NHRC notices to Karnataka government on controversy over 'violation of human rights', hijab

'मानवाधिकार का उल्लंघन', हिजाब को लेकर विवाद पर NHRC का कर्नाटक सरकार को नोटिस ये नोटिस उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव और उडुपी के जिलाधिकारी को भेजा गया है और 4 हफ्तों में रिपोर्ट मांगी गई है.  राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC) ने गुरुवार, 27 जनवरी को कर्नाटक (Karnataka) सरकार को उडुपी (Udupi) के एक सरकारी कॉलेज में हिजाब पहनने पर आठ छात्राओं के प्रवेश पर प्रतिबंध लगाने के संबंध में नोटिस जारी कर दिया है.  नोटिस में लिखा गया कि, मामले के तथ्य विचलित करने वाले हैं. शिकायत में लगाए गए आरोप 'शिक्षा के अधिकार' से संबंधित गंभीर हैं. इसलिए इस मामले में पीड़ित छात्रों के मानवाधिकारों का गंभीर उल्लंघन है.  यह नोटिस उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के प्रमुख सचिव और उडुपी के जिलाधिकारी को भेजा गया है और चार हफ्तों में रिपोर्ट मांगी गई है.  दरअसल कर्नाटक के उडुपी में सरकारी महिला पीयू कॉलेज ने हिजाब पहनने वाली आठ छात्रों के प्रवेश पर रोक लगा दी है और लगभग एक महीने बाद भी छात्राएं अपनी कक्षाओं में प्रवेश करने के लिए लड़ रही हैं.  सभी लड़कियों की उम्र 16 से 19 साल के बीच है और 31 दिसंबर से उनकी अटेंडेंस मार्क नहीं हो रही. कॉलेज ने कहा है, "कैंपस में किसी भी धार्मिक गतिविधि की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी".  द क्विंट से बात करते हुए, दो छात्राओं- 18 साल की एएच अल्मास और 17 साल की आलिया असदी ने बताया कि उन पर लगी रोक की वजह से उनकी पढ़ाई प्रभावित हो रही है.  आलिया कहती हैं कि, "हम मुसलमान हैं और हिजाब हमारी आस्था का हिस्सा है. इसके साथ ही हम करियर और अच्छे जीवन की आकांक्षा रखने वाले छात्र भी हैं. हमसे अचानक अपनी पहचान और अपनी शिक्षा के बीच चयन करने की अपेक्षा क्यों की जाती है? यह बिल्कुल भी उचित नहीं है." वहीं अल्मास ने कहा कि कुछ महीनों में परीक्षाएं आने वाली हैं, इसलिए कक्षा में रोक से प्रभाव पड़ सकता है. अल्मास ने कहा, "हमारी अटेंडेंस कम हो रही है... हम महत्वपूर्ण लेसन छोड़ रहे हैं. कुछ महीनों में हमारी परीक्षाएं हैं. हम बहुत घबराए हुए हैं कि फिर क्या होगा."  कर्नाटक: कॉलेज में हिजाब पहनने पर रोक के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ रही 6 छात्राएं कॉलेज प्रशासन की ओर से कहा गया कि "कैंपस में किसी भी धार्मिक गतिविधि की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी".  कर्नाटक (Karnataka) के उडुपी (Udupi) में सरकारी महिला PU कॉलेज ने हिजाब पहनने वाली छह छात्रओं के प्रवेश पर रोक लगा दी थी जिसके तीन हफ्ते बाद भी वो अपनी कक्षाओं में जाने के लिए कॉलेज प्रशासन से लड़ रही हैं.  कॉलेज प्रशासन ने सभी छह लड़कियों के प्रवेश पर रोक लगाने का कारण बताते हुए कहा है कि "कैंपस में किसी भी धार्मिक गतिविधि की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी".  द क्विंट से उन छह छात्रओं में से एक आलिया असदी ने कहा कि एक प्रोफेसर ने उन्हें हिजाब पहनकर प्रवेश करने पर बाहर करने की धमकी दी है.  हम अभी भी कक्षा के बाहर बैठे हैं. हमें कक्षा के अंदर जाने की अनुमति नहीं है. एक दिन हम कक्षा के अंदर गए थे लेकिन प्रोफेसर ने कहा, 'यदि आप कक्षा से बाहर नहीं जाते हैं, तो मैं आपको बाहर धकेल दूंगा' ये प्रोफेसर के शब्द हैं. इन सभी छह छात्राओं की 31 दिसंबर से कक्षा में 'अनुपस्थिति' दर्ज की जा रही है.   आलिया असदी आगे कहती हैं कि, "हालांकि यह हमारा मौलिक अधिकार है, यह हमारा संवैधानिक अधिकार है, फिर भी वे हमें क्लास में जाने की अनुमति नहीं दे रहे हैं क्योंकि हमने हिजाब पहन रखा है. उस कॉलेज में बहुत भेदभाव किया जाता है और हम उर्दू में बात नहीं कर सकते हैं. हम एक दूसरे को सलाम नहीं कर सकते. उस कॉलेज में इस तरह का भेदभाव किया जा रहा है. यह मामला सांप्रदायिक होता जा रहा है."  एक्टिविस्ट ने उठाया सवाल- 'क्या कॉलेज लड़कियों को बिंदी पहनने से रोकेगा' कैंपस फ्रंट उडुपी के एक कार्यकर्ता जम जम कपथी ने द क्विंट को बताया कि क्या कॉलेज पूजा करने से परहेज करेगा या छात्रों को बिंदी नहीं पहनने के लिए कह सकता है.  वो पूछते हैं, "यदि आप कहते हैं कि कोई धार्मिक कार्य नहीं होना चाहिए, तो कोई धार्मिक कार्य नहीं किया जाना चाहिए. लेकिन यहां वे पूजा करते हैं. हम इसके बारे में कुछ नहीं कहते हैं. लोग बिंदी लगाते हैं. यह भी एक धार्मिक गतिविधि है. यह हमारा ड्रेस कोड है, इसलिए हमने उनसे कहा कि हमें हिजाब पहनने दें."  इस वजह से क्लास में उनकी उपस्थिति कम हो गई है. जब हम इस बारे में प्रिंसिपल से बात करने आए तो वे कह रहे हैं कि बच्चों के लिए दाखिले के दौरान आए माता-पिता यहां हों. वे यहां कितने माता-पिता की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं? हमने उन्हें सिर्फ ये कहा कि छात्रों को कक्षा के अंदर आने दें हम यहां से चले जाएंगे.   NHRC notices to Karnataka government on controversy over 'violation of human rights', hijab This notice has been sent to the Principal Secretary of Higher Education Department and District Magistrate of Udupi and a report has been sought in 4 weeks.  The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Karnataka government on Thursday, January 27 with regard to banning the entry of eight girl students from wearing hijab in a government college in Udupi.  It was written in the notice that the facts of the case are disturbing. The allegations made in the complaint are serious related to the 'right to education'. Therefore, in this case there is a serious violation of the human rights of the aggrieved students.  This notice has been sent to the Principal Secretary of the Higher Education Department and the District Magistrate of Udupi and a report has been sought in four weeks.  In fact, the Government Women's PU College in Udupi, Karnataka has barred the entry of eight hijab-wearing students and almost a month later, the girls are still fighting to enter their classes.  All the girls are between 16 to 19 years of age and their attendance is not being marked from 31st December. The college has said, "No religious activity will be allowed on the campus".  Speaking to The Quint, two girl students- AH Almas, 18, and Aaliya Asadi, 17, told that their studies are being affected due to the ban imposed on them.  Aaliya says, “We are Muslims and hijab is part of our faith. At the same time we are students aspiring for career and good life. Why are we suddenly expected to choose between our identity and our education? ? It's not fair at all." At the same time, Almas said that the examinations are going to come in a few months, so the suspension of classes may have an effect. Almas said, "Our attendance is going down... We are skipping important lessons. We have exams in a few months. We are very nervous about what will happen next."  It was said by the college administration that "no religious activity will be allowed in the campus".  Three weeks after the Government Women's PU College in Udupi, Karnataka barred the entry of six hijab-wearing students, they are still fighting with the college administration to go to their classes.  The college administration has given the reason for barring the entry of all the six girls saying that "no religious activity will be allowed on the campus".  Aaliya Asadi, one of the six students, told The Quint that a professor had threatened to throw her out if she entered wearing a hijab.  We are still sitting outside the classroom. We are not allowed inside the class. One day we went inside the class but the professor said, 'If you don't leave the class, I will push you out' These are the words of the professor.  The 'absence' of all these six girl students is being recorded in the class from December 31.  Aaliya Asadi further says that, "Although it is our fundamental right, it is our constitutional right, yet they are not allowing us to attend class because we are wearing hijab. There is a lot of discrimination in that college and We can't talk in Urdu. We can't salute each other. This kind of discrimination is being done in that college. This matter is becoming communal."  The activist raised the question- 'Will the college stop girls from wearing bindi' Jam Jam Kapathy, an activist from Campus Front Udupi, told The Quint whether the college would refrain from performing the puja or ask the students not to wear bindi.  He asks, "If you say that no religious work should be done, then no religious work should be done. But here they worship. We don't say anything about it. People put a bindi. This is also a It is a religious activity. This is our dress code, so we asked them to let us wear the hijab."  Because of this their attendance in class has decreased. When we came to talk to the principal about this, he is saying that the parents who came during the admission for the children should be here. How many parents are they expecting here? We only told them that let the students come inside the class, we will leave from here.

