A settlement ends a sexual assault case chasing Prince Andrew What price did he pay?

قطع طرق ومظاهرات وإعلان حالة طوارئ.. ماذا يحدث في كندا؟  بعد اعتصام واسع وإغلق للطرقات وشلّ لحركة السير في البلاد لما يزيد على أسبوعين، يشير مراقبون إلى أنّ الأزمة الحالية في كندا يبدو أنّها تخرج عن السيطرة، ويحذّر البعض من تبعات الاعتصامات على تعطُّل حركة التجارة، الذي يسيء إلى سمعة كندا.  وصلت أزمة الاحتجاج ضد التدابير الصحية وحملات التلقيح لمكافحة فيروس كورونا إلى مرحلة متقدمة، وذلك مع إعلان الحكومة الكندية الاثنين تفعيل قانون حالة الطوارئ لمواجهة المحتجين الذين استخدموا سياراتهم وشاحناتهم لقطع طرق رئيسية وشلّ الحركة في البلاد.  كانت موجة احتجاجات "موكب الحرية" بدأت في 29 يناير/كانون الثاني الماضي بالعاصمة أوتاوا، حين تجمّع سائقو الشاحنات وقرّروا بدء احتجاج واسع ضد التطعيم الإلزامي وقيود جائحة كورونا، ثم انتقلت الموجة إلى مدن رئيسية أخرى مما فاقم الأزمة، إذ تحوّلت الاحتجاجات إلى تظاهرة واسعة ضد القيود الصحية وحكومة رئيس الوزراء جاستن ترودو.  ويرى مراقبون أنّ الأزمة يبدو الآن وأنّها تخرج عن سيطرة السلطات الكندية، لا سيّما وأنّ هذه هي المرة الثانية فقط التي يُفعَّل فيها هذا القانون في زمن السلم، بعدما كان بيار إليوت ترودو والد رئيس الوزراء الحالي فعّله إبّان أزمة أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 1970 حينما كان رئيساً للوزراء، حين خطفت "جبهة تحرير كيبيك" الملحق التجاري البريطاني جيمس ريتشارد كروس ووزيراً من كيبيك يُدعى بيار لابورت.   قطع طرق رئيسية  يستخدم المتظاهرون في كندا قطع الطرق في البلاد وسيلة احتجاج حيوية، إذ يهدفون بذلك إلى إجبار الحكومة على التحرُّك سريعاً والاستجابة لمطالبهم.  على سبيل المثال أغلق المتظاهرون جسر "إمباسادور"، وهو محور حدودي رئيسي بين كندا والولايات المتحدة يمر من خلاله أكثر من 25% من السلع المصدَّرة بين البلدين، قبل أنّ تتمكّن السلطات الكندية مساء الأحد من إعادة فتحه بعد شلل استمر سبعة أيام.  كان تعطيل الحركة على هذا الشريان الحدودي الحيوي دفع واشنطن القلقة من تداعياته الاقتصادية إلى التدخل لدى ترودو لحل الوضع.   إضرار بسمعة كندا  في سياق متّصل قال إدوارد ألدن، الأستاذ الزائر بجامعة "ويسترن واشنطن" المتخصّص في العلاقات الاقتصادية بين الولايات المتحدة وكندا، إنّ إغلاق المتظاهرين طرقاً رئيسية حدودية يعرّض نحو 44 مليون دولار من التجارة اليومية التي تمرّ عبر معبر "كوتس" الحدودي الكندي-الأمريكي وحده للخطر والتوقّف، وهو ما يسيء بدوره إلى سمعة كندا لعدم قدرتها على احتواء هذه الأزمة.  وأشار ألدن في مقال صحفي إلى أنّ معظم التجارة التي تمرّ عبر المعبر المذكور هي من المنتجات الحيوانية القابلة للتلف، فيما نقل عن فلافيو فولبي، عضو اللوبي النشط لشركات قطع غيار السيارات الكندية، قوله إنّ الاضطرابات الحدودية "تسبّبت في إضرار لا يمكن إصلاحه بسمعة كندا كشريك تجاري موثوق (للولايات المتحدة)".  وذكر الأستاذ الزائر بجامعة "ويسترن واشنطن" أنّه رغم تحرُّك السلطات الكندية مؤخّراً لمحاولة وقف التظاهرات واحتواء الأزمة، فإنّ "الضرر طويل المدى سيكون من الصعب إصلاحه"، مضيفاً أنّه على الحكومة الكندية المحافظة على واشنطن "شريكاً استراتيجياً هامّاً أكثر من أي وقت مضى".   سبل احتواء الأزمة  يُعتبر قرار تفعيل حالة الطوارئ الذي أعلنه ترودو الاثنين، أحد السبل التي تنتهجها حكومته لاحتواء الأزمة الحالية ووقف شلّ حركة الطرق في البلاد.  فمع فضّ الاعتصامات بالقوة وإزالة خيام المحتجين المنصوبة في مختلف الطرقات الحيوية في البلاد، استجابت الحكومة الكندية جزئياً لمطالب الاحتجاجات، فعلى سبيل المثال أعلن رئيس وزراء أونتاريو داغ فورد الاثنين، التخلّي عن شهادة التلقيح في المقاطعة التي تشكّل مركزاً للاحتجاجات.  ورغم ذلك ما زال من المجهول معرفة كيفية احتواء السلطات الكندية للأزمة كلياً، مع استمرار الاعتصامات في الشوارع الرئيسية والمركزية بالعاصمة أوتاوا، ولا سيّما شارع ويلنغتون الواقع به البرلمان الكندي، والمتجمّع به حالياً نحو 400 شاحنة مع تنظيم مُحكَم ونصب خيام للتدفئة وأكشاك طعام.   Blocking roads, demonstrations and declaring a state of emergency What is happening in Canada?  After a widespread sit-in, closing the roads and paralyzing traffic in the country for more than two weeks, observers point out that the current crisis in Canada appears to be out of control, and some warn of the consequences of the sit-ins on the disruption of trade, which harms Canada's reputation.  