Police: 32 people were injured in 97 traffic accidents during the depression

الشرطة: إصابة 32 مواطنا في 97 حادث سير خلال المنخفض الجوي  مركبات تسير وسط مدينة رام الله خلال المنخفض الجوي (عدسة: محمد أبو زيد/وفا) رام الله 27-1-2022 وفا- أعلنت الشرطة الفلسطينية، تسجيل 97 حادث سير خلال المنخفض الجوي في كافة المحافظات الشمالية، نتج عنها إصابة 32 مواطنًا.  كما سجلت وقوع 3 وفيات لشقيقين في بلدة الظاهرية جنوب الخليل نتيجة احتراق منزلهما، وشاب من مخيم عسكر القديم شرق نابلس نتيجة استنشاق غاز تسرب من مدفأة.  وذكرت إدارة العلاقات العامة والإعلام بالشرطة في تقرير صدر عنها، مساء اليوم الخميس، أن غرفة العمليات المركزية وغرفة التحكم والسيطرة أعدت خطة عمليات كاملة للتعامل مع الطوارئ في محافظات الوطن خلال المنخفض الجوي، وقدمت عددًا من المساعدات للمواطنين وعمليات الإسناد للطواقم المختصة في البلديات والأجهزة الأمنية.  وأوضح التقرير أن أنشطة الشرطة تمثلت بفتح 9 طرق تعرضت للإغلاق بسبب تراكم الثلوج، و7 حالات تعامل مع إنهيار أتربة وصخور وجدران، كما لبت نحو 100 نداء من مواطنين علقوا في الثلوج وقامت بايصالهم الى منازلهم، و36 عملية نجدة لمركبات مواطنين عالقة، وقدمت الإسناد في إخماد حريقين وإخراج المياه من 9 منازل ومنشآت، وقامت بازالة 10 أشجار تعرضت للسقوط .  وأضاف التقرير أن الشرطة نفذت جولات تفقدية دورية على البنوك والصرافات الآلية والأسواق التجارية.  وأهابت الشرطة بالمواطنين ضرورة عدم التردد باللجوء إليها لتقديم المساعدة لهم في الحالات الطارئة والاتصال على الرقم المجاني 100 طلبًا لأي استغاثة، داعيةً إياهم الى أخذ الحيطة والحذر والتقليل من الحركة قدر الإمكان إلا للأمور الطارئة.   Police: 32 people were injured in 97 traffic accidents during the depression   Ramallah, 01/27-2022 Wafa - The Palestinian Police announced that 97 traffic accidents were recorded during the depression in all northern governorates, resulting in the injury of 32 civilians.  Three deaths were also recorded for two brothers in the town of Al-Zahiriya, south of Hebron, as a result of the burning of their house, and a young man from the old Askar camp, east of Nablus, as a result of inhaling gas that leaked from a heater.  And the Police Public Relations and Media Department stated in a report issued by it, this evening, Thursday, that the Central Operations Room and the Control and Control Room had prepared a complete operations plan to deal with emergencies in the governorates of the homeland during the air depression, and provided a number of assistance to citizens and support operations for the specialized teams in the municipalities and security services.  The report indicated that the police activities consisted of opening 9 roads that were closed due to the accumulation of snow, and 7 cases of dealing with the collapse of dirt, rocks and walls. Two fires, draining water from 9 houses and facilities, and removing 10 fallen trees.  The report added that the police carried out periodic inspection tours of banks, ATMs and commercial markets.  The police called on citizens not to hesitate to resort to it to provide them with assistance in emergency cases and to call the toll-free number 100 to request any distress, calling on them to take precaution and reduce movement as much as possible except for emergency matters.

Police: 32 people were injured in 97 traffic accidents during the depression 

Ramallah, 01/27-2022 Wafa - The Palestinian Police announced that 97 traffic accidents were recorded during the depression in all northern governorates, resulting in the injury of 32 civilians.

