The Pentagon sets an action plan to protect civilians from US strikes

البنتاغون يضع خطة عمل لحماية المدنيين من الضربات الأمريكية أمر وزير الدفاع الأمريكي طاقمه بوضع "خطة عمل" بسرعة لتحسين كيفية تقليل البنتاغون للخسائر المدنية للضربات الجوية الأمريكية وتدشين "مركز امتياز لحماية المدنيين" لإضفاء الطابع المؤسسي على تحسينات هذا المجال.  أمر وزير الدفاع الأمريكي لويد أوستن طاقمه بوضع "خطة عمل" بسرعة لتحسين كيفية حد البنتاغون من الخسائر المدنية التي تسببها الضربات الجوية الأمريكية والاستجابة لها. وصنّف أوستن حماية المدنيين بأنّها حيوية للنجاح العسكري للولايات المتحدة و"واجب أخلاقي".  وقال أوستن في مذكرة لكبار المسؤولين المدنيين والعسكريين إنّه يريد أن تصل الخطة إلى مكتبه في غضون 90 يوماً. وقال إنه يجب أن يحدد الخطوات التي سيتخذها البنتاغون والموارد التي سيحتاج إليها لتنفيذ التوصيات من الدراسات السابقة للمشكلة.  وتصرّف أوستن في أعقاب موجة من الانتقادات الموجهة إلى البنتاغون لشنّ غارة جوية في العاصمة الأفغانية كابل في 29 أغسطس/آب 2021، التي وصفت في البداية بأنها هجوم صحيح، على الرغم من مقتل 10 مدنيين، لكنها اعترفت لاحقاً بأنها كانت خطأً بعدما تبيّن أن الشخص المستهدف لم يكن متشدّداً مسلّحاً كما زعمت القيادة المركزية الأمريكية ومسؤولو البنتاغون لأول مرة.  وأمر أوستن أيضاً بإنشاء "مركز امتياز لحماية المدنيين" لإضفاء الطابع المؤسسي على تحسينات هذا المجال.  في وقت سابق من الخميس، أصدر مركز أبحاث مُموَّل اتحادياً تقريراً قال إن الجيش الأمريكي يتبع عملية معيبة وغير كافية للتقييم والتحقيق في الأضرار والخسائر المدنية المشتبه بها الناجمة عن الضربات الجوية الأمريكية.  وقال تقرير مؤسسة "راند" إن التقارير الداخلية للجيش عن الخسائر في صفوف المدنيين قد تكون غير موثوقة وغير كاملة، كذلك فإن الموظفين المكلّفين العمل في قضايا الضحايا المدنيين غالباً ما يكونون غير مُدرَّبين ومدعومين بشكل كافٍ.      The Pentagon sets an action plan to protect civilians from US strikes  The US defense secretary ordered his crew to quickly develop an "action plan" to improve how the Pentagon reduces civilian casualties from US air strikes and establish a "Civilian Protection Center of Excellence" to institutionalize improvements in the field.  US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered his crew to quickly develop an "action plan" to improve how the Pentagon limits and responds to civilian casualties from US air strikes. Austin called the protection of civilians vital to US military success and a "moral imperative."  Austin said in a memo to top civilian and military officials that he wanted the plan to reach his office within 90 days. He said he should outline the steps the Pentagon would take and the resources it would need to implement recommendations from previous studies of the problem.  Austin acted in the wake of a wave of criticism of the Pentagon for launching an air strike in the Afghan capital Kabul on August 29, 2021, which was initially described as a correct attack, despite the killing of 10 civilians, but later admitted that it was a mistake after it became clear that the target person He was not an armed militant, as US Central Command and Pentagon officials first claimed.  Austin also ordered the creation of a "Civilian Protection Center of Excellence" to institutionalize improvements in the field.  Earlier Thursday, a federally funded think tank released a report that said the US military was following a flawed and inadequate process to assess and investigate suspected civilian damage and casualties from US air strikes.  The RAND report said that the military's internal reports of civilian casualties may be unreliable and incomplete, and that personnel assigned to work on civilian casualties cases are often not sufficiently trained and supported.

The Pentagon sets an action plan to protect civilians from US strikes

The US defense secretary ordered his crew to quickly develop an "action plan" to improve how the Pentagon reduces civilian casualties from US air strikes and establish a "Civilian Protection Center of Excellence" to institutionalize improvements in the field.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered his crew to quickly develop an "action plan" to improve how the Pentagon limits and responds to civilian casualties from US air strikes. Austin called the protection of civilians vital to US military success and a "moral imperative."

Austin said in a memo to top civilian and military officials that he wanted the plan to reach his office within 90 days. He said he should outline the steps the Pentagon would take and the resources it would need to implement recommendations from previous studies of the problem.

