Human Rights Watch: Our investigators' phones were hacked using NSO software

هيومن رايتس ووتش: اختراق هواتف محققة تابعة لنا باستخدام برنامج إن إس أو منذ 13 ساعة   واشنطن: قالت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم الأربعاء، إن هواتف مديرة إقليمية لدى المنظمة حققت في صراع إسرائيل مع حركة حماس في غزة وانفجار مرفأ بيروت تعرضت للاختراق ببرامج تجسس من إنتاج شركة إن إس أو الإسرائيلية. وقالت المنظمة إن الهواتف المحمولة المملوكة للمحققة لما فقيه، التي تعيش في لبنان وتشرف على عمليات المجموعة لرصد الوضع الحقوقي في دول تمتد من سوريا وإسرائيل إلى ميانمار وإثيوبيا، استُهدفت 5 مرات العام الماضي. وقالت المنظمة الحقوقية ومقرها الولايات المتحدة إن عمل لما يشمل فضح انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في النزاعات المسلحة والاضطرابات والكوارث الإنسانية، وهو أمر “ربما اجتذب اهتمام حكومات مختلفة، من بينها حكومات يشتبه في كونها من بين عملاء إن إس أو”. وخلال الفترة التي حدث فيها الاختراق، قالت لما إن عملها شمل رصد القتال بين إسرائيل وحركة حماس الإسلامية في غزة والتحقيق في الانفجار المدمر في مرفأ بيروت عام 2020. وأضافت أنه لا توجد طريقة لمعرفة ما إذا كانت هناك صلة بين عملها في هذين الملفين وعمليات التسلل. وقالت هيومن رايتس ووتش إن إن إس أو أبلغتها أن الشركة ليست على علم باستخدام أي من عملائها لبرامجها ضد أحد موظفي المنظمة، وأنها ستقيم ما إذا كانت هناك حاجة لإجراء تحقيق. وقالت متحدثة باسم مجموعة إن إس أو لرويترز “تعتقد الشركة أن هناك حاجة لوضع إطار تنظيمي دولي لضمان الاستخدام المسؤول لأدوات الاستخبارات السيبرانية”. وأضافت “ومع ذلك، فإن أي دعوة لتعليق العمل بهذه التقنيات التي يمكن استخدامها لإنقاذ الأرواح حتى وضع مثل هذا الإطار ستتصف بالسذاجة ولن تفيد إلا الإرهابيين والمتحرشين بالأطفال وعتاة المجرمين الذين سيستفيدون من تفادي وسائل تساعد على مراقبتهم واعتقالهم”. وفي العام الماضي، اتخذت وزارة التجارة الأمريكية خطوات لتحد من قدرة الشركات الأمريكية على القيام بأعمال تجارية مع إن إس أو بعد الكشف عن استخدام برمجيات الشركة في “الاستهداف الخبيث” لمسؤولين وصحافيين ونشطاء ورجال أعمال. وفي شهر ديسمبر كانون الأول، طلبت مجموعة من المشرعين الأمريكيين من وزارتي الخزانة والخارجية معاقبة إن إس أو وثلاث شركات مراقبة أجنبية أخرى قالوا إنها ساعدت حكومات استبدادية في ارتكاب انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان. وقبلها بشهر، رفعت شركة أبل دعوى قضائية ضد إن إس أو، قائلة إنها انتهكت قوانين الولايات المتحدة من خلال اختراق برامج مثبتة على أجهزة آيفون. (رويترز)  كلمات مفتاحية إن إس أواختراق هواتفهيومن رايتس ووتش      Human Rights Watch: Our investigators' phones were hacked using NSO software  WASHINGTON: Human Rights Watch said today, Wednesday, that the phones of a regional director of the organization that investigated Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza and the Beirut port explosion were hacked with spyware produced by the Israeli company NSO.  The organization said that the mobile phones of the investigator, Lama Fakih, who lives in Lebanon and oversees the group's operations to monitor the human rights situation in countries stretching from Syria and Israel to Myanmar and Ethiopia, were targeted five times last year. The US-based rights group said its work, including exposing human rights abuses in armed conflicts, unrest and humanitarian disasters, "may have attracted the attention of various governments, including those suspected of being among NSO's clients."  During the period during which the breach occurred, Lama said her work included monitoring the fighting between Israel and the Islamist Hamas movement in Gaza and investigating the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut in 2020. She added that there was no way to know if there was a connection between her work on these two files and the infiltration.  Human Rights Watch said that NSO had informed it that the company was not aware of any of its clients using its software against an employee of the organization, and that it would assess whether an investigation was needed. "The company believes that there is a need for an international regulatory framework to ensure the responsible use of cyber intelligence tools," a spokeswoman for the NSO Group told Reuters.  "However, any call to suspend life-saving technologies until such a framework is in place would be naive and only benefit terrorists, pedophiles and hardened criminals, who would benefit from avoiding means to help monitor and arrest them." Last year, the US Department of Commerce took steps to limit US companies' ability to do business with NSO after revelations that the company's software had been used in the "malicious targeting" of officials, journalists, activists and businessmen.  In December, a group of US lawmakers asked the Treasury and State Departments to sanction NSO and three other foreign watchdog firms they said had aided authoritarian governments in human rights abuses. A month earlier, Apple sued NSO, saying it had violated US laws by hacking software installed on iPhones.(Reuters)

