Real Madrid succeed in extracting Mbappe from Paris Saint-Germain, What is the reward?

ريال مدريد ينجح في انتزاع مبابي من باريس سان جيرمان.. ما المقابل؟ تعاقد نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني مع نجم باريس سان جيرمان الفرنسي كيليان مبابي، مقابل راتب خيالي سيجعله اللاعب الأعلى أجراً في العالم.  تعاقد نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني مع نجم باريس سان جيرمان الفرنسي كيليان مبابي، مقابل راتب إجمالي قدره 50 مليون يورو في الموسم، وفق صحيفة بيلد الألمانية.  والصيف الماضي، كان النادي الإسباني على وشك التوقيع مع مبابي، بعد عرضه 180 مليون يورو على نادي باريس سان جيرمان مقابل التخلي عن لاعبه مبكراً.  لكن النادي الفرنسي رفض معرضاً نفسه لخسارة لاعبه بالمجان، إذ ينتهي عقد مبابي في صيف 2022، وهو ما حدث بالفعل، إذا وافق اللاعب الدولي على الانتقال إلى ريال مدريد الصيف المقبل.  ومع الراتب المعروض عليه، سيجني اللاعب الفرنسي 25 مليون يورو سنوياً بعد خصم الضرائب، ما سيجعله اللاعب الأعلى أجراً في العالم.  وذكرت الصحيفة الألمانية أن ريال مدريد لن يعلن الصفقة رسمياً، حتى الانتهاء من مواجهة باريس سان جيرمان في دور الـ16 من دوري أبطال أوروبا.     Real Madrid succeed in extracting Mbappe from Paris Saint-Germain, What is the reward?  Spanish club Real Madrid has signed Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe, for a fantastic salary that will make him the highest-paid player in the world.  Real Madrid has signed Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe, for a total salary of 50 million euros per season, according to the German newspaper Bild.  And last summer, the Spanish club was on the verge of signing with Mbappe, after offering 180 million euros to Paris Saint-Germain in exchange for giving up his player early.  But the French club refused, exposing itself to losing its player for free, as Mbappe’s contract expires in the summer of 2022, which has already happened, if the international player agrees to move to Real Madrid next summer.  With the salary offered to him, the French player will earn 25 million euros a year after tax, which will make him the highest paid player in the world.  And the German newspaper reported that Real Madrid will not officially announce the deal, until the completion of the match against Paris Saint-Germain in the round of 16 of the Champions League.

Real Madrid succeed in extracting Mbappe from Paris Saint-Germain, What is the reward?

Spanish club Real Madrid has signed Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe, for a fantastic salary that will make him the highest-paid player in the world.

Real Madrid has signed Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe, for a total salary of 50 million euros per season, according to the German newspaper Bild.

And last summer, the Spanish club was on the verge of signing with Mbappe, after offering 180 million euros to Paris Saint-Germain in exchange for giving up his player early.

But the French club refused, exposing itself to losing its player for free, as Mbappe’s contract expires in the summer of 2022, which has already happened, if the international player agrees to move to Real Madrid next summer.

With the salary offered to him, the French player will earn 25 million euros a year after tax, which will make him the highest paid player in the world.

And the German newspaper reported that Real Madrid will not officially announce the deal, until the completion of the match against Paris Saint-Germain in the round of 16 of the Champions League.

