Due to lack of computer chips, Tesla shocks buyers by delaying the launch of the Cybertruck

بسبب نقص رقائق الحاسوب.. تسلا تصدم المشترين بتأجيل إطلاق شاحنة "سايبر ترك"  قال إيلون ماسك الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "تسلا" (Tesla)، في مكالمة مع ملّاك الأسهم عن أرباح الشركة أمس الأربعاء، إن مركبتي "تسلا رودستر" (Tesla’s Roadster) و"سايبر ترك" (Cybertruck) سيتأخر إطلاقهما رسميًّا حتى العام المقبل، حسب موقع "ذا فيرج" (The verge).  هذه التصريحات تؤكد الأخبار السابقة التي أشارت إلى أن الشاحنة الكهربائية لن تطرح في السوق هذا العام، وكذلك سيارة رودستر.   وقال ماسك أثناء المكالمة "إذا كنا سنطرح مركبات جديدة، فسوف ينخفض ​​إجمالي إنتاج المركبات لدينا"، وتابع "لن نقدم طرازات سيارات جديدة هذا العام".  وردّ الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة تسلا أيضًا على سؤال عن إطلاق سيارة كهربائية بسعر 25 ألف دولار بالنفي، فقال "لا نعمل حاليا على سيارة بسعر 25 ألف دولار".   يأتي هذا بعد بضعة أشهر من التلميحات عن تأجيل إطلاق الشاحنة الكهربائية، خصوصا عندما تغيرت صفحة الويب الخاصة بحجوزات الشاحنة عبر الإنترنت، إذ أزيلت من الموقع.  وبعدئذ أعلن ماسك أن عددًا قليلًا فقط من شاحنة سايبر ترك سيصل إلى العملاء بحلول نهاية هذا العام، لكن هذا لم يحدث.  والسؤال المطروح: هل سيحصل مالكو سايبر ترك المستقبليون على منتج أفضل، بسبب التأخير؟ حتى كتابة هذه السطور، خضعت شاحنة الجيل القادم بالفعل لتغييرات وتعديلات، بما في ذلك ممسحة الزجاج الأمامية الجديدة، جنبًا إلى جنب مع المرايا التقليدية، ومقبض الباب "غير المرئي" الذي تم تسريبه في مقطع فيديو.  الرقائق هي السبب وقال ماسك إن تسلا لم تستطع إطلاق أي مركبات جديدة هذا العام بسبب مشاكل سلسلة التوريد المستمرة التي تؤثر حاليًّا على الاقتصاد العالمي.   ففي المكالمة التي جاءت بعد إصدار البيانات المالية للشركة للربع الرابع من عام 2021، أوضح ماسك أنه نظرًا لأن أجزاء سيارات تسلا الكهربائية تحتاج إلى رقائق الحاسوب، فإن إضافة مزيد من المركبات الجديدة إلى خط الإنتاج سيؤدي إلى خفض المعروض من المركبات.  في غضون ذلك، حجز أكثر من مليون شخص شاحنة سايبر ترك الكهربائية، ويبدو أنهم الآن يتساءلون عن الوقت الذي سيتسلّمون فيه شاحناتهم.  تخاطر تسلا بعدم إطلاق شاحنة سايبر ترك الكهربائية هذا العام بالتنازل عن جزء كبير من السوق لشركة "فورد" (Ford) التي تستعد لتسليم شاحنة "إف- 150 لايتنغ" (F-150 Lighting) الكهربائية بالكامل في النصف الأول من هذا العام.  كما أعلنت فورد أخيرًا أنها تخطط لمضاعفة إنتاجها 3 مرات من "موستانغ ماك-إي" (Mach-E)، وهي سيارة من المحتمل أن تكون منافسة لسيارات تسلا من طرازي "3" و"Y"، ويتوقع أن تتجاوز مبيعاتها 200 ألف وحدة سنويًّا بحلول عام 2023.  وهناك منافس آخر محتمل، هي شركة "جي إم سي" (GMC) التي طرحت سيارة "هامر" (Hummer EV) كهربائية، للعملاء لأول مرة في ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2021.      Due to lack of computer chips, Tesla shocks buyers by delaying the launch of the Cybertruck  Nov 21, 2019;  Hawthorne, CA, USA;  Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveils the Cybertruck at the TeslaDesign Studio in Hawthorne, Calif.  The cracked window glass occurred during a demonstration on the strength of the glass.Mandatory Credit: Robert Hanashiro-USA TODAY  Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a call with stockholders about the company's earnings on Wednesday that the Tesla's Roadster and Cybertruck will be delayed until next year, according to the company. The Verge website .  These statements confirm previous news that indicated that the electric truck will not be launched on the market this year, as well as the Roadster.  "If we're going to roll out new vehicles, our total vehicle production will go down," Musk said during the call. "We won't be introducing new car models this year," Musk said during the call.  The Tesla CEO also responded to a question about the launch of an electric car priced at $ 25,000 in the negative, and said, "We are not currently working on a car priced at $ 25,000."  This comes after a few months of hints that the launch of the electric truck has been delayed, especially when the online truck reservations web page has changed hands, as it has been removed from the site.  Then Musk announced that only a few Cybertruck trucks would reach customers by the end of this year, but that didn't happen.  The question is: Will future Cyber ​​Turk owners get a better product, due to the delay? As of this writing, the next generation truck has already undergone changes and modifications, including a new windshield wiper, along with traditional mirrors, and an "invisible" door handle that was leaked in a video.  The chips are the reason Musk said Tesla has been unable to release any new vehicles this year due to ongoing supply chain issues currently affecting the global economy.  On the call that came after the company's fourth-quarter 2021 financial statements were released, Musk explained that since parts for Tesla electric cars need computer chips, adding more new vehicles to the production line will reduce vehicle supply.  Meanwhile, more than a million people have booked a Cybertruck electric van, and now they seem to be wondering when they will receive theirs.  Tesla risks not launching an electric Cybertruck this year by ceding a significant portion of the market to Ford, which is gearing up to deliver the all-electric F-150 Lighting in the first half of this year.  Ford also recently announced that it plans to triple production of the Mustang Mach-E, a car likely to rival Tesla's Model 3 and Y cars, with sales expected to exceed 200,000 units annually. by 2023.  Another potential competitor is GMC, which introduced an electric Hummer EV to customers for the first time in December 2021.

