A farewell that you will never tire of, Najwa

وداع لا تمل منه نجوى  متكئة على شابين، وصلت نجوى البرغوثي بخطوات مثقلة إلى المنزل، قادمة من وداع بكرها لاستقباله للمرة الأخيرة ومن ثم وداعه مجددا لآخر مرة.  بالأمس، كانت تحتضنه عند ثلاجة المستشفى ظانة أنه يمازحها بموته، ولم تستوعب أن إحدى رصاصات الاحتلال كانت جادة في انتزاع روحه إلى الأبد في قرية النبي صالح المجاورة.  "خليتني لمين؟ أنا عارفة انك بتتفرج علي وبتضحك علي وبدك تقوم، هيو بلفت علي بده يقوم. هيو يا زلمة بده يقوم. حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل في ولاد الحرام اللي ما بعرفوا قديش الدم الغالي".  قالت نجوى وهي تمسح بيدها على جبين نجلها الشهيد نهاد البرغوثي، فور وصولها إلى المستشفى الاستشاري، الذي نقل اليه مصابا برصاص الاحتلال وفيه أعلن عن ارتقائه.  على الطريق الرابط بين قريتي النبي صالح وكفر عين، وقف عشرات الفتية في صفين متقابلين حاملين أعلام فلسطين، لاستقبال جثمان الشهيد، الذي وصل في سيارة إسعاف تتقدم موكبا طويلا من مركبات أبناء البلدة والمشيعين.  وفي انتظاره أمام منزل ذويه، الذي لا يبعد سوى بضعة أمتار عن الطريق الرئيسي، وقف المئات من أبناء البلدة الذين هتفوا بالروح بالدم نفديك يا شهيد، ويا أم الشهيد نيالك يا ريت أمي بدالك".  كانت نجوى قد سبقت الركب نحو باحة المنزل الضيقة، وأمام البوابة جلست على كرسي تنتظر وصول ابنها لوداعه للمرة الأخيرة قبل مواراته الثرى، وحولها قريبات لها ونساء من البلدة محاولات مؤازرتها ومواساتها.  انزل الجثمان من مركبة الإسعاف، وحمل على أكتاف أصدقائه وأقاربه الذين رافقوه بهتاف "بالروح بالدم نفديك يا شهيد" و"يا ام الشهيد نيالك يا ريت امي بدالك".  وما أن وضع على منضدة، حتى ووري جثمان الشهيد نهاد البرغوثي، بعبرات وزغاريد أهله ومحبيه في باحة المنزل، قبل أن يسجى تحت الثرى.  غاب جثمانه بين أجساد العشرات من أفراد عائلته الذين تجمعوا حوله وبكوا غيابه بحرقة، بينما تتحسس والدته جثمان ابنها وتمسح بكفها على وجهه.  وحين كانت تشتد نوبات النواح، يصرخ أمين والد الشهيد طالباً من النساء إطلاق الزغاريد: "هذا شهيد بنرفع راسنا فيه، هذا شهيد طلبه ربه، زغردن"، يلبين طلبه ثم يعدن لما كن عليه.  ولأنه لا يكتفي من وداع الميت للمرة الأخيرة في بيته، كان لزاما أن يطلب أمين من أصدقاء الشهيد وأقاربه أن يحملوا الجثمان ويعودوا به إلى سيارة الإسعاف، خاصة أن موعد أذان الظهر قد شارف.  انطلق مجددا موكب التشييع إلى مدرسة البلدة التي اكتظت باحتها بالمئات، صلوا الظهر من ثم أدوا صلاة الجنازة.  صعودا نحو إحدى أعلى قمم الجبال، حمل الشهيد إلى مقبرة البلدة لدفنه، وبينما كان يوارى جثمانه الثرى، جلست نجوى عند مدخل المقبرة محاطة بالعشرات من النساء. قادها قلبها إلى هناك لكي تودعه مرة أخرى ولو من بعيد.  وبينما كانت إحداهن تمسك بيدها لتشد من عزيمتها، قالت: "الله يسهل عليك يا نهاد ويحنن عليك. انت طلبتها ونلتها" في إشارة للشهادة.  وراحت تعدد مناقب بكرها، إذ كان الأفضل والأحن، ولم يحدث أن نامت وفي قلبها أي غضب عليه.  وذكرت أنه أوصاها ذات مرة بألا تبكيه إن مات شهيداً، وأجابته طالبة منه التوقف عن المزاح، فرد قائلا: "إذا بتحبيني وبتعزيني ما تعيطي علي، أمانة ما تعيطي علي إذا استشهدت"، حمدت الله وطلبت منه أن يصبرها على فراقه.  على الجانب المقابل في المقبرة، وتحت سقف من الصفيح يوضع ليقي من حر الصيف وقرّ الشتاء، وقف أمين البرغوثي لاستقبال المهنئين والمعزين باستشهاد ابنه، الذي أصيب برصاص الاحتلال مرتين واعتقل في سجونه ثلاثا.  اعتقل الشهيد نهاد البرغوثي في إحدى المرات بعد أن أصيب بجروح حرجة في الرقبة، وفي أخرى اضطر لأن يسلم نفسه لقوات الاحتلال ليتم الافراج عن أخيه مروان.  يقول أمين: "بعد سنتين من اعتقاله أول مرة، طوق الاحتلال المنزل لاعتقال نهاد، لكنه تمكن من الفرار، وحينها اعتقلوا أخاه الذي كان يستعد لعرسه، وقالوا إنهم لن يطلقوا سراح مروان إلا بعد أن يسلم نهاد نفسه، فقرر تسليم نفسه بنفسه، حتى يتمكن اخوه من الفرح".  ومن المواقف التي يرويها والد الشهيد عنه، أنه خرج في أحد الأعياد قاصدا البوابة الحديدة التي ينصبها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على مدخل قرية النبي صالح المجاورة، وقام بفتحها ليتكمن أقاربهم من الوصول اليهم لتهنئتهم بالعيد، فعاد مصابا بشظايا الرصاص التي أطلقها صوبه جنود الاحتلال.  وكان يردد: "لا يمكن أن استسيغ أن يقوم مستوطن بلا أصل ولا فصل، بتفتيشي وهو يرتدي لباسا عسكريا، لا يمكن أن أتخيل أن الغرباء يقيمون لنا الحواجز في وطننا".  وبحسب والده، فإن الشهيد أرسل له الاحتلال عدة مرات أن "احذر وإلا قتلناك"، فرده كان أن روحه على كفه، وأن والده ورثه النضال جريحا وأسيرا ومحررا، وليس الأموال ولا الممتلكات.  وكما يقول أمين، فقد كان الشهيد فخورا بالاسم الذي يحمله، إذ منحه الاسم تيمنا بالشهيد نهاد هنطش الذي ارتقى برصاص الاحتلال في 15 كانون الأول/ ديسمبر عام 2000 عند مدخل قرية كفر عين.  والشهيد نهاد حسن هنطش، وهو رجل أمن من سكان باقة الحطب في محافظة قلقيلية، ارتقى بعد ان استهدفه الاحتلال بعدة رصاصات خلال تصديه لمحاولة اقتحام لقوات الاحتلال لحاجز لقوات الأمن الوطني عند كفر عين.  ويروي أمين البرغوثي، أنه كان أول من وصل إلى منطقة الحاجز آنذاك، وحين رأى رجل الأمن مضرجا بدمائه حاول تقديم الإسعاف له، إلا أنه لفظ أنفاسه الأخيرة بين يديه، فقرر تسمية ابنه القادم على اسم الشهيد تيمنا به وبفعله المناضل.   A farewell that you will never tire of, Najwa  Ramallah Wafa - Ramy Samara Reclining on two young men, Najwa Al-Barghouti arrived at home with heavy steps, coming from her firstborn to receive him for the last time and then bid him farewell again for the last time.  Yesterday, she was hugging him at the hospital refrigerator, thinking that he was joking with her about his death, and she did not understand that one of the occupation bullets was serious about taking his soul forever in the neighboring village of Nabi Saleh.  "You left me for whom? I know that you are watching me and laughing at me and you want to get up, Hugh, you turn on me, he wants to get up. Hugh, Zalma, he wants to get up.  Najwa said as she wiped her hand on the forehead of her son, the martyr, Nihad Barghouti, upon her arrival at the Istishari Hospital, to which he was taken wounded by the occupation’s bullets, in which he announced his promotion.  