Mali: the junta warns the French Minister of the Armed Forces

Mali : la junte met en garde la ministre française des Armées Ismael Wague (C), chef d'état-major adjoint de l'armée de l'air malienne et porte-parole de la junte militaire, s'exprime lors d'une conférence de presse à Kati le 19 août 202   -   Un haut responsable de la junte malienne a donné pour "conseil" de se taire à la ministre française des Armées Florence Parly après ses accusations de "provocations" à l'encontre des dirigeants de Bamako.  Le colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, ministre et porte-parole du gouvernement de transition, a hausser le ton face à la France, accusée de chercher à diviser les Maliens, "d'instrumentaliser" les organisations sous-régionales et de conserver ses "réflexes coloniaux".  La ministre française a accusé la junte mardi de multiplier "les provocations".  "Nous invitons également Mme Parly à plus de retenue et également à respecter le principe élémentaire de non-ingérence dans les affaires intérieures d'un Etat", a déclaré le colonel Maïga.  "Nous l'invitons également, c'est un conseil, à faire sienne cette phrase d'Alfred de Vigny sur la grandeur du silence", a-t-il ajouté, possible référence au poème "la Mort du loup" du poète français du XIXe siècle. "Seul le silence est grand; tout le reste est faiblesse", dit le poème.  "Lorsqu'on tente désespérément d'isoler le Mali en instrumentalisant les organisations sous-régionales, on se demande enfin qui est dans la provocation", a-t-il dit en évoquant les sanctions de la Cédéao.   Le colonel a donné lecture du communiqué redemandant "avec insistance" au Danemark de retirer ses forces spéciales, récemment déployées au Mali sans avoir, selon la junte, le consentement des autorités, ce que contestent le Danemark, la France et les pays européens engagés au sein du groupement de forces spéciales Takuba.  "Nous ne sommes pas encore au stade de l'incident diplomatique, c'est peut-être des incompréhensions entre le gouvernement du Mali et le gouvernement du Danemark", a-t-il dit.  Mais il a dit que Bamako aurait été en droit de recevoir "des excuses des autorités danoises". Il a évoqué la "très bonne réputation" du Danemark au Mali en raison de son action en faveur du développement. "Nous les invitons à faire attention à certains partenaires qui ont du mal malheureusement à se départir des réflexes coloniaux", a-t-il dit.    Mali: the junta warns the French Minister of the Armed Forces  A senior Malian junta official has given French Defense Minister Florence Parly "advice" to keep quiet after her accusations of "provocations" against Bamako leaders.  Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga , minister and spokesperson for the transitional government, raised his voice against France, accused of seeking to divide Malians, " to exploit " sub-regional organizations and to retain its " colonial reflexes " .  The French minister accused the junta on Tuesday of multiplying "provocations".  " We also invite Mrs. Parly to show more restraint and also to respect the elementary principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a State ", declared Colonel Maïga.  " We also invite him, it's advice, to make this sentence of Alfred de Vigny his own on the greatness of silence ", he added, possible reference to the poem " la Mort du loup " by the French poet of the 19th century. “ Only silence is great; all else is weakness ,” the poem says.  "When we try desperately to isolate Mali by exploiting sub-regional organizations, we finally wonder who is in the provocation", he said, referring to the sanctions of ECOWAS.  Le colonel a donné lecture du communiqué redemandant "avec insistance" au Danemark de retirer ses forces spéciales, récemment déployées au Mali sans avoir, selon la junte, le consentement des autorités, ce que contestent le Danemark, la France et les pays européens engagés au sein du groupement de forces spéciales Takuba.  “ We are not yet at the stage of the diplomatic incident, it may be misunderstandings between the government of Mali and the government of Denmark ,” he said.  But he said Bamako would have been entitled to an " apology from the Danish authorities ". He spoke of the " very good reputation " of Denmark in Mali because of its action in favor of development. “ We invite them to pay attention to certain partners who unfortunately find it difficult to shed colonial reflexes, ” he said.

Mali: the junta warns the French Minister of the Armed Forces

A senior Malian junta official has given French Defense Minister Florence Parly "advice" to keep quiet after her accusations of "provocations" against Bamako leaders.

Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga , minister and spokesperson for the transitional government, raised his voice against France, accused of seeking to divide Malians, " to exploit " sub-regional organizations and to retain its " colonial reflexes " .

The French minister accused the junta on Tuesday of multiplying "provocations".

" We also invite Mrs. Parly to show more restraint and also to respect the elementary principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a State ", declared Colonel Maïga.