NHRC notices to Karnataka government on controversy over 'violation of human rights', hijab

INDIA : This notice has been sent to the Principal Secretary of Higher Education Department and District Magistrate of Udupi and a report has been sought in 4 weeks.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Karnataka government on Thursday, January 27 with regard to banning the entry of eight girl students from wearing hijab in a government college in Udupi.

It was written in the notice that the facts of the case are disturbing. The allegations made in the complaint are serious related to the 'right to education'. Therefore, in this case there is a serious violation of the human rights of the aggrieved students.

This notice has been sent to the Principal Secretary of the Higher Education Department and the District Magistrate of Udupi and a report has been sought in four weeks.

In fact, the Government Women's PU College in Udupi, Karnataka has barred the entry of eight hijab-wearing students and almost a month later, the girls are still fighting to enter their classes.

All the girls are between 16 to 19 years of age and their attendance is not being marked from 31st December. The college has said, "No religious activity will be allowed on the campus".

Speaking to The Quint, two girl students- AH Almas, 18, and Aaliya Asadi, 17, told that their studies are being affected due to the ban imposed on them.

Aaliya says, “We are Muslims and hijab is part of our faith. At the same time we are students aspiring for career and good life. Why are we suddenly expected to choose between our identity and our education? ? It's not fair at all."
At the same time, Almas said that the examinations are going to come in a few months, so the suspension of classes may have an effect. Almas said, "Our attendance is going down... We are skipping important lessons. We have exams in a few months. We are very nervous about what will happen next."

It was said by the college administration that "no religious activity will be allowed in the campus".

Three weeks after the Government Women's PU College in Udupi, Karnataka barred the entry of six hijab-wearing students, they are still fighting with the college administration to go to their classes.

The college administration has given the reason for barring the entry of all the six girls saying that "no religious activity will be allowed on the campus".

Aaliya Asadi, one of the six students, told The Quint that a professor had threatened to throw her out if she entered wearing a hijab.

We are still sitting outside the classroom. We are not allowed inside the class. One day we went inside the class but the professor said, 'If you don't leave the class, I will push you out' These are the words of the professor.

The 'absence' of all these six girl students is being recorded in the class from December 31.

Aaliya Asadi further says that, "Although it is our fundamental right, it is our constitutional right, yet they are not allowing us to attend class because we are wearing hijab. There is a lot of discrimination in that college and We can't talk in Urdu. We can't salute each other. This kind of discrimination is being done in that college. This matter is becoming communal."

The activist raised the question- 'Will the college stop girls from wearing bindi'
Jam Jam Kapathy, an activist from Campus Front Udupi, told The Quint whether the college would refrain from performing the puja or ask the students not to wear bindi.

He asks, "If you say that no religious work should be done, then no religious work should be done. But here they worship. We don't say anything about it. People put a bindi. This is also a It is a religious activity. This is our dress code, so we asked them to let us wear the hijab."

Because of this their attendance in class has decreased. When we came to talk to the principal about this, he is saying that the parents who came during the admission for the children should be here. How many parents are they expecting here? We only told them that let the students come inside the class, we will leave from here.

