An American human rights organization calls for political and economic action to confront Israeli apartheid

منظمة حقوقية أميركية تطالب بتحرك سياسي اقتصادي لمواجهة الفصل العنصري الاسرائيلي  واشنطن 20-2-2022 وفا- دعت منظمة تحليل معلومات القراء الحقوقية الأميركية، الى تحويل الوعي بسياسات الفصل العنصري التي تمارسها اسرائيل ضد ابناء الشعب الفلسطيني، الى حراك اقتصادي وسياسي دولي يفرض على حكومتها وقف هذه الاجراءات ومنح الشعب الفلسطيني حقوقه الكاملة.  وفنّد تقرير للمنظمة كتبه لورانس ديفيدسون، ردود الفعل الإسرائيلية على تقرير منظمة العفو الدولية عن الفصل العنصري، واشار الى تقرير منظمة العفو الدولية الأخير عن فلسطين.  وقال إن التقرير "يكشف نظاما وحشيا للسيطرة والجريمة ضد الإنسانية يغطي الفلسطينيين في كل من الأراضي المحتلة وإسرائيل داخل الخط الأخضر، والفلسطينيين الذين يعيشون في بلدان أخرى".  واعتبر ان " كل الأدلة تشير إلى اتجاه واحد وهو أن إسرائيل تشكل دولة فصل عنصري كما هو محدد في القانون الدولي، مشيراً الى ما قاله المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة العفو الدولية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، بول أوبراين، والذي أكد أن "نظام الفصل العنصري للحكومة الإسرائيلية انتهك القانون الدولي، وتشكل الانتهاكات الجسيمة لحقوق الإنسان التي ارتكبت للحفاظ على النظام جرائم ضد الإنسانية".  وأضاف أن "هذا النظام غير موجود في فراغ - فالحكومات الأجنبية، بما في ذلك حكومة الولايات المتحدة، تسهل الفصل العنصري من خلال تزويد الإسرائيليين بالسلاح والفشل في محاسبة السلطات الإسرائيلية على انتهاكاتها المنهجية لحقوق الإنسان".  وقال الكاتب إن "تقرير منظمة العفو الدولية لا يقف وحده، حيث جاء ذلك في أعقاب تحقيقات مماثلة أجرتها هيومن رايتس ووتش، ومنظمة (بتسيلم) الإسرائيلية لحقوق الإنسان، ومنظمات فلسطينية أيضًا.. في الواقع، فإن التوثيق الجماعي الذي يثبت أن إسرائيل دولة فصل عنصري لدرجة أن إسرائيل وحلفاءها لم يعودوا يكلفون أنفسهم عناء معالجة الأدلة." وفي معرض تفنيد ردود فعل الحكومة الإسرائيلية نوّه المقال في رده على أولئك الذين يتهمون إسرائيل بالفصل العنصري هم معادون للسامية، مشيرا إلى أن وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية وصفت تقرير منظمة العفو الدولية بأنه "معاداة السامية الخالصة" التي "تضفي الشرعية على الهجمات ضد اليهود"، ثم كرر هذا الاتهام وتوسيع نطاقه من قبل الجماعات اليهودية "الرسمية" الرئيسية في الولايات المتحدة. يعتمد هذا الرد على تعريف متخصص لمعاداة السامية قدمه التحالف الدولي لإحياء ذكرى الهولوكوست (IHRA) في عام 2016. ومن بين السلوكيات المعادية للسامية المعترف بها والمقبولة تاريخيًا، يضيف التحالف الدولي لإحياء ذكرى اليهود على وجه التحديد أن "الادعاء بأن وجود دولة إسرائيل مسعى عنصري" يشكل عملا من أعمال معاداة السامية. إنه لا يصنف هذا الادعاء من خلال النظر في الحالة التي يتم فيها تقديم الدليل على أن دولة إسرائيل تتصرف في الواقع مثل "مسعى عنصري"، وهنا يصبح التعريف غير قابل للتصديق.  واوضح الكاتب "إذا كانت التقارير مثل تقارير منظمة العفو الدولية، وهيومن رايتس ووتش، وبتسيلم، ومختلف الوكالات الفلسطينية لا تستطيع تغيير سلوك وممارسات الحكومات الإسرائيلية، فلا يمكن أن يؤدي رفض إسرائيل لمثل هذه التقارير باعتبارها معادية للسامية إلى جعل واقع مجتمع الفصل العنصري فيها غير مرئي للعيان.  ونوّه إلى أن التحدي الحقيقي هو تحويل الوعي بالفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي إلى عمل سياسي واقتصادي لدعم الفلسطينيين المضطهدين. وقال: هناك الكثير ممن يعملون من أجل هذا الهدف، ومنهم اليهود التقدميون والمسيحيون المتحالفون مع الفلسطينيين الأمريكيين، والذين يدعمون حقوق الإنسان كجزء من سيادة القانون وأهداف التقدم الاجتماعي والسياسي. في المقابل، فإن الحكومات الإسرائيلية منذ عام 1948 حتى الوقت الحاضر، إلى جانب حلفائها، كانوا ولا يزالون معارضين لمثل هذا التقدم. إنهم يقفون في طريق حياة أفضل لنا جميعًا.   An American human rights organization calls for political and economic action to confront Israeli apartheid  Washington, WAFA - The American Human Rights Readers' Information Analysis Organization called for transforming awareness of the apartheid policies practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people into an international economic and political movement that requires its government to stop these measures and grant the Palestinian people their full rights.  A report by the organization written by Lawrence Davidson refuted the Israeli reactions to the Amnesty International report on apartheid, and referred to the latest Amnesty International report on Palestine.  He said the report "exposes a brutal regime of control and crime against humanity that covers Palestinians in both the occupied territories, Israel within the Green Line, and Palestinians living in other countries."  He considered that "all evidence points to one direction, which is that Israel constitutes an apartheid state as defined in international law," referring to what the Executive Director of Amnesty International in the United States of America, Paul O'Brien, said, who confirmed that "the apartheid regime of the Israeli government violated international law, and gross violations of human rights committed to maintain order constitute crimes against humanity.”  "This system does not exist in a vacuum - foreign governments, including the US government, are facilitating apartheid by supplying weapons to Israelis and failing to hold the Israeli authorities accountable for their systematic violations of human rights," he added.  The writer said that “the Amnesty International report does not stand alone, as it came on the heels of similar investigations by Human Rights Watch, the Israeli human rights organization (B’Tselem) and Palestinian organizations as well... In fact, the collective documentation that proves that Israel is an apartheid state. So much so that Israel and its allies no longer bother to process the evidence." Refuting the Israeli government’s reactions, the article noted in its response to those who accuse Israel of apartheid are anti-Semitic, noting that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Amnesty International’s report as “pure anti-Semitism” that “legitimizes attacks against Jews,” then This accusation was repeated and expanded by the major "official" Jewish groups in the United States. This response is based on a specialized definition of anti-Semitism provided by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2016. Among the historically recognized and accepted anti-Semitic behavior, IMR specifically adds that "the claim that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist endeavor" constitutes an act of anti-Semitism. It does not categorize this claim by considering the case in which evidence is presented that the State of Israel is in fact behaving like a "racist endeavor", and here the definition becomes implausible.  If reports such as those of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem, and various Palestinian agencies cannot change the behavior and practices of Israeli governments, then Israel's rejection of such reports as anti-Semitic cannot render the reality of its apartheid society invisible. visible.  He noted that the real challenge is to transform the awareness of Israeli apartheid into political and economic action to support the oppressed Palestinians. He said: There are many who work for this goal, including progressive Jews and Christians allied with Palestinian Americans, who support human rights as part of the rule of law and the goals of social and political progress. In contrast, the Israeli governments from 1948 to the present, along with their allies, have been and are still opposed to such progress. They stand in the way of a better life for all of us.