On the road linking the villages of Nabi Saleh and Kafr Ein, dozens of boys stood in opposite rows, carrying Palestinian flags, to receive the body of the martyr, who arrived in an ambulance, with a long procession of vehicles coming from the townspeople and mourners.  Waiting for him in front of his family's house, which is only a few meters away from the main road, hundreds of townspeople who chanted for their souls and blood, we redeem you, martyr.  Najwa had raced towards the narrow courtyard of the house, and in front of the gate she sat on a chair waiting for her son to arrive to say goodbye to him for the last time before seeing him in the grave, surrounded by female relatives and women from the town trying to support and console her.  The body was taken out of the ambulance, and carried on the shoulders of his friends and relatives who accompanied him, chanting "With our souls and blood, we will redeem you, martyr" and "Oh, mother of the martyr, I wish you my mother."  As soon as he was placed on a table, the corpse of the martyr, Nihad Barghouti, was buried in the groaning and chanting of his family and lovers in the courtyard of the house, before he was buried under the earth.  His body disappeared among the bodies of dozens of his family members who gathered around him and cried for his absence, while his mother felt her son's body and wiped her palm on his face.  And when the mourning spells intensified, Amin, the father of the martyr, shouted, asking the women to ululate: “This is a martyr, we raise our heads in him. This is a martyr who was requested by his Lord, they ululated.” They fulfill his request and then go back to what they were.  And because he is not satisfied with saying goodbye to the dead for the last time at his home, Amin had to ask the martyr's friends and relatives to carry the body and take it back to the ambulance, especially since the time for the noon call to prayer is near.  The funeral procession set out again to the town's school, whose courtyard was crowded by hundreds. They prayed noon, and then performed the funeral prayer.  Ascending towards one of the highest mountain peaks, the martyr was carried to the town cemetery for burial, and while his body was being buried, Najwa sat at the entrance to the cemetery surrounded by dozens of women. Her heart led her there to bid him farewell again, even from afar.  While one of them was holding her hand to strengthen her resolve, she said: "May God make it easy for you, Nihad, and give you tenderness. You asked for it and you received it," in reference to the testimony.  And she began to multiply the virtues of her firstborn, as he was the best and kindest, and it did not happen that she slept with any anger in her heart against him.  She mentioned that he once advised her not to cry for him if he died as a martyr, and she answered him asking him to stop joking, and he replied, "If you love me and comfort me, you will not give me trust. Do not give me trust if you die." She praised God and asked him to be patient with him for his separation.  On the opposite side in the cemetery, under a tin roof placed to protect against the summer heat and the slumber of winter, Amin al-Barghouti stood to receive well-wishers and mourners for the martyrdom of his son, who was shot twice by the occupation and arrested in his prisons three times.  The martyr, Nihad Barghouti, was arrested on one occasion after he sustained a critical wound in the neck, and on another occasion he had to surrender to the occupation forces in order to release his brother Marwan.  Amin says: "Two years after his first arrest, the occupation surrounded the house to arrest Nuhad, but he managed to escape, and at that time they arrested his brother, who was preparing for his wedding, and said that they would not release Marwan until after Nuhad surrendered himself, so he decided to surrender himself, so that he could Brother of happiness.  Among the situations that the martyr’s father recounts about him, he went out on one of the holidays to the iron gate that the Israeli occupation erects at the entrance to the neighboring village of Nabi Saleh, and he opened it so that their relatives could reach them to congratulate them on the holiday, and he came back injured by shrapnel from bullets fired by the occupation soldiers towards him.  He used to say: "I cannot accept that a settler without origin or separation would search me while he was wearing military clothes. I cannot imagine that strangers set up checkpoints for us in our homeland."  According to his father, the martyr was sent by the occupation several times to “beware, otherwise we will kill you.” His response was that his soul was on his palm, and that his father had inherited the struggle, wounded, captive and liberated, not money or property.  As Amin says, the martyr was proud of the name he bore, as he was given the name after the martyr Nihad Hantash, who was shot dead by the occupation on December 15, 2000 at the entrance to the village of Kafr Ein.  The martyr Nihad Hassan Hantash, a security man from Baqat al-Hatab in Qalqilya governorate, rose after being targeted by the occupation with several bullets while he was responding to an attempt by the occupation forces to storm a checkpoint of the National Security Forces at Kafr Ein.  Amin al-Barghouti tells that he was the first to reach the checkpoint area at the time, and when he saw the security man covered in blood, he tried to provide him with an ambulance, but he breathed his last in his hands, so he decided to name his next son after the martyr after him and his fighter action.