Three deaths were also recorded for two brothers in the town of Al-Zahiriya, south of Hebron, as a result of the burning of their house, and a young man from the old Askar camp, east of Nablus, as a result of inhaling gas that leaked from a heater.

And the Police Public Relations and Media Department stated in a report issued by it, this evening, Thursday, that the Central Operations Room and the Control and Control Room had prepared a complete operations plan to deal with emergencies in the governorates of the homeland during the air depression, and provided a number of assistance to citizens and support operations for the specialized teams in the municipalities and security services.

The report indicated that the police activities consisted of opening 9 roads that were closed due to the accumulation of snow, and 7 cases of dealing with the collapse of dirt, rocks and walls. Two fires, draining water from 9 houses and facilities, and removing 10 fallen trees.

The report added that the police carried out periodic inspection tours of banks, ATMs and commercial markets.

The police called on citizens not to hesitate to resort to it to provide them with assistance in emergency cases and to call the toll-free number 100 to request any distress, calling on them to take precaution and reduce movement as much as possible except for emergency matters.

ماذا تعرف عن "أودم"؟.. البرنامج الإسرائيلي لتأهيل الفتية المتفوقين لتطوير الأسلحة التكنولوجية تشير الإحصاءات الرسمية إلى أن 8% من المجندين الذكور يتسربون سنويا من الجيش الإسرائيلي، في حين ترتفع النسبة لدى الفتيات إلى 12% تقريبا سنويا.  أعدّت وزارة الأمن الإسرائيلية بالتعاون مع وزارة التربية والتعليم، وبمشاركة جهاز الموساد وجهاز الأمن العام (الشاباك)، برنامجا للطلاب المتفوقين والموهوبين في المرحلة الثانوية من أجل تطوير قدراتهم والاستفادة من أدمغتهم لصناعة وتطوير الأسلحة ومعدات التكنولوجيا والسايبر.  وأطلقت وزارة الأمن الإسرائيلية على برنامج تأهيل الطلاب الموهوبين والمتفوقين "أودِم"، ويهدف إلى تجنيد فتية بعمر 14 إلى 15 عاما، ضمن مساق تعليمي خاص يدمج بين المرحلة الثانوية والجامعية من أجل تطوير واكتشاف أسلحة جديدة وتحديث الأسلحة التقليدية بما يتلاءم مع التطور التكنولوجي والإلكتروني.  وأتى البرنامج وسط تراجع في "حماسة" الإسرائيليين على الخدمة في الوحدات القتالية، حيث أظهرت نتائج التسجيل العام للالتحاق بالجيش للعام الثالث على التوالي ضعفًا في إقبال الشبان اليهود على الخدمة والانخراط في الوحدات القتالية.  وأمام هذا التراجع في التجنيد للوحدات القتالية لوحظ في الجيش إقبال من في المرحلة الثانوية على التسجيل والاستعداد للانخراط في الوحدات التي تعنى بمجال "السايبر"، والخدمة في وحدات التكنولوجيا المختلفة، وأبرزها الوحدة 8200 التابعة لجهاز الاستخبارات العسكرية الإسرائيلية "أمان"، ومنظومة "السايبر" ووحدة الجيش الإلكتروني، وعلى هذا الأساس أتى البرنامج الذي نستعرض أبرز محاوره وأهدافه.  ما الجهات التي تشرف على برنامج "أودم"؟ حسب مدير البرنامج رونين كيدار، فقد انضم الجيش الإسرائيلي والشاباك والموساد وصناعات أمنية رائدة وصناديق وهيئات غير حكومية إلى برنامج "أودم" المشمول في مخطط "تطوير الجولان"، الذي صادقت عليه الحكومة الإسرائيلية في نهاية ديسمبر/كانون الأول الماضي.  وتشرف على هذا البرنامج "مديرية أبحاث وتطوير الأسلحة والبنية التحتية التكنولوجية" في وزارة الأمن الإسرائيلية، بالتعاون مع دائرة الطلاب المتفوقين والموهوبين في وزارة التعليم الإسرائيلية، وذلك لمنع تسريب "أدمغة الهايتك" من الجيش الإسرائيلي.  عروض بحثية للطلاب خلال منافسات مسابقات العلوم الدقيقة في التخنيون.مخيمات صيفية بمعهد التخنيون في حيفا لاكتشاف الطلاب المتفوقين (الجزيرة) ما سبب الحاجة إلى برنامج خاص لتأهيل طلاب الثانويات في مجال تطوير الأسلحة؟ أطلقت وزارتا الأمن والتعليم الإسرائيليتان برنامجا جديدا متميزا، للمتفوقين والموهوبين في مرحلة التعليم الثانوي، وعُقدت أمسية تسويقية للبرنامج بمشاركة شخص ملقب بـ"إيرز"، هو رئيس قسم التكنولوجيا في الموساد، قال من خلال شاشة سوداء "دولة إسرائيل بحاجة إلى مقاتلين جيدين وتحتاج إلى تفوق تكنولوجي. ليس لدينا خيار: يجب أن نكون في المركز الأول؛ المركزان الثاني والثالث لا يكفيان لنا"، وفق ما ذكرته صحيفة "هآرتس"  ما الهدف من برنامج "أودم" للطلاب المتفوقين والموهوبين؟ يسعى برنامج "أودِم" إلى تجنيد فتية وفتيات لديهم تفوق وقدرات عالية، وذلك من أجل تطوير الأسلحة، ومدة البرنامج 12عاما، يشمل الدراسة في مدرسة ثانوية داخلية في مستوطنة "كتسرين" في هضبة الجولان المحتلة، ثم دراسة هندسة الكهرباء في معهد التطبيقات (التخنيون) في حيفا، وبعد ذلك خدمة عسكرية في الوحدات التكنولوجية التابعة للموساد والشاباك والجيش الإسرائيلي 6 سنوات، علما أن الذين ينخرطون في هذه الوحدات سيحظون بـ"تأثير هائل"، وفقا للمشرفين على البرنامج.  هل أُطلق الفوج الأول للبرنامج؟ وكيف ستكون الدراسة؟ بدأت مرحلة تصنيف الطلاب والطالبات من الصفوف التاسعة، لاختيار 40 طالبا سيكونون في الفوج الدراسي الأول لبرنامج "أودم"، وسيشرعون في الدراسة في إطار هذا البرنامج مطلع العام الدراسي المقبل، وسيكون التعليم في جميع المراحل مجانيا، وسيركز البرنامج، بالتعاون مع شركة تطوير الأسلحة "رفائيل"، على تطوير "منظومات مستقلة".   تأتي هذه البرامج لمواجهة العزوف عن الانخراط في الوحدات القتالية البرية، وبغرض توفير الأطر المناسبة للشباب للتجنيد في الجيش، إذ واجهت شعبة الأفراد والقوى في الجيش أخيرا تآكلا في المكانة العسكرية للفرد، وتراجعًا في الدافعية للخدمة القتالية، وهو ما يفرض على الجيش الاستعداد للتغيير والبدء في التفكير خارج الصندوق، حسب المحلل السياسي في الموقع  الإلكتروني "واللا"، أمير بوحبوط.  عروض بحثية للطلاب خلال منافسات مسابقات العلوم الدقيقة في التخنيون.عروض بحثية للطلاب خلال منافسات مسابقات العلوم الدقيقة في التخنيون (الجزيرة) لماذا يتعرض البرنامج للانتقادات؟ وجهت للبرنامج كثير من الانتقادات التي رفضتها وزارة التربية والتعليم، وقال الباحث في العلاقة بين الجيش والسياسة والمجتمع في الجامعة المفتوحة، البروفيسور يَغيل ليفي، إن "بمقدور الروبوتات المقاتلة أن تكون كائنات وحشية، وينبغي توفير مستوى عال من التحليل الأخلاقي من أجل تطويرها. واحتجاز أشخاص في مدرسة داخلية نائية سيخلق الأجواء الملائمة، لمنع طرح أسئلة أو الاعتماد على أنظمة مدنية".  الموقف ذاته عبّرت عنه المحاضرة في كلية القانون في جامعة تل أبيب، الدكتورة نتالي دافيدزون، إذ رأت أن برنامج "أودم" هو "صيغة أكثر تطورا ونعومة للاستخدام العسكري للأولاد والفتية".   وقالت دافيدزون إنه بسبب تراجع الحاجة إلى قوات برية والانطباع بأن استخدام السلاح المستقل كأنه "جراحة" تنشئ وهما بحرب "نظيفة"، فهذه المنظومات "تسهم في تبرير استخدام القوة ونشوء المواجهات".  ما العلاقة بين التفوق بالقدرات الذهنية والخدمة العسكرية في الجيش الإسرائيلي؟ تعتقد المختصة في علم النفس الدكتورة حنا دافيد أن هناك خيبة أمل يشعر بها العديد من الشبان والشابات المصنفين على أنهم موهوبون بالمدرسة الثانوية، لكن قدراتهم وأدمغتهم هُمّشت بسبب الأدوار العسكرية المنوطة بهم عند انخراطهم بالجيش الإسرائيلي.  وتشير الإحصاءات الرسمية إلى أن 8% من المجندين الذكور يتسربون سنويا من الجيش، في حين ترتفع النسبة لدى الفتيات إلى 12% تقريبا.  وأوضحت أنه بسبب عدم التوافق بين المسميات الوظيفية والعمل اليومي المطلوب منهم (الموهوبين) فإنهم يؤدون خدمتهم العسكرية رغما عنهم، فالخدمة في الجيش الإسرائيلي إلزامية، وليست قائمة يمكنك من خلالها اختيار "ما تريد".   وعليه؛ أتت البرامج من أجل توفير الإطار المناسب لقدرات وأدمغة المتفوقين والموهوبين، ومن ثم فإن الجيش الإسرائيلي يعرف كيفية الاستثمار بالأدمغة والقدرات الخارقة واستخدام العقول اللامعة التي تصل إليه بأفضل طريقة لجميع الأطراف، وتجنيدهم في وحدات السايبر والجيش الإلكتروني والوحدة 8200 الاستخباراتية.   لماذا هذه البرامج والمسارات الخاصة بالمتفوقين؟ هناك انطباع لدى أبناء الشبيبة اليهود أنه بناء على تاريخ التكنولوجيا العالية في إسرائيل، فإن الخدمة العسكرية ضمن وحدات السايبر هي ضمان للنجاح الاقتصادي في المستقبل، ولذا فإن مثل هذه البرامج ترمي إلى مكافحة ظاهرة التسرب من الجيش وتوفير الإطار المناسب لكل مجند ومجندة.  تقول الدكتورة حنا دافيد إن هذا افتراض صحيح، "لكن لا علاقة له بالاعتقاد بأن الجيش الإسرائيلي سوف يتعرف على قدرات ابني الذي حصل على 100 في شهادة الثانوية العامة في 5 وحدات في علوم الحاسوب والرياضيات، وعليه أتت هذه المسارات لاختيار الطلاب الموهوبين من المرحلة الثانوية، بغية أن يكون الطالب أو الطالبة راضيا بالفعل عن الخدمة العسكرية، وأن يشعر بأنه يستنفد قدراته، أو أن المجتمع الإسرائيلي سوف يقدّره".    