Taliban denies UN allegations of killing former Afghan officials

"طالبان" تنفي مزاعم الأمم المتحدة بقتلها مسؤولين أفغان سابقين زعم تقرير للأمم المتحدة أن حركة طالبان قتلت أكثر من 100 جندي ومسؤول أفغاني منذ استيلائها على السلطة في أغسطس/آب الماضي، وهو ما نفته الحركة. ذبيح الله مجاهد المتحدث باسم الحكومة الأفغانية المؤقتة (AA) تابعنا تابعنا نفت حركة "طالبان" الاثنين صحة ادعاء الأمم المتحدة أن مقاتلي الحركة قتلوا أكثر من 100 مسؤول أفغاني سابق منذ توليها السلطة في أغسطس/آب الماضي.  وقال ذبيح الله مجاهد المتحدث باسم الحكومة المؤقتة في تغريدة عبر تويتر إن معلومات الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة عن مقتل مئات من أعضاء الحكومة السابقة بعد تولينا السلطة "غير صحيحة".  وأضاف أنه "بعد العفو العام لا يسمح لأحد بإيذاء أحد".  وأكد أنه "إذا كانت توجد أي من عمليات القتل المزعومة نتيجة انتقام شخصي، فسيجري التحقيق مع الجناة ومعاقبتهم".  وفي بيان منفصل نفت وزارة الداخلية المؤقتة التقرير الأممي.  واستطردت بأن "بعض الحوادث التي استُهدف فيها مسؤولون عسكريون في الإدارة السابقة على أساس العداء الشخصي تخضع للتحقيق".  وطالبت الوزارة الأمم المتحدة بعدم الاعتماد على معلومات من "دوائر متحيزة" وأن تكون "مدركة للحقائق".  وفي تقرير لمجلس الأمن الدولي قال الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش إنه توجد "مزاعم موثوقة" بأن "طالبان" قتلت أكثر من 100 جندي ومسؤول أفغاني منذ أغسطس/آب الماضي.  وأضاف التقرير أن أكثر من ثلثَي الضحايا قُتلوا خارج نطاق القضاء على يد "طالبان" أو الجماعات التابعة لها.  ودخلت "طالبان" العاصمة كابل في 15 أغسطس/آب 2021 من دون مقاومة من الجيش الأفغاني أو رئيس البلاد أشرف غني الذي فر خارج البلاد.  ووعدت الحركة بعفو عام عن المرتبطين بالحكومة السابقة والقوات الدولية.   Taliban denies UN allegations of killing former Afghan officials  A United Nations report claimed that the Taliban had killed more than 100 Afghan soldiers and officials since seizing power last August, which the movement denied.  The "Taliban" movement on Monday denied the validity of the United Nations' claim that the movement's fighters had killed more than 100 former Afghan officials since it took power last August.  Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the interim government, said in a tweet via Twitter that the information of the Secretary-General of the United Nations about the killing of hundreds of members of the previous government after we took power was "incorrect."  He added that "after the general amnesty, no one is allowed to harm anyone."  "If there are any of the alleged killings as a result of personal revenge, the perpetrators will be investigated and punished," he stressed.  In a separate statement, the Interim Ministry of the Interior denied the UN report.  "Some incidents in which military officials in the previous administration were targeted on the basis of personal hostility are under investigation," she added.  The ministry called on the United Nations not to rely on information from "biased circles" and to be "aware of the facts."  In a report to the UN Security Council, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said there were "credible allegations" that the Taliban had killed more than 100 Afghan soldiers and officials since last August.  The report added that more than two-thirds of the victims were extrajudicially killed by the "Taliban" or its affiliated groups.  The "Taliban" entered the capital, Kabul, on August 15, 2021, without resistance from the Afghan army or the country's president, Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country.  The movement promised a general amnesty for those associated with the former government and international forces.

Taliban denies UN allegations of killing former Afghan officials

A United Nations report claimed that the Taliban had killed more than 100 Afghan soldiers and officials since seizing power last August, which the movement denied.

The "Taliban" movement on Monday denied the validity of the United Nations' claim that the movement's fighters had killed more than 100 former Afghan officials since it took power last August.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the interim government, said in a tweet via Twitter that the information of the Secretary-General of the United Nations about the killing of hundreds of members of the previous government after we took power was "incorrect."

