The occupation’s violations continue: arrests, demolitions, notifications, and attacks on settlers

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: اعتقالات وهدم وإخطارات واعتداءات للمستوطنين بلدية الاحتلال تجبر الشقيقين داود ومحمود شقيرات على هدم منزليهما ذاتيًّا في بلدة جبل المكبر جنوب شرق القدس "وفا"    محافظات 31-1-2022 وفا- واصل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الاثنين، عدوانهم على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال 30 مواطنا، وأجبرت عائلتين على هدم 4 منازل، وأخطرت بإخلاء آخر في القدس، وهدم منزلين وغرفتين في الخليل، واقتحم المستوطنون المسجد الأقصى، وهاجموا فتيات في الشيخ جراح، ودمروا عددا من أشجار الزيتون شرق بيت لحم، وواصلوا رعي أبقارهم وتخريب مزروعات المواطنين في الأغوار الشمالية.   اعتقال 31 مواطناً من محافظات الضفة  في محافظة أريحا، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال 10 مواطنين بعد مداهمة منازلهم والعبث بمحتوياتها، وهم: محمد خالد أبو العسل من مخيم عقبة جبر، وعمار شقبوعة، ومعروف سمير جلايطة، ومحمد حسن بالو جلايطة، والأسير المحرر توفيق قنديل الذي أمضى 9 سنوات في سجون الاحتلال، من المدينة، ومحمد محمود مناصرة، والشقيقين عدي وقصي سمير أبو شرار، من مخيم عين السلطان، والمواطنين جهاد عبد الجبار بشارات، وليث نايف عطاونة وهما من قرية الجفتلك.  وفي رام الله، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال 6 مواطنين أربعة منهم من بلدة شقبا غرب رام الله هم: منتصر سلامة قدح، وخالد عبد الحليم المصري، وقصي عوض المصري، وفارس شلش، كما اعتقلت الشابين مهدي أبو الظاهر (35 عاما)، وزيد مطر زيد (25 عاما) من مخيم الجلزون.  وفي محافظة القدس، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال 6 مواطنين، وهم اسلام شماسنة، وعمر وعثمان وجاسم الخطيب، ورمزي حوشية من بلدة قطنة، واعتدت على شماسنة وجاسم الخطيب بالضرب المبرح وأصابتهما بجروح قبل أن تعتقلهما، كما اعتدت على الشاب محمد حوشية بالضرب خلال مواجهات اندلعت في البلدة. وفي بيت عنان شمال غرب القدس، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الشاب محمد عبد السلام ربيع، وسلمت الشاب أحمد بكر ربيع بلاغا خطيا لمراجعة مخابراتها اليوم، بعد اقتحام منزليهما وتفتيشهما .  وفي جنين، اعتقل جنود الاحتلال 3 شبان من سكن الجامعة العربية الأمريكية في محيط الجامعة وعبثوا بمحتوياته وأجروا عمليات تفتيش واسعة في محيط المنطقة، وعرف من المعتقلين محمد بدر براهمة من قرية عنزة جنوب جنين، وسمير البكري من مدينة الناصرة في أراضي الـ48. كما اعتقلت الشاب أحمد عبد الرحمن تيم على حاجز عسكري قرب مدخل قرية زبوبا غرب جنين.  كما اعتقل الاحتلال الشابين محمود عبد الكريم مرعي (18 عاما)، والشاب مسلم إسماعيل مرعي (18 عاما)، من بلدة قراوة بني حسان غرب سلفيت.  وفي بيت لحم، اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال طارق محمد خالد ثوابتة (20 عاما)، من بلدة بيت فجار، ومحمود عبد الله طقاطقة (22 عاما) من قرية مراح رباح، بعد دهم منزلي ذويهما وتفتيشهما.  وفي الخليل، اعتقل الاحتلال الشاب بشير سلامة الحروب، من بلدة دير سامت، عقب تفتيش منزله والعبث بمحتوياته.   إجبار مقدسيين على هدم 4 منازل وإخطار بإخلاء آخر في القدس وهدم منزلين وغرفتين في الخليل  أجبرت بلدية الاحتلال في القدس شقيقين على هدم منزليهما، عقب تفريغهما من محتوياتهما في بلدة جبل المكبر جنوب شرق القدس.  وأفادت مراسلتنا في القدس بأن بلدية الاحتلال أجبرت الشقيقين داود ومحمود شقيرات على هدم منزليهما في بلدة جبل المكبر جنوب شرق القدس المحتلة، ذاتيًّا، مساحة كل منزل تبلغ نحو ثمانين مترًا مربعًا، مبنيان منذ عام 2012، ويدفع الشقيقان لبلدية الاحتلال مخالفة بناء وصلت إلى مئة ألف شيقل، ويسكنهما الشقيقان مع زوجتيهما وأطفالهما الثمانية.  كما  أجبرت بلدية الاحتلال، عائلة عبيد على هدم منزلين قيد الإنشاء في بلدة العيسوية شمال شرق القدس المحتلة، بحجة البناء دون ترخيص.  من جانب آخر، أخطرت سلطات الاحتلال عائلة سالم بإخلاء منزلها في في القسم الغربي من حي الشيخ جرّاح، المعروف فلسطينيا بـ"أرض النقاع"، شرق القدس المحتلة.  وفي محافظة الخليل، أخطرت قوات الاحتلال بهدم منزلين وغرفتين سكنيتين، وصورت أخرى في مسافر يطا جنوب المحافظة.  وأوضح منسق لجان الحماية والصمود في جبال جنوب الخليل فؤاد العمور، أن قوات الاحتلال سلمت اخطارا بهدم منزل المواطن خالد ربعي في قرية التوانة الذي تقدر مساحته بـ80 مترا، ومنزل حافظ الهريني المكون من طابقين بمساحة 200 متر، وغرفة سكنية من الطوب والصفيح في منطقة صارورا تعود ملكيتها الى سعيد العمور، وأخرى في منطقة الفخيت لصاحبها فؤاد العمور.  وفي محافظة جنين، رفضت محكمة الاحتلال استئنافا قدمته مؤسسة "هموكيد للدفاع عن الفرد"، لوقف هدم منزل عائلة الأسير غيث جرادات في بلدة سيلة الحارثية غرب جنين، وسمحت لقوات الاحتلال بهدم جزء منه.   مستوطنون يقتحمون الأقصى ويهاجمون الفتيات في الشيخ جراح ويدمرن أشجار زيتون في بيت لحم  اقتحم عشرات المستوطنين المسجد الأقصى من جهة باب المغاربة، برفقة حاخامات قدموا شروحات مزيفة عن الهيكل المزعوم، ونفذوا جولات استفزازية في باحاته، وأدوا طقوسًا تلمودية في المنطقة الشرقية منه، بحراسة مشددة من قبل شرطة الاحتلال.  كما هاجم مستوطنون فتياتٍ في حي الشيخ جراح شرق مدينة القدس المحتلة، وحاولوا الاعتداء عليهِنَّ بالضرب والدفع أثناء سيرهنّ، تحت أعين شرطة الاحتلال التي لم تحركْ ساكناً إلا لحماية المستوطنين المعتدين.  وفي محافظة بيت لحم،  أقدم مستوطنون على تدمير 100 شجرة زيتون تعود للمواطنين هاشم وعودة الرشايدة في قرية الرشايدة شرق بيت لحم.  وفي الأغوار، واصل مستوطنون رعي أبقارهم وتخريب مزروعات المواطنين في خربة سمرة.  وتسبب هذه الممارسات خسائر كبيرة للمواطنين في الأغوار، الذين يعتمدون على المحاصيل البعلية، كما أن هذه الانتهاكات تأتي ضمن سياسة الاستيطان الرعوي في مناطق الأغوار، بهدف منع المواطنين من الاستفادة من محاصيلهم لتهجيرهم من أراضيهم وتسهيل الاستيلاء عليها، وملاحقة الرعاة بحماية جنود الاحتلال وحرمانهم من استغلال المراعي.   قوات الاحتلال تفتح نيران رشاشاتها جنوب وغرب القطاع  أطلقت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي نيران رشاشتها شرق بلدة عبسان الكبيرة شرق محافظة خان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة.  وأفاد مراسلنا، بأن قوات الاحتلال المتمركزة شرق خان يونس فتحت نيران رشاشتها بكثافة وللمرة الثانية منذ صباح اليوم تجاه الأراضي الزراعية في منطقة السناطي شرق عبسان الكبيرة دون التبليغ عن إصابات في صفوف المواطنين.  وأضاف أن قوات الاحتلال أطلقت النار من موقع (كيسوفيم) العسكري تجاه الأراضي الزراعية شرق بلدة القرارة شمال شرق محافظة خان يونس، الأمر الذي خلق حالة من الهلع والخوف في صفوف المزارعين.  وقال إن الزوارق الإسرائيلية المتمركزة في عرض البحر فتحت نيران أسلحتها تجاه مراكب الصيد العاملة في بحر رفح جنوب القطاع، وأجبرت الصيادين على الانسحاب من البحر.      The occupation’s violations continue: arrests, demolitions, notifications, and attacks on settlers The occupation municipality forces the two brothers, Daoud and Mahmoud Shkirat, to self-demolish their homes in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of Jerusalem "Wafa"   Districts 01/ 31-2022 Wafa - Today, Monday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property. The occupation forces arrested 30 citizens, forced two families to demolish 4 homes, and notified another evacuation in Jerusalem, demolished two homes and two rooms in Hebron, and stormed The settlers attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque, attacked girls in Sheikh Jarrah, destroyed a number of olive trees east of Bethlehem, and continued to graze their cows and sabotage citizens' crops in the northern Jordan Valley.   