بلوچستان کے ضلع کیچ میں سیکورٹی چیک پوسٹ پر دہشت گردوں کا حملہ، 10 جوان شہید حملہ 25 اور 26 جنوری کی درمیانی شب کو کیا گیا، جوابی کاروائی میں ایک دہشت گرد ہلاک اور متعدد زخمی ہوئے: آئی ایس پی آر muhammad ali  محمد علی  جمعرات 27 جنوری 2022  22:46  بلوچستان کے ضلع کیچ میں سیکورٹی چیک پوسٹ پر دہشت گردوں کا حملہ، 10 جوان ..  کیچ (اردوپوائنٹ اخبارتازہ ترین۔ 27 جنوری 2022ء) بلوچستان کے ضلع کیچ میں سیکورٹی چیک پوسٹ پر دہشت گردوں کا حملہ، 10 جوان شہید۔ پاک فوج کے شعبہ تعلقات عامہ آئی ایس پی آر کی جانب سے افسوسناک خبر دی گئی ہے۔ آئی ایس پی آر کے مطابق 25 اور 26 جنوری کی درمیانی شب کو کیچ کے علاقے میں دہشت گردوں کی جانب سے سیکورٹی چیک پوسٹ پر حملہ کیا گیا، اس دوران شدید فائرنگ کا تبادلہ ہوا۔   دہشت گردوں کے حملے کے نتیجے میں 10 جوان جام شہادت نوش کر گئے، جبکہ جوابی کاروائی میں ایک دہشت گرد ہلاک اور متعدد زخمی ہوئے۔ آئی ایس پی آر کے مطابق چیک پوسٹ حملے کے بعد علاقے میں سرچ آپریشن کے دوران 3 دہشت گرد گرفتار بھی کیے گئے۔ جبکہ علاقے میں کلیئرنس آپریشن تاحال جاری ہے۔ مسلح افواج دہشت گردوں کے خاتمے کیلئے پرعزم ہے، ہر قیمت پر دہشت گردی کا خاتمہ کیا جائے گا۔     Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan, 10 youths martyred  The attack took place on the night between January 25 and 26. One terrorist was killed and several others were injured in the retaliation: ISPR  Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan, 10 youths  Ketch (Urdupoint News Latest. 27 January 2022) Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan , 10 youths martyred. Tragic news has been given by ISPR , Public Relations Department of Pakistan Army . According to ISPR , a security check post was attacked by terrorists in Ketch area on the night between January 25 and 26 , during which a fierce exchange of fire took place.  As a result of the terrorist attack, 10 youths were martyred, while in retaliation, one terrorist was killed and several others were injured . According to ISPR , three terrorists were also arrested during a search operation in the area after the check post attack . While the clearance operation is still going on in the area. The Armed Forces is committed to the elimination of terrorists. Terrorism will be eradicated at all costs.

Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan, 10 youths martyred

The attack took place on the night between January 25 and 26. One terrorist was killed and several others were injured in the retaliation: ISPR

Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan, 10 youths

Ketch (Urdupoint News Latest. 27 January 2022) Terrorist attack on security check post in Ketch district of Balochistan , 10 youths martyred. Tragic news has been given by ISPR , Public Relations Department of Pakistan Army . According to ISPR , a security check post was attacked by terrorists in Ketch area on the night between January 25 and 26 , during which a fierce exchange of fire took place.

As a result of the terrorist attack, 10 youths were martyred, while in retaliation, one terrorist was killed and several others were injured . According to ISPR , three terrorists were also arrested during a search operation in the area after the check post attack . While the clearance operation is still going on in the area. The Armed Forces is committed to the elimination of terrorists. Terrorism will be eradicated at all costs.

Air India के टेकओवर के बाद Tata ने किया 'पहला बदलाव', आज से पैसेंजरों को मिलेगी ये सर्विस केंद्र सरकार विमानन कंपनी एयर इंडिया को बृहस्पतिवार को टाटा समूह को सौंप सकती है. करीब 69 साल पहले समूह से विमानन कंपनी लेने के बाद उसे अब फिर टाटा समूह को सौंपा जा रहा है.   नई दिल्ली: एयरलाइंस कंपनी एयर इंडिया (Air India) की कमान पूरी तरह से टाटा समूह को सौंपने की तैयारी तेजी से चल रही है. इस बीच, टाटा समूह (Tata Group) ने यात्रियों की सुविधा को लेकर एयर इंडिया में अपने पहले कदम का आगाज कर दिया है. अधिकारियों ने बुधवार को कहा कि टाटा समूह गुरुवार को मुंबई से संचालित होने वाली चार उड़ानों में "उन्नत भोजन सेवा" शुरू करके एयर इंडिया में अपना पहला कदम उठाएगी. हालांकि, अधिकारियों ने कहा कि गुरुवार से एयर इंडिया की फ्लाइटें टाटा समूह के बैनर तले उड़ान नहीं भरेंगी.    इससे पहले, बुधवार को अधिकारियों ने समाचार एजेंसी पीटीआई को बताया था कि केंद्र सरकार विमानन कंपनी एयर इंडिया को बृहस्पतिवार को टाटा समूह को सौंप सकती है. करीब 69 साल पहले समूह से विमानन कंपनी लेने के बाद उसे अब फिर टाटा समूह को सौंपा जा रहा है.   अधिकारियों ने स्पष्ट किया है कि गुरुवार से चार उड़ानों- AI864 (मुंबई-दिल्ली), AI687 (मुंबई-दिल्ली), AI945 (मुंबई-अबू धाबी) और AI639 (मुंबई-बेंगलुरु) में "उन्नत भोजन सेवा" दी जाएगी. हालांकि, अधिग्रहण की पूरी प्रक्रिया गुरुवार के बाद संपन्न हो पाएगी.   सरकार ने प्रतिस्पर्धी बोली प्रक्रिया के बाद आठ अक्टूबर को 18,000 करोड़ रुपये में एयर इंडिया को Talace प्राइवेट लिमिटेड को बेच दिया था. यह टाटा समूह की होल्डिंग कंपनी की अनुषंगी इकाई है.  अधिकारियों ने कहा कि किस दिन से एयर इंडिया की सभी उड़ानें "टाटा सूमह के बैनर तले या फिर उसके तत्वाधान में" उड़ान भरेंगी, इसकी जानकारी कर्मचारियों को बाद में दी जाएगी.  उन्होंने कहा कि "उन्नत भोजन सेवा" के तहत मुंबई-नेवार्क उड़ान और मुंबई-दिल्ली की पांच उड़ानों में शुक्रवार से भोजन परोसा जाएगा.   अधिकारियों ने कहा कि टाटा समूह के अधिकारियों द्वारा तैयार किए गए 'उन्नत भोजन सेवा' को चरणबद्ध तरीके से और उड़ानों में शुरू किया जाएगा.    Tata made 'first change' after takeover of Air India, passengers will get this service from today  The central government can hand over the airline Air India to the Tata group on Thursday. After taking the airline from the group about 69 years ago, it is now being handed over to the Tata group again.  New Delhi: Preparations are underway to hand over the command of the airline company Air India completely to the Tata Group. Meanwhile, Tata Group has started its first step in Air India for the convenience of passengers. Tata Group will take its first foray into Air India by introducing "advanced meal service" on four flights operating from Mumbai on Thursday, officials said on Wednesday. However, officials said that from Thursday, Air India flights will not fly under the Tata group banner.    Earlier on Wednesday, officials told news agency PTI that the central government may hand over the airline Air India to the Tata group on Thursday. After taking the airline from the group about 69 years ago, it is now being handed over to the Tata group again.  Officials have clarified that "advanced meal service" will be provided in four flights - AI864 (Mumbai-Delhi), AI687 (Mumbai-Delhi), AI945 (Mumbai-Abu Dhabi) and AI639 (Mumbai-Bengaluru) from Thursday. However, the entire process of acquisition will be completed after Thursday.  The government sold Air India to Talace Pvt Ltd on October 8 for Rs 18,000 crore after a competitive bidding process. It is a subsidiary of the holding company of the Tata Group.  Officials said that from which day all Air India flights will fly "under the banner of the Tata group or under its aegis", it will be informed to the employees later.  He said that under the "advanced meal service", food will be served on the Mumbai-Newark flight and five Mumbai-Delhi flights from Friday.  Officials said the 'advanced meal service' prepared by Tata Group executives will be rolled out in more flights in a phased manner.