An American human rights organization calls for political and economic action to confront Israeli apartheid

Washington, WAFA - The American Human Rights Readers' Information Analysis Organization called for transforming awareness of the apartheid policies practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people into an international economic and political movement that requires its government to stop these measures and grant the Palestinian people their full rights.

A report by the organization written by Lawrence Davidson refuted the Israeli reactions to the Amnesty International report on apartheid, and referred to the latest Amnesty International report on Palestine.

He said the report "exposes a brutal regime of control and crime against humanity that covers Palestinians in both the occupied territories, Israel within the Green Line, and Palestinians living in other countries."

He considered that "all evidence points to one direction, which is that Israel constitutes an apartheid state as defined in international law," referring to what the Executive Director of Amnesty International in the United States of America, Paul O'Brien, said, who confirmed that "the apartheid regime of the Israeli government violated international law, and gross violations of human rights committed to maintain order constitute crimes against humanity.”

"This system does not exist in a vacuum - foreign governments, including the US government, are facilitating apartheid by supplying weapons to Israelis and failing to hold the Israeli authorities accountable for their systematic violations of human rights," he added.

The writer said that “the Amnesty International report does not stand alone, as it came on the heels of similar investigations by Human Rights Watch, the Israeli human rights organization (B’Tselem) and Palestinian organizations as well... In fact, the collective documentation that proves that Israel is an apartheid state. So much so that Israel and its allies no longer bother to process the evidence." Refuting the Israeli government’s reactions, the article noted in its response to those who accuse Israel of apartheid are anti-Semitic, noting that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Amnesty International’s report as “pure anti-Semitism” that “legitimizes attacks against Jews,” then This accusation was repeated and expanded by the major "official" Jewish groups in the United States. This response is based on a specialized definition of anti-Semitism provided by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2016. Among the historically recognized and accepted anti-Semitic behavior, IMR specifically adds that "the claim that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist endeavor" constitutes an act of anti-Semitism. It does not categorize this claim by considering the case in which evidence is presented that the State of Israel is in fact behaving like a "racist endeavor", and here the definition becomes implausible.