The arrest of 31 citizens of the West Bank In Jericho governorate, the occupation forces arrested 10 citizens after raiding their homes and tampering with their contents. They are: Muhammad Khaled Abu al-Asal from Aqabat Jabr camp, Ammar Shaqbu’a, Maarouf Samir Jalayta, Muhammad Hassan Balo Jalayta, and the released prisoner Tawfiq Qandil, who spent 9 years in the occupation’s prisons. From Medina, and Muhammad Mahmoud Manasra, and the two brothers Uday and Qusay Samir Abu Sharar, from Ain Al-Sultan camp, and the citizens Jihad Abdul Jabbar Basharat, and Laith Nayef Atawneh, who are from the village of Al-Jaftlik.  In Ramallah, the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens, four of them from the town of Shuqba, west of Ramallah: Muntasir Salama Qadah, Khaled Abdel Halim Al-Masry, Qusai Awad Al-Masry, and Fares Shalash. They also arrested the two young men, Mahdi Abu Al-Zaher (35 years old), and Zaid Matar Zaid ( 25 years old, from Al-Jalazun refugee camp.  In the Jerusalem governorate, the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens, namely Islam Shamasneh, Omar, Othman, Jassem Al-Khatib, and Ramzi Haushiya from the town of Qatana. . In Beit Anan, northwest of Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested the young man, Muhammad Abd al-Salam Rabei, and handed the young man Ahmed Bakr Rabei a written report to review its intelligence today, after storming and searching their homes .  In Jenin, the occupation soldiers arrested 3 young men from the residence of the Arab American University in the vicinity of the university and tampered with its contents and conducted extensive searches around the area. Among the detainees were Muhammad Badr Brahma from Anza village, south of Jenin, and Samir al-Bakri from the city of Nazareth in the 48 lands. They also arrested the young Ahmed Abdel Rahman Taym at a military checkpoint near the entrance to the village of Zabouba, west of Jenin.  The occupation also arrested two young men, Mahmoud Abdel Karim Marei (18 years), and Muslim Ismail Marei (18 years), from the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit.  In Bethlehem, the occupation forces arrested Tariq Muhammad Khaled Thawabta (20 years), from the town of Beit Fajjar, and Mahmoud Abdullah Taqatqa (22 years), from the village of Marah Rabah, after raiding and searching their families' homes.  In Hebron, the occupation arrested the young Bashir Salama Al-Hroub, from the town of Deir Samet, after searching his house and tampering with its contents.   Forcing Jerusalemites to demolish 4 homes, another eviction notice in Jerusalem, and demolishing two homes and two rooms in Hebron The occupation municipality in Jerusalem forced two brothers to demolish their homes, after emptying them of their contents in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of Jerusalem .  Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation municipality forced the two brothers, Daoud and Mahmoud Shkirat, to self-demolish their homes in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem. The area of ​​each house is about eighty square meters, built since 2012. Shekel, and the two brothers live with their wives and eight children .  The occupation municipality also  forced the Obeid family to demolish two houses under construction in the town of Al-Isawiya, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, under the pretext of building without a permit.  On the other hand, the occupation authorities notified Salem's family to vacate their house in the western part of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, known to Palestinians as "Ard al-Naqqa " , east of occupied Jerusalem .   In Hebron governorate, the occupation forces notified the demolition of two houses and two residential rooms, and another photograph was taken in Masafer Yatta, in the south of the governorate .  The coordinator of the Protection and Resilience Committees in the South Hebron Mountains, Fuad Al-Amour, explained that the occupation forces have delivered demolition notices for the 80-square-meter house of Khaled Rabei in the village of Al-Tawana, the two-storey house of Hafez Al-Harini, with an area of ​​200 meters, and a residential room made of bricks and tin in the Sarora area. The property belongs to Saeed Al-Amour, and another in Al-Fakhit area is owned by its owner, Fouad Al-Amour .  In the Jenin governorate,  the occupation court rejected an appeal submitted by the Hamoked Foundation for the Defense of the Individual to stop the demolition of the home of the family of the prisoner Ghaith Jaradat in the town of Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin, and allowed the occupation forces to demolish part of it .   Settlers storm Al-Aqsa, attack girls in Sheikh Jarrah, and destroy olive trees in Bethlehem Dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, accompanied by rabbis who gave false explanations about the alleged temple, carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals in the eastern region of it, under heavy guard by the occupation police .  Settlers also attacked girls in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and tried to beat and push them while they were walking, under the eyes of the occupation police, who did nothing but protect the aggressor settlers .  In the Bethlehem governorate,  settlers destroyed 100 olive trees belonging to the citizens of Hashem and Odeh Al-Rashaida in the village of Al-Rashaida, east of Bethlehem .  In the Jordan Valley, settlers continued to graze their cows and sabotage the crops of citizens in Khirbet Samra . These practices cause great losses to the citizens in the Jordan Valley, who depend on rain-fed crops, and these violations come within the policy of pastoral settlement in the Jordan Valley, with the aim of preventing citizens from benefiting from their crops to displace them from their lands and facilitate their seizure, and to pursue shepherds by protecting the occupation soldiers and depriving them of exploitation pastures .   The occupation forces opened fire from their machine guns in the south and west of the Gaza Strip The Israeli occupation forces fired machine guns east of the town of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis governorate, in the southern Gaza Strip . Our correspondent reported that the occupation forces, stationed east of Khan Yunis, opened intensive fire for the second time since this morning towards agricultural lands in the Al-Sanati area, east of Abasan Al-Kabirah, without reporting any injuries .  He added that the occupation forces fired from a military position (Kissufim) towards agricultural lands east of the town of Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis, which created a state of panic and fear among farmers .  He said that the Israeli boats stationed at sea opened fire towards the fishing boats operating in the Rafah Sea, south of the Gaza Strip, and forced the fishermen to withdraw from the sea .

