After the engineers and the municipalitie, How did the Jordanian “Muslim Brotherhood Kitchen” read the policy of “exclusion”?

بعد المهندسين والبلديات… كيف قرأ «مطبخ الإخوان المسلمين» الأردني سياسة «الإقصاء»؟  عمان – «القدس العربي»: يبدو أن حزب جبهة العمل الإسلامي، الذراع الحزبية لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين، قد حدد بوصلة وأولويات إستراتيجيته في التعاطي والاشتباك مع المستجدات الحساسة التي يشهدها الواقع المحلي، خصوصاً أن البلاد على أعتاب انتخابات المجالس المحلية واللامركزية، وبعد سلسلة من البيانات لها علاقة بالأزمة التي حصلت وتكرست في جسد نقابة المهندسين الأردنية، والتي تعتبر من أهم النقابات المهنية. وكان التيار الإسلامي ممثلاً في القائمة المزدوجة بين المستقلين والقائمة البيضاء، قد أعلن أنه لن يشارك في انتخابات نقابة المهندسين المقبلة، اعتراضاً على ما وصفه بعدة تدخلات رسمية حاولت تزييف هذه الانتخابات حتى في الصناديق إضافة للحشد المسبق وتكليف مهندسي القطاع العام والمؤسستين المدنية والعسكرية، كما جاء في بيانات مهنية بالتصدي للمرشحين المستقلين ومرشحي التيار الإسلامي، فيما أعلن التيار الخصم للإسلاميين، وهو يمثل قائمة «نمو»، حسم انتخابات الفروع بصورة كبيرة في انتخابات مثيرة تخللها العديد من التجاوزات الموثقة، مع أن مجلس نقابة المهندسين الحالي أعلن أنها شفافة ونزيهة، وهنأ الفائزين، حيث فازت قائمة «نمو» بغالبية المواقع في انتخابات فروع المهندسين في المحافظات. ويبقى على انتخابات نقابة المهندسين، وهي أضخم النقابات المهنية وقوامها أكثر من 170 ألف عضو، انتخابات المكاتب والشعب، حتى انتخابات هيئة ونقيب الهيئة الإدارية ونقيب المهندسين في آذار المقبل. وبالتالي، قرار الإسلاميين مقاطعة المراحل الانتخابية الثلاث المقبلة حصل أو حظي بغطاء سياسي من قيادة الحركة الإسلامية الأردنية، وحصل ذلك بطبيعة الحال على خلفية استراتيجية اشتباك تقررت بعد العديد من المشاورات.  وتبدو قيادات الحركة الإسلامية مستقرة عند قراءتها التي تتحدث عن ظروف دولية وإقليمية وأخرى لها علاقة بالانحياز للعلاقات مع أجنحة الحكومة الإسرائيلية الحالية، ونمو الاتصالات معها، وعودة ظاهرة التطبيع معها بقوة، وهي التي أملت استهداف التيار الإسلامي دون وأكثر من غيره، سواء في انتخابات البلديات أو في تحضيرات انتخابات نقابة المهندسين، أو في القراءة التي تقدم بها لعدة شخصيات سياسية ووطنية الأمين العام لحزب جبهة العمل الإسلامي الشيخ مراد العضايلة؛ فاستهداف الإسلاميين لا يتعلق بهم فقط، ولا يتعلق على الأرجح بأسباب داخلية أو محلية، لكنه جزء من استهداف كل من يعارض التطبيع أو يمكنه أن يقف في وجه الترتيبات السياسية الإقليمية التي تجري مع الإسرائيليين وغيرهم في هذه المرحلة. وفقاً لقراءة العضايلة ورفاقه في الحركة الإسلامية، ينبغي أن يتم خنق صوت النقابات المهنية باعتبارها داعماً قوياً للأهل في قطاع غزة وللشعب الفلسطيني، وفي سياق مقاومة ومجابهة التطبيع، مع الإشارة إلى أن نقابة المهندسين مثلاً المطلوب منها سنوياً 50 مليون دينار لنفقاتها واشتراكات الأعضاء، وهو عبء كبير في الواقع، وما يجرى له علاقه بتفريغ المضمون الوطني والمحتوى السياسي في العمل النقابي لصالح إخلاء الساحة من الأصوات التي يمكنها أن تدعم الشعب الفلسطيني أو تهتم بتقديم المعونة له، تجاوباً -على الأرجح، في قراءة الإخوان المسلمين حصرياً، مع خطاب إسرائيلي وآخر مدعوم من دول خليجية وعربية أخرى خلف الستارة والكواليس .لكن تلك القراءة تبدو سياسية وأعمق من مشهد التجاذب، سواء على صعيد الانتخابات المحلية للمجالس اللامركزية، أو حتى على صعيد نقابة المهندسين، حيث إن تعليق المشاركة بمراحل انتخاباتها المقبلة قد يؤدي لاحقاً أو يتم إسقاطه من قبل حزب جبهة العمل الإسلامي وأنصار التيار الإسلامي على بقية النقابات المهنية. وينظر الإسلاميون والمعارضون والحقوقيون المستقلون إلى الترتيبات الهندسية التي رافقت انتخابات البلديات والنقابات ونقابة المهندسين باعتبارها جزءاً من حلقة سياسية لها علاقة بترتيبات إقليمية قادمة، وتقليص الأصوات التي تعترض أو تحتج أو يمكنها أن تعيق ما سيجري لاحقاً. وهي قراءة لا تزال قاصرة سياسياً على الأقل، عن تفسير إشكالات متجذرة وعميقة في البعد المحلي.  