He added that "after the general amnesty, no one is allowed to harm anyone."

"If there are any of the alleged killings as a result of personal revenge, the perpetrators will be investigated and punished," he stressed.

In a separate statement, the Interim Ministry of the Interior denied the UN report.

"Some incidents in which military officials in the previous administration were targeted on the basis of personal hostility are under investigation," she added.

The ministry called on the United Nations not to rely on information from "biased circles" and to be "aware of the facts."

In a report to the UN Security Council, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said there were "credible allegations" that the Taliban had killed more than 100 Afghan soldiers and officials since last August.

The report added that more than two-thirds of the victims were extrajudicially killed by the "Taliban" or its affiliated groups.

The "Taliban" entered the capital, Kabul, on August 15, 2021, without resistance from the Afghan army or the country's president, Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country.

The movement promised a general amnesty for those associated with the former government and international forces.

उडुपी हिजाब विवाद: छात्रा ने कर्नाटक हाईकोर्ट में दायर की याचिका उडुपी में सरकारी पीयू कॉलेज ने कई मुस्लिम लड़कियों को हिजाब पहनने के चलते कक्षाओं में एंट्री से रोक दिया था  मुस्लिम छात्राओं को कर्नाटक के उडुपी में एक प्री-यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज ने हिजाब (Udupi Hijab controversy) पहनने के चलते एंट्री से इनकार कर दिया था, इसके बाद अब एक छात्रा ने 31 जनवरी को कर्नाटक हाई कोर्ट में याचिका दायर की है.  इस याचिका में मांग की गई कि छात्रों को हिजाब पहनकर कॉलेज में जाने का अधिकार दिया जाए. याचिका में ये भी मांग की गई कि उन्हें बिना किसी हस्तक्षेप के अपनी कक्षाओं में बैठने दिया जाए.  संवैधानिक अधिकारों का उल्लंघन- याचिका में तर्क  उडुपी में सरकारी पीयू कॉलेज ने 28 दिसंबर 2021 को कई मुस्लिम लड़कियों को कक्षाओं में एंट्री से रोक दिया था, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी धार्मिक परंपराओं के अनुसार अपनी स्कूल यूनिफॉर्म के साथ हिजाब (हेडस्कार्फ) पहनने की मांग की थी.  रहमान फारूक द्वारा दायर रिट याचिका में तर्क दिया गया है कि हिजाब पहनना लड़कियों की आवश्यक धार्मिक प्रथाओं का हिस्सा है और इसलिए उन्हें कॉलेज में एंट्री से इस आधार पर रोकना, अनुच्छेद 25 के तहत अपने धर्म का पालन करने के उनके मौलिक अधिकार का उल्लंघन है. साथ ही संविधान के अनुच्छेद 14 (समान व्यवहार का अधिकार) का भी उल्लंघन है.  लाइव लॉ की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक याचिका में आगे कहा गया है कि इन मौलिक अधिकारों की रक्षा करना राज्य सरकार का कर्तव्य है और कॉलेज प्रशासन की कार्रवाई असंवैधानिक और मनमानी है. ये याचिका फारूक ने दायर की जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व वकील शतबिश शिवन्ना, अर्नव ए बगलवाड़ी और अभिषेक जनार्दन ने किया है.  इसमें ये भी बताया गया है कि "जिस तरह से कॉलेज ने याचिकाकर्ता को बाहर किया है, वह न केवल उसके बैचमेट्स के बीच बल्कि पूरे कॉलेज के बच्चों के बीच एक कलंक पैदा करता है जो बदले में मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के साथ-साथ याचिकाकर्ता के भविष्य को भी प्रभावित करेगा." कागज पर कोई नियम नहीं -प्रिंसिपल कॉलेज प्रशासन का इसपर कहना है कि धार्मिक प्रतीकों को पहनने के खिलाफ उनका लंबे समय से नियम रहा है, हालांकि द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस के अनुसार प्रिंसिपल ने स्वीकार किया कि इसके लिए कागज पर कोई नियम नहीं था.  राज्य सरकार के स्नातक शिक्षा विभाग के पास वर्दी पर कोई व्यापक नियम नहीं है, इसे अलग-अलग संस्थानों में अपने नियम बनाने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाता है. कर्नाटक सरकार ने इस मामले को देखने के लिए एक कमेटी नियुक्त की है, जबकि स्कूल ने छात्राओं को सलाह दी है कि जब तक राज्य सरकार कोई समाधान नहीं निकालती, तब तक वे ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं का विकल्प चुनें.  इस बीच, राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC) ने गुरुवार 27 जनवरी को विवाद को लेकर कर्नाटक सरकार को नोटिस जारी किया. नोटिस में कहा गया है, "मामले के तथ्य परेशान करने वाले हैं. शिकायत में लगाए गए आरोप 'शिक्षा के अधिकार' से जुड़े गंभीर प्रकृति के हैं. इसलिए इस मामले में पीड़ित छात्रों के मानवाधिकारों का गंभीर उल्लंघन शामिल है." उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव उडुपी के जिलाधिकारी को नोटिस भेजकर चार सप्ताह में रिपोर्ट मांगी गयी है.    