The occupation’s violations continue: arrests, demolitions, notifications, and attacks on settlers

The occupation municipality forces the two brothers, Daoud and Mahmoud Shkirat, to self-demolish their homes in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of Jerusalem "Wafa" 

Monday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property. The occupation forces arrested 30 citizens, forced two families to demolish 4 homes, and notified another evacuation in Jerusalem, demolished two homes and two rooms in Hebron, and stormed The settlers attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque, attacked girls in Sheikh Jarrah, destroyed a number of olive trees east of Bethlehem, and continued to graze their cows and sabotage citizens' crops in the northern Jordan Valley. 

The arrest of 31 citizens of the West Bank
In Jericho governorate, the occupation forces arrested 10 citizens after raiding their homes and tampering with their contents. They are: Muhammad Khaled Abu al-Asal from Aqabat Jabr camp, Ammar Shaqbu’a, Maarouf Samir Jalayta, Muhammad Hassan Balo Jalayta, and the released prisoner Tawfiq Qandil, who spent 9 years in the occupation’s prisons. From Medina, and Muhammad Mahmoud Manasra, and the two brothers Uday and Qusay Samir Abu Sharar, from Ain Al-Sultan camp, and the citizens Jihad Abdul Jabbar Basharat, and Laith Nayef Atawneh, who are from the village of Al-Jaftlik.

In Ramallah, the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens, four of them from the town of Shuqba, west of Ramallah: Muntasir Salama Qadah, Khaled Abdel Halim Al-Masry, Qusai Awad Al-Masry, and Fares Shalash. They also arrested the two young men, Mahdi Abu Al-Zaher (35 years old), and Zaid Matar Zaid ( 25 years old, from Al-Jalazun refugee camp.

In the Jerusalem governorate, the occupation forces arrested 6 citizens, namely Islam Shamasneh, Omar, Othman, Jassem Al-Khatib, and Ramzi Haushiya from the town of Qatana. . In Beit Anan, northwest of Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested the young man, Muhammad Abd al-Salam Rabei, and handed the young man Ahmed Bakr Rabei a written report to review its intelligence today, after storming and searching their homes .

In Jenin, the occupation soldiers arrested 3 young men from the residence of the Arab American University in the vicinity of the university and tampered with its contents and conducted extensive searches around the area. Among the detainees were Muhammad Badr Brahma from Anza village, south of Jenin, and Samir al-Bakri from the city of Nazareth in the 48 lands. They also arrested the young Ahmed Abdel Rahman Taym at a military checkpoint near the entrance to the village of Zabouba, west of Jenin.

The occupation also arrested two young men, Mahmoud Abdel Karim Marei (18 years), and Muslim Ismail Marei (18 years), from the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit.

In Bethlehem, the occupation forces arrested Tariq Muhammad Khaled Thawabta (20 years), from the town of Beit Fajjar, and Mahmoud Abdullah Taqatqa (22 years), from the village of Marah Rabah, after raiding and searching their families' homes.

In Hebron, the occupation arrested the young Bashir Salama Al-Hroub, from the town of Deir Samet, after searching his house and tampering with its contents. 

Forcing Jerusalemites to demolish 4 homes, another eviction notice in Jerusalem, and demolishing two homes and two rooms in Hebron
The occupation municipality in Jerusalem forced two brothers to demolish their homes, after emptying them of their contents in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of Jerusalem .

Our correspondent in Jerusalem reported that the occupation municipality forced the two brothers, Daoud and Mahmoud Shkirat, to self-demolish their homes in the town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem. The area of ​​each house is about eighty square meters, built since 2012. Shekel, and the two brothers live with their wives and eight children .

The occupation municipality also  forced the Obeid family to demolish two houses under construction in the town of Al-Isawiya, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, under the pretext of building without a permit.

On the other hand, the occupation authorities notified Salem's family to vacate their house in the western part of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, known to Palestinians as "Ard al-Naqqa " , east of occupied Jerusalem .