Human Rights Watch: Our investigators' phones were hacked using NSO software

WASHINGTON: Human Rights Watch said today, Wednesday, that the phones of a regional director of the organization that investigated Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza and the Beirut port explosion were hacked with spyware produced by the Israeli company NSO.

The organization said that the mobile phones of the investigator, Lama Fakih, who lives in Lebanon and oversees the group's operations to monitor the human rights situation in countries stretching from Syria and Israel to Myanmar and Ethiopia, were targeted five times last year.
The US-based rights group said its work, including exposing human rights abuses in armed conflicts, unrest and humanitarian disasters, "may have attracted the attention of various governments, including those suspected of being among NSO's clients."

During the period during which the breach occurred, Lama said her work included monitoring the fighting between Israel and the Islamist Hamas movement in Gaza and investigating the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut in 2020. She added that there was no way to know if there was a connection between her work on these two files and the infiltration.

Human Rights Watch said that NSO had informed it that the company was not aware of any of its clients using its software against an employee of the organization, and that it would assess whether an investigation was needed.
"The company believes that there is a need for an international regulatory framework to ensure the responsible use of cyber intelligence tools," a spokeswoman for the NSO Group told Reuters.

"However, any call to suspend life-saving technologies until such a framework is in place would be naive and only benefit terrorists, pedophiles and hardened criminals, who would benefit from avoiding means to help monitor and arrest them."
Last year, the US Department of Commerce took steps to limit US companies' ability to do business with NSO after revelations that the company's software had been used in the "malicious targeting" of officials, journalists, activists and businessmen.

In December, a group of US lawmakers asked the Treasury and State Departments to sanction NSO and three other foreign watchdog firms they said had aided authoritarian governments in human rights abuses.
A month earlier, Apple sued NSO, saying it had violated US laws by hacking software installed on iPhones.(Reuters)