A farewell that you will never tire of, Najwa

Ramallah Wafa - Ramy Samara
Reclining on two young men, Najwa Al-Barghouti arrived at home with heavy steps, coming from her firstborn to receive him for the last time and then bid him farewell again for the last time.

Yesterday, she was hugging him at the hospital refrigerator, thinking that he was joking with her about his death, and she did not understand that one of the occupation bullets was serious about taking his soul forever in the neighboring village of Nabi Saleh.

"You left me for whom? I know that you are watching me and laughing at me and you want to get up, Hugh, you turn on me, he wants to get up. Hugh, Zalma, he wants to get up.

Najwa said as she wiped her hand on the forehead of her son, the martyr, Nihad Barghouti, upon her arrival at the Istishari Hospital, to which he was taken wounded by the occupation’s bullets, in which he announced his promotion.

On the road linking the villages of Nabi Saleh and Kafr Ein, dozens of boys stood in opposite rows, carrying Palestinian flags, to receive the body of the martyr, who arrived in an ambulance, with a long procession of vehicles coming from the townspeople and mourners.

Waiting for him in front of his family's house, which is only a few meters away from the main road, hundreds of townspeople who chanted for their souls and blood, we redeem you, martyr.

Najwa had raced towards the narrow courtyard of the house, and in front of the gate she sat on a chair waiting for her son to arrive to say goodbye to him for the last time before seeing him in the grave, surrounded by female relatives and women from the town trying to support and console her.

The body was taken out of the ambulance, and carried on the shoulders of his friends and relatives who accompanied him, chanting "With our souls and blood, we will redeem you, martyr" and "Oh, mother of the martyr, I wish you my mother."

As soon as he was placed on a table, the corpse of the martyr, Nihad Barghouti, was buried in the groaning and chanting of his family and lovers in the courtyard of the house, before he was buried under the earth.