If reports such as those of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem, and various Palestinian agencies cannot change the behavior and practices of Israeli governments, then Israel's rejection of such reports as anti-Semitic cannot render the reality of its apartheid society invisible. visible.

He noted that the real challenge is to transform the awareness of Israeli apartheid into political and economic action to support the oppressed Palestinians. He said: There are many who work for this goal, including progressive Jews and Christians allied with Palestinian Americans, who support human rights as part of the rule of law and the goals of social and political progress. In contrast, the Israeli governments from 1948 to the present, along with their allies, have been and are still opposed to such progress. They stand in the way of a better life for all of us.

بعد تحذير هيئة الغذاء الأمريكية.. الأردن يوقف بيع حليب أطفال ملوث قررت السلطات الصحية الأردنية وقف بيع نوع من حليب أطفال (بودرة)، عقب صدور تحذير من هيئة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية من استخدامه، للاشتباه بارتباطه بتلوث بكتيري والتسبب بوفاة طفل وإصابة آخرين.  أعلنت السلطات الأردنية وقف بيع حليب أطفال وتداوله، بعد صدور تحذير من هيئة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية لارتباطه بتلوث بكتيري تسبب بوفاة أحد الأطفال وإصابة ثلاثة آخرين.  وبدأت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا وعدة دول في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط سحب أحد منتجات حليب الأطفال من نوع "سيميلاك" (بودرة) لارتباطه بتلوث بكتيري ووفاة أحد الأطفال.  وفتحت إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية ( FDA ) وإدارة الأغذية والعقاقير تحقيقات موسعة حول تقارير نقل أربعة أطفال إلى المستشفى ووفاة أحدهم، وقالت إن إحدى الحالات تضمنت السالمونيلا، والحالات الأخرى ظهرت فيها بكتيريا كرونو باكتر ساكازاكي وهي جرثومة نادرة ولكن خطيرة.  ودعت إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية في بيانها وقف استخدام الصيغة المذكورة إلى حين صدور تقرير التحقيق النهائي، مشيرة إلى أن الوقف لا يشمل الصيغة السائلة.  وفي هذا السياق أعلنت دول في الشرق الأوسط منها الأردن وقف بيع المنتج وتداوله.  ونقلت وكالة "عمون" عن مدير عام المؤسسة العامة للغذاء والدواء الأردنية الدكتور نزار محمود مهيدات قوله إن المؤسسة "اتخذت إجراءات احترازية فور صدور تحذير الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية حول وجود جرثومة سالمونيلا وبكتيريا كرونو باكتر ساكازاكي في عبوة مفتوحة ومستخدمة من منتج حليب أطفال غير مسجل لدى المؤسسة، ويجري تصنيعه على نفس خط إنتاج منتجات مسجلة في السوق الأردني".  وأعلن مهيدات في بيان "وقف بيع وتداول تشغيلتين من الحليب في الصيدليات والمستودعات وكافة أماكن توزيعها، وسحب التشغيلات المستوردة للسوق الأردني من المنتج لحين إعادة فحصه، ووصول تقرير التحقق النهائي من الشركة الصانعة والجهات الصحية".  صور متداولة للعبوات الواجب تجنبها من الحليب الملوث  (مواقع تواصل) وكانت الشركة المنتجة قالت إنه يجب وقف استخدام المنتج الذي يحمل تشغيلات أول رقمين لكودهما من 22 إلى 37 ويحتوي الكود الموجود على العبودة على K8 أو SH أو Z2 وتاريخ انتهاء صلاحيته هو 1 أبريل/نيسان 2022 أو بعد ذلك، مبينة أنه جرى بيع الحليب داخل الولايات المتحدة وكذلك للخارج.    After warning from the US Food Agency, Jordan stops selling contaminated infant formula  The Jordanian health authorities decided to stop selling a type of infant formula (powdered), following a warning issued by the US Food and Drug Administration against its use, on suspicion of being linked to bacterial contamination and causing the death of a child and injuring others.  The Jordanian authorities announced the suspension of the sale and circulation of infant formula, after a warning was issued by the US Food and Drug Administration, as it was linked to a bacterial contamination that caused the death of one child and the injury of three others.  The United States of America, Canada, and several countries in Europe and the Middle East began recalling a Similac (powdered) baby milk product due to its association with bacterial contamination and the death of a child.  And the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food and Drug Administration opened extensive investigations into reports of four children being hospitalized and one of them dying, and said that one of the cases included salmonella, and the other cases showed the bacterium Chronobacter sakazaki, a rare but dangerous germ.  In its statement, the US Food and Drug Administration called for stopping the use of the mentioned formula until the issuance of the final investigation report, noting that the suspension does not include the liquid formula.  In this context, countries in the Middle East, including Jordan, announced that they would stop selling and circulating the product. Ammon News Agency quoted the Director-General of the Jordan Food and Drug Corporation, Dr. Nizar Mahmoud Mhaidat, as saying that the corporation “took precautionary measures immediately after the American Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about the presence of salmonella and Chronobacter sakazaki bacteria in an open and used package of a baby milk product that is not registered with the Corporation.” It is manufactured on the same production line as products registered in the Jordanian market.  Mhaidat announced in a statement, "Stopping the sale and circulation of two batches of milk in pharmacies, warehouses and all places of distribution, and the withdrawal of batches imported to the Jordanian market from the product until it is re-examined, and the final verification report arrives from the manufacturer and health authorities."  And the producing company had said that the use of the product that carries the first two digits of their code from 22 to 37 must be stopped, and the code on the package contains K8, SH or Z2, and its expiration date is April 1, 2022 or later, indicating that the milk was sold within the states. the United States as well as abroad.

