Johnson: We will propose to NATO a major military deployment in Europe

جونسون: سنقترح على الأطلسي عملية انتشار عسكري كبيرة بأوروبا قال رئيس الوزراء البريطاني إن بلاده ستقترح على حلف شمال الأطلسي نشر قوات وأسلحة وسفن حربية وطائرات مقاتلة في أوروبا، في إطار عملية انتشار عسكري "كبيرة"، رداً على تصاعد "العداء الروسي" تجاه أوكرانيا.  أعلن رئيس الوزراء البريطاني بوريس جونسون السبت أنّ بلاده ستقترح على حلف شمال الأطلسي نشر قوّات وأسلحة وسفن حربيّة وطائرات مقاتلة في أوروبا، في إطار عمليّة انتشار عسكري "كبيرة"، رداً على تصاعد "العداء الروسي" تجاه أوكرانيا.  وأشار مكتب رئيس الوزراء البريطاني إلى أنّ هذا الاقتراح الذي يُفترض تقديمه خلال اجتماع للقادة العسكريّين للحلف الأطلسي الأسبوع المقبل، قد يؤدّي إلى مضاعفة القوّات البريطانيّة المنتشرة حالياً في أوروبا الشرقيّة، وتوفير "أسلحة دفاعيّة" لإستونيا.  وقال جونسون في بيان إنّ مجموعة الإجراءات هذه "ستبعث برسالة واضحة إلى الكرملين؛ (لن نتسامح مع نشاطهم المزعزع للاستقرار، وسنقف دائماً إلى جانب حلفائنا في الناتو، في مواجهة العداء الروسي)".  وأضاف: "أصدرتُ الأمر لقوّاتنا المسلّحة بالاستعداد لنشر قوّات في أوروبا الأسبوع المقبل، لضمان قدرتنا على دعم حلفائنا في الناتو براً وبحراً وجواً".  واعتبر الزعيم البريطاني أنه إذا اختار الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين "إراقة الدماء والدمار" في أوكرانيا فسيكون ذلك "مأساة لأوروبا"، قائلاً إن "أوكرانيا يجب أن تكون حرّة في اختيار مستقبلها".  وكان جونسون الذي يتعرّض لضغوط سياسيّة منذ أسابيع في أعقاب سلسلة فضائح داخليّة قال الجمعة إنّه سيتحدّث إلى بوتين هاتفياً في الأيّام المقبلة لحضّه على وقف التصعيد بشأن أوكرانيا.  وبالإضافة إلى هذه المكالمة الهاتفيّة يُجري رئيس الوزراء البريطاني جولة في المنطقة خلال الأيّام المقبلة.  وبلغت العلاقات بين روسيا والغرب أدنى مستوياتها منذ الحرب الباردة.  ونشرت روسيا عشرات آلاف القوّات على حدود أوكرانيا في الأشهر الأخيرة، ما أثار مخاوف من حدوث غزو. وبينما تنفي الحكومة الروسيّة أيّ خطط من هذا القبيل، فإنّها تُصرّ على الحصول على ضمانات مكتوبة في ما يتعلّق بأمن روسيا، بما في ذلك عدم انضمام أوكرانيا إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي.  ويُرتقب أن تُعلن لندن الاثنين تشديد نظامها الخاصّ بالعقوبات، من أجل أن تتمكّن المملكة المتّحدة من استهداف مصالح استراتيجيّة وماليّة لموسكو، في ضوء اتّهامات موجّهة إليها بغضّ الطرف عن تدفّق الأموال الروسيّة على أراضيها.  في هذه الغضون سيجري إيفاد مسؤولين بريطانيّين إلى بروكسل مقرّ قيادة الناتو، لوضع اللمسات الأخيرة على تفاصيل العرض العسكري البريطاني، بعد مناقشة الوزراء يوم الاثنين للخيارات المختلفة المتاحة أيضاً. وفي اليوم التالي يُطلع رئيس هيئة أركان الدفاع البريطاني توني راداكين مجلس الوزراء على الوضع في أوكرانيا، حسب وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية.  ووفقاً لمكتب جونسون فإنّ النشر المحتمل لطائرات وسفن حربيّة ومتخصّصين عسكريّين وقوّات وأسلحة سيُقوّي دفاعات الأطلسي ويُعزّز "دعم المملكة المتحدة لشركائها".  ولدى بريطانيا نحو 900 عسكري يتمركزون في إستونيا وأكثر من 100 في أوكرانيا، في إطار مهمة تدريبية بدأت عام 2015. كما يوجد حالياً نحو 150 جندياً من وحدة مدرعات خفيفة في بولندا.  وقال داونينغ ستريت إنّ حاملة الطائرات "إتش. إم. إس. برينس أوف ويلز" بمنطقة القطب الشمالي في حالة تأهّب "إذا ما استمرّ تصاعد التوتّر".  على الصعيد الدبلوماسي من المقرّر أن يتوجّه وزيرا الخارجيّة والدفاع البريطانيّان ليز تراس وبن والاس إلى موسكو، لإجراء محادثات مع نظيريهما الروسيين في الأيام المقبلة. وحسب داونينغ ستريت "سيعملان على تحسين العلاقات مع الرئيس بوتين والتشجيع على التهدئة".     Johnson: We will propose to NATO a major military deployment in Europe  The British Prime Minister said that his country will propose to NATO to deploy forces, weapons, warships and combat aircraft in Europe, as part of a "major" military deployment, in response to the escalation of "Russian hostility" towards Ukraine.  British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Saturday that his country will propose to NATO to deploy forces, weapons, warships and combat aircraft in Europe, as part of a "major" military deployment, in response to the escalation of "Russian hostility" towards Ukraine.  The British Prime Minister's office indicated that this proposal, which is supposed to be presented at a meeting of NATO military leaders next week, may lead to a doubling of British forces currently deployed in Eastern Europe, and to provide "defensive weapons" to Estonia.  Johnson said in a statement that this set of measures "would send a clear message to the Kremlin: (We will not tolerate their destabilizing activity, and we will always stand by our NATO allies, in the face of Russian hostility)."  "I have ordered our armed forces to prepare to deploy forces in Europe next week, to ensure that we can support our NATO allies on land, sea and air," he added.  The British leader considered that if Russian President Vladimir Putin chose "blood and destruction" in Ukraine, it would be a "tragedy for Europe", saying that "Ukraine should be free to choose its own future."  Johnson, who has been under political pressure for weeks in the wake of a series of domestic scandals, had said Friday that he would speak to Putin by phone in the coming days to urge him to stop escalation over Ukraine.  In addition to this phone call, the British Prime Minister is touring the region in the coming days.  Relations between Russia and the West are at their lowest level since the Cold War.  Russia has deployed tens of thousands of troops to Ukraine's borders in recent months, raising fears of an invasion. While the Russian government denies any such plans, it insists on obtaining written guarantees regarding Russia's security, including that Ukraine will not join NATO.  It is expected that London will announce on Monday the tightening of its sanctions regime, in order for the United Kingdom to be able to target the strategic and financial interests of Moscow, in light of accusations leveled against it of turning a blind eye to the flow of Russian money on its soil.  Meanwhile, British officials will be dispatched to Brussels, the headquarters of NATO, to finalize details of the British military parade, after ministers discussed on Monday the various options available as well. The next day, the British Defense Chief of Staff Tony Radakin briefs the Cabinet on the situation in Ukraine, according to Agence France-Presse.  According to Johnson's office, the potential deployment of aircraft, warships, military specialists, troops and weapons would strengthen Atlantic defences and bolster "the UK's support for its partners".  Britain has about 900 soldiers stationed in Estonia and more than 100 in Ukraine, as part of a training mission that began in 2015. There are currently about 150 soldiers from a light armored unit in Poland.  Downing Street said the Arctic aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales was on alert "if tension continues to escalate". On the diplomatic front, British Foreign and Defense Ministers Liz Truss and Ben Wallace are scheduled to travel to Moscow for talks with their Russian counterparts in the coming days. According to Downing Street, "they will work to improve relations with President Putin and encourage calm."

