Shock to the Center over Padma awards, all three veterans in Bengal refused to accept the honor

पद्म पुरस्कारों को लेकर केंद्र को झटका, बंगाल में तीनों दिग्गजों ने सम्मान स्वीकार करने से किया इनकार भाजपा व प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के कट्टर आलोचक रहे पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री बुद्धदेव भट्टाचार्जी कल इस सम्मान को स्वीकार करने से मना करने वाले सबसे पहले व्यक्ति थे.  केंद्र सरकार की सम्मान सूची में शामिल बंगाल के सभी तीन लोगों ने पद्म पुरस्कार को स्वीकार करने से इनकार कर दिया है. भाजपा सरकार को यह एक बड़ा झटका है, खासकर पश्चिम बंगाल से जहां पार्टी को पिछले साल चुनावी हार का सामना करना पड़ा था. भाजपा व प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के कट्टर आलोचक रहे पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री बुद्धदेव भट्टाचार्य मंगलवार को इस सम्मान को स्वीकार करने से मना करने वाले सबसे पहले व्यक्ति थे. इसके बाद राज्य के दो प्रख्यात कलाकारों, तबला वादक पंडित अनिंद्य चटर्जी और प्रख्यात गायिका संध्या मुखोपाध्याय ने भी पद्म पुरस्कार को ठुकरा दिया है.  आठ दशकों तक गायन करियर रखने वाली 90 वर्षीय संध्या मुखोपाध्याय ने चौथे सर्वोच्च नागरिक सम्मान पद्म श्री को यह कहते हुए लेने से इनकार कर दिया कि यह उनके कद के किसी व्यक्ति के लिए नहीं बल्कि एक जूनियर कलाकार के लिए उपयुक्त है. मुखोपाध्याय की बेटी सौमी सेनगुप्ता ने कहा कि जब दिल्ली से पुरस्कार के लिए फोन आया, तो उनकी मां ने वरिष्ठ अधिकारी से कहा कि उन्हें इस उम्र में पुरस्कार की पेशकश पर "अपमान" महसूस हुआ.  सेनगुप्ता ने कहा, "पद्म श्री एक जूनियर कलाकार के लिए अधिक योग्य हैं, न कि 'गीताश्री' संध्या मुखोपाध्याय के लिए. ऐसा उनके परिवार और उनके गीतों के प्रेमियों को महसूस होता है."  बंगाल के बेहतरीन गायकों में से एक, संध्या मुखोपाध्याय ने 2011 में पश्चिम बंगाल का सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार "बंग विभूषण" प्राप्त किया था, और 1970 में बेस्ट फीमेल प्लेबैक सिंगर के लिए राष्ट्रीय फिल्म पुरस्कार मिला था.  पंडित रविशंकर, उस्ताद अमजद अली खान और उस्ताद अली अकबर खान जैसे उस्तादों के साथ काम कर चुके पंडित अनिंद्य चटर्जी ने भी कहा कि उन्होंने पुरस्कार के लिए दिल्ली से फोन आने पर इसे स्वीकार करने से इनकार कर दिया.  साल 2002 में संगीत नाटक अकादमी पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने वाले प्रख्यात तबलावादक चटर्जी ने न्यूज एजेंसी पीटीआई से कहा, "मैंने विनम्रता से मना कर दिया. मैंने धन्यवाद कहा, लेकिन मैं अपने करियर के इस चरण में पद्म श्री प्राप्त करने के लिए तैयार नहीं हूं. मैंने उस चरण को पार कर लिया है."  कल बुद्धदेव भट्टाचार्य, जिन्हें तीसरे सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित किया जाना था, ने तुरंत एक बयान जारी कर इस सम्मान को अस्वीकार किया.  बंगाली में जारी इस बयान में कहा गया है, "मैं पद्म भूषण के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता. किसी ने मुझे इसके बारे में कुछ नहीं बताया. अगर वास्तव में उन्होंने मुझे पद्म भूषण दिया है, तो मैं इसे अस्वीकार करता हूं."  आपको बता दें कि प्रोटोकॉल के तहत, पुरस्कार विजेताओं को अग्रिम रूप से पुरस्कार के बारे में सूचित किया जाता है और सूची की घोषणा उनके द्वारा पुरस्कार को स्वीकार किए जाने के बाद ही की जाती है.    Shock to the Center over Padma awards, all three veterans in Bengal refused to accept the honor Former Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, a staunch critic of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was the first to decline the honor yesterday.   All three people from Bengal included in the honor list of the central government have refused to accept the Padma award . This is a major setback to the BJP government, especially from West Bengal where the party suffered an electoral defeat last year. Former chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, a staunch critic of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was the first on Tuesday to refuse to accept the honour. After this, two eminent artists of the state, tabla player Pandit Anindya Chatterjee and eminent singer Sandhya Mukhopadhyay have also turned down the Padma award.  90-year-old Sandhya Mukhopadhyay, who has a singing career spanning eight decades, has refused to accept the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honour, saying it is not appropriate for someone of his stature but a junior artiste. Mukhopadhyay's daughter Soumi Sengupta said that when the call came from Delhi for the award, her mother told the senior officer that she felt "insulted" at being offered the award at this age.  Sengupta said, "Padma Shri deserves more for a junior artiste and not for 'Geetasree' Sandhya Mukhopadhyay. This is felt by his family and the lovers of his songs."  One of Bengal's finest singers, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay received West Bengal's highest civilian award "Bang Vibhushan" in 2011, and the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer in 1970.  Pandit Anindya Chatterjee, who has worked with masters like Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, also said that he refused to accept it when he got a call from Delhi for the award.  Noted tablaist Chatterjee, who received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2002, told news agency PTI, "I politely declined. I said thank you, but I am not ready to receive the Padma Shri at this stage of my career. I have passed that stage."  Yesterday Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, who was to be awarded the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award, immediately issued a statement rejecting the honour.  The statement, issued in Bengali, said, "I know nothing about Padma Bhushan. No one told me anything about it. If in fact they have given me Padma Bhushan, I reject it."  Let us tell you that under the protocol, the awardees are informed about the prize in advance and the list is announced only after they have accepted the prize.

Shock to the Center over Padma awards, all three veterans in Bengal refused to accept the honor

Former Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, a staunch critic of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was the first to decline the honor yesterday.

All three people from Bengal included in the honor list of the central government have refused to accept the Padma award . This is a major setback to the BJP government, especially from West Bengal where the party suffered an electoral defeat last year. Former chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, a staunch critic of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was the first on Tuesday to refuse to accept the honour. After this, two eminent artists of the state, tabla player Pandit Anindya Chatterjee and eminent singer Sandhya Mukhopadhyay have also turned down the Padma award.