What do you know about "ODM"?..the Israeli program to qualify outstanding youth to develop technological weapons Official statistics indicate that 8% of male conscripts drop out of the Israeli army annually, while the percentage among girls rises to approximately 12% annually.  The Israeli Ministry of Defense, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and with the participation of the Mossad and the Shin Bet security service, has prepared a program for outstanding and talented students at the secondary level in order to develop their abilities and benefit from their brains to manufacture and develop weapons, technology and cyber equipment.  The Israeli Ministry of Security launched the program for the rehabilitation of talented and talented students "ODEM", and it aims to recruit 14 to 15-year-olds, in a special educational course that combines secondary and university levels in order to develop and discover new weapons and modernize conventional weapons in line with technological and electronic development.  The program came amid a decline in the "enthusiastic" Israelis to serve in combat units, as the results of the general registration to join the army for the third year in a row showed a weakness in the turnout of Jewish youths to serve and engage in combat units.  In the face of this decline in recruitment for combat units, it was noticed in the army that high school students registered and prepared to join units dealing with the “cyber” field, and serve in various technology units, most notably Unit 8200 of the Israeli Military Intelligence Service “Aman” and the “cyber” system. And the Electronic Army Unit, and on this basis came the program, which we review the most prominent axes and objectives.  What are the bodies that supervise the "ODM" program? According to the program director Ronen Kedar, the Israeli army, the Shin Bet, the Mossad, leading security industries, funds and non-governmental organizations have joined the ODM program, which is included in the "Golan Development Plan", which was approved by the Israeli government at the end of last December.  This program is supervised by the Directorate of Research and Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure in the Israeli Ministry of Security, in cooperation with the Outstanding and Talented Students Department in the Israeli Ministry of Education, in order to prevent the leakage of “high-tech brains” from the Israeli army.  Why is there a need for a special program to qualify high school students in the field of weapons development? The Israeli ministries of security and education launched a new, distinguished program for the talented and talented in secondary education, and a marketing evening was held for the program, with the participation of a person nicknamed “Erez,” the head of the Mossad’s technology department, who said through a black screen, “The State of Israel needs good fighters and needs to excel. Technological. We have no choice: we have to be in first place; second and third places are not enough for us," according to Haaretz newspaper .  What is the purpose of the ODM program for gifted and talented students? The "Odem" program seeks to recruit young men and women who have superior capabilities and abilities, in order to develop weapons. The duration of the program is 12 years, and includes studying at a boarding secondary school in the settlement of "Kitzrin" in the occupied Golan Heights, then studying electrical engineering at the Institute of Applications (the Technion). In Haifa, and then a military service in the technological units of the Mossad, the Shin Bet, and the Israeli army for 6 years, knowing that those who join these units will have a “huge impact,” according to the program’s supervisors.  