تكنولوجيا    “تويتر” يتلقى 43 ألف طلب من حكومات لإزالة محتوى مستخدمين   إسطنبول: قال موقع “تويتر”، إنه تلقى أكثر من 43 ألف طلب حكومي لإزالة محتويات خاصة بمستخدمي منصته، خلال النصف الأول من العام الماضي، 95 بالمائة منها جاءت من اليابان وروسيا وتركيا والهند وكوريا الجنوبية. وذكر الموقع، في تقريره صدر، الثلاثاء، وتداولته وسائل إعلام اليوم، إنه تلقى 43 ألفاً و387 طلبًا قانونيًا لإزالة محتويات 196 ألفا و878 حسابًا خلال الفترة من شهر يناير/كانون الثاني إلى يونيو/تموز من العام الماضي. وأشار الموقع إلى أن هذا يعد أكبر عدد من الطلبات التي يتلقاها خلال الفترة المذكورة، منذ أن بدأ في إصدار تقارير الشفافية في عام 2012. وقال الموقع إن عدد طلبات الإزالة الحكومية زاد بنسبة 14 بالمائة مقارنة بعدد الطلبات خلال الفترة المشمولة بالتقرير الأخير (يوليو – ديسمبر 2020) والتي بلغت 38 ألفاً و 524 طلباً، كما ارتفع عدد الطلبات بنحو 2.8 بالمائة على أساس سنوي. وأفاد التقرير أن عدد الحسابات المحددة في الطلبات القانونية ارتفع أيضاً بنسبة 50 بالمائة مقارنة بالعدد السابق الذي بلغ 131 ألفاً و933 حسابًا خلال الفترة المشمولة بالتقرير الأخير. وذكر الموقع أن معظم طلبات إزالة المحتوى جاءت من اليابان بنسبة 43 بالمائة، تليها روسيا بنسبة 25 بالمائة، ثم تركيا بنسبة 13 بالمائة، ثم الهند بنسبة 11 بالمائة وكوريا الجنوبية بنسبة 5 بالمائة. وأشار الموقع إلى أن المنصة لا تزال محظورة في عدة دول منها الصين وكوريا الشمالية. وأكد الموقع أنه “حجب أو طلب من أصحاب الحسابات إزالة بعض أو كل المحتوى المبلغ عنه بنسبة استجابة بلغت 54 بالمائة من هذه المطالب القانونية العالمية”. يواجه تويتر، إلى جانب شركات مثل “فيسبوك” و “غوغل”، انتقادات في الولايات المتحدة ودول أخرى حول كيفية محاربته لقضايا مثل المعلومات المضللة والخطاب العنيف على منصته. وقال سينيد ماك سويني، نائب رئيس السياسة العامة العالمية والعمل الخيري في تويتر، في بيان: “نواجه تحديات غير مسبوقة حيث تحاول الحكومات في جميع أنحاء العالم بشكل متزايد التدخل وإزالة المحتوى”. وأضاف: “هذا التهديد للخصوصية وحرية التعبير هو اتجاه مقلق للغاية ويتطلب اهتمامنا الكامل”. وبخصوص الطلبات غير الحكومية، قال الموقع إن اليابان والبرازيل والولايات المتحدة تصدرت قائمة الدول التي أتت منها طلبات إزالة المحتوى بنسبة 89 بالمائة من جميع الطلبات، و 87 بالمائة من إجمالي الحسابات المحددة خلال نفس الفترة. (الأناضول)      Twitter receives 43,000 requests from governments to remove user content  Istanbul: Twitter said that it received more than 43,000 government requests to remove the contents of its platform users during the first half of last year, 95 percent of which came from Japan, Russia, Turkey, India and South Korea. In its report issued on Tuesday, and circulated by media outlets today, the site stated that it had received 43,387 legal requests to remove the contents of 196,878 accounts during the period from January to June of last year. The site indicated that this is the largest number of requests it has received during the mentioned period, since it began issuing transparency reports in 2012.  The site said that the number of government removal requests increased by 14 percent compared to the number of requests during the last reporting period (July-December). 2020), which amounted to 38,524 applications, and the number of applications increased by 2.8 percent year on year. The report stated that the number of accounts specified in legal requests also increased by 50 percent compared to the previous number of 131,933 accounts during the period covered by the last report. The site stated that most requests to remove content came from Japan with 43 percent, followed by Russia with 25 percent, Turkey with 13 percent, India with 11 percent and South Korea with 5 percent.  The site indicated that the platform is still banned in several countries, including China and North Korea. The site confirmed that it "blocked or requested account holders to remove some or all of the reported content, with a response rate of 54 percent of these global legal demands." Twitter, along with companies like Facebook and Google, is facing criticism in the United States and other countries over how it fights issues such as misinformation and violent speech on its platform.  "We face unprecedented challenges as governments around the world increasingly attempt to intervene and remove content," Sinead McSweeney, Twitter's vice president of global public policy and philanthropy, said in a statement. "This threat to privacy and freedom of expression is a deeply troubling trend and requires our full attention," he added. Regarding non-governmental requests, the site said that Japan, Brazil and the United States topped the list of countries from which requests to remove content came with 89 percent of all requests, and 87 percent of all accounts identified during the same period.(Anatolia)

Twitter receives 43,000 requests from governments to remove user content

Istanbul: Twitter said that it received more than 43,000 government requests to remove the contents of its platform users during the first half of last year, 95 percent of which came from Japan, Russia, Turkey, India and South Korea.

In its report issued on Tuesday, and circulated by media outlets today, the site stated that it had received 43,387 legal requests to remove the contents of 196,878 accounts during the period from January to June of last year.
The site indicated that this is the largest number of requests it has received during the mentioned period, since it began issuing transparency reports in 2012.

The site said that the number of government removal requests increased by 14 percent compared to the number of requests during the last reporting period (July-December). 2020), which amounted to 38,524 applications, and the number of applications increased by 2.8 percent year on year.

The report stated that the number of accounts specified in legal requests also increased by 50 percent compared to the previous number of 131,933 accounts during the period covered by the last report.
The site stated that most requests to remove content came from Japan with 43 percent, followed by Russia with 25 percent, Turkey with 13 percent, India with 11 percent and South Korea with 5 percent.

The site indicated that the platform is still banned in several countries, including China and North Korea.
The site confirmed that it "blocked or requested account holders to remove some or all of the reported content, with a response rate of 54 percent of these global legal demands."

Twitter, along with companies like Facebook and Google, is facing criticism in the United States and other countries over how it fights issues such as misinformation and violent speech on its platform.

"We face unprecedented challenges as governments around the world increasingly attempt to intervene and remove content," Sinead McSweeney, Twitter's vice president of global public policy and philanthropy, said in a statement.
"This threat to privacy and freedom of expression is a deeply troubling trend and requires our full attention," he added.

Regarding non-governmental requests, the site said that Japan, Brazil and the United States topped the list of countries from which requests to remove content came with 89 percent of all requests, and 87 percent of all accounts identified during the same period.(Anatolia)

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