 In Hebron governorate, the occupation forces notified the demolition of two houses and two residential rooms, and another photograph was taken in Masafer Yatta, in the south of the governorate .

The coordinator of the Protection and Resilience Committees in the South Hebron Mountains, Fuad Al-Amour, explained that the occupation forces have delivered demolition notices for the 80-square-meter house of Khaled Rabei in the village of Al-Tawana, the two-storey house of Hafez Al-Harini, with an area of ​​200 meters, and a residential room made of bricks and tin in the Sarora area. The property belongs to Saeed Al-Amour, and another in Al-Fakhit area is owned by its owner, Fouad Al-Amour .

In the Jenin governorate,  the occupation court rejected an appeal submitted by the Hamoked Foundation for the Defense of the Individual to stop the demolition of the home of the family of the prisoner Ghaith Jaradat in the town of Silat Al-Harithiya, west of Jenin, and allowed the occupation forces to demolish part of it . 

Settlers storm Al-Aqsa, attack girls in Sheikh Jarrah, and destroy olive trees in Bethlehem
Dozens of settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, accompanied by rabbis who gave false explanations about the alleged temple, carried out provocative tours in its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals in the eastern region of it, under heavy guard by the occupation police .

Settlers also attacked girls in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem, and tried to beat and push them while they were walking, under the eyes of the occupation police, who did nothing but protect the aggressor settlers .

In the Bethlehem governorate,  settlers destroyed 100 olive trees belonging to the citizens of Hashem and Odeh Al-Rashaida in the village of Al-Rashaida, east of Bethlehem .

In the Jordan Valley, settlers continued to graze their cows and sabotage the crops of citizens in Khirbet Samra .
These practices cause great losses to the citizens in the Jordan Valley, who depend on rain-fed crops, and these violations come within the policy of pastoral settlement in the Jordan Valley, with the aim of preventing citizens from benefiting from their crops to displace them from their lands and facilitate their seizure, and to pursue shepherds by protecting the occupation soldiers and depriving them of exploitation pastures . 

The occupation forces opened fire from their machine guns in the south and west of the Gaza Strip
The Israeli occupation forces fired machine guns east of the town of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis governorate, in the southern Gaza Strip .
Our correspondent reported that the occupation forces, stationed east of Khan Yunis, opened intensive fire for the second time since this morning towards agricultural lands in the Al-Sanati area, east of Abasan Al-Kabirah, without reporting any injuries .

He added that the occupation forces fired from a military position (Kissufim) towards agricultural lands east of the town of Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis , which created a state of panic and fear among farmers .

He said that the Israeli boats stationed at sea opened fire towards the fishing boats operating in the Rafah Sea, south of the Gaza Strip, and forced the fishermen to withdraw from the sea .

نحو آفاق جديدة.. الإمارات وتركيا تبحثان سبل تطوير التعاون الدفاعي بحثت الإمارات وتركيا، سبل تطوير علاقات التعاون الدفاعي والعسكري والدفع بها إلى آفاق أوسع.  بحثت الإمارات وتركيا، الاثنين، سبل تطوير علاقات التعاون الدفاعي والعسكري والدفع بها إلى آفاق أوسع.  جاء ذلك خلال استقبال محمد بن أحمد البواردي، وزير الدولة الإماراتي لشؤون الدفاع، لتوغاي تونشير سفير تركيا لدى بلاده، حسب وكالة الأنباء الإماراتية الرسمية (وام).  وحضر الاجتماع من الجانب الإماراتي، مطر سالم الظاهري، وكيل وزارة الدفاع، وعدد من كبار ضباط ومسؤولي الوزارة، فضلاً عن الوفد المرافق للسفير التركي، وفق وام.  وأكد البواردي خلال اللقاء عمق علاقات الصداقة بين الإمارات وتركيا في مختلف المجالات خاصة الدفاعية والعسكرية، وأهمية الدفع بها نحو آفاق أوسع بما يحقق التنمية والازدهار للبلدين.  وأضافت وام، أنه "جرى خلال اللقاء بحث سبل تطوير علاقات التعاون الدفاعي والعسكري بما يخدم المصالح المشتركة للبلدين".  كما تبادل الجانبان وجهات النظر حول عدد من القضايا الإقليمية والدولية ذات الاهتمام المشترك.  من جانبه أكد سفير تركيا حرص بلاده على تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية مع الإمارات وفتح آفاق جديدة للتعاون والعمل المشترك بين البلدين، حسب الوكالة.  ونهاية ديسمبر/كانون أول الماضي، شهدت العلاقات التركية-الإماراتية نقلة نوعية بالتزامن مع زيارة أجراها آنذاك، ولي عهد أبو ظبي، محمد بن زايد آل نهيان تلبية لدعوة وجهها له الرئيس رجب طيب أردوغان.  وشهدت تلك الزيارة توقيع الطرفين عدداً من الاتفاقيات ومذكرات التفاهم لتعزيز التعاون الثنائي في مختلف المجالات.    Towards new horizons UAE and Turkey discuss ways to develop defense cooperation  The UAE and Turkey discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations and push them to broader horizons. During the meeting, they discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations to serve the common interests of the two countries.  On Monday, the UAE and Turkey discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations and push them to broader horizons.  This came when Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi, UAE Minister of State for Defense Affairs, received Tugai Tunshir, Turkey's ambassador to his country, according to the official Emirates News Agency (WAM).  On the Emirati side, the meeting was attended by Matar Salem Al Dhaheri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense, a number of senior officers and officials of the ministry, as well as the delegation accompanying the Turkish ambassador, according to WAM.  During the meeting, Al Bowardi stressed the depth of friendship between the UAE and Turkey in various fields, especially defense and military, and the importance of pushing them towards broader horizons in order to achieve development and prosperity for the two countries.  She added, "During the meeting, they discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations to serve the common interests of the two countries."  The two sides also exchanged views on a number of regional and international issues of common interest. For his part, the Turkish ambassador affirmed his country's keenness to strengthen bilateral relations with the UAE and open new horizons for cooperation and joint work between the two countries, according to the agency.  At the end of last December, Turkish-Emirati relations witnessed a qualitative leap in conjunction with a visit made by the then Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  That visit witnessed the signing of a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding by the two parties to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields.

Towards new horizons UAE and Turkey discuss ways to develop defense cooperation

The UAE and Turkey discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations and push them to broader horizons.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations to serve the common interests of the two countries. 
On Monday, the UAE and Turkey discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations and push them to broader horizons.