وكان الرجل الثاني في الحكومة وزير الحكم المحلي ونائب رئيس الوزراء توفيق كريشان، قد صرح علناً بأن الوزارة لم تقدم أي خدمات أو تسهيلات خاصة لمن يقرر مقاطعة الانتخابات المحلية واللامركزية، واعتبرت تلك إشارة من النوع الذي يعلق على قرار حزب جبهة العمل الإسلامي بتعليق المشاركة أيضاً في تلك الانتخابات.  لكن بيت الحركة الإسلامية فيما يبدو، لديه تصور استراتيجي أعمق مما جرى مع كتلته في البر لمان أو نقابه المهندسين أو حتى الانتخابات البلدية، وهو تصور سياسي ينظر إلى المرحلة المقبلة من صدام محتمل مع السلطات والحكومة بكثير من الحذر والترقب، وعلى أساس عدم الصدام والتعامل بالقطعة والتقسيط مع النسخ الانتخابية عندما تحصل وفقاً للظروف والاعتبارات ولمصلحة تنظيمات الحركة الإسلامية، التي يحذر قياديون بارزون فيها علناً، ومنهم العضايلة، من أن استعصاء المزاج السياسي واستمرار نهج الإقصاء الذي يظهر بوضوح في كل الملفات، يؤدي إلى دفن برنامج تحديث المنظومة السياسية ونهشه وتفتيته، ويؤدي أيضاً إلى حالة استعصاء عام قد تدفع الإسلاميين إلى إعلان اعتزال العمل السياسي والعودة إلى العمل الدعوي، وهو مطلب ملح من قواعد الحركة الإسلامية طوال الأسابيع الماضية، مع التأكيد على أن مؤسسات الإخوان المسلمين ليست معنية إطلاقاً وبأي حال من الأحوال، بتطوير حالة صدام مع السلطات.     After the engineers and the municipalities… How did the Jordanian “Muslim Brotherhood Kitchen” read the policy of “exclusion”?  Amman - It seems that the Islamic Action Front, the partisan arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, has set the compass and priorities of its strategy in dealing with sensitive developments taking place in the local reality, especially that the country is on the cusp of local council elections and decentralization, and after a series of statements It is related to the crisis that occurred and was enshrined in the body of the Jordanian Engineers Association, which is considered one of the most important professional unions.  The Islamist movement, represented in the dual list between the independents and the white list, had announced that it would not participate in the upcoming Engineers Syndicate elections, in protest against what he described as several official interventions that tried to falsify these elections even in the boxes, in addition to the prior mobilization and assignment of engineers in the public sector and civil and military institutions, as stated. In professional statements to confront independent candidates and candidates of the Islamist movement, while the opposition movement to the Islamists, which represents the “Nomu” list, announced that the branch elections were largely decided in exciting elections punctuated by many documented abuses, although the current Council of the Engineers Syndicate announced that it was transparent and fair, and congratulated the winners. Nomu's list won the majority of sites in the elections for the engineering branches in the governorates.  The elections for the Engineers Syndicate, which is the largest of the professional unions and has more than 170,000 members, remain for the offices and the people, until the elections for the committee, the president of the administrative body, and the Engineers Syndicate next March. Consequently, the Islamists' decision to boycott the next three electoral phases obtained or gained political cover from the leadership of the Jordanian Islamic Movement, and this naturally happened against the background of a clashing strategy that was decided after many consultations. The leaders of the Islamic movement seem stable when reading about international and regional conditions and others related to bias in relations with the wings of the current Israeli government, the growth of contacts with it, and the strong return of the phenomenon of normalization with it. In the preparations for the Engineers Syndicate elections, or in the reading presented by several political and patriotic figures, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Action Front Party, Sheikh Murad Al-Adayleh; Targeting the Islamists is not only related to them, and is not likely related to internal or local reasons, but it is part of targeting anyone who opposes normalization or can stand in the way of the regional political arrangements taking place with the Israelis and others at this stage.  