Due to lack of computer chips, Tesla shocks buyers by delaying the launch of the Cybertruck

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a call with stockholders about the company's earnings on Wednesday that the Tesla's Roadster and Cybertruck will be delayed until next year, according to the company. The Verge website .

These statements confirm previous news that indicated that the electric truck will not be launched on the market this year, as well as the Roadster.

"If we're going to roll out new vehicles, our total vehicle production will go down," Musk said during the call. "We won't be introducing new car models this year," Musk said during the call.

The Tesla CEO also responded to a question about the launch of an electric car priced at $ 25,000 in the negative, and said, "We are not currently working on a car priced at $ 25,000."

This comes after a few months of hints that the launch of the electric truck has been delayed, especially when the online truck reservations web page has changed hands, as it has been removed from the site.

Then Musk announced that only a few Cybertruck trucks would reach customers by the end of this year, but that didn't happen.

The question is: Will future Cyber ​​Turk owners get a better product, due to the delay? As of this writing, the next generation truck has already undergone changes and modifications, including a new windshield wiper, along with traditional mirrors, and an "invisible" door handle that was leaked in a video.

The chips are the reason
Musk said Tesla has been unable to release any new vehicles this year due to ongoing supply chain issues currently affecting the global economy.

On the call that came after the company's fourth-quarter 2021 financial statements were released, Musk explained that since parts for Tesla electric cars need computer chips, adding more new vehicles to the production line will reduce vehicle supply.

Meanwhile, more than a million people have booked a Cybertruck electric van, and now they seem to be wondering when they will receive theirs.

Tesla risks not launching an electric Cybertruck this year by ceding a significant portion of the market to Ford, which is gearing up to deliver the all-electric F-150 Lighting in the first half of this year.