Udupi hijab controversy: Girl student files petition in Karnataka High Court Government PU College in Udupi barred many Muslim girls from entering classes for wearing hijab  Muslim girl students were denied entry by a pre-university college in Udupi, Karnataka for wearing hijab ( Udupi Hijab controversy ), after which a student has now filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court on January 31.  In this petition, it was demanded that the students should be given the right to go to the college wearing hijab. The petition also demanded that they be allowed to sit in their classes without any interference.  Udupi hijab controversy: Girl student files petition in Karnataka High Court Government PU College in Udupi barred many Muslim girls from entering classes for wearing hijab  Muslim girl students were denied entry by a pre-university college in Udupi, Karnataka for wearing hijab ( Udupi Hijab controversy ), after which a student has now filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court on January 31.  In this petition, it was demanded that the students should be given the right to go to the college wearing hijab. The petition also demanded that they be allowed to sit in their classes without any interference.  Violation of constitutional rights- argument in the petition  The Government PU College in Udupi on 28 December 2021 barred several Muslim girls from entering classes after they demanded that they wear a hijab (headscarf) along with their school uniform in accordance with their religious traditions.  The writ petition filed by Rehman Farooq has argued that wearing hijab is part of the essential religious practices of girls and hence barring them from admission to college on the ground violates their fundamental right to practice their religion under Article 25 . It is also a violation of Article 14 (right to equal treatment) of the Constitution.  According to the report of Live Law, the petition further states that it is the duty of the state government to protect these fundamental rights and the action of the college administration is unconstitutional and arbitrary. The petition was filed by Farooq, represented by advocates Shatabish Shivana, Arnav A Bagalwadi and Abhishek Janardhan.  It also states that "the manner in which the college has singled out the petitioner, it creates a stigma not only among his batchmates but also among the children of the entire college which in turn affects the mental health as well as the future of the petitioner". will also affect it."  No rules on paper - Principal The college administration maintains that they have a long-standing rule against wearing religious symbols, although the principal admitted that there was no rule on paper for this, according to The Indian Express.  The state government's graduate education department does not have any comprehensive rules on uniform, leaving it to individual institutions to make their own rules. The Karnataka government has appointed a committee to look into the matter, while the school has advised girl students to opt for online classes till the state government comes up with a solution.  Meanwhile, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Thursday, January 27, issued a notice to the Karnataka government over the controversy. The notice said, " The facts of the case are disturbing. The allegations made in the complaint are of serious nature relating to 'right to education'. Therefore, the case involves serious violation of human rights of the aggrieved students." A report has been sought in four weeks by sending a notice to the Udupi District Magistrate, Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department.

Udupi hijab controversy: Girl student files petition in Karnataka High Court

Government PU College in Udupi barred many Muslim girls from entering classes for wearing hijab

Muslim girl students were denied entry by a pre-university college in Udupi, Karnataka for wearing hijab ( Udupi Hijab controversy ), after which a student has now filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court on January 31.

In this petition, it was demanded that the students should be given the right to go to the college wearing hijab. The petition also demanded that they be allowed to sit in their classes without any interference.

