Aguero plans to accompany Argentina to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

أغويرو يخطط لمرافقة منتخب الأرجنتين في مونديال قطر 2022  كشف المهاجم الأرجنتيني المعتزل سيرخيو أغويرو أنه يخطط لمرافقة الأرجنتين في كأس العالم الشتاء القادم في قطر كجزء من الجهاز الفني. وكان النجم السابق لمانشستر سيتي يأمل في أن يكون لاعبا ضمن تشكيلة المدرب ليونيل سكالوني.  وبعدما أُجبر على الاعتزال ديسمبر/كانون الأول الماضي، إثر تشخيص إصابته باضطراب في ضربات القلب، أصبحت لدى أغويرو (33 عاما) الآن خطط أخرى.  وقال -في مقابلة مع الإذاعة الأرجنتينية "راديو 10"- إنه "ذاهب إلى كأس العالم في قطر.. سنعقد اجتماعا هذا الأسبوع.. أريد أن أكون هناك.. الفكرة هي أن أنضم إلى الجهاز الفني، لقد تحدثت مع سكالوني وكلاوديو تابيا (رئيس الاتحاد الأرجنتيني للعبة)".  وخطة أغويرو للالتحاق بالجهاز التدريبي لمنتخب "التانغو" ستمكنه من الانضمام إلى صديقه ليونيل ميسي، إذ يهدف الأخير -الفائز بالكرة الذهبية 7 مرات- إلى إضافة كأس العالم إلى خزانته المليئة بالألقاب الجماعية والجوائز الفردية.  وفي لقاء سابق، قال أغويرو "لا أعتقد أنني سأكون قادرا على الركض مرة أخرى"، ويخشى الآن أن قلبه "لا يعمل بشكل جيد".  ووضع الدولي الأرجنتيني السابق حدا لمسيرته الكروية في عمر 33 عاما، خلال مؤتمر صحفي عاطفي ديسمبر/كانون الأول الماضي، بسبب مرض في القلب.  وعانى مهاجم مانشستر سيتي السابق من آلام في الصدر ومشاكل في التنفس خلال الشوط الأول من تعادل برشلونة 1-1 على أرضه مع فريق ألافيس 30 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي.  ورغم الفيديو الذي انتشر له وهو يلعب التنس يناير/كانون الثاني الماضي، فإنه أبلغ مشجعيه بالمستجدات المرعبة لحالته، وعبّر عن قلقه من أن قلبه "لا يعمل بشكل جيد".  وفي حديثه عن صحته، قال أغويرو "إذا حاولت لعب كرة القدم الآن، لا أستطيع التقاط أنفاسي".  وتابع "أحيانا أتساءل عما إذا كنت سأتمكن من الركض مرة أخرى. أشعر فقط أن قلبي لا يعمل بشكل سليم".   وبرز أغويرو على الساحة الأوروبية عندما انضم إلى أتلتيكو ​​مدريد عام 2006، قبل أن يتعاقد مع السيتي في 2011.   وتألق في موسمه الأول بملعب "الاتحاد" عندما سجل هدف الفوز لفريقه في الوقت المحتسب بدلا من الضائع في مرمى "كوينز بارك رينجرز"، ومنح "السيتيزنز" لقب الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز الأول منذ عام 1968.  وكشف -في وقت سابق فبراير/شباط الجاري- عن أنه علم أن مشكلة قلبه خطيرة، عندما "تُرك في غرفة صغيرة بمفرده مع أجهزة مراقبة"، في حين أجرى الأطباء اختبارات عليه في المستشفى العام الماضي.   وأوضح "مررت بأوقات عصيبة في أول 15 يوما.. عندما حدث ذلك، اعتقدت أنه لا شيء وأنني سأكون بخير، لكن عندما وصلت إلى المستشفى تركوني في غرفة صغيرة وحدي مع الكثير من الشاشات من حولي.. أدركت أن شيئا ما كان سيئا. وبعد يومين من دخول المستشفى، بدأت أشعر بالتوتر".   وكان مهاجم منتخب الأرجنتين -الذي سجل 426 هدفا وصنع 118 هدفا آخر في 786 مباراة لعبها في مسيرته- انضم إلى برشلونة في صفقة انتقال حر، قادما من مانشستر سيتي يوليو/تموز الماضي، لكن إصابة في ربلة الساق (عضلة السمانة) أخّرت بدايته مع الفريق الكتالوني حتى أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي.  وشارك أغويرو في 5 مباريات مع برشلونة في كل المسابقات، وقد لعب 166 دقيقة، وجاء هدفه الوحيد بقميص الفريق في مباراة الكلاسيكو التي خسرها أمام ريال مدريد 1-2.     Aguero plans to accompany Argentina to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar  Retired Argentine striker Sergio Aguero revealed that he plans to accompany Argentina in the World Cup next winter in Qatar as part of the technical staff. The former Manchester City star had hoped to be a player in coach Lionel Scaloni's squad.  After he was forced to retire last December after being diagnosed with an arrhythmia, Aguero, 33, now has other plans. And he said - in an interview with Argentine radio "Radio 10" - that "I'm going to the World Cup in Qatar. We will have a meeting this week.. I want to be there. The idea is to join the technical staff. I spoke with Scaloni and Claudio Tapia (head of Argentine Football Association).  Aguero's plan to join the coaching staff of the "Tango" team will enable him to join his friend Lionel Messi, as the latter - the 7-time Ballon d'Or winner - aims to add the World Cup to his closet full of collective titles and individual awards.  In a previous interview, Aguero said "I don't think I'll be able to run again" and now fears his heart is "not working well".  The former Argentine international put an end to his football career at the age of 33, during an emotional press conference last December, due to a heart disease.  The former Manchester City striker suffered from chest pains and breathing problems during the first half of Barcelona's 1-1 draw at home with Alaves on October 30.  Despite the video that spread of him playing tennis last January, he informed his fans of the horrific developments in his condition, and expressed his concern that his heart was "not working well".  Speaking about his health, Aguero said, "If I try to play football now, I can't catch my breath." "Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to run again. I just feel like my heart is not working properly."  Aguero rose to prominence on the European stage when he joined Atletico Madrid in 2006, before signing with City in 2011. And he starred in his first season at Al Ittihad Stadium when he scored the winning goal for his team in stoppage time against Queens Park Rangers, and gave the Citizens the first English Premier League title since 1968.  And he revealed - earlier this February - that he knew that his heart problem was serious, when he was "left in a small room alone with monitoring devices", while doctors conducted tests on him in the hospital last year.  "I had a hard time in the first 15 days," he said. "When it happened, I thought it was nothing and that I would be fine, but when I got to the hospital they left me in a small room alone with a lot of screens around me I realized something was wrong. Two days later. From entering the hospital, I started to feel nervous."  The Argentine national team striker - who scored 426 goals and assisted 118 other goals in 786 matches he played in his career - joined Barcelona on a free transfer deal, coming from Manchester City last July, but a calf injury delayed his start with the team. Catalan until last October.  Aguero participated in 5 matches with Barcelona in all competitions, and played 166 minutes, and his only goal came in the team's shirt in the Clasico match that Real Madrid lost 1-2.