After warning from the US Food Agency, Jordan stops selling contaminated infant formula

The Jordanian health authorities decided to stop selling a type of infant formula (powdered), following a warning issued by the US Food and Drug Administration against its use, on suspicion of being linked to bacterial contamination and causing the death of a child and injuring others.

The Jordanian authorities announced the suspension of the sale and circulation of infant formula, after a warning was issued by the US Food and Drug Administration, as it was linked to a bacterial contamination that caused the death of one child and the injury of three others.

The United States of America, Canada, and several countries in Europe and the Middle East began recalling a Similac (powdered) baby milk product due to its association with bacterial contamination and the death of a child.

And the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food and Drug Administration opened extensive investigations into reports of four children being hospitalized and one of them dying, and said that one of the cases included salmonella, and the other cases showed the bacterium Chronobacter sakazaki, a rare but dangerous germ.

In its statement, the US Food and Drug Administration called for stopping the use of the mentioned formula until the issuance of the final investigation report, noting that the suspension does not include the liquid formula.

In this context, countries in the Middle East, including Jordan, announced that they would stop selling and circulating the product.
Ammon News Agency quoted the Director-General of the Jordan Food and Drug Corporation, Dr. Nizar Mahmoud Mhaidat, as saying that the corporation “took precautionary measures immediately after the American Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about the presence of salmonella and Chronobacter sakazaki bacteria in an open and used package of a baby milk product that is not registered with the Corporation.” It is manufactured on the same production line as products registered in the Jordanian market.

Mhaidat announced in a statement, "Stopping the sale and circulation of two batches of milk in pharmacies, warehouses and all places of distribution, and the withdrawal of batches imported to the Jordanian market from the product until it is re-examined, and the final verification report arrives from the manufacturer and health authorities."

And the producing company had said that the use of the product that carries the first two digits of their code from 22 to 37 must be stopped, and the code on the package contains K8, SH or Z2, and its expiration date is April 1, 2022 or later, indicating that the milk was sold within the states. the United States as well as abroad.