Udupi hijab controversy: Girl student files petition in Karnataka High Court
Government PU College in Udupi barred many Muslim girls from entering classes for wearing hijab

Muslim girl students were denied entry by a pre-university college in Udupi, Karnataka for wearing hijab ( Udupi Hijab controversy ), after which a student has now filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court on January 31.

In this petition, it was demanded that the students should be given the right to go to the college wearing hijab. The petition also demanded that they be allowed to sit in their classes without any interference.

Violation of constitutional rights- argument in the petition 
The Government PU College in Udupi on 28 December 2021 barred several Muslim girls from entering classes after they demanded that they wear a hijab (headscarf) along with their school uniform in accordance with their religious traditions.

The writ petition filed by Rehman Farooq has argued that wearing hijab is part of the essential religious practices of girls and hence barring them from admission to college on the ground violates their fundamental right to practice their religion under Article 25 . It is also a violation of Article 14 (right to equal treatment) of the Constitution.

According to the report of Live Law, the petition further states that it is the duty of the state government to protect these fundamental rights and the action of the college administration is unconstitutional and arbitrary. The petition was filed by Farooq, represented by advocates Shatabish Shivana, Arnav A Bagalwadi and Abhishek Janardhan.

It also states that "the manner in which the college has singled out the petitioner, it creates a stigma not only among his batchmates but also among the children of the entire college which in turn affects the mental health as well as the future of the petitioner". will also affect it."

No rules on paper - Principal
The college administration maintains that they have a long-standing rule against wearing religious symbols, although the principal admitted that there was no rule on paper for this, according to The Indian Express.

The state government's graduate education department does not have any comprehensive rules on uniform, leaving it to individual institutions to make their own rules. The Karnataka government has appointed a committee to look into the matter, while the school has advised girl students to opt for online classes till the state government comes up with a solution.

Meanwhile, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Thursday, January 27, issued a notice to the Karnataka government over the controversy. The notice said, " The facts of the case are disturbing. The allegations made in the complaint are of serious nature relating to 'right to education'. Therefore, the case involves serious violation of human rights of the aggrieved students." A report has been sought in four weeks by sending a notice to the Udupi District Magistrate, Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department.