The protest crisis against health measures and vaccination campaigns to combat the Corona virus has reached an advanced stage, with the Canadian government announcing on Monday the activation of a state of emergency law to confront protesters who used their cars and trucks to block major roads and paralyze movement in the country.  The wave of "Freedom Parade" protests began on January 29 in the capital, Ottawa, when truck drivers gathered and decided to start a massive protest against mandatory vaccination and the restrictions of the Corona pandemic. Against health restrictions and the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  Observers believe that the crisis now appears to be out of the control of the Canadian authorities, especially since this is only the second time that this law has been activated in peacetime, after Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the father of the current prime minister, did it during the October 1970 crisis when he was president. For ministers, the Front for the Liberation of Quebec kidnapped the British trade attache James Richard Cross and a Quebec minister named Pierre Laporte.  Cut off major roads Demonstrators in Canada are using the country's roadblocks as a vital means of protest, aiming to force the government to act quickly and accede to their demands.  For example, protesters closed the Ambassador Bridge, a major border hub between Canada and the United States through which more than 25% of exported goods pass between the two countries, before the Canadian authorities managed on Sunday evening to reopen it after a seven-day paralysis.  It was the disruption of this vital border artery that prompted Washington, worried about its economic repercussions, to intervene with Trudeau to resolve the situation.  Damage to Canada's reputation In a related context, Edward Alden, a visiting professor at Western Washington University who specializes in economic relations between the United States and Canada, said that the blocking of major border roads by protesters puts about $44 million in daily trade that passes through the Canadian-American “Cotes” border crossing alone. And stop, which in turn damages Canada's reputation for not being able to contain this crisis.  In a newspaper article , Alden noted that most of the trade passing through the aforementioned crossing is of perishable animal products, while Flavio Volpi, a member of the active lobby for Canadian auto parts companies, was quoted as saying that the border unrest "caused irreparable damage to Canada's reputation as a partner." reliable commercial (for the United States)."  The visiting professor at Western Washington University said that although the Canadian authorities moved recently to try to stop the demonstrations and contain the crisis, "the long-term damage will be difficult to repair," adding that the Canadian government must maintain Washington as "an important strategic partner more than ever."  Ways to contain the crisis The decision to activate the state of emergency, announced by Trudeau on Monday, is one of the ways his government is taking to contain the current crisis and stop the paralysis of road movement in the country.  By forcibly dispersing sit-ins and removing protesters' tents installed in various vital roads in the country, the Canadian government partially responded to the demands of the protests, for example, Ontario Prime Minister Dag Ford announced on Monday, the abandonment of vaccination certificates in the province, which is the center of the protests.  Despite that, it is still unknown how the Canadian authorities will contain the crisis completely, with the sit-ins continuing in the main and central streets of the capital, Ottawa, especially Wellington Street, where the Canadian Parliament is located, and where about 400 trucks are currently congregated, with tight organization, heating tents and food stalls.