Johnson: We will propose to NATO a major military deployment in Europe

The British Prime Minister said that his country will propose to NATO to deploy forces, weapons, warships and combat aircraft in Europe, as part of a "major" military deployment, in response to the escalation of "Russian hostility" towards Ukraine.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Saturday that his country will propose to NATO to deploy forces, weapons, warships and combat aircraft in Europe, as part of a "major" military deployment, in response to the escalation of "Russian hostility" towards Ukraine.

The British Prime Minister's office indicated that this proposal, which is supposed to be presented at a meeting of NATO military leaders next week, may lead to a doubling of British forces currently deployed in Eastern Europe, and to provide "defensive weapons" to Estonia.

Johnson said in a statement that this set of measures "would send a clear message to the Kremlin: (We will not tolerate their destabilizing activity, and we will always stand by our NATO allies, in the face of Russian hostility)."

"I have ordered our armed forces to prepare to deploy forces in Europe next week, to ensure that we can support our NATO allies on land, sea and air," he added.

The British leader considered that if Russian President Vladimir Putin chose "blood and destruction" in Ukraine, it would be a "tragedy for Europe", saying that "Ukraine should be free to choose its own future."

Johnson, who has been under political pressure for weeks in the wake of a series of domestic scandals, had said Friday that he would speak to Putin by phone in the coming days to urge him to stop escalation over Ukraine.

In addition to this phone call, the British Prime Minister is touring the region in the coming days.

Relations between Russia and the West are at their lowest level since the Cold War.

Russia has deployed tens of thousands of troops to Ukraine's borders in recent months, raising fears of an invasion. While the Russian government denies any such plans, it insists on obtaining written guarantees regarding Russia's security, including that Ukraine will not join NATO.

It is expected that London will announce on Monday the tightening of its sanctions regime, in order for the United Kingdom to be able to target the strategic and financial interests of Moscow, in light of accusations leveled against it of turning a blind eye to the flow of Russian money on its soil.

Meanwhile, British officials will be dispatched to Brussels, the headquarters of NATO, to finalize details of the British military parade, after ministers discussed on Monday the various options available as well. The next day, the British Defense Chief of Staff Tony Radakin briefs the Cabinet on the situation in Ukraine, according to Agence France-Presse.

According to Johnson's office, the potential deployment of aircraft, warships, military specialists, troops and weapons would strengthen Atlantic defences and bolster "the UK's support for its partners".

Britain has about 900 soldiers stationed in Estonia and more than 100 in Ukraine, as part of a training mission that began in 2015. There are currently about 150 soldiers from a light armored unit in Poland.

Downing Street said the Arctic aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales was on alert "if tension continues to escalate".
On the diplomatic front, British Foreign and Defense Ministers Liz Truss and Ben Wallace are scheduled to travel to Moscow for talks with their Russian counterparts in the coming days. According to Downing Street, "they will work to improve relations with President Putin and encourage calm."

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