Tata made 'first change' after takeover of Air India, passengers will get this service from today

The central government can hand over the airline Air India to the Tata group on Thursday. After taking the airline from the group about 69 years ago, it is now being handed over to the Tata group again.

New Delhi: Preparations are underway to hand over the command of the airline company Air India completely to the Tata Group. Meanwhile, Tata Group has started its first step in Air India for the convenience of passengers. Tata Group will take its first foray into Air India by introducing "advanced meal service" on four flights operating from Mumbai on Thursday, officials said on Wednesday. However, officials said that from Thursday, Air India flights will not fly under the Tata group banner.
Earlier on Wednesday, officials told news agency PTI that the central government may hand over the airline Air India to the Tata group on Thursday. After taking the airline from the group about 69 years ago, it is now being handed over to the Tata group again.

Officials have clarified that "advanced meal service" will be provided in four flights - AI864 (Mumbai-Delhi), AI687 (Mumbai-Delhi), AI945 (Mumbai-Abu Dhabi) and AI639 (Mumbai-Bengaluru) from Thursday. However, the entire process of acquisition will be completed after Thursday.

The government sold Air India to Talace Pvt Ltd on October 8 for Rs 18,000 crore after a competitive bidding process. It is a subsidiary of the holding company of the Tata Group.

Officials said that from which day all Air India flights will fly "under the banner of the Tata group or under its aegis", it will be informed to the employees later.

He said that under the "advanced meal service", food will be served on the Mumbai-Newark flight and five Mumbai-Delhi flights from Friday.

Officials said the 'advanced meal service' prepared by Tata Group executives will be rolled out in more flights in a phased manner.