ئەنگىلىيەدە ئۇيغۇر مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكى بىلەن ئىشلەنگەن سەھىيە مەھسۇلاتلىرىنى چەكلەش تەلەپ قىلىندى  31-يانۋار كۈنى ئەنگلىيە پارلامېنتى يۇقىرى پالاتاسىدا ئەنگلىيەنىڭ سەھىيە ۋە مۇلازىمەت قانۇن لايىھەسىگە تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش ھەققىدە بىر مۇنازىرە ئۆتكۈزۈلدى. بۇ تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش تەكلىپى ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق خەۋپى مەۋجۇت» دەپ قارالغان جايلاردىن سەھىيە بۇيۇملىرىنى سېتىۋېلىشىنى چەكلەيدىكەن.  پارتىيەلەر ئارا ئوتتۇرىغا قويۇلغان بۇ تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش تەكلىپى يۇقىرى پالاتا ئەزاسى بىلېنكاترانىڭ تەكلىپى بىلەن تەييارلانغان. بۇ ھەقتە ئېلان قىلىنغان باياناتتىن قارىغاندا ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتى كورونا ۋىرۇسى يۇقۇمى باشلانغاندىن بۇيان نەچچە يۈز مىليون فوندستېرلىڭ قىممىتىدىكى ساقلىقنى ساقلاش ئۈسكۈنىلىرىنىڭ ھەممىسىنى ياكى مۇتلەق كۆپ قىسمىنى خىتايدىن سېتىۋالغان. ھەرقايسى ئاممىۋى تەشكىلاتلار، سىياسىيونلار ۋە ئىشچىلار ئويۇشمىلىرى ھۆكۈمەتنىڭ بۇ ئۈسكۈنىلەرنى سېتىۋالغاندا ئۇلارنىڭ كېلىش مەنبەسى قەيەر، ئۇلارنىڭ كىشىلىك ھوقۇق دەپسەندىچىلىكى بىلەن چېتىشلىقى بار-يوقلىغىنى تەكشۈرۈشتەك تېگىشلىك مەسئۇلىيىتىنى ئورۇندىغان ياكى ئورۇندىمىغانلىقىدىن گۇمان قىلىدىكەن. ئۇنىڭ ئۈستىگە ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ يېقىندا مەجبۇرىي ئەمگەك بىلەن بۇلغانغانلىق ئېھتىمالى ئىنتايىن يۇقىرى بولغان بىر شىركەت بىلەن ساقلىقنى ساقلاش ئۈسكۈنىلىرىنى سېتىۋېلىش توختامى تۈزگەنلىكى ھەققىدە خەۋەر چىققان ئىكەن.  مانا مۇشۇ سەۋەبلەر تۈپەيلىدىن بىرقىسىم ئەنگلىيە پارلامېنت ئەزالىرى ھەرىكەتكە ئۆتۈپ ئەنگلىيەنىڭ سەھىيە ۋە ساغلاملىق خىزمەتلىرى قانۇن لايىھەسىگە تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش ئارقىلىق ئەنگلىيەنىڭ سەھىيە-ساغلاملىق ساھەسىنىڭ ئۇيغۇر ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقى ۋە مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكىگە چېتىلىپ قالماسلىقىغا كاپالەتلىك قىلماقچى بولغان.  مەزكۇر تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش پىلانىنى ئوتتۇرىغا قويغان يۇقىرى پالاتا ئەزاسى بىلېنكاترانت 31-يانۋار كۈنى ئەنگلىيە يۇقىرى پالاتاسىدىكى مۇنازىرىدە قىلغان سۆزىدە مۇنداق دېدى: «زامانىۋى قۇللۇققا قارشى تۇرۇشتا دۇنيانى يېتەكلىگەن ئەنگلىيە ھازىر ئارقىدا قالدى… ئەنگلىيە باج تاپشۇرغۇچى خەلقىنى ساقلىقنى ساقلاش ئۈسكۈنىلىرىنى سېتىۋېلىش ئارقىلىق ئۇيغۇرلارغا قىلىنىۋاتقان زىيانكەشلىككە ئورتاقلاشتۇردى. بىز بىر جان قۇتقۇزۇش بەدىلىگە بىر جاننى قۇربان قىلماسلىقىمىز كېرەك».  يۇقىرى پالاتا ئەزاسى لىز سوگ بولسا سۆزىدە «بىزنىڭ سەھىيە خىزمەتچىلىرىمىز ئالدىدا ۋە ساقلىقنى ساقلاش مۇلازىمىتىمىزنى قوللانغۇچىلار ئالدىدىمۇ مەسئۇلىيىتىمىز بار، بىز ئۇلارنى دەپسەندىچىلىك بىلەن بۇلغانمىغان مەھسۇلاتلار بىلەن تەمىنلەشكە كاپالەتلىك قىلىشىمىز كېرەك» دېگەن.  ئەنگلىيەدىكى سىياسەت تەتقىقاتچىسى، «خىتاي ئىشلىرى بويىچە خەلقئارا پارلامېنتلار ھەمكارلىقى» نىڭ باش ماسلاشتۇرغۇچىسى لۇك دې پۇلفورت ئەپەندىنىڭ رادىيومىزغا بىلدۈرۈشىچە، مەزكۇر تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش تەكلىپىدە ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتى ئۇيغۇر مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكىگە چېتىشلىق ساغلاملىق-سەھىيە مەھسۇلاتلىرىنى سېتىۋېلىشتىن چەكلەنگەندىن سىرت يەنە، ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ رايوندىكى «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق خەۋپى» نى تەكشۈرۈشى تەلەپ قىلىنىدىكەن. ئۇ مۇنداق دەيدۇ:  «بۇ تۈزىتىش كىرگۈزۈش تەكلىپىنىڭ بىر قانچە خىل مەقسىتى بار. بىرىنچىدىن، بۇ، ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ ئۇيغۇر مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكى بىلەن بۇلغانغان ساقلىقنى ساقلاش بۇيۇملىرى ۋە باشقا سەھىيە ئۈسكۈنىلىرىنى سېتىۋېلىشىنى چەكلەپ، ئەنگلىيەنىڭ سەھىيە مۇلازىمىتى تەمىنلەش زەنجىرىنى تازىلاشنى مەقسەت قىلىدۇ. ئىككىنچىدىن، بۇ تەكلىپ ئارقىلىق ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ رايوندىكى ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق خەۋپىنى تەكشۈرۈشى تەلەپ قىلىنىدۇ. ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتى ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىققا قارشى تۇرۇش ئەھدىنامىسىگە قول قويغان دۆلەت بولۇش سۈپىتى بىلەن ئۇنىڭ ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق خەۋپىگە قارشى ھەرىكەتكە ئۆتۈش مەجبۇرىيىتى بار. بۇنىڭغا ئاساسەن ئەنگلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىگە باھالاش قىلىپ ئىككى ئاي ئىچىدە دوكلات تەييارلاش ھەققىدە بېسىم مېخانىزمى شەكىللەندۈرۈلىدۇ. ئۇيغۇر ئېلىدا ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىقنىڭ ئالامەتلىرىنىڭ ئىنتايىن روشەنلىكىنى نەزەردە تۇتقاندا دوكلاتمۇ شۇ بويىچە نەتىجىلىنىدۇ ۋە ھۆكۈمەت ئۇيغۇر رايونىدىكى تەمىنلەش زەنجىرلىرى بىلەن ئالاقىسىنى ئۈزىدۇ. شۇڭا بۇ ئىنتايىن مۇھىم بىر تەكلىپ».  مەزكۇر تەكلىپنىڭ ئەنگلىيە يۇقىرى پالاتاسىدا مۇنازىرىگە قويۇلىدىغانلىقى مۇناسىۋىتى بىلەن ئەنگلىيەدىكى كىشىلىك ھوقۇق ۋە ئەمگەك ھوقۇقى ئورگانلىرى پائالىيەتلەرنى ئۇيۇشتۇرۇش ئارقىلىق بۇ تەكلىپكە ئاۋاز قوشقان. ئەنگلىيەدىكى چوڭ خەلقئارالىق ئورگانلاردىن «خەلقئارا قۇللۇققا قارشى تۇرۇش تەشكىلاتى» مەخسۇس بىر ئىمزا قويۇش ھەرىكىتى باشلىغان بولۇپ، ئۇلار بۇ ھەقتىكى باياناتىدا مۇنداق دېگەن: «ھازىر، خىتاي ھۆكۈمىتى شىنجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونىدىكى جازا لاگېرلىرى ۋە تۈرمىلەرگە 1 مىليوندىن ئارتۇق ئۇيغۇر ۋە باشقا تۈركىي مىللەتلەرنى سولىدى. مەجبۇرىي ئەمگەك بولسا رايوندىكى ۋە خىتاينىڭ ھەرقايسى جايلىرىدىكى كونترول سىستېمىسىنىڭ مۇھىم بىر قىسمىنى تەشكىل قىلىدۇ. ئېچىنارلىقى، نۇرغۇنلىغان داڭلىق ماركىلارنى ئۆز ئىچىگە ئالغان دۆلەت ھالقىغان شىركەتلەر بۇ زامانىۋى قۇللۇقتىن پايدا ئېلىۋاتىدۇ. ئەنگلىيە شىركەتلىرىمۇ ئوخشاش. كىشىنى ئەپسۇسلاندۇرىدىغىنى شۇكى، خىتاي ھۆكۈمىتىنىڭ بېسىمى سەۋەبىدىن بۇ شىركەتلەر ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭ مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكىگە قارشى تۇرۇش سىياسەتلىرىنى بىكار قىلىۋاتىدۇ. شۇڭا شىركەتلەرنىڭ تەمىنلەش زەنجىرلىرىدە مەجبۇرىيەت ئەمگىكى ياكى باشقا كىشىلىك ھوقۇق دەپسەندىچىلىكلىرىنىڭ مەۋجۇت بولماسلىقىغا كاپالەتلىك قىلىش شىركەتنىڭ ئىختىيارلىقى بىلەن ئەمەس، بەلكى ئۇ چوقۇم قانۇن ئارقىلىق مەجبۇرلىنىشى كېرەك».  مەزكۇر ئورگان باياناتى ئاخىرىدا ئەنگلىيە پارلامېنت ئەزالىرىنى دەرھال مەخسۇس شىركەتلەرنىڭ ئۇيغۇر مەجبۇرىي ئەمگىكىدىن پايدا ئېلىشتىن چەكلەيدىغان قانۇن چىقىرىشنى تەلەپ قىلغان ۋە بۇ چاقىرىققا كەڭ ئەنگلىيە ئاممىسىنى ئىمزا قويۇشقا دەۋەت قىلغان.  لۇك دې پۇلفورتنىڭ رادىيومىزغا ئېيتىشىچە، مەزكۇر تەكلىپ بۈگۈن يۇقىرى پالاتادا ئوتتۇرىغا قويۇلغاندا پارلامېنتتىكى كونسېرۋاتىپلار پارتىيەسى، ئىشچىلار پارتىيەسى ۋە باشقا ئۆكتىچى پارتىيەلەرنىڭ كۆپ ساندىكى ئەزالىرىنىڭ قوللىشىغا ئېرىشكەن بولۇپ، بۇ تەكلىپ ئالدىمىزدىكى كۈنلەردە بىر قانچە باسقۇچلۇق پارلامېنتتىكى ئاۋازغا قويۇلۇشلاردىن ئۆتىدىكەن.  مەزكۇر چاقىرىق دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيىنىڭ ئەنگىلىيە ۋەكىلى رەھىمە مەھمۇت خانىم بىلەن بىرلىكتە ئېلان قىلىنغان. رەھىمە خانىم يەنە ئەنگىلىيەدىكى «پارلامېنت» ناملىق تور ژورنىلىدىمۇ مەخسۇس ماقالە ئېلان قىلىپ ئەنگىلىيە پارلامېنتىنى ۋە ئەنگىلىيە ھۆكۈمىتىنى ئۇيغۇرلارغا قارىتىلىۋاتقان ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق ۋە مەجبۇرىي ئەمگەككە قارشى تۇرۇشتا ئەمەلىي ھەرىكەت قىلىشقا چاقىرغان.   UK calls for ban on Uyghur forced labor  A debate was held in the upper house of the UK Parliament on 31 January on amending the UK Health and Service Bill. The proposed amendment would ban the UK government from purchasing health care products from areas considered "at risk of genocide."  