Blocking roads, demonstrations and declaring a state of emergency What is happening in Canada?

After a widespread sit-in, closing the roads and paralyzing traffic in the country for more than two weeks, observers point out that the current crisis in Canada appears to be out of control, and some warn of the consequences of the sit-ins on the disruption of trade, which harms Canada's reputation.

The protest crisis against health measures and vaccination campaigns to combat the Corona virus has reached an advanced stage, with the Canadian government announcing on Monday the activation of a state of emergency law to confront protesters who used their cars and trucks to block major roads and paralyze movement in the country.

The wave of "Freedom Parade" protests began on January 29 in the capital, Ottawa, when truck drivers gathered and decided to start a massive protest against mandatory vaccination and the restrictions of the Corona pandemic. Against health restrictions and the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Observers believe that the crisis now appears to be out of the control of the Canadian authorities, especially since this is only the second time that this law has been activated in peacetime, after Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the father of the current prime minister, did it during the October 1970 crisis when he was president. For ministers, the Front for the Liberation of Quebec kidnapped the British trade attache James Richard Cross and a Quebec minister named Pierre Laporte.

Cut off major roads
Demonstrators in Canada are using the country's roadblocks as a vital means of protest, aiming to force the government to act quickly and accede to their demands.

For example, protesters closed the Ambassador Bridge, a major border hub between Canada and the United States through which more than 25% of exported goods pass between the two countries, before the Canadian authorities managed on Sunday evening to reopen it after a seven-day paralysis.

It was the disruption of this vital border artery that prompted Washington, worried about its economic repercussions, to intervene with Trudeau to resolve the situation.

Damage to Canada's reputation
In a related context, Edward Alden, a visiting professor at Western Washington University who specializes in economic relations between the United States and Canada, said that the blocking of major border roads by protesters puts about $44 million in daily trade that passes through the Canadian-American “Cotes” border crossing alone. And stop, which in turn damages Canada's reputation for not being able to contain this crisis.

In a newspaper article , Alden noted that most of the trade passing through the aforementioned crossing is of perishable animal products, while Flavio Volpi, a member of the active lobby for Canadian auto parts companies, was quoted as saying that the border unrest "caused irreparable damage to Canada's reputation as a partner." reliable commercial (for the United States)."

The visiting professor at Western Washington University said that although the Canadian authorities moved recently to try to stop the demonstrations and contain the crisis, "the long-term damage will be difficult to repair," adding that the Canadian government must maintain Washington as "an important strategic partner more than ever."

Ways to contain the crisis
The decision to activate the state of emergency, announced by Trudeau on Monday, is one of the ways his government is taking to contain the current crisis and stop the paralysis of road movement in the country.

By forcibly dispersing sit-ins and removing protesters' tents installed in various vital roads in the country, the Canadian government partially responded to the demands of the protests, for example, Ontario Prime Minister Dag Ford announced on Monday, the abandonment of vaccination certificates in the province, which is the center of the protests.

Despite that, it is still unknown how the Canadian authorities will contain the crisis completely, with the sit-ins continuing in the main and central streets of the capital, Ottawa, especially Wellington Street, where the Canadian Parliament is located, and where about 400 trucks are currently congregated, with tight organization, heating tents and food stalls.

