Yemen The United Nations reveals the killing of 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis

اليمن.. الأمم المتحدة تكشف مقتل ألفَي طفل جنَّدهم الحوثيون أفاد خبراء من الأمم المتحدة في تقرير جديد بأن ما يقرب من ألفَي طفل جندهم الحوثيون في اليمن لقوا حتفهم بساحة القتال بين يناير/كانون الثاني 2020 ومايو/أيار 2021، ولا تزال جماعة الحوثي تقيم معسكرات وتعقد دورات لتشجيع الشباب على القتال.  لقي ما يقرب من ألفَي طفل جندّهم الحوثيون في اليمن حتفهم في ساحة القتال بين يناير/كانون الثاني 2020 ومايو/أيار 2021، وما تزال جماعة الحوثي تقيم معسكرات وتعقد دورات لتشجيع الشباب على القتال، حسبما أفاد خبراء من الأمم المتحدة في تقرير جديد.  وقال الخبراء في تقرير لمجلس الأمن السبت إنهم حققوا في بعض المعسكرات الصيفية في المدارس ومسجد نشر فيه الحوثيون أيديولوجيتهم بهدف تجنيد أطفال يقاتلون في الحرب المستمرة منذ سبع سنوات ضد الحكومة اليمنية المعترف بها دولياً، بدعم من تحالف تقوده السعودية.  وأفادت لجنة الخبراء المكونة من أربعة أعضاء بأنه صدرت تعليمات للأطفال بترديد شعار الحوثيين ”الموت لأمريكا، الموت لإسرائيل، اللعنة على اليهود، النصر للإسلام”.  وأضاف الخبراء أن ”في أحد المعسكرات، يتعلم أطفال لا تتجاوز أعمارهم 7 سنوات تنظيف الأسلحة وتفادي الصواريخ”.  في السياق ذاته قال الخبراء إنهم وثّقوا 10 حالات اصطُحب فيها أطفال للقتال بعد أن قيل لهم إنهم سيسجلون في دورات ثقافية، وتسع حالات قُدمت فيها المساعدات الإنسانية للأسر أو رفضت ”فقط على أساس مشاركة أطفالهم في القتال، أو للمعلمين على أساس ما إذا كانوا يدرسون مناهج الحوثيين”، وحالة واحدة ارتُكب فيها عنف جنسي ضد طفل خضع لتدريب عسكري.  وأوضحت اللجنة أنها تلقت قائمة تضم أسماء 1406 أطفال جندهم الحوثيون لقوا حتفهم في ساحة المعركة عام 2020 وقائمة تضم أسماء 562 طفلاً جندهم المتمردون قتلوا في ساحة المعركة بين يناير/كانون الثاني ومايو/أيار 2021.  وقال الخبراء: ”كانت أعمارهم بين 10 و17 سنة، وقتل عدد كبير منهم في عمران وذمار وحجة والحديدة وإب وصعدة وصنعاء”.  ويشهد اليمن حرباً أهلية منذ عام 2014 بعدما استولى الحوثيون على العاصمة صنعاء ومعظم الجزء الشمالي من البلاد، ما أجبر الحكومة على الفرار إلى الجنوب ثم إلى السعودية.  ودخل تحالف تقوده السعودية وضم الإمارات وكان مدعوماً من الولايات المتحدة في ذلك الوقت، الحرب بعد أشهر، في عام 2015، سعياً لإعادة الحكومة إلى السلطة.    Yemen The United Nations reveals the killing of 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis  In a new report, United Nations experts reported that nearly 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis in Yemen died on the battlefield between January 2020 and May 2021, and the Houthi group is still setting up camps and holding courses to encourage young people to fight.  Nearly 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis in Yemen died on the battlefield between January 2020 and May 2021, and the Houthi group is still setting up camps and holding courses to encourage young people to fight, according to United Nations experts in a new report.  The experts said in a report to the Security Council on Saturday that they investigated some summer camps in schools and a mosque where the Houthis spread their ideology with the aim of recruiting children fighting in the seven-year war against the internationally recognized Yemeni government, with the support of a Saudi-led coalition.  The four-member panel of experts reported that the children were instructed to chant the Houthi slogan, "Death to America, death to Israel, curse on the Jews, victory for Islam."  The experts added that “in one of the camps, children as young as 7 years old learn to clean weapons and avoid missiles.” In the same context, the experts said they had documented 10 cases in which children were taken to fight after being told that they would enroll in cultural courses, and nine cases in which humanitarian aid was provided to families or refused “only on the basis of their children’s participation in the fighting, or to teachers on the basis of whether they were studying curricula.” Houthis,” and one case in which sexual violence was perpetrated against a child who had undergone military training.  The committee indicated that it had received a list of the names of 1,406 children recruited by the Houthis who died on the battlefield in 2020, and a list of the names of 562 children recruited by the rebels who were killed on the battlefield between January and May 2021.  The experts said: “They were between 10 and 17 years old, and a large number of them were killed in Amran, Dhamar, Hajjah, Hodeidah, Ibb, Saada and Sana’a.”  Yemen has been mired in civil war since 2014, after the Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, and most of the northern part of the country, forcing the government to flee to the south and then to Saudi Arabia.  A Saudi-led coalition that included the UAE and was backed by the United States at the time entered the war months later, in 2015, seeking to restore the government to power.

Yemen The United Nations reveals the killing of 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis

In a new report, United Nations experts reported that nearly 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis in Yemen died on the battlefield between January 2020 and May 2021, and the Houthi group is still setting up camps and holding courses to encourage young people to fight.

Nearly 2,000 children recruited by the Houthis in Yemen died on the battlefield between January 2020 and May 2021, and the Houthi group is still setting up camps and holding courses to encourage young people to fight, according to United Nations experts in a new report.

The experts said in a report to the Security Council on Saturday that they investigated some summer camps in schools and a mosque where the Houthis spread their ideology with the aim of recruiting children fighting in the seven-year war against the internationally recognized Yemeni government, with the support of a Saudi-led coalition.

The four-member panel of experts reported that the children were instructed to chant the Houthi slogan, "Death to America, death to Israel, curse on the Jews, victory for Islam."

The experts added that “in one of the camps, children as young as 7 years old learn to clean weapons and avoid missiles.”
In the same context, the experts said they had documented 10 cases in which children were taken to fight after being told that they would enroll in cultural courses, and nine cases in which humanitarian aid was provided to families or refused “only on the basis of their children’s participation in the fighting, or to teachers on the basis of whether they were studying curricula.” Houthis,” and one case in which sexual violence was perpetrated against a child who had undergone military training.

The committee indicated that it had received a list of the names of 1,406 children recruited by the Houthis who died on the battlefield in 2020, and a list of the names of 562 children recruited by the rebels who were killed on the battlefield between January and May 2021.

The experts said: “They were between 10 and 17 years old, and a large number of them were killed in Amran, Dhamar, Hajjah, Hodeidah, Ibb, Saada and Sana’a.”

Yemen has been mired in civil war since 2014, after the Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, and most of the northern part of the country, forcing the government to flee to the south and then to Saudi Arabia.

A Saudi-led coalition that included the UAE and was backed by the United States at the time entered the war months later, in 2015, seeking to restore the government to power.

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