This came when Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi, UAE Minister of State for Defense Affairs, received Tugai Tunshir, Turkey's ambassador to his country, according to the official Emirates News Agency (WAM).

On the Emirati side, the meeting was attended by Matar Salem Al Dhaheri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense, a number of senior officers and officials of the ministry, as well as the delegation accompanying the Turkish ambassador, according to WAM.

During the meeting, Al Bowardi stressed the depth of friendship between the UAE and Turkey in various fields, especially defense and military, and the importance of pushing them towards broader horizons in order to achieve development and prosperity for the two countries.

She added, "During the meeting, they discussed ways to develop defense and military cooperation relations to serve the common interests of the two countries."

The two sides also exchanged views on a number of regional and international issues of common interest.
For his part, the Turkish ambassador affirmed his country's keenness to strengthen bilateral relations with the UAE and open new horizons for cooperation and joint work between the two countries, according to the agency.

At the end of last December, Turkish-Emirati relations witnessed a qualitative leap in conjunction with a visit made by the then Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

That visit witnessed the signing of a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding by the two parties to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields.

في أول قمة مع قائد خليجي.. بايدن يبحث ملفات إقليمية ودولية مع الشيخ تميم ويعلن قطر حليفا رئيسيا  أبلغ الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن الكونغرس رسميا بتصنيف دولة قطر حليفا رئيسيا من خارج حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو)، وذلك عقب مباحثات أجراها مع الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني، في أول لقاء قمة يعقده مع قائد خليجي في البيت الأبيض منذ توليه الرئاسة قبل عام.  وقال بايدن إن تصنيف قطر حليفا رئيسيا للولايات المتحدة هو "اعتراف بمصلحتنا الوطنية في تعميق التعاون الدفاعي والأمني معها".  وكان قد أكد في مستهل لقائه مع أمير قطر في البيت الأبيض أمس الاثنين أن الشراكة بين الطرفين محورية في العديد من المصالح الحيوية لكلا البلدين، وأشار إلى أن مباحثاته مع الشيخ تميم تشمل الأمن في الخليج والشرق الأوسط، واستقرار إمدادات الطاقة العالمية.  وقالت وزارة الدفاع الأميركية (البنتاغون) إن تصنيف قطر حليفا رئيسيا من خارج الناتو سيفتح المجال أمام فرص متعددة من التعاون الدفاعي.   من جانبه، قال أمير قطر إن مباحثاته مع الرئيس الأميركي كانت مثمرة، وتناولت التطورات الإقليمية والدولية في سياق الشراكة الإستراتيجية التي تجمع البلدين.  وأضاف في تغريدة على تويتر أن هذه الشراكة "تزداد رسوخا يوما بعد يوم لتحقيق السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة".  وكان قد أشار في وقت سابق إلى أنه سيبحث مع الرئيس الأميركي عددا من قضايا المنطقة ومن بينها حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني، مجددا فخر بلاده بما تحقّقَ في عمليات الإجلاء في أفغانستان، ومشددا على مواصلة العمل من أجل إحلال السلام في المنطقة.  من جهته، قال نائب رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري الشيخ محمد بن عبد الرحمن آل ثاني إن حديث الجانب القطري مع الإيرانيين والأميركيين ليس نقلا للرسائل، وإن الدوحة ترى أن العودة إلى الاتفاق النووي عامل استقرار للمنطقة.  وأضاف -في مقابلة مع الجزيرة- أن الدوحة تستغل القنوات المفتوحة مع واشنطن وطهران "لتقريب وجهات النظر"، ويهمها التوصل إلى اتفاق بشأن البرنامج النووي الإيراني، لأن ذلك عامل استقرار للمنطقة، على حد تعبيره.  ووصف الشيخ محمد بن عبد الرحمن آل ثاني إيران بأنها دولة جارة وجزء من المنطقة، وأكد أن طهران تبدي رغبتها في حسن الجوار وأن الدوحة تؤيد عرض مخاوف كل الأطراف لمناقشتها.  لقاء مع وزيري الدفاع والأمن الداخلي وقبيل انعقاد القمة بين الشيخ تميم وبايدن، استقبل وزير الدفاع الأميركي لويد أوستن أمير دولة قطر في مقر وزارة الدفاع (البنتاغون) حيث جرت محادثات استمرت نحو ساعة.  U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin meets Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at the Pentagonمباحثات في البنتاغون بين أمير قطر ووزير الدفاع الأميركي (رويترز)  وقال الشيخ تميم بن حمد إنه أجرى اجتماعا مثمرا مع وزير الدفاع الأميركي.  وفي تغريدة على تويتر، أعلن الأمير أن نتائج اللقاء ستعزز التعاون الإستراتيجي والعسكري بين الدوحة وواشنطن، مؤكدا أن الجهود المشتركة بينهما موجهة كليا نحو السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة والعالم.  وبدوره، قال وزير الدفاع الأميركي إن بلاده ملتزمة بجعل الشراكة مع قطر أكثر قوة مما هي عليه الآن.  كما أعرب عن امتنانه لدعم الدوحة المتواصل في الأزمة الأفغانية، واستضافتها القوات الأميركية في قاعدة العديد.   وقد أورد الديوان الأميري في قطر أن أوستن أكد أن الثقة التي يحظى بها الأمير كقائد وشريك يمكن الاعتماد عليه ستعزز العلاقات الدفاعية، في ظل مواصلة البلدين جهودهما لضمان الأمن والاستقرار بالمنطقة وتحقيق الأهداف المشتركة وحل النزاعات وتقديم الدعم الإنساني للمدنيين وتخفيف حدة التوترات.   وذكر بيان الديوان الأميري أن الاجتماع "بحث أيضا علاقات التعاون الإستراتيجي بين البلدين في المجالات الدفاعية والعسكرية والأمنية، كما تمت مناقشة تطورات الأوضاع، إقليميا ودوليا، وخصوصا الجهود المشتركة للبلدين في إرساء السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة".  ونقل مراسل الجزيرة عن مسؤول في وزارة الدفاع الأميركية قوله إن المباحثات جاءت لتؤكد متانة الشراكة بين البلدين.   وأضاف المسؤول الأميركي أن المباحثات شملت المصالح الأمنية المشتركة والوضع بأفغانستان وخفض التوترات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، إضافة إلى التعاون الدفاعي.  وأورد مراسل الجزيرة أن المباحثات بين الشيخ تميم وأوستن هي الثالثة خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية بعد مشاورات هاتفية نهاية أغسطس/آب الماضي، وزيارة الوزير إلى الدوحة لشكر القيادة القطرية على دعم جهود الانسحاب من أفغانستان.  أمير دولة قطر  (يمين) خلال استقباله وزير الأمن الوطني الأميركي (الجزيرة) وكان أمير قطر استقبل في وقت سابق وزير الأمن الوطني الأميركي أليخاندرو مايوركاس، واستعرض الجانبان علاقات التعاون، وسبل تنميتها وتعزيزها في مختلف المجالات ولا سيما في المجال الأمني.  وقالت مراسلة الجزيرة وجد وقفي إنه تم أيضا توقيع اتفاق بين الخطوط الجوية القطرية وشركة "بوينغ" الأميركية، سيتم بموجبه بيع الخطوط القطرية 34 طائرة شحن، بالإضافة إلى مذكرة تفاهم لبيعها أيضا نحو 50 طائرة نقل مسافرين، على أن يتم تسليمها في غضون 5 سنوات.  