90-year-old Sandhya Mukhopadhyay, who has a singing career spanning eight decades, has refused to accept the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honour, saying it is not appropriate for someone of his stature but a junior artiste. Mukhopadhyay's daughter Soumi Sengupta said that when the call came from Delhi for the award, her mother told the senior officer that she felt "insulted" at being offered the award at this age.

Sengupta said, "Padma Shri deserves more for a junior artiste and not for 'Geetasree' Sandhya Mukhopadhyay. This is felt by his family and the lovers of his songs."

One of Bengal's finest singers, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay received West Bengal's highest civilian award "Bang Vibhushan" in 2011, and the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer in 1970.

Pandit Anindya Chatterjee, who has worked with masters like Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, also said that he refused to accept it when he got a call from Delhi for the award.

Noted tablaist Chatterjee, who received the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2002, told news agency PTI, "I politely declined. I said thank you, but I am not ready to receive the Padma Shri at this stage of my career. I have passed that stage."

Yesterday Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, who was to be awarded the Padma Bhushan, the third highest civilian award, immediately issued a statement rejecting the honour.

The statement, issued in Bengali, said, "I know nothing about Padma Bhushan. No one told me anything about it. If in fact they have given me Padma Bhushan, I reject it."

Let us tell you that under the protocol, the awardees are informed about the prize in advance and the list is announced only after they have accepted the prize.