ما التنبؤ الذي قدمه بيل غيتس عن الوباء القادم؟ قد تحدث لدى بعض مرضى كورونا جلطات دموية مجهرية، وعادة ما تتحلل الجلطات الصغيرة التي تتشكل أثناء الإصابة الأولية بفيروس كوفيد بشكل طبيعي، لكنها قد تستمر في مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد.  ما التنبؤ الذي قدمه بيل غيتس للمستقبل؟ وكيف ينهك كوفيد طويل الأمد الجسم؟ وكيف يؤثر كورونا على الدماغ والدورة الدموية والرئتين؟ وما علاقته بالجلطات الدموية المجهرية؟  نبدأ مع مؤسس شركة "مايكروسوفت" (Microsoft) بيل غيتس، الذي قال إن خطر الإصابة بعدوى كوفيد-19 الشديدة قد انخفض بشكل كبير، لكنه حذر من احتمال حدوث جائحة أخرى ناجمة عن مسبب مرض مختلف، وفقا لتقرير في موقع "ذا هيل" (the hill).  في مقابلة مع هادلي جامبل على قناة "سي إن بي سي" (CNBC) في مؤتمر ميونخ الأمني ​​السنوي بألمانيا، قال الملياردير إن فيروس كورونا الجديد انتشر بين عدد كافٍ من السكان بحيث "تقل المخاطر بشكل كبير بسبب هذا التعرض".  عالميا.. انخفاض إصابات كورونا 16 بالمئة وفق معطيات أسبوعية. معدلات زيادة الإصابات قياسا على الأسبوع السابق في مناطق منظمة الصحة العالمية. 14.02.2022  تم اكتشاف متغير "أوميكرون" (Omicron) لأول مرة في جنوب أفريقيا، وانتشر كالنار في الهشيم في الولايات المتحدة بعد اكتشافه في موسم العطلات تقريبا. وقال غيتس إن السلالة المعروفة بأنها تسبب مرضا أقل خطورة ولكنها لا تزال شديدة العدوى، "تغلبت" على مسؤولي الصحة الذين أعطوا اللقاحات للجمهور والأفراد الذين سبقت لهم الإصابة، ومع ذلك فإن "خطر الإصابة بمرض خطير، والذي يرتبط بشكل أساسي بكبار السن والإصابة بالسمنة أو مرض السكري، تقلصت بشكل كبير الآن بسبب التعرض للعدوى".  لكن غيتس حذر من وجود الكثير من الفيروسات في العالم، ومن أن وباء آخر من المحتمل أن يكون من جرثومة في عائلة الفيروس التاجي.  قال "هناك الكثير من الأمراض. سيكون لدينا جائحة أخرى. سيكون هناك مسبب آخر للمرض في المرة القادمة".  وقال باحثون آخرون أيضا إن وباء آخر من المحتمل أن يكون قاب قوسين أو أدنى بما في ذلك مركز التنمية العالمية (the Center for Global Development).  وأوضح غيتس أن هناك حليْن لمقاربة الوباء القادم إذا تعلم العالم من مكافحة فيروس كورونا.  وقال "الحل الأول هو التأكد من تخصيص الكميات المتاحة (من اللقاحات) بطريقة أكثر عقلانية، والثاني هو أن يكون لديك الكثير من السعة بحيث يمكنك تزويد البشرية جمعاء بجرعتين في فترة زمنية قصيرة للغاية".  ودعا غيتس العالم إلى الاستثمار الآن في طرق الاستعداد لوباء في المستقبل. وأضاف أن إنتاج لقاحات كافية للعالم "يجب أن يكون ما نطمح إليه".  وحذر خبراء الصحة العامة من إعلان انتهاء الوباء، لكن الدول تتخلى إلى حد كبير عن تفويضات القناع وقيود كوفيد-19، أو تخطط لإسقاطها مع انخفاض أعداد الحالات.   التدريب على الشم كيف تستعيد حاسة الشم بعد كورونا دون استخدام أدوية؟ إنفوغراف كورونا كوفيد-19   كيف ينهك كوفيد طويل الأمد الجسم؟ لا يزال ملايين الأشخاص يعانون من الإرهاق والمشاكل الإدراكية وأعراض أخرى طويلة الأمد بعد شفائهم من فيروس كورونا، ولا تزال الأسباب الدقيقة لهذا المرض، المعروف باسم كوفيد طويل الأمد، غير معروفة.  وفي تقرير نشرته صحيفة "نيويورك تايمز" (The New York Times) الأميركية، يقول الكاتب جوش كيلر إن بحثا جديدا يقدم أدلة تفسّر التأثيرات التي يخلفها المرض في الجسم ولماذا يمكن أن تكون منهكة للغاية.  تشخيص كوفيد طويل الأمد ويقول الكاتب إن الأمر قد ينتهي بالمرضى المصابين بفيروس كورونا شديد العدوى في المستشفيات أو على أجهزة التنفس الصناعي حتى يتم تشخيص أعراضهم، وعادة ما تظهر الآثار السلبية التي تلحق بالجسم جراء فيروس كوفيد الحاد، التي تشمل الالتهاب الرئوي وانخفاض مستوى الأكسجين والالتهاب في الاختبارات التشخيصية التقليدية.   ويوضح الكاتب أن كوفيد طويل الأمد مختلف؛ فهو مرض مزمن يحمل مجموعة متنوعة من الأعراض، التي يصعب تشخيصها باستخدام الاختبارات المعملية التقليدية؛ حيث أدت صعوبات تشخيص المرض إلى تشخيص أعراضهم بشكل خاطئ على أنها نفسية جسدية، لكن الباحثين الذين تعمقوا في تشخيص مرضى كوفيد لفترة طويلة وجدوا خللا وظيفيا واضحا في جميع أنحاء الجسم.  الدورة الدموية وكوفيد ويقول الكاتب إن العديد من مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد عانوا من صعوبات في النشاط البدني بعد فترة طويلة من الإصابة الأولية، كما أنهم يعانون من الانتكاس إذا مارسوا الرياضة، إذ تشير الدراسات الأولية إلى أن الخلل الوظيفي في الدورة الدموية قد يضعف تدفق الأكسجين إلى العضلات والأنسجة الأخرى، مما يحد من السعة الهوائية ويسبب التعب الشديد.  وتقول إحدى الدراسات، بحسب الكاتب، إنه كان لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من أعراض كوفيد طويل الأمد استجابات غير متوقعة لركوب الدراجة، فرغم سلامة القلب والرئتين لديهم، فإن عضلاتهم لم تكن قادرة إلا على استخراج جزء من الكمية الطبيعية من الأكسجين من الأوعية الدموية الصغيرة أثناء قيادتهم الدراجة، مما قلل بشكل ملحوظ من قدرتهم على ممارسة الرياضة.  ويوضح الكاتب أن أحد الأسباب المحتملة لهذه الحالة هو أن الالتهاب المزمن قد يؤدي إلى تلف الألياف العصبية التي تساعد في التحكم في الدورة الدموية؛ إذ ترتبط الألياف التالفة بخلل في وظائف مثل معدل ضربات القلب والتنفس والهضم، وهو أمر شائع جدا لدى مرضى كوفيد لفترة طويلة.  