Austin acted in the wake of a wave of criticism of the Pentagon for launching an air strike in the Afghan capital Kabul on August 29, 2021, which was initially described as a correct attack, despite the killing of 10 civilians, but later admitted that it was a mistake after it became clear that the target person He was not an armed militant, as US Central Command and Pentagon officials first claimed.

Austin also ordered the creation of a "Civilian Protection Center of Excellence" to institutionalize improvements in the field.

Earlier Thursday, a federally funded think tank released a report that said the US military was following a flawed and inadequate process to assess and investigate suspected civilian damage and casualties from US air strikes.

The RAND report said that the military's internal reports of civilian casualties may be unreliable and incomplete, and that personnel assigned to work on civilian casualties cases are often not sufficiently trained and supported.

الولايات المتحدة تحث مواطنيها على تجنب السفر إلى الإمارات  لندن – «القدس العربي»- ووكالات: أكّد مسؤول إماراتي رفيع، أمس الخميس، أنّ تهديد الحوثيين لدولة الامارات لن يصبح “الواقع الجديد”، في وقت تسعى أبو ظبي إلى تعزيز قدراتها الدفاعية. وأعلنت أبو ظبي، الإثنين، أنّ دفاعاتها اعترضت ودمّرت صاروخين باليستيين أطلقهما الحوثيون. ووقع الهجوم بعد أسبوع من مقتل 3 أشخاص في هجوم بطائرات من دون طيار وصواريخ على أبو ظبي، في أول هجوم دام على أراضي الإمارات أكد الحوثيون مسؤوليتهم عنه وأعلن عنه الإماراتيون. وقال المسؤول الذي تحدّث مشترطا عدم الكشف عن هويته: “لن يصبح هذا الواقع الجديد في دولة الإمارات. نحن نرفض الانصياع لخطر الإرهاب الحوثي الذي يستهدف شعبنا وطريقة عيشنا”. وأضاف: “الإمارات العربية المتحدة، باعتبارها موطناً لأكثر من 200 جنسية، تقف على أهبة الاستعداد للدفاع عن نفسها. ما زلنا واحدا من أكثر البلدان أمانا في العالم، وقد عزّزت الهجمات الأخيرة التزامنا بالحفاظ على رفاهية سكاننا” . وشدّد المسؤول الإماراتي على قدرة بلاده على التصدّي لأي هجوم، وسعيها لتعزيز قدراتها الدفاعية بشكل مستمر. وقال: “تمتلك الإمارات قدرات دفاعية بمستويات عالية وتسعى باستمرار لتحديثها”. وتابع: “بالإضافة إلى التحديثات السنوية، تعمل الإمارات مع شركائها الدوليين للحصول على أنظمة وتكنولوجيا متطورة لردع ومكافحة التهديدات لأمننا القومي”. وطلبت الولايات المتحدة من مواطنيها الأربعاء إعادة النظر في السفر إلى الإمارات “بسبب التهديد بشن هجمات صاروخية أو بطائرات مسيّرة”. وأصدرت وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية، أمس، تحديثا لتحذيرها، مشيرة إلى وجود تهديدات عن وقوع هجمات باستخدام صواريخ أو طائرات مسيّرة. إلى ذلك، أعلن إكسبو دبي، الأربعاء، عن تأجيل حفل كان مقررا في 30 يناير/ كانون الثاني الحالي، عازيا السبب إلى “ظروف غير متوقعة”. وقال حساب أكسبو دبي في تغريدة عبر “تويتر”: “نأسف لإبلاغ زوارنا أنه بسبب ظروف غير متوقعة، سيتم تأجيل حفل كايروكي الذي كان مقررا في 30 يناير في مرحلة اليوبيل في إكسبو 2020 دبي. سيتم الإعلان عن موعد جديد قريبا عبر قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا”. وكشفت الحكومة اليمنية خلال اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء في العاصمة المؤقتة عدن، أمس الخميس، عن تحركات دولية مكثفة لتصنيف جماعة الحوثي “منظمة إرهابية”، بحسب ما أوردته وكالة الأنباء الرسمية “سبأ”. واستعرض وزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين أحمد عوض بن مبارك، خلال الاجتماع “مستجدات التحركات الدبلوماسية في ضوء التصعيد الخطير لميليشيا الحوثي ضد السعودية والإمارات” . وكشف بن مبارك عن “وجود تحركات دبلوماسية مكثفة لتصنيف ميليشيا الحوثي كمنظمة إرهابية” . ورحبت الحكومة اليمنية بـ”تصريحات الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن، حول دراسة إعادة تصنيف ميليشيا الحوثي كمنظمة إرهابية”، حسب المصدر ذاته.     The United States urges its citizens to avoid traveling to the UAE  London - A senior Emirati official confirmed yesterday, Thursday, that the Houthi threat to the UAE will not become the "new reality", at a time when Abu Dhabi seeks to strengthen its defense capabilities.  Abu Dhabi announced, on Monday, that its defenses had intercepted and destroyed two ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis. The attack took place a week after the killing of 3 people in an attack by drones and missiles on Abu Dhabi, in the first bloody attack on the territory of the UAE, for which the Houthis claimed responsibility and were announced by the Emiratis.  "This will not become the new reality in the UAE," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. We refuse to bow to the threat of Houthi terrorism that targets our people and our way of life.” He added, “The UAE, as home to more than 200 nationalities, stands ready to defend itself. We remain one of the safest countries in the world, and the recent attacks have only reinforced our commitment to preserving the well-being of our residents.”  The Emirati official stressed his country's ability to stand up to any attack, and its quest to continuously enhance its defensive capabilities. He said, "The UAE possesses defensive capabilities at high levels and is constantly seeking to modernize them." He continued, "In addition to annual updates, the UAE is working with its international partners to obtain advanced systems and technology to deter and combat threats to our national security."  On Wednesday, the United States asked its citizens to reconsider travel to the UAE "due to the threat of missile or drone attacks." Yesterday, the US State Department issued an update to its warning, noting that there were threats of attacks using missiles or drones. In addition, Expo Dubai announced, on Wednesday, the postponement of a ceremony that was scheduled for January 30, attributing the reason to “unexpected circumstances.”  The Expo Dubai account said in a tweet via Twitter: “We regret to inform our visitors that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Cairokee concert that was scheduled for January 30th in the jubilee stage of Expo 2020 Dubai will be postponed. A new date will be announced soon on our social media channels.”  Yesterday, Thursday, the Yemeni government revealed intensive international moves to classify the Houthi group as a "terrorist organization", according to what the official news agency "Saba" reported.  During the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak reviewed "the developments in diplomatic moves in light of the dangerous escalation of the Houthi militia against Saudi Arabia and the UAE."  Bin Mubarak revealed that "there are intensive diplomatic moves to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization." The Yemeni government welcomed “the statements of US President Joe Biden, regarding the study of reclassifying the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization,” according to the same source.