چاغان ئۆتكۈزۈشكە مەجبۇرلانغان ئۇيغۇرلار ۋە يوقىتىلىۋاتقان ئۇيغۇر كىملىكى بۇ يىل 1-فېۋرال خىتاينىڭ «چاغان» بايرىمى. خىتاينىڭ بۇ يىللىق چاغان بايرىمىنىڭ يېقىنلىشىغا ئەگىشىپ، خىتايدىكى ئۈندىدار، تىك-توك قاتارلىق ئىجتىمائىي ئالاقە مۇنبەرلىرىدە ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭمۇ خىتاينىڭ چاغان بايرىمىنى ئۆتكۈزۈشكە سەپەرۋەر قىلىنىغانلىقى ھەققىدىكى سىن كۆرۈنۈشلىرى كۆپلەپ تارقىلىپ، دىققەت قوزغىماقتا.  يېقىندىن بۇيان، ئامېرىكادىكى ئۇيغۇر پائالىيەتچىلىرىدىن لاگېر شاھىتى زۇمرەت داۋۇت تەرىپىدىن فېيسبۇك قاتارلىق ئىجتىمائىي تاراتقۇلارغا بۇ تۈردىكى سىن فىلىملىرى كۆپلەپ يوللاندى. سىن فىلىملىرىدە ھويلا دەرۋازىلىرى ۋە بىنا ئۆيلەرنىڭ ئىشىكلىرىنىڭ ئىككى يېنىغا خىتايچە چاغانلىق مەسنەۋى چاپلاۋاتقان ئۇيغۇرلار كۆرسىتىلگەن. سىن فىلىملىرىدە يەنە كوچىلاردا خىتاينىڭ بايراملىق مىللى كىيىملىرىنى كىيىپ، سۇناي ۋە دۇمباق تەڭكەش قىلىنغان خىتايچە مۇزىكىلارغا ماسلىشىپ، خىتايچە ياڭگېر ئۇسسۇلى، ئەجدەرھا ئۇسسۇلى، ياغاچ ئاياق ئويۇنى، يەلپۈگۈچ ئۇسسۇلى قاتارلىقلارنى مەشق قىلىۋاتقان ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭ كۆرۈنۈشلىرىمۇ ئورۇن ئالغان.  زۇمرەت داۋۇت خانىم 26-يانۋار زىيارىتىمىزنى قوبۇل قىلىپ، بۇ كۆرۈنۈشلەرنىڭ ئۇنىڭغا ئۆزى ئۈرۈمچىدە ياشاۋاتقان 2017-2018-يىللاردا مەھەللە كومىتېتى خادىملىرىنىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارنى چاغان ئۆتكۈزۈشكە مەجبۇر قىلغان ئەھۋاللارنى ئەسلەتكەنلىكىنى بىلدۈردى.  زۇمرەت داۋۇت خانىم، چېن چۈەنگو ئۇيغۇر رايونغا ھۆكۈمرانلىق قىلغان 2016-2021-يىللاردا ئۆزلىرىنىڭ ئەنئەنىۋى باياملىرىنى ئۆتكۈزۈش چەكلەنگەن ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭ، چاغان قاتارلىق خىتايلارنىڭ ئەنئەنىۋىي بايراملىرىنى ئۆتكۈزۈشكە مەجبۇرلانغانلىقىنى، ئەمما يېقىندا تارقالغان چاغان ھەققىدىكى بۇ سىن فىلىملىرىدىمۇ ئوخشاش كۆرۈنۈشلەرنىڭ داۋام قىلىۋاتقانلىقىنى تەكىتلەپ ئۆتتى. ئۇ ئۇيغۇر دىيارىغا ما شىڭرۇي پارتكوم سېكرىتارى بولۇپ كەلگەندىن كېيىنمۇ ۋەزىيەتتە ھېچقانداق ئۆزگىرىشنىڭ بولمىغانلىقىنى، ئۇيغۇرلارنى مىللىي ۋە دىنىي كىملىكىدىن ئايرىپ خىتايلاشتۇرۇش ئىستراتېگىيەسىنىڭ يەنىلا داۋا قىلىۋاتقانلىقىنى ئەسكەرتىپ ئۆتتى.  چېن چۈەنگو 2016 ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونۇم رايونىغا پارتكوم سېكرىتارى بولغان يىللاردا، ئۇيغۇرلارنى ئاساس قىلغان ئىسلام دىنىغا ئېتىقاد قىلىدىغان يەرلىك مىللەتلەرنىڭ روزا ھېيت، قۇربان ھېيت قاتارلىق مۇسۇلمانلارنىڭ مۇقەددەس دىنىي بايراملىرىنى ئۆتكۈزۈشىنى چەكلىگەن. ئۇ «جۇڭخۇا مىللىتى ئورتاق ئېڭى» نى تەكىتلەپ، ئۇيغۇرلارنى «خىتاي كىملىكى» نى قوبۇل قىلىشقا، خىتايلار بىلەن «قوشماق تۇغقان» بولۇشقا، «چاغان» ئۆتكۈزۈشكە، شۇنداقلا ئىسلام دىنىنى خىتايچىلاشتۇرۇشقا پۈتۈن كۈچى بىلەن ئۇرۇنغان. بۇنى قوبۇل قىلمىغانلارنى «دىنىي ئەسەبىي» ياكى «بۆلگۈنچى» دېگەندەك قالپاقلار بىلەن لاگېرلارغا قامىغان ياكى تۈرمىلەرگە بەنت قىلغان ئىدى.  ھالبۇكى، غەرپ دېموكراتىك دۆلەتلىرىدە خىتاينىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارغا قاراتقان باستۇرۇشى «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق» دەپ ئەيىبلىنىۋاتقان، خىتاي ئۇيغۇر دىيارىدىكى ئەمەلدارلىرىنى ئالماشتۇرۇپ، رايوندا يۈرگۈزىۋاتقان زۇلۇم سىياسەتلىرىنى پەردازلاپ كۆرسىتىشكە ئۇرۇنىۋاتقان بۈگۈنكى كۈندىمۇ، ئۇيغۇرلارنىڭ يەنىلا خىتاينىڭ «چاغان بايرىمى» نى تەبرىكلەشكە مەجبۇرلىنىشى، مۇھاجىرەتتىكى ئۇيغۇر پائالىيەتچىلىرى ۋە كىشىلىك ھوقۇق تەشكىلاتلىرىنىڭ جىددىي دىققىتىنى قوزغىدى.  ئامېرىكىدىكى ئۇيغۇر كىشىلىك ھوقۇق قۇرۇلۇشىنىڭ تەتقىقاتچىسى، دۇنيا ئۇيغۇر قۇرۇلتىيىنىڭ مۇئاۋىن رەئىسى زۇبەيرە شەمسىدىن خانىمنىڭ قارىشىچە، بۇ ئالامەتلەر چېن چۈەنگو كەتكەندىن كېيىنمۇ ئۇيغۇرلارغا قارىتىلغان «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق» ۋە «مەدەنىيەت قىرغىنچلىقى» نىڭ توختاپ قالمىغانلىقى ۋە بۇنىڭدىن كېيىنمۇ داۋام قىلىدىغانلىقىنىڭ ئەمەلىي ئىسپاتلىرىدىن بىرى ھىساپلىنىدىكەن.  زۇبەيرە خانىم يەنە ئۇيغۇر كىشىلىك ھوقۇق قۇرۇلۇشىنىڭ ئۇيغۇرلار ئۇچراۋاتقان بۇ خىل خىتايلاشتۇرۇش ۋە مىللى ئاسسىمىلىياتسىيە سىياسىتى ھەققىدە ئۈزلۈكسىز ئىزدىنىپ، مەخسۇس دوكلاتلارنى ئېلان قىلىپ كەلگەنلىكىنى بىلدۈردى.  ئۇنىڭ بىلدۈرۈشىچە، ئۇيغۇر كىشىلىك ھوقۇق قۇرۇلۇشى 27-يانۋار كۈنى «خىتاينىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارغا قاراتقان مەجبۇرىي تۇغقاندارچىلىق سىياسىتى ۋە ئۇيغۇر بالىلىرىنىڭ ئاسسىمىلىياتسىيە قىلىنىشى» ناملىق دوكلات ئېلان قىلغان. دوكلاتتا، خىتاينىڭ ئۇيغۇرلارغا قارىتا «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق» سىياسىتى يۈرگۈزۈش بىلەن بىرلىكتە، يەنە ئۇيغۇر كىملىكىنى يوقىتىش، ئۇلارغا خىتاي مەدەنىيەت كىملىكىنى مەجبۇرىي قوبۇل قىلدۇرۇشتەك «ئاسسىمىلىياتسىيە سىياسىتى» يۈرگۈزۈپ كېلىۋاتقانلىقى ئېچىپ بېرىلگەن ئىكەن.  زۇبەيرە خانىمنىڭ تەكىتلىشىچە، خىتاي مەركىزى ھۆكۈمىتى ئۇيغۇر دىيارىدا ئەمەلدار ئالماشتۇرۇپ، ئۇيغۇرلارغا قاراتقان «ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىق» ۋە «ئۇيغۇر كىملىكىنى يوقىتىش» سىياسىتىنى پەردازلاپ كۆرسىتىشكە ئۇرۇنۇۋاتقان بولسىمۇ، ئەمما ئاشكارىلىنىۋاتقان رېيال ئەھۋاللار، خىتاينىڭ بۇ سىياسىتىدە ھېچقانداق ئۆزگىرىش بولمىغانلىقىنى كۆرسىتىپ بېرىدىكەن.    Uyghurs forced to celebrate the Spring Festival and their extinct Uyghur identity  This year, February 1 is the Chinese New Year. With China approaching this year's Spring Festival, there have been a lot of videos on social media platforms in China, such as Audidar and Tik-Tok, that Uyghurs have also been mobilized to celebrate the Chinese New Year.  Recently, a number of such videos have been posted on social media such as Facebook by Zumrat Dawood, a witness from the camp, an Uyghur activist in the United States. The video shows Uighurs patrolling the Chinese New Year on both sides of the courtyard gates and the doors of buildings. The video also shows Uyghurs wearing Chinese traditional national costumes on the streets, matching Chinese music with trumpets and drums, and practicing Chinese yangger dance, dragon dance, wooden shoe game, and fan dance.  Ms. Zumrat Davut told us in an interview on January 26 that the scenes reminded her of the circumstances in which she was forced to spend the Spring Festival by community committee staff during her 2017-2018 residency in Urumqi.  Ms. Zumrat Davut stressed that Chen Chuanguo, who ruled the Uyghur region in 2016-2021, was forced to celebrate the traditional festivals of Uyghurs, Chinese and other Chinese, who were banned from holding their traditional festivals, but the same scenes continue to be made in recent videos about the Spring Festival. He noted that there had been no change in the Uyghur diaspora since Ma Xingrui became secretary of the party, and that the strategy of Chineseization of Uyghurs by ethnicity and religious identity was still being pursued.  During his tenure as party secretary for the Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2016, Chen Quanguo forbade indigenous peoples who practice Islam, mainly Uyghurs, to celebrate the holy religious holidays of Muslims such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. He emphasized the "common sense of the Chinese nation" and tried his best to accept the "Chinese identity" of the Uyghurs, to be a "twin brother" with the Chinese, to hold a "Spring Festival", and to Chineseize Islam. Those who refused to do so were imprisoned in camps or imprisoned with hats such as "religious extremists" or "separatists."  However, even today, in Western democracies, China's crackdown on Uyghurs is being accused of "genocide," and Chinese officials in the Uyghur diaspora are trying to cover up their oppressive policies in the region. It has attracted a lot of attention.  Zubair Shamsiddin, a researcher on the Uyghur Human Rights Project in the United States and vice president of the World Uyghur Congress, believes that these signs are one of the real proofs that the "genocide" and "cultural genocide" against the Uyghurs has not stopped even after Chen Chuanguo left.  Ms. Zubairah also said that the Uyghur Human Rights Project has been continuously researching and publishing special reports on this kind of Chineseization and ethnic assimilation policy faced by Uyghurs.  According to him, the Uyghur Human Rights Project released a report on January 27 entitled "China's Compulsory Fraternity Policy for Uyghurs and the assimilation of Uyghur children." The report notes that China has pursued a policy of "genocide" against the Uyghurs, as well as a "policy of assimilation" such as the elimination of Uyghur identity and the forced adoption of Chinese cultural identity.  Ms. Zubair emphasized that while the Chinese central government was trying to change its policy of "genocide" and "extermination of Uyghur identity" by exchanging officials in the Uyghur diaspora, the fact that it was being exposed showed that China's policy had not changed.