Ford also recently announced that it plans to triple production of the Mustang Mach-E, a car likely to rival Tesla's Model 3 and Y cars, with sales expected to exceed 200,000 units annually. by 2023.

Another potential competitor is GMC, which introduced an electric Hummer EV to customers for the first time in December 2021.

أحذية عالم الميتافيرس.. شاهد كيف يمكنك المشي على القمر وأنت بغرفتك   كانت إحدى المشكلات غير المتوقعة مع سماعات الواقع الافتراضي هي سلامة المستخدم، فالانغماس كثيرا في اللعبة والواقع الخيالي يجعل الكثير من المستخدمين يقومون بالقفز أو عمل حركة مفاجئة تؤدي لإصابتهم.  وتعتقد شركة "إكتو في آر" (Ekto VR) أنها وجدت حلا لهذه المشكلة من خلال أحذية "إكتو ون" (EKTO ONE) الجديدة، وفقا لتقرير صادر عن موقع "يانكو ديزاين" (YankoDesign). حيث تسمح التكنولوجيا الجديدة للشركة للمستخدمين بالسير في مكانهم لاجتياز مساحة افتراضية.  المشي على سطح القمر تتميز الأحذية بمجموعة من العجلات الآلية على نعلها، والتي تدور في الاتجاه المعاكس لحركة مرتديها للأمام. وهذا يسمح للمستخدم بالمشي في مكانه كما لو كان في حلقة مفرغة، مما يمنحه الشعور بأنه يتحرك إلى الأمام. وبالطبع، يتم استخدام التكنولوجيا جنبا إلى جنب مع سماعة رأس "في آر"، مما يعني أن إعداد البيئة بالكامل سيخدع المستخدم بشكل أساسي ليعتقد أنه يتنقل في الفضاء الافتراضي على قدميه.  ولا يزال المشروع في مرحلته الأولى من التطوير، مما يعني أنه من المحتمل ألا يصل إلى السوق لفترة من الوقت.   ولا يمكن إنكار أن الجهاز لديه القدرة على المساعدة في تحسين تفاعل الأشخاص مع الواقع الافتراضي، والذي يعتمد حاليا في الغالب على عصا التحكم الموجودة بيد مرتديها.  تحسين تجربة الانغماس في عالم الميتافيرس للجميع مشكلة "المشي اللانهائي" كانت موجودة منذ ظهور الواقع الافتراضي في الثمانينيات. وبشكل أساسي، إنها مشكلة جعلت المستخدمين يجتازون الفضاء الافتراضي بشكل معقول باستخدام تقنية تدور حول الانغماس في هذا الواقع ولكن بدون حركة.  وقد اختارت شركة "فيرتيكس" (Virtuix) حلا مختلفا للمشكلة. حيث تقوم الشركة ببناء جهاز مشي متعدد الاتجاهات لمستخدمي الواقع الافتراضي، على غرار ذلك الجهاز الذي شوهد في فيلم "ريدي بلاير ون" (Ready Player One) لستيفن سبيلبيرغ.  إذا أوفت "إكتو في آر" وغيرها من المشاريع المماثلة بوعودها، فقد تكون التكنولوجيا مهمة لتطوير عالم الميتافيرس الجديد، والتي ستعتمد بشكل كبير على عامل الانغماس هذا لتحقيق النجاح.   وتهدف المشاريع الأخرى إلى تحسين الانغماس في هذه المساحات الافتراضية، بما في ذلك قفازات الواقع الافتراضي مع ردود فعل لمسية من شركة تسمى "تيسلاسوت" (Teslasuit).  وتم تصميم هذه التقنية للسماح للمستخدمين "بالشعور" بمحيطهم من خلال الاهتزازات، وباستخدام تقنية ردود الفعل اللمسية المستخدمة في ألعاب الفيديو، والتي تم تكييفها مؤخرا لمساعدة ضعاف البصر على إدراك محيطهم باستخدام الاهتزازات.  ومن المؤكد أن الواقع الافتراضي كان بطيء التطور في السنوات الأخيرة، ولكن هذه المشاريع الجديدة يمكن أن تساعد بشكل كبير بتعزيز الجانب غير المرئي للأشياء، مما يجعل هذه التكنولوجيا أكثر شمولا وجاذبية.     Metaverse world shoes, Watch how you can walk on the moon in your room  One of the unexpected problems with VR headsets was user safety. Being too immersed in the game and fantasy reality makes many users jump or make a sudden movement that leads to injury.  Ekto VR believes it has found a solution to this problem with its new EKTO ONE shoes, according to a report by YankoDesign. The company's new technology allows users to walk in place to traverse a virtual space.  Walking on the moon The shoes feature a set of motorized wheels on their sole, which rotate in the opposite direction to the wearer's forward movement. This allows the user to walk in place as if on a treadmill, giving them the feeling that they are moving forward. Of course, the technology is used in conjunction with a VR headset, which means that the entire environment setup will essentially trick the user into thinking they are navigating virtual space on their feet.  The project is still in its early stage of development, which means it will likely not hit the market for a while. It is undeniable that the device has the potential to help improve people's interaction with virtual reality, which currently relies mostly on the joystick in the wearer's hand.  Improving the Metaverse immersion experience for everyone The problem of "infinite walking" has been around since the advent of virtual reality in the 1980s. Essentially, it's a problem that made users reasonably traverse virtual space using a technology that is all about immersion in this reality but without movement.  Virtuix has chosen a different solution to the problem. The company is building an omnidirectional treadmill for virtual reality users, similar to the one seen in Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One."  If ECTOVR and other similar projects live up to their promises, the technology could be critical to the development of the new metaverse world, which will rely heavily on this immersion factor to succeed.  Other projects aim to improve immersion in these virtual spaces, including virtual reality gloves with haptic feedback from a company called Teslasuit.  The technology is designed to allow users to "feel" their surroundings through vibrations, using haptic feedback technology used in video games, which has recently been adapted to help visually impaired perceive their surroundings using vibrations.  Sure, virtual reality has been slow to develop in recent years, but these new projects can help greatly by enhancing the invisible side of things, making this technology more comprehensive and attractive.