His body disappeared among the bodies of dozens of his family members who gathered around him and cried for his absence, while his mother felt her son's body and wiped her palm on his face.

And when the mourning spells intensified, Amin, the father of the martyr, shouted, asking the women to ululate: “This is a martyr, we raise our heads in him. This is a martyr who was requested by his Lord, they ululated.” They fulfill his request and then go back to what they were.

And because he is not satisfied with saying goodbye to the dead for the last time at his home, Amin had to ask the martyr's friends and relatives to carry the body and take it back to the ambulance, especially since the time for the noon call to prayer is near.

The funeral procession set out again to the town's school, whose courtyard was crowded by hundreds. They prayed noon, and then performed the funeral prayer.

Ascending towards one of the highest mountain peaks, the martyr was carried to the town cemetery for burial, and while his body was being buried, Najwa sat at the entrance to the cemetery surrounded by dozens of women. Her heart led her there to bid him farewell again, even from afar.

While one of them was holding her hand to strengthen her resolve, she said: "May God make it easy for you, Nihad, and give you tenderness. You asked for it and you received it," in reference to the testimony.

And she began to multiply the virtues of her firstborn, as he was the best and kindest, and it did not happen that she slept with any anger in her heart against him.

She mentioned that he once advised her not to cry for him if he died as a martyr, and she answered him asking him to stop joking, and he replied, "If you love me and comfort me, you will not give me trust. Do not give me trust if you die." She praised God and asked him to be patient with him for his separation.

On the opposite side in the cemetery, under a tin roof placed to protect against the summer heat and the slumber of winter, Amin al-Barghouti stood to receive well-wishers and mourners for the martyrdom of his son, who was shot twice by the occupation and arrested in his prisons three times.

The martyr, Nihad Barghouti, was arrested on one occasion after he sustained a critical wound in the neck, and on another occasion he had to surrender to the occupation forces in order to release his brother Marwan.

Amin says: "Two years after his first arrest, the occupation surrounded the house to arrest Nuhad, but he managed to escape, and at that time they arrested his brother, who was preparing for his wedding, and said that they would not release Marwan until after Nuhad surrendered himself, so he decided to surrender himself, so that he could Brother of happiness.

Among the situations that the martyr’s father recounts about him, he went out on one of the holidays to the iron gate that the Israeli occupation erects at the entrance to the neighboring village of Nabi Saleh, and he opened it so that their relatives could reach them to congratulate them on the holiday, and he came back injured by shrapnel from bullets fired by the occupation soldiers towards him.

He used to say: "I cannot accept that a settler without origin or separation would search me while he was wearing military clothes. I cannot imagine that strangers set up checkpoints for us in our homeland."

According to his father, the martyr was sent by the occupation several times to “beware, otherwise we will kill you.” His response was that his soul was on his palm, and that his father had inherited the struggle, wounded, captive and liberated, not money or property.

As Amin says, the martyr was proud of the name he bore, as he was given the name after the martyr Nihad Hantash, who was shot dead by the occupation on December 15, 2000 at the entrance to the village of Kafr Ein.

The martyr Nihad Hassan Hantash, a security man from Baqat al-Hatab in Qalqilya governorate, rose after being targeted by the occupation with several bullets while he was responding to an attempt by the occupation forces to storm a checkpoint of the National Security Forces at Kafr Ein.

Amin al-Barghouti tells that he was the first to reach the checkpoint area at the time, and when he saw the security man covered in blood, he tried to provide him with an ambulance, but he breathed his last in his hands, so he decided to name his next son after the martyr after him and his fighter action.