شهادات مروعة.. فضيحة تحرش جنسي تطال مدرب منتخب إسرائيل وتشيلسي السابق روت نساء عدة شهادات مروعة من التحرش الجنسي تعرضن له على يد أفرام غرانت المدرب السابق لمنتخب إسرائيل وفريق تشيلسي الإنجليزي لكرة القدم، وعرض برنامج تليفزيوني استقصائي شهادات نسوة قال إنهن صحفيات وعارضات أزياء تعرضن للتحرش.  اتهمت نساء عدة ظهرن في برنامج استقصائي على قناة إسرائيلية، مدرب منتخب إسرائيل وفريق تشلسي الإنجليزي لكرة القدم السابق، أفرام غرانت (67 عاماًً) بالتحرش الجنسي.  وبث برنامج Exposure الذي أذيع الأحد على القناة الإسرائيلية 12، شهادات النساء اللواتي قلن إن "المدرب البارز السابق استغل نفوذه وعلاقاته لمحاولة الحصول على خدمات جنسية من الشابات اللاتي طلبن مساعدته في بداية حياتهن المهنية".  وغرانت، الذي كان مدرباً معروفاً في إسرائيل ذاع صيته دولياً في عام 2007 عندما تولى تدريب فريق تشيلسي، وقاده إلى نهائي دوري أبطال أوروبا، ودرب أيضاً وست هام وبورتسموث في الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز، والمنتخبين الوطنيين لإسرائيل وغانا.  وذكرت امرأة أنه في يونيو/حزيران 2020، دعاها غرانت إلى شقته في تل أبيب، حيث عرض مساعدتها في العثور على عمل، وهناك قال لها: "ارتاحي، واخلعي ملابسك ". في حينها، اعتقدت الشابة التي كانت بعمر 22 عاماً أنه كان يمزح، لكنه حسب إفاتها، "طلب منها الاقتراب منه وحاول معانقتها. أمسك بي حقاً ولم يتركني".  وتابعت: "شعرت بعدم الارتياح، وضع يده على فخذي، وأتذكر تحريك يده على الفور. بعد بضع ثوان من الحديث، أمسك بي من رقبتي، وكأنه يخنقني، وأدار رأسي إليه، وحاول تقبيلي بالقوة ".  وأشارت إلى أنه "رفض السماح لها بمغادرة الشقة، وضغط عليها للمبيت هناك، ثم حاول مرة أخرى التحرش بها بأن أخذ يدها ووضعها على فخذيه، وعند هذه النقطة ذهبت إلى الحمام وبدأت في البكاء"، على حد قولها.  وقالت امرأة أخرى، وصفت بأنها صحفية رياضية بارزة في إسرائيل، إن "غرانت عرضت مساعدتها في مسيرتها المهنية عندما كانت في بداية مسيرتها. ثم بدأ في إبداء تعليقات غير لائقة لها وأرسل لها رسائل مضايقة على مدار عدة سنوات. وسردت العديد من النساء سلوكاً مماثلاً من غرانت".  وقالت امرأة أخرى، كانت عارضة أزياء إسرائيلية محلية معروفة، إنه "عرض عليها المساعدة في بداية مسيرتها المهنية وسافرت إلى إنجلترا لمقابلته، وفي الفندق هناك، خلع ملابسه فجأة وحاول إقناعها بالنوم معه".  وأكد الصحفي الإسرائيلي حاييم إتغار مقدم برنامج Exposure أن عدداً من اللاتي شهدن ضد غرانت كن صحفيات معروفات، مشيراً إلى سبب إخفاء هويات وبعض أصوات أولئك الضحايا، بسبب خوفهن من العواقب على حياتهن المهنية.  وقال إتغار، إنه "خلال الإعداد للبرنامج تعرض إلى ضغط هائل من شركاء غرانت، وتلقى تهديدات باتخاذ إجراءات قانونية ومحاولات لتشويه سمعة النساء اللواتي ظهرن".  من جانبه، لم ينكر غرانت الاتهامات، وقال إن أي ضرر تسبب فيه كان غير مقصود، مضيفاً: "في حياتي، على الصعيدين الشخصي والمهني على حد سواء، سعيت دائماً، إلى إعطاء الأولوية للبقاء كإنسان واحترام كل امرأة أو رجل، أياً كان".  وأكد أنه "حاول جاهداً معاملة النساء باحترام وصداقة ولم أقصد أبدا التصرف بشكل غير عادل أو إيذاء أي امرأة بأي شكل من الأشكال. أي شخص يشعر بعدم الارتياح أو الأذى من ناحيتي، أنا آسف لذلك وأعتذر من صميم قلبي".    Horrific testimonies, a sexual harassment scandal affects the former coach of the Israeli and Chelsea national teams  Several women recounted horrific testimonies of sexual harassment by Avram Grant, the former coach of the Israel national team and the English Chelsea football team, and an investigative television program featured the testimonies of women it said were journalists and models who had been harassed.  Several women who appeared in an investigative program on an Israeli channel have accused the former coach of the Israeli national team and the former Chelsea football team, Avram Grant, 67, of sexual harassment.  The Exposure program, which was broadcast on Sunday on Israeli Channel 12, broadcast the testimonies of the women who said that "the former prominent coach used his influence and relationships to try to obtain sexual favors from young women who sought his help at the beginning of their careers."  Grant, who was a well-known coach in Israel, rose to international renown in 2007 when he coached Chelsea, and led them to the Champions League final, and also coached West Ham and Portsmouth in the Premier League, and the national teams of Israel and Ghana.  One woman reported that in June 2020, Grant invited her to his apartment in Tel Aviv, where he offered to help her find work, and there he told her, "Relax, take off your clothes." At the time, the 22-year-old thought he was joking, but according to her statements, "He asked her to come close to him and try to hug her. He really grabbed me and wouldn't let me go."  She continued, "Feeling uncomfortable, he put his hand on my thigh, and I remember immediately moving his hand. After a few seconds of talking, he grabbed me by the neck, as if suffocating me, turned my head to him, and tried to kiss me forcibly."  She indicated that "he refused to let her leave the apartment, pressured her to sleep there, and then tried again to harass her by taking her hand and putting it on his thighs, and at this point she went to the bathroom and started crying," she said.  Another woman, described as a prominent sports journalist in Israel, said that "Grant offered to help her in her career when she was just starting out. Then he started making inappropriate comments to her and sending her harassing messages over the course of several years. Several women recount similar behavior from Grant".  Another woman, who was a well-known local Israeli model, said he "offered her help early in her career and she traveled to England to meet him, and at the hotel there, he suddenly took off his clothes and tried to convince her to sleep with him."  Israeli journalist Haim Etgar, presenter of Exposure, confirmed that a number of those who testified against Grant were well-known journalists, pointing to the reason why the identities and some of the voices of those victims were hidden because they feared the consequences for their careers.  "During the preparation of the show, he was subjected to tremendous pressure from Grant's associates, threats of legal action and attempts to discredit the women who appeared," Etgar said.  Grant, for his part, did not deny the accusations, and said any harm he caused was unintentional, adding: "In my life, both personally and professionally, I have always sought to prioritize survival as a human being and respect every woman or man, whoever he may be."  He emphasized that "he tried very hard to treat women with respect and friendship and I never meant to act unfairly or harm any woman in any way. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or hurt on my part, I am sorry for that and I apologize from the bottom of my heart."