تسوية تنهي قضية اعتداء جنسي تلاحق الأمير أندرو.. ما الثمن الذي دفعه؟ كشفت وثائق قضائية بمحكمة اتحادية أمريكية الثلاثاء، أن الأمير البريطاني أندرو، دوق يورك، توصل إلى تسوية لدعوى قضائية أقامتها ضده فرجينيا جوفري التي اتهمته بالاعتداء عليها جنسياً عندما كانت قاصراً.  أظهرت وثائق قضائية بمحكمة اتحادية أمريكية الثلاثاء أن الأمير البريطاني أندرو دوق يورك توصل إلى تسوية لدعوى قضائية أقامتها ضده فرجينيا جوفري التي اتهمته بالاعتداء عليها جنسياً عندما كانت قاصراً، فضلاً عن اعتداء رجل الأعمال الأمريكي الراحل جيفري إبستين عليها جنسياً أيضاً.  وكُشف عن التسوية، التي تضمنت دفع مبلغ مالي لم يكشف عنه، في ملف مشترك بمحكمة مانهاتن الاتحادية التي رفعت أمامها جوفري القضية.  وتحمي هذه التسوية أندرو من سلسلة محرجة من الإفصاحات والاتهامات خلال الأشهر التي تسبق محاكمته، وأثناء المحاكمة، التي من المقرر أن تبدأ أواخر هذا العام.  ونفى أندرو (61 عاماً) اتهامات جوفري (38 عاماً) بأنه أجبرها على ممارسة الجنس قبل ما يزيد على عقدين في منزل بلندن.  وقال محامو جوفري وأندرو إن "الأمير يعتزم تقديم تبرع كبير لجمعية جوفري الخيرية لدعم حقوق الضحايا".  وجاء في الملف القضائي أن الأمير "لم يقصد قط الإساءة إلى شخص السيدة جوفري، وأنه يقبل بأنها عانت كضحية ثبت تعرضها للاعتداء".  وأضاف البيان "الأمير أندرو يأسف لارتباطه بإبستين ويثني على شجاعة السيدة جوفري وغيرها من الناجين في الدفاع عن أنفسهم وعن آخرين.. ويتعهد بإبداء أسفه لارتباطه بإبستين من خلال دعم محاربة شرور تجارة الجنس ودعم ضحاياه".  وجردت العائلة المالكة الشهر الماضي الأمير أندرو من واجباته العسكرية وامتيازاته الملكية، وقالت إنه "لم يعد يُعرف بصاحب السمو الملكي".  وأحجم قصر بكنجهام عن التعليق، كما قالت متحدثة باسم الأمير إنه "لا تعليق لديها أكثر مما جاء في أوراق القضية".  وانتحر إبستين عن عمر ناهز 66 عاماً داخل زنزانة بسجن مانهاتن في أغسطس/آب 2019 بينما كان ينتظر المحاكمة بتهمة تجارة الجنس.      A settlement ends a sexual assault case chasing Prince Andrew What price did he pay?  US federal court documents revealed on Tuesday that Britain's Prince Andrew, Duke of York, has settled a lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Joffrey, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a minor.  Federal court documents showed on Tuesday that Britain's Prince Andrew, Duke of York, has settled a lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Geoffrey, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a minor, as well as the sexual assault of the late American businessman Jeffrey Epstein as well.  The settlement, which involved the payment of an undisclosed amount, was disclosed in a joint filing in the Manhattan Federal Court before which Joffrey filed the case.  The settlement protects Andrew from an embarrassing series of disclosures and accusations during the months leading up to his trial and during the trial, which is set to begin later this year.  Andrew, 61, denied allegations by Geoffrey, 38, that he forced her to have sex more than two decades ago in a London home.  Joffrey and Andrew's lawyers said the prince intends to make a large donation to Joffrey's charity to support the rights of victims. The court file stated that the prince "never intended to offend the person of Mrs. Joffrey, and that he accepts that she suffered as a victim who was proven to have been assaulted."  "Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein and commends the courage of Ms. Joffrey and other survivors to stand up for themselves and others and pledges to express his regret for his association with Epstein by supporting the fight against the evils of the sex trade and its victims," ​​the statement added.  The royal family last month stripped Prince Andrew of his military duties and royal privileges, saying he was "no longer known as His Royal Highness".  Buckingham Palace declined to comment, and a spokeswoman for the prince said it had "no more comment than what was in the case papers".  Epstein committed suicide at the age of 66 in a Manhattan prison cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges.

A settlement ends a sexual assault case chasing Prince Andrew What price did he pay?

US federal court documents revealed on Tuesday that Britain's Prince Andrew, Duke of York, has settled a lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Joffrey, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a minor.

Federal court documents showed on Tuesday that Britain's Prince Andrew, Duke of York, has settled a lawsuit brought against him by Virginia Geoffrey, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was a minor, as well as the sexual assault of the late American businessman Jeffrey Epstein as well.

The settlement, which involved the payment of an undisclosed amount, was disclosed in a joint filing in the Manhattan Federal Court before which Joffrey filed the case.