The proposed inter-party amendment was prepared at the suggestion of Senator Blinkatra. According to a statement, the British government has purchased all or the vast majority of health care worth hundreds of millions of pounds worth of health care equipment from China since the outbreak of the coronavirus. Various NGOs, politicians, and trade unions are questioning whether the government has done its due diligence when it comes to purchasing the equipment, and where it originates, and whether it is involved in human rights abuses.  It is for this reason that some British MPs have taken action to amend the UK Health and Safety Act to ensure that the UK health care sector does not become involved in the Uyghur genocide and forced labor.  "The UK, which has led the world in the fight against modern slavery, is now lagging behind ... We must not sacrifice one life for the sake of saving one life. "  "We have a responsibility to our health care providers and to our health care providers, and we need to make sure that we do not defraud them," said Sen. Liz Sog.  Mr Luke de Pulford, a policy analyst in the UK and co-ordinator of the International Parliamentary Cooperation on China Affairs, told our radio that the amendment proposal not only prohibits the UK government from buying health-related health-related products from the UK, but also the UK government in the region. Verification required. He says:  "It simply came to our notice then. First, it aims to clear the UK health care supply chain by banning the UK government from purchasing health care products and other health equipment contaminated with Uyghur forced labor. Second, the proposal calls for the British government to investigate the risk of genocide in the region. As a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the British Government has a duty to take action against the threat of genocide. Based on this, a pressure mechanism will be set up for the UK government to prepare a report within two months of the assessment. Given the very clear signs of genocide in the Uyghur Autonomous Region, the report is similar, and the government has cut ties with the supply chain in the Uyghur region. So this is a very important proposal. "  Human rights and labor rights groups in the UK have voted in favor of the bill, which is being debated in the UK House of Representatives. The International Organization Against Slavery has launched a special signing campaign from major international organizations in the UK, which said in a statement: Forced labor forms an important part of the control system in the region and throughout China. Unfortunately, multinational corporations, including many well-known brands, are benefiting from this modern slavery. The same is true of British companies. Sadly, due to pressure from the Chinese government, these companies are abolishing the policy of forcing Uyghurs to work. Therefore, it is not the company's discretion to ensure that there is no compulsory labor or other human rights abuses in the supply chains of the companies, but it must be enforced by law. "  The organisation's statement at the end of the day called on British lawmakers to immediately pass legislation banning companies from profiting from Uyghur forced labor, and called on the general public to sign the call.  Luke De Pulfort told our radio that the proposal, which was tabled in the upper house today, had the support of a majority of members of the Conservative Party, the Labor Party and other opposition parties in the House of Representatives, which will go to the polls in the next few days.  The call was made jointly with Ms. Rahima Mahmood, the British Representative of the World Uyghur Congress. Ms Rahima also published a special article in the British online journal Parliament calling on the British Parliament and the British Government to take practical steps to combat genocide and forced labor against the Uyghurs.