إحاطة لمسؤول أميركي بشأن الزيارة وقبيل انعقاد القمة الأميركية القطرية بين بايدن والشيخ تميم في البيت الأبيض، كانت هناك إحاطة لمسؤول أميركي رفيع بشأن الزيارة.   تشغيل الفيديو مدة الفيديو 02 minutes 09 seconds 02:09 وقال المسؤول الأميركي، في إحاطة هاتفية، إن واشنطن عملت على برمجة هذه الزيارة منذ مدة، مشيرا إلى أن أمير دولة قطر هو أول قائد لدولة خليجية يزور واشنطن هذا العام.  ولفت إلى أن زيارة أمير قطر لواشنطن تأتي في الوقت المناسب، وتعد فرصة مهمة للتشاور في مجموعة من القضايا الإقليمية والعالمية.   وأعرب المسؤول الأميركي عن امتنان بلاده لدولة قطر على الدعم الهائل والمساعدة التي قدمتها في أفغانستان، وانخراطها في جهود إعادة توطين عشرات الآلاف منذ أغسطس/آب الماضي، إضافة إلى أنها كانت قبل ذلك شريكا في دعم عملية السلام.  وأوضح أن واشنطن تناقش مع مختلف شركائها، هذه الأيام، مسألة تزويد أوروبا بالطاقة حال غزو روسيا لأوكرانيا، وأنّ الرئيس بايدن سيطرح، في محادثاته مع أمير قطر، الجهود الدبلوماسية التي تبذلها الولايات المتحدة وشركاؤها الأوروبيون للتوصل إلى حل دبلوماسي للأزمة، والرد المحتمل عند الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا.  ولفت المسؤول الأميركي إلى أن قطر وقفت إلى جانب الولايات المتحدة في مجال محاربة الإرهاب، وتصنيف المنظمات والشبكات في قائمة الإرهاب.  تشغيل الفيديو مدة الفيديو 03 minutes 08 seconds 03:08 أقوى من أي وقت مضى ويتفق الجانبان القطري والأميركي على وصف العلاقة بينهما بأنها أقوى من أي وقت مضى.   ويدلّلان على ذلك بجملة ملفات إستراتيجية ينخرطان فيها، في مقدمها التعاون في مجال الأمن الإقليمي والقضايا العالمية الطارئة، ولا سيما في أفغانستان حيث اضطلعت الدوحة بدور محوري في تسهيل الانسحاب الأميركي، ونقل الرعايا الأميركيين والأجانب والأفغان الراغبين بالخروج منها، فضلا عن دعم الاستقرار السياسي والعمل الإنساني، حيث تُوّج التعاون بتوقيع اتفاقية ترعى بموجبها قطر المصالح الأميركية بأفغانستان.  يضاف إلى ذلك التعاون في ملفات إقليمية أخرى، من بينها القضية الفلسطينية، والبرنامج النووي الإيراني، والحرب في اليمن وسوريا والقرن الأفريقي، ومسألة دعم النازحين والمهجرين. كما يلتقي البلدان في شراكة دفاعية وعسكرية واسعة.  وبرأي واشنطن، فإن قطر تعد شريكًا مهمًّا في تعزيز الاستقرار الإقليمي، ليس فقط باستضافة القوات الأميركية في قاعدة العديد التي توفر الأمن في جميع أنحاء المنطقة، بل أيضًا بتقديم المساعدات الاقتصادية والإنسانية في الأوقات الصعبة.   وعلى الصعيد الاقتصادي، تجمع الجانبين شراكة اقتصادية تتجاوز قيمتها مئات المليارات من الدولارات في مجالات التجارة والاستثمار.  بالإضافة إلى التعاون الوثيق في مجال الصحة، لا سيما ميدان مكافحة الأمراض، حيث برز في الإسهامات القطرية في دعم جهود مكافحة جائحة كورونا بالولايات المتحدة وعلى الصعيد العالمي.  علاوة على تعاون وثيق لضمان بطولة آمنة وناجحة لكأس العالم المقبلة "مونديال قطر 2022" والتشاور لاحقا قبل تنظيم البطولة في أميركا الشمالية سنة 2026، فضلا عن التنسيق في مجال مكافحة الإرهاب، والأمن الإلكتروني، ودعم الجهد الدولي في ذلك.  تشغيل الفيديو مدة الفيديو 09 minutes 28 seconds 09:28  من ناحية أخرى، قال السيناتور الأميركي كريس مورفي للجزيرة إنه يأمل "أن نتمكن بمساعدة قطر من إعادة كل الأطراف إلى الاتفاق النووي".  وأضاف مورفي أنهم ممتنون للغاية لدور الدوحة في محاولة دفع الإيرانيين إلى طاولة المفاوضات.  كما عبّر عن أمله في عقد حوار أمني إقليمي، مؤكدا أن قطر مهيأة لأن تكون لاعبا رئيسيا في ذلك.      In the first summit with a Gulf leader Biden discusses regional and international files with Sheikh Tamim and declares Qatar a major ally  US President Joe Biden officially informed Congress of Qatar's designation as a major non-NATO ally, after talks with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, in his first summit meeting with a Gulf leader in the White House since he took office a year ago.  Biden said designating Qatar as a key ally of the United States is "a recognition of our national interest in deepening defense and security cooperation with it."  At the beginning of his meeting with the Emir of Qatar at the White House on Monday, he stressed that the partnership between the two parties is pivotal in many vital interests of both countries, and indicated that his talks with Sheikh Tamim include security in the Gulf and the Middle East, and the stability of global energy supplies.  The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) said that designating Qatar as a major non-NATO ally will open the door to multiple opportunities for defense cooperation.  For his part, the Emir of Qatar said that his talks with the US President were fruitful, and they dealt with regional and international developments in the context of the strategic partnership that unites the two countries.  He added in a tweet on Twitter that this partnership "is getting stronger day by day to achieve peace and stability in the region."  He had indicated earlier that he would discuss with the US President a number of issues in the region, including the rights of the Palestinian people, reiterating his country's pride in what was achieved in the evacuations in Afghanistan, and stressing the continuation of work for peace in the region.  For his part, Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said that the Qatari side's conversations with the Iranians and Americans are not a transfer of messages, and that Doha sees the return to the nuclear agreement as a factor of stability for the region.  He added - in an interview with Al Jazeera - that Doha is taking advantage of the open channels with Washington and Tehran to "bring the views closer", and it is interested in reaching an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, because that is a factor of stability for the region, as he put it.  Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani described Iran as a neighboring country and part of the region, stressing that Tehran expresses its desire for good neighborliness and that Doha supports presenting the concerns of all parties for discussion.  Meeting with the Ministers of Defense and Internal Security Prior to the summit between Sheikh Tamim and Biden, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin received the Emir of the State of Qatar at the Pentagon, where talks lasted about an hour.  Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad said that he had a fruitful meeting with the US Secretary of Defense. In a tweet on Twitter, the emir announced that the results of the meeting will enhance strategic and military cooperation between Doha and Washington, stressing that the joint efforts between them are entirely directed towards peace and stability in the region and the world.  