With surface-to-surface missiles, Israel again targets Syrian regime sites in Damascus  Syrian regime media said that Israel targeted south of the capital, Damascus, with several surface-to-surface missiles, which resulted in material losses.  The Syrian regime news agency, SANA, reported that Israel targeted south of the capital, Damascus, with several surface-to-surface missiles, which resulted in material losses.  SANA quoted an unnamed military source as saying that at about 11:35 p.m. on Wednesday, the Israeli enemy carried out a strike with several surface-to-surface missiles from the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the vicinity of the town of Zakiya, south of Damascus, which led to some losses. physical, without details.  There was no immediate comment from the Israeli authorities. A regime soldier was killed and five others were wounded in an Israeli air and ground bombardment on February 9 that targeted military sites in the vicinity of Damascus, and the Hebrew state said at the time that it was in response to a missile fired at it from Syria.  Israel rarely confirms the implementation of these strikes in Syria, but it reiterates that it will continue to confront what it describes as Iran's attempts to establish its military presence in Syria.  For years, Israel has repeatedly targeted the Syrian regime forces and terrorist groups affiliated with Iran, which are stationed in several locations in Syria.     بصواريخ أرض-أرض.. إسرائيل تستهدف مجدداً مواقع للنظام السوري في دمشق قالت وسائل إعلام تابعة للنظام السوري إن إسرائيل استهدفت جنوبي العاصمة دمشق بعدة صواريخ أرض-أرض مما أسفر عن وقوع خسائر مادية.  أفادت وكالة أنباء النظام السوري "سانا" بأن إسرائيل استهدفت جنوبي العاصمة دمشق بعدة صواريخ أرض-أرض مما أسفر عن وقوع خسائر مادية.  ونقلت "سانا" عن مصدر عسكري لم تسمِّه إنه في "نحو الساعة 11:35 من مساء الأربعاء نفّذ العدو الإسرائيلي ضربة بعدة صواريخ أرض-أرض من منطقة الجولان السوري المحتلّ مستهدفاً بعض النقاط في محيط بلدة زاكية جنوبي دمشق، مما أدى إلى وقوع بعض الخسائر المادية"، بلا تفاصيل.  ولم يصدر على الفور تعقيب من جانب السلطات الإسرائيلية.  وقُتل جندي تابع للنظام وأصيب خمسة آخرون بجروح في قصف إسرائيلي جوّي وبرّي استهدف في التاسع من فبراير/شباط الحالي مواقع عسكرية في محيط دمشق، وقالت الدولة العبرية حينها إنه جاء ردّاً على صاروخ أُطلقَ باتجاهها من سوريا.  ونادراً ما تؤكّد إسرائيل تنفيذ ضرباتها تلك في سوريا، لكنها تكرّر أنّها ستواصل تصدّيها لما تصفه بمحاولات إيران الرامية إلى ترسيخ وجودها العسكري في سوريا.  ومنذ سنوات تستهدف إسرائيل تكراراً قوات النظام السوري والمجموعات الإرهابية التابعة لإيران التي تتمركز في عدة مواقع بسوريا.

With surface-to-surface missiles, Israel again targets Syrian regime sites in Damascus

Syrian regime media said that Israel targeted south of the capital, Damascus, with several surface-to-surface missiles, which resulted in material losses.

The Syrian regime news agency, SANA, reported that Israel targeted south of the capital, Damascus, with several surface-to-surface missiles, which resulted in material losses.

SANA quoted an unnamed military source as saying that at about 11:35 p.m. on Wednesday, the Israeli enemy carried out a strike with several surface-to-surface missiles from the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the vicinity of the town of Zakiya, south of Damascus, which led to some losses. physical, without details.

There was no immediate comment from the Israeli authorities.
A regime soldier was killed and five others were wounded in an Israeli air and ground bombardment on February 9 that targeted military sites in the vicinity of Damascus, and the Hebrew state said at the time that it was in response to a missile fired at it from Syria.

Israel rarely confirms the implementation of these strikes in Syria, but it reiterates that it will continue to confront what it describes as Iran's attempts to establish its military presence in Syria.

For years, Israel has repeatedly targeted the Syrian regime forces and terrorist groups affiliated with Iran, which are stationed in several locations in Syria.