UK calls for ban on Uyghur forced labor

A debate was held in the upper house of the UK Parliament on 31 January on amending the UK Health and Service Bill. The proposed amendment would ban the UK government from purchasing health care products from areas considered "at risk of genocide."

The proposed inter-party amendment was prepared at the suggestion of Senator Blinkatra. According to a statement, the British government has purchased all or the vast majority of health care worth hundreds of millions of pounds worth of health care equipment from China since the outbreak of the coronavirus. Various NGOs, politicians, and trade unions are questioning whether the government has done its due diligence when it comes to purchasing the equipment, and where it originates, and whether it is involved in human rights abuses.

It is for this reason that some British MPs have taken action to amend the UK Health and Safety Act to ensure that the UK health care sector does not become involved in the Uyghur genocide and forced labor.

"The UK, which has led the world in the fight against modern slavery, is now lagging behind ... We must not sacrifice one life for the sake of saving one life. "

"We have a responsibility to our health care providers and to our health care providers, and we need to make sure that we do not defraud them," said Sen. Liz Sog.

Mr Luke de Pulford, a policy analyst in the UK and co-ordinator of the International Parliamentary Cooperation on China Affairs, told our radio that the amendment proposal not only prohibits the UK government from buying health-related health-related products from the UK, but also the UK government in the region. Verification required. He says:

"It simply came to our notice then. First, it aims to clear the UK health care supply chain by banning the UK government from purchasing health care products and other health equipment contaminated with Uyghur forced labor. Second, the proposal calls for the British government to investigate the risk of genocide in the region. As a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the British Government has a duty to take action against the threat of genocide. Based on this, a pressure mechanism will be set up for the UK government to prepare a report within two months of the assessment. Given the very clear signs of genocide in the Uyghur Autonomous Region, the report is similar, and the government has cut ties with the supply chain in the Uyghur region. So this is a very important proposal. "

Human rights and labor rights groups in the UK have voted in favor of the bill, which is being debated in the UK House of Representatives. The International Organization Against Slavery has launched a special signing campaign from major international organizations in the UK, which said in a statement: Forced labor forms an important part of the control system in the region and throughout China. Unfortunately, multinational corporations, including many well-known brands, are benefiting from this modern slavery. The same is true of British companies. Sadly, due to pressure from the Chinese government, these companies are abolishing the policy of forcing Uyghurs to work. Therefore, it is not the company's discretion to ensure that there is no compulsory labor or other human rights abuses in the supply chains of the companies, but it must be enforced by law. "

The organisation's statement at the end of the day called on British lawmakers to immediately pass legislation banning companies from profiting from Uyghur forced labor, and called on the general public to sign the call.

Luke De Pulfort told our radio that the proposal, which was tabled in the upper house today, had the support of a majority of members of the Conservative Party, the Labor Party and other opposition parties in the House of Representatives, which will go to the polls in the next few days.

The call was made jointly with Ms. Rahima Mahmood, the British Representative of the World Uyghur Congress. Ms Rahima also published a special article in the British online journal Parliament calling on the British Parliament and the British Government to take practical steps to combat genocide and forced labor against the Uyghurs.

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