According to the reading of Al-Adayleh and his comrades in the Islamic movement, the voice of the professional unions should be stifled as a strong supporter of the people in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people, and in the context of resisting and confronting normalization, noting that the Syndicate of Engineers, for example, is required annually 50 million dinars for its expenses and members’ subscriptions, which is a burden In fact, it is significant, and what is happening has to do with emptying the national and political content in the union work in favor of clearing the arena of voices that could support the Palestinian people or be interested in providing them with aid, in response - most likely, in reading the Muslim Brotherhood exclusively, with an Israeli discourse and another supported by the Gulf and other Arab countries behind the curtain and the scenes.However, this reading seems political and deeper than the scene of polarization, whether at the level of local elections for decentralized councils, or even at the level of the Engineers Syndicate, as the suspension of participation in the stages of its upcoming elections may lead later or be dropped by the Islamic Action Front party and supporters of the Islamic current on the rest of the unions. professional. Islamists, oppositionists and independent jurists view the engineering arrangements that accompanied the municipal elections, the unions, and the Engineers Syndicate as part of a political cycle related to upcoming regional arrangements, and reducing voices that object, protest, or can obstruct what will happen later. It is a reading that is still politically inadequate, at least, to explaining deeply rooted and deep-rooted problems in the local dimension.  The second man in the government, Minister of Local Government and Deputy Prime Minister Tawfiq Krishan, had publicly stated that the ministry did not provide any services or special facilities for those who decide to boycott local and decentralized elections, and this was considered a sign of the kind that commented on the decision of the Islamic Action Front to suspend participation in the elections as well. those elections.  But the House of the Islamic Movement seems to have a deeper strategic vision than what happened with its parliamentary bloc in Parliament, the Engineers Syndicate, or even the municipal elections. It is a political perception that looks at the next stage of a possible clash with the authorities and the government with much caution and anticipation, and on the basis of not clashing and dealing with pieces And installments with the electoral copies when they occur according to the circumstances and considerations and in the interest of the Islamic movement organizations, in which prominent leaders, including Al-Adayleh, warn publicly that the intractable political mood and the continuation of the approach of exclusion, which appears clearly in all files, leads to the burial of the program of modernization of the political system, its destruction and fragmentation, and leads to Also to a state of general dissent that may push the Islamists to announce their retirement from political work and return to advocacy work, which is an urgent demand from the rules of the Islamic movement over the past weeks, emphasizing that the Muslim Brotherhood institutions are not at all concerned, in any way, with developing a state of conflict with the authorities.