تايم: وضع نساء مسلمات في “مزاد مزيف” يقول الكثير عن التطرف الهندوسي في الهند  لندن- “القدس العربي”: نشرت مجلة “تايم” تقريرا أعدته عصمت أرا تحت عنوان “ماذا تشعرين لو كنت امرأة مسلمة تباع بمزاد على الإنترنت من قبل الجناح المتطرف بالهند”. قالت أرا إنه “مع بزوع فجر اليوم الأول من العام الجديد على نيودلهي، استيقظت لأكتشف أنني وضعت في المزاد على الإنترنت وصورة لي مرفقة بعبارات “صفقتك اليوم من بولي باي”. وكلمة بولي هي كلمة مهينة تستخدم لوصف المرأة المسلمة وباي تعني خادمتك، وهي كلمة أخرى يستخدمها اليمين المتطرف بالهند للحديث عن المرأة المسلمة”. وقالت إنها قفزت من سريرها لما قرأت ما قرأت. وأكدت الكاتبة أن ذلك الهجوم عليها جاء بعدما كتبت تقارير صحافية ناقدة للحكومة الهندية خلال العامين الماضي وتناولت فيها الهجمات على أعضاء طائفة “داليت” والجريمة ضد المرأة وجرائم الكراهية ضد المسلمين وسوء إدارة كوفيد-19.  وشددت الكاتبة على أنها تعودت على المضايقات عبر الإنترنت، ولكنها  لم تتوقع أن يصل الأمر إلى هذا الحد، وكتبت “في الحقيقة أنا واحدة من 20 صحافية في الهند تتعرض للتحرش، ولكن وضعي في مزاد؟”. وكان على القائمة 100 إمرأة أخرى، معروفات  في الإعلام والسياسة وكاتبات وطيارات وممثلات وكلهن مسلمات. وبالنسبة لبعضهن فقد ظهرت أسماؤهن للمرة الثانية في مزادات مزيفة تهدف للسخرية وإهانة النساء الناقدات للحزب الحاكم بهارتيا جاناتا الذي يقوده رئيس الوزراء ناريندرا مودي.  استيقظت لأكتشف أنني وضعت في المزاد على الإنترنت وصورة لي مرفقة بعبارات “صفقتك اليوم من بولي باي”. وكلمة بولي هي كلمة مهينة تستخدم لوصف المرأة المسلمة وباي تعني خادمتك   وبالنسبة لمن يقفون وراء “المزاد” لم تكن من النساء التي وردت أسماؤهن فيه واحدة منهن غير معروفة. فالكاتبة لم تكن فقط أول صحافية في عائلتها، والفضل يعود إلى والدتها التي أحضرتها إلى المدينة لمواصلة تعليمها، بل وأول امرأة تغامر بالخروج إلى الحياة العامة معتمدة على نفسها وعملها. وبالنسبة لمن يقفون وراء المزاد  فهن مسلمات يجب فضحهن وإسكاتهن. وتضيف أنها عندما رأت اسمها في “المزاد” الوهمي شعرت بالغضب وأرادت فعل شيء.  وأشارت إلى أن المسلمين في الهند يتعرضون وبشكل متزايد للاضطهاد منذ وصول الحزب المتطرف بهارتيا جاناتا إلى الحكم عام 2014. وحرم المسلمون في عموم الهند من السكن واستقال الفنانون المسلمون من عملهم بسبب تهديدات الجماعات الهندوسية المتطرفة. وفي كانون الثاني/ديسمبر، دعا عدد من قادة التفوق الهندوسي بمؤتمر استمر على مدى  ثلاثة أيام في ولاية أوتارخاند، علنا لإبادة الأقليات. وحث منظم المناسبة ياتي ناريسينغهاناند الهندوس “على حمل السلاح” استعدادا لـ “الحرب ضد المسلمين”. وعقدت في نفس الفترة مناسبة نظمتها مجموعة “هندو يوفا فاهيني” التي أسسسها السياسي- الكاهن يوغي أديتياناث، ويحرض علنا على كراهية المسلمين. وشارك في أداء القسم المئات الذين تعهدوا بتحويل الهند إلى بلد للهندوس فقط. وهتفوا  قائلين: “سنقاتل ونموت لو طلب منا وسنقتل أيضا”.  وتقول الكاتبة إن الشرطة تحت سيطرة يوغي أديتياناث، الذي يدير في نفس حكومة أوتاربراديش، وقام بإصدار بلاغ ضدها لأنها شاركت في تغطية احتجاج المزارعين. وأصدرت الشرطة “تقرير المعلومات الأول” وهو الذي تصدره سلطات فرض القانون الهندي ضد أي شخص بناء على شكوى جنائية. وبناء على البلاغ فقد اتهمت الكاتبة بنشر الخوف والرعب في الولاية وأنها تهديد على “الاندماج الوطني”، وكتبت الكاتبة: “كنت في سن الـ 22 عاما ولم أقض سوى ستة أشهر في وظيفتي الأولى”. ولحسن الحظ وافقت المحكمة على إصدار حكم يحميها من الاعتقال. ولكنها ليست الوحيدة التي تعرضت للتحرش من بين الصحافيين. فقد تم تقديم دعاوى ضد صحافيين وبناء على أدلة واهية وبتهم نشر تقارير ليست داعمة للحزب الحاكم. وتعرض المحررون والكتاب في منظمة “واير” الإعلامية التي تعمل فيها إلى اتهامات تتراوح ما بين التشهير إلى “نشر العداء” و”النية بإحداث شغب” ونشر ” تغريدات مستفزة”. والآن وقد بدأ العام الحالي، فقد تعرضت للهجوم من جديد، ولكن التغريدة التي وضعتها بداية العام الحالي حول “مزاد” النساء المسلمات انتشرت بشكل واسع، وبدا عدد من النواب بالحديث عنها. وكتب وزير تكنولوجيا المعلومات تغريدة قال فيها إن مزود الإنترنت “جيت هاب” قام بإلغاء حساب واحد من المشتبه بهم بفتح المزاد. وساعدها هذا على التغلب على مخاوفها والذهاب إلى الشرطة التي لم تفعل في المرة الأولى شيئا، ولدهشتها استطاعت تقديم “أول تقرير المعلومات الأول”.  وأظهر الإعلام الرئيسي اهتماما بالقصة وحتى قنوات التلفزة أرادت الحديث معها. ولم تجد وقتا للراحة أو الطعام حيث كانت تريد الحفاظ على زخم القصة، ولأول مرة أصبحت القصة وليس من يتابعها ويأخذ ملاحظات عنها. وبعد أسبوع على الحادث قررت الذهاب إلى طبيب نفسي وبعد إلحاح من مسؤول التحرير في “واير” وصف لها دواء لعلاج القلق ومساعدتها على النوم. وعادت الى البيت منهكة من الموعد كما ولم يساعدها مرض السل الذي اكتشفته قبل أشهر، ثم جاءت نتيجة الفحص من كوفيد-19 إيجابية.  وبعد يوم من تقديم بلاغ للشرطة، تلقت تغريدة من فتاة ورد اسمها على “المزاد الوهمي”، وقد  صدمت عندما عرفت بأنها من ضمن النساء في “المزاد” لكنها وجدت عزاء وقوة ممن خرجن وتحدثن ضد هذا العمل. وبدأت الشرطة بحملة اعتقالات، وبعد كل حالة اعتقال كانت تتلقى رسائل من الضحايا في المزاد الوهمي “لقد اعتقلوا احدا، عصمت” وقد “نجحنا”. ولكن الكاتبة تشعر بالحزن والصدمة عندما اكتشفت أعمار المشتبه به. ولم يكن أحد منهم فوق سن الثامنة والعشرين. وواحدة منهن عمرها 18 عاما ويتيمة وهي متهمة الآن بإهانة امرأة من دين آخر لم تقابلها أبدا. كل هذا يكشف عما حدث من عفن في المجتمع الهندي.  يتعرض المسلمون في الهند وبشكل متزايد للاضطهاد منذ وصول الحزب المتطرف بهارتيا جاناتا إلى الحكم عام 2014  وما يثير القلق أكثر هو أن الساسة الذين يثيرون نيران الكراهية في المجتمع لا يزالون أحرارا. وبعد كل هذا لم يكن هناك تقرير المعلومات الأول ضد عضو بهارتيا جاناتا كابل ميشرا، والذي أعطى الشرطة في نيودلهي بشباط/فبراير 2020 إنذرا وطلب منهم فض التظاهرات في الشوارع قبل أن يتصرف بنفسه. وكان المتظاهرون يحتجون على قانون المواطنة المعدل والذي سهل حرمان المهاجرين المسلمين من المواطنة. وكان أسوأ عنف ديني تشهده الهند منذ سنوات، حيث قام الغوغاء الهندوس بالهجوم على المسلمين، ما أدى لمقتل 53 شخصا، معظمهم من المسلمين.  وفي مقابلة مع الكاتبة عام 2021، نفى ميشرا أن يكون تحريضه “أطلقوا النار على الخونة” كان سببا في العنف. ولا يزال حرا طليقا، أما المحتجين ففي السجن ومتهمون بالتحريض على الشغب. وأحدهم الناشط خالد سيفي، الذي حاول التوسط بين المسلمين والهندوس قبل اندلاع الشغب. وبعد قضية “بولي باي” أرسلت زوجته نرجس رسالة منه إليها قال فيها “أختي، أشعر بالعجز وأنا في السجن وعدم قدرتي على حمايتك. ولو كنت في الخارج لتظاهرت قدر ما أستطيع”. وشعرت بالدهشة، فهنا شخص في السجن منذ عامين ووسط وباء، ولكنه يشعر بالعجز لعدم حمايتها أو مساعدتها. وعندما اتصلت بزوجته نرجس، لم تستطع الكلام، وكل ما فعلته معها هو البكاء والحزن على ما آل إليه الوضع في الهند.  كلمات مفتاحية إبراهيم درويشالهندالهندوسمسلمو الهند  اترك تعليقاً      Time: Putting Muslim women in a 'fake auction' says a lot about Hindu extremism in India  London -“Time” magazine published a report prepared by Ismat Ara under the title “What would you feel if you were a Muslim woman being auctioned on the Internet by the extremist wing in India.” As the first day of the new year dawned on New Delhi, Ara said, I woke up to discover that I had auctioned off a picture of me with the words 'Your deal today from Polly Bay'. Polly is a derogatory word used to describe a Muslim woman and pi means your maid, which is another word used by the far right in India to talk about Muslim women.” She jumped out of bed when she read what she had read. The writer confirmed that this attack on her came after she wrote press reports critical of the Indian government during the past two years, in which she addressed attacks on members of the "Dalit" sect, crime against women, hate crimes against Muslims and mismanagement of Covid-19.  The writer stressed that she was used to harassment on the Internet, but she did not expect it to reach this extent, and wrote, "Actually, I am one of 20 female journalists in India to be harassed, but my placement is in an auction?" On the list were another 100 women, well-known in the media and politics, as writers, pilots and actresses, all of whom are Muslim. For some, their names appeared for the second time in bogus auctions designed to ridicule and insult women critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) .  I woke up to discover that I had put up for auction online and a picture of me with the phrase “Your deal today from Polly Bay.” Polly is a derogatory word used to describe a Muslim woman, and pi means your servant   As for those behind the "auction", not one of the women whose names were mentioned in it was unknown. The writer was not only the first journalist in her family, thanks to her mother, who brought her to the city to continue her education, but also the first woman to venture out into public life on her own and her work. As for those who stand behind the auction, they are Muslims who must be exposed and silenced. She adds that when she saw her name in the fictitious "auction", she felt angry and wanted to do something.  She noted that Muslims in India have been increasingly persecuted since the extremist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014. Muslims across India have been denied housing and Muslim artists have resigned from their work due to threats from Hindu extremist groups. In December, at a three-day conference in Uttarakhand, several Hindu supremacist leaders publicly called for the extermination of minorities. Event organizer Yati Narisinghanand urged Hindus to "take up arms" in preparation for "war against Muslims". At the same time, an event was held by the Hindu Yuva Vahini group, which was founded by the politician-priest Yogi Adityanath, who openly incites hatred against Muslims. Hundreds of people who pledged to turn India into a Hindu-only country took part in the oath. They chanted, "We will fight and die if we are asked, and we will also be killed."  The writer says that the police are under the control of Yogi Adityanath, who runs in the same government of Uttar Pradesh, and he issued a complaint against her because she participated in covering the farmers' protest. The police issued a "First Information Report" which is the one issued by the Indian law enforcement authorities against anyone based on a criminal complaint. Based on the communication, the writer was accused of spreading fear and terror in the state and a threat to "national integration", and the writer wrote: "I was 22 years old and only spent six months in my first job." Fortunately, the court agreed to issue a ruling protecting her from arrest. But she is not the only one who has been harassed among journalists.  Cases were filed against journalists, based on flimsy evidence, on charges of publishing reports that were not supportive of the ruling party. Editors and writers at Wire, the media organization where she works, have been subjected to accusations ranging from defamation to “spreading hostility,” “intention to riot” and “provocative tweets.” Now that the current year has begun, it has been attacked again, but the tweet that it made at the beginning of this year about the “auction” of Muslim women has spread widely, and a number of deputies seemed to talk about it. The Minister of Information Technology wrote a tweet in which he said that Internet provider GitHub had canceled the account of one of the suspects who opened the auction. This helped her overcome her fears and go to the police, who did nothing the first time, and to her amazement she was able to submit her "first information report".  The main media showed interest in the story, and even television channels wanted to talk to her. She did not find time for rest or food as she wanted to maintain the momentum of the story, and for the first time it became the story and no one was following it and taking notes on it. A week after the accident, she decided to go to a psychiatrist, and after the insistence of the editor-in-chief at Wire, he prescribed medication to treat anxiety and help her sleep. She returned home exhausted from the appointment, and tuberculosis, which she discovered months ago, did not help her, then the result of the examination came from Covid-19 positive.  A day after submitting a report to the police, she received a tweet from a girl whose name was mentioned on the “fake auction”, and she was shocked when she learned that she was among the women in the “auction”, but she found solace and strength from those who came out and spoke against this work. The police began a campaign of arrests, and after each arrest case, they received messages from the victims in the fake auction, "They arrested someone, Ismat" and we "succeeded." But the writer feels sad and shocked when she finds out the ages of the suspect. None of them was over the age of twenty-eight. One of them, an 18-year-old orphan, is now accused of insulting a woman of another faith she has never met. All this reveals the rot in Indian society.  Muslims in India have been increasingly persecuted since the extremist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014. Even more worrying, the politicians who fan the flames of hatred in society are still free. After all, there was no first information report against BJP member Kabul Mishra, who in February 2020 gave police in New Delhi an ultimatum and told them to break up street protests before he acted himself. The demonstrators were protesting against the amended Citizenship Law, which facilitated the deprivation of citizenship for Muslim immigrants. It was the worst religious violence in India in years, as Hindu mobs attacked Muslims, killing 53 people, most of them Muslims.  In an interview with the writer in 2021, Mishra denied that his incitement to “shoot the traitors” was the cause of the violence. He is still at large, and the protesters are in prison and accused of inciting riots. One of them is activist Khaled Seifi, who tried to mediate between Muslims and Hindus before the riots broke out. After the “Polly Bay” case, his wife Narges sent a letter to her in which he said, “Sister, I feel helpless while in prison and unable to protect you. If I was outside, I would pretend as much as I could.” I was amazed, here is someone who has been in prison for two years and in the middle of an epidemic, but feels helpless not to protect her or help her. When I called his wife Nargis, she could not speak, and all I did to her was weep and grieve over the situation in India.