يا زيارة أردوغان للإمارات تكشف عن عدم وجود اختراق بعد في العلاقات مع السعودية  إسطنبول- “القدس العربي”: كشفت زيارة الرئيس التركي إلى الإمارات عن عدم وجود اختراق بعد في مساعي تحسين العلاقات مع السعودية، التي كان يفترض أن يزورها أردوغان الشهر الجاري، وذلك بالتزامن مع تطورات متسارعة في مسار تحسين العلاقات مع إسرائيل، وجمود في مسار إعادة تطبيع العلاقات مع مصر، الذي لم يشهد أي خطوات حقيقية مؤخراً وسط أنباء عن خلافات بين البلدين حول ملف تسليم المعارضين.  وعلى الرغم من الخلافات التركية- الإماراتية الحادة على مدار أكثر من 10 سنوات، نجح البلدان في تحقيق اختراق كبير في العلاقات تكلل في زيارة ولي عهد أبوظبي محمد بن زايد إلى أنقرة، نهاية العام الماضي، وزيارة أردوغان إلى أبوظبي، الإثنين الماضي.  وأظهر الاستقبال الاستثنائي الحافل الذي نظمته الإمارات لأردوغان رغبة حقيقية في الوصول لما هو أكبر من إعادة تطبيع العلاقات والتعاون على نطاق واسع في ملفات ثنائية وإقليمية مختلفة لعل أبرزها الملفات الاقتصادية والدفاعية، وهو ما اعتبر بمثابة بحث عن تحالفات جديدة حملت في طياتها رسائل تنافس بين أعداء وحلفاء سابقين أبرزهم تركيا والإمارات والسعودية.  وفي هذا الإطار، لا تبدو السعودية راضية كثيراً عن حجم التقارب الكبير بين الإمارات وتركيا، وبينما يرى محللون أن السعودية ما زالت تتخذ موقفاً متشدداً من تركيا وتعارض التقارب الإماراتي، يرى سعوديون أن الرياض كانت أحق ببناء تحالف جديد مع تركيا يساعدها في مواجهة التحديات السياسية والعسكرية التي تمر بها المملكة.  بينما يرى محللون أن السعودية ما زالت تتخذ موقفاً متشدداً من تركيا وتعارض التقارب الإماراتي، يرى سعوديون أن الرياض كانت أحق ببناء تحالف جديد مع تركيا يساعدها في مواجهة التحديات السياسية والعسكرية التي تمر بها المملكة  لكن وفي ظل عدم وجود تصريحات رسمية من الجانب السعودي على الإطلاق حول مسار تحسين العلاقات مع تركيا، تركز التصريحات التركية الرسمية على سردية “الأجواء الإيجابية” التي بات يعتقد أنها مبنية على مساع مدروسة لـ”خلق أجواء إيجابية” وتعزيز مساعي التقارب، لكنها غير مبنية على تحقيق تقدم حقيقي في مسار تحسين العلاقات.  وفي تصريحات له خلال عودته من الإمارات، قال الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان إن بلاده والسعودية تواصلان الحوار، وإنه من المرتقب تحقيق تقدم عبر اتخاذ خطوات ملموسة في الفترة المقبلة. ونقل عن أردوغان قوله: “حوارنا الإيجابي مع السعودية مستمر، وننتظر تقدما من خلال الخطوات الملموسة في الفترة المقبلة.. نريد التقدم في هذه العملية مع السعودية في اتجاه إيجابي”.  والشهر الماضي، قال أردوغان أمام رجال أعمال إنه ينوي زيارة السعودية الشهر الجاري لحل الخلافات السياسية والاقتصادية بين البلدين، لكن لم يتحدث الرئيس التركي أو أي مسؤول تركي عن أي خطوات للتحضير للزيارة أو موعد زمني لها، بينما التزم الجانب السعودي الصمت، وهو ما يرجح عدم وجود اتفاق نهائي بعد على موعد الزيارة.  ومع عدم استبعاد حصول تقدم مفاجئ في مساعي تحسين العلاقات بين أنقرة والرياض، فإن مسار الاتصالات طوال الأشهر الماضية يظهر حجم التعقيد في الملف وعدم تحقيق أي تقدم كبير أو اختراق يؤدي لعقد لقاء بين أردوغان وولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان، وهو المؤشر الحاسم على تحقيق الاختراق المأمول من الجانب التركي.  وعلى مدى العام الماضي، جرت سلسلة اتصالات على مستوى أردوغان والملك سلمان، ووزراء الخارجية والاقتصاد، وغيرها من المستويات السياسية، إلا أنه لم تجر أي اتصالات بين أردوغان ومحمد بن سلمان الحاكم الفعلي للسعودية، والذي يتخذ موقفاً متشدداً تجاه تركيا ورئيسها عقب أزمة اغتيال الصحافي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في إسطنبول ومساعي تركيا لإدانة بن سلمان في القضية بصفته “رأس المستوى السياسي الذي أعطى الأوامر بارتكاب الجريمة”.  يتخذ محمد بن سلمان موقفاً متشدداً تجاه تركيا ورئيسها عقب أزمة اغتيال الصحافي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في إسطنبول ومساعي أنقرة لإدانته في القضية  الجمود في مسار تحسين العلاقات مع السعودية، يشبه إلى حد كبير المسار القائم مع مصر حيث لم يسجل منذ عدة أشهر أي تقدم في هذا المسار الذي شهد تطورات إيجابية، العام الماضي، باتصالات على مستوى الاستخبارات والدبلوماسية المنخفضة وصولا لوزراء خارجية البلدين، لكن دون حدوث الاختراق المتوقع بعقد لقاء بين وزيري الخارجية أو اتصالات بين الرؤساء.  وفي ظل الصمت المصري، والتأكيد التركي المتواصل على “إيجابية المسار”، يظهر بوضوح التقدم الطفيف وعدم حصول اختراقات، بينما تتكهن تسريبات إعلامية بحصول خلافات حادة بين الجانبين بسبب إصرار مصر على تسليمها معارضين موجودين في إسطنبول ورفض تركيا تحقيق هذه المطالب.  ويعتبر مؤتمر أنطاليا الدبلوماسي المقرر عقده منتصف الشهر المقبل في تركيا مؤشراً مهماً على النقطة التي وصل إليها مسار تحسين العلاقات بين تركيا من جهة ومصر والسعودية من جهة أخرى، إذ تعتبر المشاركة مؤشراً هاماً على حصول تقدم، أما تجاهل المؤتمر الذي سيشارك فيه عشرات من وزراء الخارجية فسيعد مؤشراً على فشل المباحثات في تحقيق أي تقدم.  وفي سياق متصل، نجحت الدبلوماسية التركية في تحقيق تطور بمسار تحسين العلاقات مع إسرائيل، فعقب أشهر من الاتصالات على مستويات مختلفة، وصل الأربعاء وفد تركي رفيع إلى إسرائيل لعقد لقاءات مع مسؤولين إسرائيليين للتحضير لزيارة الرئيس الإسرائيلي إلى أنقرة، التي أكدت مصادر تركية أنها ستجري في التاسع من الشهر المقبل، إلى جانب تأكيد مشاركة وزيري الخارجية والطاقة الإسرائيليين في مؤتمر أنطاليا.      Erdogan's visit to the UAE reveals that there is no breakthrough yet in relations with Saudi Arabia  Istanbul : The Turkish President’s visit to the UAE revealed that there is no breakthrough yet in the efforts to improve relations with Saudi Arabia, which Erdogan was supposed to visit this month, in conjunction with accelerated developments in the path of improving relations with Israel, and a stalemate in the path of restoring The normalization of relations with Egypt, which has not witnessed any real steps recently, amid reports of differences between the two countries over the issue of handing over opponents.  Despite the sharp Turkish-UAE disputes over more than 10 years, the two countries succeeded in achieving a major breakthrough in relations, culminating in the visit of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed to Ankara at the end of last year, and Erdogan's visit to Abu Dhabi , last Monday.  