Uyghurs forced to celebrate the Spring Festival and their extinct Uyghur identity

This year, February 1 is the Chinese New Year. With China approaching this year's Spring Festival, there have been a lot of videos on social media platforms in China, such as Audidar and Tik-Tok, that Uyghurs have also been mobilized to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Recently, a number of such videos have been posted on social media such as Facebook by Zumrat Dawood, a witness from the camp, an Uyghur activist in the United States. The video shows Uighurs patrolling the Chinese New Year on both sides of the courtyard gates and the doors of buildings. The video also shows Uyghurs wearing Chinese traditional national costumes on the streets, matching Chinese music with trumpets and drums, and practicing Chinese yangger dance, dragon dance, wooden shoe game, and fan dance.

Ms. Zumrat Davut told us in an interview on January 26 that the scenes reminded her of the circumstances in which she was forced to spend the Spring Festival by community committee staff during her 2017-2018 residency in Urumqi.

Ms. Zumrat Davut stressed that Chen Chuanguo, who ruled the Uyghur region in 2016-2021, was forced to celebrate the traditional festivals of Uyghurs, Chinese and other Chinese, who were banned from holding their traditional festivals, but the same scenes continue to be made in recent videos about the Spring Festival. He noted that there had been no change in the Uyghur diaspora since Ma Xingrui became secretary of the party, and that the strategy of Chineseization of Uyghurs by ethnicity and religious identity was still being pursued.

During his tenure as party secretary for the Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2016, Chen Quanguo forbade indigenous peoples who practice Islam, mainly Uyghurs, to celebrate the holy religious holidays of Muslims such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. He emphasized the "common sense of the Chinese nation" and tried his best to accept the "Chinese identity" of the Uyghurs, to be a "twin brother" with the Chinese, to hold a "Spring Festival", and to Chineseize Islam. Those who refused to do so were imprisoned in camps or imprisoned with hats such as "religious extremists" or "separatists."

However, even today, in Western democracies, China's crackdown on Uyghurs is being accused of "genocide," and Chinese officials in the Uyghur diaspora are trying to cover up their oppressive policies in the region. It has attracted a lot of attention.

Zubair Shamsiddin, a researcher on the Uyghur Human Rights Project in the United States and vice president of the World Uyghur Congress, believes that these signs are one of the real proofs that the "genocide" and "cultural genocide" against the Uyghurs has not stopped even after Chen Chuanguo left.

Ms. Zubairah also said that the Uyghur Human Rights Project has been continuously researching and publishing special reports on this kind of Chineseization and ethnic assimilation policy faced by Uyghurs.

According to him, the Uyghur Human Rights Project released a report on January 27 entitled "China's Compulsory Fraternity Policy for Uyghurs and the assimilation of Uyghur children." The report notes that China has pursued a policy of "genocide" against the Uyghurs, as well as a "policy of assimilation" such as the elimination of Uyghur identity and the forced adoption of Chinese cultural identity.

Ms. Zubair emphasized that while the Chinese central government was trying to change its policy of "genocide" and "extermination of Uyghur identity" by exchanging officials in the Uyghur diaspora, the fact that it was being exposed showed that China's policy had not changed.

