What is vocal cord spasm? What are the causes of constant burping?

What is vocal cord spasm? What are the causes of constant burping?  What is vocal cord spasm? And what are its symptoms? And is it dangerous? What are vocal cord nodules? What is epiglottitis? What are the causes of constant burping? The answers in this comprehensive report on these cases of the larynx, in which other factors play a role, as we shall see.  A vocal cord spasm is a spasm in the muscles responsible for closing and opening the vocal cords, according to a report in Deutsche Welle.  Symptoms of vocal cord spasm The main symptoms of vocal cord spasm may be:-  -Shortness of breath due to obstruction of the airway and breathing -Cough -Heartburn -Nausea. Karen Yost was experiencing shortness of breath and suffocation, which caused her to feel frightened. After reviewing a specialized doctor, she discovered that she suffers from a defect in the vocal cords. Doctor Kane, who examined Karen, told Deutsche Welle, "When there is a defect in the vocal cords, we cannot talk about hoarseness or a problem with pronunciation, but rather this condition causes shortness of breath that occurs suddenly because the vocal cords close from one moment to another, which leads to a feeling suffocation patient.  But diagnosing the disease is not so easy, especially with the similarity of its symptoms with those of other diseases such as asthma. The patient needs to see a specialist doctor in order to make the correct diagnosis.  There are other cases that also cause an imbalance in the vocal cords, as Mariana Krumer, who also suffers from these symptoms, told Deutsche Welle that her suffering began when she went to sleep. I wake up in it from a deep sleep after feeling great fear of apnea."  The German doctor Ken indicates that Mrs. Cromer's disease was due to an increase in the intestinal acid that extended to the vocal cords, and her lungs were facing the rise of this acid through the closure of the vocal cords. And the doctor succeeded in treating Cromer's suffering after he ordered her to stop taking heart-causing drugs, such as cortisone.  As for vocal cord dysfunction, there is no drug solution for it. The disease can be treated by controlling breathing, by controlling the lips during inhalation and exhalation, in addition to exercises to increase the flexibility in the neck, which contribute to stopping the disease.  Vocal cord nodules Vocal cord nodules are nodules that develop on the vocal cords as a result of severe tissue stress, according to the German news agency, citing the German "Health Information" portal.  Teachers and singers, as well as children who scream loudly, are most likely to develop vocal cord nodules.‫‫ gate ‫‫ooodan that the symptoms of the nodules of the vocal cords are in hoarseness ‫alsot and could not speak or sing the high tones or very low.  An ear, nose and throat doctor should be consulted as soon as these symptoms are noticed. In the beginning, it is necessary to rest the vocal cords, and when the nodules do not go away, speech and language diseases are used, and in severe cases, surgery may be required.  Epiglottitis The German Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents said that epiglottitis is an inflammation caused by a bacterial infection, noting that it affects children in particular because of the sensitivity of their pharynx.  The association explained that the causes of epiglottitis are burns caused by drinking very hot liquids, infection with the germ known as "Haemophilus influenzae" and meningitis.  Symptoms of epiglottitis Symptoms of epiglottitis are:-  -Sore throat -Breathing and swallowing difficulties -Drooling from the mouth -High body temperature -A whistling sound when breathing.  Epiglottitis treatment In simple cases, the treatment is by an oxygen mask, and there is often a need to insert a breathing tube directly into the trachea, bypassing the epiglottis, to ensure an open airway if the swelling in the epiglottis increases.  In case of complete obstruction in the trachea or for another reason that obstructs the insertion of the breathing tube, it is necessary to make a surgical incision directly to the trachea in the area that follows the obstruction, and through which the patient breathes.  If epiglottitis is caused by Haemophilus influenzae, then the treatment is also with antibiotics.  The epiglottis is a small fold of tough tissue that closes the entrance to the larynx and trachea when swallowing.  What does persistent burping indicate? The German Association of Otolaryngologists said that burping from time to time is normal, stressing the need to consult a doctor when burping continues for a period of more than 4 to 6 weeks.  The association explained that continuous burping may indicate a disease such as "post-nasal drip" syndrome, which means the descent of nasal secretions from the back area of ​​the nose to the throat, and this occurs when mucus is produced in excessive quantities by the membrane. nasal mucosa.  Symptoms also include bad breath and constant sneezing. Persistent belching may also be due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, which occurs due to abnormal reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, and its symptoms also include heartburn (heartburn) and hoarseness.  In rare cases, persistent burping can signal a tumor in the throat or larynx.  In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the real reason behind the persistent belching, on the basis of which the treatment is determined; For example, treatment with antibiotics if the cause lies in the syndrome of "postnasal drip".  But if the cause is gastroesophageal reflux, then the treatment is with drugs that stop the secretion of acid gastric juice.