Was the first batch of the program launched? How will the study be? The stage of classifying male and female students from the ninth grades has begun, to select 40 students who will be in the first cohort of the “ODM” program, and they will start studying within the framework of this program at the beginning of the next academic year, and education at all stages will be free, and the program will focus, in cooperation with the Arms Development Company. Raphael", to develop "independent systems".  These programs come to counter the reluctance to engage in ground combat units, and for the purpose of providing appropriate frameworks for young people to enlist in the army, as the Army’s Personnel and Forces Division recently faced an erosion in the military standing of the individual, and a decline in the motivation for combat service, which forces the army to prepare for change and start Thinking outside the box, according to Amir Bouhbut, a political analyst at the Walla website.  Why is the program being criticized? The program drew a lot of criticism, which was rejected by the Ministry of Education, and a researcher in the relationship between the military, politics and society at the Open University, Professor Yigal Levy, said that “fighting robots can be brutal creatures, and a high level of moral analysis should be provided for their development. In a remote boarding school, he would create the right atmosphere, to prevent questions from being asked or reliance on civilian regulations."  The same position was expressed by the lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Natalie Davidzon, who considered that the "ODM" program is "a more sophisticated and softer version of military use for boys and girls."  Davidson said that due to the reduced need for ground forces and the impression that the use of autonomous weapons as "surgery" creates the illusion of a "clean" war, these systems "contribute to justifying the use of force and the emergence of confrontations."  What is the relationship between excellence in mental abilities and military service in the Israeli army? Psychologist Dr. Hanna David believes that there is a disappointment felt by many young men and women who are classified as gifted in high school, but their abilities and their brains have been marginalized by the military roles assigned to them when they join the Israeli army.  Official statistics indicate that 8% of male conscripts drop out of the army annually, while the percentage among girls rises to approximately 12%.  She explained that due to the incompatibility between job titles and the daily work required of them (the talented), they perform their military service against their will. Service in the Israeli army is mandatory, and it is not a list through which you can choose "what you want."  and accordingly; The programs came in order to provide the appropriate framework for the capabilities and brains of the gifted and talented, and then the Israeli army knows how to invest in brains and supernatural abilities and use the brilliant minds that reach it in the best way for all parties, and recruit them into the cyber units, the electronic army, and the 8200 intelligence unit.  Why these programs and tracks for outstanding students? There is an impression among the Jewish youth that, based on the history of high technology in Israel, military service within the cyber units is a guarantee of economic success in the future. Therefore, such programs aim to combat the phenomenon of dropouts from the army and provide an appropriate framework for each male and female conscript.  Dr. Hanna David says that this is a correct assumption, “but it has nothing to do with the belief that the Israeli army will recognize the capabilities of my son, who obtained 100 in the high school certificate in 5 units in computer science and mathematics, and accordingly these paths came to select talented students from the secondary stage, In order for the male or female student to be truly satisfied with the military service, and to feel that his abilities are exhausted, or that Israeli society will appreciate him.”