The exceptional reception that the UAE organized for Erdogan showed a real desire to reach what is greater than the re-normalization of relations and cooperation on a large scale in various bilateral and regional files, perhaps the most prominent of which are the economic and defense files, which was considered a search for new alliances that carried messages of competition between enemies and allies. The most prominent of them are Turkey, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.  In this context, Saudi Arabia does not seem very satisfied with the size of the great rapprochement between the UAE and Turkey, and while analysts believe that Saudi Arabia still takes a hard stance on Turkey and opposes the Emirati rapprochement, Saudis believe that Riyadh was more entitled to build a new alliance with Turkey to help it face political and military challenges the kingdom is going through.  While analysts believe that Saudi Arabia still takes a hard stance on Turkey and opposes the Emirati rapprochement, Saudis believe that Riyadh was more deserving of building a new alliance with Turkey that would help it face the political and military challenges that the Kingdom is going through.  However, in the absence of official statements from the Saudi side at all about the course of improving relations with Turkey, the official Turkish statements focus on the narrative of the “positive atmosphere,” which is believed to be based on deliberate efforts to “create a positive atmosphere” and enhance efforts for rapprochement, but it is not based on To make real progress in improving relations.  In his statements during his return from the UAE, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country and Saudi Arabia are continuing the dialogue, and that progress is expected by taking concrete steps in the coming period. Erdogan was quoted as saying: "Our positive dialogue with Saudi Arabia continues, and we are waiting for progress through concrete steps in the coming period We want to advance this process with Saudi Arabia in a positive direction."  Last month, Erdogan told businessmen that he intends to visit Saudi Arabia this month to resolve political and economic differences between the two countries, but neither the Turkish president nor any Turkish official spoke about any steps to prepare for the visit or a timetable for it, while the Saudi side remained silent, which is likely not to Having a final agreement yet on the date of the visit.  While not ruling out sudden progress in efforts to improve relations between Ankara and Riyadh, the course of contacts over the past months shows the complexity of the file and the failure to achieve any major progress or breakthrough leading to a meeting between Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which is the decisive indicator of the breakthrough. Hopefully from the Turkish side.  Over the past year, a series of contacts took place at the level of Erdogan and King Salman, the ministers of foreign affairs and the economy, and other political levels, but there were no contacts between Erdogan and Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, who takes a hard stance towards Turkey and its president after the assassination of the Saudi journalist. Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul and Turkey's efforts to convict bin Salman in the case as "the head of the political level who gave orders to commit the crime."  Mohammed bin Salman takes a hard stance towards Turkey and its president following the crisis in the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul and Ankara's efforts to convict him in the case.  The stalemate in the path of improving relations with Saudi Arabia is very similar to the existing path with Egypt, where for several months no progress was recorded in this path, which witnessed positive developments, last year, with contacts at the level of intelligence and low diplomacy, reaching the foreign ministers of the two countries, but without the breakthrough It is expected that a meeting between the two foreign ministers or contacts between presidents will be held.  In light of the Egyptian silence, and the continuous Turkish emphasis on the “positive track,” it clearly shows slight progress and the absence of breakthroughs, while media leaks predict sharp differences between the two sides due to Egypt’s insistence on handing over opponents present in Istanbul and Turkey’s refusal to achieve these demands.  The Antalya Diplomatic Conference, which is scheduled to be held in the middle of next month in Turkey, is an important indicator of the point at which the path of improving relations between Turkey on the one hand and Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the other has reached. Participation is an important indicator of progress. As for ignoring the conference in which dozens of foreign ministers will participate, It will be an indication of the failure of the talks to achieve any progress.  In a related context, Turkish diplomacy succeeded in achieving a development in the path of improving relations with Israel. After months of contacts at various levels, a high-ranking Turkish delegation arrived Wednesday to Israel to hold meetings with Israeli officials to prepare for the Israeli president's visit to Ankara , which Turkish sources confirmed will take place in The ninth of next month, in addition to confirming the participation of the Israeli foreign and energy ministers in the Antalya conference.