" We also invite him, it's advice, to make this sentence of Alfred de Vigny his own on the greatness of silence ", he added, possible reference to the poem " la Mort du loup " by the French poet of the 19th century. “ Only silence is great; all else is weakness ,” the poem says.

"When we try desperately to isolate Mali by exploiting sub-regional organizations, we finally wonder who is in the provocation", he said, referring to the sanctions of ECOWAS.

Le colonel a donné lecture du communiqué redemandant "avec insistance" au Danemark de retirer ses forces spéciales, récemment déployées au Mali sans avoir, selon la junte, le consentement des autorités, ce que contestent le Danemark, la France et les pays européens engagés au sein du groupement de forces spéciales Takuba.

“ We are not yet at the stage of the diplomatic incident, it may be misunderstandings between the government of Mali and the government of Denmark ,” he said.

But he said Bamako would have been entitled to an " apology from the Danish authorities ". He spoke of the " very good reputation " of Denmark in Mali because of its action in favor of development. “ We invite them to pay attention to certain partners who unfortunately find it difficult to shed colonial reflexes, ” he said.

مقتل متظاهر بالرصاص الحي في احتجاجات مناهضة للانقلاب العسكري بالسودان قُتل متظاهر بالرصاص الحي في احتجاجات مناهضة للانقلاب العسكري بالسودان اليوم الخميس.  قُتل متظاهر بالرصاص الحي في احتجاجات مناهضة للانقلاب العسكري بالسودان الخميس، حسب ما أفادت به لجنة أطباء السودان.  وتجددت بالعاصمة السودانية الخرطوم، الخميس، مظاهرات تطالب بـ"عودة الحكم المدني الديمقراطي الكامل" في البلاد.  وحمل مئات المتظاهرين الأعلام الوطنية، مرددين شعارات مناهضة "للحكم العسكري"، وتطالب بالحكم المدني في البلاد.  ورفع المتظاهرون لافتات عليها، "دولة مدنية كاملة"، و"الشعب أقوى والردة مستحيلة"، و"حرية، سلام، وعدالة"، و "نعم للحكم المدني الديمقراطي".  وتوجهت مواكب المتظاهرين إلى منازل أسر شهداء في حيي الجريف وبري بالمدينة.  وقال شهود عيان، إن عشرات الأشخاص تظاهروا بشكل متزامن في مدينة المناقل (وسط) ضد "الحكم العسكري".  ودعت إلى هذه المظاهرات، تنسيقيات "لجان المقاومة" (تتشكل من نشطاء) للمطالبة "بالحكم المدني الكامل".  ويشهد السودان، منذ 25 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي، احتجاجات رافضة لإجراءات استثنائية اتخذها قائد الجيش عبد الفتاح البرهان، أبرزها فرض حالة الطوارئ وحل مجلسي السيادة والوزراء الانتقاليين، وهو ما تعتبره قوى سياسية "انقلاباً عسكرياً".  وفي أكثر من مناسبة، نفى البرهان تنفيذ الجيش انقلاباً عسكرياً، وقال إن هذه الإجراءات تستهدف "تصحيح مسار المرحلة الانتقالية"، وتعهد بتسليم السلطة لحكومة انتقالية.     A demonstrator was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan  A demonstrator was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan on Thursday. A protester was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan on Thursday, the Sudan Doctors Committee said.  On Thursday, there were renewed demonstrations in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, calling for the "return of full democratic civilian rule" in the country.  Hundreds of demonstrators carried national flags, chanting slogans against "military rule" and calling for civilian rule in the country.  The demonstrators raised banners saying, "A complete civil state," "The people are stronger and apostasy is impossible," "Freedom, peace, and justice," and "Yes to democratic civil rule."  The processions of the demonstrators headed to the homes of martyrs' families in the Al-Jarif and Buri neighborhoods of the city.  Eyewitnesses said that dozens of people demonstrated simultaneously in the city of Al-Manaqil (center) against the "military rule".  For these demonstrations, the "resistance committees" coordinators (consisting of activists) called for "full civilian rule".  Sudan has witnessed, since last October 25, protests rejecting exceptional measures taken by the army chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, most notably the imposition of a state of emergency and the dissolution of the Sovereignty Councils and the transitional ministers, which political forces consider a "military coup".  On more than one occasion, Al-Burhan denied that the army had carried out a military coup, and said that these measures were aimed at "correcting the course of the transitional phase," and pledged to hand over power to a transitional government.

A demonstrator was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan

A demonstrator was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan on Thursday.
A protester was shot dead in protests against the military coup in Sudan on Thursday, the Sudan Doctors Committee said.