The United States urges its citizens to avoid traveling to the UAE

London - A senior Emirati official confirmed yesterday, Thursday, that the Houthi threat to the UAE will not become the "new reality", at a time when Abu Dhabi seeks to strengthen its defense capabilities.

Abu Dhabi announced, on Monday, that its defenses had intercepted and destroyed two ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis. The attack took place a week after the killing of 3 people in an attack by drones and missiles on Abu Dhabi, in the first bloody attack on the territory of the UAE, for which the Houthis claimed responsibility and were announced by the Emiratis.

"This will not become the new reality in the UAE," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. We refuse to bow to the threat of Houthi terrorism that targets our people and our way of life.” He added, “The UAE, as home to more than 200 nationalities, stands ready to defend itself. We remain one of the safest countries in the world, and the recent attacks have only reinforced our commitment to preserving the well-being of our residents.”

The Emirati official stressed his country's ability to stand up to any attack, and its quest to continuously enhance its defensive capabilities. He said, "The UAE possesses defensive capabilities at high levels and is constantly seeking to modernize them."
He continued, "In addition to annual updates, the UAE is working with its international partners to obtain advanced systems and technology to deter and combat threats to our national security."

On Wednesday, the United States asked its citizens to reconsider travel to the UAE "due to the threat of missile or drone attacks." Yesterday, the US State Department issued an update to its warning, noting that there were threats of attacks using missiles or drones.
In addition, Expo Dubai announced, on Wednesday, the postponement of a ceremony that was scheduled for January 30, attributing the reason to “unexpected circumstances.”

The Expo Dubai account said in a tweet via Twitter: “We regret to inform our visitors that due to unforeseen circumstances, the Cairokee concert that was scheduled for January 30th in the jubilee stage of Expo 2020 Dubai will be postponed. A new date will be announced soon on our social media channels.”

Yesterday, Thursday, the Yemeni government revealed intensive international moves to classify the Houthi group as a "terrorist organization", according to what the official news agency "Saba" reported.

During the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak reviewed "the developments in diplomatic moves in light of the dangerous escalation of the Houthi militia against Saudi Arabia and the UAE."

Bin Mubarak revealed that "there are intensive diplomatic moves to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization." The Yemeni government welcomed “the statements of US President Joe Biden, regarding the study of reclassifying the Houthi militia as a terrorist organization,” according to the same source.

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