Horrific testimonies, a sexual harassment scandal affects the former coach of the Israeli and Chelsea national teams

Several women recounted horrific testimonies of sexual harassment by Avram Grant, the former coach of the Israel national team and the English Chelsea football team, and an investigative television program featured the testimonies of women it said were journalists and models who had been harassed.

Several women who appeared in an investigative program on an Israeli channel have accused the former coach of the Israeli national team and the former Chelsea football team, Avram Grant, 67, of sexual harassment.

The Exposure program, which was broadcast on Sunday on Israeli Channel 12, broadcast the testimonies of the women who said that "the former prominent coach used his influence and relationships to try to obtain sexual favors from young women who sought his help at the beginning of their careers."

Grant, who was a well-known coach in Israel, rose to international renown in 2007 when he coached Chelsea, and led them to the Champions League final, and also coached West Ham and Portsmouth in the Premier League, and the national teams of Israel and Ghana.

One woman reported that in June 2020, Grant invited her to his apartment in Tel Aviv, where he offered to help her find work, and there he told her, "Relax, take off your clothes." At the time, the 22-year-old thought he was joking, but according to her statements, "He asked her to come close to him and try to hug her. He really grabbed me and wouldn't let me go."

She continued, "Feeling uncomfortable, he put his hand on my thigh, and I remember immediately moving his hand. After a few seconds of talking, he grabbed me by the neck, as if suffocating me, turned my head to him, and tried to kiss me forcibly."

She indicated that "he refused to let her leave the apartment, pressured her to sleep there, and then tried again to harass her by taking her hand and putting it on his thighs, and at this point she went to the bathroom and started crying," she said.

Another woman, described as a prominent sports journalist in Israel, said that "Grant offered to help her in her career when she was just starting out. Then he started making inappropriate comments to her and sending her harassing messages over the course of several years. Several women recount similar behavior from Grant".

Another woman, who was a well-known local Israeli model, said he "offered her help early in her career and she traveled to England to meet him, and at the hotel there, he suddenly took off his clothes and tried to convince her to sleep with him."

Israeli journalist Haim Etgar, presenter of Exposure, confirmed that a number of those who testified against Grant were well-known journalists, pointing to the reason why the identities and some of the voices of those victims were hidden because they feared the consequences for their careers.

"During the preparation of the show, he was subjected to tremendous pressure from Grant's associates, threats of legal action and attempts to discredit the women who appeared," Etgar said.

Grant, for his part, did not deny the accusations, and said any harm he caused was unintentional, adding: "In my life, both personally and professionally, I have always sought to prioritize survival as a human being and respect every woman or man, whoever he may be."

He emphasized that "he tried very hard to treat women with respect and friendship and I never meant to act unfairly or harm any woman in any way. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or hurt on my part, I am sorry for that and I apologize from the bottom of my heart."

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