Aguero plans to accompany Argentina to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

Retired Argentine striker Sergio Aguero revealed that he plans to accompany Argentina in the World Cup next winter in Qatar as part of the technical staff. The former Manchester City star had hoped to be a player in coach Lionel Scaloni's squad.

After he was forced to retire last December after being diagnosed with an arrhythmia, Aguero, 33, now has other plans.
And he said - in an interview with Argentine radio "Radio 10" - that "I'm going to the World Cup in Qatar. We will have a meeting this week.. I want to be there. The idea is to join the technical staff. I spoke with Scaloni and Claudio Tapia (head of Argentine Football Association).

Aguero's plan to join the coaching staff of the "Tango" team will enable him to join his friend Lionel Messi, as the latter - the 7-time Ballon d'Or winner - aims to add the World Cup to his closet full of collective titles and individual awards.

In a previous interview, Aguero said "I don't think I'll be able to run again" and now fears his heart is "not working well".

The former Argentine international put an end to his football career at the age of 33, during an emotional press conference last December, due to a heart disease.

The former Manchester City striker suffered from chest pains and breathing problems during the first half of Barcelona's 1-1 draw at home with Alaves on October 30.

Despite the video that spread of him playing tennis last January, he informed his fans of the horrific developments in his condition, and expressed his concern that his heart was "not working well".

Speaking about his health, Aguero said, "If I try to play football now, I can't catch my breath."
"Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to run again. I just feel like my heart is not working properly."

Aguero rose to prominence on the European stage when he joined Atletico Madrid in 2006, before signing with City in 2011.
And he starred in his first season at Al Ittihad Stadium when he scored the winning goal for his team in stoppage time against Queens Park Rangers, and gave the Citizens the first English Premier League title since 1968.

And he revealed - earlier this February - that he knew that his heart problem was serious, when he was "left in a small room alone with monitoring devices", while doctors conducted tests on him in the hospital last year.

"I had a hard time in the first 15 days," he said. "When it happened, I thought it was nothing and that I would be fine, but when I got to the hospital they left me in a small room alone with a lot of screens around me I realized something was wrong. Two days later. From entering the hospital, I started to feel nervous."

The Argentine national team striker - who scored 426 goals and assisted 118 other goals in 786 matches he played in his career - joined Barcelona on a free transfer deal, coming from Manchester City last July, but a calf injury delayed his start with the team. Catalan until last October.