美专家为何认为习近平连任可能性很大?  计划在下半年召开的中共二十大可谓是今年中国政治舞台上的压轴戏。外界普遍认为,中国领导人习近平届时极有可能会寻求连任,以便进一步巩固他的历史地位。有美国学者周四表示,中共执政的个人主义色彩仍然相当明显,离政治制度化还很远。   官媒为历史决议歌功颂德 海外更关注习近平连任问题 习近平真的享有中国人的广泛支持吗? 中共十九届六中全会审议新决议 为习近平连任铺路? 不会用人 习回避接班 蔡霞文昭解析二十大前景  中共中央总书记习近平上个月在一场政治局会议上强调,召开党的二十大是今年的首要政治任务,领导人要严格遵守“政治纪律、组织纪律、换届纪律”。官媒新华社报道,政治局委员在会上一致认为,中共确立习近平在党中央和全党的核心地位,对党和国家事业发展具有“决定性意义”。  强人政治回归?  随着习近平执政进入第十个年头,国际社会普遍认为,他显然已经成为了自毛泽东以来中国最有权力的领导人。  去年十一月,中共十九届六中全会通过了党内的第三份历史决议。在这份长达三万多字的文件中,描绘习近平提出的“中国特色社会主义新时代“的篇幅超过一半。不但如此,习近平的名字在文中出现了22次,甚至高过了毛泽东的18次。  波士顿大学国际关系与政治学教授傅士卓(Joseph Fewsmith)周四在美国国会美中经济安全审查委员会(USCC)的一场听证会上说,习近平的执政风格凸显出强人政治的中共权力循环。  “我们可以从习近平试图清除政治敌人、提拔政治盟友中看出,中国的权力运作仍然高度个人化,每位领导人必须塑造自己的影响力,却不能把它传承下去。”  在这个问题上,当局似乎也毫不掩饰。中共中央政策研究室主任江金权近期在介绍六中全会的精神时说,确立习近平在党中央和全党的核心地位,是一个“历史选择”。  傅士卓在他的书面证词中说,习近平在清除异己、提拔盟友、重塑意识形态和国家与社会的关系等方面都取得了非常大的成功。尽管有传言说,习近平在二十大可能会遭遇反对力量,但中共近期通过的最新历史决议表明,他仍然牢牢掌握着控制权。  不过,出席这场听证会的几位专家普遍认为,习近平高度集权加剧了地方官员懒政、怠政的问题。中共中央去年出版的《习近平关于全面从严治党论述摘编(2021年版)》收录了他一年前的一段讲话,他当时批评官员只等他的书面指令,而不愿积极行政。但早在2019年,当局印发的《中国共产党重大事项请示报告条例》就指出,下级党组织向上级党组织,以及党员、领导干部要向党组织请示报告重大事项。  傅士卓表示,习近平强调“定义一尊”常常让下级不知所措,削弱了地方政府的执行力。  “如果你是一位中国地方官员,除非你的顶头上司给你下达了某项命令,你可能就会呆在办公室里什么也不做,因为你担心犯错或对相关政策有意见。”  波士顿大学国际关系与政治学教授傅士卓(Joseph Fewsmith)在美国国会美中经济安全审查委员会(USCC)举行的听证会上说,习近平的执政风格凸显出强人政治的中共权力循环。(视频截图)  美学者:习连任概率很大  2018年初,近三千名中国全国人大代表几乎全票通过了一份宪法修正案,取消了国家正副主席的任期限制,为他日后连任铺平了道路。  傅士卓指出,习近平在二十大上的首要目标就是确保连任。此外,他显然还想打造一个对他“友好”的政治局和政治局常委会。过去十年间,习近平利用反腐运动和其他手段巩固了自身权力。因此,他连任的概率很大。  美国政治风险咨询公司欧亚集团中国分析师牛犇(Neil Thomas)也认为,习近平希望通过二十大进一步巩固权力,还可能会提拔他的盟友进入下一届中央委员会,而这个中共的最高权力机关直接影响到党内高层官员的任命。  牛犇认为,习近平已在过去十年间确立了他的核心政治目标,这些目标显然会得到进一步贯彻。  “我们可能会看到习近平确立的倡议得到更多支持,包括试图减少收入不平等的‘共同富裕’目标、民生问题等等,还包括协助商界和金融市场更好地服务于政治优先事项的监管行动,比如创新和‘去杠杆’。”  中宣部近日向各大官媒发出通知,要求编辑和记者在新春之际深入基层,充分报道各地的发展成就和民众安居乐业的景象,为二十大召开营造舆论氛围。当局有多么重视这场会议,想必显而易见了。   自由亚洲电台记者家傲华盛顿报道    责编:梒青    网编:洪伟      Why do American experts think that Xi Jinping is very likely to be re-elected?  The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is planned to be held in the second half of the year, can be described as the finale on the Chinese political stage this year. It is widely believed that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is likely to seek re-election by then to further cement his historic position. Some American scholars said on Thursday that the individualism of the CCP's governance is still quite obvious, and it is still far from political institutionalization.  Does Xi Jinping really enjoy the broad support of the Chinese? The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated a new resolution to pave the way for Xi Jinping's re-election?  Will not use people to avoid succession Cai Xia Wenzhao analyzes the prospects of the twenty major Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized at a Politburo meeting last month that convening the 20th Party Congress is the top political task this year, and that leaders must strictly abide by "political discipline, organizational discipline, and transition discipline." The official Xinhua News Agency reported that Politburo members agreed at the meeting that the CCP's establishment of Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the entire Party is of "decisive significance" for the development of the Party and the country.  The return of strongman politics? As Xi Jinping enters his tenth year in power, it is widely believed that he has clearly become China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.  In November last year, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed the third historical resolution within the party. More than half of the 30,000-word document describes Xi Jinping's "new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics". Not only that, Xi Jinping's name appears 22 times in the text, even higher than Mao Zedong's 18 times.  Joseph Fewsmith , a professor of international relations and political science at Boston University, told a U.S. Congressional hearing before the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Committee (USCC) on Thursday that Xi's governing style underscores the power cycle of strongman politics.  “As we can see from Xi Jinping’s attempts to weed out political enemies and promote political allies, the operation of power in China is still highly personal, and each leader must shape his own influence, but not pass it on.”  The authorities also appear to be making no secret of this issue. Jiang Jinquan, director of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said recently when introducing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session that establishing Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the entire Party is a "historical choice".  In his written testimony, Foster said that Xi Jinping has been very successful in weeding out dissidents, promoting allies, and reshaping ideology and the relationship between the state and society. Despite rumors that Xi may face opposition at the 20th Congress, the latest historical resolution recently passed by the party shows that he remains firmly in control.  However, several experts who attended the hearing generally believed that Xi Jinping's high degree of centralization has exacerbated the problem of local officials' laziness and neglect. The "Summary of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Comprehensively Strictly Governing the Party ( 2021 Edition)" published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last year included a speech he made a year ago, in which he criticized officials for waiting for his written orders rather than actively administering. However, as early as 2019 , the "Regulations on Requesting and Reporting Major Issues of the Communist Party of China" issued by the authorities pointed out that lower-level party organizations should report major matters to higher-level party organizations, as well as party members and leading cadres.  Foster said that Xi Jinping's emphasis on "defining one statue" often overwhelmed lower levels and weakened the enforcement power of local governments.  "If you're a local Chinese official, unless your immediate boss gives you an order, you might just stay in your office and do nothing because you're worried about making a mistake or having an opinion on the policy."  Aesthetician: Xi Jinping is very likely to be re-elected In early 2018 , nearly 3,000 deputies to China's National People's Congress almost unanimously passed a constitutional amendment that removed term limits for the country's chairman and vice-chairmen, paving the way for his future re-election.  Foster pointed out that Xi Jinping's primary goal at the 20th National Congress is to ensure re-election. In addition, he apparently wants to create a Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee that are "friendly" to him. Over the past decade, Xi Jinping has used an anti-corruption campaign and other tactics to consolidate his power. Therefore, he has a high probability of being re-elected.  Neil Thomas, China analyst at Eurasia Group, a U.S. political risk consulting firm , also believes that Xi Jinping hopes to further consolidate power through the 20th Congress and may promote his allies to the next Central Committee, the highest power in the CCP. Organs directly affect the appointment of high-level party officials.  Niu Ben believes that Xi Jinping has established his core political goals over the past decade, and these goals will obviously be further implemented.  “We may see more support for initiatives established by Xi, including the goal of 'prosperity for all' to try to reduce income inequality, livelihood issues, etc., but also regulation to help the business community and financial markets better serve political priorities Actions such as innovation and 'deleveraging'."  The Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee recently issued a notice to major official media, asking editors and reporters to go to the grassroots level during the Spring Festival to fully report the development achievements of various places and the scene of people living and working in peace and contentment, so as to create a public opinion atmosphere for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It must be obvious how much the authorities took the meeting.  Radio Free Asia reporter Jiaao Washington reports

