UEFA Champions League Radio "Monte Carlo" (RMC Sport) revealed that Paris Saint-Germain is preparing to submit a new offer to try to persuade French first-team star Kylian Mbappe to stay in the capital, Paris.  The killer goal - scored by Mbappe in Saint-Germain's victory over Real Madrid at the price of the Champions League final - raised hopes that Mbappe might extend his contract.  According to French radio information, Saint-Germain continues to negotiate with the player in relentless attempts to persuade him by making an "unrejected offer" that would make him the highest-paid player in the world.  The offer will be economically similar to the last offer that Mbappe rejected last August, days before arduous negotiations between the two clubs for the French star's transfer to the Spanish capital.  With Mbappe's performance last Tuesday, it seems that his total focus is on ending the season in the best possible way and will try to win with Saint-Germain the Champions League for the first time in the team's history.  "Monte Carlo" information indicates that Saint-Germain sent a message that he will not give up and will try to the end to extend Mbappe's contract. The Parisian team believes that this star will be the cornerstone of a project that will ensure success and brilliance for years to come.  All this comes, and Mbappe is silent about his desire to join Real or not, and he has not yet revealed his future destination.

The highest-paid in the world a new "do not refuse" offer from Saint-Germain for Mbappe

Paris Saint Germain v Real Madrid - UEFA Champions League
Radio "Monte Carlo" (RMC Sport) revealed that Paris Saint-Germain is preparing to submit a new offer to try to persuade French first-team star Kylian Mbappe to stay in the capital, Paris.

The killer goal - scored by Mbappe in Saint-Germain's victory over Real Madrid at the price of the Champions League final - raised hopes that Mbappe might extend his contract.

According to French radio information, Saint-Germain continues to negotiate with the player in relentless attempts to persuade him by making an "unrejected offer" that would make him the highest-paid player in the world.

The offer will be economically similar to the last offer that Mbappe rejected last August, days before arduous negotiations between the two clubs for the French star's transfer to the Spanish capital.

With Mbappe's performance last Tuesday, it seems that his total focus is on ending the season in the best possible way and will try to win with Saint-Germain the Champions League for the first time in the team's history.

"Monte Carlo" information indicates that Saint-Germain sent a message that he will not give up and will try to the end to extend Mbappe's contract. The Parisian team believes that this star will be the cornerstone of a project that will ensure success and brilliance for years to come.

All this comes, and Mbappe is silent about his desire to join Real or not, and he has not yet revealed his future destination.

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