الفــرق بيــن "أوميكرون" (Omicron) و "دلتا" (Delta) والسلالات الأخرى من فيروس كورونا  جلطات دموية مجهرية ويشير الكاتب إلى مشكلة أخرى وجدها باحثون من جنوب أفريقيا في الدورة الدموية، وهي جلطات دموية مجهرية، إذ عادة ما تتحلل الجلطات الصغيرة التي تتشكل أثناء الإصابة الأولية بفيروس كوفيد بشكل طبيعي، لكنها قد تستمر في مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد، ويمكن لهذه الجلطات أن تسد الشعيرات الدموية الدقيقة التي تحمل الأكسجين إلى الأنسجة في جميع أنحاء الجسم.  ويتابع الكاتب فيقول إن المواد الالتهابية التي تسمى السيتوكينات، والتي غالبا ما تكون مرتفعة عند مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد، قد تصيب الميتوكوندريا التي تزود خلايا الجسم بالطاقة، مما يجعلها أقل قدرة على استخدام الأكسجين، وقد تلتهب أيضا جدران الأوعية الدموية، مما يحد من امتصاص الأكسجين.  الدماغ وكورونا ويذكر الكاتب -في تقريره- أنه حتى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من حالات خفيفة من كوفيد يمكن أن يعانوا من إعاقات إدراكية مستمرة، بما في ذلك انخفاض الانتباه والذاكرة وإيجاد الكلمات؛ فوفقا للدكتور أفيندرا ناث، المدير السريري للمعهد الوطني للاضطرابات العصبية والسكتة الدماغية، فإن المشاكل العصبية المحتملة على المدى الطويل من كوفيد تشكل أزمة صحية عامة كبرى، وقد وجد الباحثون مجموعة واسعة من الخلل الوظيفي في أدمغة مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد.  ويشير الكاتب إلى أنه على الرغم من أنه من غير الواضح عدد المرات التي يخترق فيها الفيروس الدماغ بشكل مباشر، فإنه يبدو -وفقا للباحثين- أن العدوى الخفيفة تسبب التهابا كبيرا في الدماغ.  كما وجدت مجموعة بحثية أن كوفيد طويل الأمد قد يقلل بشكل كبير من كمية الدم التي تصل إلى الدماغ، وهو اكتشاف شوهد أيضا في المرضى الذين يعانون من متلازمة التعب المزمن. يعتبر ضيق التنفس عرضا متكررا لمرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد، لكن اختبارات الرئة الشائعة غالبا ما تعود إلى طبيعتها، وقد وجد فريق من الباحثين البريطانيين دليلا أوليا على تلف الرئة في مجموعة صغيرة من مرضى كوفيد طويل الأمد الذين لم يدخلوا المستشفى مطلقا؛ إذ أشار المسح التفصيلي لوظائف الرئة إلى أن معظم المرضى استهلكوا الأكسجين بكفاءة أقل من الأشخاص الأصحاء، حتى وإن بدت بنية رئتيهم طبيعية، وقد حذر الباحثون من أن هناك حاجة إلى مجموعة كبرى من المرضى لتأكيد هذه النتائج.      What prediction did Bill Gates make about the next epidemic? Some patients with corona may develop microscopic blood clots, and the small clots that form during the initial infection with the Covid virus usually dissolve naturally, but they may persist in long-term Covid patients.  What prediction did Bill Gates make for the future? And how does long-term Covid exhaust the body? How does corona affect the brain, blood circulation and lungs? What is its relationship to microscopic blood clots?  Bill Gates heralds a decrease in the risk of “Covid” and warns of a more dangerous pandemic We start with the founder of "Microsoft" Bill Gates, who said that the risk of severe Covid-19 infection has decreased significantly, but warned of the possibility of another pandemic caused by a different pathogen, according to a report in the "The Hill" website ( the hill).  In an interview with CNBC's Hadley Gamble at the annual Munich Security Conference in Germany, the billionaire said the novel coronavirus has spread through enough of the population that "risks are greatly reduced by this exposure".  The Omicron variant was first discovered in South Africa and spread like wildfire in the United States after it was discovered around the holiday season. Gates said that the strain, known to cause less serious disease but still highly contagious, "overcame" health officials who gave vaccines to the public and individuals who had previously been infected, yet "the risk of serious disease, which is mainly associated with the elderly and obesity or Diabetes, it's reduced dramatically now due to exposure to infection."  But Gates warned that there are a lot of viruses in the world, and that another pandemic is likely to be from a germ in the coronavirus family.  "There are a lot of diseases," he said. "We will have another pandemic. Next time there will be another pathogen." Other researchers also said another pandemic is likely to be around the corner, including the Center for Global Development.  Gates explained that there are two solutions to approach the next epidemic if the world learns from fighting the Corona virus.  "The first solution is to make sure that the available quantities (of vaccines) are allocated in a more rational way, and the second is to have a lot of capacity so that you can provide all of humanity with two doses in a very short period of time," he said.  Gates called on the world to invest now in ways to prepare for a future pandemic. He added that producing enough vaccines for the world "must be what we aspire to."  Public health experts have warned against declaring the pandemic over, but countries are largely abandoning mask mandates and COVID-19 restrictions, or planning to drop them as case numbers decline.  