Aguero participated in 5 matches with Barcelona in all competitions, and played 166 minutes, and his only goal came in the team's shirt in the Clasico match that Real Madrid lost 1-2.

क्रिकेट ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने नए चेयरमैन का किया ऐलान, रिचर्ड फ्रुडेनस्टीन की जगह लेगा यह दिग्गज क्रिकेट ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने गुरुवार को लाकलन हेंडरसन को बोर्ड का नया चेयरमैन नियुक्त किया. हेंडरसन अंतरिम चेयरमैन रिचर्ड फ्रुडेनस्टीन की जगह लेंगे.  मेलबर्न: क्रिकेट ऑस्ट्रेलिया (Cricket Australia) ने गुरुवार को लाकलन हेंडरसन (Lachlan Henderson) को बोर्ड का नया चेयरमैन नियुक्त किया. हेंडरसन अंतरिम चेयरमैन रिचर्ड फ्रुडेनस्टीन  (Richard Freudenstein) की जगह लेंगे. पूर्व घरेलू क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी और एपवर्थ हेल्थकेयर के मौजूदा समूह मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी हेंडरसन पिछले पांच महीने में पद संभालने वाले तीसरे चेयरमैन होंगे. पिछले साल अक्टूबर में एर्ल एडिंग्स के इस्तीफे के बाद से यह पद खाली था. Ads by   सीए ने गुरुवार को विज्ञप्ति में कहा, ‘‘तुरंत कार्यकाल की शुरुआत करने वाले डॉ. हेंडरसन ने संकेत दिए है कि उनकी पहली प्राथमिकता क्रिकेट के लिए एक मजबूत, स्थायी वित्तीय भविष्य सुनिश्चित करना, विशेष रूप से लड़कियों और महिलाओं के बीच भागीदारी में वृद्धि, राज्य और क्षेत्रीय अध्यक्षों और सभी हितधारकों के साथ बेहतर परामर्श और खेल के उच्च मानकों को बरकरार रखना होगा.''  हेंडरसन 1980 के दशक में पश्चिम ऑस्ट्रेलिया के लिए आयु वर्ग के क्रिकेट में खेल चुके हैं. वह 2018 में क्रिकेट ऑस्ट्रेलिया से बोर्ड के सदस्य के रूप में जुड़े थे. ऑस्ट्रेलिया के टेस्ट कप्तान टिम पेन और मुख्य कोच जस्टिन लैंगर के जाने के बाद वह महत्वपूर्ण समय में शीर्ष पद पर काबिज हो रहे हैं.    Cricket Australia announces new chairman, this veteran will replace Richard Freudenstein Cricket Australia on Thursday appointed Laklan Henderson as the new chairman of the board. Henderson will replace interim chairman Richard Freudenstein.  Melbourne:Cricket Australia on Thursday appointed Lachlan Henderson as the new chairman of the board. Henderson will replace interim chairman Richard Freudenstein. Henderson, a former domestic cricketer and current group chief executive officer of Epworth Healthcare, will be the third chairman to take over in the last five months. The position had been vacant since the resignation of Earl Eddings in October last year.  CA said in a release on Thursday, "Dr. Henderson, who has started his tenure immediately, has indicated that his first priority is ensuring a strong, sustainable financial future for cricket, especially increasing participation among girls and women." Better consultations with state and regional presidents and all stakeholders and maintaining high standards of sports.  Henderson played in age-group cricket for West Australia in the 1980s. He joined Cricket Australia as a board member in 2018. He is taking over the top position at a crucial time after the departure of Australia's Test captain Tim Paine and head coach Justin Langer.

Cricket Australia announces new chairman, this veteran will replace Richard Freudenstein

Cricket Australia on Thursday appointed Laklan Henderson as the new chairman of the board. Henderson will replace interim chairman Richard Freudenstein.

Melbourne:Cricket Australia on Thursday appointed Lachlan Henderson as the new chairman of the board. Henderson will replace interim chairman Richard Freudenstein. Henderson, a former domestic cricketer and current group chief executive officer of Epworth Healthcare, will be the third chairman to take over in the last five months. The position had been vacant since the resignation of Earl Eddings in October last year.

CA said in a release on Thursday, "Dr. Henderson, who has started his tenure immediately, has indicated that his first priority is ensuring a strong, sustainable financial future for cricket, especially increasing participation among girls and women." Better consultations with state and regional presidents and all stakeholders and maintaining high standards of sports.

Henderson played in age-group cricket for West Australia in the 1980s. He joined Cricket Australia as a board member in 2018. He is taking over the top position at a crucial time after the departure of Australia's Test captain Tim Paine and head coach Justin Langer.

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