After the engineers and the municipalitie, How did the Jordanian “Muslim Brotherhood Kitchen” read the policy of “exclusion”?

Amman - It seems that the Islamic Action Front, the partisan arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, has set the compass and priorities of its strategy in dealing with sensitive developments taking place in the local reality, especially that the country is on the cusp of local council elections and decentralization, and after a series of statements It is related to the crisis that occurred and was enshrined in the body of the Jordanian Engineers Association, which is considered one of the most important professional unions.

The Islamist movement, represented in the dual list between the independents and the white list, had announced that it would not participate in the upcoming Engineers Syndicate elections, in protest against what he described as several official interventions that tried to falsify these elections even in the boxes, in addition to the prior mobilization and assignment of engineers in the public sector and civil and military institutions, as stated. In professional statements to confront independent candidates and candidates of the Islamist movement, while the opposition movement to the Islamists, which represents the “Nomu” list, announced that the branch elections were largely decided in exciting elections punctuated by many documented abuses, although the current Council of the Engineers Syndicate announced that it was transparent and fair, and congratulated the winners. Nomu's list won the majority of sites in the elections for the engineering branches in the governorates.

The elections for the Engineers Syndicate, which is the largest of the professional unions and has more than 170,000 members, remain for the offices and the people, until the elections for the committee, the president of the administrative body, and the Engineers Syndicate next March. Consequently, the Islamists' decision to boycott the next three electoral phases obtained or gained political cover from the leadership of the Jordanian Islamic Movement, and this naturally happened against the background of a clashing strategy that was decided after many consultations.

The leaders of the Islamic movement seem stable when reading about international and regional conditions and others related to bias in relations with the wings of the current Israeli government, the growth of contacts with it, and the strong return of the phenomenon of normalization with it. In the preparations for the Engineers Syndicate elections, or in the reading presented by several political and patriotic figures, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Action Front Party, Sheikh Murad Al-Adayleh; Targeting the Islamists is not only related to them, and is not likely related to internal or local reasons, but it is part of targeting anyone who opposes normalization or can stand in the way of the regional political arrangements taking place with the Israelis and others at this stage.

According to the reading of Al-Adayleh and his comrades in the Islamic movement, the voice of the professional unions should be stifled as a strong supporter of the people in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people, and in the context of resisting and confronting normalization, noting that the Syndicate of Engineers, for example, is required annually 50 million dinars for its expenses and members’ subscriptions, which is a burden In fact, it is significant, and what is happening has to do with emptying the national and political content in the union work in favor of clearing the arena of voices that could support the Palestinian people or be interested in providing them with aid, in response - most likely, in reading the Muslim Brotherhood exclusively, with an Israeli discourse and another supported by the Gulf and other Arab countries behind the curtain and the scenes.However, this reading seems political and deeper than the scene of polarization, whether at the level of local elections for decentralized councils, or even at the level of the Engineers Syndicate, as the suspension of participation in the stages of its upcoming elections may lead later or be dropped by the Islamic Action Front party and supporters of the Islamic current on the rest of the unions. professional.

Islamists, oppositionists and independent jurists view the engineering arrangements that accompanied the municipal elections, the unions, and the Engineers Syndicate as part of a political cycle related to upcoming regional arrangements, and reducing voices that object, protest, or can obstruct what will happen later. It is a reading that is still politically inadequate, at least, to explaining deeply rooted and deep-rooted problems in the local dimension.

The second man in the government, Minister of Local Government and Deputy Prime Minister Tawfiq Krishan, had publicly stated that the ministry did not provide any services or special facilities for those who decide to boycott local and decentralized elections, and this was considered a sign of the kind that commented on the decision of the Islamic Action Front to suspend participation in the elections as well. those elections.

But the House of the Islamic Movement seems to have a deeper strategic vision than what happened with its parliamentary bloc in Parliament, the Engineers Syndicate, or even the municipal elections. It is a political perception that looks at the next stage of a possible clash with the authorities and the government with much caution and anticipation, and on the basis of not clashing and dealing with pieces And installments with the electoral copies when they occur according to the circumstances and considerations and in the interest of the Islamic movement organizations, in which prominent leaders, including Al-Adayleh, warn publicly that the intractable political mood and the continuation of the approach of exclusion, which appears clearly in all files, leads to the burial of the program of modernization of the political system, its destruction and fragmentation, and leads to Also to a state of general dissent that may push the Islamists to announce their retirement from political work and return to advocacy work, which is an urgent demand from the rules of the Islamic movement over the past weeks, emphasizing that the Muslim Brotherhood institutions are not at all concerned, in any way, with developing a state of conflict with the authorities.