Metaverse world shoes, Watch how you can walk on the moon in your room

One of the unexpected problems with VR headsets was user safety. Being too immersed in the game and fantasy reality makes many users jump or make a sudden movement that leads to injury.

Ekto VR believes it has found a solution to this problem with its new EKTO ONE shoes, according to a report by YankoDesign. The company's new technology allows users to walk in place to traverse a virtual space.

Walking on the moon
The shoes feature a set of motorized wheels on their sole, which rotate in the opposite direction to the wearer's forward movement. This allows the user to walk in place as if on a treadmill, giving them the feeling that they are moving forward. Of course, the technology is used in conjunction with a VR headset, which means that the entire environment setup will essentially trick the user into thinking they are navigating virtual space on their feet.

The project is still in its early stage of development, which means it will likely not hit the market for a while.
It is undeniable that the device has the potential to help improve people's interaction with virtual reality, which currently relies mostly on the joystick in the wearer's hand.

Improving the Metaverse immersion experience for everyone
The problem of "infinite walking" has been around since the advent of virtual reality in the 1980s. Essentially, it's a problem that made users reasonably traverse virtual space using a technology that is all about immersion in this reality but without movement.

Virtuix has chosen a different solution to the problem. The company is building an omnidirectional treadmill for virtual reality users, similar to the one seen in Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One."

If ECTOVR and other similar projects live up to their promises, the technology could be critical to the development of the new metaverse world, which will rely heavily on this immersion factor to succeed.

Other projects aim to improve immersion in these virtual spaces, including virtual reality gloves with haptic feedback from a company called Teslasuit.

The technology is designed to allow users to "feel" their surroundings through vibrations, using haptic feedback technology used in video games, which has recently been adapted to help visually impaired perceive their surroundings using vibrations.

Sure, virtual reality has been slow to develop in recent years, but these new projects can help greatly by enhancing the invisible side of things, making this technology more comprehensive and attractive.

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