Erdogan's visit to the UAE reveals that there is no breakthrough yet in relations with Saudi Arabia

Istanbul : The Turkish President’s visit to the UAE revealed that there is no breakthrough yet in the efforts to improve relations with Saudi Arabia, which Erdogan was supposed to visit this month, in conjunction with accelerated developments in the path of improving relations with Israel, and a stalemate in the path of restoring The normalization of relations with Egypt, which has not witnessed any real steps recently, amid reports of differences between the two countries over the issue of handing over opponents.

Despite the sharp Turkish-UAE disputes over more than 10 years, the two countries succeeded in achieving a major breakthrough in relations, culminating in the visit of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed to Ankara at the end of last year, and Erdogan's visit to Abu Dhabi , last Monday.

The exceptional reception that the UAE organized for Erdogan showed a real desire to reach what is greater than the re-normalization of relations and cooperation on a large scale in various bilateral and regional files, perhaps the most prominent of which are the economic and defense files, which was considered a search for new alliances that carried messages of competition between enemies and allies. The most prominent of them are Turkey, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

In this context, Saudi Arabia does not seem very satisfied with the size of the great rapprochement between the UAE and Turkey, and while analysts believe that Saudi Arabia still takes a hard stance on Turkey and opposes the Emirati rapprochement, Saudis believe that Riyadh was more entitled to build a new alliance with Turkey to help it face political and military challenges the kingdom is going through.

While analysts believe that Saudi Arabia still takes a hard stance on Turkey and opposes the Emirati rapprochement, Saudis believe that Riyadh was more deserving of building a new alliance with Turkey that would help it face the political and military challenges that the Kingdom is going through.

However, in the absence of official statements from the Saudi side at all about the course of improving relations with Turkey, the official Turkish statements focus on the narrative of the “positive atmosphere,” which is believed to be based on deliberate efforts to “create a positive atmosphere” and enhance efforts for rapprochement, but it is not based on To make real progress in improving relations.

In his statements during his return from the UAE, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country and Saudi Arabia are continuing the dialogue, and that progress is expected by taking concrete steps in the coming period. Erdogan was quoted as saying: "Our positive dialogue with Saudi Arabia continues, and we are waiting for progress through concrete steps in the coming period We want to advance this process with Saudi Arabia in a positive direction."

Last month, Erdogan told businessmen that he intends to visit Saudi Arabia this month to resolve political and economic differences between the two countries, but neither the Turkish president nor any Turkish official spoke about any steps to prepare for the visit or a timetable for it, while the Saudi side remained silent, which is likely not to Having a final agreement yet on the date of the visit.

While not ruling out sudden progress in efforts to improve relations between Ankara and Riyadh, the course of contacts over the past months shows the complexity of the file and the failure to achieve any major progress or breakthrough leading to a meeting between Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which is the decisive indicator of the breakthrough. Hopefully from the Turkish side.

Over the past year, a series of contacts took place at the level of Erdogan and King Salman, the ministers of foreign affairs and the economy, and other political levels, but there were no contacts between Erdogan and Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, who takes a hard stance towards Turkey and its president after the assassination of the Saudi journalist. Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul and Turkey's efforts to convict bin Salman in the case as "the head of the political level who gave orders to commit the crime."

Mohammed bin Salman takes a hard stance towards Turkey and its president following the crisis in the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul and Ankara's efforts to convict him in the case.

The stalemate in the path of improving relations with Saudi Arabia is very similar to the existing path with Egypt, where for several months no progress was recorded in this path, which witnessed positive developments, last year, with contacts at the level of intelligence and low diplomacy, reaching the foreign ministers of the two countries, but without the breakthrough It is expected that a meeting between the two foreign ministers or contacts between presidents will be held.

In light of the Egyptian silence, and the continuous Turkish emphasis on the “positive track,” it clearly shows slight progress and the absence of breakthroughs, while media leaks predict sharp differences between the two sides due to Egypt’s insistence on handing over opponents present in Istanbul and Turkey’s refusal to achieve these demands.

The Antalya Diplomatic Conference, which is scheduled to be held in the middle of next month in Turkey, is an important indicator of the point at which the path of improving relations between Turkey on the one hand and Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the other has reached. Participation is an important indicator of progress. As for ignoring the conference in which dozens of foreign ministers will participate, It will be an indication of the failure of the talks to achieve any progress.

In a related context, Turkish diplomacy succeeded in achieving a development in the path of improving relations with Israel. After months of contacts at various levels, a high-ranking Turkish delegation arrived Wednesday to Israel to hold meetings with Israeli officials to prepare for the Israeli president's visit to Ankara , which Turkish sources confirmed will take place in The ninth of next month, in addition to confirming the participation of the Israeli foreign and energy ministers in the Antalya conference.

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