After Batsirai, Madagascar prepares for cyclone Emnati  Madagascar is preparing to face a new cyclone which should hit its eastern coast overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday, after having already been hit by several tropical storms and a cyclone for a month.  This new disturbance, Emnati , was more than a hundred kilometers from the Malagasy coast , according to the latest report from Météo-France in the middle of the afternoon.  In early February, Cyclone Batsirai killed at least 121 people, destroyed thousands of homes and devastated crops. Thousands of people are still homeless. In January, Tropical Storm Ana had already killed around 100 people in Madagascar , Mozambique , Malawi and Zimbabwe .  "The weather is deteriorating frankly on the east coast of Madagascar" , added Météo-France, which forecasts gusts of 150 to 200 km / h and heavy rains likely to cause floods and landslides as well as significant coastal flooding.  UN agencies said Tuesday in Geneva to expect a "widespread and dangerous" phenomenon that could "do considerable damage" . The World Food Program (WFP) added to prepare "for the worst" . The cyclone, which passed off Mauritius and Reunion Island , should however arrive weakened in Madagascar (force 2), according to forecasters.  According to the Malagasy National Office for Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC), the impact is expected in the region of the coastal town of Mananjary , already largely destroyed by the passage of Batsirai. “We are in a race against time to protect from the effects of Emnati those who have already faced the fury of the last three extreme (weather) events ,” the spokesman for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said. (OCHA), Jens Laerke , calling on residents to prepare.  During previous bad weather, many Malagasy people had weighted their sheet metal roofs with bags of earth and stored food. The cyclone is expected to leave the large Indian Ocean island from the south as a tropical storm.  Madagascar has been hit for months by an extreme drought in a vast area of ​​the South, which is causing acute malnutrition and pockets of famine. About ten storms or cyclones cross the southwest Indian Ocean each year during the hurricane season , which extends from November to April.

After Batsirai, Madagascar prepares for cyclone Emnati

Madagascar is preparing to face a new cyclone which should hit its eastern coast overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday, after having already been hit by several tropical storms and a cyclone for a month.

This new disturbance, Emnati , was more than a hundred kilometers from the Malagasy coast , according to the latest report from Météo-France in the middle of the afternoon.

In early February, Cyclone Batsirai killed at least 121 people, destroyed thousands of homes and devastated crops. Thousands of people are still homeless. In January, Tropical Storm Ana had already killed around 100 people in Madagascar , Mozambique , Malawi and Zimbabwe .

"The weather is deteriorating frankly on the east coast of Madagascar" , added Météo-France, which forecasts gusts of 150 to 200 km / h and heavy rains likely to cause floods and landslides as well as significant coastal flooding.

UN agencies said Tuesday in Geneva to expect a "widespread and dangerous" phenomenon that could "do considerable damage" . The World Food Program (WFP) added to prepare "for the worst" . The cyclone, which passed off Mauritius and Reunion Island , should however arrive weakened in Madagascar (force 2), according to forecasters.

According to the Malagasy National Office for Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC), the impact is expected in the region of the coastal town of Mananjary , already largely destroyed by the passage of Batsirai. “We are in a race against time to protect from the effects of Emnati those who have already faced the fury of the last three extreme (weather) events ,” the spokesman for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said. (OCHA), Jens Laerke , calling on residents to prepare.

During previous bad weather, many Malagasy people had weighted their sheet metal roofs with bags of earth and stored food. The cyclone is expected to leave the large Indian Ocean island from the south as a tropical storm.

Madagascar has been hit for months by an extreme drought in a vast area of ​​the South, which is causing acute malnutrition and pockets of famine. About ten storms or cyclones cross the southwest Indian Ocean each year during the hurricane season , which extends from November to April.

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