On Thursday, there were renewed demonstrations in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, calling for the "return of full democratic civilian rule" in the country.

Hundreds of demonstrators carried national flags, chanting slogans against "military rule" and calling for civilian rule in the country.

The demonstrators raised banners saying, "A complete civil state," "The people are stronger and apostasy is impossible," "Freedom, peace, and justice," and "Yes to democratic civil rule."

The processions of the demonstrators headed to the homes of martyrs' families in the Al-Jarif and Buri neighborhoods of the city.

Eyewitnesses said that dozens of people demonstrated simultaneously in the city of Al-Manaqil (center) against the "military rule".

For these demonstrations, the "resistance committees" coordinators (consisting of activists) called for "full civilian rule".

Sudan has witnessed, since last October 25, protests rejecting exceptional measures taken by the army chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, most notably the imposition of a state of emergency and the dissolution of the Sovereignty Councils and the transitional ministers, which political forces consider a "military coup".

On more than one occasion, Al-Burhan denied that the army had carried out a military coup, and said that these measures were aimed at "correcting the course of the transitional phase," and pledged to hand over power to a transitional government.

إثيوبيا تعلن عزم القمة الإفريقية النظر في قرار منح إسرائيل صفة مراقب ستنظر القمة الإفريقية في منح إسرائيل صفة مراقب بعد أن أحيل الطلب من قبل وزراء الخارجية الأفارقة دون التوصل إلى اتفاق بشأنه. وكانت 7 دول عربية قد أبلغت الاتحاد باعتراضها على القرار في أغسطس/آب الماضي.  أعلنت وزارة الخارجية الإثيوبية الخميس عزم القمة الإفريقية الـ35، النظر في قرار منح إسرائيل صفة مراقب بالاتحاد الإفريقي.  وقالت المتحدثة باسم الخارجية الإثيوبية، دينا مفتي، إن القمة الإفريقية ستنظر في منح إسرائيل صفة مراقب بعدما أحيل الطلب من قبل وزراء الخارجية الأفارقة دون التوصل إلى اتفاق بشأنه.  وفي يوليو/تموز الماضي أعلنت وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية أن سفيرها لدى إثيوبيا، ألالي أدامسو، قدم أوراق اعتماده كمراقب لدى الاتحاد الإفريقي.  وكانت 7 دول عربية هي مصر والجزائر وجزر القمر وتونس وجيبوتي وموريتانيا وليبيا قد أبلغت الاتحاد الإفريقي أوائل أغسطس/آب الماضي، اعتراضها على قراره منح إسرائيل صفة مراقب في المنظمة القارية.  وفي أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي، أكد وزير الخارجية الجزائري رمطان لعمامرة إن وزراء خارجية إفريقيا وافقوا على عرض القضية على قمة رؤساء دول الاتحاد في فبراير/شباط المقبل.     Ethiopia announces the intention of the African summit to consider the decision to grant Israel observer status  The African Summit will consider granting Israel observer status after the request was referred by African foreign ministers without reaching agreement on it. Seven Arab countries had informed the EU of their objection to the decision last August.  On Thursday, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the intention of the 35th African Summit to consider the decision to grant Israel observer status in the African Union.  Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Dina Mufti, said that the African summit will consider granting Israel an observer status after the request was referred by African foreign ministers without reaching an agreement on it.  And last July, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that its ambassador to Ethiopia, Alali Adamsu, had submitted his credentials as an observer to the African Union.  Seven Arab countries, namely Egypt, Algeria, Comoros, Tunisia, Djibouti, Mauritania and Libya, informed the African Union in early August of their objection to its decision to grant Israel observer status in the continental organization.  Last October, Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra confirmed that the African foreign ministers had agreed to present the issue to the EU summit next February.

Ethiopia announces the intention of the African summit to consider the decision to grant Israel observer status

The African Summit will consider granting Israel observer status after the request was referred by African foreign ministers without reaching agreement on it. Seven Arab countries had informed the EU of their objection to the decision last August.

On Thursday, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the intention of the 35th African Summit to consider the decision to grant Israel observer status in the African Union.

Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Dina Mufti, said that the African summit will consider granting Israel an observer status after the request was referred by African foreign ministers without reaching an agreement on it.

And last July, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that its ambassador to Ethiopia, Alali Adamsu, had submitted his credentials as an observer to the African Union.

Seven Arab countries, namely Egypt, Algeria, Comoros, Tunisia, Djibouti, Mauritania and Libya, informed the African Union in early August of their objection to its decision to grant Israel observer status in the continental organization.

Last October, Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra confirmed that the African foreign ministers had agreed to present the issue to the EU summit next February.

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