Time: Putting Muslim women in a 'fake auction' says a lot about Hindu extremism in India

London -“Time” magazine published a report prepared by Ismat Ara under the title “What would you feel if you were a Muslim woman being auctioned on the Internet by the extremist wing in India.” As the first day of the new year dawned on New Delhi, Ara said, I woke up to discover that I had auctioned off a picture of me with the words 'Your deal today from Polly Bay'. Polly is a derogatory word used to describe a Muslim woman and pi means your maid, which is another word used by the far right in India to talk about Muslim women.” She jumped out of bed when she read what she had read. The writer confirmed that this attack on her came after she wrote press reports critical of the Indian government during the past two years, in which she addressed attacks on members of the "Dalit" sect, crime against women, hate crimes against Muslims and mismanagement of Covid-19.

The writer stressed that she was used to harassment on the Internet, but she did not expect it to reach this extent, and wrote, "Actually, I am one of 20 female journalists in India to be harassed, but my placement is in an auction?" On the list were another 100 women, well-known in the media and politics, as writers, pilots and actresses, all of whom are Muslim. For some, their names appeared for the second time in bogus auctions designed to ridicule and insult women critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) .

I woke up to discover that I had put up for auction online and a picture of me with the phrase “Your deal today from Polly Bay.” Polly is a derogatory word used to describe a Muslim woman, and pi means your servant

 As for those behind the "auction", not one of the women whose names were mentioned in it was unknown. The writer was not only the first journalist in her family, thanks to her mother, who brought her to the city to continue her education, but also the first woman to venture out into public life on her own and her work. As for those who stand behind the auction, they are Muslims who must be exposed and silenced. She adds that when she saw her name in the fictitious "auction", she felt angry and wanted to do something.

She noted that Muslims in India have been increasingly persecuted since the extremist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014. Muslims across India have been denied housing and Muslim artists have resigned from their work due to threats from Hindu extremist groups. In December, at a three-day conference in Uttarakhand, several Hindu supremacist leaders publicly called for the extermination of minorities. Event organizer Yati Narisinghanand urged Hindus to "take up arms" in preparation for "war against Muslims". At the same time, an event was held by the Hindu Yuva Vahini group, which was founded by the politician-priest Yogi Adityanath, who openly incites hatred against Muslims. Hundreds of people who pledged to turn India into a Hindu-only country took part in the oath. They chanted, "We will fight and die if we are asked, and we will also be killed."

The writer says that the police are under the control of Yogi Adityanath, who runs in the same government of Uttar Pradesh, and he issued a complaint against her because she participated in covering the farmers' protest. The police issued a "First Information Report" which is the one issued by the Indian law enforcement authorities against anyone based on a criminal complaint. Based on the communication, the writer was accused of spreading fear and terror in the state and a threat to "national integration", and the writer wrote: "I was 22 years old and only spent six months in my first job." Fortunately, the court agreed to issue a ruling protecting her from arrest. But she is not the only one who has been harassed among journalists.

Cases were filed against journalists, based on flimsy evidence, on charges of publishing reports that were not supportive of the ruling party. Editors and writers at Wire, the media organization where she works, have been subjected to accusations ranging from defamation to “spreading hostility,” “intention to riot” and “provocative tweets.” Now that the current year has begun, it has been attacked again, but the tweet that it made at the beginning of this year about the “auction” of Muslim women has spread widely, and a number of deputies seemed to talk about it. The Minister of Information Technology wrote a tweet in which he said that Internet provider GitHub had canceled the account of one of the suspects who opened the auction. This helped her overcome her fears and go to the police, who did nothing the first time, and to her amazement she was able to submit her "first information report".