In turn, the US Secretary of Defense said that his country is committed to making the partnership with Qatar more powerful than it is now.  He also expressed his gratitude for Doha's continued support in the Afghan crisis, and for hosting it by US forces at Al Udeid base.  The Amiri Diwan in Qatar stated that Austin stressed that the confidence in the Emir as a leader and a reliable partner will enhance defense relations, in light of the two countries continuing their efforts to ensure security and stability in the region, achieve common goals, resolve conflicts, provide humanitarian support to civilians and reduce tensions.  The Amiri Diwan statement stated that the meeting " also discussed the strategic cooperation relations between the two countries in the defense, military and security fields, and discussed regional and international developments, especially the joint efforts of the two countries to establish peace and stability in the region."  Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted a US Defense Department official as saying that the talks came to confirm the strength of the partnership between the two countries.  The US official added that the discussions included common security interests, the situation in Afghanistan, reducing tensions in the Middle East, in addition to defense cooperation.  Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the talks between Sheikh Tamim and Austin are the third in the past few months, after phone consultations at the end of last August, and the minister's visit to Doha to thank the Qatari leadership for supporting the withdrawal efforts from Afghanistan.  Earlier, the Emir of Qatar received US Secretary of National Security Alejandro Mayorcas, and the two sides reviewed cooperation relations and ways to develop and strengthen them in various fields, especially in the security field.  Al-Jazeera correspondent Wajd Waqfi said that an agreement was also signed between Qatar Airways and the American company "Boeing", according to which Qatar Airways will sell 34 cargo planes, in addition to a memorandum of understanding to sell it also about 50 passenger transport aircraft, to be delivered within 5 years.  Briefing to an American official on the visit And prior to the US-Qatari summit between Biden and Sheikh Tamim at the White House, a high-ranking US official was briefed about the visit.  The US official said, in a telephone briefing, that Washington had worked on programming this visit for a while, noting that the Emir of the State of Qatar is the first leader of a Gulf country to visit Washington this year.  He pointed out that the Emir of Qatar's visit to Washington comes at the right time, and is an important opportunity for consultations on a range of regional and global issues.  The US official expressed his country's gratitude to the State of Qatar for the tremendous support and assistance it provided in Afghanistan, and for its involvement in the efforts to resettle tens of thousands since last August, in addition to that, before that, it was a partner in supporting the peace process.  He explained that Washington is discussing with its various partners, these days, the issue of supplying energy to Europe in the event of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and that President Biden will raise, in his talks with the Emir of Qatar, the diplomatic efforts of the United States and its European partners to reach a diplomatic solution to the crisis, and the possible response in the event of the Russian invasion. for Ukraine.  The US official pointed out that Qatar stood by the United States in the fight against terrorism and the classification of organizations and networks in the list of terrorism.  Stronger than ever The Qatari and American sides agree to describe the relationship between them as stronger than ever.  They demonstrate this by a number of strategic files in which they are involved, foremost among which is cooperation in the field of regional security and urgent global issues, especially in Afghanistan, where Doha played a pivotal role in facilitating the American withdrawal, transferring American, foreign and Afghan nationals wishing to leave, as well as supporting political stability and humanitarian work. The cooperation culminated in the signing of an agreement under which Qatar sponsors US interests in Afghanistan.  In addition to this, cooperation in other regional files, including the Palestinian issue, the Iranian nuclear program, the war in Yemen, Syria and the Horn of Africa, and the issue of support for the displaced and displaced. The two countries also meet in a broad defense and military partnership.  In Washington's opinion, Qatar is an important partner in promoting regional stability, not only by hosting US forces at Al Udeid base, which provides security throughout the region, but also by providing economic and humanitarian aid in difficult times.  On the economic front, the two sides have an economic partnership worth hundreds of billions of dollars in the fields of trade and investment.  In addition to the close cooperation in the field of health, especially the field of disease control, as it has emerged in the Qatari contributions to support efforts to combat the Corona pandemic in the United States and at the global level.  In addition to close cooperation to ensure a safe and successful tournament for the upcoming World Cup, the 2022 World Cup, and later consultations before organizing the tournament in North America in 2026, as well as coordination in the field of combating terrorism and cybersecurity, and supporting the international effort in that.  On the other hand, US Senator Chris Murphy told Al Jazeera that he hopes "with Qatar's help we can get all parties back to the nuclear agreement."  Murphy added that they are very grateful for Doha's role in trying to bring the Iranians to the negotiating table.  He also expressed his hope for holding a regional security dialogue, stressing that Qatar is ready to be a major player in this.