What is vocal cord spasm? What are the causes of constant burping?

What is vocal cord spasm? And what are its symptoms? And is it dangerous? What are vocal cord nodules? What is epiglottitis? What are the causes of constant burping? The answers in this comprehensive report on these cases of the larynx, in which other factors play a role, as we shall see.

A vocal cord spasm is a spasm in the muscles responsible for closing and opening the vocal cords, according to a report in Deutsche Welle.

Symptoms of vocal cord spasm

The main symptoms of vocal cord spasm may be:-

-Shortness of breath due to obstruction of the airway and breathing




Karen Yost was experiencing shortness of breath and suffocation, which caused her to feel frightened. After reviewing a specialized doctor, she discovered that she suffers from a defect in the vocal cords. Doctor Kane, who examined Karen, told Deutsche Welle, "When there is a defect in the vocal cords, we cannot talk about hoarseness or a problem with pronunciation, but rather this condition causes shortness of breath that occurs suddenly because the vocal cords close from one moment to another, which leads to a feeling suffocation patient.

But diagnosing the disease is not so easy, especially with the similarity of its symptoms with those of other diseases such as asthma. The patient needs to see a specialist doctor in order to make the correct diagnosis.

There are other cases that also cause an imbalance in the vocal cords, as Mariana Krumer, who also suffers from these symptoms, told Deutsche Welle that her suffering began when she went to sleep. I wake up in it from a deep sleep after feeling great fear of apnea."

The German doctor Ken indicates that Mrs. Cromer's disease was due to an increase in the intestinal acid that extended to the vocal cords, and her lungs were facing the rise of this acid through the closure of the vocal cords. And the doctor succeeded in treating Cromer's suffering after he ordered her to stop taking heart-causing drugs, such as cortisone.

As for vocal cord dysfunction, there is no drug solution for it. The disease can be treated by controlling breathing, by controlling the lips during inhalation and exhalation, in addition to exercises to increase the flexibility in the neck, which contribute to stopping the disease.

Vocal cord nodules

Vocal cord nodules are nodules that develop on the vocal cords as a result of severe tissue stress, according to the German news agency, citing the German "Health Information" portal.

Teachers and singers, as well as children who scream loudly, are most likely to develop vocal cord nodules.‫‫

gate ‫‫ooodan that the symptoms of the nodules of the vocal cords are in hoarseness ‫alsot and could not speak or sing the high tones or very low.

An ear, nose and throat doctor should be consulted as soon as these symptoms are noticed. In the beginning, it is necessary to rest the vocal cords, and when the nodules do not go away, speech and language diseases are used, and in severe cases, surgery may be required.


The German Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents said that epiglottitis is an inflammation caused by a bacterial infection, noting that it affects children in particular because of the sensitivity of their pharynx.

The association explained that the causes of epiglottitis are burns caused by drinking very hot liquids, infection with the germ known as "Haemophilus influenzae" and meningitis.

Symptoms of epiglottitis

Symptoms of epiglottitis are:-

-Sore throat

-Breathing and swallowing difficulties

-Drooling from the mouth

-High body temperature

-A whistling sound when breathing.

Epiglottitis treatment

In simple cases, the treatment is by an oxygen mask, and there is often a need to insert a breathing tube directly into the trachea, bypassing the epiglottis, to ensure an open airway if the swelling in the epiglottis increases.

In case of complete obstruction in the trachea or for another reason that obstructs the insertion of the breathing tube, it is necessary to make a surgical incision directly to the trachea in the area that follows the obstruction, and through which the patient breathes.

If epiglottitis is caused by Haemophilus influenzae, then the treatment is also with antibiotics.

The epiglottis is a small fold of tough tissue that closes the entrance to the larynx and trachea when swallowing.

What does persistent burping indicate?

The German Association of Otolaryngologists said that burping from time to time is normal, stressing the need to consult a doctor when burping continues for a period of more than 4 to 6 weeks.

The association explained that continuous burping may indicate a disease such as "post-nasal drip" syndrome, which means the descent of nasal secretions from the back area of ​​the nose to the throat, and this occurs when mucus is produced in excessive quantities by the membrane. nasal mucosa.

Symptoms also include bad breath and constant sneezing.

Persistent belching may also be due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, which occurs due to abnormal reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, and its symptoms also include heartburn (heartburn) and hoarseness.

In rare cases, persistent burping can signal a tumor in the throat or larynx.

In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the real reason behind the persistent belching, on the basis of which the treatment is determined; For example, treatment with antibiotics if the cause lies in the syndrome of "postnasal drip".

But if the cause is gastroesophageal reflux, then the treatment is with drugs that stop the secretion of acid gastric juice.

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