What do you know about "ODM"? the Israeli program to qualify outstanding youth to develop technological weapons

Official statistics indicate that 8% of male conscripts drop out of the Israeli army annually, while the percentage among girls rises to approximately 12% annually.

The Israeli Ministry of Defense, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and with the participation of the Mossad and the Shin Bet security service, has prepared a program for outstanding and talented students at the secondary level in order to develop their abilities and benefit from their brains to manufacture and develop weapons, technology and cyber equipment.

The Israeli Ministry of Security launched the program for the rehabilitation of talented and talented students "ODEM", and it aims to recruit 14 to 15-year-olds, in a special educational course that combines secondary and university levels in order to develop and discover new weapons and modernize conventional weapons in line with technological and electronic development.

The program came amid a decline in the "enthusiastic" Israelis to serve in combat units, as the results of the general registration to join the army for the third year in a row showed a weakness in the turnout of Jewish youths to serve and engage in combat units.

In the face of this decline in recruitment for combat units, it was noticed in the army that high school students registered and prepared to join units dealing with the “cyber” field, and serve in various technology units, most notably Unit 8200 of the Israeli Military Intelligence Service “Aman” and the “cyber” system. And the Electronic Army Unit, and on this basis came the program, which we review the most prominent axes and objectives.

What are the bodies that supervise the "ODM" program?

According to the program director Ronen Kedar, the Israeli army, the Shin Bet, the Mossad, leading security industries, funds and non-governmental organizations have joined the ODM program, which is included in the "Golan Development Plan", which was approved by the Israeli government at the end of last December.

This program is supervised by the Directorate of Research and Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure in the Israeli Ministry of Security, in cooperation with the Outstanding and Talented Students Department in the Israeli Ministry of Education, in order to prevent the leakage of “high-tech brains” from the Israeli army.

Why is there a need for a special program to qualify high school students in the field of weapons development?

The Israeli ministries of security and education launched a new, distinguished program for the talented and talented in secondary education, and a marketing evening was held for the program, with the participation of a person nicknamed “Erez,” the head of the Mossad’s technology department, who said through a black screen, “The State of Israel needs good fighters and needs to excel. Technological. We have no choice: we have to be in first place; second and third places are not enough for us," according to Haaretz newspaper .

What is the purpose of the ODM program for gifted and talented students?

The "Odem" program seeks to recruit young men and women who have superior capabilities and abilities, in order to develop weapons. The duration of the program is 12 years, and includes studying at a boarding secondary school in the settlement of "Kitzrin" in the occupied Golan Heights, then studying electrical engineering at the Institute of Applications (the Technion). In Haifa, and then a military service in the technological units of the Mossad, the Shin Bet, and the Israeli army for 6 years, knowing that those who join these units will have a “huge impact,” according to the program’s supervisors.

Was the first batch of the program launched? How will the study be?