The main media showed interest in the story, and even television channels wanted to talk to her. She did not find time for rest or food as she wanted to maintain the momentum of the story, and for the first time it became the story and no one was following it and taking notes on it. A week after the accident, she decided to go to a psychiatrist, and after the insistence of the editor-in-chief at Wire, he prescribed medication to treat anxiety and help her sleep. She returned home exhausted from the appointment, and tuberculosis, which she discovered months ago, did not help her, then the result of the examination came from Covid-19 positive.

A day after submitting a report to the police, she received a tweet from a girl whose name was mentioned on the “fake auction”, and she was shocked when she learned that she was among the women in the “auction”, but she found solace and strength from those who came out and spoke against this work. The police began a campaign of arrests, and after each arrest case, they received messages from the victims in the fake auction, "They arrested someone, Ismat" and we "succeeded." But the writer feels sad and shocked when she finds out the ages of the suspect. None of them was over the age of twenty-eight. One of them, an 18-year-old orphan, is now accused of insulting a woman of another faith she has never met. All this reveals the rot in Indian society.

Muslims in India have been increasingly persecuted since the extremist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.
Even more worrying, the politicians who fan the flames of hatred in society are still free. After all, there was no first information report against BJP member Kabul Mishra, who in February 2020 gave police in New Delhi an ultimatum and told them to break up street protests before he acted himself. The demonstrators were protesting against the amended Citizenship Law, which facilitated the deprivation of citizenship for Muslim immigrants. It was the worst religious violence in India in years, as Hindu mobs attacked Muslims, killing 53 people, most of them Muslims.

In an interview with the writer in 2021, Mishra denied that his incitement to “shoot the traitors” was the cause of the violence. He is still at large, and the protesters are in prison and accused of inciting riots. One of them is activist Khaled Seifi, who tried to mediate between Muslims and Hindus before the riots broke out. After the “Polly Bay” case, his wife Narges sent a letter to her in which he said, “Sister, I feel helpless while in prison and unable to protect you. If I was outside, I would pretend as much as I could.” I was amazed, here is someone who has been in prison for two years and in the middle of an epidemic, but feels helpless not to protect her or help her. When I called his wife Nargis, she could not speak, and all I did to her was weep and grieve over the situation in India.

وزیراعظم کا سول قانونی اصلاحات کو قوم کے سامنے لانے کا فیصلہ سول اورفوجداری سمیت 600 سے زائد قوانین تبدیلی کی منظوری دی گئی ہے، وزیراعظم اہم قوانین کی تفصیلات کل تقریب میں عوام کے سامنے رکھیں گے۔ وزیراعظم عمران خان کی زیرصدارت اجلاس میں فیصلہ  وزیراعظم کا سول قانونی اصلاحات کو قوم کے سامنے لانے کا فیصلہ  اسلام آباد (اردوپوائنٹ اخبارتازہ ترین۔ 26 جنوری 2022ء) وزیراعظم عمران خان نے سول قانونی اصلاحات کو قوم کے سامنے لانے کا فیصلہ کرلیا ہے، سول اورفوجداری سمیت 600 سے زائد قوانین تبدیلی کی منظوری دی گئی ہے، وزیراعظم اہم قوانین کی تفصیلات کل عوام کے سامنے رکھیں گے۔ دنیا نیوز کے مطابق وزیراعظم عمران خان نے 6 سو سے زائد فوجداری اور سول قانونی اصلاحات کو قوم کے سامنے لانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ اس حوالے سے کل11بجے وزیراعظم ہاؤس میں تقریب منعقد کی جائے گی۔ جس میں قانونی اصلاحات کو قوم کے سامنے رکھا جائے گا۔ تقریب میں وزیرقانون فروغ نسیم اور پارلیمانی سیکریٹری ملیکہ بخاری بریفنگ بھی دیں گے۔ فوجداری مقدمات، قانون شہادت سمیت پولیس سے متعلق اہم قوانین کو تبدیل کرنے کی منظوری دی ہے، 600 سے زائد قوانین کی کابینہ سے منظوری کے بعد پارلیمنٹ میں پیش ہوں گے۔  یاد رہے گزشتہ روز وفاقی کابینہ نے کریمنل لاء ترامیم کی منظوری دی تھی، وفاقی وزیراطلاعات ونشریات فواد چودھری نے کابینہ اجلاس کے بعد میڈیا بریفنگ میں بتایا کہ کابینہ نے کرمینل لاء ترامیم کی منظوری دی ہے، ترمیم کے تحت ہر کریمینل کیس کا فیصلہ 9 ماہ میں کرنالازمی ہو گا، فیصلے میں زائد وقت لگا تو مجسٹریٹ یا جج وجوہات بیان کریگا کہ التواء کیوں ہوا، اگرمتعلقہ جج مناسب وجوہات بیان نا کرسکا تو کارروائی ہوگی۔ فواد چودھری نے کہا کہ ایس ایچ او کی تعلیمی قابلیت کم ازکم بی اے لازمی ہو گی، پراسیکیوشن کے دائرہ اختیار کو بھی بڑھایا جا رہا ہے، ہر کرمینل کیس کا فیصلہ 9 مہینے میں کرنا ہوگا، 9 ماہ میں فیصلہ نہ کرنے پر جج چیف جسٹس کو وجہ لکھ کر دے گا۔ پلی بارگین کرمینل مقدمات میں شامل کررہے ہیں، پولیس کو ضمانت کی پاور دی جارہی ہے، چیک کے مقدمات میں ضمانت ہوسکے گی، چالان پیش کرنے کی مدت 14 دن سے بڑھا کر45 دن کرنے کی تجویز دی ہے، ماڈرن ڈیوائسز کو شواہد کی فہرست میں شامل کیا جا رہا ہے۔    Prime Minister's decision to bring civil legal reforms before the nation More than 600 laws, including civil and criminal, have been approved for change. Decision in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan  ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to bring civil legal reforms before the nation. More than 600 changes, including civil and criminal laws, have been approved . Will put in front According to Dunya News, Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to bring more than 600 criminal and civil legal reforms before the nation.  A function in this regard will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Prime Minister 's House. In which legal reforms will be put before the nation. Law Minister Forough Naseem and Parliamentary Secretary Malika Bukhari will also give a briefing on the occasion. Criminal cases have been approved to change important laws related to policing , including the law of evidence. More than 600 laws will be tabled in Parliament after approval by the Cabinet.  It may be recalled that the federal cabinet had approved the amendments to the criminal law yesterday. Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry said in a media briefing after the cabinet meeting that the cabinet has approved the amendments to the criminal law. I will have to do it. If the decision takes too long, the magistrate or the judge will state the reasons why the delay has taken place.  Fawad Chaudhry said that the educational qualification of SHO should be at least BA, the jurisdiction of prosecution is also being extended, every criminal case has to be decided within 9 months, if not decided within 9 months, the Chief Justice. Justice will write the reason. Plea bargaining is being added to criminal cases , bail is being given to police , bail will be available in check cases, challan submission period is proposed to be increased from 14 days to 45 days, modern devices are on the list of evidence. Adding.