In the first summit with a Gulf leader Biden discusses regional and international files with Sheikh Tamim and declares Qatar a major ally

US President Joe Biden officially informed Congress of Qatar's designation as a major non-NATO ally, after talks with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, in his first summit meeting with a Gulf leader in the White House since he took office a year ago.

Biden said designating Qatar as a key ally of the United States is "a recognition of our national interest in deepening defense and security cooperation with it."

At the beginning of his meeting with the Emir of Qatar at the White House on Monday, he stressed that the partnership between the two parties is pivotal in many vital interests of both countries, and indicated that his talks with Sheikh Tamim include security in the Gulf and the Middle East, and the stability of global energy supplies.

The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) said that designating Qatar as a major non-NATO ally will open the door to multiple opportunities for defense cooperation.

For his part, the Emir of Qatar said that his talks with the US President were fruitful, and they dealt with regional and international developments in the context of the strategic partnership that unites the two countries.

He added in a tweet on Twitter that this partnership "is getting stronger day by day to achieve peace and stability in the region."

He had indicated earlier that he would discuss with the US President a number of issues in the region, including the rights of the Palestinian people, reiterating his country's pride in what was achieved in the evacuations in Afghanistan, and stressing the continuation of work for peace in the region.

For his part, Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said that the Qatari side's conversations with the Iranians and Americans are not a transfer of messages, and that Doha sees the return to the nuclear agreement as a factor of stability for the region.

He added - in an interview with Al Jazeera - that Doha is taking advantage of the open channels with Washington and Tehran to "bring the views closer", and it is interested in reaching an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, because that is a factor of stability for the region, as he put it.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani described Iran as a neighboring country and part of the region, stressing that Tehran expresses its desire for good neighborliness and that Doha supports presenting the concerns of all parties for discussion.

Meeting with the Ministers of Defense and Internal Security
Prior to the summit between Sheikh Tamim and Biden, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin received the Emir of the State of Qatar at the Pentagon, where talks lasted about an hour.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad said that he had a fruitful meeting with the US Secretary of Defense.
In a tweet on Twitter, the emir announced that the results of the meeting will enhance strategic and military cooperation between Doha and Washington, stressing that the joint efforts between them are entirely directed towards peace and stability in the region and the world.

In turn, the US Secretary of Defense said that his country is committed to making the partnership with Qatar more powerful than it is now.

He also expressed his gratitude for Doha's continued support in the Afghan crisis, and for hosting it by US forces at Al Udeid base.

The Amiri Diwan in Qatar stated that Austin stressed that the confidence in the Emir as a leader and a reliable partner will enhance defense relations, in light of the two countries continuing their efforts to ensure security and stability in the region, achieve common goals, resolve conflicts, provide humanitarian support to civilians and reduce tensions.

The Amiri Diwan statement stated that the meeting " also discussed the strategic cooperation relations between the two countries in the defense, military and security fields, and discussed regional and international developments, especially the joint efforts of the two countries to establish peace and stability in the region."

Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted a US Defense Department official as saying that the talks came to confirm the strength of the partnership between the two countries.

The US official added that the discussions included common security interests, the situation in Afghanistan, reducing tensions in the Middle East, in addition to defense cooperation.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the talks between Sheikh Tamim and Austin are the third in the past few months, after phone consultations at the end of last August, and the minister's visit to Doha to thank the Qatari leadership for supporting the withdrawal efforts from Afghanistan.

Earlier, the Emir of Qatar received US Secretary of National Security Alejandro Mayorcas, and the two sides reviewed cooperation relations and ways to develop and strengthen them in various fields, especially in the security field.

Al-Jazeera correspondent Wajd Waqfi said that an agreement was also signed between Qatar Airways and the American company "Boeing", according to which Qatar Airways will sell 34 cargo planes, in addition to a memorandum of understanding to sell it also about 50 passenger transport aircraft, to be delivered within 5 years.

Briefing to an American official on the visit
And prior to the US-Qatari summit between Biden and Sheikh Tamim at the White House, a high-ranking US official was briefed about the visit.

The US official said, in a telephone briefing, that Washington had worked on programming this visit for a while, noting that the Emir of the State of Qatar is the first leader of a Gulf country to visit Washington this year.

He pointed out that the Emir of Qatar's visit to Washington comes at the right time, and is an important opportunity for consultations on a range of regional and global issues.

The US official expressed his country's gratitude to the State of Qatar for the tremendous support and assistance it provided in Afghanistan, and for its involvement in the efforts to resettle tens of thousands since last August, in addition to that, before that, it was a partner in supporting the peace process.

He explained that Washington is discussing with its various partners, these days, the issue of supplying energy to Europe in the event of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and that President Biden will raise, in his talks with the Emir of Qatar, the diplomatic efforts of the United States and its European partners to reach a diplomatic solution to the crisis, and the possible response in the event of the Russian invasion. for Ukraine.

The US official pointed out that Qatar stood by the United States in the fight against terrorism and the classification of organizations and networks in the list of terrorism.

Stronger than ever
The Qatari and American sides agree to describe the relationship between them as stronger than ever.

They demonstrate this by a number of strategic files in which they are involved, foremost among which is cooperation in the field of regional security and urgent global issues, especially in Afghanistan, where Doha played a pivotal role in facilitating the American withdrawal, transferring American, foreign and Afghan nationals wishing to leave, as well as supporting political stability and humanitarian work. The cooperation culminated in the signing of an agreement under which Qatar sponsors US interests in Afghanistan.

In addition to this, cooperation in other regional files, including the Palestinian issue, the Iranian nuclear program, the war in Yemen, Syria and the Horn of Africa, and the issue of support for the displaced and displaced. The two countries also meet in a broad defense and military partnership.

In Washington's opinion, Qatar is an important partner in promoting regional stability, not only by hosting US forces at Al Udeid base, which provides security throughout the region, but also by providing economic and humanitarian aid in difficult times.

On the economic front, the two sides have an economic partnership worth hundreds of billions of dollars in the fields of trade and investment.

In addition to the close cooperation in the field of health, especially the field of disease control, as it has emerged in the Qatari contributions to support efforts to combat the Corona pandemic in the United States and at the global level.

In addition to close cooperation to ensure a safe and successful tournament for the upcoming World Cup, the 2022 World Cup, and later consultations before organizing the tournament in North America in 2026, as well as coordination in the field of combating terrorism and cybersecurity, and supporting the international effort in that.

On the other hand, US Senator Chris Murphy told Al Jazeera that he hopes "with Qatar's help we can get all parties back to the nuclear agreement."

Murphy added that they are very grateful for Doha's role in trying to bring the Iranians to the negotiating table.

He also expressed his hope for holding a regional security dialogue, stressing that Qatar is ready to be a major player in this.

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