The stage of classifying male and female students from the ninth grades has begun, to select 40 students who will be in the first cohort of the “ODM” program, and they will start studying within the framework of this program at the beginning of the next academic year, and education at all stages will be free, and the program will focus, in cooperation with the Arms Development Company. Raphael", to develop "independent systems".

These programs come to counter the reluctance to engage in ground combat units, and for the purpose of providing appropriate frameworks for young people to enlist in the army, as the Army’s Personnel and Forces Division recently faced an erosion in the military standing of the individual, and a decline in the motivation for combat service, which forces the army to prepare for change and start Thinking outside the box, according to Amir Bouhbut, a political analyst at the Walla website.

Why is the program being criticized?

The program drew a lot of criticism, which was rejected by the Ministry of Education, and a researcher in the relationship between the military, politics and society at the Open University, Professor Yigal Levy, said that “fighting robots can be brutal creatures, and a high level of moral analysis should be provided for their development. In a remote boarding school, he would create the right atmosphere, to prevent questions from being asked or reliance on civilian regulations."

The same position was expressed by the lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Natalie Davidzon, who considered that the "ODM" program is "a more sophisticated and softer version of military use for boys and girls."

Davidson said that due to the reduced need for ground forces and the impression that the use of autonomous weapons as "surgery" creates the illusion of a "clean" war, these systems "contribute to justifying the use of force and the emergence of confrontations."

What is the relationship between excellence in mental abilities and military service in the Israeli army?

Psychologist Dr. Hanna David believes that there is a disappointment felt by many young men and women who are classified as gifted in high school, but their abilities and their brains have been marginalized by the military roles assigned to them when they join the Israeli army.

Official statistics indicate that 8% of male conscripts drop out of the army annually, while the percentage among girls rises to approximately 12%.

She explained that due to the incompatibility between job titles and the daily work required of them (the talented), they perform their military service against their will. Service in the Israeli army is mandatory, and it is not a list through which you can choose "what you want."

and accordingly; The programs came in order to provide the appropriate framework for the capabilities and brains of the gifted and talented, and then the Israeli army knows how to invest in brains and supernatural abilities and use the brilliant minds that reach it in the best way for all parties, and recruit them into the cyber units, the electronic army, and the 8200 intelligence unit.

Why these programs and tracks for outstanding students?

There is an impression among the Jewish youth that, based on the history of high technology in Israel, military service within the cyber units is a guarantee of economic success in the future. Therefore, such programs aim to combat the phenomenon of dropouts from the army and provide an appropriate framework for each male and female conscript.

Dr. Hanna David says that this is a correct assumption, “but it has nothing to do with the belief that the Israeli army will recognize the capabilities of my son, who obtained 100 in the high school certificate in 5 units in computer science and mathematics, and accordingly these paths came to select talented students from the secondary stage, In order for the male or female student to be truly satisfied with the military service, and to feel that his abilities are exhausted, or that Israeli society will appreciate him.”