The settlement protects Andrew from an embarrassing series of disclosures and accusations during the months leading up to his trial and during the trial, which is set to begin later this year.

Andrew, 61, denied allegations by Geoffrey, 38, that he forced her to have sex more than two decades ago in a London home.

Joffrey and Andrew's lawyers said the prince intends to make a large donation to Joffrey's charity to support the rights of victims.
The court file stated that the prince "never intended to offend the person of Mrs. Joffrey, and that he accepts that she suffered as a victim who was proven to have been assaulted."

"Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein and commends the courage of Ms. Joffrey and other survivors to stand up for themselves and others and pledges to express his regret for his association with Epstein by supporting the fight against the evils of the sex trade and its victims," ​​the statement added.

The royal family last month stripped Prince Andrew of his military duties and royal privileges, saying he was "no longer known as His Royal Highness".

Buckingham Palace declined to comment, and a spokeswoman for the prince said it had "no more comment than what was in the case papers".

Epstein committed suicide at the age of 66 in a Manhattan prison cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges.

تقرير أمريكي: ارتفاع مستوى سطح البحر بشكل حاد بحلول 2050  نيويورك:  كشف تقرير صادر عن وكالات أمريكية من بينها ناسا والإدارة الوطنية لدراسة المحيطات والغلاف الجوي أنه على مدى السنوات الثلاثين المقبلة يمكن أن يرتفع مستوى سطح البحر بقدر ما ارتفع خلال القرن الماضي.  وتوقع التقرير الذي صدر يوم الثلاثاء أن يرتفع مستوى سطح البحر على طول السواحل الأمريكية بما يتراوح بين 25 و 30 سنتيمترا فى المتوسط فوق مستويات اليوم بحلول عام 2050 .  وقال مدير وكالة ناسا بيل نيلسون: “هذا التقرير يدعم الدراسات السابقة ويؤكد ما نعرفه منذ فترة طويلة وهو أن مستوى سطح البحر مستمر في الارتفاع بمعدل ينذر بالخطر مما يعرض المجتمعات فى جميع أنحاء العالم للخطر”.  وأضاف: “العلم لا جدال فيه، ويتعين اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة للتخفيف من أزمة المناخ الراهنة”.  وذكر التقرير أن ارتفاع مستوى سطح البحر “سيؤدي إلى تحول عميق في الفيضانات الساحلية مع ارتفاع المد والعواصف بشكل يصل إلى مزيد من المناطق الداخلية”.  وقال التقرير إنه “بحلول عام 2050، من المتوقع أن تحدث فيضانات “معتدلة” (مدمرة عادة)، في المتوسط، أكثر من 10 أضعاف ما تحدث اليوم، ويمكن أن تكثف بعوامل محلية”.   US report: sea level rise sharply by 2050  New York: A report issued by US agencies including NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration revealed that over the next 30 years the sea level could rise as much as it did over the past century.  The report, released on Tuesday, predicted that the sea level along the US coast will rise by an average of 25-30 centimeters above today's levels by 2050.  "This report supports previous studies and confirms what we have long known is that sea levels continue to rise at an alarming rate, putting communities around the world at risk," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.  "The science is indisputable, and urgent action must be taken to mitigate the current climate crisis," he added.  The report stated that sea level rise "will lead to a profound shift in coastal flooding with higher tides and storms reaching more inland areas."  "By 2050, 'moderate' (usually devastating) floods are expected to occur, on average, more than 10 times more than they do today, and could be intensified by local factors," the report said.

US report: sea level rise sharply by 2050

New York: A report issued by US agencies including NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration revealed that over the next 30 years the sea level could rise as much as it did over the past century.

The report, released on Tuesday, predicted that the sea level along the US coast will rise by an average of 25-30 centimeters above today's levels by 2050.

"This report supports previous studies and confirms what we have long known is that sea levels continue to rise at an alarming rate, putting communities around the world at risk," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

"The science is indisputable, and urgent action must be taken to mitigate the current climate crisis," he added.

The report stated that sea level rise "will lead to a profound shift in coastal flooding with higher tides and storms reaching more inland areas."

"By 2050, 'moderate' (usually devastating) floods are expected to occur, on average, more than 10 times more than they do today, and could be intensified by local factors," the report said.

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