Smell training How do you restore your sense of smell after Corona without using drugs?  Corona covid-19 infographic  How does long-term Covid exhaust the body? Millions of people still experience fatigue, cognitive problems and other long-term symptoms after they recover from the coronavirus, and the exact causes of the disease, known as long-term COVID-19, are still unknown.  In a report published by the American newspaper " The New York Times ", writer Josh Keeler says that new research provides evidence explaining the effects that the disease has on the body and why it can be so debilitating.  Long-term COVID diagnosis The writer says that patients with highly contagious coronavirus may end up in hospitals or on ventilators until their symptoms are diagnosed, and the negative effects on the body as a result of the severe Covid virus, which include pneumonia, low oxygen level and inflammation, usually appear in traditional diagnostic tests.  The writer explains that long-term Covid is different; It is a chronic disease with a variety of symptoms, which are difficult to diagnose using conventional laboratory tests; The difficulties in diagnosing the disease led to their symptoms being misdiagnosed as psychosomatic, but researchers who delved into the diagnosis of Covid patients for a long time found clear dysfunction throughout the body.  Circulation and Covid The writer says that many long-term Covid patients had difficulties with physical activity long after the initial injury, and they also suffer a relapse if they exercise, as preliminary studies indicate that circulatory dysfunction may impair the flow of oxygen to muscles and other tissues. , which limits air capacity and causes extreme fatigue.  One study, according to the author, says that patients with long-term Covid symptoms had unexpected responses to riding a bike, despite the safety of their heart and lungs, their muscles were only able to extract part of the normal amount of oxygen from small blood vessels while they were driving. bicycle, which significantly reduced their ability to exercise.  The author explains that one possible reason for this condition is that chronic inflammation may lead to damage to nerve fibers that help control blood circulation; Damaged fibers are associated with dysfunctions such as heart rate, breathing and digestion, which is very common in long-term Covid patients.  The difference between "Omicron" and "Delta" and other strains of the Corona virus  Microscopic blood clots The writer refers to another problem that South African researchers found in the circulatory system, which is microscopic blood clots, as small clots that form during the initial infection with the Covid virus usually dissolve naturally, but they may persist in long-term Covid patients, and these clots can block the capillaries. The tiny blood vessels that carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body.  The author continues, saying that inflammatory substances called cytokines, which are often elevated in long-term Covid patients, may infect the mitochondria that supply the cells of the body with energy, making them less able to use oxygen, and the walls of blood vessels may also become inflamed, limiting the absorption of oxygen. .  The brain and corona In his report, the author states that even people with mild cases of Covid can suffer from persistent cognitive impairments, including decreased attention, memory and word-finding; According to Dr. Avindra Nath, clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the potential long-term neurological problems of Covid constitute a major public health crisis, and researchers have found a wide range of dysfunction in the brains of long-term Covid patients.  The writer notes that although it is unclear how often the virus directly penetrates the brain, it appears - according to the researchers - that a mild infection causes significant inflammation in the brain.  A research group has also found that long-term Covid-19 may significantly reduce the amount of blood that reaches the brain, a finding that has also been seen in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.  Lungs and Covid Shortness of breath is a frequent symptom of long-term Covid patients, but common lung tests often return to normal. A team of British researchers has found preliminary evidence of lung damage in a small group of long-term Covid patients who have never been hospitalized; The detailed lung function survey indicated that most patients consumed oxygen less efficiently than healthy people, even if their lung structure appeared to be normal, and the researchers cautioned that a large group of patients would be needed to confirm these findings.