Why do American experts think that Xi Jinping is very likely to be re-elected?

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is planned to be held in the second half of the year, can be described as the finale on the Chinese political stage this year. It is widely believed that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is likely to seek re-election by then to further cement his historic position. Some American scholars said on Thursday that the individualism of the CCP's governance is still quite obvious, and it is still far from political institutionalization.

Does Xi Jinping really enjoy the broad support of the Chinese?
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated a new resolution to pave the way for Xi Jinping's re-election?

Will not use people to avoid succession Cai Xia Wenzhao analyzes the prospects of the twenty major
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized at a Politburo meeting last month that convening the 20th Party Congress is the top political task this year, and that leaders must strictly abide by "political discipline, organizational discipline, and transition discipline." The official Xinhua News Agency reported that Politburo members agreed at the meeting that the CCP's establishment of Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the entire Party is of "decisive significance" for the development of the Party and the country.

The return of strongman politics?
As Xi Jinping enters his tenth year in power, it is widely believed that he has clearly become China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.

In November last year, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed the third historical resolution within the party. More than half of the 30,000-word document describes Xi Jinping's "new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics". Not only that, Xi Jinping's name appears 22 times in the text, even higher than Mao Zedong's 18 times.

Joseph Fewsmith , a professor of international relations and political science at Boston University, told a U.S. Congressional hearing before the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Committee (USCC) on Thursday that Xi's governing style underscores the power cycle of strongman politics.

“As we can see from Xi Jinping’s attempts to weed out political enemies and promote political allies, the operation of power in China is still highly personal, and each leader must shape his own influence, but not pass it on.”

The authorities also appear to be making no secret of this issue. Jiang Jinquan, director of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said recently when introducing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session that establishing Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the entire Party is a "historical choice".

In his written testimony, Foster said that Xi Jinping has been very successful in weeding out dissidents, promoting allies, and reshaping ideology and the relationship between the state and society. Despite rumors that Xi may face opposition at the 20th Congress, the latest historical resolution recently passed by the party shows that he remains firmly in control.

However, several experts who attended the hearing generally believed that Xi Jinping's high degree of centralization has exacerbated the problem of local officials' laziness and neglect. The "Summary of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Comprehensively Strictly Governing the Party ( 2021 Edition)" published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last year included a speech he made a year ago, in which he criticized officials for waiting for his written orders rather than actively administering. However, as early as 2019 , the "Regulations on Requesting and Reporting Major Issues of the Communist Party of China" issued by the authorities pointed out that lower-level party organizations should report major matters to higher-level party organizations, as well as party members and leading cadres.

Foster said that Xi Jinping's emphasis on "defining one statue" often overwhelmed lower levels and weakened the enforcement power of local governments.

"If you're a local Chinese official, unless your immediate boss gives you an order, you might just stay in your office and do nothing because you're worried about making a mistake or having an opinion on the policy."

Aesthetician: Xi Jinping is very likely to be re-elected
In early 2018 , nearly 3,000 deputies to China's National People's Congress almost unanimously passed a constitutional amendment that removed term limits for the country's chairman and vice-chairmen, paving the way for his future re-election.

Foster pointed out that Xi Jinping's primary goal at the 20th National Congress is to ensure re-election. In addition, he apparently wants to create a Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee that are "friendly" to him. Over the past decade, Xi Jinping has used an anti-corruption campaign and other tactics to consolidate his power. Therefore, he has a high probability of being re-elected.

Neil Thomas, China analyst at Eurasia Group, a U.S. political risk consulting firm , also believes that Xi Jinping hopes to further consolidate power through the 20th Congress and may promote his allies to the next Central Committee, the highest power in the CCP. Organs directly affect the appointment of high-level party officials.

Niu Ben believes that Xi Jinping has established his core political goals over the past decade, and these goals will obviously be further implemented.

“We may see more support for initiatives established by Xi, including the goal of 'prosperity for all' to try to reduce income inequality, livelihood issues, etc., but also regulation to help the business community and financial markets better serve political priorities Actions such as innovation and 'deleveraging'."

The Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee recently issued a notice to major official media, asking editors and reporters to go to the grassroots level during the Spring Festival to fully report the development achievements of various places and the scene of people living and working in peace and contentment, so as to create a public opinion atmosphere for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It must be obvious how much the authorities took the meeting.

Radio Free Asia reporter Jiaao Washington reports

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