Prime Minister's decision to bring civil legal reforms before the nation

More than 600 laws, including civil and criminal, have been approved for change. Decision in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to bring civil legal reforms before the nation. More than 600 changes, including civil and criminal laws, have been approved . Will put in front According to Dunya News, Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided to bring more than 600 criminal and civil legal reforms before the nation.

A function in this regard will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Prime Minister 's House. In which legal reforms will be put before the nation. Law Minister Forough Naseem and Parliamentary Secretary Malika Bukhari will also give a briefing on the occasion. Criminal cases have been approved to change important laws related to policing , including the law of evidence. More than 600 laws will be tabled in Parliament after approval by the Cabinet.

It may be recalled that the federal cabinet had approved the amendments to the criminal law yesterday. Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry said in a media briefing after the cabinet meeting that the cabinet has approved the amendments to the criminal law. I will have to do it. If the decision takes too long, the magistrate or the judge will state the reasons why the delay has taken place.

Fawad Chaudhry said that the educational qualification of SHO should be at least BA, the jurisdiction of prosecution is also being extended, every criminal case has to be decided within 9 months, if not decided within 9 months, the Chief Justice. Justice will write the reason. Plea bargaining is being added to criminal cases , bail is being given to police , bail will be available in check cases, challan submission period is proposed to be increased from 14 days to 45 days, modern devices are on the list of evidence. Adding.