يسوّق لمنتجات نسائية مغشوشة.. السعودية توقف أحد مشاهير "سناب شات" استدعت وزارة التجارة السعودية مواطناً يسوّق منتجات نسائية مغشوشة ومقلّدة لعلامات تجارية عبر حسابه الشهير في تطبيق "سناب شات". وقالت إن المتهم "اتّخذ عدّة شقق فاخرة في الرياض مقراً لعمله gترويج البضائع المغشوشة وإيصالها إلى المشترين بسيارات فارهة".  أعلنت وزارة التجارة السعودية ضبطها مواطناً يسوّق منتجات نسائية مغشوشة ومقلّدة لعلامات تجارية عبر حسابه الشهير في تطبيق "سناب شات". حسب ما أعلنته عبر حسابها في تويتر.  وتحت عنوان "عيون الرقابة تحمي المستهلك" نشرت الوزارة مقطع فيديو يُظهر دهم عناصر من فرقة الرقابة لمنزل المتهم الذي "اتّخذ عدّة شقق فاخرة في الرياض مقراً لترويج البضائع المغشوشة وإيصالها إلى المشترين بسيارات فارهة".   والبضاعة المقلّدة عبارة عن حقائب نسائية ومحافظ وإكسسوارات وأوراق تغليف وعبوات بأسماء علامات شهيرة لوضع المنتجات فيها، تتجاوز قيمتها الإجمالية 700 ألف ريال (نحو 186 ألف دولار أمريكي)، وحجزت الوزارة البضاعة بعد تنفيذ كمين مُحكم.  وأشارت إلى أنها استدعت المتهم لسماع أقواله وإحالة الواقعة إلى الجهات المعنية لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة.  ووفقاً لنظام التجارة الإلكترونية ولائحته التنفيذية تضبط وزارة التجارة مخالفات المتاجر الإلكترونية وتحيل المخالفين إلى لجنة النظر في مخالفات نظام التجارة الإلكترونية، وتُصدر من خلالها غرامات تصل إلى مليون ريال (نحو 266 ألف دولار أمريكي) والتشهير، إضافة إلى حجب المواقع المخالفة وإغلاقها، والمنع من مزاولة النشاط.     Marketing fake women's products Saudi Arabia suspends a famous "Snapchat"  The Saudi Ministry of Commerce has summoned a citizen who markets fake and counterfeit women's products through his famous account on the "Snapchat" application. She said that the accused "has taken several luxury apartments in Riyadh as a headquarters for his work to promote fraudulent goods and deliver them to buyers in luxury cars."  The Saudi Ministry of Commerce announced the arrest of a citizen who was marketing fake and counterfeit women's products through his famous account on the "Snapchat" application. As she announced on her Twitter account.  Under the title "The Eyes of Censorship Protects the Consumer," the ministry published a video clip showing the raiding of the house of the accused, who "made several luxury apartments in Riyadh as a headquarters for promoting counterfeit goods and delivering them to buyers in luxury cars."  The counterfeit goods consist of women's bags, wallets, accessories, packaging papers and packages with the names of famous brands in which to place products, with a total value of more than 700,000 riyals (about 186,000 US dollars), and the Ministry seized the goods after carrying out a tight ambush.  It indicated that it summoned the accused to hear his statements and refer the incident to the concerned authorities to take the necessary measures.  According to the e-commerce system and its executive regulations, the Ministry of Commerce controls the violations of electronic stores and refers the violators to the committee to look into the violations of the e-commerce system, through which it issues fines of up to one million riyals (about 266,000 US dollars) and defamation, in addition to blocking and closing offending websites, and preventing them from engaging in activity.

Marketing fake women's products Saudi Arabia suspends a famous "Snapchat"

The Saudi Ministry of Commerce has summoned a citizen who markets fake and counterfeit women's products through his famous account on the "Snapchat" application. She said that the accused "has taken several luxury apartments in Riyadh as a headquarters for his work to promote fraudulent goods and deliver them to buyers in luxury cars."

The Saudi Ministry of Commerce announced the arrest of a citizen who was marketing fake and counterfeit women's products through his famous account on the "Snapchat" application. As she announced on her Twitter account.

Under the title "The Eyes of Censorship Protects the Consumer," the ministry published a video clip showing the raiding of the house of the accused, who "made several luxury apartments in Riyadh as a headquarters for promoting counterfeit goods and delivering them to buyers in luxury cars."

The counterfeit goods consist of women's bags, wallets, accessories, packaging papers and packages with the names of famous brands in which to place products, with a total value of more than 700,000 riyals (about 186,000 US dollars), and the Ministry seized the goods after carrying out a tight ambush.

It indicated that it summoned the accused to hear his statements and refer the incident to the concerned authorities to take the necessary measures.

According to the e-commerce system and its executive regulations, the Ministry of Commerce controls the violations of electronic stores and refers the violators to the committee to look into the violations of the e-commerce system, through which it issues fines of up to one million riyals (about 266,000 US dollars) and defamation, in addition to blocking and closing offending websites, and preventing them from engaging in activity.

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