What prediction did Bill Gates make about the next epidemic?

Some patients with corona may develop microscopic blood clots, and the small clots that form during the initial infection with the Covid virus usually dissolve naturally, but they may persist in long-term Covid patients.

What prediction did Bill Gates make for the future? And how does long-term Covid exhaust the body? How does corona affect the brain, blood circulation and lungs? What is its relationship to microscopic blood clots?

Bill Gates heralds a decrease in the risk of “Covid” and warns of a more dangerous pandemic
We start with the founder of "Microsoft" Bill Gates, who said that the risk of severe Covid-19 infection has decreased significantly, but warned of the possibility of another pandemic caused by a different pathogen, according to a report in the "The Hill" website ( the hill).

In an interview with CNBC's Hadley Gamble at the annual Munich Security Conference in Germany, the billionaire said the novel coronavirus has spread through enough of the population that "risks are greatly reduced by this exposure".

The Omicron variant was first discovered in South Africa and spread like wildfire in the United States after it was discovered around the holiday season. Gates said that the strain, known to cause less serious disease but still highly contagious, "overcame" health officials who gave vaccines to the public and individuals who had previously been infected, yet "the risk of serious disease, which is mainly associated with the elderly and obesity or Diabetes, it's reduced dramatically now due to exposure to infection."

But Gates warned that there are a lot of viruses in the world, and that another pandemic is likely to be from a germ in the coronavirus family.

"There are a lot of diseases," he said. "We will have another pandemic. Next time there will be another pathogen."
Other researchers also said another pandemic is likely to be around the corner, including the Center for Global Development.

Gates explained that there are two solutions to approach the next epidemic if the world learns from fighting the Corona virus.

"The first solution is to make sure that the available quantities (of vaccines) are allocated in a more rational way, and the second is to have a lot of capacity so that you can provide all of humanity with two doses in a very short period of time," he said.

Gates called on the world to invest now in ways to prepare for a future pandemic. He added that producing enough vaccines for the world "must be what we aspire to."

Public health experts have warned against declaring the pandemic over, but countries are largely abandoning mask mandates and COVID-19 restrictions, or planning to drop them as case numbers decline.

Smell training How do you restore your sense of smell after Corona without using drugs?  Corona covid-19 infographic

How does long-term Covid exhaust the body?
Millions of people still experience fatigue, cognitive problems and other long-term symptoms after they recover from the coronavirus, and the exact causes of the disease, known as long-term COVID-19, are still unknown.

In a report published by the American newspaper " The New York Times ", writer Josh Keeler says that new research provides evidence explaining the effects that the disease has on the body and why it can be so debilitating.

Long-term COVID diagnosis
The writer says that patients with highly contagious coronavirus may end up in hospitals or on ventilators until their symptoms are diagnosed, and the negative effects on the body as a result of the severe Covid virus, which include pneumonia, low oxygen level and inflammation, usually appear in traditional diagnostic tests.

The writer explains that long-term Covid is different; It is a chronic disease with a variety of symptoms, which are difficult to diagnose using conventional laboratory tests; The difficulties in diagnosing the disease led to their symptoms being misdiagnosed as psychosomatic, but researchers who delved into the diagnosis of Covid patients for a long time found clear dysfunction throughout the body.

Circulation and Covid
The writer says that many long-term Covid patients had difficulties with physical activity long after the initial injury, and they also suffer a relapse if they exercise, as preliminary studies indicate that circulatory dysfunction may impair the flow of oxygen to muscles and other tissues. , which limits air capacity and causes extreme fatigue.

One study, according to the author, says that patients with long-term Covid symptoms had unexpected responses to riding a bike, despite the safety of their heart and lungs, their muscles were only able to extract part of the normal amount of oxygen from small blood vessels while they were driving. bicycle, which significantly reduced their ability to exercise.

The author explains that one possible reason for this condition is that chronic inflammation may lead to damage to nerve fibers that help control blood circulation; Damaged fibers are associated with dysfunctions such as heart rate, breathing and digestion, which is very common in long-term Covid patients.

The difference between "Omicron" and "Delta" and other strains of the Corona virus

Microscopic blood clots
The writer refers to another problem that South African researchers found in the circulatory system, which is microscopic blood clots, as small clots that form during the initial infection with the Covid virus usually dissolve naturally, but they may persist in long-term Covid patients, and these clots can block the capillaries. The tiny blood vessels that carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body.

The author continues, saying that inflammatory substances called cytokines, which are often elevated in long-term Covid patients, may infect the mitochondria that supply the cells of the body with energy, making them less able to use oxygen, and the walls of blood vessels may also become inflamed, limiting the absorption of oxygen. .

The brain and corona
In his report, the author states that even people with mild cases of Covid can suffer from persistent cognitive impairments, including decreased attention, memory and word-finding; According to Dr. Avindra Nath, clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the potential long-term neurological problems of Covid constitute a major public health crisis, and researchers have found a wide range of dysfunction in the brains of long-term Covid patients.

The writer notes that although it is unclear how often the virus directly penetrates the brain, it appears - according to the researchers - that a mild infection causes significant inflammation in the brain.

A research group has also found that long-term Covid-19 may significantly reduce the amount of blood that reaches the brain, a finding that has also been seen in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Lungs and Covid
Shortness of breath is a frequent symptom of long-term Covid patients, but common lung tests often return to normal. A team of British researchers has found preliminary evidence of lung damage in a small group of long-term Covid patients who have never been hospitalized; The detailed lung function survey indicated that most patients consumed oxygen less efficiently than healthy people, even if their lung structure appeared to be normal, and the researchers cautioned that a large group of patients would be needed to confirm these findings.

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