襄大集团张德武被重判 与孙大午案如出一辙 2022.01.26 15:31 ET Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp 襄大集团张德武被重判 与孙大午案如出一辙 湖北襄大农牧集团董事长张德武 微博图片 00:00/03:48收听节目 下载声音 湖北民营企业襄大集团一案本周二下达判决,集团董事长张德武数罪并罚被判十三年有期徒刑。但襄大集团当天发表声明,对重判表示不满,并坚决上诉。有舆论认为这起案件与孙大午案重判如出一辙。   湖北襄大董事长张德武被判有期徒刑十三年 湖北襄大董事长张德武被抓 其女请求政府接管企业 民营企业家孙大午转入河北邢台监狱服刑  襄大集团的判决出来后,不少网路评论都把这个案件同去年宣判的河北孙大午案相提并论。  “跟孙大午的经历、规模和原因,几乎都一样。我当时看的时候反复确认,这写的不是孙大午吧?”身在纽约的经济分析人士秦鹏在短信中这样回复本台的采访。  同样白手起家 同样遭到重判  张德武和孙大午一样,都是白手起家的民营企业家,并经过胼手胝足的努力,把走街串巷的小生意发展为横跨多个行业的大集团公司。  吊诡的是,张德武的襄大集团也和孙大午的大午集团一样,被其所在的基层法院以“寻衅滋事”等多个罪名予以重判,张德武获刑十三年,孙大午被判十八年。  襄大案的主审法院竹溪县法院在周二判决中认定张德武犯寻衅滋事罪、非法拘禁罪、串通投标罪、高利转贷罪和聚众冲击国家机关罪,对张德武数罪并罚,除判处他有期徒刑13年外,并处罚金6013万元。  张德武和襄大集团多位负责人2019年底就因为这起案件被警方拘押。据中国“财新网”报道,2020年底,竹溪县检察院在起诉该案时曾包含参加黑社会性质组织罪,但在2021年8月本案被重新起诉时,张德武的“组织、领导黑社会性质组织罪”等涉黑罪名被取消。这似乎让人看到了希望。  但在判决下达当日,襄大集团发表声明对判决表达了不满:“集团管理层对一审事实认定、法律适用、诉讼程序均持异议,并对张德武先生“摘黑”之后被报复性重判感到愤概、遗憾。”  根据财新网报道,张德武的辩护律师、中国政法大学教授何兵在庭审中对当地检察院指控的所有罪名都提出了无罪辩护,但并未被法院采纳。  湖北襄大就其董事长被判刑所发表的声明(微博截图) 湖北襄大就其董事长被判刑所发表的声明(微博截图)  要办成“铁案”  在另一面,襄大集团早前就对本案的办理过程提出过异议。去年六月,本案还在审理过程中,“襄大集团”的微博号就发帖指出,十堰市竹溪县就本案成立的专案组是未审先判,先定好了罪名,再动用一切手段治罪。  当时还有社交媒体传出了十堰市公安局就此下发的通知,采用“三长会签”的形式来侦办此案。身在美国加州的中国民营企业家罗明珠告诉本台,“三长会签”的形式被用来侦办案件现在比较普遍,“公安局局长、法院院长和检察院院长,三个长在一个文件上签字,说白了就是形成一个共同意志,就已经预定了你所有的罪了。你也不可能翻盘了啊。”  身在华盛顿的民营企业家王瑞琴认为这种办案形式就是为了把案件办成“铁案”,“一般都是在政法委书记领导下,公检法联合办案,这主要是指大型案子和政治性案子。湖北这个案子出现了这种情况,就说明,第一它是一个政治性案子,第二这个案子影响力很大,第三它很有可能是一个冤案。”  与此同时,因本案被拘捕的襄大集团多位高管的家属此前通过社交媒体多次披露,这些高管在狱中遭到不人道待遇、乃至刑讯逼供的情况:张德武在狱中得了严重的甲亢,襄大集团党委书记范生汉因刑讯逼供导致昏迷、右半身瘫痪,另一高管龚玉新在看守所被关导致无法正常走路、耳朵几乎失聪,张小龙暴瘦五十斤。  中国媒体对这起案件几乎鸦雀无声。财新网对周二的案件判决进行了事实报道,罗列了控辩双方的观点和法院的裁决,但未作任何评论。除此之外,中国媒体上找不到其它报道。  但社媒上却对襄大案抱有普遍的同情。微博上的评论多认为这是和大午集团一样的冤案。民营企业家罗明珠告诉本台,“这类似的案子目前在国内很多,地方政府打着扫黑的名义,成系统地,有组织有规模地掠夺民营企业的财产。就是地方政府财政很困难,他们在搞钱。”  王瑞琴也认同这种分析,“地方政府财政比较紧张,尤其是最近,楼市不景气,企业倒闭潮,很多地方公务员工资难以为继。实际上这个案子还是地方政府挖地三尺找钱的这种状况,所以地方政府能够把公检法联合起来办案。”  湖北襄大董事长张德武之女张建航等人就该案办案人员刑讯逼供和非法取证所发出的控告信(微博截图) 湖北襄大董事长张德武之女张建航等人就该案办案人员刑讯逼供和非法取证所发出的控告信(微博截图)  相信“法治”不容易  但襄大案情的曲折和可能存在的不公,中国官媒并不是没有注意到。去年本案起诉到法院后,澎湃新闻网8月12日转发了一篇微信公号对襄大集团成就的报道,盛赞这家在2019年已经跻身中国民营企业500强的农业产业化国家级重点龙头企业,似乎是想以此表达对襄大的支持。  张德武的女儿,同在襄大集团任职的张建航,周三在自己的微博上转发了襄大集团对案件判决的意见。张建航显然是支持上诉的,她在微博上说,“法治建设之路任重而道远,负重前行,哪怕有一缕阳光,我们也要坚持!”  同为民营企业家的王瑞琴却对上诉的前景不太乐观,她认为,中国上下级司法机关之间虽然是指导关系,但它们彼此之间关系紧密,难以在这类型的案件中出现上级公检法对下级公检法的纠偏。  她强调,况且现在各个地方都在寻找财政资源,大背景是如此。    (记者:王允    责编:梒青    网编:洪伟)     The heavy sentence of Zhang Dewu of Xiangda Group is exactly the same as that of Sun Dawu  Zhang Dewu, Chairman of Hubei Xiangda Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group  The case of Xiangda Group, a private enterprise in Hubei Province, was handed down on Tuesday. The chairman of the group, Zhang Dewu, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for several crimes. However, Xiangda Group issued a statement on the same day expressing dissatisfaction with the severe sentence and resolutely appealed. Some public opinion believes that this case is exactly the same as the heavy sentence of Sun Dawu's case.  Zhang Dewu, chairman of Hubei Xiangda, was sentenced to 13 years in prison Zhang Dewu, chairman of Hubei Xiangda, was arrested and his daughter asked the government to take over the company Private entrepreneur Sun Dawu transferred to Hebei Xingtai Prison to serve his sentence  After the Xiangda Group's verdict came out, many online commentators compared the case to the Hebei Sun Dawu case that was pronounced last year.  "It's almost the same as Sun Dawu's experience, scale and reasons. When I read it at the time, I repeatedly confirmed that this is not Sun Dawu, right?" Qin Peng, an economic analyst in New York, replied to this station's interview in a text message.  The same self-made is also severely sentenced Zhang Dewu, like Sun Dawu, are both self-made private entrepreneurs, and through hard work, he has developed a small business that walks the streets into a large group company spanning multiple industries.  Paradoxically, Zhang Dewu’s Xiangda Group, like Sun Dawu’s Dawu Group, was severely sentenced by the grassroots court for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. Zhang Dewu was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and Sun Dawu was sentenced to 18 years. .  The Zhuxi County Court, the presiding court in the Xiangda case, found Zhang Dewu guilty of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, illegal detention, bid rigging, loan sharking, and gathering a crowd to attack state organs in Tuesday's judgment. He was imprisoned for 13 years and fined 60.13 million yuan.  Zhang Dewu and several leaders of the Xiangda Group were detained by the police at the end of 2019 because of this case. According to China's "" report, at the end of 2020, the Zhuxi County Procuratorate included the crime of participating in a triad organization when prosecuting the case, but when the case was re-indicted in August 2021, Zhang Dewu's "organization and leadership of an underworld organization" Crimes” and other crimes related to gangland were cancelled. This seems to give people hope.  However, on the day the verdict was handed down, Xiangda Group issued a statement expressing dissatisfaction with the verdict: "The management of the group disagreed with the fact-finding of the first instance, the application of the law, and the litigation procedures, and felt that Mr. Zhang Dewu was severely sentenced in retaliation after his "blackmail". Outrage, regret."  According to, Zhang Dewu's defense lawyer, He Bing, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, pleaded not guilty to all the charges charged by the local procuratorate during the trial, but it was not accepted by the court.  To do the " iron case " On the other hand, Xiangda Group has raised objections to the handling of this case earlier. In June last year, when the case was still under trial, the Weibo account of "Xiangda Group" posted that the task force set up by Zhuxi County, Shiyan City for this case was to judge before trial, to convict the crime first, and then use all means. to punish.  At that time, there was also a social media report that the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau issued a notice on this matter, using the form of "three long-term countersignatures" to investigate the case. Luo Mingzhu, a Chinese private entrepreneur in California, told this station that it is more common to use the form of "three long countersignatures" to investigate and handle cases. Signing it, to put it bluntly, is to form a common will, and all your sins have been predetermined. You can't come back."  Wang Ruiqin, a private entrepreneur in Washington, believes that this form of case handling is aimed at turning the case into an "iron case." "Usually, under the leadership of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the public, procuratorate and law jointly handle the case, which mainly refers to large-scale and political cases. This situation in the Hubei case shows that, first, it is a political case, second, this case has great influence, and third, it is likely to be an unjust case.”  At the same time, the family members of the senior executives of Xiangda Group who were arrested for this case have repeatedly disclosed through social media that these executives were subjected to inhumane treatment in prison, and even tortured to extract confessions: Zhang Dewu received serious serious injuries in prison. Hyperthyroidism. Fan Shenghan, Party Secretary of Xiangda Group, was in a coma and paralyzed on the right side of his body due to torture. Another executive, Gong Yuxin, was detained in the detention center and was unable to walk normally and was almost deaf. Zhang Xiaolong lost 50 pounds.  The Chinese media were almost silent on the case. Caixin reported on Tuesday's case verdict, listing the views of both the prosecution and the defense and the court's ruling, but made no comment. Other than that, there are no other reports in the Chinese media.  But there is general sympathy for the Xiang case on social media. Most of the comments on Weibo thought it was the same unjust case as the Dawu Group. Private entrepreneur Luo Mingzhu told this station, "There are many similar cases in China. Local governments, in the name of cracking down on gangsters, systematically and systematically plunder the property of private enterprises on a large scale. It is the local government's financial difficulties. They're making money."  Wang Ruiqin also agrees with this analysis, "The local government's finances are relatively tight, especially recently, the property market is sluggish, companies are going bankrupt, and many local civil servants' wages are unsustainable. In fact, this case is still a situation where the local government digs three feet to find money. , so the local government can jointly handle the case with the Public Procuratorate and the Law.”  It is not easy to believe in the " rule of law " However, the twists and turns of the Xiangda case and the possible injustice have not been ignored by the Chinese state media. After the case was brought to court last year, The Paper reposted a WeChat account on August 12 about the achievements of Xiangda Group, praising the national-level key leader in agricultural industrialization, which has become one of the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2019. The company seems to want to express its support for Xiangda.  Zhang Dewu's daughter, Zhang Jianhang, who also works at Xiangda Group, reposted Xiangda Group's opinion on the case's verdict on her Weibo on Wednesday. Zhang Jianhang apparently supported the appeal. She said on Weibo, "The road to building the rule of law is a long way to go, and we must move forward with a heavy burden. Even if there is a ray of sunshine, we must persevere!"  Wang Ruiqin, who is also a private entrepreneur, is not very optimistic about the prospect of appeals. She believes that although China's upper and lower judicial organs have a guiding relationship, they are closely related to each other, and it is difficult for higher-level public prosecutors to disagree in this type of case. Rectification of lower-level public prosecutors.  She stressed that this is the context in which financial resources are now being sought everywhere. (Reporter: Wang Yun, Editor-in-charge: Shi Qing, Web Editor: Hong Wei)

The heavy sentence of Zhang Dewu of Xiangda Group is exactly the same as that of Sun Dawu

Zhang Dewu, Chairman of Hubei Xiangda Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group

The case of Xiangda Group, a private enterprise in Hubei Province, was handed down on Tuesday. The chairman of the group, Zhang Dewu, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for several crimes. However, Xiangda Group issued a statement on the same day expressing dissatisfaction with the severe sentence and resolutely appealed. Some public opinion believes that this case is exactly the same as the heavy sentence of Sun Dawu's case.

Zhang Dewu, chairman of Hubei Xiangda, was sentenced to 13 years in prison
Zhang Dewu, chairman of Hubei Xiangda, was arrested and his daughter asked the government to take over the company
Private entrepreneur Sun Dawu transferred to Hebei Xingtai Prison to serve his sentence

After the Xiangda Group's verdict came out, many online commentators compared the case to the Hebei Sun Dawu case that was pronounced last year.

"It's almost the same as Sun Dawu's experience, scale and reasons. When I read it at the time, I repeatedly confirmed that this is not Sun Dawu, right?" Qin Peng, an economic analyst in New York, replied to this station's interview in a text message.

The same self-made is also severely sentenced
Zhang Dewu, like Sun Dawu, are both self-made private entrepreneurs, and through hard work, he has developed a small business that walks the streets into a large group company spanning multiple industries.

Paradoxically, Zhang Dewu’s Xiangda Group, like Sun Dawu’s Dawu Group, was severely sentenced by the grassroots court for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. Zhang Dewu was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and Sun Dawu was sentenced to 18 years. .

The Zhuxi County Court, the presiding court in the Xiangda case, found Zhang Dewu guilty of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, illegal detention, bid rigging, loan sharking, and gathering a crowd to attack state organs in Tuesday's judgment. He was imprisoned for 13 years and fined 60.13 million yuan.

Zhang Dewu and several leaders of the Xiangda Group were detained by the police at the end of 2019 because of this case. According to China's "" report, at the end of 2020, the Zhuxi County Procuratorate included the crime of participating in a triad organization when prosecuting the case, but when the case was re-indicted in August 2021, Zhang Dewu's "organization and leadership of an underworld organization" Crimes” and other crimes related to gangland were cancelled. This seems to give people hope.

However, on the day the verdict was handed down, Xiangda Group issued a statement expressing dissatisfaction with the verdict: "The management of the group disagreed with the fact-finding of the first instance, the application of the law, and the litigation procedures, and felt that Mr. Zhang Dewu was severely sentenced in retaliation after his "blackmail". Outrage, regret."

According to, Zhang Dewu's defense lawyer, He Bing, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, pleaded not guilty to all the charges charged by the local procuratorate during the trial, but it was not accepted by the court.

To do the " iron case "
On the other hand, Xiangda Group has raised objections to the handling of this case earlier. In June last year, when the case was still under trial, the Weibo account of "Xiangda Group" posted that the task force set up by Zhuxi County, Shiyan City for this case was to judge before trial, to convict the crime first, and then use all means. to punish.

At that time, there was also a social media report that the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau issued a notice on this matter, using the form of "three long-term countersignatures" to investigate the case. Luo Mingzhu, a Chinese private entrepreneur in California, told this station that it is more common to use the form of "three long countersignatures" to investigate and handle cases. Signing it, to put it bluntly, is to form a common will, and all your sins have been predetermined. You can't come back."

Wang Ruiqin, a private entrepreneur in Washington, believes that this form of case handling is aimed at turning the case into an "iron case." "Usually, under the leadership of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the public, procuratorate and law jointly handle the case, which mainly refers to large-scale and political cases. This situation in the Hubei case shows that, first, it is a political case, second, this case has great influence, and third, it is likely to be an unjust case.”

At the same time, the family members of the senior executives of Xiangda Group who were arrested for this case have repeatedly disclosed through social media that these executives were subjected to inhumane treatment in prison, and even tortured to extract confessions: Zhang Dewu received serious serious injuries in prison. Hyperthyroidism. Fan Shenghan, Party Secretary of Xiangda Group, was in a coma and paralyzed on the right side of his body due to torture. Another executive, Gong Yuxin, was detained in the detention center and was unable to walk normally and was almost deaf. Zhang Xiaolong lost 50 pounds.

The Chinese media were almost silent on the case. Caixin reported on Tuesday's case verdict, listing the views of both the prosecution and the defense and the court's ruling, but made no comment. Other than that, there are no other reports in the Chinese media.

But there is general sympathy for the Xiang case on social media. Most of the comments on Weibo thought it was the same unjust case as the Dawu Group. Private entrepreneur Luo Mingzhu told this station, "There are many similar cases in China. Local governments, in the name of cracking down on gangsters, systematically and systematically plunder the property of private enterprises on a large scale. It is the local government's financial difficulties. They're making money."

Wang Ruiqin also agrees with this analysis, "The local government's finances are relatively tight, especially recently, the property market is sluggish, companies are going bankrupt, and many local civil servants' wages are unsustainable. In fact, this case is still a situation where the local government digs three feet to find money. , so the local government can jointly handle the case with the Public Procuratorate and the Law.”

It is not easy to believe in the " rule of law "
However, the twists and turns of the Xiangda case and the possible injustice have not been ignored by the Chinese state media. After the case was brought to court last year, The Paper reposted a WeChat account on August 12 about the achievements of Xiangda Group, praising the national-level key leader in agricultural industrialization, which has become one of the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2019. The company seems to want to express its support for Xiangda.

Zhang Dewu's daughter, Zhang Jianhang, who also works at Xiangda Group, reposted Xiangda Group's opinion on the case's verdict on her Weibo on Wednesday. Zhang Jianhang apparently supported the appeal. She said on Weibo, "The road to building the rule of law is a long way to go, and we must move forward with a heavy burden. Even if there is a ray of sunshine, we must persevere!"

Wang Ruiqin, who is also a private entrepreneur, is not very optimistic about the prospect of appeals. She believes that although China's upper and lower judicial organs have a guiding relationship, they are closely related to each other, and it is difficult for higher-level public prosecutors to disagree in this type of case. Rectification of lower-level public prosecutors.

She stressed that this is the context in which financial resources are now being sought everywhere.
(Reporter: Wang Yun, Editor-in-charge: Shi Qing, Web Editor: Hong Wei)

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